Donald Trump LOST To Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders In New Hampshire

The typhoon known as Donald Trump continues to be exaggerated by a media infatuated with a celebrity candidate whose psychotic fits are utterly unpredictable. He is covered obsessively by the press mainly because they are hoping to catch him in a juicy controversy or a slap-fight with an elderly widow.

To a certain extent the press has gotten exactly what they want. Trump’s behavioral meltdowns have already yielded tabloid gold. He has fought with Fox News, directed his supporters to “knock the crap out of” protesters, and called Ted Cruz a “pussy.” And for his reward the press provides him with uninterrupted attention that magnifies his wholly manufactured TV fiction persona.

Take the just concluded New Hampshire primary. Trump was declared the runaway winner in a rout that devastated his opponents. The shock registered by the media over his dominating electoral prowess went completely off the scale. It’s a typical exhibition of laziness by reporters who are incapable of putting information into context. So let me do it for them.


Donald Trump received 35% of the Republican vote. That is indeed a significantly larger percentage than John Kasich, whose 14% earned him second place. However, it less than the 38% that Hillary Clinton got in her losing bid against Bernie Sanders (who drew a truly extraordinary 60%). This means that Clinton in defeat has greater support among Democrats than a victorious Trump does among Republicans.

What’s more, New Hampshire voters turned out in record numbers for this primary. As a result, Trump conned about 100,000 dimwitted voters to cast their lots with an overt racist and wannabe dictator. The Sanders total, however, bested that by 50%, with a 151,000 votes. Even Clinton’s losing effort came very close to Trump with 95,000 votes. And yet Trump is considered the phenomenon.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Everybody needs to take a breath, sit back, and reexamine what is taking place. Donald Trump is a blowhard who knows how to work the media refs to build himself up. He is only leading from within his own fractured party of crackpots in a large field of candidates that dilutes the anti-Trump vote. A more realistic assessment of Trump’s campaign will be possible when the contestants are whittled down to two or three (as they are for the Democrats). Until then, we can expect the media to wear their phony astonishment at Trump’s alleged success despite all the evidence that he’s a paper tiger pitching a reality TV character minus the reality.

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Donald Trump’s NH Victory Brought To You By The So-Called Liberal Media

The New Hampshire primary results are in and they tell us something far more significant than merely who won. There are some stark differences in the way the winners for each party managed to achieve their victories.

Fox News Donald Trump

The Republican race has been a seventeen ring circus for most of the past seven months. And the reality TV tenor of the campaign is due almost entirely to one man: Donald Trump. From the day he announced his candidacy with a hate-filled speech that castigated Latinos as rapists and murderers, to his embrace of and by white supremacists, Trump’s antics have served to expose Republican voters as ready to follow his racist, misogynistic crusade to the very gates of Hell.

Compare that to the Democratic race where, while there have been some sharp elbows thrown from time to time, for the most part it has been a campaign focused on issues and the differences between the candidates. Not once has either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders called the other a “loser” or a “p*ssy” or told any of their constituents to go “f**k themselves” (yep, Trump really did that).

However, the truly startling thing that the New Hampshire results reveal is the very lopsided role the media played a in how the campaigns progressed. Specifically, the television news coverage of the campaigns was strikingly different. As Media Matters reported in December, the three broadcast networks lavished Trump with an astonishing 234 minutes of coverage. And during the same period of time from the same networks, Sanders received 10 minutes of coverage. No, that is not a typo. In fact, Trump received more network coverage than all of the Democratic candidates combined, including non-candidate Joe Biden.

Then, when you add Fox News to the mix, Trump got another 23 hours of coverage in 119 appearances. Of course, the number for Sanders on Fox was zero. Even among other Republican candidates, none received even ten hours of airtime. Media Matters calculated the value of the airtime Trump was given at roughly $30 million, if he had to pay for it in advertising. Even Trump thought this was ridiculous and said so at a rally:

“Every time I go on television it’s gotta be live. It’s live. I said ‘Oh, can I have a rest please?’ Tonight it is live on Fox. Who likes Fox? I like Fox. It’s live on CNN. Who likes CNN? And it’s live on MSNBC, right? How come it always has to be live? Why don’t they just cover me like anybody else where they go the next day and they show little clips? Every time I speak it has to be live. It’s ridiculous, but it’s OK. Right? We have to suffer with it.”

The media has been playing into Trump’s hands by treating him as if he were Kim Kardashian and every public move or utterance had some prurient interest to their viewers. Even though his events rarely produced anything that was remotely newsworthy, the networks rushed to put him on live in the hopes that he might burst an artery or slap an elderly widow.

Consequently, Trump now brags that he has spent very little on his campaign but still achieved an important victory. The truth, however, is that he got tens of millions of dollars in free advertising that his rivals had to actually pay. His success was handed to him as gift by the media that he bitches about in every speech.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, got his victory the old fashioned way – he earned it by raising funds from millions of supporters and communicating a positive message to appreciative voters. He had little to no help from the so-called “liberal” media. And this obvious disparity in coverage is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. That is, unless either Trump is caught in bed with a fourteen year old boy or Sanders agrees to appear on Dancing With The Stars.

So Racist, Misogynist, NRA-Theist Ted Nugent Is A Flaming Anti-Semite Too

Has-been schlock-rocker, NRA board member, and Donald Trump suck-up, Ted Nugent, long ago demonstrated how virulently hateful he is with relentless and profane screeds against African-Americans, women, Latinos, Muslims, and pretty much anyone that doesn’t follow his noxious brand of wingnut, nativist, psycho-patriotism. And don’t forget that he abhors President Obama so much that he called him a “subhuman mongrel” and his assassination laden tirades brought the FBI to his door.

Ted Nugent

Now he has added another minority group to the honor roll of those who Ted Nugent despises. This time it’s Jews, a group that conservatives often pretend to like because the savior they prophesied is still expected to return and shuffle them all off to Heaven. However, before that happens, Nugent felt it necessary to publish a Facebook post that asked the pressing question “Who is really behind gun control?” His comment accompanying this image said…

“Know these punks. They hate freedom, they hate good over evil, they would deny us the basic human right to self defense & to KEEP & BEAR ARMS while many of them have tax paid hired ARMED security!”

The image showed some prominent Jewish Americans with little Israeli flags pasted over them. Among those included are Michael Bloomberg, Rahm Emanuel, and senators Dianne Feinstein, Charles Schumer, and Barbara Boxer. The message is clear that Nugent is categorizing all Jews as opponents of his fetishized Second Amendment. And even worse, he is accusing them of hating freedom and conspiring to confiscate everyone’s guns. He is propagating a blatantly anti-Semitic and utterly false stereotype.

This is a common tactic among anti-Semites. They frequently seek to blame Jews for all of what they consider to be society’s ills. It’s either controlling the media, or owning all the banks, or pushing communism, or whatever these cretins happen to be obsessing over at the time.

The image itself has been floating around the InterTubes for years. Another version of it included even more of what they called “Gun Grabbing Traitor Jews.” Neo-Nazi organizations like Stormfront have used it to advance their hate-speech.

The Anti-Defamation League released a statement condemning Nugent and calling on him to remove the image from his Facebook page. They also said that…

“Nugent should be ashamed for promoting anti-Semitic content, and we hope that good people on both sides of the gun control debate will reject his tactics and his message.”

Setting aside the obviously disgusting nature of Nugent’s post, it also happens to be ridiculously untrue. While there are some gun safety advocates who happen to be Jewish, there are also Jewish proponents of the NRA. Some notables include former GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation Alan Gottlieb, and Sandy Froman, who actually served as the NRA’s president from 2005 to 2007, and is still a member of the board. This information, however, is steadfastly ignored by ignorant hate mongers like Nugent because it doesn’t fit their preferred narrative.

Nugent posted a subsequent message on Facebook after he was deluged with complaints about his Antisemitism. As might be expected, it was not an apology. He continued making insulting references as he defended himself, such as “Jews for guncontrol are nazis in disguise.” These are the sort of comments that he knows he can get away with because his sycophantic fans are even stupider than he is.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

In case you were wondering, Nugent is himself a big fan of Donald Trump. SURPRISE! He called Trump “the hellraiser America has needed for a very longtime.” But don’t hold your breath waiting for Trump to disavow his anti-Semitic Facebook post. Trump recently said that he is not bothered by comparisons to Hitler and he is currently benefiting from a white supremacist Super PAC that campaigned for him Iowa and is doing so in New Hampshire as well. So why would he be bothered by this? He would probably consider Nugent for a cabinet post.

Update: Nugent just put out a wholly dishonest apology wherein he claims that he “made no connection whatsoever to any religious affiliation.” Really? The image was of twelve Jews with Israeli flags pasted on them and captions referincing “Jew York city.” After he was criticized for the posting he defended himself by saying that “Jews for guncontrol are nazis in disguise.” And now, apparently under some pressure, his apology claims that his posting had no religious affiliation? Yeah, right.

Rupert Murdoch’s Downright Delusional Twit-Tastic Debate Analysis

Rupert Murdoch is the corporate overlord of one of the biggest media conglomerates in the world. That empire provides him with a vast array of platforms from which to express his extreme rightist ideology. And yet the man who created Donald Trump (and is now his slave) cannot seem to stop himself from posting the sort of stunted half-thoughts that flourish on Twitter.

Donald Trump Rupert Murdoch

The morning after the ABC broadcast of the Republican primary debate in New Hampshire Murdoch was especially chatty. He unleashed a series of tweets that left an impossibly positive impression of his experience of the debate. You really have to wonder what debate he was watching, because his comments seemed astonishingly removed from reality. Let’s have a look.

The first Murdoch tweet was both a general compliment to all of the Republican candidates and a slap at the Democrats. He said “All candidates lifted game last night. Everyone seemed better than alternative Dems.”

This is the first indication that Murdoch has totally lost it. He’s talking about a debate that began with the most hilariously screwed-up introduction ever, wherein Ben Carson and Donald Trump appeared to have been cast into a trance that froze them in their tracks. And it just got worse from there. He didn’t bother to elaborate on why he thought the Dems were so unappealing, but since he is the chief honcho of Fox News we can just assume he’s on auto-hate of everything liberalish.

The next tweet was a bit more specific. He said “Trump better, somewhat contained and more presidential. Rubio inspirational speaker, a winner. But does he have real depth of knowledge?”

If this was Murdoch’s idea of Trump being “more presidential” than I would be curious to see what he regards as appropriate presidential demeanor. Trump was booed repeatedly for boorish behavior including shushing Jeb Bush and insulting the audience. Apparently Murdoch admires a leader who would shush visiting dignitaries and insult voters. As for Rubio’s “inspirational” speaking, that must have been when he masterfully repeated the same memorized catch phrase at least four times as if stuck in tape loop.

The next tweet covered another couple of candidates. Murdoch said “Cruz a great debater performed well, but why do all long-term acquaintances distrust him? Jeb Bush best yet. Easily visualise him in WH.”

Presumably Murdoch was praising Cruz’s debating skills such as when brazenly lied about how he sabotaged Ben Carson in Iowa by inventing a rumor that Carson had dropped out of the race. Or maybe it was when he couldn’t decide whether he loved waterboarding enough to actually use it. And if Murdoch doesn’t know yet why Cruz is so universally disliked, he really needs to come out from under that rock every now and then. As for Murdoch’s tribute to Bush, it was such empty praise that he couldn’t manage to provide an example of why Bush was so much better than ever before.

The next tweet was just more of the same substanceless blather. He said “Christie the tough bullying prosecutor. Not much on big issues. Kasich the safe moderate, everyone’s Vice President. Carson also best yet.”

It’s interesting to see Murdoch actually criticize someone. Especially Christie considering that he was personally lobbied to run for president in 2012 by Murdoch’s lieutenant Roger Ailes. Not surprisingly, Murdoch was soft on Kasich for the very reason he stated: Kasich is (allegedly) a moderate. And once again, He couldn’t explain what Carson did that was such a big improvement despite his obvious blunders. I guess he had already set the bar pretty low.

Finally, Murdoch went off an a tangential tweet to condemn all of the candidates for a shared failing. He said “All really failed to understand immensity of global Muslim problem. No easy answers, but Middle East just a forerunner to sub-Sahara Africa.”

This tells us where Fox News gets its rampant hatred of Muslims (i.e. from the top). Murdoch just hauls off at something he calls a “global Muslim problem” as if it were an outbreak of Ebola, and not a racist assault on 1.2 billion people, most of whom are peace-loving folks who have the very same hopes and dreams for themselves and their families as anyone else.

This Twitter rant exposes Murdoch’s obvious biases, both politically and personally. The fact that he can run a “news” network that is laughably described as “fair and balanced” without being ostracized from the ranks of honest journalists is testimony to how distorted the media has become. Of course, anyone who has paid much attention to Fox News already realizes that it is nothing but a propaganda outlet that seeks to disinform the already intellectually weak and frighten them into a state where they can be manipulated – just like any other cult.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Not SNL: The Single Most Hilarious Moment In Any Debate Ever (Video)

At the opening of the Republican debate on ABC the candidates were introduced as they always are and they march out onto the stage to take their place behind their podiums. But last night that plan went haywire in manner that could not have been funnier if it was scripted by profession comedians (video below).

Republican Debate Intro

After introducing Chris Christie, the moderator introduced Ben Carson. For some reason Carson came out from behind the curtain and stopped in the wings looking confused, an expression that is not unfamiliar for him. Perhaps he just tuckered out before he could make it to his podium. The moderator continued with the introductions announcing Ted Cruz, who smiled as he walked past Carson, still befuddled. A stage hand was seen peeking out from the curtain trying to get Carson to take his position at his podium but was ignored.

Then it was Donald Trump’s turn. He meandered out from behind the curtain so slowly it looked like he was just wandering around with nowhere special to go (what debate?). Eventually he inexplicably decided to stand beside Carson in the wings. Maybe he thought Megyn Kelly was out there and he was too scared to proceed. Then again, Trump knows that Carson is a bad-ass who tried to stab one of his childhood friends and hit his mother in the head with a hammer, so maybe he thought Carson would protect him from Kelly. Jeb Bush came out next and breezed by the still loitering Carson and Trump, looking back at them curiously.

With almost everyone else on stage, the moderators finally coerced Carson and Trump to join their colleagues for the debate. Then they almost went on with debate without introducing John Kasich at all. You could hear somebody telling them not to forget Kasich. The moderators then attempted to cover for Carson and Trump’s strange behavior by saying that it was so loud in the auditorium that they didn’t hear. That might have been a decent excuse except for the fact that all the other candidates seemed to hear just fine.

After the debate got started Carson was asked his first question. Before answering he briefly addressed the screwed-up intro saying that the confusion stemmed from him not being introduced second as planned. The only problem with that excuse is that he actually was introduced second, as the video shows.

It’s hard to know whether to laugh at this buffoonery or to be afraid of how severely our democracy has deteriorated to result in these being the choices of one of our two major political parties. Well, actually it isn’t really that hard, you just can’t help but laugh. But afterward you can still be afraid. But what’s most frightening is what they all said during the actual debate. They acted like children tossing around insults, bashing Obama, and trying to out-macho each other with claims about how tough they would be on ISIS and who would do more waterboarding. They were totally incapable of offering any affirmative solutions to real problems. And that isn’t funny.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

The Hive Mind Of Donald Trump And The GOP Was Cultivated By Fox News

The emergence of a villainous dystopian character like Donald Trump might seem like a grotesque aberration of the political process and, in fact, it is. But it is not wholly unexpected when put into context by the events that preceded his arrival and the purposeful efforts of a rogue media empire’s desire to manipulate and control a significant segment of the population. With that in mind, the blind obedience to a perverse doctrine becomes much easier to understand.

Donald Trump

Trump’s disciples don’t care that he is a flagrant racist who has demonstrated his prejudice against African-Americans, Latinos, Muslims, and women. They aren’t put off by his promises to commit war crimes against women and children in Syria and Iraq. They let slide that he isn’t bothered by being compared to Hitler. And no matter how much he lies they just brush it off and keep applauding like slap-happy seals (See the Trump Bullshitopedia) They even applaud when he insults them as mindless baboons saying that…

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters. OK? It’s like, incredible.”

Trump’s followers are so zealous and undiscerning that he could tell them to burn down a church and they would comply. He could tell them to block access to polling places. He could tell them to steal the coats of protesters and throw them out into the cold. Oh wait, he actually did do that. He also ordered them to “knock the crap out of” protesters at one of his rallies and he told New Hampshire businesses that they could “go f**k themselves.” So it isn’t far-fetched to imagine that if he told them to drink cyanide-laced Kool-Aid they would raises their glasses to toast him before chugging down the poisonous cocktail.

It is that sort of unquestioning devotion that forms the foundation of every successful cult. And those components were built into Fox News from its inception. In an effort to document this phenomenon, News Corpse published a collection of articles that highlighted the deception, propaganda, and outright lies disseminated by the Fox News community website, Fox Nation. The second volume of this series was dubbed “Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult Of Ignorance.” Every chapter is fully verified by reputable sources and exposes the website for its shameful dishonesty and lack of ethics. It reveals the concerted effort by wealthy and powerful media fabulists that is aimed at crippling the intelligence of the willfully dimwitted. It is a great resource for proving to your Fox-deluded friends and family what a den of deceit it is.

Fox Nation vs. Reality

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Cult of Ignorance. Available now at Amazon.

Here is an excerpt from the introduction:

Two years ago the first volume of Fox Nation vs. Reality was published revealing an Internet operation that was dedicated to fiercely partisan, right-wing distortions of the truth. Its mission was, and remains, to construct a safe haven for the broader Fox News community to reinforce their preferred fantasies and unfounded preconceptions. The articles aggregated there were from the fringiest sources (i.e. Daily Caller, Alex Jones’ Infowars, Breitbart News, etc.) and often contained nothing but easily disproved falsehoods and rank defamation of liberals.

Since then Fox Nation has evolved into an even more sheltered environment that has taken on many characteristics of culthood. It is a pattern they adopted from their parent, Fox News, where the slogan “fair and balanced” was an implicit condemnation of all other news sources as being neither. Recognizing that the prime directive of a cult is to convince your followers that your version of reality is the only true version and that all others are agents of deception, Fox segregated their disciples to prevent them from being contaminated by impure thoughts, otherwise known as facts.

Some of the enlightening, infuriating, and entertaining chapters include:

  • Obama’s Imaginary Foreign Fundraising
  • Paranoid Gun Nuts Go Wild
  • Night Of The Living Tea Party
  • The Poor Have It Way Too Good
  • Was Benghazi A Koch Brothers Plot?
  • Zombie Reagan’s Fake Declaration Of War

Check out the reviews on Amazon to get an idea of what previous readers have had to say. On a platform that is notorious for focused criticism it has maintained an average rating of 4 out of 5 stars.

Purchasing Fox Nation vs. Reality is a great way to support this website and the work done here to reveal the malignancy of conservative media. Plus, it makes a wonderful Valentine’s Day gift. And as always, your continued support and patronage is very much appreciated.

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Really? Fox News Thinks Rachel Maddow Is Too Biased To Moderate A Debate

Howard Kurtz, host of MediaBuzz on Fox News, wrote a column today that might have consumed the world’s supply of chutzpah. In the column Kurtz took MSNBC to task for having the audacity to let their biggest star, Rachel Maddow, co-moderate a Democratic debate. Of course, that’s something that Fox has done itself with their hot property, Megyn Kelly, but never mind that. Kurtz is very upset.

Megyn Kelly

The headline of the article asked this pressing question: “Why did MSNBC put Rachel Maddow on the debate stage?” The question was apparently so easy to answer that Kurtz managed to handle it all by himself.

Kurtz: Rachel Maddow did a pretty good job in questioning Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders at MSNBC’s Democratic debate last night. (…) She is smart and passionate, a Rhodes scholar with a deep knowledge of the issues. She did not roll over for Clinton during a recent interview on her prime-time show.

Well, with a track record like that she should never be allowed anywhere near a candidate debate. The last thing Fox would want is a smart, knowledgeable, fair person to facilitate a political discussion. That certainly isn’t the way they do it. Fox has taken great pains to make sure that all of their presenters are cut from the same moldy conservative cloth. And yet, Kurtz can still pose this scenario as if it weren’t utterly oblivious to reality:

“Imagine the reaction on the left if the Fox News moderators at a debate were Bret Baier and Sean Hannity, an unabashed conservative. The criticism of Fox for fielding such a team would have been intense.”

Of course, the truth is that Fox’s moderators are unabashed conservatives, which I’ll get to in a moment. But first it is important to note that Kurtz couldn’t simply praise for Maddow without qualifying it by insisting that, despite her evident skills “she shouldn’t have been on that stage as a moderator,” and that “she should not have been put in that position,” because “she is an unabashedly liberal commentator who rips the Republicans every night on her program.”

If that is their criteria for choosing debate moderators then Fox has some explaining to do. Their own debate moderators have included relentless liberal bashers like Megyn Kelly, one of the most stridently partisan purveyors of propaganda on the Republican PR channel (aka Fox News). She spreads more lies about Benghazi than any of her Fox colleagues (and that’s saying something). She was caught leading a discussion that was based on a series of “Fox Facts” that were cribbed directly from a Republican National Committee press release. She made a point of informing her viewers that it was a fact that both Jesus and Santa Claus were white.

Media Matters did a survey a couple of years back that showed that Kelly “has hosted conservatives (56%) significantly more often than progressives (18%) and has surpassed even Fox’s Hannity in its divide between guests on the left and right.” That’s the same Hannity that Kurtz used in his imaginary scenario about unabashed conservatives. And in March she will host her third debate on Fox News.

Also moderating for Fox was Neil Cavuto, the Glenn Beck of business news. His first question in the debate he moderated asked the candidates which of their economic plans God would endorse. He has made it his mission to castigate low-income Americans as sponges and leeches who are actually living the good life at the expense of the one-percent. He is a committed climate-change denier. And he frequently has segments about alleged government waste that usually turns out to be completely bogus (like this on about the famous shrimp on a treadmill).

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

With blatantly biased moderators like this on Fox, Kurtz has the gall to complain about Maddow, even as he admits that she has all the qualifications for a moderator and that she acquitted herself well. What more does he want? His complaint obviously doesn’t have anything to do with Maddow’s ability to perform with proficiency and fairness, so the only thing left to explain why he would devote a column to this whining is his own bias and partisanship. Or perhaps he was ordered to do it by his boss, Roger Ailes, as a slap at Megyn Kelly’s time period competition. Expect to see more of this Maddow bashing on his Sunday morning program.

WTF? Donald Trump Tells Businesses To Go F**k Themselves (Video)

In the seven months that Donald Trump has been a candidate for the Republican nomination for president, he has succeeded in promoting bigotry, insulting his GOP colleagues, inciting violence, lying incessantly, and demonstrating an abject ignorance of every subject on which he speaks. His campaign has been a textbook example of how to offend and humiliate a political party and a nation. And now he has taken it another step over a line that he crossed months ago.

Donald Trump

At a rally in New Hampshire, Trump was railing against local companies that moved their operations out of the country. This is a standard bit of chum that Trump throws to his bottom-feeders during his stump speeches. But in the course of expressing his distaste for off-shoring, he let loose an awkwardly whispered F-Bomb aimed at the New Hampshire business community.

“We’re gonna bring businesses back. We’re gonna have businesses that used to be in New Hampshire that are now in Mexico come back to New Hampshire, and you can tell them to go f**k themselves because they let you down and they left. We want the businesses that stayed.”

This is the sort of dignified, presidential behavior that endears Donald Trump to his zealous followers. This is the type of character that many Republicans regard as appropriate for national leadership and diplomacy. This is a freakin’ embarrassment. How anyone can take this cretin seriously is a mystery that exceeds any comprehension.

And setting aside Trump’s boorish assault on decency, he doesn’t even come close to making any sense. The problem of off-shoring manufacturing is real and there are effective solutions available. But Trump isn’t addressing any of them. Instead, he is promising companies that return to New Hampshire a profanity-laced tongue lashing after they come back. He is riling up the locals to unleash their hatred on the prodigal employers. That is not exactly the sort of incentive that will persuade a rush back to the homeland. It does, however, illustrate how little Trump knows about international economics and trade. That was also shown as he continued this demented rant.

“It’s hard. We’re the highest taxed nation in the entire world. It’s hard for them to stay and they stay. Those are the ones we have to cherish and love. These people are great.”

So Trump cherishes the great people at the companies that stayed and he hates those that left, and he will tell them so as soon as he brings them back. But he excuses them somewhat by noting how hard it is to stay in “the highest taxed nation in the entire world.” And that would be a good excuse except for the fact that that it isn’t true. Many countries have higher effective tax rates for corporations and the U.S. rate is less than the average of all developed countries.

Not only is Trump wrong, he fails to acknowledge that his own businesses left the U.S. for cheaper labor in China and Mexico. If he wants to bring jobs back to America he could start now with his own suits and ties and other Trump-branded crap without being president. But this hypocrite has refused to do that even after it has been pointed out to him numerous times since he announced his candidacy. In fact, David Letterman pointed it out to him over three years ago

What he hasn’t refused to do is check his undignified conduct and incivility. In addition to this most recent profanity, Trump recently said that he would “bomb the sh*t out of ISIS.” Just yesterday he said “I was going to say [politicians] are really full of sh*t. But I won’t say that.” That was a demonstration of his passive-aggressive verbal abuse, something he used against his Fox News nemesis recently when he tweeted “I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct.”

[Update 2/8/2016: At a rally in New Hampshire Trump repeated something someone in the audience shouted about Ted Cruz (video). “She said he’s a p*ssy. That’s terrible,” Trump said, pretending to disapprove and demonstrating once again his oh-so presidential demeanor]

He just can’t help himself. Donald Trump is a classless, ignorant, bigoted, narcissistic, wannabe dictator. He would turn the United States into a reality TV joke. The respect for America that President Obama painstakingly restored following the disastrous administration of George W. Bush would be rolled back to lows our nation has never seen. And he would preside over a cult-like pack of disciples who exemplify the pathetic misanthropes who propped up Hitler.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Bill O’Reilly Says American Journalism Is On The Verge Of Collapse, And He Should Know

Every now and then a crumb of truth falls from the lips of a Fox News propagandist, usually without him or her even knowing it. The latest example of that came last night when Bill O’Reilly sought to lay the blame for Ted Cruz’s dishonest campaigning at the feet of CNN.

Fox News Bill O'Reilly

The backstory is that Cruz’s team spread a rumor that Ben Carson was ending his campaign just as the Iowa caucuses were about to begin voting. That news bite doesn’t really have much significance since Carson’s supporters would hardly move the dial on the caucus results. But it didn’t stop Donald Trump from making ridiculous claims that the tactic had hurt him and he was threatening to sue.

Now Bill O’Reilly is picking up the baton to beat CNN with (video below). He is making a wholly unsupported argument that it was CNN that created the whole controversy. O’Reilly began by asserting that CNN’s Chris Moody “tweeted misleading information about the Carson campaign.” That was O’Reilly’s first lie. Moody simply tweeted that “Carson won’t go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He’ll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.” O’Reilly said that tweet was “Flat out untrue.” And if it weren’t for the fact that it was entirely true, O’Reilly would have been right.

Moody followed his tweet seconds later with one saying that “Ben Carson’s campaign tells me he plans to stay in the race beyond Iowa no matter what the results are tonight.” O’Reilly didn’t bother to report that and went on to assert that “There is no question that CNN is responsible for the false report.” But no matter how many times he repeats that lie, it will not become true. However, O’Reilly did stumble into a factual statement that deserves recognition:

“Talking Points has said it many times: The state of American journalism is on the verge of collapse. Ideology has permeated hard news coverage and honest reporting is becoming almost scarce. Especially in political circles.”

And if anyone should know about the scarcity of honest reporting it’s Bill O’Reilly. He has a trademark on it and he is demonstrating beautifully the collapse of American journalism. It’s funny that whenever anyone on Fox criticizes the dishonest media they seem to forget that the most significant new development in modern journalism has been the rise of Fox News. Ya think there’s a connection? The truth about the CNN report is that they relayed information about Carson that was unambiguously true. Moody’s tweets were totally accurate, and they were followed up on the air by CNN’s Dana Bash who said that…

Ben Carson is gonna go back to Florida, his home, regardless of how he does tonight here in Iowa. He’s gonna go there for several days and then afterwards he’s not gonna go to South Carolina, he’s not gonna go to New Hampshire, he’s gonna come to Washington, D.C. And he’s gonna do that because the National Prayer Breakfast is on Thursday […] If you want to signal to your supporters that you want it, that you’re hungry for it, that you want them to get out and campaign, you’ve gotta be out there and doing it too. And he’s not doing it. It’s very unusual.

She never said that Carson was suspending his campaign. She was simply reporting factually on his immediate schedule and the fact that most contested campaigns do not set aside several days to leave the campaign trail when so much is at stake. That doesn’t mean that he’s closing up shop. It just means that he might be taking a strategic risk. It was the Cruz campaign that spun that into a rumor about Carson calling it quits.

All of the facts enumerated here were available to O’Reilly at the time he broadcast his attack on CNN. He simply refused to pay attention to any fact that interfered with his predetermined intention to disparage his competitors at CNN. And he knows quite well that his ill-informed audience will eat up his lies without question.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

After the news broke regarding Cruz’s smarmy tactics, Carson called on Cruz to demand the resignation of anyone on his staff who participated in spreading the rumor. However, today there is more news about the Carson campaign that wasn’t available previously. The Washington Post is reporting that Carson’s campaign funds are drying up and as a result he has fired 50% of his staff. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean that his campaign is over either, but it sure looks like it’s headed in that direction. And in the end, it may actually be the explanation for why he took the unusual step of heading home to Florida rather than going straight to New Hampshire.

Sore Loser: Crybaby Donald Trump Threatens To Sue After Losing The Iowa Caucus

In yet another display of acute ego-centrism, Donald Trump is threatening to sue over his loss in the primary caucus on Monday. This threat comes after he insisted that he was “honored” by having finished behind Ted Cruz and congratulating his opponents. It took less than forty-eight hours for Trump to revert to his native obnoxious personality and show himself for the sore loser that he is.

Donald Trump Loser

Trump’s whining began on Twitter where he absurdly demanded that the caucuses be done over or nullified. Then he quickly shifted to his natural inclination, which is to file a lawsuit against the fiends who would dare to cross him. That lawsuit is based on allegations that the Cruz campaign falsely asserted that Ben Carson was returning to Florida and suspending his campaign. Trump told Boston Herald Radio that it was …

“One of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen. They said he was quitting the race and to vote for him.” and when asked if would sue, Trump responded “I probably will; what he did is unthinkable.”

If Trump thinks that this is one of the most disgusting things he’s ever seen, then he surely has not been paying very close attention to his own campaign’s racism and calls for violence. The tactic used by Cruz was definitely a sleazy move, but no more so than what is seen routinely in the rough and tumble of a political campaign. Especially among Republicans. It is reprehensible and should be remembered if Cruz becomes the nominee, but it is not actionable in court.

What’s more, Trump could not prove that he suffered any harm by this dirty trick. It was clearly aimed at Carson, and to the extent that it was effective, Carson was the victim. There is no plausible argument that any deceived Carson voters switched to Cruz rather than another candidate, including Trump. So Trump conceivably benefited from Cruz’s scam. And if Trump thinks that Cruz’s tactics are grounds for a lawsuit, then he is opening himself up to a countersuit from Cruz who has been legitmately harmed by Trump’s allegations regarding his citizenship and his eligibility to run for president.

For the record, Donald Trump is a serial litigator. He has filed numerous claims against former business associates, political foes, and public figures he feels have disparaged him. The list is illustrative of his tendency to bully anyone that defies or insults him. For instance…

  • Trump threatened to sue a small t-shirt vendor who is producing “Stop Trump” merchandise in response to his racist assaults on the Latino community.
  • In 2013 Angelo Carusone’s “Dump Trump” campaign aimed at persuading Macy’s to sever their business relationship with Trump earned a lawsuit threat. More recently Trump and Macy’s have broken off that relationship with Trump firing parting shots at what an awful company Macy’s is.
  • Trump recently threatened to sue Bill Maher for having made a joke about his thoroughly joke-worthy challenge to get hold of President Obama’s college transcripts.
  • Trump filed a $500 million lawsuit against Univision. And he’s going after NBC too. Both of these are related to their cutting ties with his Miss Universe pageant following his remarks about Mexicans being criminals and rapists.
  • Trump is suing Jose Andres after the mega-chef pulled out of a restaurant deal with his DC Hotel. This was also a response to Trump’s racist comments.
  • Trump has also threatened to sue the National Hispanic Media Coalition for exercising their free speech rights.
  • Trump recently threatened to sue the conservative Club for Growth because they ran some negative ads against him.

There have been many other Trump litigations that go back decades as compiled by the Daily Beast. In most cases he is just beating his chest and trying to intimidate people. That is the behavior of a textbook Narcissist and wannabe dictator, which he appears to think is the position he is running for now.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

It is truly astonishing that there is anyone in America who could actually consider voting for this jerkwad. His blatantly racist rhetoric, his childish insults, his brutish warmongering, and his ignorant pronouncements on economics, trade, law, and other components of governing, would be enough to scare any sane person away from his candidacy. But on top of that he has such a repugnant and unpresidential demeanor that it boggles the mind to imagine anyone who would want him representing this nation. Which leads me to conclude that the only thing more grotesque than Donald Trump is someone who would vote for him.