Psaki to GOP: Failure to Provide Accurate Public Health Info…is Literally Killing People

This week President Biden discussed his administration’s outreach program aimed at getting more people vaccinated against the coronavirus. The details were presented by Press Secretary Jen Psaki at the Daily Briefing on Tuesday. And that discussion triggered an ongoing freak out by Republicans and their mouthpieces on Fox News.

Jen Psaki

The frantic freaking is still in effect as Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends babbled deliriously about government goons who are “gonna knock on your door. They’re gonna demand that you take it. And they’re gonna give you a third shot.” Needless to say, that crackpot conspiracy exists only the minds of Kilmeade, his Fox confederates, and their dimwitted viewers.

But it doesn’t stop there. Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-QAnon) attended the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas on Friday and told an interviewer that Biden’s door-to-door informational effort is really just a prelude to the wholesale confiscation of every American’s guns and bibles:

If Cawthorn thinks that the “mechanisms” that would be in place to send the feds to every home in the country is an evil plot, I hope nobody tells him about the Census or the Post Office, who have been doing that for decades.

In the interest of providing a definitive rebuttal to this avalanche of asininity, posted below is Jen Psaki’s response (video and transcript) to a question on this subject by ABC News White House correspondent, Karen Travers. Psaki spells out precisely what the outreach program is and isn’t. Not that it will will satisfy the glassy-eyed cult followers of Donald Trump, but at least it can be referenced when needed to rebut the right-wing crazy:

Travers: There’s still pushback about the President’s comments about going door-to-door to encourage vaccination. The South Carolina Governor said today that “enticing, coercing, intimidating, mandating, or pressuring anyone to take the vaccine is bad policy that will deteriorate the public trust and confidence in the state’s efforts.”

And Gov. McMaster said he’s going to prohibit the state health agencies from using the administration’s targeted tactics. Can you respond to the Governor and explain what is being done and what is not being done in this outreach?

Psaki: Sure. Let me first say that the failure to provide accurate public health information, including the efficacy of vaccines and the accessibility of them to people across the country, including So. Carolina, is literally killing people. So maybe they should consider that.

But I would say that what this is, and what this is not, it is not federal employees going door-to-door. This is grassroots volunteers. This is members of the clergy. These are volunteers who believe people across the country, especially in low vaccinated areas, should have accurate information; should have information about where they can get vaccinated; where they can save their own lives and their neighbors’ lives and their family members’ lives.

That’s exactly what this is. It’s something that’s been going on since April. And it’s something where we’ve seen an impact in states where there are lower vaccination rates. So it’s something that we will continue to work with local groups to do. And it’s a disservice to the country, and to the people who may lose their lives, may lose family members, to provide inaccurate disinformation at a moment when we’re still fighting a pandemic.

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Fox News Can’t Keep Its Lies Straight About Biden’s Vaccine Outreach Initiative

As the nation continues to battle the deadly coronavirus pandemic that Donald Trump so badly mismanaged, Fox News continues to mislead their viewers and foment irrational fears based on outright lies. They have a burning obsession with finding fault for anything and everything President Biden does whether it’s real or not, and regardless of the harm it causes.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Coronavirus

On Friday morning’s episode of Fox and Friends, co-host Brian Kilmeade unleashed another of his frantic, factless tirades aimed at disseminating a flagrantly false narrative about Biden. The subject was the President’s latest initiative to save American lives by promoting the safety, effectiveness, and availability of vaccines. Fox News and the Republican Party of Death have already been maligning this initiative, with some characterizing it as a Nazi-style infringement on freedom. And in the spirit of that insanity, Kilmeade said to…

“Ask yourself if you have a problem with this. They’re gonna knock on your door. They’re gonna demand that you take it. And they’re gonna give you a third shot.”

Of course, none of that has even a passing resemblance to the truth. Nevertheless, Kilmeade went on to rant that “It’s unbelievable how offensive his administration is getting with a pandemic that is clearly on the run.” Apparently Kilmeade hasn’t heard that the Delta variant of the virus is surging in (mostly Trump) parts of the country. For the first time in months the infection and hospitalization rates are going up.

However, in a rare display of honesty, another Fox News anchor delivered some factual information about the Biden outreach program. Gillian Turner interviewed Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen and presented him with what the program is actually doing. Thiessen, however, wasn’t moved:

Turner: In the Biden administration’s defense, they’re insisting with this door-to-door strategy they’re not showing up with needles. They’re not showing up with shots. Nothing is happening on your front doorstep in front of your neighbors. They are not gonna come jab you. But what they are trying to do is get information to you. They are trying to make sure that you know these shots are free, that you are eligible, where you can go to get one. It’s an information sharing operation, they say. Does that assuage some of your concern at all, or not really?
Thiessen: Not really. I don’t want people showing up on my doorstep before knowing my vaccine history.

Turner made some excellent points, putting the program’s mission into the proper context. So expect Fox News to make her disappear for a few weeks while she is undergoing reeducation. As for Thiessen, what the heck is he talking about? Does he want people to get his vaccine history before showing up on his doorstep? To be clear, the outreach program will not collect information about people’s vaccination status. It will be targeting geographic areas that are known to have low vaccination rates. And no one will be required to get a shot, or even listen to the volunteers in the field.

Thiessen went on to complain that Trump wasn’t included in a public service ad that featured all of the living former presidents promoting the vaccine. He implies that Trump was deliberately left out. There is, however, no proof of that. In fact, it was Trump who demonstrated his disinterest in promoting the vaccine (that he nevertheless claims credit for) by getting vaccinated secretly in January and not disclosing it until weeks after he left office.

Furthermore, Trump has declined all previous attempts to appear with the other former presidents. And when asked about his non-participation in this ad, Trump repeatedly refused to respond. That doesn’t sound like he was left out. Were that the case he would be whining about it ceaselessly and complaining about how mean everyone is to him.

Thiessen concedes that it is Trump country that is lagging in vaccinations. So he wonders why the Biden administration doesn’t recruit Trump to]“go to Mississippi and do a public service ad, or do something out there telling people to get vaccinated.” As if Trump would do anything at the request of the President that he has been yammering about for months, saying that he isn’t really the President. Turner reminds Thiessen that Trump “could also do that on his own” and that he doesn’t need “to wait for a formal invitation from the White House.”

I hope no one is holding their breath for Trump to visit Mississippi to help their residents get vaccinated and avoid severe illness and death. That would take time away from his golfing and his cult rallies where he pays tribute to himself, insults his critics, and perpetuates the “Big Lie: that the election was stolen from him. And everybody knows that those are his only priorities. He can’t be bothered with saving lives.

UPDATE: Press Secretary Jen Psaki makes it abundantly clear what the outreach program is all about:

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Fox News Court Jester Callously Insults People Injured During Trump’s Insurrection

A few weeks ago Fox “News” debuted “Gutfeld,” an alleged “comedy” program that they positioned as their answer to The Daily Show or the network late night offerings from Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, and Jimmy Fallon. It would have been considered a bizarre departure for a news network, but fortunately, no one really considers Fox to be one of those.

Fox News Bozo

Guess what? Fox is also not a comedy network. And Greg Gutfeld is only a comedian if you think that crude mockery of people who are disadvantaged or suffering is funny. As a committed elitist, he has still not learned one of the most basic principles of comedy: You do not punch down. And he regards jokes about child abuse, drug addiction, and Alzheimer’s as comedy gold.

On Wednesday Gutfeld led his program with a monologue that mined the same sort of cruelty that is the hallmark of his character, or lack thereof. The subject was Trump’s January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C. On that day more than a hundred police officers were injured, some with permanent disabilities. At least three are deceased. They were protecting America’s seat of democratic government, but their sacrifices have been dismissed by Republicans who refuse to investigate what happened and why.

In addition to the police and the members of Congress, journalists were among the victims. They were also, therefore, the targets of Gutfeld’s wrath. His monologue (video below) attacked reporters who are now struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder caused by Trump’s Capitol Hill rioters. He callously belittles the emotionally bruising experience saying of reporters that…

“Apparently seeing a clown in a Viking hat knocking over a bottle of white-out on Dick Durban’s desk is tantamount to being mauled by ISIS in your kitchen.” [and that] “They’re more distraught than the Kardashians during a silicon [sic] shortage.”

Like many in the Trumpian/Fox News World, the rioters who violently assaulted the police, bashed in the doors and windows of the Congress, vandalized property with feces, and chanted about killing Nancy Pelosi and hanging Mike Pence, were invisible. Gutfeld refuses to acknowledge that reality, while characterizing the rioters who assaulted reporters and destroyed their equipment as merely “A group of largely unarmed housewives and dads.”

Gutfeld goes on to sarcastically dismiss the injuries of the journalists. He refers to them contemptuously as “these poor souls” and maligns them for thinking that January 6th was worse than 9/11. But that’s a notion that Gutfeld applied to everyone because a single reporter drew an association. Gutfeld quoted Matthew Dowd saying that…

“To me, though there was less loss of life on January 6, January 6 was worse than 9/11, because it’s continued to rip our country apart and give permission for people to pursue autocratic means.”

Which is an excellent point. Dowd wasn’t saying the loss of life was worse, but that the aftermath socially was. Gutfeld completely missed the point that after 9/11, the country came together to console and to heal and to seek to respond to the assault on America. But after January 6th, conservatives like Gutfeld sought only to divide the nation and defend the perpetrators who attacked it, as well as the citizens who condemned the attack. Trump confessed his “love” for the rioters. And others at Fox News, like Tucker Carlson, denied and/or excused the violence.

And remember, to Gutfeld and his Fox News confederates, all of this was hysterically funny. Dead and maimed cops, traumatized congressional representatives and their staffs, emotionally scarred journalists, were all the innocent targets of his vicious and infantile sense of humor. A regular laugh riot.

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Hannity and Dershowitz Display Their Utter Ignorance and Disrespect for the Constitution

On Wednesday Donald Trump announced that he intends to file a lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Google, and their executives for not allowing him to disseminate dangerously inflammatory lies. It’s a laughably pathetic legal stunt populated by a clown show of disreputable attorneys making preposterous arguments.

Fox News Sean Hannity

Trump’s lawsuit has been recognized by most legal experts as a frivolous abuse of the court system that is aimed more at fleecing his cult followers than prevailing in court. But undeterred by rational legal analysis, Fox News jumped eagerly into supporting Trump’s futile legal antics. On Wednesday evening Sean Hannity invited Alan Dershowitz to comment on the litigation. Dershowitz was a member of Trump’s impeachment defense team, so his prejudices and intellectual deficiencies are apparent. However, he was truly skirting the edges of coherence when he engaged in this exchange with Hannity:

Hannity: Seems like a strong case. But obviously nothing is a slam dunk.
Dershowitz: This is the most important First Amendment case of the 21st century, and it’s important because it pits freedom of speech on the one hand against the First Amendment on the other hand. That may sound paradoxical, but remember, it’s the high tech giants that are banning freedom of speech. They are censoring. But they are claiming the right to do so under the First Amendment. So they’re using the First Amendment as a sword against freedom of speech.

First of all, Hannity’s assertion that Trump has a “strong case” is contrary to reality. Not only does the case fail on legal grounds, it was filed in in the wrong jurisdiction – Florida rather than California – and may be dismissed on that alone. That’s just more proof that this is a charade for profit and that Trump and his lawyers don’t have any real intention of winning.

As for Dershowitz, he is making it hard to believe that he was ever regarded as a constitutional scholar. He began his remarks by portraying the case as “the most important First Amendment case of the 21st century,” when it isn’t actually a First Amendment case at all. For it to be a First Amendment case there would have to be government involvement in suppression of free speech. But Trump’s targets are all private companies. Trump’s lawyers are trying to claim that the social media companies are “government actors,” but that’s an imaginary label with no legal validity.

Where Dershowitz goes off the rails entirely is the nonsense that the “high tech giants” are claiming First Amendment protection to censor Trump. They are not. They have never asserted a First Amendment protection because they aren’t being suppressed by the government. What’s more, they have every right to monitor what appears on their websites. By Dershowitz’s standards, I should be able to force Fox News to give me airtime every night.

Furthermore, they are not “banning freedom of speech.” Trump, as he has said himself, has many opportunities to express himself, some of which he has claimed are superior to the companies he’s suing. “I’m really getting the big word out,” Trump bragged, “because we’re doing releases. And every time I do a release it’s all over the place. It’s more elegant than Twitter.”

Once again, Trump opens his big mouth and undermines his own arguments. In fact, his “releases” are actually undermining the entire premise of his lawsuit. Every time he makes incendiary statements about how the Radical Left Democrats will “further DESTROY our Country,” and that the 2020 presidential election was disgraceful and corrupt and “RIGGED and STOLEN,” he’s affirming the decisions by the social media platforms to remove his violence inciting account. So the more he keeps talking, the better. (Geez, I never thought I’d say that).

And meanwhile…

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Crybaby Trump Files Asinine ‘1st Amendment’ Lawsuit Against Twitter, Facebook, and Google

Last week Trump’s spokes shill tweeted that Trump would “make a huge announcement” on Wednesday, July 7, 2021. That day has come and the announcement is living down to the expectations that most people have for the one-term, twice-impeached, former reality TV game show host who is indisputably America’s biggest loser.

Donald Trump, Constitution

From his Bedminster, New Jersey golf resort, Trump delivered a nearly hour long address to reveal his intention to file a lawsuit against “Big Tech” companies, Twitter, Facebook, and Google. Make no mistake, this alleged litigation (there is no evidence yet that it’s been filed) is driven purely by Trump’s voracious ego and thirst for revenge.

After having his accounts on social media suspended for blatant violations of their terms of service, Trump is proposing to exploit the courts to punish the private companies who took responsible actions to stem his inflammatory rhetoric. He already incited a deadly insurrection in Washington, D.C., on January 6th, and he is continuing his bellicose “Big Lie” rants that drove his glassy-eyed disciples to riot and storm the Capitol.

Trump’s tedious dissertation on his pending lawsuit was filled with bizarre and legally preposterous assertions. He starts off describing this suit as the beginning of a much bigger initiative. “We will take this battle,” he promises, “to state legislatures, to Congress, and to the ballot box.” But the whole premise of the action is ludicrous. Trump thinks that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (which protects free speech) makes social media liable as “government actors” and subject to First Amendment prohibitions against censorship:

“Once they got Section 230 they’re no longer private companies anymore in a lot of views. […] These companies have been coopted, coerced and weaponized by government and by government actors to become the enforcers of illegal, unconstitutional censorship.

Not only is Trump’s interpretation of Section 230 completely off, he is articulating a paranoid, crackpot conspiracy theory that social media companies are in cahoots with the feds to silence him. Like his unhinged raving about election fraud, there is no evidence of these allegations either. But that doesn’t stop him from spouting off incoherently (video below) Some excerpts follow:

“Today, in conjunction with the America First Policy Institute, I’m filing as the lead class representative a major class action lawsuit against the big tech giants, including Facebook, Google, and Twitter, as well as their CEOs Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai, and Jack Dorsey. Three real nice guys. We’re asking the district court for the Southern District of Florida to order an immediate halt to social media companies’ illegal, shameful censorship of the American people. And that’s exactly what they’re doing.

We’re demanding an end to the shadow-banning, a stop to the silencing, a stop to the blacklisting, banishing, and canceling that you know so well. Our case will prove this censorship is unlawful, it’s unconstitutional, and it’s completely un-American. We all know that. We know that very, very well. Our lawsuit also seeks injunctive relief to allow prompt restitution.”

Trump didn’t cite a single legal principle to support his claims. That’s because he can’t. The Constitution’s First Amendment prohibits government censorship. Hence the wording that “Congress shall make no law […] abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” Trump actually undermines his case by bragging about all the avenues of speech he has available to him that he insists are successful (they aren’t).

“We’re in a fight, we’re in a fight that we’re going to win. So many people have said to me, ‘Please sir, do something about big tech. Sue them, sir. Sue them.’ And they’ve been saying it to me for a long time. But there has never been a better time to do it. Polling released by Scott Rasmussen, highly respected, shows that nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that big tech companies should be required to abide by the First Amendment guarantee of free speech.”

Trump always has a “sir” story wherein some beleaguered soul begs him to do something that really only benefits Trump. And his reliance on the notoriously disreputable Rasmussen for polling data doesn’t advance his legal interests. Even reputable polls are not legal arguments. Cases are decided by statute and precedent, not popularity.

“Social Media has given extraordinary power to a group of Big Tech Giants that are working with government, the mainstream media, and a large segment of a political party to silence and suppress the views of the American people. And they’ve been very, very successful at that. Not in all cases, but in many cases totally successful.”

This is more conspiracy mongering that now includes a cabal comprised of the government, tech companies, the media, and Democrats. If you ask him, Trump would probably add academia, banking, the judiciary, liberal churches, and the Girl Scouts of America.

Following his prepared, TelePrompTer remarks, Trump took questions from what was obviously an exclusive club of ultra-conservative media. Every question was framed positively for Trump, or prefaced with adoring commentary. That’s just more proof that Trump can’t be taken seriously that he cares about a free press. Which, you recall, he has repeatedly maligned in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the People.”

It’s impossible to set aside Trump’s flaming hypocrisy in all of this. After all, he’s the first one to “cancel” anyone who dares to contradict him. He is the undisputed King of Cancel Culture. He has called for dozens of boycotts of American companies. He even expressed his regret that he didn’t ban Facebook and Twitter when he mistakenly thought he could have as president. And now his buddy, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, is pushing a state law that would make it illegal for private companies to monitor their own website comments.

It’s from that perch of police state prohibition that Trump is heralding his campaign for free speech. So not only is Trump on swampy ground legally, he’s up to both of his chins in hypocrisy. This lawsuit, if it is ever actually filed, is going nowhere in hurry, according to most legal experts.

However, let’s hope that this suit isn’t dismissed before the defendants can conduct discovery. There is a wealth of information that can be acquired regarding Trump’s activities prior to, and during the insurrection, his relationships with right-wing media (Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, etc.), and efforts to unlawfully damage the commercial interests of private companies against whom he holds grudges. That should be fun.

UPDATE: It’s All About the Grift! David Corn of Mother Jones spells out the latest con.

“In typical Trumpian fashion, the cases were amateurishly cobbled together, with arguments and contentions that legal experts immediately derided. […] Trump has a long history of both threatening suits that never materialize and filing bogus cases that go nowhere.” […]

“Other than ginning up the Big Lie believers, there is another strong reason for Trump to proceed with this case: money. Lots of money. No sooner had Trump’s lawyers filed when his grift-machine kicked into action. A text message was sent to Trump supporters hitting them up for donations. “President Trump is filing a LAWSUIT against Facebook and Twitter for UNFAIR CENSORSHIP!” it proclaimed.”

UPDATE II: Judge Dismisses Trump’s Loopy Lawsuit Against Twitter for ‘Failure to Plausibly State a Claim’

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Trump World FREAKS OUT Over Jen Psaki’s Community Outreach to Promote Vaccinations

The sensitivity setting for right-wing snowflakes has long been set at abnormally low levels. It doesn’t take much more than a subtle breeze to trigger a monsoon of outrage. Anything from gross misunderstanding of Critical Race Theory to the scandalous horror of “Dandelion-Gate” can set them off for weeks on end. And don’t even mention Donald Trump losing the election due to millions of dead, Mexican voters with bamboo ballots, who got free water while waiting in line to vote.

Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

At Tuesday’s White House press briefing, press secretary Jen Psaki announced a series of five measures to promote COVID vaccinations to those who have not yet gotten theirs. While the Biden program has been pretty successful, it just missed meeting a 70% goal for vaccinations of adults 18 and over by July 4th. It got to 67% and they expect the goal to be reached in a couple of weeks.

One of the five measures announced Tuesday was a community outreach program. Psaki described it to the press corps in plain terms that were still too confusing for the Trumpists, including this Junior one:

“The President will outline five areas his team is focused on to get more Americans vaccinated. One: targeted, community-by-community, door-to-door outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.”

Uh-Oh! Not an “ANALOGY!” Psaki’s simple and unassuming proclamation was more than enough to light a fire under the Trumpian Alarmist Brigades. What appears to have incited their wrath were the frightening words “door-to-door.” Consequently, they amassed in formation at their Twitter outposts to derisively characterize the program as an evil plot akin to something out of the Third Reich.

They posted veiled threats about what they would do to anyone coming to their door. They appeared to believe that vaccines would be forced on them by government agents. They asked if those conducting the outreach would be wearing armbands. Some of them seemed to think that Psaki herself would be knocking on their door and – oh boy – was she gonna regret it.

Never mind that the statement Psaki gave was very clear that the outreach would be conducted by community members, not government agents from the basements of Washington pizza parlors. They would be recruited locally and include health professionals, clergy, educators, and local representatives.

What’s more, their purpose would be solely to provide information and answer questions. The objective of the program is to talk to those who still have concerns about getting vaccinated. This outreach would address whatever their concern is and try to refute some of the disinformation that has been disseminated by Trump and his Republican con gamers, and by the lie factory of Fox News. Everyone would still be free to make their own decisions about whether to get the shot. And just maybe some lives could be saved.

However, if you observe the reaction in Trump World it would appear that the Bolsheviks were advancing on subversive vaccine resisters to stab them with hypodermic needles full of microchips and anti-fertility drugs. It truly is a dystopian wonder to see. And it affirms just how deranged Trumpian America has become in these strange and trying times.

UPDATE: Naturally Fox News piles on with an utterly dishonest article about the community outreach program. The article quoted only Republican crackpots like Lauren Bobert, Dan Crenshaw, Thomas Massie, and Andy Biggs, making the same bogus and paranoid claims.

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Kayleigh McEnany of Fox News Lies that ‘All of Our Founding Fathers Were Against Slavery’

There is one unmistakably common characteristic of Donald Trump’s administration and particularly his press office. It was a festering morass of lies and liars. And no one did it better than his last press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany. Which is why she was so quickly hired by Fox News after Trump was booted from the White House.

Kayleigh McEnany

McEnany’s aversion to the truth has been a hallmark of her public life. Examples of her deliberate dishonesty are abundant. They run the gamut from falsely asserting that the the Mueller report was a “complete and total exoneration” of Trump, to supporting Trump’s “Big Lie” that there was “ample evidence of fraud” in the 2020 presidential election.

Now McEnany is aiming for disinformer immortality. On Tuesday’s episode of Outnumbered on Fox news, McEnany made this shockingly ignorant claim:

“The haters never take a day off from hating. That is clear. They never take a day off from getting facts wrong. We know most of our forefathers, all of our main Founding Fathers, were against slavery, recognized the evils of it.”

The segment began with McEnany bravely defending the 4th of July from “Democrats, left-wing activists, and even the media” who she said “smeared the all-American holiday.” Which of course, they didn’t do. However, her comment demonstrated the hate that she was trying to project on Democrats. You can’t call others “haters” while you’re lying about them “smearing” a patriotic holiday.

Even worse, McEnany appears to be totally unfamiliar with American history. While accusing the left of “getting facts wrong,” she takes a million mile detour from the factual world. The truth about America’s Founding Fathers may be difficult for her and others to admit, but it isn’t in dispute. Most of them were “owners” of enslaved men, women and children. And those who weren’t tolerated the practice in order to hold the newly formed union together.

This is typical of how Fox News warps reality to stuff their square racist peg into their round white supremacist hole. They simply don’t care about facts that conflict with their pre-determined narrative. And they obviously know that their audience doesn’t care either, or is too stupid to tell the difference. But you can count on this appeal to bigotry and ignorance to be featured throughout the coming midterm elections and into the next presidential cycle. It is the only thing they have to run on.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Twitter Must Stop Letting Trump Flout Ban By Allowing His Flunkies to Tweet for Him

It has been six months since Donald Trump was banished from Twitter due to his reckless and relentless lies about election fraud. Twitter imposed the ban on January 8th, two days after Trump’s deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill, saying that “we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.”

Donald Trump, Twitter

In the six months since his suspension Trump has actually escalated his reckless rhetoric. He continues to make purposefully inflammatory comments online and at his cult rallies (where he sometimes does himself more harm than good). These remarks serve to encourage his glassy-eyed disciples to “stand by” for his prophesized political resurrection.

Trump has managed to maintain an online presence despite his exile from social media sites such as Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. Although much of it has demonstrated his infamous capacity for failure. For instance, his attempt to launch an online blog was shut down in less than a month. And GETTR, the new alt-Twitter by his former aide, Jason Miller, is off to a less than impressive start.

However, none of that has deterred the Trump camp from pursuing his aspirations of messianic tyranny. And Twitter is helping them to advance that nightmarish goal.

In lieu of tweeting, Trump has been putting out press releases with the same lie-filled histrionics that are identical to what he used to tweet. And those messages are being disseminated to the Twitter-verse by ultra-rightist pseudo media sites like Breitbart and Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN).

More troubling are the posts by Trump’s official spokesperson, Liz Harrington. Her Twitter account is rife with reposts of Trump’s press releases. In two days she tweeted his ravings at least ten times. They included promotional notices for Trump’s cult rallies, along with such dishonest and maniacal missives as…

Harrington is posting these incendiary outbursts despite Twitter’s stated policy of prohibiting anyone from attempting to circumvent a suspension. Harrington, RSBN, and others are in flagrant violation of Twitter policies that call for suspension of the violator. Twitter needs to enforce their rules without prejudice or preference. Otherwise the rules are meaningless. And in Trump’s case, potentially dangerous.

On the plus side, Harrington. like most Trump sycophants, isn’t particularly gifted with respect to smarts. One of her tweets linked to an article that she casually skimmed and reposted because it referenced the attendance at Trump’s Sarasota cult rally. What she apparently didn’t notice was that it’s lede also explicitly refuted Trump’s “Big Lie,” saying that “There has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would have affected the outcome of the election.”

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

CNN’s Killer Video Mash Up: Tucker Carlson is the New Alex Jones

There was some optimistic speculation a few months ago that with the exile of Donald Trump from the White House, the right-wing mouthpieces in the media who supported him would settle down and seek to moderate their flagrant sycophancy and propaganda. As it turns out, that speculation was way too optimistic.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones

If anything, the rightward drift at outlets like Fox News became even more extremist in the post-Trumpian world. This was a predictable path for the fundamentalist conservatives at Fox News. The CEO even publicly declared that being the opposition is “what our job is now with the Biden administration.” And the result is that Fox News is now a network that is indistinguishable from the wildest crackpot outposts on the Internet.

CNN’s media analysts, Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy, noticed this and put together a video mash up that illustrated just how far down the rabid hole Fox’s top primetime host, Tucker Carlson, had descended. The video (posted below) neatly juxtaposed comments by Carlson with nearly identical comments by freakazoid Alex Jones. For instance…

Carlson: The NSA has been reading our emails.”
Jones: It’s not that I think the government spies on me. It’s admitted that they do.

Carlson: It’s a lie to say there are no risks. There are risks in everything. Including in getting a vaccine.
Jones: Everybody’s got family that got killed or got sick from a vaccine.

Carlson: So FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol on January 6th, according to government documents.
Jones: It overwhelming the evidence that criminal elements of the federal government provocateured and staged January 6th.

What each of those clips have in common is the demented ravings of unhinged lunacy. Neither Carlson nor Jones can support what they’re disgorging with anything resembling a fact. Following the mash up, Stelter asked Darcy “Is it a stretch to say that Tucker Carlson is the new Alex Jones?” to which Darcy replied…

“Tucker Carlson is the new Alex Jones. If you watch Tucker Carlson’s program, and you watch Alex Jones’ program, they might differ a little bit in antics and the way they deliver their message, but that message to viewers is consistent. And it’s pretty identical.

Whether it’s talking about vaccine conspiracy theories, false flag conspiracy theories, deep state conspiracy theories. The messages that Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones are sending are the same. […] These far-right conspiracy theories, they used to be confined to the Infowars section on the Internet. You used to have to seek them out.”

The overriding theme is that both Carlson and Jones are among the media’s foremost promoters of utterly baseless, and demonstrably dangerous, conspiracy nutballery. And they share that compulsion to spread reckless lies with their messiah, Donald Trump, whose “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him just gets more deranged with every passing day.

Carlson has taken sides with Jones before. As recently as February he was defending Jones – along with Vladimir Putin and the Proud Boys – as truthtellers. At this rate Alex Jones should be getting his own show on Fox News by August, just in time to report on Trump’s imaginary return to the White House.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Confesses to Tax Crimes At His Cult Rally and Blurts Out His Propaganda Tactics

It’s comforting to know that you can always count on Donald Trump to be stupid enough to publicly confess his blatantly criminal activities. For example, he did so prior to his impeachment when he admitted to pressuring the President of Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden. Or when he openly talked about using the military budget to bribe voters. Or when he threatened to withhold federal funds from states that facilitated mail-in voting.

Donald Trump, Prison

Trump is a perpetual confession machine. After all, this is the same guy who publicly stated that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any support. Which is really an insult to his own moronic and glassy-eyed followers. But he may have stabbed himself and his family in the heart at his cult rally in Sarasota, Florida on Saturday.

The Trump Organization was just indicted on multiple criminal charges of tax fraud and evasion. Ordinarily an intelligent person – or one with a competent lawyer whose law license hasn’t been suspended – would keep his mouth shut to avoid making matters worse. But “Trump” and “intelligent” are two words that have never gone together. So at his rally Trump exposed himself (no, not that way) to serious legal liability by explicitly admitting that he’s guilty of the charges against him saying that…

“They go after good, hard working people for not paying taxes on a company car. ‘You didn’t pay tax on the car or a company apartment. You used an apartment because you need an apartment because you have to travel too far where your house is. You didn’t pay tax, or education for your grandchildren.’ I don’t even know what do you have to put? Does anybody know the answer to that stuff?”

First of all, the charges have nothing to do with a few bucks for a company car or apartment. They allege millions of dollars of payments for personal cars, apartments, and other expenditures that were deliberately left off the books in order to cheat the IRS. And Trump’s public pronouncement that “I don’t even know what do you have to put,” is both an admission of guilt and a great example of ignorance of the law not being a defense. And yes, many people “know the answer to that stuff.”

However, that wasn’t the only bomb Trump dropped on himself at the rally. He is so confident of his disciples devotion that he described to them the precise methods he uses to deceive them, saying that…

“There’s a word – disinformation. If you say it enough and keep saying it – just keep saying – They’ll start to believe you. We can’t let that happen. […] It is such a disaster what these people do. It’s disinformation. They say it again and again and again. And after months and months of hearing it – and we have no free press anymore. The free press is truly gone. Other than a few sources, it’s gone. So they get away with this stuff. We cannot let it happen.”

This sounds disturbingly like an attempt to hypnotize his audience. He not only explains the propaganda tactics he uses, but he drives it home “again and again and again.” Which he has indeed been doing for months, years actually. And he cements the doctrinal belief system by, once again, maligning the media to make sure that his cult doesn’t believe anyone but him. Which is the prime contributor to why the United States finished dead last in a recent survey of international press freedom.

The current charges against the Trump Organization in New York are likely to be just the opening shot. Plus Trump is being investigated by authorities in Georgia and Washington, D.C. as well. And as long as he continues to open his big mouth about his criminal activities, he’s going to be paddling himself further up the proverbial creek. And that goes for his blabbering son too:

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.