Is Trump Ditching Loser Lawyer Alina Habba to Appeal the $83 Million E Jean Carroll Judgment?

It was just a matter of time. Following last week’s historic $83.3 million judgment against Donald Trump for sexually assaulting and defaming writer E. Jean Carroll, Trump is maneuvering to shift the blame for his own despicable actions away from himself and unto any handy patsy within arm’s reach. Unfortunately for his attorney, Alina Habba, she happened to nearby.

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

Trump’s notorious tendency to throw allies under the bus speeding, out of control freight train, ought to give anyone considering working with him pause. That’s especially true for lawyers, who he is known to stiff after they have provided their services (just ask Rudy Giuliani). Which in some sense is understandable since he generally refuses to heed their legal advice anyway. Particularly if it involves advising him to keep his fat mouth shut to avoid making things worse.

SEE THIS: Fearful Trump Unleashes a Flurry of Frantic Posts Attacking His Rape Victim, E. Jean Carroll

In the wake of the massive Carroll judgment, Trump continues to pretend that others are responsible for his legal tribulations. In a post-midnight comment on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, Trump posted what appears to be a help wanted ad for new legal representation. He is either terminating Habba, or bringing in reinforcements due to her obvious incompetence. The post began…

“I am in the process, along with my team, of interviewing various law firms to represent me in an Appeal of one of the most ridiculous and unfair Witch Hunts our Country has ever seen – The defamation Sham presided over by a Clinton appointed, highly partisan, Trump Hating Judge, Lewis Kaplan, who was, together with certain other Radical Left Democrat Judges, one of the most partisan and out of control activists that I have ever appeared before.”

This is a rare example of Trump making a good decision. Throughout the Carroll case Habba demonstrated that she was wholly unqualified to defend Trump in the matter. She did little more than screw up the defense and antagonize the judge and jury. While Trump doesn’t directly criticize Habba, his search for new lawyers says clearly enough that he was less than satisfied.

Habba didn’t help herself after the judgment when she filed a letter with the court citing a story in Rupert Murdoch’s disreputable New York Post that said Judge Lewis Kaplan had “mentored” Carroll’s attorney, Roberta Kaplan. Habba called the situation “insane and so incestuous,” and alleged that it was an ethics violation. Attorney Kaplan responded, saying that the “allegations are utterly baseless,” and suggested that she might seek sanctions against Habba. That resulted in Habba quickly retreating, essentially asserting the legal equivalent of Emily Litella’s precedent setting “Never mind!.”

Meanwhile, Trump is also lashing out at Judge Kaplan in a manner that is typical of the world’s biggest crybaby and perennial victim. Anyone who does anything that reflects negatively on Trump is robo-tagged as a “highly partisan, Trump Hating…Radical Left Democrat,” engaging in “ridiculous and unfair Witch Hunts.” But Trump went even further to rage that Judge Kaplan was…

“…a ‘bully’ who demanded two trials, rather than one, denied me Due Process, would not allow me to put forth vital evidence (of which there was much!), and only allowed me to be on the witness stand for minutes, telling my lawyer what to ask, and telling me to only give one word answers, as his wife and friends sat in cordoned off front row seats watching with glee.”

Let’s take a moment to set the record straight here…

  • The judge did not demand two trials. That was Trump’s doing by first defaming Carroll, then, after losing the first lawsuit, defaming her again. Which led to the second hearing.
  • Trump was not denied due process. He was given a fair hearing before a jury of his peers, that complied with established legal procedure, and with his chosen counsel representing him.
  • He was not allowed to present evidence because this wasn’t a trial to determine guilt or innocence. That was established in the first trial. This hearing was only to ascertain what, if any, additional damages would be awarded as a result of his continued offenses.
  • He could have given more testimony, so long as it was in compliance with the court’s rules and not an effort to relitigate the case or dispense campaign propaganda. His lawyer chose to ask only three questions, probably to avoid giving the plaintiff’s attorney more opportunities during cross examination.
  • He was never instructed to give one word answers.
  • Who cares who was in the courtroom and whether they were enjoying themselves? That has nothing to do with the proceedings or the judgment. Most of America was likely experiencing some measure of glee.

Trump closed with a peculiar conclusion that actually contains a morsel of insight…

“This entire HOAX is a disgrace to our American System of Justice. Any lawyer who takes a TRUMP CASE is either ‘CRAZY,’ or a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT. I will make my decision soon!”

The truth is that Trump himself is “a disgrace to our American System of Justice.” Not to mention our system of politics. However, given the choice that he presents as to the status of his lawyers, it’s a pretty safe bet that most people would regard anyone who represents Trump, knowing what we know about him, would have to be “CRAZY.”


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BLAMING THE VICTIMS: Fox News Trump-Fluffer Blames DEI for the Deaths of U.S. Soldiers in Jordan

Leave it to Fox News to grotesquely exploit any and every opportunity to malign President Biden, Democrats, and the foundational principles of fairness and decency that the majority of Americans cherish. Those principles are anathema to the MAGA cult, and Fox News is always ready to pacify their animosity.

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Fox News, Maria Bartiromo, Donald Trump

Last week a drone attack on an American military installation in Jordan took the lives of three soldiers stationed there. It was a brutal and unprovoked assault that the Iranian backers of the perpetrators will soon regret. Unfortunately, here at home Fox News is taking their “Blame America First” position that they have taken many times before in similar circumstances. It’s a position that they have adopted from their Dear Leader, Donald Trump…

SEE THIS: Trump’s ‘Blame America First’ MAGA GOP Aims Their Fire at Biden Rather than Hamas Terrorists

On Monday morning, Fox’s Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, interviewed MAGA Republican Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX). Their predictably prejudiced political punditry was rife with disparagement of President Biden. Pfluger attributed responsibility for the attack on what he falsely claimed was Biden’s “weakness.” Never mind that it is Republicans and Fox News who have been purposefully telegraphing a false message of American weakness to our enemies, in effect encouraging them them to launch attacks. But even worse was their attack on the deceased heroes that they were pretending to care about.

Pfluger: It’s the weakness that invites that aggression.
Bartiromo: Well, maybe they’re focused too much on DEI. There’s a concern at the FBI because they’re dropping the FBI special agent requirements in the name of DEI. I’m just wondering if that has anything to do with missing an important drone that just killed three of our heroes.

Bartiromo’s suggestion that DEI programs – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – played a role in the soldiers’ deaths is straight-up racism. She and her GOP confederates are repulsed by the idea of treating people with unbiased respect. And they regard such treatment as special favors for inferiors. Which is apparently what they think of the soldiers who died and their brothers and sisters stationed with them.

As if that weren’t bad enough, Bartiromo is also displaying her pitiful ignorance by asserting that lowered requirements for FBI special agents had anything to do with this. First of all, even if the FBI is being more cognizant of DEI, that is not lowering their requirements at all. Secondly, the FBI has no responsibility for the security of military posts outside of the country.

More to the point, Bartiromo is blaming the deceased heroes for their own deaths. It is notable that the three soldiers who were killed were all Black. Which probably contributed to her implying that, due to DEI, they were too incompetent to perform their duties properly. That is not only a vicious lie, it is grossly insensitive, disrespectful, and unpatriotic.

Then again, that’s Fox News for you. They are nothing if not flaming hypocrites. Bartiromo and her audience might be interested in what the Fox News Corporate Responsibility Report says.

SEE ALSO: UH-OH: Wait Until the GOP / Trump Cult Finds Out How Ultra Woke FOX News Is

In addition to boasting that the company is “committed to diversity from the very top,” the report says that…

Our Preventing Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Policy protects individuals on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, family status, caregiver status, sex (including pregnancy status, childbirth, breastfeeding, and related medical conditions), gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, sexual and reproductive health decisions, reproductive health decision-making, hair texture or hairstyles, military or veteran status, political affiliation, arrest or conviction record, union membership, unemployment status, credit history, status as a victim of domestic violence, stalking or sexual offenses, or any other legally protected characteristic.

Gee… It’s almost as if Fox News corporation supports the sort of equity and civil rights that they vilify on the air 24/7. Too bad their hosts, guests, and viewers, don’t know anything about that.


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Smartmatic: OAN Engaged in Potentially Criminal Activities with Trump Attorney Sidney Powell

The MAGA media confederation has suffered monumental losses lately. Particularly harsh was the 3/4 of a billion dollar judgment against Fox News for defaming Dominion Voting Systems. But that was just the beginning. Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News (OAN) remain at risk in several other pending lawsuits related to their promulgation of Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged and stolen” from him.

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Donald Trump, OAN

Among the pending lawsuits is one by the voting software company, Smartmatic, against OAN. The Trump-fluffing propaganda outlet virulently attacked the company, charging falsely that they deliberately developed their software so that it could be hacked by nefarious Democratic operatives to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden. Even though they knew that it wasn’t true.

SEE THIS: WATCH: OAN Concedes that ‘There Was No Widespread Voter Fraud’ to Settle Defamation Lawsuit

Now there is further evidence of the conspiracy concocted by OAN and the Trump legal team. A new court filing by Smartmatic reveals that its president, Charles Herring, engaged in a suspicious email exchange with Trump attorney, Sidney Powell. As reported by CNN

“In the wake of the 2020 election, the president of the far-right network One America News sent a potentially explosive email to former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell, with a spreadsheet claiming to contain passwords of employees from the voting technology company Smartmatic, according to court filings. […]

“Lawyers from Smartmatic told a federal judge that the email, and the attached spreadsheet, suggest OAN executives ‘may have engaged in criminal activities’ because they ‘appear to have violated state and federal laws regarding data privacy.'”

This allegation appears to affirm the unsavory relationship between OAN and the Trump campaign clan. It’s a relationship that also includes, Christina Bobb, an attorney who worked for both Trump and as a correspondent for OAN. As part of her duties for Trump she signed off on the confirmation to the FBI that all of the materials, including classified documents, that Trump had improperly taken to Mar-a-Lago had been accounted for and returned. That was not true.

SEE ALSO: Trump’s TV Lawyer Keeps Contradicting His (Variable) Excuses for Hoarding Classified Materials

Now the bonds between Trump and OAN have been drawn even tighter. If the president of the company was conspiring with the Trump legal team to gain access to Smartmatic machines, or the accounts of their employees, or to disseminate the means of that access, they are potentially liable for criminal charges.

That will eventually come out when this case goes to trial, if it goes to trial. OAN has already settled with two poll workers who sued them for defamation. And they have tried to distance themselves from the flagrant lies perpetrated by obsessive election denier, Mike Lindell of MyPillow fame. But any settlement is likely to bankrupt them.

OAN has far fewer resources than Fox News. Who, by the way, are also facing a lawsuit by Smartmatic. So with the upcoming litigation involving Smartmatic, and Trump’s multiple indictments, there are some interesting times ahead for Trump and his purveyors of propaganda. Stay tuned.


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Trump The Clown Performs His Infamous Biden Imitation for His Adoring and Glassy-Eyed Cult Fans

The alleged appeal of Donald Trump has always been his ability to amuse a profoundly undiscriminating sector of the electorate that finds infantile jokes and rampant profanity to be entertaining. He long ago admitted that he loves the poorly educated and aims his rancid rhetoric directly at them. It’s a skillset that he developed while hosting a reality TV game show as his preparation for the presidency.

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Donald Trump, Pennywise

Throughout his occupation of the White House, and well into his current campaign to return thereto, Trump has performed a like circus clown for his dazzled audience of devotees. He does this primarily to keep them distracted from the fact that he lacks any of the requisite experience or intellect to function as a political leader. He couldn’t care less about governing, because he’s too consumed with enriching and exalting himself. Or trying to avoid civil and criminal liability for his multitude of crimes.

SEE THIS: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

On Saturday Trump delivered a speech to his cult followers in Nevada. It was just another rehashing of the same tedious talking points he has been disgorging for months (years). However, he did offer an allegedly comedic diversion to the delight of his disciples. In the middle of his routine raging, Trump lashed out at President Biden saying that…

“His speeches last for about 3 minutes cause you know his gasoline sort of runs out a little bit. It’s a little bit like an electric car, isn’t it. It doesn’t go far. It doesn’t go far. It’s got a couple of problems. It doesn’t go far. No, but I finished his speech. I did this great imitation. You know he always points like, huh. And then he walks in a different direction. But I did it He goes like, huh.”

Trump is, of course, lying. Biden often speaks for an hour or more. And without resorting to name-calling or disseminating disinformation about cars – or the economy, or the border, or healthcare, or Russia, or civil rights, or pretty much everything else Trump talks about. The truth is that it’s Trump’s attention span that runs out of gas after about three minutes, and he has to change the channel to Fox News and order another bucket of KFC.

Trump then staged what he says is his “great imitation” of Biden. That consists of Trump turning his back on the audience and walking into the wall behind him. What could be funnier? And what could be more blatantly projection by someone who is actually in a severe cognitive decline? It’s so obvious that even Biden noticed his mixing up of Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi

Trump later brought up what he regards as one of his proudest moments – supposedly passing a test to detect early onset dementia. But it wasn’t enough for him to brag about his own imaginary mental acuity, he also had to disparage his own supporters…

And still they eat it up. That’s how cults work. The followers believe only what Dear Leader tells them, even if it’s how stupid they are. Which only makes it more imperative that the rest of us work furiously to insure that Biden beats Trump again in November. The alternative would be four more years of asinine posturing and clown acts.


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After Losing $83 Million, Big Mouth Trump Hasn’t Made a Single New Attack on E. Jean Carroll

This week there was a historic event in the annals of American law and politics. For the second time in history a former president of the United States, Donald Trump, was found liable for sexual assault and defamation. He was ordered to pay the woman he assaulted, E. Jean Carroll, $83.3 million. Trump was also the perpetrator, and Carroll the victim, the first time this happened, just last year.

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

Clearly Trump is an incorrigible, recidivist criminal who has no respect for the law, or for women, and believes that he has the right to commit whatever crimes he wants without consequences. He has said so explicitly.

SEE THIS: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

Despite Trump’s psychotic compulsion to vilify his perceived enemies, this latest legal smackdown might have finally stilled his slanderous tongue. For months he has been viciously attacking Carroll on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. For the most part, his posts have not sought to make a case for his innocence. They have been blatantly derogatory and insulting and intended solely to tarnish Carroll’s reputation. They reached back into the distant past to grab out-of-context quotes that he distorts in order to falsely portray her as a loose woman. Which he seems to believe would justify assaulting her. On several occasions Trump unleashed 30, 40, or more of these malicious messages in the span of an hour or two.

SEE ALSO: Fearful Trump Unleashes a Flurry of Frantic Posts Attacking His Rape Victim, E. Jean Carroll

However, in the hours since the jury returned their multimillion dollar penalty, Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet online. He posted a single comment whining that he disagreed with the judgment, then went silent on the subject. Although that one comment was loaded with ludicrous commentary…

Don’t expect Trump to continue holding his fire against Carroll. He has zero self-control and his infantile and hostile tendencies can always be relied upon to reemerge. In the mean time, Trump is reprising that old, reliable, right-wing scare tactic of millions of malevolent migrants invading America to steal your jobs and vote for Democrats. He posted a comment raging that…

“Just 3 years ago we had the strongest and safest Border in U.S. History. Today we have a catastrophe waiting to happen. It is the WORST BORDER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, an open wound in our once great Country. TERRORISTS ARE POURING IN, UNCHECKED, FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. There is now a 100% chance that there will be MAJOR TERROR ATTACKS IN THE USA. CLOSE THE BORDER!”

Got that? Trump claims, without a shred of evidence, that we went from the best ever to worst ever border. And has anyone run into any of those terrorists who are “pouring in, unchecked”? And of course Trump is predicting a “100% chance that there will be MAJOR TERROR ATTACKS IN THE USA.” That’s more of a hope on his part. Just like he hopes the economy will crash, and civil war will break out.

MORE HERE: On Fox News Jessica Tarlov Summarizes the Success of Bidenomics that the Media Refuses to Cover

Trump followed up that post with four more comments about border issues, including one that sought to sabotage the bipartisan immigration bill that is currently being negotiated in the Senate. And naturally his perspective was fraught with animus and ignorance…

It’s cute that Trump thinks that the judgment against him is a “witch hunt” directed by President Biden. Because all that does is reveal that that Biden fella keeps winning. Proving that he’s pretty sharp for a guy that Trump and the GOP say is mentally impaired. If Biden, according to Trump & Co., is a senile communist who can’t put two sentences together, what does that say about Trump and the MAGA Klan that keep losing to him?

UPDATE: 48 hours later and, other than reposting a Breitbart article, Trump has still not mentioned the Carroll judgment himself online or in his campaign speech in Nevada.

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HE’S TOTALLY UNHINGED: Nikki Haley’s Fox News Hit on Trump Would Make a Great Ad – For Democrats

The 2024 Republican presidential primary continues to generate heat with the field narrowing to just the former reality TV game show host, Donald Trump, and Trump’s former U.N. ambassador, Nikki Haley. The two GOP candidates are starting to take harder swings at one another as they seek to draw support from the remaining Republican voters who haven’t been alienated by the MAGA cult and other right-wing extremists.

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Donald Trump TV Set

For his part, Trump is hammering at Haley, in his typically infantile manner, as a “birdbrain” who doesn’t have what it takes to lead the nation. Never mind that he is wrought with fear and desperation resulting from his mounting political and legal tribulations. He is so consumed with anxiety that he can’t pause to appreciate the primary wins he had in Iowa and New Hampshire.

SEE THIS: Even After Winning, Trump Has a Post-Primary Meltdown, Attacking Friends and Foes and Fox News

Haley, on the other hand. is taking advantage of Trump’s psychotic stupor by focusing on his obvious cognitive malfunctions. That includes his confusing Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. However, Haley went even further in an interview on Fox News to highlight the more substantive failures of Trump’s administration during his occupation of the White House. In an exchange with Fox’s Dana Perino (formerly George W. Bush’s press secretary), Haley slammed Trump (video below):

Perino: Ronna McDaniel, the head of the Republican National Committee, on Tuesday night she said that she thinks you should get out of the race. Have you spoken to her?
Haley: I let her know how disappointed I was. Let’s look at the last 48 hours. First of all you had election night. Trump gets on stage and he throws an absolute temper tantrum, talking about revenge. But he says nothing about the American people. Nothing about what he’s gonna do about the wasteful spending that he encouraged and allowed the Republicans and Democrats to do in his term. He said nothing about how he’s gonna secure the border and what he’s going to do different that he didn’t do when he was president before. He said nothing about how he’s going to prevent war.

That’s a pretty comprehensively damning statement of how utterly Trump betrayed the most prominent planks of his political platform. From the economy, to the border, to foreign policy, Trump failed. And her remarks can easily be compiled into a scathing advertisement by Democrats during the general election. And just to add icing to this cake, Haley points out how destructive Trump is to the Republican Party as he aspires to be their authoritarian master:

Haley: Then he goes and says that he’s going to ban anyone from MAGA that donates to me. Think about that. That’s a president who’s supposed to serve every person in America, and you’re deciding that you’re going to have a club and actually ban people from being in and out of your club. And then he goes and encourages the members of the RNC and tries to push them into saying that he’s the nominee in the race. I mean, they got so much pushback that he had to backtrack. He’s totally unhinged.

Trump’s unhingedness has been apparent to most Americans for years. It’s astonishing that more Republicans haven’t recognized it, and that everything Trump does is for Trump. He couldn’t care less about his followers, or his political confederates, or the Party, or the nation. You either worship him unwaveringly, or you’re banished. Marjorie Taylor Green made that point explicitly. And that’s what was behind the proposal by the Republican National Committee to summarily declare that Trump their nominee before the vast majority of people even voted. And to no one’s surprise, he lied about that as well:

However, Democrats should be grateful that Haley provided such a searing condemnation of Trump, who is likely to be the GOP’s candidate in the fall. They should put that ad together and be prepared to air it frequently. And Haley isn’t the only Republican who is inadvertently producing ads for Democrats…

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Trump Whines that He Can’t Show an E. Jean Carroll CNN Clip that He Falsely Says Exonerates Him

The hearing to determine how much more money Donald Trump will have to pay for defaming writer E. Jean Carroll resumed on Thursday morning. It was a highly anticipated event that included the possibility of Trump taking the stand to defend himself. Or more likely, to further incriminate himself and/or engage in disruptive conduct that would trigger a contempt of court charge.

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Donald Trump, E. Jean Carroll

This hearing’s purpose was solely to ascertain the amount of damages that Trump would be liable for as a result of his making additional defamatory comments after the first trial that ordered a $5 million dollar penalty for defamation and sexual assault. Trump’s inability to keep his mouth shut has always been his biggest liability.

SEE THIS: Fearful Trump Unleashes a Flurry of Frantic Posts Attacking His Rape Victim, E. Jean Carroll

Prior to the hearing, Trump posted dozens of comments on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, maligning Carroll with vicious slander and out of context quotes. Among them was one that inquired as to whether an old video clip of Carroll being interviewed by Anderson Cooper on CNN would be played for the court. It’s a bizarre request for several reasons, beginning with the fact that Trump ordinarily regards CNN as “fake news.” But now, embracing the network, Trump wrote

“Are we going to be able to show the CNN Anderson Cooper tape today which, among other things, totally exonerates me from a decades old False Accusation? THIS IS A WITCH HUNT CONCEIVED AND FUNDED BY POLITICAL OPERATIVES FOR PURPOSES OF ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!”

Let’s just set aside Trump’s tedious yammering that accurate criticism of him is “election interference,” and/or a politically driven “witch hunt.” The video that Trump is referring to was from an interview that aired on June 24, 2019, four and a half years ago. Trump posted a deceptively edited clip that left out pertinent details of Carroll’s remarks, but noted his claim that the assault “never happened,” and that Carroll “is not my type.” Which suggests that if she were his type, it definitely would have happened.

The clip was only 30 seconds of a 10 minute interview (transcript). Here is the part that Trump posted:

Cooper: You don’t feel like a victim.
Carroll: I was not thrown on the ground and ravaged. The word “rape” carries so many sexual connotations. This was not sexual.

And here’s part of what Trump left out:

Carroll: It hurt.
Cooper: I think most people think of rape as a violent assault.
Carroll: I think most people think of rape as being sexy.

Trump’s deliberate distortion of the interview sought to make Carroll appear to be denying that any assault took place. But he is, as usual, lying. In context it is clear that she was merely saying that the assault was violent in nature, rather than sexual. Which is how crime and psychology experts describe the act of rape. And she was pointing out to Cooper that many people do not understand that rape is a crime of violence.

Carroll is no way “exonerating” Trump. To the contrary, she is affirming that she was “hurt” during this forcible assault. That was established during the first trial wherein she won millions of dollars in damages. And the Judge wasn’t going to allow Trump to relitigate the case in this hearing for additional damages. In Thursday’s proceedings he made that clear to Trump and his parking lot attorney, Alina Habba. As reported by NBC News

“‘There was a trial last year regarding the truth or falsity to Ms. Carroll’s claim that Mr. Trump sexually assaulted her,’ U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan said. ‘The jury unanimously concluded that he sexually assaulted her and his claim that he did not was false and defamatory’ so Trump can’t dispute those claims now. ‘There are no do-overs,’ the judge said, adding that ‘a prior action can not be relitigated.'”

Consequently, when the judge asked if Habba had any further witnesses, she said that she did – Donald J. Trump. However, his testimony lasted all of three minutes, wherein he merely asserted that he stood by his prior deposition. But even in that short time he violated court orders to stick to the issue of damages and not present evidence from the previous trial.

It’s safe to predict that the jury is going to award Carroll the additional damages she is seeking. It’s equally safe to predict that Trump is likely going to continue shooting his mouth off and getting himself into more trouble. And that goes for this civil case, as well as all of the other criminal cases (91 felony counts so far) that are pending.


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Even After Winning, Trump Has a Post-Primary Meltdown, Attacking Friends and Foes and Fox News

The psychotic disorders driving Donald Trump are progressing rapidly toward a total mental malfunction. And one of the signs of his deterioration is that he remains consumed with outrage and vitriol, even after events that would ordinarily lift a sane person’s spirits.

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Donald Trump, Wah

On Tuesday night Trump won the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary, beating Nikki Haley by eleven points. To be sure, that was a less than impressive achievement considering that he had predicted a thirty point margin of victory, and late polling showed ahead by eighteen points. But it was victory, nonetheless, in the same disappointing vein as his triumph the week before in Iowa.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Pyrrhic Victory in Iowa Forecasts His Next Defeat When He Faces Joe Biden in November

Not content to appreciate electoral success, Trump delivered a speech that was rife with rancor and lies. He declared that he won New Hampshire in the general elections of 2016 and 2020. He didn’t. And he exhibited the sort of bitterness one would expect from a loser, which by some analysis, he is. After all, he barely got to 50% in New Hampshire. And as reported by Politico, Donald Trump has a big problem ahead.” “Forty-three43 percent of Nikki Haley supporters said they would back President Joe Biden over Trump.”

So naturally, Trump sheltered in the safety of his failing social media scam, Truth Social, to vent his frustration at not being unilaterally declared King of America. He began by taking a shot at his former press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, who now works for Fox News. She made the cardinal sin of pointing out that President Biden had “a fairly good night” in New Hampshire, and that exit polls found that “7 in 10 Nikki Haley voters said ‘I would not vote for Trump.'” Then she offered the following advice to her old boss…

“If I were Trump I’d sit back and I would exclusively focus on the general election. I’d take the posture of the presumptive nominee. I’d focus on, number one, uniting the party, and number two, getting the independents, which Nikki Haley won 55-39 percent.

That’s actually pretty good advice. But Trump wasn’t pleased by her presuming to give counsel to the all-knowing Messiah of MAGA. Especially after she made a couple of truthful observations about Biden and Haley. He snarled that…

“I don’t need any advice from RINO Kayleigh McEnany on Fox. Just had a GIANT VICTORY over a badly failing candidate, ‘Birdbrain,’ and she’s telling me what I can do better. Save your advice for Nikki!”

That’s how Trump responds to friendly suggestions from people who were loyal confederates. It is evidence of a deeply disturbed and despondent personality who knows that he is trouble both politically, and even more worrisome, legally.

But he wasn’t through raging. He posted another couple of comments that displayed his seething anger and cognitive collapse. In a 12:43 AM post he complained “Here at Haley HQ in Concord, they are playing CNN on the big Screen.” Heaven forbid! But just two minutes later he whined that “CNN & MSDNC TREATED MY BIG, DOUBLE DIGIT VICTORY OVER BIRDBRAIN, BETTER THAN FOX!” So apparently Trump was watching CNN as well. And he couldn’t resist an opportunity to lash out Fox News, despite their relentless promotion of him and his campaign.

These are not the commentaries of someone who is excited at being successful. They are the tirades of someone who is terrified of a future filled with suffering. And to top it off, Trump lapses into his all to common delusions of divinity. He re-posted a meme that heralded that “His Truth Is Marching On: Trump Emerges Victorious in New Hampshire.” That’s a lyric from the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” referencing the return of a vengeful god, and casting himself in the role of the deity whose disciples rejoice that “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.”

And the cult choir sings “Glory, glory, hallelujah,” with the hopes of exalting Dear Leader Trump and his overtly anti-American movement. While those who reside in the real world are ever more motivated to prove between now and next November that they will work diligently to preserve the democracy, civility, and liberty, that are the foundations of our republic. And you know that Trump hates the prospect of that.

UPDATE: Sean Hannity and his guests (Byron Donalds and Ari Fleischer) have the same advice for Trump as McEnany. Will Trump cancel them as RINOs too?


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IT’S A CULT! Marjorie Taylor Greene on ‘Eradicating’ Republicans Who Don’t Bow Down to Trump

What was once called the “Grand Old Party” (GOP) has shuffled off of this mortal coil. What remains of Republican politics is now nothing more than a vehicle for a wannabe dictator, with 91 felony counts pending, who has been adjudicated as a rapist, and espouses a platform of retribution against his perceived foes.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Gun

Donald Trump has completely taken over the Republican Party and demands unwavering fealty to his holiness. In his narcissistic delirium he imagines that he is beloved by millions of devoted disciples, and any criticism or departure from absolute adoration, can only be explained as “fake news” or the work of “radical, communist, fascist, lunatics, and thugs,” which is how he describes Americans – Democratic or Republican – who resist his divinity. Plus, he has his own official Ministry of Propaganda to infect his minion with his madness.

SEE THIS: HUH? Fox News Accuses Democrats of ‘Demonizing’ Trump’s ‘Crazy,’ ‘Deplorable,’ MAGA Extremists

On Tuesday Marjorie Taylor Greene was interviewed at a Trump rally in New Hampshire. Her comments affirm the obsequious servility of the Trumpian mindset. She proudly told the reporter that…

“This is a true change for the Republican Party. Not only do we support President Trump, we support his policies. And any Republican that isn’t willing to adapt these policies we are completely eradicating from the party.”

Did you hear that, Republicans? The MAGA contingent of the GOP aims to “eradicate” you if you dare to exercise any sort of independent thinking, or entertain any notions that haven’t been preapproved by the Ministerial Mavens of MAGA. Free expression is verboten in these venues. The press has already been warned, and now the threat of excommunication must be extended to the rank and file members of the new GOP (Groveling Obedient Peons).

SEE ALSO: Trump Threatens ‘Weak’ Republicans in Congress: ‘We Will Put Them All In Jail Where They Belong’

This mandate has already been imposed on Republican heretics such as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Rep. Liz Cheney, Sen. Mitt Romney, Gov. Chris Christie, and many other staunchly conservative politicians whose alleged sacrilege offended Trump and his cadre of confederates. And any Republican who thinks that they can’t be next is terminally naïve. So sayeth apostle MTG. Trump’s will be done.


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Fox News is TERRIFIED of Michelle Obama Running for President – A Fake Campaign Created By Fox

Ever since Donald Trump lost reelection to President Biden, the fear mongers at Fox News have been furiously fabricating nightmare scenarios to scare their already alarmist audience into cowering under the covers and clinging to the hopes that their Mango Messiah will rise from the dread and lead them to MAGA salvation.

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Michelle Obama, Fox News

The scare tactics that Fox News has employed have included everything from migrant caravans, to gun confiscations, to banning of beloved kitchen appliances, and myriad other preposterous horror stories. Trump himself has led the parade of peril with his incessant sermonizing about the curse of “Crooked Joe” and the “radical communist and fascist thugs” of the Democratic Party. Needless to say, it’s an apocalyptic perspective that has no foundation in reality.

SEE THIS: HUH? Fox News Accuses Democrats of ‘Demonizing’ Trump’s ‘Crazy,’ ‘Deplorable,’ MAGA Extremists

On Monday morning, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends introduced yet another monstrous visage of the vile liberals. They agonized over the prospect of former First Lady Michelle Obama throwing her hat into the 2024 presidential race. Co-host Steve Doocy fretted that…

“Cindy Adams in today’s New York Post has an item that says ‘Don’t be shocked if Michelle Obama sneaks in.’ And when you look at what she said a couple of days ago on that podcast, you know, that was not a careless adlib. Cindy is suggesting that that was all planned. And apparently, according to Cindy Adams, she sent a survey to top Democrats about running. And in the summer of 2020 [the article actually says summer of 2022. In the summer of 2020 Biden had not even been elected yet], in New York City, she met hedge fund CEO’s and she said ‘I’m running and I’m asking for your support.’ We’re just now finding out about this.”

OH MY HEAVENS! Could this be true? What’s next? Satan for VP? It must be noted that Doocy’s source for this bombshell, Cindy Adams, is not a journalist. She is the gossip columnist for the New York Post, a Rupert Murdoch rag, famous for fictional stories. And there is absolutely nothing in the article that could pass for credible evidence. No quotes from insiders or hedge fund CEOs. No documents or copies of the alleged survey. No receipts of support from donors. Nothing.

For the record, Obama has repeatedly stated that she would not be a candidate for president, or any other office. But that doesn’t stop Fox News from manufacturing a myth that they know will trigger their snowflakey viewers. And they can’t let a day go by without stirring up a cauldron of conspiracy crackpottery.

Doocy elaborated on his baseless speculation by asking what he says is “The Big Question” about whether Obama, if she runs, would keep Kamala Harris as VP. He also says that “A lot of people like Michelle Obama. A LOT!” Which is a generous admission on his part. But then he returns to the subject of the Adams article in the Post, which in her first few sentences proved her editorial neutrality, saying that…

“Biden won’t debate. Can’t. Our codger-in-chief can’t even read the prewritten script in front of him fast enough to pronounce the words. So, forget him — which most of us already have.”

Of course, Biden is ready to debate. He speaks eloquently, albeit with an occasional stutter that he’s had since youth. And most Americans – including the obsessed and malicious Republicans – have not forgotten him. What’s more, Adams seems to have entirely missed all of the cognitive glitches by Trump, such as the most recent one where he mixed up Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi.

SEE THIS: Dementia J. Trump Confuses Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley In a Lie-Riddled Rant About January 6th

No wonder Fox News needs to invent ghastly tales to keep their cult compliant. Their own candidate, Trump, would have to improve several steps to be considered a basket case. However, at least they recognize the intelligence and appeal of Michelle Obama, and the threat she would pose if she were interested in running. The fact that they fear her is a compliment. Just as their suppression of Trump’s deficiencies – -not to mention his tyrannical aspirations – is an admission that he is unfit for office.


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