Trump Says He Watches a Lot of Fox News, That He Also Says is ‘Totally Fake’ and ‘Unwatchable’

The convolutions of Donald Trump’s character are too numerous and perverse to succinctly summarize. Suffice to say that he is a twisted bundle of frayed nerves and psychoses. His contradictions and hypocrisies are legendary. And anyone who thinks that they can anticipate his behavior – other than as hostile and self-serving – is fooling themselves.

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In a new interview conducted by Raheem Kassam of the ultra-rightist National Pulse, Trump put this personality disorder on display. It was 36 minutes of incoherent rambling and rehashing of the same delusional talking points that he has been dispensing for years.

RELATED: Trump Bombs on Meet the Press, Behaving Like a Petulant Toddler Who Couldn’t Stop Lying

The interview began with Kassam asking Trump about the state of immigration: “Did you ever think you’d see this level of American Carnage?” That was a throwback reference to Trump’s infamous “American Carnage” inauguration address. Trump’s reply was a typically tortured tirade that utterly avoided reality…

“No. Nobody has ever seen anything like this. […] Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from. We know they come from prisons. We know they come mental institutions, insane asylums. We know they’re terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad.”

So in a single reply Trump asserted that “Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from,” then proceeds to tell Kassam where they are coming from. And, of course, it was all completely false and profoundly racist. He went on to lie that there were zero terrorists intercepted by border patrol during his occupation of the White House. (Fact Check: 216 people on the terrorist watchlist were apprehended this year. There were 280 in 2019 during the Trump administration).

The interview briefly touched on Trump’s television habits. We know that he was an avid viewer of Fox News and other right-wing media while allegedly serving as president. He was reported to have watched as much as eight hours of television every day. Most of that was Fox News or some other Trump-fluffing outlet that catered to his massive yet fragile ego. And apparently nothing has changed, according to Trump in the following portion of the interview (see video below beginning at 4:20)

Kassam: You make a point about the press and the media. And I think that most of the media is quite hostile towards you. I think one that I think people are surprised that have been hostile towards you has been Fox. Especially recently…
Trump: We’ve done well with Fox over the years. […] But somehow there’s just an edge there. You take a look at the anchors, look at Sean Hannity, Laura’s been great. They’ve been good. But there’s an overhang if you just feel, there’s something missing.
Kassam: But do you think [Rupert Murdoch] is going, he kind of went all in against you in this primary cycle. And I think he’s realized now that he’s not gonna win that battle. Do you think that’s why he’s kind of shuffling…
Trump: Well they put everything against DeSanctimonious. And he’s not a talented person. He’s just not a talented person. He only won because I endorsed him. He was at 3%, he was dead, and I endorsed him. […]

[Note: It’s always been curious how Trump frequently brags about having endorsed people who he considers losers and liars and incompetents, and then takes credit for their political victories. Why the heck did he endorse them?]

Trump: The anchors are so good. Jesse [Watters] has been great. Greg [Gutfeld] has been great. You look at what he’s done, right? They’ve all been good. You look on Saturday, it’s been fantastic with Pete Hegseth, Rachel [Campos-Duffy], Will [Cain]. So we get a lot of good support. And lately Brian Kilmeade’s been great. But Steve Doocy’s been terrible. I mean, to me he’s been just terrible. He’s hurting the show. Ainsley [Earhardt] is good. […]
Kassam: You still watch it a lot then?
Trump: Yeah, I watch it. I watch it. I watch it, and I watch Newsmax. I try not to watch the other…There’s so much fake news. I mean honestly, somebody like MSNBC, it’s so bad and so vicious, and same thing with CNN, but maybe even to a lesser extent. But I watch these two and honestly, it’s a campaign contribution what they do. It’s a campaign contribution. And they should pay a lot of money. Somebody has to pay for this. Because that’s an absolute campaign contribution. And they can’t be allowed to be able to get away with this. It’s so unfair.

So Trump watches quite a bit of Fox News, despite the fact that he has recently maligned them saying that “Fox News is dead,”, and that “Fox News daytime is not watchable,” and that “Fox News Polls are totally FAKE.”

Trump’s idea of a free press is one that is consistently adoring of him, and anything less than worshipful devotion is tantamount to treason. He recently used that exact language to condemn the media saying that “They are almost all dishonest and corrupt [and] should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason.’” He elaborated threatening that “when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized,” and that they should not “be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA,” and that they “should pay a big price for what they have done.”

SEE THIS: Wannabe Dictator Trump Promises to Prosecute the ‘Country Threatening Treason’ of the Media

The rest of the interview was boilerplate, dishonest Trumpisms about abortion after birth, which is not a thing; the January 6th insurrection that he incited; his efforts to overturn the election with fake electors; the Mueller report and what he calls the Russia, Russia, Russia scam; and of course, his perpetual preposterous whining about Biden being incompetent and/or corrupt. In other words, it was Trump being Trump, and abandoning what the rest of us recognize as a little thing called reality.


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Trump Promises to Ban People He Disagrees With Politically From Entering the United States

Trump’s grasp of the law is notoriously deficient. It’s often contrary to its actual interpretations, and simple-minded at best. It’s transparently twisted in order to achieve an illogical and unwarranted outcome that stretches absurdly to benefit himself.

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Donald Trump, Constitution

On Saturday Trump brought his traveling salvation show to the Faith and Freedom conference, a cesspool of hypocrisy that is honoring a pathological lying, lazy, greedy, egotistical, envious, glutinous, wrathful, serial adulterer, who aspires to authoritarian tyranny. In short, a heretic who has doggedly violated all seven deadly sins and added a few of his own invention. So much for faith and freedom.

RELATED: Wannabe Messiah Trump Claims that Only He Can ‘End the Bloodshed and Bring Peace to the World’

Trump mesmerized his cult followers in the audience with the same tediously repetitious rhetoric that he disgorges at virtually every public appearance. However, on this occasion, Trump introduced a new wrinkle that reeks of of the dictatorial dominance that he craves. To the delight of his devotees, Trump said that…

“Today I’m announcing a new plan to protect the integrity of our immigrations system. Federal law prohibits the entry of communists and totalitarians into the United States. So my question is, what do we do with the ones that already here, that grew up here? I think we have to pass a new law for them. Using federal law section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, I will order my government to deny entry to all Communists and all Marxists. Those who come to enjoin our country must love our country… So we’re going to keep foreign, Christian hating Communists, Marxists and Socialists out of America.”

First of all, nowhere in Federal law does it “prohibit the entry of communists and totalitarians into the United States.” And if Trump wants new legislation that would banish native totalitarians, he would have to carefully carve out an exception for the most prominent one, Donald J. Trump.

More to the point, Trump’s proposal to order “his” government to “deny entry to all Communists and all Marxists” is grossly un-American, unconstitutional, and utterly unenforceable. After all, Trump calls all of his political foes Communists and all Marxists, including President Biden, Democrats in Congress, much of the free press, and any attorney or judge that dares to investigate or prosecute him for his multitude of crimes. In Trump’s mind – as he frequently rages emphatically – they are all “RADICAL LEFT MARXISTS, FASCISTS, COMMUNISTS, LUNATICS, & DERANGED MANIACS.”

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump’s Indictment Defense Strategy Revealed: Whine Endlessly About President Biden

Trump’s says that his proposal is based on Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act. This is the same perverse misinterpretation of the federal statute that Trump used for his racist Muslim ban. It’s a broadly written rule that can be easily exploited for nefarious purposes. It says that…

“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

Now Trump is twisting this statute grotesquely to apply to political ideology. How he expects that it would be carried out is a mystery. Would every migrant be deposed prior to entry to ascertain their political beliefs? Would those beliefs be categorized as Marxist or communist if they simply offended or criticized Trump? Would it apply to Trump’s communist pals like Vladimir Putin or members of his regime?

Clearly this proposal was merely intended to whip up the inbred hatred of his cult disciples. Were he to actually have an opportunity to impose it, he would use it to ban his perceived enemies. It’s just another example of his inability to comprehend the meaning of laws as anything other than tools to advance his own personal interests.

Similarly, in the same speech, Trump exhibited his ignorance of the laws related to his current legal troubles. He repeated his ludicrous claim that the Presidential Records Act absolves him of any guilt for having stolen and hoarded classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home/hotel, saying that…

“Whatever documents a President decides to take with him, he has the absolute right to take them. He has the absolute right to keep them, or he can give them back to NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) if he wants to talk to them like we were doing. And he can do that if he wants. That’s the law and it couldn’t be more clear.”

Not only is he misinterpreting this law, he is confessing to the crimes he was indicted for. And not for the first time…

SEE ALSO: On Fox News Trump Confesses that He Stole Classified Documents, Despite Hannity’s Coaching

For the record, the Presidential Records Act explicitly states that “Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the [National] Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.” That’s the law and it couldn’t be more clear.

In addition to these wildly preposterous statements, Trump told the conferees that being indicted on 37 felony counts is a “badge of courage,” and that “I’m being indicted for you.” Then, as a gift to Democratic candidates in 2024, he bragged that he was the one who was responsible for “the Supreme Court’s landmark decision ending the constitutional atrocity known as Roe V Wade.”

It is remarks like these that cement Trump’s support in the low 30’s, and make him entirely unelectable. They are, however, useful for grifting off of his gullible cult disciples. They couldn’t care less that he can’t comprehend the law, or that he uses it for unscrupulous purposes. In fact, they adore him specifically because of his desecration of, and disrespect for the law and law breakers. It’s what cult leaders and their minions do.

RELATED: Trump Promises to Halt the Prosecutions of the January 6th Mob He Incited to Attack Congress

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Trump Proposes a Flagrantly Unconstitutional Executive Order to Revoke Birthright Citizenship

No one is ever going to mistake Donald Trump with anything resembling a constitutional scholar. He has likely never read it, and wouldn’t understand it if he did. Every attempt he has made to cite it is nearly comical, if it weren’t for the deadly serious consequences of his flaming ignorance.

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Donald Trump, Constitution

Even worse, to the extent that Trump pretends to grasp the meaning of the Constitution, he holds zero respect for it or the legal authority it has held for more than two centuries. He has complained about the First Amendment protection of freedom of the press by repeatedly maligning the media in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” He attempted a violent coup in order to cling to power. He even literally called for the termination of the Constitution…

SEE THIS: Trump Literally Calls for Termination of the Constitution and FREAKS OUT Over Bogus Fox News Story

On Tuesday morning Trump took another swipe at America’s constitutional foundations. On his floundering Twitter scam, Truth Social, he posted a video in which he promised to issue an executive order that he thinks would override constitutional law, if he were to be reelected…

“As part of my plan to secure the border on Day One of my new term in office, I will sign an executive order making clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the law, going forward the future children of illegal aliens will not receive automatic U.S. citizenship.”

There’s just one (at least) problem with that promise. It is a blatant violation of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment that says that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

No president, including aspiring authoritarians like Trump, can issue executive orders that violate the Constitution. Not that anyone really needs to worry about Trump keeping promises. After all, with regard to immigration, he previously promised that during his first term he would build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Trump’s video was filled with ludicrous remarks, such as his assertion that Biden “launched an illegal foreign invasion of our country;” that refugees “come from mental institutions [and] jails;” that “many scholars [say] this current policy is based on a historical myth;” and that his policy will “end the unfair practice known as birth tourism [and] chain migration.” [NOTE: Melania Trump allegedly lied in order to reside in the U.S. and later brought in her family via chain migration]

None of that is even tangentially related to reality. And you’ll notice that Trump doesn’t bother to name any of the alleged “scholars” who hold that the actual language of the Constitution is a myth. However, Trump’s hysterical rant leaves out another part of the Constitution that holds a significant relevance. The 14th Amendment also says that…

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” [emphasis added]

So according to the Constitution, Donald Trump, as well as numerous Republicans in Congress, should not be permitted to serve due to their having engaged in an insurrection. But despite that prohibition, Trump remains singularly determined to impose his tyrannical dominance over the nation. He has even called for the 2020 election to be declared “irreparably compromised,” paving the way for him to be crowned the new King of America. That’s how sickly un-American he and his glassy-eyed cult disciples are.

RELTATED: Wannabe Dictator Trump Decrees a Delusional Demand that He Be Anointed American Messiah

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Fox News Runs Fake Story About Veterans Being Kicked Out of Hotels to Make Room for Migrants

The discovery that Fox News aired a story that was wholly untrue and manufactured by dishonest partisans isn’t exactly a revelation. In fact, it is what they are best known for. Virtually every day there is a story on Fox News that contains only the scantest bits of reality, if even that.

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Sometimes, though, even the audacity of Fox’s routine dishonesty exceeds bounds that make it necessary to give it some extra attention. At these times Fox demonstrates that their aversion to the truth is so deliberate and despicable that it can’t be swept into their standard trash heap of untruths.

RELATED: With Lawsuits, Lost Hosts, and Lying Pundits, the Future of Fox News Has Never Been Weaker

Earlier this week the New York Post published a disturbing story about homeless veterans upstate who were allegedly kicked out of their hotel rooms to make way for migrants being bused in from Manhattan. Fox News picked up the story from the New York Post (both are owned by Rupert Murdoch), that was sourced to a local veterans advocate who claimed to have interviewed the displaced veterans. However, as reported by Mediaite

“…the hotels that veterans were supposedly booted from told Mid-Hudson News they had no idea what the advocate, YIT Foundation Executive Director Sharon Finch, was talking about.”

Subsequent to the Mid-Hudson News disclosures a Republican state assemblyman confirmed that the story was false and got the source to admit that she made it up. It was further reported that several homeless men were offered cash, food, and alcohol to go along with the deception.

In the meantime, the fictional story was spread by the likes of Donald Trump Jr. (who remarked “F**k Democrats”) and Kevin McCarthy (who called it “shameful”). Several Fox News programs amplified the fake news and, bizarrely, blamed it President Biden who, even if it were true, wouldn’t have had anything to do with the local affair.

The New York Post has since updated their story, conceding that the advocate had lied. But no such correction, retraction, or apology has been provided by Fox News.

Which is all the more galling since Fox News has been whining about the journalism awards that other news media have received for their accurate reporting on Donald Trump’s unsavory associations with Russia. This week Fox and Friends complained that the New York Times and the Washington Post have been honored for those stories that Fox says are lies.

The Fox Friends are just highlighting the fact that they and their network have never received such awards. That’s probably because they keep putting out garbage like this veterans/migrants falsehood. Their complaint about the awards was triggered by the recently released Durham Nothingburger Report. Never mind that Durham failed to find any criminal wrongdoing after four years of digging.

SEE THIS: Trump (and Fox News) FREAK OUT After Durham Report Turns Out to Be Another GOP Nothingburger

With Fox News continuing to air blatantly fabricated fictions – and refusing to retract them after finding out that they are false – they might want to refrain from complaining about other news outlets who get awards for doing truthful, principled journalism. But don’t hold your breath. They are modeling themselves after their Dear Leader Trump who who has also been yammering about those awards, demanding that they be revoked, and even suing the Pulitzer Board.

SEE THIS: Trump Sues the Pulitzer Prize Board for Honoring Accurate Stories of His Russian Collusion

UPDATE: Laura Ingraham finally acknowledged that the story was false saying, “Alright, before we go, a little update on a story we brought you this week about homeless vets being displaced from hotels so that illegals could move in. Turns out the group behind the claim made it up. We have no clue as to why anyone would do such a thing, but we’ll bring you any updates should they come.”

Of course Ingraham, who doesn’t bother to apologize, knows exactly “why anyone would do such a thing.” So that people like Don Jr., and McCarthy could get their lying talking points in and smear migrants, Biden, and progressive causes.

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Fox News and Texas Gov. Abbott are Enticing Migrants to Come to America For ‘A Better Life’

The Republican Party, and their Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News) have long exploited the issue of immigration as a foreboding crisis that threatened to destroy America with an influx of drugs, gang members, terrorists, and scary ethnic replacements of its shrinking white majority. They characterized migrants as invaders, despite the the Statue of Liberty’s compassionate entreaty to the world’s “huddling masses yearning to breathe free.”

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Fox News, in particular, dusted off their fearsome tales of “caravans” of marauding migrants in the weeks prior to every election. They embraced the xenophobic hatred of Donald Trump and other GOP bigots, who always favored the divisiveness of the issue over any solution for it. In fact, their constant declarations that, because of Biden, America’s borders were open, has surely motivated more refugees to immigrate.

RELATED: Stupid Fox News Question: Should Liberal Martha’s Vineyard Celebs Open Their Homes to Migrants?

On Thursday’s episode “Outnumbered” on Fox News, the five panelists collectively defended the inhumane tactics of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who had just dropped off a busload of refugee families in the the freezing District of Columbia on Christmas Eve. Co-host Cheryl Casone led the Abbott Appreciation Society with an unexpectedly sympathetic approach…

“These migrants, first off, they chose to go to Washington, D.C. They signed waivers in multiple languages. They wanted to go. And all of a sudden the left screaming over the weekend, [mock crying] ‘They dumped migrants in the middle of the cold on Christmas Eve.’ They knew exactly where they were going. They were going to hopefully a better life in sanctuary cities.”

First of all, Casone is almost verbatim reciting Abbott’s justification for his barbaric political stunt. His spokesperson told the press that…

“‘These migrants willingly chose to go to Washington, D.C., having signed a voluntary consent waiver available in multiple languages upon boarding that they agreed on the destination.”

However, there are some questions evolving from that statement. Were there actually any waivers? No one has seen them. Were they really voluntary, having been allegedly signed “upon boarding” the buses? Were the refugees told that their destination was given no notice that they were coming or any opportunity to prepare? Were they informed that Washington, D.C. was suffering historically cold weather that had already claimed dozens of lives throughout the the region that the storm impacted?

What’s more, both Casone and Abbott are portraying this heinous human trafficking operation as beneficial to the migrants. They regard it as free transportation to what they say will be “hopefully a better life.”

Really? So now Abbott and Fox News are suddenly concerned about making these refugee families happy? And if so, aren’t they encouraging more migrants to come to America? After all, the governor of Texas will welcome them into the country with a free ride to a place where they will receive food, clothing, jobs, and shelter.

One might ask: Why Abbott would want to persuade more refugees to make the arduous journey north to the U.S.? There are at least two plausible reasons. First of all, the more migrants come across the border, the more Abbott can complain about it and blame it on President Biden and the Democrats. And secondly, Texas and other states actually need to enlarge the labor pool in order to stimulate the economy. They especially need cheap labor since there is currently a glut of job vacancies that gives American workers an advantage with regard to wages and benefits. And the GOP’s corporate donors certainly won’t tolerate that.

RELATED: Jen Psaki Shreds Texas Gov. Abbott’s Publicity Stunts that are Hurting Texas and America

Fox News, for its part, can profit from Abbott’s tactics by producing more frightful stories about invading caravans. So it’s a win-win for both Fox News and Abbott. Too bad it’s so harmful to the nation, and to the poor souls that they are taking advantage of and subjecting to torturous conditions. But then, when did Fox News or Republicans ever care about any of that?

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Stupid Fox News Question: Should Liberal Martha’s Vineyard Celebs Open Their Homes to Migrants?

For the past couple of weeks, Republican governors Greg Abbott of Texas and and Ron DeSantis of Florida have been staging one of the most inhumane political stunts in decades. By transporting migrants in their states to New York, Massachusetts, and Washington, D.C., they are demonstrating both a severe lack of compassion and overt disrespect for the law.

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This heartless and illegal abuse of innocent and vulnerable refugees was intended to embarrass the Democratic politicians in those destinations. As it turned out, the receiving Democratic officials and the local residents brought honor to themselves and the nation by welcoming the refugees with open arms, food, medical care, and other resources to help these victims of Republican exploitation, including children, adjust to having been used as pawns in a political game.

RELATED: WOW! Sean Hannity and Ted Cruz Agree that Trafficking Migrants Across State Lines is Illegal

Meanwhile, Fox News played their customary role as apologists for right-wing atrocities. They barely covered the heartwarming hospitality that the refugees received from their hosts. But Fox did attempt to distort reality by featuring the rare critics who complained about the migrants.

Even worse, Fox News tried to manufacture controversy where there was none. In an especially dishonest and disgusting story, Fox News sent their crackhead news team to Martha’s Vineyard to stir up trouble. The story headlined “We asked Martha’s Vineyard celebs if they’d open their homes to migrants. Here’s how they responded,” was a typically hollow, and transparently hostile, piece of vile presstitution. It began…

“Former President Barack Obama and several other high-profile Democrats who own homes on Martha’s Vineyard have remained silent on whether they will open up their homes to provide comfort to any illegal immigrants sent to the island by Republican governors.” […]

“In addition, Fox News Digital reached out to representatives for prominent public supporters of President Biden who own homes on Martha’s Vineyard but did not receive a response. Those Martha’s Vineyard residents include singer James Taylor, director Spike Lee and comedian David Letterman, who all reportedly have homes on the island.”

The premise of this story was both absurd and repugnant. No wonder they didn’t get a single response from those they tried to contact. And yet, they went ahead with the non-story anyway.

What ever made Fox News think that it was appropriate to expect private citizens to house refugees who were trafficked illegally from other states? Fox News never asked Republican politicians or right-wing celebrities to take in the babies of women forced to carry them to term when Republican laws prohibited them from making their own healthcare and reproductive decisions. Nor was anyone asked by Fox News to house low income families who became homeless as a result of the callousness of conservative policies. Nor did Fox News ever ask wealthy notables to pay for medicine or hospitalization for Americans who were denied care due to the GOP’s servility to Big Pharma and other corporate interests.

Yet for some reason, Fox is suddenly interested in whether liberal individuals alone should shoulder a burden that is properly attributed to the federal government. The U.S. immigration system has been broken for a long time. And it’s the Republicans who have refused to participate in finding a bipartisan solution. Their answer now is to spend millions of dollars trafficking human victims around the country in order to create chaos.

RELATED: WOW! Sean Hannity and Ted Cruz Agree that Trafficking Migrants Across State Lines is Illegal

Just think of the value those millions of dollars could have provided if spent on something useful, helpful, and driven by compassion rather than political malice. But then, that would have required Republicans to have a modicum of morality and decency. And that was just too much to ask of them. Surely Fox News would never ask it.

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WOW! Sean Hannity and Ted Cruz Agree that Trafficking Migrants Across State Lines is Illegal

In the past few weeks Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis, the governors of Texas and Florida respectively, have been in the news for engaging in deplorable political stunts that are deliberately cruel and probably illegal. They have been transporting migrants from their states to other states that they regard as bastions of liberalism hundreds of miles away. It is a brazenly inhumane campaign of exploitation that uses these refugees as pawns in their partisan game playing.

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These repulsive, self-serving tactics by ambitious Republican politicians are intended only to humiliate their liberal counterparts and progressive, compassionate policies. They are conducted without the slightest regard for the welfare of the their human victims, including children, or for solutions to the underlying issues. Not that Republicans in the era of Donald Trump ever really cared about people or laws.

RELATED: Obviously Addled Trump Utterly Misconstrues Report that the FBI Paid a Russian Informant

Which makes it somewhat surprising to hear Sean Hannity interviewing GOP Sen. Ted Cruz on Fox News about the potential criminality of these actions. The discussion included the following exchange…

Hannity: From a legal standpoint, let’s say I went down to the border and I brought a big truck with me and I picked up a bunch of illegal immigrants and I started transporting them across the country. Would I, or would I not likely be arrested for human trafficking, and would it be illegal to do that?
Cruz: For you, a citizen, you could easily be arrested. Although, to be honest, Joe Biden’s Justice Department wouldn’t arrest you.
Hannity: Oh no. I disagree. They’d arrest me. If I was a liberal I’d get away with it.

So there you have it. Hannity and Cruz agree that trafficking migrants across state lines, and lying to them about their destination, would be illegal and likely lead to their arrest. That’s a position that concurs with many legal experts. Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, formally requested the Department of Justice to investigate whether federal laws were broken. In his letter to the DoJ Newsom said that…

“Like millions of Americans, I have been horrified at the images of migrants being shipped on buses and planes across the country to be used as political props. Clearly, transporting families, including children, across state lines under false pretenses is morally reprehensible, but it may also be illegal.”

Elaborating on his dubious legal acumen, Cruz goes on to call President Biden “the biggest human trafficker on the face of the planet.” Naturally, he didn’t bother to supply any coherent support for that hyperbolic nonsense.

It is likely that Hannity and Cruz would justify their remarks by trying to distinguish the legal differences between private citizens like themselves trafficking migrants, and government agencies doing so. However, neither Abbott nor DeSantis attributed their migrant relocation program to any official arm of their state governments, nor did they cite any legal statute that permitted it. So they were acting as individuals, while spending (wasting) millions of taxpayer funds.

What’s more, they purposefully refused to notify the states where they sent the migrants so that preparation could be made for their arrival. But they did notify Fox News. Which is further evidence that this was a political act, not one under the auspices of the state government.

RELATED: LOL: Sean Hannity Thinks He’s Helping Trump By Scrolling a Long List of His Crimes on Fox News

Consequently, the mutual conclusions by Hannity and Cruz that such activities would be illegal is a significant event. They are affirming that Abbott and DeSantis should be investigated for crimes and indicted if sufficient evidence is found. And unlike most of what these two cretins say, that’s a conclusion that most Americans who believe in law and order, and equal justice, would agree with.

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White Replacement Theory Huckster Tucker Carlson Now Says He’s ‘Not Sure Exactly What It Is’

The professional purveyors of right-wing rubbish at Fox News have an astonishing capacity for head-smacking hypocrisy. They aren’t the least bit hesitant to flagrantly contradict themselves – sometimes in mid-sentence – whenever doing so helps them to advance whatever new fallacy they are flaunting.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Klan

Topping the list of these deliberate deceivers is Tucker Carlson. For years he has been in a persistent rage over the “white replacement theory,” a blatantly racist concept peddled by hate mongers and bigots who accuse Democrats of “importing” immigrants into the United States in order to dilute the voting power of white citizens. Most recently it’s been in the news because it fueled the horrific mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, by an adherent to the theory.

RELATED: Donald Trump Jr Defends the Buffalo Shooter’s Racist Creed – as Seen Daily on Fox News

On Monday night, despite his long established status as Fox’s chief champion of the white replacement theory, Carlson had the gall to disgorge a monologue distancing himself from the doctrine for which he has been the most prominent proponent (video below). He babbled that…

“You’ve heard a lot about the “great replacement theory” recently, everywhere in the last few days, and we’re still not sure exactly what it is.”

WHAT? Suddenly Carlson wants his viewers to believe that he has no idea what the white replacement theory is. Never mind that a recent New York Times investigation found that he has promoted it more than 400 times on his program. Without knowing what it is? Here are a few examples…

In a classic feat of gaslighting, Carlson went on to spin furiously an alternative reality wherein he asserted that it was Democrats who proffered the repugnant theory…

“Here’s what we do know for a fact: There’s a strong political component to the Democratic Party’s immigration theory. We’re not guessing this. We know this, and we know it because they have said so. They said it again, and again, and again. They’ve written books on it, and monograms, and magazine articles. They’ve bragged about it endlessly, and talk about it on cable news constantly. And they say it, out loud, ‘we are doing this because it helps us to win elections.'”

Of course, none of what Carlson is ranting about is “know[n] for a fact.” To the contrary, he’s making all of it up. And he used some badly mangled and out of context video to back up his lies. Among the clips he played was one of President Biden saying…

“Folks like me, who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 will be an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in America, from then on will be White, European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.”

Carlson is purposefully misinterpreting the commentaries in the video clips. What they are describing is the demographic reality that the share of the population of certain minorities groups in the U.S. is growing at a faster rate than that of the White population. That growth is coming from the families of Black and Brown citizens whose birthrates are higher than Whites. It has nothing whatsoever to do with immigration. And it isn’t a plot being executed by Democrats. It’s just an observation of publicly available census data, and reasonable projections made therefrom.

More to the point, Carlson’s theory that accuses Democrats of deliberately bringing undocumented immigrants into the U.S. in order to overwhelm White voters doesn’t even make sense. For one thing, such immigrants wouldn’t be able to vote for many years, if ever.

RELATED: On Fox News Tucker Carlson Drops His Sickest White Supremacy Conspiracy Theory Yet

So Carlson’s entire premise rests on his rancid racism and his shameless dishonesty. Add to that his ignorance to which he is now admitting. However, Carlson’s claim that he doesn’t know what the white replacement theory is is hard to take seriously after he’s sermonized about it so often. But then again, Fox News won a defamation lawsuit by arguing that “no reasonable person” would take Carlson seriously. The only problem with that is that are so many people watching his show who are utterly devoid of reason.

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MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Delivers a Righteous Rant Blasting Fox News for Advocating Starving Babies

The most predictable consequence of any crisis that America faces is that Fox News will waste no time trying to exploit it for purely partisan political purposes. And it won’t matter to Fox whether there is any truth to their exploitative endeavors, or how much rancid racism is ingrained in it.

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Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

The current shortage of baby formula in the U.S. is the latest example of how Fox manipulates the news to create division and fuel prejudice. Rather than explore ways to address the problem, or even to offer a rational debate on the subject, Fox News went directly to blaming President Biden and the innocent babies brought across the border by refugees fleeing poverty and violence.

RELATED: Biden Trashes Fox News Hack for ‘Garbage’ Question About Immigrant Children

The abhorrent positions expressed on Fox News reflect the bigotry against immigrants that Donald Trump has enabled and exacerbated. But Chris Hayes, host of “All In” on MSNBC, wasn’t taking it lightly. And he let loose with an impassioned monologue that effectively dismantled the noxious Fox News narrative (video below). Hayes began by saying that…

“We have reached the point where prominent figures in the conservative movement, including Republican politicians, office holders, and Fox News hosts, are calling for the United States to intentionally starve babies in its care. That is not hyperbole, and it’s not satire. It is the actual stated position now on the right.” […]

“Causes and solutions are not what the modern conservative movement really does when faced with a legitimate governing crisis. What they do is sniff around, like a dog after a carcass, to find the grossest way to demagogue the issue. And they have certainly found that here.”

Hayes then did something that is anathema to Fox News. He provided actual facts. He noted that there are less than a thousand infants in the custody of immigration authorities, and that they are required by law to feed them. That’s a miniscule percentage of the more than 3.7 million babies in America. So the argument that “illegal” babies (as Fox News disgustingly refers to them) are depriving American babies of formula is a deliberate and despicable lie. But that doesn’t stop Fox News from dispensing such hateful commentaries, and Hayes offers up a damning video compilation of them doing so.

Hayes also mocked the Fox News narrative that “The right solution to this formula crisis and shortage is to stop feeding the immigrant babies.” Obviously, if all of the formula provided to immigrant infants was redirected to Americans it wouldn’t make a dent in the problem. But, as previously noted, Fox News isn’t interested in solutions, just casting blame and manufacturing outrage. And while Fox News and heartless Republicans (yes, that’s redundant) are lying about the reasons for the formula shortage, the Biden administration is actually working to solve the problem.

In one especially loathsome part of the video that Hayes played, Fox hate monger Jesse Watters asked “Why are we feeding illegal babies ahead of American babies?” Just stop and think for moment about the repugnancy of that comment pitting one group of infants against another for life-saving sustenance. Hayes responded with apt revulsion saying, “Because they’re babies, you doofus!” He elaborated saying that…

“It would be a crime against humanity, and mass murder, to intentionally starve babies that you have in your custody, not to mention blatantly illegal. What is wrong with you?”

What is wrong with the cretins at Fox News is that they have no moral core. They are so fiercely fixated on their ultra-rightist political agenda that even the welfare of helpless infants is beyond their capacity to care. They would prefer to see migrant babies starve to death than to look realistically at the problem and seek collaborative solutions.

RELATED: Fox News Vigilantes, Lara Trump and ‘Judge’ Pirro, Issue Call to ‘Arm Up’ to Shoot Migrants

These allegedly “pro-life” Republicans and Fox News hacks would literally take the food from a baby’s mouth in order advance their crusade of cruelty. It’s what they have always done. They are just more open about it now.

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Jen Psaki Shreds Texas Gov. Abbott’s Publicity Stunts that are Hurting Texas and America

The Republican Party of Donald Trump has become so enthralled with Dear Leader that they have abandoned any pretense to actually governing or developing policies that benefit the American people. Their entire political platform now consists solely of fawning adorations of Trump and vicious defamatory attacks on Democrats.

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Psaki Lightening

Among the most brazen and shameless Trump-fluffers is Texas governor Greg Abbott. And this week he appears to be mounting a major offensive to test just how much he can offend his constituents before they send him into a disgraced retirement. Ignoring all of the real issues that are on the minds of the citizens in his state, Abbott is pursuing a pair of pointless initiatives aimed only at generating the interest of Fox News and other rightist media hacks.

RELATED: Texas Governor Whines to Fox News, Blames Biden, After Recklessly Revoking COVID Rules

Abbott began the week by announcing that he intended to load migrants onto buses and transport them from Texas to Washington, D.C. There is, of course, no legal or administrative purpose to this policy. It would only serve to waste Texas taxpayer dollars in a petty and futile effort to embarrass President Biden. It would, however, achieve the goal of placing the migrants in a jurisdiction where they will be treated humanely according to the law and the Constitution. Which is surely not what Abbott intended.

What Abbott intended was to manufacture a publicity stunt that would dehumanize refugees from poverty and violence. And the evidence of his publicity motivation was apparent when the first bus arrived in Washington and parked in front of Fox News, as reported by John Roberts of Fox News:

White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, was asked about this ludicrous relocation program by Fox’s Peter Doocy. She replied that…

“I’m not aware of what authority the governor would be doing that under. I think it’s pretty clear this is a publicity stunt. His own office admits that a migrant would need to voluntarily be transported, and he can’t compel them to because, again, enforcement of our country’s immigration laws lies with the federal government, not a state.”

Not satisfied with humiliating himself by providing free bus rides to willing migrants, Abbott moved on to implement a costly, unpopular, and useless border inspection plan. He described this staged media affair as “enhanced safety inspections” to catch “cartels that smuggle illicit contraband and people across our southern border.” The only problem with that is his phony inspections cannot do what he said they do. His Democratic opponent for governor, Beto O’Rourke, spelled out what a fraud it was on “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell,” saying that…

“These trucks that Greg Abbott has blockaded from coming into the United States are carrying parts that are destined for factories in San Antonio where we build the Toyota Tundra and Tacoma, to factories in Ohio and Michigan and other parts of this country. It’s gonna jeopardize jobs throughout this state and throughout the United States of America, for that matter. It’s gonna increase prices at our grocery stores even higher. And it’s worsening a supply chain problem that we already had. And this didn’t have to happen.”

O’Rourke goes on to point out that Abbott’s inspections only check on things like tire pressure and how the engine runs. In fact, Abbott’s inspectors are not even permitted to look inside the cargo area for drugs or human trafficking. And this boondoggle was also addressed by Jen Psaki, who issued the following statement from the White House:

“Governor Abbott’s unnecessary and redundant inspections of trucks transiting ports of entry between Texas and Mexico are causing significant disruptions to the food and automobile supply chains, delaying manufacturing, impacting jobs, and raising prices for families in Texas and across the country.” […]

“[T]rucks are facing lengthy delays exceeding 5 hours at some border crossings and commercial traffic has dropped by as much as 60 percent. […] Abbott’s actions are impacting people’s jobs, and the livelihoods of hardworking American families. “

RELATED: Gov. Abbott and Fox News Callously Exploits Deadly Winter Storms to Attack Green New Deal

All of this just makes it more clear that Abbott and his Republican comrades are only interested in maligning their political foes and damaging the country so that they can blame the harm on Democrats. And rather than working on plausible solutions to the nation’s problems, they orchestrate publicity stunts designed to deceive the public and get them more time on Fox News.

That is not an agenda that the people of Texas, or America, should support. And, hopefully, they will come out in historic numbers in November to vote against the Republicans who are so determinedly working against the people.

UPDATE: Abbott has already caved in and canceled his “enhanced” inspections, likely due to the avalanche of criticism he received from both Democrats and Republicans.

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