Trump Baselessly Accuses Hillary Clinton of a Capital Crime and Wishes He Could Put Her to Death

Among the most wretched of Donald Trump’s loathsome personality flaws is his rancid vengefulness and compulsion with punishing anyone he deems insufficiently loyal. He has lashed out viciously at his perceived enemies, including steadfast conservative Republicans like former VP Mike Pence and Sen. Mitch McConnell, and flagrantly biased right-wing media such as Fox News and Newsmax.

Hillary Clinton

Escalating the hysterics for which Trump is famous, on Saturday he released a statement that included his explicit yearning to see Hillary Clinton executed for alleged crimes that he utterly failed to identify or even peripherally grasp. The statement was tweeted, as usual, by his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Liz Harrington. It concerned a recent filing by special counsel John Durham that Trump completely misunderstood”

“The latest pleading from Special Counsel Robert Durham provides indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia.”

Virtually all of the reporting on this filing by John Durham (not “Robert” as Trump mistakenly said) is coming from hardcore right-wing Internet trolls such as Breitbart, Infowars, RedState, and, of course, Harrington, who has tweeted about it eight nine ten twenty times since yesterday.

Trump’s assertion that the filing provides “indisputable evidence” that he was spied on is wholly fictional. Durham doesn’t even make that assertion in the filing. The gist of the document relates to allegations that an attorney who at one time represented the Clinton campaign didn’t properly disclose that relationship. The references to spying were merely the collection of Internet IP addresses and Domain Service Names (DNS) that are publicly available.

[Note: Emptywheel goes into much greater detail about this matter that she describes as Durham “raising a potential conflict as a way to air his conspiracy theories so he can jack up the frothy right.”]

More to the point, what Trump calls his “fabricated connection to Russia” is actually well documented. There is abundant evidence of the Trump campaign’s numerous unsavory connections to Russia. Much of it is catalogued in the book Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump, by Michael Isikoff and David Corn. And in April of 2019, Time reported that “investigators have found that Trump and at least 17 of his campaign officials and advisors had more than 100 contacts between Trump associates and Russians.”

That’s hardly something one could characterize as coincidental. But ignoring reality, Trump continued his rant saying that…

“This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution. In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death. In addition, reparations should be paid to those in our country who have been damaged by this.”

It’s a pretty safe bet that Trump has no idea what the “scope and magnitude” of Watergate was. And if he did, he would probably have supported it. Nevertheless, he is baselessly accusing Clinton and other Democrats of imaginary capital offenses. Because that’s just how vindictive and bloodthirsty he is.

The timing of Durham’s specious filing, and the feigned outrage of Trump and his media shills, is curious coming so soon after the disclosures that Trump violated the Presidential Records Act by shredding and even flushing potentially incriminating documents, and scurrying off to Mar-a-Lago with fifteen boxes of materials that legally should have been turned over to the National Archives.

However, it is thoroughly consistent with Trump’s lifelong pattern of misbehavior to try to supplant actual news with his own overblown concoctions. And the more desperate he is, the more despicable and delusional he becomes.

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Big Baby Trump Whines to Fox News that Reporter ‘Maggot’ Haberman Revealed His Poor Potty Training

The severely stunted emotional maturity of Donald Trump continues to be on display with each new temper tantrum he throws. This is the same colicky man-baby who has been whining that they wanna put me in jail, just because he has committed so many crimes. But then he has also been known to brag that he is, in his own words, the most fabulous whiner.”

Donald Trump, Mask, Fox News

On Saturday morning Trump phoned in to his favorite Fox News morning propaganda program, Fox and Friends, to unleash another half hour of uninterrupted griping. In this episode the of Trump Tirade he was especially worked up about a book by New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.” Among the early excerpts being released is one about how Trump’s aides found that the White House toilets were sometimes clogged due to papers that he had tried to flush down. This report comes on the heels of the news that he had absconded from the White House with boxes of documents – some of which were classified Top Secret – that he was legally obligated to have turned over to the National Archives.

During the Fox News segment co-host Will Cain prefaced his own question for Trump as being “completely out of touch with the American people.” And as far as Fox News viewers go, that would be true, because Fox has almost entirely ignored the story about Trump’s flagrant violation of the Presidential Records Act. This led to the following exchange (video below):

Cain: The big take away is that you have ripped up papers and flushed them down the toilet. What is your reaction on what you’re hearing on other mainstream media channels in this book by Maggie Haberman?
Trump: Yeah it’s fake news and she’s a fake writer. She got a Pulitzer Prize for Russia, Russia, Russia, and then they found out it was a hoax.

For the record, the Pulitzer Prize winning articles Trump is referencing were never alleged to be hoaxes by anyone other than Trump, who once impotently demanded that the awards be revoked. However, Trump does seem to have moderated his infantile insults aimed at Haberman since yesterday when he called her “Maggot” Haberman. Apparently Trump has an insolent seven year old writing his trash-talking points. But Trump wasn’t finished ranting…

“it’s a totally false story. She made it up. I don’t believe they have sources. Who is going to be a source for that anyway? Who would know that? There is no source. They make it up. You know, they oftentimes, these fake writers like her, they act like they know me, like she knows me. I haven’t spoken to her in a very, very long time. She knows me no better than any other writer. They write books like they know and then they make things like that up. There would be no way of her knowing if it were the fact. There would be no way of her understanding that or knowing it. But it’s a totally fake story made up by her.”

Trump is clearly obsessed. In this brief harangue, he babbled that the story was either “fake” or “made up” nine times. So obviously it’s true. What’s more, he is apparently incapable of grasping the notion that toilets clogged with papers are noticeable, and anyone observing them can report it to the press. There have already been verified reports of Trump illegally ripping up papers and throwing them in the trash or in “burn bags” to be destroyed. The taped-together evidence is currently in the possession of the National Archives.

Trump always telegraphs the fears that he is most consumed with at any given time. He will focus on them intensely and repeat them incessantly. This week that appears to be the case with these stories about his illegal mishandling of classified materials. But his fixations on the 2020 election, or the January 6th insurrection, or his tax and financial fraud, or his sexual predation, or any number of other legal and moral offenses over which he has presided, could rise to the top of his diseased mind on a moments notice. He has so many from which to chose.

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America-Hating Fox News Roots for Trucker Convoy to Sabotage the Booming Biden Economy

For the past two years America has been struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea roiled be a deadly pandemic. And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally) by his – sometimes malicious, sometimes incompetent – predecessor, Donald Trump, President Joe Biden’s efforts to restore the nation’s health and prosperity have been remarkably successful.

Fox News Sad

The grossly underreported “Biden Boom” is well under way, with the country experiencing the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro, recently summarized the unprecedented gains, including…

  • “Over the first three quarters of this year, real GDP increased at a 7.8 percent annual rate.”
  • “From January 20 to December 7, 2021, the S&P 500 Index jumped 21.7 percent.”
  • “From January through October, all wage and salary income paid by private businesses increased 2.4 percent after inflation, compared to gains of 0.3 percent for the comparable period in 2019 and 0.7 percent in 2018.”
  • “5,675,000 Americans who were unemployed when this year began had found new jobs by November.”
  • “The jobless rate fell from 6.3 percent last January to 4.2 percent in November, or by one-third over 11 months.”
  • “Oil prices have fallen by more than 20 percent over the past three weeks.”

Fox News, however, is outraged by this uplifting economic news. So they have embarked on a crusade to sabotage these achievements, and to undermine the welfare of the nation and its weary but hardy people.

The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee. They have noticed that the truckers have blocked highways, disrupted commerce, and interfered with public safety services (police, fire and ambulance). And they have concluded from that that this would be just dandy for the United States.

As reported by Media Matters, “Fox hosts are extremely excited about the protests,” and that “The network devoted 10 hours and 8 minutes to the story from the first mention of the convoy we found on January 18 through February 10.” Which contrasts sharply with their coverage of Trump absconding with White House documents – many classified “Top Secret” – for which Fox devoted a single mention on Thursday.

Also neglected on Fox News was the fact that the truckers participating in the convoy do not represent the trucking industry, which has disavowed them. Nor do they represent the Canadian people, the vast majority of whom oppose the mobile protest.

Fox News has a long history of maligning popular protest movements in the U.S. They have disparaged groups such as Black Lives Matters as lawless thugs. But Foxies like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson are praising the truckers as “inspirational” and “freedom fighters.” And they are openly salivating at the prospect of building a similar AstroTurf movement here at home. Carlson told his dimwitted viewers that…

“So far, that blockade has forced Ford to shut down one of its manufacturing plants and to operate another plant with a skeleton crew. Toyota says it won’t be able to manufacture vehicles in Ontario for the rest of the week. GM has cancelled multiple shifts at its plant in Lansing, Michigan, due to parts shortages.

“So this protest is less than a week old and already it is causing deep pain to alt least on global industry. It’s hard to overstate the historical significance of what we’re watching right here. The Canadian trucker convoy is the single most successful human rights protest in a generation.”

To be clear, Carlson is thrilled that a small, unrepresentative cluster of extremist Canadian anti-vaxxers and neo-Nazis are shutting down U.S. factories and putting Americans out of work. And that is the lock-step perspective across the Fox News schedule. It is decidedly unpatriotic and harmful to Americans who have nothing to do with the policies that the truckers oppose, and who just want to provide for their families in a safe environment.

Fortunately, there are wiser and more compassionate public servants working on behalf the American people. Press Secretary Jen Psaki addressed the Canadian trucker matter on Friday morning, noting that “it has the potential to have a huge impact on workers and the American public.” But she also offered some hope going forward by observing that the truckers have not effectively cut off transportation routes, and that the Biden administration is working with Canadians to insure that commerce on both sides of the border remains uninterrupted:

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Did Donald Trump Just Confess to Violating the Presidential Records Act?

It’s hard to imagine that there is anyone more detrimental to Donald Trump than Donald Trump. His reckless outbursts online and at his cult rallies invariably end up exacerbating his already precarious legal jeopardy. And with the myriad civil and criminal investigations of his malfeasances in and out of office currently in progress, he is succeeding only in further incriminating himself.

Donald Trump

On Thursday Trump posted a rambling statement (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) that appeared to have been at least partially drafted by attorneys attempting to distance Trump from the illegalities that threaten to drag him down. But true to form, Trump doesn’t seem to be cooperating with his legal advisors.

The statement by Trump was in response to reports that fifteen boxes of materials that Trump improperly took from the White House were retrieved from his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida by the National Archives. But his statement was rife with new controversy and even a virtual confession. It began by saying that…

“Following collaborative and respectful discussions, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) openly and willingly arranged with President Trump for the transport of boxes that contained letters, records, newspapers, magazines, and various articles. […] The papers were given easily and without conflict and on a very friendly basis, which is different from the accounts being drawn up by the Fake News Media.”

Contrary to Trump’s characterization, there were no media accounts that portrayed the recovery of the materials from Mar-a-Lago as “conflicted.” However, his assertion that the recovery was “friendly” conflicts with virtually every encounter he’s ever had with regard to complying with demands for documents or testimony. In fact, he routinely files lawsuits to avoid cooperating.

Furthermore, his having surrendered these materials “easily” doesn’t mean that it wasn’t improper for him to have taken them to begin with. Particularly those that were classified, as is now suspected by the Archives who have asked the Department of Justice to investigate.

Trump continued his statement with a claim that…

“In actuality, I have been told I was under no obligation to give this material based on various legal rulings that have been made over the years. Crooked Hillary Clinton, as an example, deleted and acid washed 32,000 emails and never gave that to the government.”

If Trump was actually told that he “was under no obligation” to turn over these materials, then he should have proof of that. It’s not the sort of thing that is granted verbally by government agencies. But more importantly, Trump is claiming that there was legal precedent for him to remove those records from the White House. And he is using the example of Hillary Clinton as his excuse.

That’s a peculiar legal strategy considering that Trump repeatedly accused Clinton of violating the law. Therefore, he is, in effect, confessing to violating the law himself. After all, if he thought that Clinton was guilty of taking classified documents home (for which there is no evidence that she did), then surely he would have to be considered guilty as well since he’s admitting to having committed the same alleged crime. Right?

This wouldn’t be the first time that Trump publicly confessed to violating the law. Last month he released a statement in which he admitted that he participated in a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. And it wouldn’t be the first time that he lied about his unlawfulness either. That’s one of the reasons (along with his notoriety for failing to pay) that Trump has been unable to secure competent legal representation. What lawyer would want to represent a client who keeps blabbing about his guilt?

UPDATE: It turns out that Trump was lying about the “friendly” return of the documents. CNN reports that “people familiar with the matter described a tense situation that took nearly eight months to resolve, [and that] it may have been a threat that ended the impasse. At one point, the Archives notified a member of Trump’s team that it planned to alert Congress and the Department of Justice of the matter if it wasn’t quickly resolved.”

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WTF? Trump Brags that 67% of Americans Say He’s Responsible for the Violent January 6th Insurrection

The malignant narcissism of Donald Trump was observed years ago and documented by psychiatric professionals such as those who contributed to the book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.” And as the pressures of the civil and criminal investigations of his aberrant behavior have mounted, his condition has noticeably worsened.

Donald Trump Revolt

In a statement released on Wednesday by his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Trump presented another exhibition of the severity of his psychoses. And in the depths of his egomaniacal obsession with drawing attention to himself it is clear that it doesn’t matter if that attention is driven by positive or negative news.

Consequently, Trump’s statement consisted of him boasting about a Pew Research survey showing that a significant majority of the American people blame him for the violence that took place during the January 6th insurrection as his rioting mob stormed the Capitol. The tweeted message noted that “Fewer Americans now say Trump bears a lot of responsibility for the Jan. 6 riot.” To which Trump appended that it was…

“Very much appreciated—but there would have been no January 6 had Nancy Pelosi, as strongly recommended by me, sent in Soldiers or the National Guard days before the event took place. She is in charge of Capitol Security—not the President. The Unselect Committee would have been able to work on another Hoax, Scam, or Witch Hunt had Nancy done her job. The Capitol would have been secure!”

Apparently Trump was comforted by the direction of the poll, despite the fact that it still found that a year after the acts of domestic terrorism in Washington, D.C., 67% of the respondents – including 41% of Republicans – said that he “bears some or a lot of responsibility for the violence and destruction committed by some of his supporters when they broke into the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.” That really isn’t something to brag about. Particularly when the trend was mostly driven by Republicans softening their judgment of the event many months later. Or maybe what he’s bragging about isn’t getting the blame for the violence, but “credit” for it.

The fact that in the passing of time some Republicans moderated their view of Trump’s criminal culpability is a reflection of how the Party has devolved into a Trump worshiping cult. That transformation was affirmed by prominent members of both the Democratic and Republican parties, including Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, and more.

Nevertheless, Trump continues to insist that he is blameless. And despite his rapidly progressing political impotence, he acts as though he has some overarching authority that permits him to order a halt to the investigations. And like every other criticism of him, he tediously dismisses it as either a “Hoax, Scam, or Witch Hunt.”

Trump’s assertion that Pelosi could have prevented the riots if she had taken his advice has been debunked repeatedly. And contrary to his claims, it is the president who is the commander-in-chief of the District of Columbia National Guard, not the Speaker of the House.

What’s more, Trump expects people to believe that he recommended to Pelosi that she call on the National Guard to protect Congress from his own supporters. Really? If he knew that his supporters presented a security risk, maybe he shouldn’t have told them to march to the Capitol, and then waited nearly three hours – while ignoring pleas from Pelosi, Pence, Sen. Chuck Schumer, GOP minority leader Kevin McCarthy, and even several Fox News hosts – before making a public statement wherein he told them that he loved them and politely asked them to go home.

Now, after Trump, Fox News, and other rightist propaganda dispensers spent a year propounding a false narrative absolving Trump of any liability, a majority of the American people still regard him as guilty of planning and inciting the insurrection. And in his diseased mental state he considers that something to celebrate. Seriously? That’s a cognitively contorted conclusion that only a confirmed malignant narcissist could muster.

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Jen Psaki and (Future Speaker?) Hakeem Jeffries, Rebuke the RNC as the Republican National ‘CULT’

The Republican Party appears to be gaily goose-stepping its way toward the dustbin of history. Their seeming disregard for the enduring values that made America great – liberty, equality, and justice – is reflected in the daily demented ravings of their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, whose authoritarian aspirations are as pronounced as ever, despite his rapidly evolving irrelevancy.

Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

Trump has been reduced to petulantly whining about being investigated for his many crimes, and impotently issuing orders that are being resoundingly ignored. And yet the Republican Party continues to embrace him as their political messiah.

To that end, the Republican National Committee (RNC) lashed out at a couple of their own members that were deemed to be insufficiently worshipful of Master Trump. Longtime rock-ribbed conservatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were unceremoniously drummed out of the Party’s good graces for their roles on the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection. They were formally censured by the RNC, whose chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, condemned them because they had the audacity to “engage in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse.”

“Legitimate political discourse?” That’s what the GOP is calling the deadly riots on January 6th by “ordinary citizens” (aka StormTrumpers) attempting to prevent Congress from carrying out its constitutional duties. The abhorrent absurdity of that characterization did not go unnoticed by the decent denizens of Washington. Foremost among them was Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. Following the RNC’s announcement of the censure, he spoke to reporters pointedly noting that…

“The ‘C’ in RNC doesn’t stand for committee, it stands for cult. It’s not the Republican National Committee. It’s the the Republican National Cult. That is the only way you can explain how the Grand Old Party would come to the conclusion that people who engaged in rampant mob violence, urinated, defecated, desecrated the Capitol, brutally beat up police officers, seriously injured more than 140. Police officers lost their lives as a result of the events on January 6th and the cult says that it’s ‘legitimate political discourse?’ They come to that conclusion because they continue to bend the knee to the twice impeached so-called president, Donald Trump.”

Jeffries is not the first to recognize the cult behavior of the GOP. But he is one of the highest ranking government officials to articulate it publicly and with such flair. His comments were picked up later the same day in the White House press room when a reporter asked Press Secretary Jen Psaki for the President’s reaction. That led to the following exchange…

Reporter: What are your reactions to the RNC declaring what happened on January 6th as “legitimate political discourse,” and Democrats on the Hill being very vocal about this. Hakeem Jeffries said that “The ‘C’ in RNC stands for cult.” Does the White House agree with that?
Psaki: I think it’s clear to Americans that what happened on January 6th was not “legitimate political discourse.” Storming the Capitol in an attempt to halt the peaceful transition of power is not “legitimate political discourse.” Neither is attacking and injuring over 140 police officers, smashing windows and defiling offices. It’s telling to us that some leading Republicans have rejected that characterization.”

Among the “leading Republicans” that Psaki referred to are Trump’s vice-president, Mike Pence, and the GOP Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell. Both have recently been targets of Trump’s wrath that is throwing the Party into disarray. Last week Pence told the ultra-rightist Federalist Society that “Trump is wrong” about Pence being able to overturn the election, and that “there is no idea more un-American.” And Trump blasted McConnell as an “old crow” for not backing his attempted coup.

In response to reporters’ questions about the RNC’s twisted definition of “legitimate political discourse,” and the censure of Cheney and Kinzinger, McConnell said that…

“We saw what happened. It was a violent insurrection with the purpose of trying to prevent a peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election from one administration to the next. That’s what it was. […] This issue is whether or not the RNC should be sort of singling out members of our party who may have different views from the majority. That’s not the job of the RNC.”

Without saying so explicitly, McConnell effectively affirmed Jeffries’ rendering of the Republican Party as a cult. There is simply no other explanation for an organization that adheres to a such bizarre belief system, rooted in violence and tyranny, and in defiance of all reason and rationality.

Also observing the cultish descent of the GOP was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who told reporters at her weekly news conference that…

“The Republicans seem to be having a limbo contest with themselves to see how low they can go. They seem to have reached rock bottom with their statement that what happened on January 6th was legitimate political discourse. […] I say this to Republicans all the time: Take back your party from this cult.”

In a cult there is only one authority. You must believe the cult leader no matter what your own eyes and ears may tell you. And everyone else is lying to you. That’s the Trump doctrine. And the Republican Party is fully on board. The question is, how long can such a political party endure with a platform that removed from reality?

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YIKES! Donald Trump has Degenerated to Dishing Out Impotent Orders that Are Laughably Deranged

Anyone who has been paying attention to the mental state of Donald Trump could not help but have noticed a severe decline in cognitive capacity. Not that he started off particularly high on that scale. In fact, even a Fox News poll taken before the 2020 election found that most Americans said that Trump doesn’t have the mental soundness to serve.

Donald Trump

Despite his obvious failings, Trump was proud of being able to pass a test wherein he was asked to identify a camel and count to ten. He was so proud that in an interview on Fox News he bragged about being able to recite the words “person, woman, man, camera, TV.” Who can forget…

That unparalleled feat, along with his demonstrated inability to drink water, walk down a ramp, or read, offer a pretty pathetic presentation of a man in serious psychological distress. And if any further evidence was necessary, Trump provided it himself on Monday with a statement he released via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill:

“There would have been no January 6, as we know it, if Nancy Pelosi heeded my recommendation to bring 10,000 Soldiers, or the National Guard, into the Capitol. End the Unselect Committee January 6th Witch Hunt right now. Pelosi and the Dems are responsible!”

Poor Donnie Trump thinks that he can demand that Congress halt the investigation of his criminal acts. He is driven by a fear that is palpable. Never mind that the House Select Committee (which he childishly nicknames “unselect”) has been accumulating abundant and incriminating documentary evidence and testimony against him. Is there no one in his inner circle that would tell him that his impotent orders will surely be ignored and ridiculed?

This isn’t the first time Trump has tried to pass off this distortion of reality. For the record, Trump’s assertion that Pelosi refused his alleged recommendation to call out the National Guard to quell his insurrection has been debunked repeatedly for more than a year. Not only is Trump’s claim false, he actually disregarded the violence at the Capitol for 187 minutes while Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, GOP minority leader Kevin McCarthy, Vice-President Mike Pence, and even several Fox News hosts desperately pleaded for Trump to call off his marauding mob. Three hours later he finally released a video asking them ever so gently to go home and telling them that they were special and he loved them.

It’s the investigation into that dark day in the history of Congress that Trump thinks he can order to be halted. But his whining won’t do him any good. It just makes it clearer that he is devolving into a parody version of himself. And that version was further affirmed by a couple more “demanding” tweets on Tuesday morning.

First, Trump demanded that Joe Rogan has “got to stop apologizing to the Fake News and Radical Left maniacs. […] don’t let them make you look weak and frightened.” That’s typical of both Trump’s aversion to warranted apologies, and his support for overt racism.

Second, Trump repeated his demand to boycott AT&T and DirecTV. “It is a very popular channel,” he lied. “If you feel infringed by what this Communist movement is doing, cancel DirecTV!” Trump is so far gone that he thinks that the international mega-corporation, AT&T, is part of a “Communist movement.”

Trump’s continuing attacks on AT&T/DirecTV for dropping his darling One America News Network (OAN) affirm his position as the undisputed King of Cancel Culture. Except that no one appears to be paying any attention to his bitchy boycott bulletins. None of his targets have suffered in the slightest. In fact, his unhinged wrath is probably helping them attract more customers. It is notable that he has called for a boycott of AT&T in the past, without any discernible impact. The same goes for his unheeded decree to quit Twitter.

Trump’s antics are likely to put some comedians out of work because it isn’t possible to come up with anything funnier than what Trump does and says when left to his own dementia. That, however, doesn’t mean that we can just sit back and laugh. We must continue to defend democracy and American principles. Because Trump and his cadre of cross-eyed cult followers are still capable of – and devoted to – causing more self-serving trouble and significant harm.

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Fox News Spews Anti-Vax Lies, Falsely Implying a Comedian Collapsed on Stage Due to COVID Vaccine

For the past two years Fox News has been at the forefront of the pro-COVID movement in America. They have supported Donald Trump’s deadly negligence and deliberate downplaying of the health crisis. They have opposed public policies advocating masks and vaccines that would mitigate the harm. And as a result, they have turned the coronavirus into the Fox News Pandemic.

Fox News, Vaccine

That crusade of morbidity has not diminished as the death toll has mounted. Fox News continues to deceive their viewers with purposeful misrepresentations intended to spread the virus of disinformation. And to that end, they posted a story on Monday that was framed in a fashion that was both flagrantly dishonest and typical for the professional liars at Fox News:

The story involves a medical emergency that took place during an appearance by comedian Heather MacDonald. Note that the lede that Fox attached to this story – “NO LAUGHING MATTER: Comedian collapses on stage, fractures skull after declaring she’s triple vaxxed” – explicitly connects MacDonald’s collapse on stage with her vaccination status. However, nowhere in the actual story is her vaccination status even mentioned. There is a single line noting that she told a joke about vaccines. But it didn’t imply any relationship to her having fainted. In fact, the only reference to a cause for her condition said that “The star’s reps told Phoenix’s NBC outlet that she ‘may have lost consciousness because of dehydration.'”

What’s more, Fox cited TMZ as the source for the story. TMZ did provide a little more information about MacDonald’s show. They said that her vaccine joke included the line “I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted … and flu shot and shingle shot and haven’t gotten COVID and Jesus loves me most.” So even with that context there is no correlation between her having been vaccinated and her passing out.

This was a blatant attempt by Fox News to frighten their already fearful audience with falsehoods about the vaccine. Fox wants them to believe that the vaccines are dangerous. Never mind that Fox News has imposed a vaccine mandate requiring all of its employees be vaxxed or submit to daily testing.

Lying by Fox News is, of course, not news. They recently aired a segment with a senator who falsely claimed that the Pfizer vaccine wasn’t approved by the FDA. In another more political segment they displayed a list of what they said were the “Top Ten Unhealthiest Cities” in America, all run by Democrats. Except the the list, according to their own source, were actually the ten healthiest cities. And all of the bottom ten were in Republican states. And as the Omicron variant began to spread, Fox News mocked it as fake.

So after two years, Fox News is as obsessed with lying about COVID as ever. They simply don’t care how many people get sick or die. Even though by all accounts it is mostly their own viewers. That is about as definitive of a death cult as it gets. And although it has only been a couple of years, the Fox News/Trump cult is already responsible for more deaths than any other cult in modern times.

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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
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Fox News Blowhard Dan Bongino Rants About ‘Disinformation’ While Flagrantly Spreading It Himself

Fox News is well known for unleashing furious assaults on their ideological foes that are drenched with blatant falsehoods. It is a daily, even hourly, occurrence. But no one is more adept at bloviating with mouth-foaming anger than the host of their Weekend Hour of Glower, “Unfiltered with Dan Bongino.” A better title might be “Unbalanced.”

Fox News, Dan Bongino

On Saturday’s episode of the program, Bongino ventured into familiar territory as he bellowed bombastically against liberals that he portrayed as disseminators of disinformation. His rancid raging (video below) was typically devoid of substance or any factual basis. He babbled that…

“One of the left’s favorite weapons has been the misinformation, or disinformation, label. They love it. They slap it onto anything that doesn’t tow their political line. They use it to paint real experts and genuine people as conspiracy theorists just to ban voices they don’t like.

“Take White House press secretary Jen Psaki, for example. She’s been pushing this disinformation garbage from the very beginning. Remember this tweet just before the election about Hunter Biden? ‘Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.'”

Bongino’s complaints about “the left” weaponizing information could not be more hypocritical. It’s what he has built his career as a Fox News bullspitter on. It’s what recently got him banned on YouTube. And what he regards as “real experts” are invariably crackpots who are the definition of “conspiracy theorists.”

RELATED: Fox News Ranter Dan Bongino Was Bumped From His Radio Show – Over Vaccine Mandate?

Then, as an example of his theme, Bongino cited a tweet posted by White House press secretary Jen Psaki that was merely linking to a well sourced article about intelligence officials who raised valid concerns about Russian propaganda:

The Politico article revealed that…

“More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son ‘has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.'”

So Psaki’s tweet was not only not disinformation, it was affirmed by dozens of intelligence officials. What’s more, those officials weren’t trying to deceive anyone with their letter of concern. They even qualified their analysis, saying that…

“‘We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement,’ the letter reads. But, it continues, ‘there are a number of factors that make us suspicious of Russian involvement.'”

Among the factors they might have been referring to are the fact that the “information” was being provided by known liars, the New York Post and Rudy Giuliani. But Bongino wasn’t through casting ludicrous aspersions. He went on to falsely assert that a New York Times effort to obtain Hunter Biden’s emails validated his allegations of disinformation. But without knowing the contents of the emails, he can’t reasonably make such an assertion. Except on Fox News.

RELATED: SCAREDY FOX: Why Did Fox News Censor Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ Rant? Pending Lawsuits?

What makes this blather all the more despicable is that Bongino himself had engaged in verifiable disinformation the same evening. He displayed a graphic during a segment on his program that was headlined, “Top Ten Most Unhealthy U.S. Cities.” But as it turned out, the cities he displayed, according to his own source, were actually the top ten “healthiest” cities to live in:

So Bongino got it completely backwards. His intention to malign Democrats as being responsible for managing unhealthy cities actually confirmed that they were the best at managing the health of their constituents. In fact, all ten of the least healthy cities in the study were in blood red Republican states.

It was literally impossible for Bongino to be more wrong. And he knew it. In a later re-airing of the segment, the erroneous graphic was removed. However, there was never a correction made or any acknowledgement of the previous lie-filled report. But then no one would have expected that from Fox News anyway. They’re too busy creating new disinformation and false accusations against others.

UPDATE: A week after Bongino’s embarrassingly dishonest report he offered a pitifully insufficient “apology” that simply said that “a graphic was aired with inaccurate information.” He didn’t bother to correct the error or provide the accurate info.

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Trump’s Deranged Response to Mike Pence Sends the Republican Party Skidding Into Disarray

Former Vice-President Mike Pence managed to crawl out from under his rock to make a bit of news on Friday. He gave a speech to the ultra-rightist Federalist Society during which he made his first feeble foray into finding fault with his former boss, Donald Trump.

Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

Taking a break from his typical Trump-fluffing, Pence ventured into the subject of his role during the January 6th insurrection. That role was solely to carry out the constitutionally mandated certification of the Electoral College votes for president by Congress. But in his remarks to the Federalists, he responded to Trump’s ludicrous assertions that he was empowered to overturn the election. Pence made a surprising departure from the Trump Cult Doctrine that the deadly riots were peaceful protests and Trump’s claim that he could halt the proceedings. Pence said that…

“Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone. And frankly, there is no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president. Under the Constitution I had no right to change the outcome of our election.”

That’s a pretty emphatic repudiation of Trump’s self-serving, nonsensical blathering on the subject. Not that Pence deserves much credit for this unexpected eruption of honesty, considering it took him more than a year to deliver it. Still, calling Trump “wrong” and “un-America” was more than what most Republicans have mustered the courage to do.

Predictably, Trump was perturbed by Pence expressing any opinion that differed from his own. So he lashed out on Twitter (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) to castigate his former number two saying that…

“Just saw Mike Pence’s statement on the fact that he had no right to do anything with respect to the Electoral Vote Count, other than being an automatic conveyor belt for the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to get Biden elected President as quickly as possible. Well, the Vice President’s position is not an automatic conveyor if obvious signs of voter fraud or irregularities exist.”

Trump spat out a twofer there, also snarling about Republican Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell. It’s puzzling that Trump thinks his infantile characterization of McConnell as an “Old Crow” is some sort of epic burn. First of all, Trump is almost as old as McConnell. And crows are considered to be intelligent and cunning. Trump might have been better off calling him an old turkey. But that’s more descriptive of Trump than McConnell.

More to the point, it’s preposterous that McConnell had any desire to hurry the election of President Biden. McConnell is a rock-ribbed conservative who has been an obstacle to all things Democratic for decades. Undeterred, Trump went on to repeat his ignorant misinterpretation of the law governing the certification process. He still thinks that Pence could have scuttled Biden’s election, and has the delusional impression that he “was right and everyone knows it.” Also, there are no “signs of voter fraud or irregularities,” obvious or otherwise. And everyone but Trump and his sycophants know it.

Ironically, Trump has become the most destructive critic of the Republican Party. He has called for GOP incumbents to be primaried. Particularly those who seek the truth about his role in plotting the insurrection, such as Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. It is likely that the GOP’s censure of them was at Trump’s behest. That’s evident in the language used, calling out Cheney and Kinzinger for “engag[ing] in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse.” That’s what the GOP thinks took place on January 6th when the StormTrumpers violently invaded Congress and injured more than 140 police officers.

Yet somehow, the press reports that Democrats are in disarray because two small-state senators out of fifty have broken an otherwise unified party.

So who will Trump’s Republican Party censure next? Mike Pence? Mitt Romney? George Bush? Mitch McConnell? Lindsey Graham? They are a small but significant contingent of the Party’s most prominent names. However, most of the Party is still supporting Trump. And therefore, they also support violent insurrection and Trump’s “Big Lie” that the election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. But most of all they must support the sentiment with which Trump closed his anti-Pence tweet, saying that “our Country is going to hell!” Which is just Trump, once again, revealing his own agenda America’s future.

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