The Cult of Trump Received Their Orders to Recite the Pre-Approved Lie that ‘There is No Crime’

As the jury in Donald Trump’s so-called “Hush Money” case continues to deliberate on whether he is guilty of falsifying business records, election finance violations, and/or tax fraud, Trump himself is busy disseminating his thoroughly dishonest propaganda about America’s justice system being “rigged” against him by the evil genius, President Joe Biden, who Trump also says is so mentally deficient that he “can’t put two sentences together.”

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Donald Trump, Twitter

During the evidentiary portion of the trial, the prosecution put on a detailed case that included mountains of documentary evidence and hours of testimony, mostly from Trump’s own circle of close business associates. The defense, on the other hand, called only two witnesses, who likely benefited the prosecution more than Trump. Which led to a surprisingly pessimistic appraisal of the proceedings by Trump.

SEE THIS: Trump is Predicting a Guilty Verdict Saying that ‘Mother Teresa Could Not Beat These Charges’

With the prospects for acquittal approaching a zero percent probability, the Trump team is taking affirmative action to prepare both Trump and his glassy-eyed cult disciples for the bad news that they seem to expect. And foremost on their agenda is to tarnish the credibility of the jury’s verdict, and the entire premise of the case having been brought at all.

However, the mission to accomplish their goal is so brazenly manufactured and transparent that no one with a functioning cerebellum could take it seriously. And Trump is personally leading this gaslighting operation with a decree to dismiss the prosecution as a “hoax” for which “there is no crime.” A quick scan of his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, reveals just how robotic their effort is. What follows are comments that Trump reposted that are all from Fox News hosts or regular contributors…

  • Gregg Jarrett: “Where is the crime? It’s nowhere! This is what I call a Bigfoot Case. It’s a Trial in search of an imaginary crime.”
  • Pam Bondi: “He committed no crime…There is nothing there.”
  • Bill O’Reilly: “There is zero evidence he even thought about campaign funding statutes.”
  • David Gelman, Fox Business: “Prosecution, you did not meet your burden, you did not find that there is a crime here.”
  • Newt Gingrich: “In New York we have a corrupt judge and a corrupt district attorney creating a corrupt trial trying to frame President Trump.”
  • Doug Collins, Fox News: “This is a prosecution in search of a crime. It’s not there. Donald Trump didn’t do anything.”
  • Laura Ingraham: “There was no crime that was committed.”
  • Lawrence Jones: “The crime has still not been presented before the court.”
  • Andy McCarthy: “NDAs are legal. An intent to defraud cannot be derived from the performance of a legal act.”
  • Jonathan Turley: “Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg…started with nothing and sold it as a legal abstraction.”

Gee…You might think that Trump wants to persuade people that he hasn’t been charged with any crime. Which is, of course, preposterous. Trump joined in the chorus with his own comment saying that “I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE CHARGES ARE IN THIS RIGGED CASE—I AM ENTITLED TO SPECIFICITY JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE. THERE IS NO CRIME!” And he followed that up with a statement at one of his impromptu press tantrums outside of the courtroom…

For the benefit of Trump and his confederates, the crime that he is charged with was clearly identified when it was originally filed by the Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg. It said that…

“TRUMP is charged in a New York State Supreme Court indictment with 34 counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree.”

That seems simple enough, even for the MAGA RedHatters to understand. The press release for the indictment elaborated saying that Trump falsified New York business records in order to conceal an illegal conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the 2016 presidential election and other violations of election laws. And it is important to note that when he was arraigned he was asked by the judge whether he understood the charges against him, and he replied under oath, “Yes.”

So Trump pretending not to know what the charges against him are is just another example of how shamelessly he lies. And the same goes for all of his MAGA media cohorts who are engaging in the same charade. They all know perfectly well what the charges are. And they all likely believe that Trump will be found guilty of some or all of those charges. They just can’t bear to admit it to themselves, or to Trump’s cult followers. It’s a form of cowardice that they share with their Dear Leader.


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UH-OH: Trump Just Admitted He’s Guilty of Falsifying Records to Cover Up His Hush Money Payments

The trial in Manhattan where Donald Trump is charged with falsifying business records and campaign finance fraud (sometimes known as the “Hush Money” case) is nearly over. Last week attorneys for both the prosecution and the defense rested their cases. Trump himself chose not to testify, despite having promised to do so on several occasions.

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Donald Trump

Trump may have thought that his testimony wasn’t necessary because his hallway harangues outside the court were sufficient to clear him of any charges. Of course, those tantrums were never entered into the record as evidence, were littered with lies, and were not heard by the jury. They were merely cathartic and delusional distortions of reality intended to soothe Trump’s ego and assuage his seething fears.

SEE THIS: Trump and Fox News are Priming the MAGA Cult for Devastating and Dangerous Disappointment

On Friday Trump demonstrated why the decision to stay off of the witness stand was the right one. In a frantic series of posts on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump lashed out trial judge Juan Merchan, prosecutor Alvin Bragg, and the American system of justice as a whole. And included in his tirade was a comment that is tantamount to a confession…

“The bookkeeping error that I am being incorrectly and unconstitutionally prosecuted for is the fact that a bookkeeper, innocently and correctly, called a ‘Legal Expense’ paid to a lawyer, a ‘Legal Expense.’ IN EVEN SIMPLER WORDS, I CALLED A LEGAL EXPENSE, A LEGAL EXPENSE. WHAT THE HELL ELSE WOULD YOU CALL IT? A BIDEN INSPIRED ELECTION INTERFERENCE HOAX!!!”

First of all, there is nothing unconstitutional about the 34 felony charges brought against Trump in this case. And secondly, Trump can’t seem to make up his mind as to whether what he first calls a “bookkeeping error” is in fact an error or was “innocently and correctly” recorded.

More to the point, Trump and attorneys argued adamantly in court that he couldn’t be held responsible for falsifying his business records because he didn’t know anything about it. He tried to blame it all on his accounting staff, despite the fact that he has previously bragged that he is a strict manager of his business affairs to the minutest details.

However, in the comment above Trump confesses in all caps that “I CALLED A LEGAL EXPENSE, A LEGAL EXPENSE.” So it wasn’t his accountants after all. It was he who deliberately mislabeled the campaign expenditures in order to buy the silence of Stormy Daniels. This is such an egregious gaffe that Trump himself sought to walk it back half an hour later in another post wherein he claimed the opposite, saying that…

“…a bookkeeper, with zero influence from or discussion with me, correctly called the payment of a Legal Expense to a lawyer – a Legal Expense.”

So which is it, Donnie? Did Trump make the erroneous bookkeeping claim himself as he said above? Or was it a nameless clerk gone rogue? For the record, evidence produced in court found that it was Trump’s CFO, Allen Weisselberg, at Trump’s direction. Weisselberg pleaded guilty to perjury, twice, related to these matters, and is currently in prison.

Just imagine how prosecutors would have handled these questions if Trump had taken the oath and sat in the witness chair. He would have fumbled his way through various contradictory assertions that would have sealed his legal fate. He knew that and, sensibly (for a change), chose to break his promise to testify. That’s his right, and the jury will be instructed not to hold it against him.

However, jurors can, and will, consider that there was no testimony refuting the evidence that Trump had a primary role in falsifying his records. Trump was the only one who could counter the testimony given by his lawyer/fixer, Michael Cohen, and others. And Trump, as usual, chickened out. So while such cowardice is not a legal finding, it is a human one. And jurors are human.


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Trump’s Legal Weasel Waffles on Whether Trump Will Testify at His ‘Hush Money’ Trial

Donald Trump’s criminal trial for falsifying business records and election interference (sometimes known as the “Hush Money” case) may be approaching the end as attorneys on both sides begin to wrap up their witness examinations. The judge has tentatively scheduled Tuesday, May 28, for closing arguments.

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Donald Trump Sweating

Among the most eagerly anticipated events in this trial has been the question as to whether or not Trump would testify in his own defense. Most legal experts have held that it would be highly unlikely that Trump would take the oath and expose himself to potentially damaging cross-examination and perjury. For his part, Trump has wavered between contradictory statements insisting that would testify because he has nothing to hide, and whining, falsely, that he would not be able to testify due ot his gag order.

SEE THIS: Trump Fixates on Fox News Phonies While Lying that a Gag Order Prohibits Him from Testifying

On Monday morning Trump’s legal spokesperson, Alina Habba, was interviewed on Fox News, where she seems to have more airtime than any of their hosts. Sandra Smith raised the matter of Trump’s testimony with Habba, but as is often the case, she got a vague response.

Smith: What would be in the thought process to testify or not testify on the part of the former president?
Habba: He’s got to listen to his attorneys. It’s not as much what he wants to do. We know Trump wants to testify. He’s willing, he’s able, he… nothing to hide all. He’s absolutely ready to tell the truth. Frankly, I think his truth has already spoken. He was in the White House while somebody in accounting booked a legal fee payment as a legal expense. It’s pretty quick and it would be a pretty short testimony as far as the questions that would need to be asked, because he had no part in it.

If Trump were “ready to tell the truth” it would be a first for him. And if he had nothing to hide he would jump at the chance to take the stand. He has said repeatedly that he would do so. But now, according to Habba, he needs to consult with his attorneys. Which would actually be the smart thing for him to do. Because if his testimony was anything like what Habba told Fox News, he would be sliced and diced by the prosecutor.

Habba’s defense argument is that Trump, a notorious micromanager, wasn’t a part of the decisions surrounding his payment of hundreds of thousands of dollars to a porn star. And if Trump told the court under oath that he didn’t know how the payments were booked, or that he thought they were booked properly as legal expenses, he would be committing perjury. So yeah…he better listen to his lawyers, and keep his mouth shut.

Habba herself went on to lie about the prosecution of Trump, saying that…

“We have a D.A. that has been politically motivated since the minute he decided to run for office [and] the only time he decided to bring this case was after president Trump announced that he would be running for reelection.”

For the record, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg filed the 34 felony charges against Trump on April 4, 2023, after a grand jury issued the indictments. That was five months after Trump officially announced his campaign for 2024. Although Trump had informally stated almost immediately after President Biden was inaugurated that he would be running again. Either way, the charges were clearly not in response to Trump’s electoral ambitions.

On the same Fox News program, Habba complained that Trump was “limited as to what he can speak to,” and that “A witness can come up and say things that he knows are untrue, and he can’t say anything back.” Which is also patently false. Trump can, of course, testify under oath, just like the other witnesses that he says are lying.

So, will Trump exercise his rights to defend himself and forthrightly refute the testimony of the other witnesses, who are almost all his former close associates and/or employees? Don’t hold your breath. While his ego-driven inclination may be to do so, his lawyers will likely revolt if he refuses to take their advice and clam up. And it’s notable that Trump has promised to testify in other trials, but ultimately chickened out then as well.

That’s Trump’s standard operating procedure, and there is no reason to assume that it isn’t in effect now. So what we will see from Trump, rather than testimony on the witness stand under oath, are flagrant lies in the hallway outside the courtroom. And even after a conviction we’ll have to endure his yammering about the “rigged” trial and appeals processes. But hopefully an electoral landslide for Biden in November might actually zip Trump’s pie hole. That will be up to the American people to deliver. So you know what to do.


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Deranged Trump Says He’s Being Charged for Crimes that Don’t Exist, Even If He’s Guilty of Them

The criminal rap sheet of Donald Trump is longer than that of many organized crime bosses. He even brags when comparing his indictments to those of Mafia kingpin, Al Capone. And he’s not wrong. He is currently facing 91 felony counts in four jurisdictions. And that’s not counting the $83 million civil judgment he was recently ordered to pay for defaming and raping writer E. Jean Carroll.

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Stormy Daniels Donald Trump

On Thursday Trump attended a hearing for one of his cases in Manhattan, where he has been charged with financial misconduct and falsifying election funding reports. This is the case wherein he paid hush money to adult film star, Stormy Daniels, in order to keep the public from learning about his perverse personal life and breach of his marital vows.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Attorney Admits that Trump Lied About Making Hush Money Payments to Stormy Daniels

Trump was not required to attend this hearing, but like other such circumstances, he went anyway so that he could hold court outside the courtroom and spread lies to the assembled media. True to form, Trump rambled incoherently for several minutes about everything from crime in New York to what he calls “a real dark period for our country.” But what follows are a few of the more relevant parts of his rant…

“[T]here is absolutely no case here, it’s not a crime. […] What it is, is election interference. It is being run by Joe Biden’s White House. […] This is just a way of hurting me in the election because I’m leading by a lot. […] Even if he’s guilty of something, there’s no crime..”

Trump’s declaration that “there’s no crime” flies in the face of the criminal statutes that explicitly reference the laws that he has broken. He even comes close to a confession when he offers speculation that “even if he’s guilty” there is no crime. Although he neglects to explain how he could be guilty of an imaginary crime.

Furthermore, Trump swerves way off topic by asserting that the prosecution “is being run by Joe Biden’s White House.” He has never provided any evidence of that charge, but only because none exists. It is a state case that the federal government has no role in. And his complaint that he’s only being prosecuted because he’s leading in the presidential race is just another wild diversion from the fact that all of the actual evidence points to his guilt.

Finally, Trump whined about this prosecution taking place during this election year…

“They want to rush it because they want to get it desperately before the election goes, before the election, that’s what they want to do. They don’t care, after the election.”

First of all, it has only taken this long because Trump himself has employed every tactic he could in order to delay it. His complaint that prosecutors are rushing it in order to get a verdict before the election is precisely what they should be doing. The public deserves to know whether Trump is a crook prior to voting. Although there is little doubt of that, it is still best to have a legal adjudication.

More importantly, Trump should also want a fast conclusion. At least he would if he were innocent. In fact, an innocent person would demand to be exonerated before an upcoming election.

Apparently Trump is expecting to be convicted. And who would know better than he what he’s done? Which is exactly why he’s so scared and why he’s fighting so hard to prevent the truth from getting out.


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Trump’s Pathetic ‘Welcome to the Fraud Squad’ Meme Doesn’t Mean What He Thinks it Means

Poor Donald Trump. He is convinced that he is social media’s top influencer and the Internet’s premiere meme artist. But to the contrary, he is a pitiful geezer barking at his glassy-eyed cult followers on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, which is hemorrhaging both cash and users as it struggles to avoid the mounting legal turmoil that is threatening its extinction.

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Trump, Fraud Squad

If it seems like each new day brings more indictments against Trump, it isn’t your imagination. He pleaded not guilty on both Thursday and Friday this week to new felony counts (78 so far) of undermining democracy and obstruction of justice. Which is ironic considering what Trump said back in 2016 about Hillary Clinton, who has racked up a total of zero indictments…

SEE THIS: Donald Trump: Presidential Candidates Under Felony Indictment Have ‘No Right to Be Running’

Trump’s flaming fear of finally being held to account for his lifetime of crime has been on full display. He is lashing out furiously at his perceived enemies with rancid and infantile insults at politicians and the press. But most of all, Trump is super mad at the prosecutors who are doing their duty to uphold the law.

Trump has frequently lobbed accusations of racism at Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, New York Attorney General, Letitia James, and Fulton County, Georgia D.A., Fani Willis, all of whom are Black. And he has repeatedly referred to special counsel Jack Smith as a “deranged” “leftist” “thug” who is doing the bidding of “Crooked” Joe Biden. Never mind that neither Biden, nor his Attorney General Merrick Garland, have had anything to do with Smith’s investigation or indictments. That’s why independent special counsels are appointed.

None of that, however, has deterred Trump from making wild and wholly unsupported claims of “prosecutorial misconduct” and “election interference.” And on Friday Trump summed up his outrage in a meme (posted above) that puts his idiocy on exhibit for the world to see.

The meme features a picture of Biden and the four prosecutors (so far) that are probing Trump’s multitude of crimes. He calls them “The Fraud Squad.” But the problem with that is that Trump’s limited capabilities with the English language make this meme a compliment, rather than the attack that he intended.

Just like the “Homicide Squad” goes after murderers, and the “Vice Squad” goes after crimes of moral offenses (gambling, prostitution, drugs), the Fraud Squad would go after swindlers, hustlers, and con men. In other words, Trump. Therefore, his graphic is actually a tribute to the President and the law enforcement officials who are seeking to bring Trump to justice.

Trump’s rap sheet for fraud is long and well documented. His phony “university” was shut down and he was ordered to pay $25 million to his victims. His New York charity, the Trump Foundation, was also shuttered and he and his family were prohibited from running any other non-profits in the state for five years.

SEE ALSO: Here’s a Quick Primer on the Criminal Corruption of the Trump Foundation

In addition to his misdirected meme, Trump also posted an overt threat just hours after he was warned not to do so by Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing his case in Washington, D.C. He raged that “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”

Set aside that Trump’s threats are feeble flustering that he doesn’t have the fortitude to follow through on. They are nevertheless dangerous because they are signals to his cult disciples who might be crazy enough to carry out his retribution for him. Then they would suffer the consequences of arrest and imprisonment while Trump bellies up to the breakfast bar and crashes weddings at his Mar-a-Lago resort. Which is likely where the Fraud Squad will find him after he is convicted and they are ready to transport him to the penitentiary.

RELATED: Fox News Hypes Hostile ‘Trump Revenge Tour’ Promising that ‘If He Wins He’ll Be Out for Blood’

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Former NY Prosecutor Righteously Rejects GOP House Judiciary Committee’s Political Theater

The Republican majority in the House of Representatives has made it their mission to malign and disparage President Biden above all other political or legislative considerations. It’s an obsessive determination to poison the electoral landscape for Democrats that is succeeding only in humiliating the Republicans who are engaging in it.

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Jim Jordan

Foremost among the GOP persecutors is Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. He is currently presiding over wholly contrived hearings into the activities of Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney whose investigations of Donald Trump’s hush money payments to adult film star, Stormy Daniels, resulted in a Grand Jury indicting Trump for thirty-four (34!) felonies accusing Trump of falsifying financial records.

SEE ALSO: Trump Indicted by the Manhattan Grand Jury Probing His Hush Money Payments to Stormy Daniels

There is no question that Jordan is staging these hearings purely as political retaliation. As part of his partisan crusade, Jordan subpoenaed Mark Pomerantz, a former prosecutor in the Manhattan D.A.’s office. On Friday Pomerantz complied with the subpoena and showed up for Jordan’s clown show. However, he refused to answer questions, asserting his constitutional and legal ethics rights. In his opening statement Pomerantz said that…

“I am here because I respect the rule of law… What I do not respect is the use of the Committee’s subpoena power to compel me to participate in an act of political theater. This deposition is for show. I do not believe for a moment that I am here to assist a genuine effort to enact legislation or conduct legislative ‘oversight.’ We are gathered here because Donald Trump’s supporters would like to use these proceedings to attempt to obstruct and undermine the criminal case pending against him, and to harass, intimidate, and discredit anyone who investigates or charges him.”

Pomerantz goes on to explain his reasons for declining to cooperate with the “cynical histrionics” of the Committee’s GOP leaders. He cites the District Attorney’s assertions of “claims of privilege and confidentiality to protect the integrity of the pending prosecution and continuing investigation of Donald Trump.” He elaborates further saying that “The charges against Mr. Trump should be heard and decided by a judge and a jury before politicians second-guess their merits.”

Pomerantz also cites the 5th Amendment to justify not capitulating the Committee’s coercion. He maintains that he has broken no laws, but is nevertheless, “not required to answer questions if my answers might be used against me.” He adds that the law “permits me to refuse to answer questions that are not pertinent to legitimate legislative function.” He also notes that attorney-client and work product privileges may also apply to some of the Committee’s inquiries. In closing he says that…

“It gives me no joy to invoke my legal rights, but I am glad that the law allows me not to cooperate with this performance of political theater. As an American I am privileged to have the legal rights that I assert today, and I am hopeful that I live in a country that will continue to respect them.”

Jordan’s rank partisanship has been on prominent display throughout his brief tenure in the chairman’s seat. He also formed a subcommittee on the “Weaponization of the Federal Government” whose sole purpose was to weaponize his congressional power to attack Democrats and run cover for Donald Trump.

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

However, Jordan’s issuance of subpoenas is particularly comical considering that when he was recently subpoenaed by Congress, he impudently ignored it. So why would he expect anyone to respect his summons? Jordan is not someone who should be taken seriously. And Pomerantz responded precisely as any honorable public servant should.


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Jim Jordan’s Judiciary Committee to Hold Phony Hearing in New York to Smear Manhattan DA Bragg

The Republican Party has always been a fount of ironic hypocrisy. Their wild claims and accusations against Democrats are, more often than not, condemnations of offenses that they are far more guilty of engaging in.

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Jim Jordan

An outstanding example of this was provided by GOP House Judiciary Committee chair, Jim Jordan, who has targeted Democrats with subpoenas despite having refused to comply with those that were issued for him. He also formed a subcommittee on the “Weaponization of the Federal Government” whose sole purpose was to weaponize his congressional power to attack Democrats and run cover for Donald Trump. The GOP also created the absurd “Anti-Woke Caucus” to pursue whatever the heck they think that means.

SEE THIS: GOP Creates an ‘Anti-Woke’ Caucus to Take on the ‘Greatest Domestic Threat to America Today’

Continuing in that tradition of legislative tantrum throwing, Jordan has just announced that his Judiciary Committee will soon take its show on the road to hold a hearing in New York that he says will…

“…examine how Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s pro-crime, anti-victim policies have led to an increase in violent crime and a dangerous community for New York City residents.”

Jordan isn’t fooling anyone with his references to crime. There is no question that Jordan is staging this hearing as a purely political retaliation following the 34 felony count indictment of Trump by a Manhattan Grand Jury. Jordan (and Trump and the rest of the GOP political and media confederacy) blame District Attorney Alvin Bragg for Trump’s tribulations, rather than the fact that Trump is a recidivist criminal who is acting out his mob boss fantasies.

It’s no coincidence that Jordan’s alleged “crime” hearing was announced less than a week after Trump’s indictment. Jordan has been maligning Bragg ever since for what he calls an “unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority,” and has demanded that Bragg testify before Congress. Jordan is apparently unaware that he has no authority over a local district attorney. In fact, he is potentially violating New York state law by making such harassing and intimidating efforts to interfere with the investigation.

What’s more, Jordan’s feeble allegations that “Bragg’s pro-crime, anti-victim policies have led to an increase in violent crime,” are flagrantly false. The truth is that crime has decreased during Bragg’s tenure as D.A. According to recent data from law enforcement

“Statistics from the NYPD show a decrease in almost all major crimes in February compared with 2022, including a 15% drop in shootings. New numbers from the department show an overall crime decrease of 5.6% year over year.”

Those numbers include a 27.8% decrease in murders, 22.1% decrease in rapes, and 15% decrease in burglaries. Although there were some increases in criminal activity outside of Bragg’s jurisdiction, It was reported that in the Republican stronghold of Staten Island crime is up 11.2%. So why isn’t Jordan going there?

To make matters worse, Jordan has also been demonstrating Republican hypocrisy with recent promises to defund the police, a policy that the GOP likes to pretend is on the Democratic agenda. But Jordan said, “We’re going to have to look at the appropriations process and limit funds going to [the DOJ and the FBI].” This is unambiguously political and intended to punish these agencies for any role they might have had in bringing Trump to justice.

However, such budget cuts would also hamper law enforcement efforts to combat serious crimes such as terrorism, drug trafficking, financial corruption, civil rights abuse, election fraud, and many other federal crimes. So the question is: Why do Republicans hate the police? It could be said that they are the ones who are truly “pro-crime and anti-victim.”

SEE THIS: Jim Jordan Tells Fox News that He’ll Explore Defunding the Police Due to the Trump Indictment

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HUH? Trump Attorney Says ‘Criticisms of the Family [of D.A. and Judge] Were Not Something Personal’

Among the many mental deficiencies of Donald Trump is his notoriously atrocious ability (or lack thereof) to procure competent legal representation. In fact, several of his attorneys (i.e. Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis) have already had their licenses suspended and/or been reprimanded due to their flagrantly unethical behavior on Trump’s behalf and at his direction.

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Donald Trump, Godfather

The record for the Trump legal team is one of pitiful and repeated failure. Following the 2020 presidential election Trump and his allies lost more than 60 lawsuits seeking to overturn the results of the election based on wholly unfounded claims of voter fraud.

Trump’s legal team has lost cases against his political foes, such one naming Hillary Clinton and nearly fifty other people, wherein the judge admonished the lawyers for “deliberate disregard for the truth.” Then there was the time that his lawyers were sanctioned by the court for making “frivolous filings.” And more recently, Trump’s attorney, Joe Tacopina, actually made the case against him on national television.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Attorney Admits that Trump Lied About Making Hush Money Payments to Stormy Daniels

On Sunday morning, one of Trump’s lawyers, the ironically named Jim Trusty, appeared on ABC’s “This Week” to preach his innocence in all things. During the interview with Jonathan Karl, Trusty managed to mangle the meaning of what constitutes a “personal” attack.

Karl: We also saw the former president go after, again, in personal terms, the judge in this case. Going after not just the judge, but his wife, and even his daughter. We heard from another member of the legal team, from Joe Tacopina, saying that he didn’t think the judge is biased. Trump obviously does. Who’s right about this? Do you think this is an impartial judge or not?
Trusty: I don’t have any experience with this judge. And again, my practice as somebody who’s been in the criminal justice lane for about 35, 36 years is to not, you know, jump onto any bandwagon when it comes to criticizing. I think the criticisms of the family were not something personal. It was pointing out that they have a bias, that they have a political interest that is contrary to President Trump’s. […] I think there’s gonna be some very well placed motions to dismiss based on the legal frailties of this kind of mental gymnastics indictment that Alvin Bragg is trying to piece together.

So after responding that he customarily doesn’t criticize judges, Trusty promptly criticizes the judge. And his basis for the criticism is profoundly absurd. How can maligning a judge, his wife, and his daughter, not be regarded as personal? Where is the legal argument in that criticism?

For the record, the allegedly non-personal attacks made by Trump – that have resulted in numerous death threats – included calling the Manhattan district Attorney, Alvin Bragg, a “racist” And that was only the beginning. In just the past week Trump has lashed out at Bragg repeatedly on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, with references such as…

  • “Radical Left Lunatics, Maniacs, and Perverts had me Indicted and ARRESTED for no reason whatsoever.”
  • “Biden and his ‘people’ knew all about the Radical Left, Soros backed D.A. (Bragg) going after ‘Trump.’ They pushed the Racist D.A.”
  • “The Corrupt D.A. has no case. […] and a Trump Hating Judge, hand selected by the Soros backed D.A. (he must be changed!).”

Apparently, Trusty believes that insults such as “racist,” “lunatic,” “pervert,’ “hater,” “corrupt,” etc., are appropriate legal terms and not the least bit personal. However, with that definition of what is personal, he sounds more like the Corleone family in “The Godfather” saying about an imminent “hit” that “It’s not personal…It’s strictly business.” And so far as Trump is concerned, insults and threats and other manner of personal invective, is precisely how he has done “business” his entire life.

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Fox News Whines that ‘You’re Putting Donald Trump’s Life in Danger’ By Trying Him for His Crimes

In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s arraignment on 34 felony counts of tax fraud, financial malfeasance, and election interference, Fox News has taken a firehose approach to defending their poor, mistreated victim of persecution by the “Radical Left, Soros-sponsored communists” of the Democratic Party. Their pleadings on Trump’s behalf have literally portrayed him as a Christ-like figure on the cross of political prejudice.

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Jesse Watters, Fox News

In the hours following Trump’s arrest and court appearance in Manhattan, Fox News has presented a parade of Trump sycophants and apologists to deny that he’s done anything remotely wrong. Never mind the abundance of accumulated documentary evidence and witness testimony. Trump himself was pitifully incapable of offering up his own defense in the address that he delivered upon his return to his Mar-a-Lago bunker. He rambled aimlessly about everything from the January 6th insurrection, to his theft of classified documents, to Hunter Biden.

SEE THIS: Read Trump’s Raving Arraignment Response as Foretold By His Unhinged Truth Social Rants

Among the twisted takes that were televised on Fox News was one by Jesse Watters, co-host of “The Five.” What Watters was terribly disturbed by was the wholly delusional fear that the Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, was putting Trump’s life in danger by charging him and setting in motion the schedule for his trial. Watters wailed that…

“You’re putting Donald Trump’s life in danger. You’re setting him up and advertising the entire world, the former president of the United States, the Republican nominee for the presidency, is going to be at this location, at this time, on this date. And you’ve got towers, and you’ve got windows. You think that’s good for this country, to put a man like that in a certain location — December 4. And then what if it goes to trial? He has to be there every day. You think the Secret Service wants that? That is dangerous. And he is playing a dangerous game.”

WHUT? Has Watters been submerged in a bilge water tank for the last seven years? Donald Trump is constantly publicizing his whereabouts at precise locations and times. He is either serving as maître d’ at his Palm Beach hotel/home, sermonizing at his cult rallies, or otherwise exalting himself at some public event where his presence is widely advertised.

The audiences at these affairs are often not subject to any security checks. And they are populated by gun-loving, conspiracy crackpots who might want to make a martyr of their messiah, or they may think he’s a “Deep State” body double who is impersonating Trump. So it could be argued that he’s putting his own life in danger.

What’s worse is that Watters is propagating a bizarrely illogical premise that no criminal defendant can ever by put on trial because the locations, dates, and times of the hearings would be known by anyone wishing to do them harm. Watters thinks the Secret Service would have more of a problem with guarding Trump in a courthouse than they do guarding him at a Mar-a-Lago wedding or a McDonalds.

This is the depths to which Fox News will sink to invent controversaries where none actually exist. It’s an insult to the intelligence of their viewers, even if it does accurately predict the idiocies that they will believe. It is certainly no more idiotic than most everything else that Fox News has aired since Trump’s indictment. For instance…

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Read Trump’s Raving Arraignment Response as Foretold By His Unhinged Truth Social Rants

The indictment of Donald Trump in the “Stormy Daniels Hush Money Affair” was a predictable trigger for the sort rancid rhetoric that has poisoned his commentaries for years. So it should surprise no one that he has lashed out in the most offensive and irrational manner imaginable in response to his finally being held to account for just a few of his multitude of crimes

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Donald Trump Angry

Trump’s unbridled anger at anyone and anything that regards him as less than the savior of humanity, that he delusionally perceives himself to be, has been evident in the remarks that he has been posting on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, for weeks. Many of those remarks have been seething with hatred for his perceived enemies, along with outright threats and fomenting of violence.

RELATED: Trump Warns of ‘Death and Destruction’ if He is Indicted for Crimes that He Actually Committed

Trump’s post-indictment incitements have trickled down to his sycophantic cult followers in the press and politics. For instance…

Trump himself has announced that he will be delivering an address to the public from his Mar-a-Lago bunker on the evening following his arraignment in New York. That should be an entirely ignorable event that would be a pitiful waste of time for anyone considering tuning in. That’s especially true for the media, who must resist the temptation to cover it as if it would contain anything newsworthy.

We all know what Trump is going to say in his self-serving spiel. It will undoubtedly be filled with intense rancor and panicky lies, and be devoid of any coherent substance relating to the law. In fact, it will be just a rehash of his recent social media harangues.

To that end, what follows is a presentation of what can be expected from Trump so that no one needs to suffer through it. Every word is verbatim from his Truth Social posts over the past two weeks, except for the words in brackets.

“The Fake News refuses to report this, but now everyone knows. [It’s] Election Interference! These Thugs and Radical Left Monsters have just INDICATED the 45th President of the United States of America. THIS IS AN ATTACK ON OUR COUNTRY THE LIKES OF WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE.

“Biden is guilty of Obstruction, I am not! China paid him and Hunter Millions of Dollars. [A] Trump hating Prosecutor and a Trump Hating Judge, hand selected by the Soros backed D.A. [are conducting a] WITCH HUNT, as our once great Country is going to HELL!

“The Corrupt D.A. [Alvin Bragg] has no case. What he does have is a venue where it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to get a Fair Trial. HIS TRUMP HATING WIFE AND FRIENDS [and the] Radical Left Insurrectionists, Extortionists, Crooked Politicians and Thugs that are destroying our Country.

“[We are] a Nation in Decline. [They] Weaponized the FBI & DOJ to Interfere with, Rigg, and Steal our once SACRED ELECTIONS. Now they are using PROSECUTORS to CHEAT. We are now living in a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY. [There were] NO ERRORS, NO AFFAIR, NO MISDEMEANOR, NO CRIME, NO CASE! [But] Corrupt Democrat Prosecutors [push a] Fake, Corrupt, and Disgraceful Charge. A Witch Hunt to destroy the Make America Great Again movement.

“These Prosecutorial Scams and Hoaxes are all about Election Interference. How do you indict an innocent man? They’re not coming after ME, they’re coming after YOU! Violent Crime in Manhattan soar[s] to Record Highs In USA history, there has never been anything like this.”

“The Manhattan D.A. Witch Hunt against me is DEAD, no evidence at all. [But] I HAVE GAINED SUCH RESPECT FOR THIS GRAND JURY, & PERHAPS EVEN THE GRAND JURY SYSTEM AS A WHOLE.

“[In closing,] if you are doing poorly, as so many of you are, do not send anything. If you are doing well, which was made possible through the great policies of the Trump Administration, send your contribution to…

That pretty much sums it up. You can all now plan to watch something on TV that is actually entertaining or educational. And you can spend your evening with family, rather than suffering through another one Trump’s televised tantrums. Hopefully the media will give this sociopathic sermon the attention it deserves – NONE!

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