Get Ready To RUMBLE: Glenn Beck And Karl Rove Throwdown Over The GOP

The upcoming Republican presidential primaries promise to be an entertainment extravaganza for America in general and for Democrats in particular. The warring factions are preparing for a bloody conflagration as the radical Tea Party aims to hammer the hapless establishment for being ineffective cowards, and the establishment plots to cast the Tea Partiers as unrealistic losers. However, the fracturing coalition of wingnuts that comprise the GOP (Greedy One Percent) is already beginning to fray around the edges even before the campaign season has officially commenced.

This week’s preliminaries were initiated by self-described rodeo clown and crazy person, Glenn Beck, who came out swinging with a rant about how awful the Republican Party is. For most Americans Beck was just stating the obvious. And his declaration that he was “done with it” was not even new for him. Nevertheless, he reiterated that…

“I have made my decision. I am out. I am not a Republican. I will not give a dime to the Republican party. I am out. I highly recommend run from the Republican party. They are not good.”

Well, that might not go down well with Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, and all the other Republicans currently mulling a run for the Republican nomination, rather than running from it. And Mike Lee, Tom Cotton, Louie Gohmert, Steve King, and other GOP members of Congress may likewise not appreciate it. These all happen to be people for whom Beck has deep affection, but from whom he is now recommending running.

However, the main event will be the reaction from veteran GOP hack, and Bush’s brain, Karl Rove. Turdblosson appeared on Fox News (where else) to counter Beck’s uppercut, and he brought his whiteboard with him. Rove deflected Beck’s broadside as being “old news” and noted that he had never donated to the GOP in the first place. Rove continued by denigrating Cruz, a Beck favorite, as a hypocrite. In the end, Rove surmised that Beck’s renouncement might hurt a bit, but would not have a lasting impact.

But this aint over. Beck responded to Rove’s defense of the establishment with a long, rambling Facebook post that filled in all of the gaps Beck left in his earlier tirade. He explicitly cited what he regarded as the failures of a hopelessly ineffectual GOP. He specifically mentioned the deficit, ObamaCare, immigration, and the insane conspiracy theory about Grover Norquist. Also on his list of particulars are Network Neutrality, Common Core, the IRS, Cass Sunstein, and of course, Benghazi. In other words, the usual bullshit that wingnuts have been rattling their cages over for years. But the knockout punch has to be this stinger:

“You guys have the spine of a worm, the ethics of whores, and the integrity of pirates. (My apologies to worms, whores and pirates).”

Glenn Beck

Ouch! That’s gonna leave a mark. Although I can’t say that I disagree with him. But how will Rove ever recover from that? It’s hard to predict the outcome of this first round battle when both parties are such pitiful has beens. Nobody really cares what either of them have to say, except for their own glassy-eyed disciples. But it is a fun opener that portends even greater amusement as the real candidates bounce into the ring. So settle back and be sure to have plenty of refreshments handy. This may be a good time to buy stock in Orville Redenbacher.

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Glenn Beck Threatens To Quit NRA Due To Infiltration By Muslim Jihadists

The nightmare of Armageddon is becoming more real every day as the signs continue to reveal that we are inhabiting the End Times forecast by the Biblical prophets of talk radio. Death and destruction are looming just over the horizon according to God’s messenger on the InterTubes, the Reverend Glenn Beck. Just this week he delivered a sermon predicting the start of World War III that will bring the darkness to all mankind.

And if that’s not bad enough, now the National Rifle Association is in danger of being overrun by radical Islamists bent on destroying America from within. The evidence of this peril was brought into the light by Beck yesterday (video below) during an interview with renowned Islamophobe and conspiracy kook Frank Gaffney who pulled aside the burka of anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist to expose him as the secret engineer of “influence operations on behalf of enemies of this country.”

Glenn Beck - Grover Norquist

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For those unfamiliar with Norquist, he is the president of Americans for Tax Reform, a rightist organization that opposes all tax increases and pressures weak politicians to sign his “no tax pledge.” Norquist has been a conservative staple for decades and is closely associated with the Republican Party. He is currently seeking reelection to the board of directors of the NRA.

So obviously he is a subversive agent of the Muslim Brotherhood as charged by Gaffney and Beck. These charges are based on incontrovertible evidence of his fraternization with our terrorist foes. Specifically, there are two facts from which he cannot hide. First, he is married to Muslim woman, which only a terrorist would do. And second, he has a beard.

If you think that facial hair is a foolish indicator of terrorist sympathies, note that it has been previously cited by the former chair of the Texas Republican Party as proof of a conversion to Islam. Similarly, the father of a captured American soldier was accused of the same thing when he abstained from shaving while his son was in captivity. However, the Duck Dynasty Klan has somehow managed to avoid being linked to Al Qaeda despite their hairy mugs.

Fox News Bergdahl Beard

As for Beck, he proudly states that he is a lifetime member of the NRA. He has spoken at their annual conferences where he once featured a picture of Michael Bloomberg, a gun safety advocate and the Jewish Mayor of New York City, giving a Nazi salute. But now Beck’s consternation about Norquist’s treasonous ambitions has boiled over as he declared that any organization that countenanced such a turncoat could not count on Beck’s support. He said that…

“I am not an expert on Grover Norquist by any stretch of the imagination, but I have heard enough that makes me concerned enough that – and, I hope the leadership of the NRA hears this, and every member of the NRA hears this – that if this man is elected, or re-elected and confirmed on the board of the NRA, I may drop my membership in the NRA. I am that concerned that he is a very bad influence and a very bad man, that if this is who the NRA decides to put on their board of directors, I don’t think I can be associated with them.”

Indeed. How can anyone of good conscience align themselves with bearded spouses of Muslim vixens? The NRA has an obligation to only form relationships with upstanding citizens like board member Ted Nugent, whose only shortcomings are his hateful bigotry and overtly hostile threats to his political foes, including that sub-human mongrel (Nugent’s words), President Obama. Subsequent to his rant, Beck says that the NRA has promised him that they will “get to the bottom of this once and for all” by conducting a thorough ethics investigation into Norquist. It’s about time.

Norquist’s wife is every bit as frightening as Hilary Clinton’s long-time aide Huma Abedin, who has also been fingered by wingnuts as a covert agent of our enemies. The prospect of Clinton assuming the presidency and Norquist’s infiltration of the NRA should be cause for all Americans to rise up. The danger is metastasizing throughout our government. Nearly all of the Republicans in Congress have signed Norquist’s pledge, including House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, and all of the GOP senators currently exploring presidential campaigns (Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, and Marco Rubio). Exactly what does that obligate them to do on behalf of the worldwide radical Muslim movement?

Clearly Norquist’s influence is growing. Patriots need to establish what that means for our future as a free republic. And Beck is once again leading the way by refusing to accept the NRA’s tolerance for terrorist board members. Beck, as he likes to remind us, has been right about everything he has ever said. For instance, the stock market has crashed, oil prices have skyrocketed, ObamaCare destroyed the economy and left millions sick or dead, the dollar is worthless while gold is soaring, and Obama’s support for the worldwide Caliphate has achieved its goal.

Oh, wait a minute. None of those things are true. But if you close your mind to reality you can imagine that Beck’s prophesies have all come to pass and live in the dystopian paradise that he has fabricated in his demented, cartoon brain. Guns will be abundant, corporations will be free to poison our environment and elections, and no one will suffer from the pain of having health insurance. Wouldn’t that be Heavenly?

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To Rachel Maddow: Fox News Doesn’t Give A Fig About Bill O’Reilly’s Lies And Threats

The scandal engulfing Fox News, and its star blowhard Bill O’Reilly, is picking up steam as well as new allegations of dishonesty and flagrant self-glorification. The latest episodes of O’Reilly inventing harrowing journalistic adventures include his false assertion that he was present at the suicide of a figure associated with the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and his claim to have witnessed nuns being executed in El Salvador.

The initial response to the evidence that O’Reilly repeatedly lied about his experiences in Argentina as a “war zone” correspondent “in the Falklands” was to launch an attack on the reporters who exposed him and the so-called “liberal” media overall. He called them “liars, guttersnipes,” and “far-left zealots.” Even worse, when approached by a reporter from the New York Times he warned her that if he was unhappy with the story “I am coming after you with everything I have. You can take it as a threat.”

Bill O'Reilly

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Last night on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show, the issue was raised to inquire as to whether O’Reilly’s turpitude might disturb his employers or colleagues (video below). Maddow did an excellent job of explaining the events that led up to O’Reilly’s threats, but then she entertained the following scenario:

“Fox News has a bunch of folks like Mr. O’Reilly on their shows. It’s part of why I call them Republican TV. But they also have a lot of real reporters on staff who do real reporting all day long on real news. They have White House correspondents, and congressional reporters, and even media reporters. And I’m sure they don’t take kindly when their own reporters get threatened for trying to do their jobs. But it is hard to imagine what this is going to do to the work environment at Fox News Channel for the Fox News Channel’s real reporters, and they do have them.”

Maddow surely has decent intentions in characterizing Fox News as a network that employs real reporters. However, there is scant evidence that it is true. Their main anchor, Bret Baier, presides over a daily roasting of President Obama. Their chief White House correspondent, Ed Henry, is a deeply biased right-winger with open hostility to the President. Their media analyst, Howard Kurtz, went out of his way to defend O’Reilly in an embarrassing display that evoked either fear or fawning or both.

But one thing in particular that Maddow said was way off the mark. It is not hard at all to imagine what this is going to do to the work environment at Fox News. It isn’t going to do a damn thing. As fake news guy Jon Stewart correctly pointed out: “No one’s watching [O’Reilly] for the actual truth.” And referencing O’Reilly’s “No Spin Zone” tag line Stewart noted that “Misrepresenting the zone he is in is kind of his hook.”

Fox News is a network born of deceit and devoted to the dissemination of propaganda. They couldn’t care less if they are discovered to be distorting reality because that is what they were created to do. Their founder and CEO, Roger Ailes, has no scruples when it comes to stuffing his roster with partisan clowns, as evidenced by the existence of Steve Doocy, Sean Hannity, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Donald Trump, Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Keith Ablow, and, of course, Bill O’Reilly.

When some of his mouthpieces began to fray at the edges of sanity, Ailes admitted to keeping them on the air long after he had determined that they were detrimental with justifications that were purely political. The reason Ailes gave for putting off Beck’s departure was that he “didn’t want to give MoveOn and Media Matters the satisfaction.” And with regard to why he re-signed Sarah Palin after first letting her contract expire, he said that he hired her back to “piss off the people that wanted her dead.” How does that comport with the production of “real news.”

As for O’Reilly, he is a known ratings winner who satisfies the lust for wingnut outrage that boils in the withering hearts of the Fox News audience. Ailes isn’t going to risk that without some intense pressure being applied, and maybe not even then. He knows that O’Reilly is a hate monger whose persona is dripping with animus and ego. A study done a few years back by Indiana University revealed the depth of O’Reilly’s bullying attitude:

“The IU researchers found that O’Reilly called a person or a group a derogatory name once every 6.8 seconds, on average, or nearly nine times every minute during the editorials that open his program each night.”

Consequently, Fox News is well aware of how O’Reilly behaves and they approve. The only thing that might impact their decision to stand by him is if advertisers bail out in droves, which is what happened to Glenn Beck. And then they still kept his show on for a period of time to avoid looking like they caved in. In O’Reilly’s case, they would more likely announce his retirement after some twenty years on the network. It would then be announced that he would produce occasional specials and continue to write books about killing people. Which is an especially appropriate legacy for a bully like him to pursue.

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Media Matter and MoveOn have a petition calling for Fox News to Hold Bill O’Reilly Accountable. Go add your name to it and let the advertiser community know that America’s television viewers aren’t going to stand for this.

Rudy Giuliani Channels Glenn Beck: Obama Is A Communist Alinsky-ite Who Hates America

The controversy over remarks by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani have taken a turn for the absurd. Last week Giuliani spoke at an event for Wisconsin Governor and prospective Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker. During the affair he charged into a rhetorical minefield by questioning the patriotism of President Obama saying…

“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America. He doesn’t love you, and he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

So he doesn’t love you, and he doesn’t love me, and he doesn’t love his green eggs or ham or country. As for whether Obama was brought up like Giuliani, it’s clear that he was not. After all, Obama’s father was not a felon and mob loanshark like Giuliani’s. And his family values resulted in him staying married to the same woman, rather than, like Giuliani, cheating on his wives of which he’s had three so far.

You have to wonder why Giuliani would continue talking after admitting that he was about to say something horrible. But he, like many of his pals on the far-right, has adopted the tactic of “othering” the President – the practice of portraying Obama as different, foreign, even treasonous, but always as something removed from the American experience and people, and viscerally opposed to American values. Never mind that a majority of the American people voted for him twice.

Giuliani’s subsequent remarks defending himself went even further. He is now mimicking the fringy slander of everyone’s favorite delusional conspiracy theorist, Glenn Beck. You may recall Beck’s attempt to brand the President as not particularly fond of America when he told Fox News that…

“This president, I think, has exposed himself as a guy, over and over and over again, who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.”

Rudy Giuliani - Glenn Beck

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Beck went on to spin paranoid fantasies about Obama’s past that painted him as a child of a communist sleeper cell with subversives as nannies and revolutionaries as tutors. Now Giuliani is weaving the same tales. He told Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post that the nine year old Obama “was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a communist.” He raised the specter of Saul Alinsky, a favorite bogeyman of Beck’s, saying that he too was “another bad influence” on the future president. He resurrected the Rev. Jeremiah Wright from the wingnut graveyard of yesterday’s smears and said that “Obama never left that church,” which might be an interesting point except for the fact that he very publicly left way back in June of 2008, before he was president.

Giuliani is reading straight out of Becks hymnal. Whatever anyone thought of Giuliani before, there is no escaping the fact that he is now no more credible than the fruitcake that was even too nutty for Fox News. But Giuliani has his own trail to blaze. He’s convinced that his comments cannot be racist because Obama’s mother was white. That, of course, counteracts any racial effect arising from the color of his skin. Giuliani even has his own death threats to brag about, stealing Beck’s Messiah complex and making himself the victim in all of this. Nevertheless, he heralds his own heroism as he congratulates himself because…

“Somebody has to raise these issues with the president. Somebody has to have the courage to stand up.”

Exactly. And it was Glenn Beck who stood up six years ago to trumpet this nonsense. He was joined by Alex Jones, Donald Trump, Michelle Bachmann, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and more conservative crackpots than you can count. But Giuliani apparently thinks there’s still time to join the parade and he’s determined to worm his way to the front of it. Well, he’s making a good start.

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Glenn Beck Exposes Obama’s Plot To Incite Revolution By Raising The Minimum Wage

Once again Glenn Beck has used his unique ability to see through the clandestine schemes being perpetrated by nefarious government conspirators. It’s a vision that only he possesses. And this time the plan he’s uncovered is so insidious that it exploits some of the most benign projects to beget national catastrophe.

Glenn Beck

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The devious design is one that Beck describes as “really dark” and is associated with historical figures like Woodrow Wilson and the nineteenth century European band of Fabian Socialists. On his Internt blog yesterday (video below), he reveals that Obama’s initiatives to raise the minimum wage and send more kids to college are really a backdoor tactic to produce civil unrest and revolution. Let’s let Beck explain it himself…

“All revolutions need the youth. You need an unrest in the minority populace and in the youth. So if you get everybody to go to college, you promise them all kinds of stuff, go to college, and they are mired in debt that they cannot get out from under. Then they can’t even get a part-time job because they’ve been priced out of a part-time job.”

See? It’s so simple. Obama gets young people to seek higher education, which Beck and many conservatives regard as indoctrination into an evil cabal of intellectuals, and before you know it they are slaves to debt and ripe for radicalizing. Never mind that education is the pathway to full-time jobs that pay significantly more than minimum wage, and that the Obama administration has been fighting Republicans to ease the college debt problem by reducing interest rates on loans, offsetting tuition with public service, and making community colleges free. In Beck’s analysis better educated kids will only result in disaster. Beck continues…

“Then all of the unskilled labor force, the immigrant and everyone else, they come in. They can’t get part-time work because they’ve been priced out of it too because they don’t have skills, it’s not skilled labor.”

Exactly. And Beck’s proof for this is his ability to say it out loud. He offers no evidence that minimum wage increases have ever priced anyone out of the job market. In fact, it generally improves the prospects for employment that pays enough to bring workers closer to a living wage with which they can support themselves and their families. There have been plenty of minimum wage increases over the past several decades that show no harm to the economy or job availability. To the contrary, raising the minimum wage has proven to be a huge benefit. It pulls millions of American families out of poverty while injecting billions of dollars into the economy. But what only Beck is brave enough to tell us about it is that…

“Then you have a whole population that is ripe for unrest. You have a whole population ready for revolution. […] They’re only trying to raise this minimum wage, not because they believe it is going to help people, but because it will lead to unrest.”

And certainly everyone recalls all of the bloody revolutions that ensued following the minimum wage increases of the past. The civil unrest engaged in by people who were better paid is a notorious stain on our history. Although that recollection may be clouded by the actual data that shows economic growth and job creation was more pronounced in states that did raise wages.

Don’t let facts lull you into a false sense of security. That’s a trap that is made all the more dangerous by the sort of higher education that Beck has already warned us about. Right-wingers like Beck are correct to be worried about education because the more of it that people have, the fewer people that will follow grifters like Beck and vote Republican.

The only thing that is necessary for you to remember, according to Beck et al, is that Hillary Clinton loves Saul Alinsky and President Obama belonged to the church of Rev. Jeremiah Wright. If you stay focused on important matters like that you will be shielded from the inconveniences of reality as you stock up on survival seeds and gold bullion.

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Jealous Media Hacks Bash Obama’s YouTube Interviews (w/Video)

Anyone who doubts that the media has a powerful and influential impact on society and its forward progress is probably still trying to tune in radio broadcasts of The Lone Ranger. And part of recognizing that impact is paying attention to the ways that technology and evolving trends change how people interact with information.

The old guard is notoriously resistant to any disruption of their domain. So it is not surprising that staid, conventional media players are outraged and offended that President Obama has once again bucked their banalities to hobnob with more edgy communicators and reach out to a broader, more modern audience.

Obama YouTube Interviews

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Obama’s White House interviews with three YouTube stars is emblematic of the shift in media access. The lucky video hosts may not have journalism credentials, but they do have a refreshing sincerity and massive audiences. In fact, they reach more people than would be reached by traditional media. Hank Green’s Vlogbrothers has a YouTube subscriber base of 2.4 million. The flamboyant Glozell draws 3.4 million. And Bethany Mota pulls in a whopping 8.1 million people. That’s about four times the viewers of Bill O’Reilly on Fox News.

Nevertheless, the dinosaur newsers have been fairly unanimous in their condemnation of the President for granting these interviews. Fox’s media analyst, Howard Kurtz, called it “beneath the dignity of the office to be hanging out with some of these YouTubers.” Glenn Beck called it “truly obscene” and compared it to going on a burlesque show. The folks at RightScoop called their fellow vloggers “a bunch of idiot YouTube stars.” And just about everybody focused solely on Glozell, the most outrageous of the three inquisitors, virtually ignoring the substance of the questions overall.

Ever mindful of protecting their turf, many in the press complained that Obama was dodging “serious” reporters by staging these Internet affairs. They must have forgotten that he just did a full court press conference last month. And the questions asked at that event were no better than those asked by the YouTubers. To the contrary, the YouTube questions were often far more substantive and relevant to the lives of real people. What’s more, the biggest issue that emerged from last months press availability seemed to be the right-wing indignation over the fact that all of the reporters called on were women.

Another logical failing on the part of conservative critics is that despite their relentless harping about how the “lamestream” media is a useless and outdated institution populated by elitist, partisan, know-nothings, they bust cranial blood vessels when the President steps outside the bubble to dialogue with an alternative to the mainstream. Apparently they will only be satisfied if he agrees to sit down with Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh.

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Here is the White House video of all three YouTube interviews that has already been viewed more than 750,000 times.

Mike Huckabee Quits His Fox News Televangical Show To Explore Presidential Bid

2015 is only four days old and already there are at least three potential candidates explicitly expressing their aspirations to run for the Republican nomination for president in 2016. There’s Jeb “Shrub” Bush, Dr. Ben “Strangelove” Carson, and now former preacher, Arkansas governor, and Fox News evanga-pundit, Mike Huckabee.

Mike Huckabee 2016

Huckabee’s path to the nomination would be blazed through the evangelical frontiers of the electorate and populated by social issues like marriage equality and reproductive freedom. As befitting a man of the cloth, Huckabee is devoted to faith-based governing and would echo Ronald Reagan’s famed inarticulate call to “Tear down that wall.” Except that he’d be talking about the wall between church and state.

Huckabee rejects evolution science in favor of creationism. He also regards Climate Change as a hoax and has hosted the Senate’s Pope of Denial, Jim Inhofe, on his Fox program. It is notable that while Huckabee now agrees with Inhofe, in 2007, before the Tea Party doctrinaires demanded total ideological compliance, he declared that “One thing that all of us have a responsibility to do is recognize that Climate Change is here, it’s real.” A few years later, and a stint on Fox News, and that responsibility, along with reality, has disappeared.

Perhaps the most foreboding thing about a Huckabee candidacy is his affinity for wild conspiracy theories that mirror those disseminated by Glenn Beck. News Corpse covered his certifiably deranged commentary in 2011 when he went full birther by stating as fact that President Obama had grown up in Kenya. Here is an excerpt from that article:

Huckabee: If you think about it, his perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather, their view of the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya is very different than ours because he probably grew up hearing that the British were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his grandfather.

Let’s stop for a moment and analyze this nonsense. First of all, there is ample evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii, including a birth certificate authenticated by the state. Secondly, there is no evidence to support the contention that Obama has any animosity toward the British. Thirdly, Obama’s father left the family when he was two years old, hardly enough time to influence him on foreign affairs, even if Huckabee’s assertions about Obama’s family were correct. Obama was subsequently raised by his mother and her parents who were from that mysterious, alien locale known as Kansas. So Huckabee’s thesis is riddled with holes and makes no sense whatsoever.

Where on earth would Huckabee get an idea like this? There’s really only one person who could manufacture such a fancy of dementia; only one mind so diseased: Glenn Beck. It was Glenn Beck who first popularized the notion that Obama hated the British because his grandfather (whom he did not know) had been imprisoned in England for his efforts to secure Kenya’s independence from the British crown. Gee, what other country did that? By Beck’s logic every American must also hate the Brits because they fought us in a brutal and deadly war of independence.

There is ample reason to oppose a Huckabee candidacy based solely on his extreme Christianist views. But when you add the sort of nonsense that fuels the fringiest wingnut outposts inhabited by the likes of Beck, Alex Jones, and the WorldNetDaily crowd, the only place for Huckabee in the political realm is on Pat Robertson’s 700 Club or as target of the Daily Show.

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Glenn Beck’s 2014: The Year Beck Admitted That He’s Crazy

Anyone who has spent any time observing Glenn Beck already knew that his mind was severely diseased. He has exhibited classic symptoms of paranoia, hallucinatory visions of doom, and delusions of Messianic grandeur. But it took until 2014 for Beck to realize it himself and confess it publicly.

Glenn Beck Messiah

What follows is a collection of some of the acute brain malfunctions that Beck presented to his disciples as commentary. If nothing else, it proves that insanity has the potential to be highly rewarding financially. Or maybe not.

Glenn Beck Confirms That He Really Was Crazy When He Said All Those Crazy Things

“About five years ago, right around the time we met in Washington, D.C. for 8/28, I had begun to have a string of health issues that, quite honestly, made me look crazy. And, quite honestly, I felt crazy because of them.”

The problem as this relates to Beck is that he has a history of being a pathological liar. It is, therefore, difficult to believe that this confirmed huckster isn’t just engaging in another scam. […] It would certainly explain Beck’s bizarre ravings about a global Islamic Caliphate. Or his hallucinatory visions of socialist art planted throughout Manhattan by Nelson Rockefeller. Or his numerous declarations of imminent doom, none of which ever came to pass.

Glenn Beck Wants Americans To Pay More For Gas To Help Russia And Saudi Arabia

Two years ago, when gas prices were soaring, Beck engaged in conspiracy theorizing that blamed President Obama for deliberately causing the spike as some sort of plot to advance social justice or environmentalism. Beck asserted that the high cost of fuel would lead to war with the Middle East as a collapsing America became desperate for cheap energy.

Guess what happened in the past two years? Gas prices have plummeted and Beck now regards that as a portent of doom. He says that it is “not good for America,” and will lead to war with the Middle East and Russia.

Glenn Beck’s Lunatic Ebola Conspiracy Theory: Obama Hates Dallas

Obviously President Obama’s agenda centers around the fact that he hates Dallas so much that he arranged to have an Ebola-infected Liberian fly there and die. […] Unfortunately for Beck, his theory falls apart when facts are brought into the conversation. First and foremost, it is not true that Dallas “doesn’t particularly care for the President.” In 2012 Obama was reelected with 57% of the vote from Dallas County. That’s a larger margin than he won nationally. Obama also beat McCain in Dallas by the same amount in 2008.

Glenn Beck Feels Oppressed Because He Can’t Say ‘Fag’ And ‘Nigger’

In the ever paranoid and dystopian world of Glenn Beck, the burdens of tyranny are a constant aggravation for him. Being a persecuted white Christian male in a nation that abhors such creatures must cause him terrible distress. And what is it that he yearns for to bring him some small measure of relief? Nothing more than to be able to utter the words “fag” and “nigger” with the carefree abandon that he believes is his birthright.

Poor Glenn Beck Gets Burned Defending Criminal Tea Party Creeps

Let this be a lesson for you, Glenn Beck. The next time you go out on limb to defend the Tea Party from having any complicity with wrongdoing, remember who you are defending. After all, the Tea Party is a phony “grassroots” creation of the Koch brothers that is populated by bigots and birthers and an array of far-right fringe conspiracy wackoids.

Glenn Beck Begs To Be Martyred (And It’s All On Video)

Beck explained why he believes that he is not the target of constant vitriol from the Obama administration. He actually seemed to be bitterly disappointed that the minions of evil in the White House were neglecting to harass him. But he was not short of an explanation for it:

“These people know who Martin Luther King is. They know who Dietrich Bonhoeffer is. And they know you screw with somebody who is willing to die for what they believe in – is not gonna shut up – go ahead. You know who Nelson Madela is. Imprison me. Go ahead, imprison me. I will not sit down. I will not shut up. I won’t. I will not conform. I will not comply. Period.”

Beck’s furious taunting that he be imprisoned because of his unwillingness to shut up begs the question, “Who asked you to shut up?” Beck is deliriously adamant that he will never sit down or shut up no matter how much no one is asking him to. It’s kind of like promising the Moon that you’ll stop shooting arrows at it. The Moon doesn’t know you’re doing it and wouldn’t care if it did.

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Yes, it’s been a banner year for Mr. Beck. And these episodes are merely the tip of the iceberg. Right Wing Watch has many more examples of Beck’s “cavalcade of bold proclamations, failed predictions, bizarre conspiracy theories, and all-around craziness.” But at least 2014 ends on a promising note that Beck is finally aware that he is suffering from a cognitive dissociation from reality. Of course, it hasn’t altered his abnormal behavior, so the effect of that revelation may be as illusory as the basis for his wild imaginings.

On the plus side, that means that the prayers of America’s comedians have been answered and that more comically bizarre ravings will be forthcoming in the new year. Good times ahead, people.

2014: An Epic Year For Conservative Crackpot Conspiracy Theories

Recalling the bygone year, there were enough examples of political foolishness, public embarrassment, and unabashed propaganda, to fill a trainload of FEMA caskets. But nothing comes close to boggling the mind like conspiracy theories rooted in nothing but psychotic paranoia and partisan dementia.

News Corpse has covered much of what the right-wing media has attempted to pass off as legitimate news, but was actually evidence of severe cognitive failure. So, as a reminder of 2014’s most ludicrous departures from reality, here is a compilation of some of the best (worst?) excretions from the imagination of the conservative hive mind.

CONSPIRACY: President Obama Is Trying To Impeach Himself

The evil genius in the White House orchestrated the whole Obama-hate campaign from its earliest days in 2008 just so that he would be able to use impeachment, which is every president’s dream, as an election strategy six years into his presidency. He had the foresight to anticipate that his anti-America agenda, developed in concert with the Muslims and Marxists in his inner circle, would make the 2014 midterms so difficult that he would need something positive, like having himself prosecuted before Congress for high crimes and misdemeanors, in order to stem the tide of opposition that would rise up.

Impeach Obama

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Ben Carson Fears That Obama Will Declare Himself President for Life.

The United States and its democratic system has endured for over 200 years, through economic catastrophes, civil and world wars, Nixonian corruption, and assassinations. Yet Carson thinks that it may all soon be over because of our present economy (with it’s soaring stock market, record profits, and low unemployment), and a band of desert rats 8,000 miles away?

Ben Carson

Glenn Beck Asserts That Obama Purposely Planted Ebola In Dallas

Obviously President Obama’s agenda centers around the fact that he hates Dallas so much that he arranged to have an Ebola-infected Liberian fly there and die. […] First and foremost, it is not true that Dallas “doesn’t particularly care for the President.” In 2012 Obama was reelected with 57% of the vote from Dallas County. That’s a larger margin than he won nationally. Obama also beat McCain in Dallas by the same amount in 2008.

Glenn Beck Ebolamania

Steve Doocy Discovers A Mysterious Photo Of Two Men With One Pair Of Legs.

Doocy: Fox News Alert: New questions about those two Iranian men who boarded flight 370 with stolen passports. Did somebody Photoshop this picture of them, because they both appear to have the same legs. That’s leading many to believe there is a cover-up happening. […] The Malaysians are saying ‘No, we didn’t Photoshop or anything like that. They had a Xerox copy and part of the guy on the left was put on top of the duplicate of the guy on the right. Do you buy that?

Fox News Cover Up Passengers

According To “Doctor” Keith Ablow, Obama Orchestrated The World Cup To Distract From [???]

Somehow Obama orchestrated FIFA’s scheduling of the quadrennial games to coincide with whatever scandal is presently infecting Ablow’s brain so that the American people, who usually ignore soccer, won’t notice that FEMA has already begun incarcerating Tea Party leaders and the EPA is deploying new Pentagon technology to increase global temperatures. What a devious plot our Kenyan in the White House has devised.

Keith Ablow

Conservative Media Freak Out Over Obama’s Plan To Grant Amnesty To 34 Million Illegal Aliens

The usual conservative media mouthpieces are reporting that there is a plot afoot by the Obama administration to grant amnesty to some 34 million “illegal” aliens soon after the midterm election. To put that number into perspective, that’s more than three times as many undocumented immigrants as are currently estimated to be in the United States. It’s a third of the entire population of Mexico. If they all occupied a new state it would be the second most populous state in the country after California with 38 million.

Fox News

Louie Gohmert Accuses Comcast Of Attempting To Silence Glenn Beck

Gohmert found an angle to question the [Comcast/Time Warner] merger that only he could have dreamed up. He believes that Comcast is engaged in a conspiracy to silence Glenn Beck. And Al Gore is in on it along with Al Jazeera who “wanted to get their Sharia law push into the United States.”

Glenn Beck

Pat Caddell Says That It Is Republicans That Want The IRS To Go After The Tea Party

Did the Republicans infiltrate the IRS and orchestrate a strategy to deny Tea Partiers tax-exempt status? Did they conduct sham hearings in the House, led by the crusading committee chair (and recidivist criminal) Darrel Issa, all the while maneuvering secretly to oppress Tea Party organizations and cast the blame on Democrats?

False Flag

GOP Rep Tells Fox News That Obama Plans To Flood U.S. With Foreign Ebola Patients

The plot was discovered by the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Bob Goodlatte, who claims to have confidential information that came to him via an “inside source” within the administration. Naturally he takes this skimpy, unverifiable gossip to Megyn Kelly of Fox News. The alarmist anxiety of Rep. Goodlatte is typical of the fear mongering that Republican politicians and pundits engage in so frequently.

Fox News Ebola to America

Fox News Imagines Another Covert Plot Against Rick Perry (And America) By George Soros

Brent Bozell’s op-ed for Fox News is titled “Mainstream media censors Soros’ connection to Rick Perry indictment.” He begins his bill of peculiars by alleging that the media has suppressed the truth about Texans for Public Justice (TPJ), the group that originally filed the complaint against Perry. Bozell claims that “the group responsible for that indictment had received a half million dollars” from Soros. However, there is a very good reason that the press failed to disclose this information: It isn’t true.

Fox News Rick Perry

Fright-Wing News: Fox News Reports, As Fact, The Missing Libyan Planes Hoax

Fox News anchor Jon Scott introduced a segment saying “A potentially terrifying scenario is playing out as we approach September 11. Nearly a dozen airplanes are missing – flat out missing – from an airport in Tripoli, raising new fears of the possibility of another terror attack from the air.”

OMG! That is truly terrifying. I can almost hear the roar of a dozen jet engines filling the sky with thunderous evil as they aim for defenseless skyscrapers packed with unsuspecting victims. Why doesn’t Obama raise the threat level to “Unrestrained Panic” and evacuate America’s cities? Perhaps because the story is not true.

Fox News Missing Planes

Fun With Rush: Limbaugh Explains How The Dreaded Polar Vortex Was Created By Liberals

El Rushbo has dusted off his fake degree in meteorology to explain to his dittohead audience how something that has been studied for decades was just invented by some Democrats this week.

Limbaugh: So, ladies and gentlemen, we are having a record-breaking cold snap in many parts of the country. And right on schedule the media have to come up with a way to make it sound like it’s completely unprecedented. Because they’ve got to find a way to attach this to the global warming agenda, and they have. It’s called the ‘polar vortex.’ The dreaded polar vortex. […] Do you know what the polar vortex is? Have you ever heard of it? Well, they just created it for this week.

Rush Limbaugh

And there you have it. Just a taste of the insanity that has infected one of America’s two major political parties. And all of it occurring in just one hilarity-packed year. The only thing that makes these frighteningly absurd episodes of psychosis even more disturbing, is that in 2015 these are the folks who will be in charge of both the United States House of Representatives and Senate. So happy new Year America, and good luck. You’re gonna need it.

It’s A (War On) Christmas Miracle: A World Without Rupert Murdoch

Subscribers to the Dish Network woke up this weekend to find that the level of ignorance and dishonesty that is pumped into their homes by their television provider had dropped precipitously. Due to a contract dispute between Dish and Fox News the network pulled their programming depriving the Dish subscribers of the feast of lies and propaganda that dominate Fox’s schedule.

Wonderful Fox-Free Life

For many viewers it is a Christmas wish come true. Of course, for many others it is like being unable to connect to their supplier of wingnut crack.

Fox is mounting a campaign to denigrate Dish and blame them for the stalled contract talks. But what Fox isn’t tell you is that they are using the negotiations to add new Fox networks to Dish’s service and triple the fees for their sports channels (which would likely result in higher rates for customers as those increases are passed on). Neither of those issues are a part of the current contract that is up for renewal. So this is a case of Fox attempting to strong-arm Dish into capitulating to their demands and using Fox News as the cudgel. Further evidence of this is that Dish offered Fox a short-term extension to keep the network on the air while negotiations continued, but Fox turned them down.

Unfortunately, this holiday good news has been tempered by an utterly boneheaded decision by Dish to temporarily replace the blacked-out Fox News channel with Glenn Beck’s The Blaze. That’s a little like pulling a fork out of your eye and replacing it with an ax. And you can rest assured that Beck will take full advantage of this accidental good fortune to escalate his lunacy to much larger and dumbfounded Fox audience. That oughta be fun.

Still, the notion of a Fox-free Christmas holds some appeal. It means that Dish subscribers will have to look elsewhere to be indoctrinated into the latest Fox scams. The result for many families is that their holiday gatherings may be free of Fox-itized relatives dampening the festivities with their conspiracy theories, hoax peddling, and hate mongering. It’s a prospect that was brilliantly imagined by the comedy team of Fry & Laurie (yes, that was Hugh Laurie of TV’s “House” fame). They produced a hilarious short film inspired by the classic “It’s A Wonderful Life,” that had a look at the world if Rupert Murdoch had never been born.

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And have yourself a merry little (war on) Christmas.