Fox News and Trump Tool, Kayleigh McEnany, Says She Never Lied Because … God

The audacity of Donald Trump and his cadre of confederates never ceases to amaze. When they aren’t inciting their cult disciples to vigilantism or insurrection, they’re manufacturing “scandals” to malign President Biden, Democrats, or anyone else they perceive to be enemies.

Kayleigh McEnany

So much of the right-wing playbook is focused on projection and lying that it’s become a routine part of their daily blather. And on Sunday Trump’s former press secretary – and current Fox News co-host of Outnumbered – Kayleigh McEnany, delivered a speech before the ultra-rightist college organization, Turning Point USA. In the course of her remarks she reminded everyone of her most notable skill: Straight-faced lying:

“And then there was the question, ‘Will you ever lie to us?’ And I said without hesitation, ‘No!’ And I never did. As a woman of faith, as a mother of baby Blake, as a person who meticulously prepared at some of the world’s hardest institutions, I never lied.”

Seriously? McEnany is actually lying about her lying. And if she expects God to corroborate this blatant dishonesty, she might be in for a surprise bolt of lightening.

McEnany began her tenure as Chief White House Liar within fifteen minutes of her first briefing. And she delivered boatloads of lies throughout her brief turn as Trump’s fourth press secretary. Among some of the gems were…

McEnany said the Mueller report was a “complete and total exoneration” of Trump.
Except that the Mueller report explicitly states that “While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” It laid out 10 instances in which Trump may have obstructed justice.

McEnany said Trump doesn’t use the racist term “kung flu” to describe coronavirus.
Except that he did so many tines, and it’s all on video.

McEnany said that Trump’s tax returns are under audit and can’t be released.
Except that Trump’s own lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has admitted that the tax returns are not under audit. And in any case, there is nothing preventing someone from releasing returns even if they are being audited.

McEnany said there is “ample evidence of fraud” when it comes to the absentee system and vote by mail.
Except that there actually is no evidence whatsoever, as was documented by the Chair of the Republican Party and even Trump’s own top election security official (whom he subsequently fired). What’s more, Trump and company lost over sixty court cases, failing to provide evidence.

And in a grand example of dishonest hubris, McEnany famously said that “No. I don’t believe the President has lied.”
Except that Trump has been documented to have lied more than 30,000 times in his one-term presidency.

And let’s not forget that McEnany was Trump’s primary proponent of the “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. That led to the deadly Capitol Hill insurrection, which McEnany also lied about. She claimed “everyone felt just completely condemning the actions of that day.” But the reality was described at the time by former Trump aides who said that “Trump enjoyed watching the events unfold. He was ‘loving watching the Capitol mob.'” Trump himself, in reluctant remarks made hours after the riots began, told the rioters that “We love you,” and that “You’re very special.”

Finally, McEnany callously lied about the estimated number of deaths from the coronavirus, and what Trump’s responsibility was.

For the record, PolitiFact has compiled McEnany’s remarks and categorized their truthfulness. She scored 56% as either “Mostly False, “False,” or “Pants on Fire.” There were only 14% “Half True,” 28% “Mostly True” and 0% “True.” But sure, she says that, with God as her witness, she has never told a lie.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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It Wasn’t Just Democrats: Trump Also Spied on Don McGahn, His Own White House Counsel

Last week it was disclosed that Donald Trump’s Department of Justice secretly seized phone data from Democratic opponents in what amounts to an authoritarian style inquisition. The targets of the probe included Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and impeachment manager Eric Swalwell. It was an unprecedented abuse of power triggered by Trump’s acute paranoia and dictatorial aspirations.

Donald Trump Red Face

The reports revealing the DOJ’s pursuit of data from members of Congress followed similar reports of secret data seizures from the press, including the New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN. The accumulation of such discoveries prompted people to wonder what else was going on during the Trump years that was still unknown. And now we know at least a little more. According to CNN

“Former Trump White House counsel Don McGahn and his wife received disclosures from Apple last month that their account records were sought by the Justice Department in February 2018, while McGahn was still the top lawyer representing the presidency, according to a person familiar.”

That’s right! Trump was actually spying on his own White House counsel and his family. It’s notable that the DOJ’s probe took place shortly after media reports that Trump had asked McGahn to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. McGahn refused to do so, and even threatened to resign. This affair became even more bizarre when Trump went on TV and accused McGahn of perjury. McGahn was still his counsel at the time. Subsequently, Trump tried to pressure McGahn to cover up the request.

It’s one sort of gross malfeasance for Trump to go after his political foes. It’s another thing entirely to go after his allies and current staffers. This revelation should make everyone who ever worked for Trump wonder if they were – or will be – victims of his snooping. In fact, they should assume so.

Trump has no sense of boundaries whether it comes to loyalty, morality, or the law. His malignant narcissism compels him to regard only his own welfare as relevant. And his behavior as observed over decades – and especially in the White House – affirms that he will throw anyone and everyone under his fleet of vengeance seeking buses.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Vigilantes, Lara Trump and ‘Judge’ Pirro, Issue Call to ‘Arm Up’ to Shoot Migrants

There is a harrowing pattern of advocating violence that is indelibly integrated into the modern, Donald Trump diseased, Republican Party. It was evident in Trump’s rhetoric that glorified hostility toward his critics at his his cult rallies. It was inbred in his attacks on Democrats and the press as “the enemy.” And it recently manifested horribly at his Capitol Hill Insurrection.

Fox News, Lara Trump

As if all of that weren’t bad enough, now his progeny is joining in the reckless call for innocent blood. And Fox News is, of course, the bullhorn for this abhorrent talk. On Saturday’s episode of Justice with “Judge” Pirro, her guest was Eric Trump’s wife, and Fox News contributor, Lara Trump. The discussion was filled with the typical animus of the televised Hate Channel. However, it devolved into a vile assault on the already troubled community of migrants. And then Lara Trump dug even deeper…

“I don’t know what to tell people that live on the Southern border. I guess they better arm up and get guns and be ready, and maybe they’re gonna have to start taking matters into their own hands.”

Lara Trump, with the assistance of Fox News, is now openly advocating murder and vigilantism. The victims of Trump’s dangerous and heartless proposal would be refugees from Central American countries fleeing violence and poverty. Most of them are women and children. What’s more, how would the untrained, fear-driven vigilantes know the difference between refugees and Latinx U.S. citizens? They wouldn’t know or care. Its a recipe for more unspeakable savagery and grief.

This is the sort of racist hate mongering that produced that mass murder of 22 mostly Latinx shoppers at a Walmart in El Paso in 2019. The shooter confessed to “targeting Mexicans,” and his writings mirrored the xenophobic rhetoric of Donald Trump, Lara’s bigoted father-in-law.

Just prior to Lara Trump’s promotion of domestic terrorism, Pirro complained about unverified reports that migrants damaged fences and left garbage. Even if true, those are hardly capital offenses. Trump herself acknowledged that the migrants were predominantly children.

After her heinous comments, Pirro simply changed the subject with no pushback whatsoever on Trump’s call to shoot unarmed refugees. And for good measure, both of them disparaged Vice-President Kamala Harris, who just returned from a diplomatic mission to the region. Their catty assertion that she was unqualified for the job is ludicrous. Harris was the Attorney General and senator of the largest state in the country, California, which is also a border state.

No one should be surprised by these remarks. Fox News is notoriously drenched in xenophobic hate-speech. Their Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, has attacked immigrants repeatedly. And he unabashedly promotes the racist “white replacement theory” that fear mongers about people of color being brought into the U.S. to “pack the electorate” against the soon to be minority whites. So the Piroo/Trump tirade is just the next sickening step in the Fox News/Republican battle plan.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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Newsmax Numbskulls Want Fox News Execs Charged with Crimes Against Humanity

The kooky conservative cable news war is heating up. For twenty-five years Fox News has reigned as King of the Hate TV Hill. But with the advent of Donald Trump and his laser-focused interest in exalting himself, upstarts like One America News and Newsmax have sprung up to test the bootlicking leadership of Fox’s Trump-fluffers.

Diamond and Silk, Fox News

The latest escalation in the cable clash has been launched by Newsmax. On Friday their dynamic doofuses, Diamond and Silk (who Newsmax lapped up after Fox News canned them), were guests of Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo. And they distinguished themselves as their generation’s best reprisal of minstrel show melodrama:

Salcedo: Turning to the biased press, news came out yesterday, ladies, that one of their heirs to the Fox News fortune, James Murdoch, spent $20 million dollars to defeat president Donald Trump in the 2020 campaign. They also funded another $100 million dollars in left-wing political groups. I know this hit you guys pretty hard. What do you think about his?
Diamond and/or Silk: Well, first of all, where’s the FEC? Where’s the FEC on this here? This is why what happened in 2020 on election night happened. This was the executives making the decision, in my humble opinion. Even when it comes down to this pandemic and allowing Fauci to spew lies or to give us misinformation, these executives went along with it.

I think that these executives should be charged with crimes against humanity, and also with election interference. And it also explains why Fox News threw Diamond and Silk under the bus. Because they know that we was a powerful voice, and we was president Trump’s most loyal supporters.

Um… Okay! There is actually good cause to prosecute Fox News executives and presenters for a variety of crimes. They disseminated Trump’s preposterous and dangerous COVID-19 lies that resulted in the avoidable deaths of hundreds of thousands Americans (and they’re still doing it). They also promulgated Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. That led directly to the deadly Capitol Hill riots by Trump’s insurrectionists (and they’re still doing it).

However, while Diamond and Silk stumbled onto a reasonable legal conclusion, their path to get there was pitifully ignorant. James Murdoch is the wayward son of Rupert. But he has no role at Fox News as an executive or a decision maker of any sort. He publicly withdrew from the parent corporation and has bitterly criticized them ever since. Earlier this year he denounced the “toxic politics” in the media saying that…

“Those outlets that propagate lies to their audience have unleashed insidious and uncontrollable forces that will be with us for years. […] Spreading disinformation – whether about the election, public health or climate change – has real world consequences. Many media property owners have as much responsibility as the elected officials who know the truth but instead choose to propagate lies.”

Furthermore, their whining about why Fox News “threw them under the bus” is hysterical. The reason for their termination was that they insisted on peddling harmful coronavirus conspiracy theories and crackpot cures. They were never a “powerful voice” for Trump, excerpt perhaps in the dingbat community they represented so well.

Later in their tirade Diamond or Silk (I still can’t tell them apart) declared that they “refuse to live in Joe Biden’s America,” but without specifying their destination or the date of their departure. Although they did oxymoronically malign Biden as a “diabolical imbecile.” Which only proves that they are the perfect spokespersons for Newsmax and the ultra-rightist doctrine they dispense. We wish them well on their emigration to wherever.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Homepage Ignores Shocking Story About Trump’s DOJ Spying on Democrats

When Donald Trump was still occupying the White House, it was common to see Fox News acting as his Ministry of Disinformation. It was the fulfillment of their mission as the wholly committed right-wing mouthpiece for ultra-conservative propaganda. And Fox News carried out their mission without hesitation or shame.

Donald Trump Fox News

However, it might have been fair to assume that after Trump was unceremoniously evicted from the People’s House by the millions of Americans who preferred Joe Biden, that Fox News would either moderate their acute Trumpism or transfer it to some other Republican hack. But that is not how the early months of the post-Trump era have played out. Fox News, as well as Trump’s cult disciples, have remained as faithful to the impotent loser as ever.

For its part, Fox News is still devotedly serving the interests of Trump despite his banishment to irrelevancy in Mar-a-Lago or some other gauche golf resort. They are still maligning Trump’s political foes. They are still slobbering over his imaginary achievements. They recently refused to air an ad supporting the police who defended the Capitol during the Trump Insurrection because it revealed the truth about Trump’s complicity with the riots. And Fox News is still burying any bad news that could reflect poorly (i.e. honestly) on Trump and his record of failure. For instance, Fox didn’t bother to report on Trump’s treasonous statement declaring his trust for Vladimir Putin over President Biden on the eve of the first summit meeting between the two.

What’s more, on the day following the ghastly disclosure that Trump’s Department of Justice had unlawfully spied on Democratic members of Congress, the Fox News website courageously ran away from any journalistic duty and ignored the shocking story completely. There was not a single mention of this unprecedented abuse of power on their home page. Why should there be? It would only tarnish Trump’s already toxic reputation, and that isn’t what Fox was built for.

Never mind that Fox News obediently covered it every time that Trump falsely accused President Obama and other Democrats of spying on him. So what did Fox feature instead of the totalitarian assault on Trump’s political critics?

That’s right! While Fox News was ignoring a truly groundbreaking scoop, they chose to run a story about other networks ignoring a manufactured squabble amongst partisans. This was hardly national news. It involved an allegedly controversial remark by a young congresswoman from Minnesota with no seniority or leadership position. But she is also Black and Muslim, which makes her a favorite foil for Fox News.

In the article on this matter, Fox twisted Rep. Ilhan Omar’s comments and didn’t bother to mention her clarification until literally the last paragraph. Because that’s just how Fox rolls. They surely cannot argue that there is any equivalency between the Omar story that they posted on their home page and the DOJ story that they didn’t. And only further proves that there is nothing about Fox that can be classified as news.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Putin Toady Trump Admits He Trusts Russia Over U.S. On Eve of Summit with Biden

In his latest statement from exile, Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear where his loyalty lies (with an emphasis on “lies”). And he simultaneously confirmed just how deeply consumed he is by the patently insane paranoia he’s been peddling for the past four years.

Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

Trump’s new “Save America” (from democracy?) message is like a greatest hits collection of delusional days gone by. He appears to have crammed every psychotic concoction he could think of into one run-on rejection of reality. However, it is also a disturbing admission that he has greater trust for America’s enemies than for its leaders and defenders. What follows is an annotated examination of Trump’s profoundly anti-American screed:

“As President, I had a great and very productive meeting in Helsinki, Finland, with President Putin of Russia, Despite the belated Fake News portrayal of the meeting, the United States won much, including the respect of President Putin and Russia.”

The allegedly “productive meeting in Helsinki” was the one wherein Trump took Vladimir Putin’s side over that of U.S. intelligence with regard to Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. And what Trump calls the “fake news portrayal of the meeting” was actually just the press reporting his remarks verbatim. Trump continued:

“Because of the phony Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, made-up and paid for by the Democrats and Crooked Hillary Clinton, the United States was put at a disadvantage – a disadvantage that was nevertheless overcome by me.”

What Trump is calling a “hoax” (one of many in Trump’s diseased brain) was documented by multiple U.S. intelligence agencies, as well as by Special Counsel (and lifelong Republican) Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony. If “the United States was put at a disadvantage,” it was solely due to Trump’s ignorance and purposeful anti-American intentions. And for no apparent reason, he’s reprising his old obsession with “crooked” Hillary Clinton. But here’s the kicker:

“As to who do I trust, they asked, Russia or our ‘Intelligence’ from the Obama era, meaning people like Comey, McCabe, the two lovers, Brennan, Clapper, and numerous other sleezebags, or Russia, the answer, after all that has been found out and written, should be obvious. Our government has rarely had such lowlifes as these working for it.”

That’s right. Just days before President Biden is set to meet with Putin, Trump is maligning the U.S. and boosting his Russian BFF. Trump obviously has no concern for our nation’s security, nor any respect for the norms of diplomacy. That includes the maxim that “politics end at the water’s edge,” so as not harm America’s interests when the President is overseas. And Trump closed with this bit of assholery:

“Good luck to Biden in dealing with President Putin – don’t fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards!”

Trump’s support for Russia at this critical point in time is consistent with that of his Fox News sycophants. On Wednesday Sean Hannity reached out to deliver a gift to Putin in the form of an infantile put down of Biden. Perhaps it was in appreciation for Putin’s defense of Trump and his Capitol Hill Insurrectionists. Either way, the only winner in this game is Russia where these attacks on Biden by fellow Americans is being received with glee:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Jen Psaki Slams the ‘Game of Thrones Drama’ of the Trump Administration

A lot has changed in the White House since the inauguration of Joe Biden. The sour atmosphere of animosity toward anything and everything that triggered Donald Trump’s sociopathic paranoia has subsided entirely. The normalizing of racism, misogyny,, and xenophobia was exiled along with Trump. The bitter partisanship emanating from the Oval Office has vacated the premises.

Jen Psaki, Donald Trump

To be sure, many of those unpleasantries are still flourishing among the Trump dead-enders. But their point of origin is now largely confined to the treacherous Mar-a-Lago Trench. Meanwhile, the dignity of the presidency has been restored by a leader who has actual experience and competence. No longer is it the seething cauldron of jealousy, backstabbing, and fear, that Trump presided over with such gross ineptitude.

Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, alluded to that when responding to a question at the Financial Times “Future of News” conference Thursday, She was the featured closing keynote speaker for the session on “Restoring trust in a divided nation.” As reported by The Hill

“White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday suggested that there were more leaks under former President Trump than there are now due to infighting among administration officials during the previous four years.

“‘There’s not a lot of ‘Game of Thrones’ drama here, which feels like it may be a bit of … a shift from the last four years,’ Psaki said when asked about the lack of leaks to the media at a conference hosted by the Financial Times.”

Psaki also noted that…

“The culture of this White House is very much a put your head down, get to work, do your thing, be a part of the team.”

Trump’s management style (such that it existed) was to foment distrust and paranoia in an environment that encouraged competition for Dear Leader’s favor. That included variably sucking up to and/or sabotaging colleagues, among whom were members of Trump’s family. That’s partly why there was so much turn over in the Trump administration, and why so many of his former appointees were so openly dismissive of him – vice versa.

The “Game of Thrones” simile could not be more apt. There was a constant state of war in the Trump White House. It produced an unprecedented tell-all book while he was still in office by an author identified only as “Anonymous” (later to be revealed as Miles Taylor, chief of staff to Trump’s Secretary of Homeland Security). And when Bob Woodward’s book about Trump, FEAR!, was released, Trump’s delusional response was to rush to Fox News for a softball interview wherein he hysterically claimed that…

“We have a lot of love in the administration, and the White House is truly as you would say, a well-oiled machine – it is working so well.”

Really? Many of Trump’s senior staff and close associates are reported to have called him “an idiot,” “a moron,” “stupid,” “dumb,” and more demeaning, but accurate epithets. And he vengefully returned the insults. If this is his idea of a “well-oiled machine,” what on Earth would a squeaky one look like? The only problem with Psaki’s “Game of Thrones” reference is that the harm Trump has – and is – causing is not a game.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Russian Agent? Sean Hannity’s Infantile, Anti-American Attacks on Biden are a Gift to Putin

The relentless – and mostly impotent – attacks on President Biden by Fox News have escalated steadily ever since his inauguration. But they are not merely petulant political broadsides by sore losers. They are also benefiting America’s enemies at a time when our domestic institutions are uncommonly fragile due to Donald Trump and his Republican confederates’ assault on democracy.

Fox News, Sean Hannity, Vladimir Putin

In an effort to maintain his position as Fox’s Senior Trump-fluffer, Sean Hannity is ratcheting up his rancid rhetoric. On Wednesday night he launched into an anti-Biden tirade that can only be characterized as pro-Russian propaganda (video below, if you can stomach it). Hannity began with his now tediously routine, and utterly infantile, insults aimed at Biden’s mental acuity (a debate the American people ended long ago):

“According to our Commander-in-Chief, the greatest threat to our service men and women, it’s not China, it’s not Russia, it’s not Iran and North Korea, it’s not radical Islamic terrorists, it’s not nuclear war. No, according to President “sippy cup Joe” the greatest threat to our military is global warming, and he was not joking. Take a look.”

Hannity’s grade-school “sippy cup” taunt has become a fixture on his clown show, despite his having been brutally humiliated for prior references to it. He followed up his baby talk with a video clip of Biden rationally and responsibly relating the climate change warnings of Pentagon officials:

“We must all commit to an ambitious climate action if we’re going to prevent the worst impact of climate change, limiting global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius. We need the global transition to clean energy technology.

“You know, when I was over in the Tank [Joint Chiefs of Staff conference room] in the Pentagon, when I was first elected Vice-President with President Obama, the military sat us down to let us knw what the the greatest threats facing America were. The greatest physical threats. This is not a joke. You know what the Joint Chiefs told us the greatest threat facing America was? Global warming.”

This isn’t a new concept. Climate change was cited as a serious threat to American national security by Donald Trump’s secretary of defense, Jim Mattis, George W. Bush’s secretary of defense, Don Rumsfeld, and by at least four other defense secretaries of both parties. Hannity is either too stupid to know this, or is deliberately ignoring it. So he just rambled on saying…

“Okay. In just a few days that guy will sit down with the hostile actor with the hostile regime of Russia, Vladimir Putin. You know, the country that just hacked our energy and our beef industries, and I fear that Vladimir will eat Joe’s lunch. Embarrass us all. That is not good for this country. It is not good for the world. And Vladimir will see what we all see. That Joe Biden is frail, weak, and a cognitive mess who can do little more than read far-left talking points on a TelePrompTer. And he actually struggles to do that.

What isn’t good for the country or the world is taking Putin’s side, and disparaging America’s President, just days before a crucial summit meeting (and this isn’t the first time). Hannity is obviously in the service of his master, Vladimir Putin, with his hateful demeaning of Biden. This vile screed couldn’t be more helpful to Russian interests if the Politburo had written it themselves. And what ever happened to the maxim that “politics end at the water’s edge,” meaning that criticisms of the President pause when he or she is overseas on the nation’s business?

Clearly Hannity isn’t interested in what’s good for the country. He is only interested in maligning Biden, no matter how detrimental it is to American interests. And Fox News has made it clear that they stand firmly behind Hannity’s treasonous rants. This sort of strident anti-Americanism is riddled throughout the day on Fox News programs. And it should make it abundantly clear to every decent citizen what we’re up against.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Host On Civil Rights Movement: ‘We’ve Seen the Enemy and It’s White People’

Fox News suffered a profound loss when Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump for the presidency. And despite the messianic beliefs held by Trump and his cult disciples that he actually won and that his political resurrection is imminent, he remains an embarrassingly irrelevant and pathetic apostle of pity and lies.

Fox News Racist

This leaves Fox News in the desperate position of having to manufacture controversies that might satiate the voracious appetites of their scandal-starved audience. They’ve already run through preposterous stories involving Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head. they’ve tried to dampen Biden’s broad based popularity with nonsense like whether or not he wears a face mask, or blaming him for a sauce shortage at Chick-fil-A, or mocking the romance in his marriage. All to no avail.

Among the contrivances at Fox News has been a relentless assault on the academic study of Critical Race Theory, which is defined as an “attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race.” Not that anyone on Fox News could define it – or cares. They are just exploiting it to trigger the racist tendencies of their viewers. And that mission led to a segment on Wednesday’s episode of Fox and Friends where co-host Brian Kilmeade launched into a rancid rant against the Civil Rights movement (video below). He began by demanding credit for white folks having made some progress with their bigotry:

“They’re not acknowledging any improvement in our culture, and the gains made, and how we are more equal, even despite our faults, than any other country.”

Congratulations Brian, You and yours aren’t shackling Black people and forcing them to work for nothing anymore. That’s hardly something to brag about when there is still a significant amount of prejudice in America with regard to education, jobs, and housing. And there’s also that little matter of how Black men and women – and children – keep getting killed by police officers. But don’t let me interrupt. Please continue:

“The other thing is, they’re not only trying to raise up minorities and trying to make sure the playing field is even, they’re trying to take down the white culture. And this generation of Americans wondered why aren’t we all Americans? Why are we all being marginalized on a daily basis on our gender, our sexuality, and the color of our skin? And it’s not even subtle. It is actually out there. It is written in black and white.”

Just as we always thought. It’s white people who are the victims of culture take-downs and marginalization. It’s a good thing that we have Fox News and Kilmeade to remind us of this. But he still wasn’t finished:

“This is the big difference between other civil rights movements in our past. One, the first big one was a war. The second big one we saw in the streets, especially in the South. And this one we’re seeing in the classroom. And we’ve seen the enemy and it’s white people.”

WTHF? Kilmeade is now asserting that today’s Civil Rights movement has declared war on white people. That’s because he sees the struggle for equality as a fight to deprive the white population of the privilege that they believe is their divine right. Any progress toward leveling the playing field means taking away from whites the advantages that have been accustomed to for generations.

What’s especially nauseating about this is that Kilmeade isn’t the least bit shy about saying all of this out loud on his nationally broadcast television program. And his co-hosts Steve Doocy and Ainsley Earhardt nod along in complete agreement.

That’s how far down the Mariana Trench of racism that Fox News has descended. And Trump has made it acceptable to unapologetically parade prejudice around in Right-Wing World. But given the realities of demographics, they will soon be toppled from their hilltop. Deep down they know that, and that’s why they’re so afraid.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

WTF? Trump Regrets Not Banning Facebook and Twitter When He Was President

America really dodged a bullet (perhaps literally) when we voted Donald Trump off the island. Since his defeat to Joe Biden, Trump has proved how dangerous his sociopathic authoritarianism is. And he is apparently still not satisfied with his delusional “Big Lie” rhetoric that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. Never mind that it incited a violent insurrection on Capitol Hill. Trump wants more.

Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

In a statement released Tuesday, Trump revealed a significant escalation of his tyrannical aspirations. The statement was released via email to his obedient disciples because he has been suspended from Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms, for disseminating harmful lies and disinformation. This exile from social media is having a deleterious effect on his mental stability (such as it is). There is no question that he is becoming ever more paranoid and extreme. His statement reads…

“Congratulations to the country of Nigeria, who just banned Twitter because they banned their President. More COUNTRIES should ban Twitter and Facebook for not allowing free and open speech – all voices should be heard. In the meantime, competitors will emerge and take hold. Who are they to dictate good and evil if they themselves are evil? Perhaps I should have done it while I was President. But Zuckerberg kept calling me and coming to the White House for dinner telling me how great I was. 2024?

Seriously? Trump is lauding the censorious actions of a national leader for “canceling” Twitter and prodding other nations to follow suit? And he thinks that silencing everyone on Twitter is supportive of “free and open speech”? These are the ravings of a mad and desperate loser who still can’t comprehend that his suspension was his own fault. Had he complied with the same community standards that every other Twitter user abides by, he would still be tweeting.

Trump goes on to criticize those who he says are evil while dictating good and evil to others. But he is so self-unaware that he doesn’t recognize his own glaringly evil behavior. So naturally, he demonstrates that in the next sentence saying with regard to illegally shutting down Facebook and Twitter that, “Perhaps I should have done it while I was President.”

Setting aside the fact that he didn’t have any authority to ban any of the social media services he despises, his desire to to do so is chilling. After all, Trump is still threatening to run for reelection as president in 2024. The damage that he could do if reelected could make the damage he did in the previous four years pale by comparison. His totalitarian tendencies mirror those of fascist dictators from the past.

Trump’s lament that he didn’t clamp down on social media when he thought he had the chance should be enough evidence to convince sane Americans that he must never hold any political power in this country ever again. He is telling us that he intends to brutally abuse it.

It’s disturbing that so many Republicans continue to support him despite his noxious desire to rule as an unchallenged monarch. But it is up to the rest of us to make sure that neither he, nor his wannabe successors, ever have the opportunity to implement his doctrine of oppression.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

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