Walking Dead Voters: Trump’s Delusional ‘Massive Numbers of Dead People’ Voting Rant

The Mental Case of Mar-a-Lago is melting down again. Donald Trump isn’t satisfied with just being an impotent loser. He isn’t content with having incited a violent insurrection on Capitol Hill. Nope. Trump’s ambitions are far more demented than that.

Donald Trump, Walking Dead Voters

With both federal and state prosecutors bearing down on Trump’s crime sprees, and President Biden taunting him with his surging popularity, the former reality TV game show host is suffering a severe escalation of his psychotic breakdown. On Thursday Trump took to his pitifully lame blog to further propagate the “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. And his “Breaking News” was emblematic of his sickness:

“Breaking News! Massive numbers of dead people ‘voted’ in the 2020 Presidential Election, far greater than anyone has known or seen before. Some of these ‘dead people’ even applied for an application to vote. This is just one of the many fraudulent aspects of the 2020 Presidential Election. People are just now beginning to understand!”

Unfortunately for Trump, what people are beginning to understand is just how acutely debilitated the twice-impeached washout has become. His posting doesn’t cite any source for the assertion that “Massive numbers of dead people ‘voted'” because there isn’t any evidence of it in the real world. Although there was a single incident wherein a voter cast a ballot for Trump in his dead mother’s name. But that hardly represents a rash of voter fraud that is “far greater than anyone has known or seen before.”

While Trump is whining about his delusional massive number of dead voters, he is oblivious to the massive margin of his electoral defeat (more than 7,000,000). He refuses to acknowledge the massive number of lies he’s told (more than 40,000). And worst of all, he’s still ignoring the massive number of dead Americans (nearly 600,000) due to his negligent and incompetent mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Just like Bruce Willis in “The Sixth Sense,” (“I see dead voters?”), Trump doesn’t realize that it’s his political life that is deceased. And if he isn’t stopped, his departure from reality is likely to result in more dead Americans at the hands of his treasonous confederates. Matt Gaetz (R-QAnon) is already issuing threats, saying that “We have a 2nd Amendment in this country, and I think we have an obligation to use it.”

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Messiah Trump Decrees that ‘From This Day Forth’ the ‘Big Lie’ Shall Be the Truth

The one thing that Donald Trump excelled at throughout his failed, one-term, twice-impeached presidency, was his unassailable record for pathological lying. It’s a safe bet that no future chief executive will even approach his 30,000+ lies. Certainly, Joe Biden’s slow start in that regard will never be competitive – thankfully.

Donald Trump Messiah

Consequently, it’s fitting that that the phrase “Big Lie” came to be associated with Trump. It’s descriptive both generally, as well as a reference to his relentless whining that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him by a colossal conspiracy for which he and his confederates have failed to unearth a shred of evidence after six months. And tragically, the “Big Lie” led directly to the deadly Capitol riots by Trump’s Insurrectionists.

As Trump’s impotent complaints about being the victim of nonexistent election fraud have faded into irrelevance, he has now begun an effort to rebrand the “Big Lie” to better suit his delusions. It’s a favorite tactic of the former reality TV game show host to pretend that his definitions of common words and concepts supersede those of the rest of the English speaking world. So on Monday morning he issued his latest edict from on high (aka Mar-a-Lago) to his glassy-eyed disciples declaring that “The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, from this day forth, known as the BIG LIE!”

It’s cute that Trump believes he has the power to order what everyone else will think “from this day forth.” He can’t he even post his “orders” on Twitter or Facebook due to his rampant dishonesty. Although he is threatening to launch his own alt-Twitter to satiate his voracious ego. Even members of his warped Republican Party are mocking him:

Worst of all (or best, depending on your perspective) is that Trump has absolutely no idea how pathetic he looks. Just last week he performed his clown act before a tiny audience of doting upper-crusters at his Palm Beach resort. “I wouldn’t be surprised,” Trump babbled, “if they found thousands and thousands and thousands of votes, […] Because this was a rigged election. Everybody knows it.” CNN’s Jim Acosta (who recently tagged Fox News as a Bullshit Factory) provided precisely the right visual for Trump’s pitiful appearance:

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

STILL? Fox News and Texas AG Shamelessly Peddle Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ on Election Fraud

Are we still doing this? The election that Joe Biden won decisively by more than seven million votes was six months ago. It was certified by Congress (after a violent insurrection by Donald Trump’s cult followers) four months ago. All fifty states validated their own election results, even those dominated by Republicans. Biden was sworn into office three and a half months ago. And yet…

Fox News, Maria Bartiromo

Fox News is continuing to promulgate the “Big Lie” that Trump won the 2020 presidential election. They contend that he would be lounging comfortably in the White House bedroom, watching Fox News, with a Big Mac and a Diet Coke, but for the alleged “fraud” that they insist occurred despite the total absence of even a shred of evidence. There’s a good reason that Fox News was recently labeled a “Bullshit Factory” by CNN’s Jim Acosta, and that a former Australian Prime Minister called it a “Market for Crazy.”

On Sunday morning Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo (who is currently the subject of a billion dollar lawsuit for defamation), interviewed Ken Paxton, the Texas Attorney General notorious for spearheading a preposterous lawsuit to steal the election from Biden. His suit asked the Supreme Court to throw out millions of votes, not in Texas, but in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, all states that Biden won. And in this segment with Bartiromo, they both wandered farther down that path of anti-democratic idiocy (video below):

Bartiromo: Are you saying that because of what we saw on mail-in ballots in Georgia you’re questioning the results?
Paxton: I absolutely am questioning. I know what would have happened here. They would have stopped counting just like they did in those states. And they would have been counting mail-in ballots until they get the right number of votes and suddenly Trump loses.

Notice that Bartiromo doesn’t identify “what we saw” in Georgia because no one saw any voting irregularities at all, including the Republican Governor and Secretary of State. Nevertheless, Paxton was adamant in his refusal to accept the election results. And the only reason he could muster was his fantastical speculation that a clandestine cabal of evildoers were plotting to miscount ballots on behalf of Biden.

Paxton offered zero support for this crackpot conspiracy theory that lawless Biden operatives were burrowed deep into the GOP-dominated Texan government. Neither did he provide any explanation for how that plot was foiled. But he and Bartiromo did repeat their dubious claims about the election being stolen:

Bartiromo: So are you questioning what happened in the 2020 election?
Paxton: Absolutely! They didn’t follow state law in those states. It’s clear. Whether you think there was fraud or not. It’s almost impossible to prove the fraud because they’ve separated the ballots. They never did the signature verification. So the proof, the evidence is gone.

Paxton’s complaint about the ballots being separated without any signature verification is simply a lie. What’s more, he fails to mention that in the states he is complaining about, the procedures were challenged by republicans in the courts and in every case were deemed to be in compliance with state law. But that didn’t stop him from making bizarre allegations that the “fraud” he insisted was “clear” could not be proven. If fraudulent activity is unprovable due the absence of evidence, then it can’t be considered “clear.” Paxton seems to believe that the absence of evidence is proof of guilt. By that standard, he’s the Zodiac Killer.

The fact that Paxton and Fox News are still pitching this bullpucky is a sad commentary on the state of the Republican Party and their right-wing PR machine (aka Fox News). It says that they are still beholden to the Cult of Trump and to his delusional aspirations of dictatorship. And it affirms that they cannot be taken seriously as partners in democracy. Their only agenda is the pursuit of power and the dissemination of the the lies necessary to sustain it.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Desperate and Delusional Trump Resurrects the Zombie ‘Big Lie’ of Voter Fraud

STOP THE MADNESS! It seems that Donald Trump is still pining away in his Mar-a-Lago bunker, trying to convince himself – and any fractured soul who will listen – that he really did win the 2020 presidential election, despite the fact every analysis in every state by every political party proves otherwise. He simply can’t handle being America’s Biggest Loser.

Donald Trump, King

Now, three months after Joe Biden was inaugurated, five months after the election, Trump continues to cling pathetically to his warped version of reality. Upon having learned that a group of conspiracy crackpots succeeded in getting the Arizona Senate to allow them to conduct a recount of the Maricopa County votes, Trump weighed in with his usual impotent bombast. In a press release (since he’s been banished from most social media due to his promulgation of pathological lies), Trump wrote that…

“So many people would like to thank the brave and patriotic Republican State Senators from Arizona for the incredible job they are doing in exposing the large scale Voter Fraud which took place in the 2020 Presidential Election. Their tireless efforts have led to a massive recount, ballot examination, and full forensic audit, undertaken by experts retained by the State Senate, with results to be announced within six weeks.”

For the record, Trump’s loss in Arizona is not in dispute. There were two recounts that validated the results. The election board, consisting of four Republicans and one Democrat, certified the results. The “brave and patriotic Republican State Senators” Trump is referring to are actually just a gang of partisan thugs hoping to discredit the American electoral process. That’s a goal that Republicans share with Russian operatives who have been trying to do the same thing.

There is absolutely zero evidence of any voter fraud, large scale or not. And this recount isn’t going to find any using legitimate methods. Unfortunately, they don’t intend to use any legitimate methods. The firm hired by the Arizona GOP Senate is one that has been conspicuously involved in some of the most bizarre conspiracy theories circulating in Trump’s QAnon infested world. Rachel Maddow covered it in depth on Thursday night:

Trump went on to whine that Democrats had “sent 73 lawyers to Arizona in an effort to stop this recount,.” Which of course wasn’t true. But Democrats did file a motion to challenge it. Trump further claimed that the Arizona recount would eventually result in fraud being discovered in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania. Once again, he has no shred of evidence to support any of that. However, he was pleased that the recount would be covered live by the brazenly biased purveyor of propaganda, One America News Network (OANN).

Trump’s press release went on to criticize Arizona’s Republican governor, Doug Ducey, and the mostly GOP County Commissioners, who he alleged were all accomplices in the “scam 2020 Election” because, of course they are. And he insisted that “We must never allow this to happen to our Great Country again. [and that] I predict the results will be startling!”

Trump’s prediction is the surest way of knowing that the whole affair is corrupt. He certainly knows who the players are and has been given assurances that they will produce the outcome he wants. None of this, however, will change the outcome of the election. Biden will remain President and Trump remain pathetic. But it is just this sort of dishonesty that ignited the violence at the Capitol on January 6th. And Trump and his cronies seem to be anxious to have more of it.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Watch the Hysterical Disclaimer For the MyPillow Guy’s ‘Absolute Proof’ Doc on OAN

Just when you thought that the Charred-Core Wingnut Contingent of the Trumpian Republican Party couldn’t get any more distant from reality, they introduce their new star, MyPillow’s Mike Lindell, to prove just how massively you underestimated them.

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Donald Trump, Mike Lindell, MyPillow

Lindell had been promising for months to release a damning exposé of the rampant election fraud that he uncovered. He swore that it would blow the lid off of the Democratic cabal that conspired to steal the election from Donald Trump and deliver it to China’s man in Washington, “Sleepy” Joe Biden.

Finally the day has come when Lindell’s investigative bombshell was released to the public. And the best that could be said for it is that it will produce a better night’s sleep than the lumpy pillows he’s selling. Like the MyPillow scam, the “Absolute Proof” documentary is false advertising, It’s missing a key component that is featured in its title: Proof!

The propaganda video aired on the ultra-rightist One America News Network (OAN). But even the Trump-fluffing extremists at OAN were spooked by the content and its utter lack of factual basis. They are surely aware of the $2.7 billion lawsuit that was just filed by Smartmatic against Fox News. So OAN preceded their “special” with a long and brutal disclaimer:

“Michael James Lindell has purchased the airtime for the broadcast of this program on One America News (“OAN”) network. Mr. Lindell is the sole author and executive producer of this program and is solely and exclusively responsible for its content.

“The topic of this broadcast is the 2020 election. OAN has undertaken its own reporting on this topic. This program is not the product of OAN’s reporting. The views, opinions and claims expressed in this program by Mr. Lindell and other guests, producers, presenters or advertisers are theirs and theirs alone and are not adopted or endorsed by OAN or its owners. In particular, OAN does not adopt or endorse any statements or opinions in this program regarding the following entities or people: US Dominion, Inc. (and any related entities); Smartmatic USA Corp.; Brian Kemp; Brad Raffensperger; or Gabriel Sterling,

“Further, the statements and claims expressed in this program are presented at this time as opinions only and are not intended to be taken or interpreted by the viewer as established facts. The results in the 2020 presidential election remain disputed and questioned by millions of Americans who are entitled to hear from all sides to help determine what may have happened.”


The first thing of note here is that OAN sold the time to air this nonsense to Lindell. Legitimate news networks do not sell their air time to outside parties. Especially not to biased purveyors of lies and propaganda.

The second paragraph is wholly intended to indemnifying OAN from lawsuits for libel and defamation. However, for that purpose it is utterly insufficient. A “news” network cannot defend itself from litigation if they air a program that calls your mother a prostitute, simply by stating at the outset that it isn’t their opinion. And OAN is demonstrating consciousness of guilt by identifying the victims that they know are being libeled.

Finally, OAN is making a farce of the presentation they are airing by admitting that the documentary entitled “Absolute Proof” is “not intended to be taken or interpreted by the viewer as established facts.” So why not call it “Absolute Bullsh*t” or better yet, don’t air it all?

There is nothing subtle about Lindell’s flagrant dishonesty. He says in the video that…

“The biggest thing against humanity and our country is this attack through these machines. they got – this opened up – this revealed – the machines to where we’re at right now. So what you’re gonna watch during this show is 100% proof that the big thing was the theft by these other countries that came in to attack our country through these machines that are made to steal elections.”

No wonder OAN is so scared. They are already the subject of a lawsuit by the Dominion voting technology company for defamation. Now they are just making things worse by giving Lindell a platform to spread more defamatory comments. And they can hardly pretend that Lindell’s views and their own are not in sync. OAN has aired numerous reports that make exactly the same charges against Dominion. For instance…

“It’s becoming glaringly apparent that Donald Trump absolutely crushed Joe Biden in the November election. We’ve learned enough about the Dominion machines and software to know that it is intentionally hackable, fixable. It monitors the spread of votes to alert of the needed additional votes and a host of other illicit election activities. The Democrats and never-Trumpers installed the Dominion voting system in key locations with the intent to rig elections.”

OAN also aired a multi-part program explicitly calling out Dominion that was called One America News Investigates: “Dominion-izing the Vote That puts the lie to their disclaimer saying that “The views, opinions and claims expressed in this program […] are not adopted or endorsed by OAN or its owners.” Having aired this program with this ridiculous disclaimer, it almost seems like OAN wants to be sued. And if so, they are very likely to get their wish.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. And you can follow this surrogate Twitter account here. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Read Smartmatic’s Gripping Introduction to Their 2.7 Billion Lawsuit Against Fox News

Following his decisive loss to Joe Biden last November, Donald Trump orchestrated a brazenly dishonest and dangerous campaign to stir the passions of his cult disciples. He sought to persuade them that the presidential election was stolen from him, that he won in a landslide, and that the rigged election was aided abetted by corrupt media and voting technology firms.

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Fox News Sad

Of course, none of those allegations were supported by evidence or reality. Trump’s efforts to malign the press, Democrats, and even Republicans who declined to embrace his lies, grew more intense as he repeatedly lost cases in court after court challenging the election results. He turned a common electoral defeat into a humiliating spectacle. And in the process, his accomplices found themselves in legal peril of their own.

The voting technology company Smartmatic has now filed a lawsuit against the proponents of Trump’s election fraud fictions. They include Fox News, Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Pirro, and Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell. The introduction to the lawsuit reads like a captivating tale of political intrigue and depravity that rivals any great work of literature. So without further ado, here is that intro unabridged:

1. The Earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 election for President and Vice President of the United States. The election was not stolen, rigged, or fixed. These are facts. They are demonstrable and irrefutable.

2. Defendants have always known these facts. They knew Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 U.S. election. They knew the election was not stolen. They knew the election was not rigged or fixed. They knew these truths just as they knew the Earth is round and two plus two equals four.

3. Defendants did not want Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to win the election. They wanted President Donald Trump and Vice President Michael Pence to win re-election. Defendants were disappointed. But they also saw an opportunity to capitalize on President Trump’s popularity by inventing a story. Defendants decided to tell people that the election was stolen from President Trump and Vice President Pence.

4. Defendants had an obvious problem with their story. They needed a villain. They needed someone to blame. They needed someone whom they could get others to hate. A story of good versus evil, the type that would incite an angry mob, only works if the storyteller provides the audience with someone who personifies evil.

5. Without any true villain, Defendants invented one. Defendants decided to make Smartmatic the villain in their story. Smartmatic is an election technology and software company. It was incorporated in Delaware and its U.S. operations are headquartered in Florida. In the 2020 U.S. election, Smartmatic provided election technology and software in Los Angeles County. Nowhere else. Smartmatic had a relatively small, non-controversial role in the 2020 U.S. election.

6. Those facts would not do for Defendants. So, the Defendants invented new ones. In their story, Smartmatic was a Venezuelan company under the control of corrupt dictators from socialist countries. In their story, Smartmatic’s election technology and software were used in many of the states with close outcomes. And, in their story, Smartmatic was responsible for stealing the 2020 election by switching and altering votes to rig the election for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

7. Having invented their story, and created their villain, Defendants set about spreading the word. In November and December 2020, Fox News broadcasted thirteen (13) reports stating and implying that Smartmatic had stolen the 2020 U.S. election. They repeated the story in articles and social media postings. Night after night, publication after publication, Fox News reached out to its millions of viewers and readers around the world with a story: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did not win the 2020 election; Smartmatic stole the election for them.

8. Defendants’ story evolved over time as they claimed evidence had come to their attention supporting the story. The story came to consist of eight themes:

  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were widely used in the
    2020 U.S. election, including in six states with close outcomes;
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were used by Dominion
    Voting Systems Corporation (“Dominion”) during the 2020 U.S. election;
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were used to steal the 2020
    U.S. election by rigging and fixing the vote;
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software sent votes to foreign
    countries for tabulation and manipulation during the 2020 U.S. election;
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were compromised and
    hacked during the 2020 U.S. election;
  • Smartmatic was previously banned from being used in U.S. elections;
  • Smartmatic is a Venezuelan company that was founded and funded by
    corrupt dictators from socialist and communist countries; and,
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were designed to rig and fix

9. Defendants’ story was a lie. All of it. And they knew it. But, it was a story that sold. Millions of individuals who saw and read Defendants’ reports believed them to be true. Smartmatic and its officers began to receive hate mail and death threats. Smartmatic’s clients and potential clients began to panic. The company’s reputation for providing transparent, auditable, and secure election technology and software was irreparably harmed. Overnight, Smartmatic went from an under-the-radar election technology and software company with a track record of success to the villain in Defendants’ disinformation campaign.

10. Smartmatic’s loss was Defendants’ gain. Fox News used the story to preserve its grip on viewers and readers and curry favors with the outgoing administration – one of their anchors was even able to get a pardon for her ex-husband. Ms. Powell used the story to raise money and enrich herself. Mr. Giuliani used the story to guarantee himself a flow of funds from the sitting President and to sell products. Defendants knew the story could not change the outcome of the election. It could, and did, make them money.

11. The story, of course, did more than just make Defendants’ money and jeopardize Smartmatic’s survival. The story undermined people’s belief in democracy. The story turned neighbor against neighbor. The story led a mob to attack the U.S. Capitol. Defendants started a fire for selfish and financial reasons and they cared not the damage their story caused to Smartmatic, its officers and employees, and the country.

That just about says it all. Fox News and the other defendants should be worried. The facts of the case are pretty airtight. And other defendants could be added as the litigation proceeds. Perhaps even Trump himself. Although he may also be busy untangling himself from his second impeachment trial where Democrats are asking that he testify under oath. And for Trump, that’s perjury waiting to happen.

UPDATE 1/20/2022: MyPillow guy, Mike Lindell is now also being sued by Smartmatic for defamation.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. And you can follow this surrogate Twitter account here. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Defining Trump’s Insanity: Repeatedly Whining About Election Fraud And Expecting a Delusional Result

There is a pithy definition of insanity that is sometimes attributed to Albert Einstein that describes it as doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result. That state of mind-numbing pigheadedness is readily evident in much of what Donald Trump does and says. And nowhere is it more apparent than in his relentless and unfounded allegations of election fraud.

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Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

Trump has been battling for weeks to overturn the will of the American people with dozens of lawsuits that have almost universally ended in defeat for Trump and his futile assertions of fraud. Contrary to his claims of having “massive evidence” of voting irregularities, there has been none made available by credible sources, and he has failed to present any of it in an actual courtroom. Nevertheless, Trump persists in his plaintive whining and petulant tweeting. For example, Trump posted this tiresome rant again on Saturday morning.

Trump is once again throwing a tantrum over the very same things that he has been complaining about since election day, and even prior to that. He refuses to recognize that the election results in Georgia (as well as every other swing state) were certified, often by Republican-controlled governors, legislators, and election officials. In Georgia the ballots verified and were recounted three separate times with no change in the outcome. But that still wasn’t good enough for the tunnel-blind, paranoid, loser in the White House. So let’s help Trump out a bit with the inquiries in his latest frantic tweet:

“Why haven’t they done signature verification in Fulton County, Georgia?”
They have done signature verifications, and they all affirmed the original resutls.

“Why haven’t they deducted all of the dead people who ‘voted’?
Because there weren’t any dead people who voted.

“…illegals who voted?”
Because there weren’t any “illegals” who voted.

“…non Georgia residents who voted?”
Because there weren’t any non Georgia residents who voted.

“…and tens of thousands of others who voted illegally?”
Because there weren’t tens of thousands of others who voted illegally.

Do you think this will be simple enough for Trump to understand? Perhaps he will finally produce his evidence of these irregularities if he really wants to convince anyone. And not just through his laughable TV lawyers and bootlicking Fox News shills who aren’t obligated to tell the truth. But in a courtroom where they could be sanctioned for lying.

Trump went on to insist – again- that he had “a big and conclusive win.” He speculated without evidence, of course, that ballots were “illegally destroyed.” And he recycled for the umpteenth time his complaint that “we don’t yet even have a judge to hear this large scale voter fraud case.” That’s after some sixty such cases that he he’s already lost.

Finally, Trump implied some impropriety or conflict of interest on the part of Stacey Abram’s sister, Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner. However, the case over which Judge Gardner presided had nothing to do with any matter involving her sister or the Fair Fight organization she founded. What’s more, the case wasn’t even related in any way to the November 3, 2020, presidential election. It involved an illegal purge of voters prior to the upcoming senate runoff in Georgia. Notably, Trump didn’t bother to complain about another similar case around the same time that was presided over by judge appointed by George W, Bush, which he also lost.

All told, Trump has tweeted at least twenty-one times since November 3rd that he won “BIG” and that he will soon be able to prove it. On Friday he explicitly declared the both the national and Georgia state elections “illegal and invalid.” But no matter how many times he says it, his delusions still have never come to fruition. You have to wonder about the mental acuity of someone who is so divorced from reality that he can continue to pursue a cause that has never been so lost. And the same goes for his glassy-eyed disciples in the right-wing media and his cult fan base.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Shill McEnany Visits Fox News to Drop Another Flagrant Election Fraud Lie

Next week the Electoral College will certify that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. But even as this date approaches, and the outcome is unquestionably certain, Donald Trump continues to babble incoherently that he was the winner “by a landslide.” It’s position that just gets more pathetic every day as Trump affirms his departure from reality and psychotic deterioration. Unfortunately, he’s also veering closing to open advocacy of violence.

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Kayleigh McEnany, Donald Trump

However, it isn’t just Trump who is suffering from this deeply delusional defect. It has spread like an epidemic throughout Trump World. His dimwitted cult disciples are fully indoctrinated into believing that a cabal of thousands of coup conspirators have “stolen” the election without leaving behind a single shred of evidence. And Trump’s remaining dead-ender confederates in the White House persist in propagating a victory that exists only in his diseased mind.

Chief among those stubborn Trumpians is his combination press secretary and campaign mouthpiece, Kayleigh McEnany. She spent some quality time Monday night with Senior Fox News Trump-fluffer Sean Hannity where she tried to pass off a provable lie about alleged voting irregularities:

“This happened in the places where it needed to happen. Which is why the four metros, the only four where Joe Biden outperformed Hillary Clinton, were Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Detroit. The four he needed in the four key states.”

McEnany’s disinformation appears to have been cribbed from a tweet by the ultra right-wing pollster, Rasmussen. Their tweet linked to an article by the notorious Internet conspiracy crackpot, Gateway Pundit, who sourced his info to the website Townhall. Of course, the article was utterly fictional. Even Townhall later disclaimed their own post. But the presence of blatant falsehoods have never stopped McEnany, or Hannity, before. CNN’s Jake Tapper put it succinctly this weekend when he described his standards for booking Trump administration guests:

“There are some people that are just so mendacious I just wouldn’t put them on air. Kayleigh McEnany, I’ve never booked her. Jason Miller from the Trump campaign, I would never book him. These are just people, they just tell lies the way that most people breathe. There was no value in that. […] This is what she does. She tells lies all the time. She can’t acknowledge reality.”

For the record, USA Today conducted a study of “the country’s 10 largest cities — or the counties in which they’re located, if data by city was not available — plus Detroit, Milwaukee and Fulton County, where Atlanta is located.” It found that Biden actually did outperform Clinton in 10 of those 13 locations:

  • Chicago by 19,613 votes
  • Philadelphia by 20,150 votes
  • Milwaukee by 6,004 votes
  • Houston by 210,279 votes
  • San Antonio by 128,902 votes
  • San Diego by 226,849 votes
  • Dallas by 137,496 votes
  • San Jose by 103,574 votes
  • Phoenix by 337,867 votes
  • Atlanta by 84,093 votes

As further evidence of how far off McEnany et al are, Biden actually appears to have underperformed Clinton in Detroit. Another study conducted by the conservative National Review confirmed USA Today’s study. They found that “Biden improved his margin of victory compared to Clinton in 31 of 36 urban counties.” They also found that “There’s no evidence that swing states had more than 100% voter turnout.”

McEnany’s penchant for poisoning her diatribes with untruths is well known. She began doing it on day one of her employment as Trump’s press secretary, ably filling the deceitful shoes of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Following Tapper’s public rebuke, McEnany spitefully turned to Twitter to hysterically claim that she doesn’t lie. Which is just another lie in her ample supply of prevarication.

But if McEnany is really so offended by people accurately pointing out her aversion to truth telling, she just might want to take this advice…

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Debunks Itself In Fear Of Defamation Lawsuit Over Election Fraud Lies

Anyone who has watched more than a few minutes of Fox News knows that they are a reliable source of flagrant lies, malicious slander, and brazenly biased right-wing propaganda. But for a network that has been shamelessly disseminating dangerous disinformation for years, Fox News has just exhibited a bit of uncharacteristic regret.

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Fox News, Titanic

Smartmatic is a voting software company that Fox has had in their crosshairs ever since Donald Trump suffered his decisive and humiliating loss to Joe Biden. The network aired numerous segments that accused Smartmatic of deliberately sabotaging their products in order to fraudulently deliver an election victory to Biden. The conspiracy theories that Trump and his incompetent attorneys constructed were bizarre and far removed from reality. But that didn’t stop Fox News from promoting them on Trump’s behalf.

Last week Smartmatic sent Fox News a “cease and desist” letter demanding that they retract the false and defamatory “election fraud” stories under threat of legal action. Shortly thereafter, Fox started airing a peculiar interview debunking the conspiracy theories that have been featured by some of their top hosts. It’s clear that Fox News is concerned about the potential lawsuit, so they manufactured this segment in order to divert attention from their lies, pretend they reported accurately, and thus protect themselves from legal liability.

The segment consisted of an interview of voting software expert Eddie Perez. But it was not a retraction. It aired first during the Trump-fluffing Lou Dobbs program on the Fox Business Channel. Dobbs introduced it as just another “opinion.” Which means that Fox News remains at risk for the prior defamatory broadcasts.

However, Dobbs did not even conduct the interview. There was an unidentified, disembodied voice asking questions, with the answers by Perez edited in. Perez told CNN that he found this unusual and wasn’t told about this prior to his interview. Perez also said that “it was unusual for the news package to simply end with no comment from Dobbs and then cut to a commercial break.”

Perez told the mysterious interviewer that he “had not seen any evidence that Smartmatic software was used to delete, change, alter, anything related to vote tabulation.” He said that he wasn’t aware that Smartmatic software was used anywhere in the United States other than Los Angeles County. He refuted claims that Smartmatic and Dominion were connected to one another. He also shot down allegations that the company was connected to George Soros or that any votes were tabulated outside of the U.S. And lastly, he said that he was not aware of any incidents where Smartmatic’s software was “banned in the U.S. due to security weaknesses or wrongdoing.”

This interview subsequently aired during the programs of notorious Trump promoters “Judge” Jeanine Pirro and Maria Bartiromo. Along with Dobbs, these programs frequently hosted Trump’s “losing is winning” lawyer Rudy Giuliani, and his QAnon supporting lawyer Sidney Powell. They were among the Trump sycophants who regularly spread the sort of lies on Fox News that resulted in the legal action taken by Smartmatic.

Fox’s efforts to crawl out from under this legal rock are doomed to failure. They are not satisfying Smartmatic’s demands for a retraction. But they are indirectly conceding that their broadcasts were riddled with defamatory content. Why else would they suddenly air this awkwardly produced interview? And Fox’s history of refusing to correct the errors and lies they put on their air makes this concession all the more significant.

Fox News is plainly afraid of being held accountable and are desperately scrambling to shield themselves from liability. The network is folding like a lawn chair. That’s how bullies respond when they are challenged. Smartmatic is setting a good example for all of the others who have been defamed by Fox News. Hopefully we will see more of this in the future.

UPDATE: Newsmax has broadcast a retraction of the defamatory statements about Smartmatic that they previously aired. They refuted most of the lies that Trump and his media sycophants have been disseminating and blamed it all on “guests, attorneys, and elected officials” who appeared o the network. Clearly they are worried about the threatened litigation, As they should be.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Receives Demand to Retract Trump’s Defamatory Election Fraud Lies

Throughout the bizarre misadventures of Donald Trump’s election defeat, he and his screwball legal team have launched baseless attacks on a variety of people and companies that they blamed for his humiliating loss. Their wild conspiracy theories spun tales of alleged plots against Trump by Joe Biden and other Democrats, as wells as by Dominion Voting Systems and software developer, Smartmatic. And Trump’s increasingly rabid rhetoric is crossing the line into explicit incitations of violence.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Lies

These allegations were never supported by evidence. And the lawsuits filed by Trump’s incompetent attorneys, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, et al., failed in nearly sixty separate court cases. That has to be some sort of record. And now it has led to a legal response by Smartmatic who has sent letters demanding retractions from the Trump-fluffing, right-wing media outfits that prop up Trump’s lies. The letters went out Monday to Fox News, Newsmax, and the One America News Network (OANN). According to Mediaite

“Smartmatic demanded the retraction of dozens of comments made by hosts Lou Dobbs and Maria Bartiromo, as well as Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, who appeared frequently as guests on the network […alleging…] “a conspiracy orchestrated by George Soros and the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.”

All they need to add is Barack Obama’s birth certificate and Hillary Clinton’s emails to guarantee a spot in the Conspiracy Crackpot Hall of Fame. Mediaite also obtained a copy of the letter that Smartmatic sent to Fox News, the network that recently expressed its deep sympathy for the travails of Trump. The letter contains numerous examples of defamatory statements made by Fox News anchors, contributors, and guests, as well as Trump’s lawyers. The letter summarized its complaint saying that…

“Fox News has engaged in a concerted disinformation campaign against Smartmatic. Fox News told its millions of viewers and readers that Smartmatic was founded by Hugo Chávez, that its software was designed to fix elections, and that Smartmatic conspired with others to defraud the American people and fix the 2020 U.S. election by changing, inflating, and deleting votes. While Fox News holds itself out as a trusted news source, it has continually and repeatedly published demonstrably false information and defamatory statements about Smartmatic. Fox News used its anchors and on-air guests, including Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, to spread lies about a company that had absolutely nothing to do with the voting that took place in areas at the heart of the ‘conspiracies’ discussed following the 2020 U.S. election.” […]

“Smartmatic believes Fox News had (and has) no evidence or credible source to support any of the false and misleading statements it published in the Reports. Indeed, Fox News would have easily discovered the falsity of the statements and implications being made about Smartmatic by performing even a modicum of investigation.”

Smartmatic was stating the obvious in their assessment of Fox News as not “performing even a modicum of investigation.” That’s because Fox has never been bona fide news organization. It’s mission from the beginning was to disseminate conservative propaganda to advance the extremist agenda of the Republican Party, and it’s more recent incarnation, the Trump Party.

The worshipful defense by Fox News of Trump’s preposterous claims of election “shenanigans” is the best evidence of the network’s utter lack of credibility and ethics, not to mention patriotism. And the Smartmatic lawsuit is well founded and warranted. In fact, they should add Trump to the list of defendants since he is at the root of the slanderous lies that form the basis of the lawsuit. Perhaps they will add him after he leaves office next month. But then they’ll have to get in line behind a parade of both civil and criminal cases that are sure to follow Trump into civilian life.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.