Fox News Flagrantly Lies About an NSA Probe Into Alleged Surveillance of Tucker Carlson

The continuing saga of Tucker Carlson’s Adventures in Spying and Lying has just dropped its latest episode. In the the previous episode Carlson accused the National Security Agency of “monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take this show off the air.” Right. Because that’s something that the NSA would devote its scarce time and resources to, rather than the international matters to which its jurisdiction is limited.

Fox News. Tucker Carlson

Carlson’s source for this bombshell revelation was an anonymous “whistleblower” who provided no evidence nor explanation for why the NSA would be interested in Carlson. From the outset the NSA denied that Carlson had ever “been an intelligence target of the Agency and the NSA never had any plans to try to take his program off the air.”

Shortly after Carlson’s initial disclosure of the alleged plot, he declared victory when an NSA review concluded that there was no evidence supporting his claim, but that his name might have been “picked up in third-party communications and his identity was unmasked.” Which is not at all what he originally said. It would not be surprising if foreign operatives mentioned Carlson, considering his popularity with totalitarian dictators. But that is not the same as being a target of an investigation with the purpose of getting his show canceled.

The new wrinkle in this melodrama is that the NSA’s inspector General is reportedly looking into the matter. According to CBS News

“Robert Storch, the agency’s inspector general, said his office has begun ‘examining NSA’s compliance with applicable legal authorities and Agency policies and procedures regarding collection, analysis, reporting, and dissemination activities, including unmasking procedures, and whether any such actions were based upon improper considerations.’

“While Storch did not explicitly name Carlson, the official familiar with the matter confirmed the host’s allegations were the focus of the review.”

This is a foreseeable and appropriate review under the circumstances. There is nothing especially alarming about it. Agencies like this are expected to keep close tabs on their operations and to respond to questions as they arise. However, Fox News has jumped to the most extreme conclusions in a statement praising the agency for things it isn’t doing:

“We are gratified to learn the NSA’s egregious surveillance of Tucker Carlson will now be independently investigated, As we have said, for the NSA to unmask Tucker Carlson or any journalist attempting to secure a newsworthy interview is entirely unacceptable and raises serious questions about their activities as well as their original denial, which was wildly misleading.”

There’s so much wrong with this statement that it requires a deeper examination. First of all, this is not an investigation of “the NSA’s egregious surveillance of Tucker Carlson.” The NSA has not found any evidence of “egregious” activity or any “surveillance” of Carlson at all. Secondly, contrary to Fox’s assertion, there is no evidence that Carlson was unmasked. In fact, the first and only disclosure of his name came from Carlson himself when he first reported his false version of the story on his program.

Finally, it is downright hysterical that Fox News would refer to Carlson as a “journalist.” This is the same guy that Fox’s lawyers argued in court – successfully – could not be guilty of defamation because no reasonable person would believe anything he says. And since there has been no proof provided regarding the purpose of any tangential appearance of Carlson’s name in an NSA report, there is no way to assume that it involved a “newsworthy interview.”

The statement by Fox News was almost entirely comprised of flagrant falsehoods. So it’s ironic that Fox is accusing the NSA of being “wildly misleading”? The truth is that Fox News is doing just what they were created to do: Tell lies about anything and everything in order to advance their ultra-rightist agenda. And this sensationalized reaction to the NSA’s routine review process just affirms that Fox News isn’t really news at all.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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Crybaby Trump Whines Impotently About Passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

There aren’t many public spectacles more humiliating than a washed up politician who fails to see that his influence has dried up. That’s the state of Donald Trump today. While his devoted cult followers keep his massive ego afloat, Trump’s actual ability to impact the nation has suffered considerable shrinkage.

Donald Trump

On Tuesday morning the Senate passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill with 19 Republicans joining all of the Democrats to complete a legislative goal that Trump failed at for four years. Throughout the debate for the past several weeks, Trump repeatedly implored his GOP confederates not to cooperate with the Democratic majority. But his plaintive pleading was for naught. And when the vote for passage was concluded, Trump released a despairing statement (via his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, (who is violating Twitter’s rules) that only served to highlight his feeble obsolescence:

“Nobody will ever understand why Mitch McConnell allowed this non-infrastructure bill to be passed. He has given up all of his leverage for the big whopper of a bill that will follow. I have quietly said for years that Mitch McConnell is the most overrated man in politics—now I don’t have to be quiet anymore. He is working so hard to give Biden a victory, now they’ll go for the big one, including the biggest tax increases in the history of our Country.

First of all, everyone but Trump understands why Mitch McConnell “allowed” this bill pass. He could hardly stop a bill that had such popular support that even Republican senators knew it would be political suicide to oppose it. And yes, this is a victory for President Biden and the Democrats, but it would have been a devastating defeat for Republicans if they had killed it. Although there is still an opportunity for the GOP to get on the wrong side of the issue when the budget reconciliation bill comes up for a vote.

Naturally, Trump uses this statement to cast blame on others and absolve himself of any responsibility for whatever he happens to be complaining about. This time it’s Senate GOP minority leader, Mitch McConnell. Trump laughably says that he “quietly” criticized McConnell in the past. As if Trump has ever done anything quietly. But as usual, Trump’s version of events doesn’t remotely resemble reality. Just this year Trump has loudly lambasted McConnell saying that…

  • “We need good leadership. Mitch McConnell has not done a great job. I think they should change Mitch McConnell.” (4/29/2021)
  • The Senate GOP leader is “a dumb son of a bitch.” (4/11/2021)
  • McConnell is a “dour, sullen, unsmiling political hack,” and that “if Republican Senators stay with him, they will not win again.” (2/13/2021)

Such a quiet man. These are the incoherent ramblings of a desperate and increasingly isolated has-been who thinks he is still a power broker. But his influence resides solely among the glassy-eyed disciples who cling to him like a miscreant messiah. Going forward, we can count on Trump continuing to fail with greater frequency. And we can also count on him continuing to whine pathetically about it.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Sen. Grassley Stands Up for Trump’s Right to Conspire to Stage a Coup with DOJ Staff

The evidence that Donald Trump was – and still is – engaged in a treasonous plot to overturn the 2020 presidential election continues to pour in. Recent reports reveal his attempts to pressure the acting Attorney General, Jeffrey Rosen, to “just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen.” Trump has not disputed these accounts.

Donald Trump, Constitution

The newly impaneled House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection just interviewed Rosen and, while the details have not been made public, there is general information that has been disclosed, and which are cause for serious concern. However, that concern is apparently not shared by Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Instead, what Grassley was concerned with was that…

“This country has had to deal with Democrats’ obsession with destroying Trump for much too long. In the process I fear my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have done, and will do, lasting damage to our political system.”

If the Democrats are “obsessed” with anything, it’s the preservation of American democracy. And if anyone is doing “lasting damage to the political process,” it’s Donald Trump, who has become, in the words of Carl Bernstein, an American war criminal.” But that isn’t exactly how Grassley sees it. He went on to say that…

“The president has every right to discuss ideas and strategies with his closest advisors. The president, whether that president is Democrat or Republican, should feel unrestrained to bring ideas to his closest staff for robust discussion. Eventually the facts will come out and Trump will have to address them. Good or bad, depending on the facts at hand.

“However, the essential question that should be asked: What was the final decision? And that is my major concern about the recent public comments coming out of these interviews I’ve discussed relating to this new Trump investigation. Unlike my Democratic colleagues, I won’t discuss the evidence publicly at this point in time. But let me remind the American public with a couple already public points. Did Trump fire acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen? No, he did not fire him.”

To be clear, Grassley is making the case that the president has the right to conspire against the United States of America, and to that end, he must be free to discuss “ideas and strategies” for staging a coup to seize power. Really? Perhaps the ranking Republican member of the Judiciary Committee should peruse the U.S. Constitution. Because what he’s suggesting is a flagrant breach of the supreme law of the land.

What’s more, the “essential question” is certainly not “What was the final decision?” No more than that would be the essential question in a case of conspiracy to rob a bank. The conspiracy is unlawful in and of itself. And Trump’s decision not to fire Rosen only came about when he was confronted by the threat of mass resignations by Justice Department officials. Trump didn’t have pangs of conscience that led him to do the right thing. He had a stabbing fear that his exploits would lead to a “Saturday Night Massacre” moment and he would suffer the same fate that Richard Nixon did.

For Grassley utter these words on the Senate floor without any sense of shame is illustrative of just how far down the rabid hole he has sunk. And like most of the rest of the Republican Party, he is nothing more than a Trump flunky serving Dear Leader and ignoring the welfare – and the laws – of the nation. For that reason, the American people need to stay active and engaged and determined to vote out every Republican on the ballot in 2022. The stakes are too high to get complacent or apathetic. Not with people like Grassley in high positions of power.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Rand Paul Goes We, We, We, All the Way Hoping that COVID Kills More Americans

The nation is currently in the midst of a fourth wave of the COVID pandemic. And sadly, this one was entirely preventable. It was caused by the ignorant and stubborn resistance of anti-vaccine deadenders who have bought into the reckless lies of Fox News and the sociopathy of Donald Trump and his Republican Party.

Rand Paul, COVID

Among the most obsessed anti-vaxxers is Kentucky senator Rand Paul (R-COVID-19). He has been a staunch opponent of the CDC and other health experts, including America’s foremost epidemiologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Paul is so far out on the fringe that he actually made a criminal referral of Dr. Fauci to the Justice Department for allegedly lying to Congress. Dr. Fauci’s response was that “You do not know what you’re talking about…If anybody is lying here, senator, it is you.”

On Monday morning, Paul posted a video to Twitter (see below) that stated his case in support of the much maligned coronavirus. And to be certain that it was consumed by as many dimwits as possible, it was also posted as an op-ed on the Fox News website. Paul reiterated his position that the virus is nothing to be concerned about and presented himself as the guardian of pro-COVID “freedom.” The terminally deranged commentary began with Paul courageously declaring that…

“It’s time for us to resist. They can’t arrest all of us. They can’t keep all your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed.”

Never mind that no one was threatening to have him arrested, or keep his kids home from school, or close any government buildings. So Paul is boldly standing up against “threats” that nobody has made. He went on to tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that…

“You will not arrest or stop me or anyone on my staff from doing our jobs. […] so you can continue your drunk with power rein over the Capitol.”

Again, Pelosi has never suggested any such thing. And the rules in the House of Representatives were implemented at the direction of the House’s Office of Attending Physician. Paul’s complaints, however, were pulled straight from his asinine failure to understand public health matters. Which is what must have triggered his idiotic edict that “No one should follow the CDC’s anti-science mask mandates.” And even worse, Paul completely contradicted reality by saying that “Children are not at any more risk from COVID than they are for the seasonal flu.” To the contrary, recent data shows that children are being infected and hospitalized in greater numbers than at any time prior during this pandemic.

Likewise, Paul’s petty retaliation for anyone who disagrees with him will be to petulantly block every bill that comes before the Senate. And he’s doing all of this for an unnamed horde of vaccine-averse rebels who don’t care at all about exacerbating the pandemic and potentially aiding in its continuing mutation until a variant that is vaccine resistant emerges. Throughout the video Paul refers to some vague collective of “WE” who he claims to represent, but who are never defined:

  • We don’t have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and feckless bureaucrats.
  • We can simply say no, not again.
  • We have all either had COVID, had the vaccine, or been offered the vaccine.
  • We will make our own health choices.
  • We will not show you a passport.
  • We will not wear a mask.
  • We will not be forced into random screening and testing.
  • We will not accept your agencies’ mandates.
  • We will not allow you to do more harm to our children.
  • We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads.

In other words, “we” will expose ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our work associates, and every stranger with whom we come into contact, to a deadly virus that could be stopped with a simple shot in the arm. “We” will not be moved from our pigheaded stupidity just to save the lives of other innocent people who made smarter choices. And “we” will follow blindly the pundits and politicians who know nothing about epidemiology, rather than the doctors and experts who spent their lives studying it.

This isn’t about freedom. It certainly isn’t the freedom to go about our business without the fear of coming into contact with disease-carrying fools like Rand Paul. This is the kind of cognitively twisted thinking that has resulted in more than 600,000 COVID deaths in the U.S. so far. And if Paul and his confederate have their way, there will more suffering to come.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

SCAREDY FOX: Why Did Fox News Censor Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ Rant? Pending Lawsuits?

A startling event occurred on Sunday that may be unique in modern times. Donald Trump’s spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, posted a tweet that exposed a bona fide case of media censorship. But this assault on free speech was not the work of the usual suspects among the “fake news” purveyors. It wasn’t CNN or the New York Times that clipped Trump’s officious oratory.

Donald Trump, Fox News, White House

Nope. Harrington caught the thought police at Fox News in the act of making unauthorized edits to Trump’s divine discourse during an interview with Fox News host Dan Bongino. Most of this segment was filled with the typical Trumpian adoration by the Fox host and hysterical incoherence by Trump. But Harrington noticed something terribly wrong when she went to post Trump’s sermon on Twitter (which is a flagrant violation of their terms of service. Feel free to report it). She tweeted her discovery saying…

“WOW. So I went to post a clip from President Trump’s great interview on @dbongino last night, and lo and behold, Fox News EDITED and CHANGED what President Trump said, censoring out 45 accurately describing the Fake Election.”

First of all, it’s “former” President Trump. Secondly, it was more of a love-fest than an interview. Thirdly, what was edited out was not accurate. That said, she was quite right that some editing took place. What was excised was Trump lying again about the 2020 presidential election being “stolen” from him. He said that…

“You have a Fake Election, you have an election with voter abuse and with voter fraud like nobody has ever seen before and based on that and based on what happened they are destroying our Country.”

So the question is why would Fox News cut out this 14 second portion of a 16 minute interview? It could hardly be due to time constraints.

There are, however, a couple of plausible reasons to expunge this particular commentary. Fox News is already the subject of two multibillion dollar lawsuits (one by Dominion Voting Systems, and another by Smartmatic) for defamation as result of the network’s dishonest assertions, on Trump’s behalf, that that the election was “rigged.”

So Fox News has a strong self-interest in avoiding exposing themselves to further legal liability by providing additional evidence that supports the case against them. That would be sufficient reason to cut Trump’s incessant whining about voter fraud for which he he has never been able to provide any proof in the 60-plus court cases he lost.

What’s more, by posting Trump’s lies, Fox News could be placing themselves at risk of being banned by Twitter – just like Trump – for posting false and potentially harmful misinformation. It is Trump’s lies about the election that incited the deadly insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th.

Fox News has already shown that they are worried about being associated with Trump’s “Big Lie.” Last month Fox refused to air an ad by the MyPillow conspiracy crackpot, Mike Lindell. The ad was to promote his “cyber symposium” that he said would “prove” that Trump won the election. Needless to say, the “proof” exists only in his diseased mind. However, Fox News wasn’t going to take the chance of getting further into legal jeopardy, so they nixed the ad. And in retaliation, Lindell pulled all of his ads from Fox News. And since MyPillow is Tucker Carlson’s biggest advertiser, that leaves his show with hardly any major ads at all.

It will be interesting to see how this censorship melodrama plays out. Currently Trump’s cult disciples are in a tizzy online, lambasting Fox News as the “enemy of the people,” and pledging to boycott the network forever. Harrington is appearing on whatever mousy Fox News wannabe that will book her to bad mouth Fox for caving in to the “Deep State.” And Trump is still stuck with with his thumb in his mouth, unable to get his malicious messaging out. Could this be any more fun? Stay tuned and have plenty of popcorn ready.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

HUH? On Fox News Trump Asks ‘Imagine If There Was Coronavirus When I Was President’

For most of his time in the White House Donald Trump’s mental acuity was questioned. And for good reason. Despite his own hysterical references to himself as a stable genius,” Trump also believed that stealth fighters are actually invisible, that windmills cause cancer, that we should nuke hurricanes, that George Washington’s Army took over airports, and that injecting bleach will cure COVID. It’s not exactly a record of cognitive fitness.

Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

In his post-presidency, Trump has not fared any better. And on Saturday night he displayed a deficiency of cerebral functioning that should trigger alarm among his medical caregivers. Trump called into Fox News for a tongue-bathing “interview” by the ultra-bombastic Dan Bongino, a pundit whose experience consists of having been an NYPD officer, a three time loser for Congress, and a big mouth with which to shout down anyone who disagrees with him.

During the doting discussion Bongino sought Trump’s views on COVID mask mandates. “You didn’t have as much information when you got in office,” Bongino softballed. “It was a new virus, obviously. Where do you stand on these mandates?” Setting aside the fact that Trump knew very well the deadly severity of the coronavirus early on, he nevertheless replied with an incoherent jumble of nonsense:

“Could you imagine if I were president right now and we had this massive attack from the coronavirus – you know, now they like to call it, they have new names and they have other new names – but it’s exactly what we had, we had the same thing. If that were me, they would say ‘what a horrible thing, what a horrible job.’ I don’t ever hear that. And these are numbers in some cases that are equivalent to what it was, but we don’t hear that.”

Does Trump really think that people need to “imagine” what it would have been like if there were pandemic while he was in office? The obituaries of more than 600,000 Americans might serve as a grim reminder. And the people did say “what a horrible job.” Then they voted him out of office by a seven million vote margin that, in his reality-averse stupor, he still refuses to acknowledge.

However, Trump actually contradicted himself in the same comment. He began by suggesting that it required imagination to conceive of a viral pandemic during his term. Then follows that by conceding that it was “exactly what we had.” So which was it? And leave out the babbling about different names.

Of course, neither Trump nor Bongino recognize that the current wave of COVID is the result of the new Delta variant. Nor do they acknowledge that the horrendous surge is mainly among the unvaccinated, whose resistance has largely been driven by Trump and Fox News. If they wanted to mitigate the harm, they could, but they obviously don’t want to.

This is the reprehensible level of discourse exhibited by Trump and his fluffers on Fox News. And yet, Trump is still regarded as the de facto leader of the Republican Party. Which tells you everything you need to know about the GOP, Fox News and Trump.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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CNN’s Jim Acosta Fractures Fox News Fascist Fanboy and Trump-Fluffer, Tucker Carlson

This past week Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, made a pilgrimage to Hungary to curtsy obediently before its self-proclaimed dictator, Viktor Orban. Carlson displayed his sickly adoration as he performed PR duties for Orban’s oppressive regime. It was a shameful exercise in subservience to a notorious totalitarian strongman.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Dictator

On Saturday, CNN’s Jim Acosta reported on Carlson’s trek to the totalitarian dystopia with some poignant clips of Carlson’s commentaries while he was there. Acosta and his guests. Ruth Ben-Ghiat and Oliver Darcy, had some cogent insights, but it was Carlson’s own words that tell the story of his noxious anti-democratic and even anti-American obsessions. The entire video clip of the segment is posted below, but what follows are Carlson’s chilling remarks and pro fascist views.

Acosta introduced the first clip saying that “The Soviet Union used to use gullible foreigners to spread their propaganda, but this seems different. Tucker knows exactly what he’s doing.” And Carlson said that…

“if you care about western civilization and democracy and family, and the ferocious assault on all three of those things by the leaders of our global institutions, you should know what is happening here right now. In the face of great international pressure – they called him all kinds of names, the EU called what he was doing illegal – but he did it anyway. He built a wall. We said to a Hungarian minister who was standing there, ‘It’s hard to believe that that’s your policy. When you come here illegally you’re just escorted out politely?’ And he said quote, ‘We’re a serious country.’ How embarrassing to be an American in a conversation like that.”

Darcy pointed out how outraged Carlson and the rest of right-wing America would be if Michelle Obama, for instance, had gone abroad and told an authoritarian dictator that she was embarrassed to be an American. But Carlson has no problem exhibiting his shame. Nor does he mind portraying Hungary as “democratic,” despite the fact that Orban has effectively assumed total control for life. Acosta then introduces another clip of Carlson praising the state controlled media of Hungary…

“Let’s say you lived in a big American city and you decided to loudly and publicly attack Joe Biden’s policies. His policies on immigration or COVID or transgender athletes. If you kept talking like that you would likely be silenced by Joe Biden’s allies in Silicon Valley. If you kept it up you might very well have to hire armed body guards. That’s common in the U.S. Ask around. But it’s unknown in Hungary. Opposition leaders here don’t worry that they will be hurt for their opinions.”

WTF? Carlson is actually attacking Joe Biden’s policies in these clips. And his confederates on Fox News do so every hour of every day. Not only have they not been silenced, they are the number one rated cable news network. As for the need for Hungarian critics to hire body guards, Carlson is partly correct. There aren’t any government critics who need to do that. But only because there aren’t any government critics allowed. As Ben-Ghiat noted, over 500 media media outlets “donated” their assets to a foundation run by Orban’s allies. There could never be a Fox News taking shots at the government the way they do in the U.S. Carlson is deliberately covering that up. But then he goes off on this fantasy rant…

“‘Oh, but he’s a fascist,’ scream people who are happy to imprison non-violent political protesters in Washington. ‘Oh, there’s no press freedom,’ say people who support the overwhelming censorship in the American media. ‘He’s bad!’ They haven’t accused him rigging elections yet. Maybe that’s too much even for them.”

What Carlson is referring to as political prisoners are the insurrectionists who attacked Congress on January 6th. He regards them as non-violent, despite their having broken through doors and windows, injured more than 100 police officers, and chanted their intentions to kill Nancy Pelosi and hang Mike Pence.

Furthermore, you have to wonder what Carlson is talking about when he says that there is “overwhelming censorship in the American media.” If that were true, he wouldn’t be able to say it on a highly viewed television network. Additionally, Carlson mocks those who point out that Hungary does not have a free press. He might want to refer to the study by Reporters Without Borders as reported by Voice of America

“A press watchdog group, Reporters Without Borders, named 37 world leaders Monday as media ‘predators’ who ‘crack down massively’ on press freedom, including for the first time a Western European leader, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. […] The watchdog group said oligarchs close to Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party controls more than 80% of the media in the country, while private media is discriminated against and characterized as publishing ‘fake news.'”

Acosta closed by saying of Carlson’s Hungarian PR junket that “It’s very concerning. And I wonder where he’s going next. Maybe to Moscow to do an infomercial for Vladimir Putin. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.” Which pretty much says it all. Except that Tucker Carlson is an unpatriotic, anti-American, traitor to his country and no decent network would keep him on the air. Which explains why he’s on Fox News.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Does a Great Job of Proving How Pitifully Stupid He and His Cult Followers Are

No one has ever described Donald Trump as any kind of a genius (except for Trump himself) After all, the guy who “loves the poorly educated” also believes that stealth fighters are actually invisible, that windmills cause cancer, that we should nuke hurricanes, that George Washington’s Army took over airports, and that injecting bleach will cure COVID.

Donald Trump

Unfortunately, Trump clearly isn’t satisfied resting on his laurels of epic idiocy. His relentless and dangerous crusade to subvert democracy by promulgating the “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and/or “stolen” is producing an avalanche of new and more profoundly stupid examples of his mental infirmity.

On Saturday morning Trump’s spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, posted another of his alt-tweets (which is a flagrant violation of their terms of service and is linked here if you want to report it). In this episode of his sore loser lament Trump displayed a new low for his failing cognitive capacity. He whined that…

“Wisconsin has just canceled 205,000 voter registrations because they say they could not find the voters. Why did they wait until AFTER the election? Would this mean that we would have won Wisconsin? Congratulations!”

Is this for real, or an SNL sketch? Does Trump actually believe that these 205,000 canceled registrations could have led to his victory? Is it possible that he doesn’t know – and that no one in his camp has told him – that these are registrations for people who have not voted for at least four years? And if they haven’t voted, then they certainly didn’t vote for him or Biden or anyone else. And since they didn’t vote, it wouldn’t make any difference if the purge took place before or after the election. According to the Wisconsin Elections Commission

“Deactivating voter registrations in Wisconsin is a routine practice, required by law every two years, as part of the state’s voter record maintenance. […] The effort identifies individuals who have not voted in the previous four years and deactivates their registrations unless they want to remain on voter rolls. A spokesperson for the commission told The Hill that none of the voters removed from rolls cast ballots in the 2020 presidential election.”

This is the level of foolishness and dishonesty that pervades every claim that Trump has made regarding the election. In another recent harangue, Trump claimed that “There is massive and unconditional evidence that the election was shattered with fraud and irregularities at a level that our Country has never seen before.” But in his tedious and lengthy tirade he didn’t bother to cite a single example.

What’s more, Trump apparently doesn’t believe his own fraud claims. We know this because when he tried to pressure the Justice Department to back him up, he didn’t ask them to find or disclose any evidence of fraud. He asked them to “just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen.”

As painfully stupid as Trump’s statements are about the election (and pretty much everything else), we cannot ignore the fact that his disciples will believe every word of his lunatic rants. That’s the nature of cult, wherein Dear Leader is always right and everyone else is lying to you. It’s a closed loop of blind devotion that fills the followers’ gaping psychological and emotional void, as well as the leader’s ego and bank account. And worst of all, it has the potential to lead more and greater violence. It already has done so.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

PSAKI BOMB: A Doocy Dud on the Booming Biden Economy Gets Demolished

Another day, another humiliating smackdown for Fox News White House cor-despondent, Peter Doocy. If one didn’t know better, it would almost seem like Doocy was a plant in the White House briefing room, providing slow pitches for press secretary Jen Psaki to hit out of the park. Which she does with grace and saintly patience.

Psaki Lightening

During Friday’s daily press briefing the lead topic was the outstanding jobs report released early that morning. The U.S. economy added a higher than expect 943,000 jobs in July, while the unemployment rate dipped to 5.4% — the lowest since the pandemic hit more than a year ago.

So naturally, Doocy had to figure out a way to frame his question in the negative. He didn’t do very well. For one thing, his Fox News handlers will not be pleased that he acknowledged that the economy under President Biden is “so great.” According to Donald Trump we should be in a depression by now. But Doocy did manage to spin this good news as something to complain about:

Doocy: If the economy is so great, you guys are celebrating jobs being created at a historic…
Psaki: Wouldn’t you say over 900,000 jobs created is pretty good?
Doocy: So this is my question. Why then is the President still pushing for big relief packages, pandemic-era relief packages like the eviction moratorium?
Psaki: Well, first I would say, one of the biggest pieces of the legislation he’s pushing for as we know is the infrastructure package, and also the Build Back Better agenda. Most of the components in those packages are long-term investments. They’re overdue. They’re meant to modernize our infrastructure, put people back to work over the long-term, and make us competitive over the long-term. It is still a reality, even with a good jobs number this month, and even with four million jobs created over six months, that there are still people out of work. There are still people who don’t have enough money to make ends meet.

This answer would seem so obvious to most people that the question would never even be asked. Just because things are improving, it doesn’t erase the hardships that people have been struggling with for the past year. Particularly those threatened with eviction, wherein the missed rent payments date back several months. Landing a job this week doesn’t pay those back rents or remove the threat of eviction.

The fact that Doocy needs to have this explained to him is a sad testament to his ignorance and unfitness for the job he’s pretending to do. But it’s also typical of his tenure in the White House press corps where he’s also needed help understanding the evolving state of a viral pandemic, or grasping the complexities of inflation. He has virtually made his career by admitting publicly that almost every important field of study is over his head.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Spokes-Shill Liz Harrington’s Twitter Account is ‘Temporarily Restricted’

Seven months ago Twitter belatedly banished the account of Donald Trump as he was promulgating blatant lies about election fraud and whipping up his cult disciples into savage mobs bent on sedition. Twitter imposed the ban on January 8th, two days after Trump’s deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill, saying that “we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.”

Donald Trump, Liz Harrington, Twitter

In the seven months since his suspension Trump has actually escalated his reckless rhetoric. Trump continued to make purposefully inflammatory comments online and at his cult rallies (where he sometimes does himself more harm than good). Although he has managed to maintain an online presence despite his exile from Twitter (and YouTube and Facebook), much of it has demonstrated his infamous capacity for failure. For instance, his attempt to launch an online blog was shut down in less than a month.

However, none of that deterred Trump from pursuing his aspirations of messianic tyranny. Aiding and abetting this nightmarish goal was his new spokeswoman, Liz Harrington. As soon as she came aboard she began posting tweets that were nothing more than cut-and-paste Trumpisms that he was tweeting himself prior to his exile from social media. It was a brazen attempt to circumvent the Twitter ban, which is a violation of their terms of service.

In the month of July Harrington was Trump’s Twitter proxy more than 80 times. By allowing this, Twitter was itself helping Trump to continue disseminating his crackpot conspiracy theories that had already fomented a deadly riot and the first assault on the U.S. Congress in America’s history.

Now there appears to be at least a temporary relief from the Trumpist propaganda peddled by Harrington. On Friday morning anyone vising her Twitter account received a message saying…

“Caution: This account is temporarily restricted. You’re seeing this warning because there has been some unusual activity from this account. Do you still want to view it?”

It’s not clear what Twitter is referring to as the “unusual activity.” Neither is it clear how long the restriction will remain in place. It could be revoked within minutes or months. But it is a step in the right direction. And it validates all of the efforts by innumerable Twitter users who reported Harrington for violating Twitter’s rules.

This, however, is not the time to declare victory and withdraw. Since the account is still technically accessible, it is imperative that people continue to report it. Harrington should be suspended permanently for her repeated breaches that have allowed Trump to continue provoking potentially violent behavior. He is a clear and present danger to the nation, and Harrington (and Twitter) must not be permitted to assist him in his treasonous pursuits.

UPDATE: The restriction lasted less than 24 hours, and Harrington is back to posting Trump’s alt-tweets. So apparently Twitter still doesn’t care if their rules are violated by Trump and his confederates in ways that will surely incite further violence.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.