Today’s GOP (aka Gross Out Party): As Seen On Fox News Everyday

An aura of indecency has enveloped the 2016 election season with both politicians and pundits lowering themselves to levels heretofore unthinkable. This isn’t merely about the rough and tumble of bitter rivals locked in battle for electoral supremacy. It’s something far more decadent.

Donald Trump

Media Matters recently reported that notorious dirty trickster Roger Stone has been banned from CNN after his history of obscene rants directed at their staff was revealed. But this is not new behavior from Stone who once ran an anti-Hillary Clinton operation that he called Citizens United Not Timid (or C.U.N.T).

A few weeks ago Fox News slapped the hands of a couple of their contributors for “inappropriate” language on the air. Outnumbered co-host Stacey Dash slipped by saying that President Obama didn’t “give a shit” about terrorism. She was upstaged by Fox’s strategic analyst, Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, who called Obama a “pussy” (ironic coming from a guy whose name is a euphemism for penis). They received brief suspensions, but returned promptly thereafter to continue with their snotty and inappropriate commentaries.

For the most part, Fox couldn’t care less that their pundits cuss and growl at Obama and other Democrats. In fact, it’s what they get paid for. In 2012 News Corpse assembled a top-ten rogues gallery of miscreants who were at least as repulsive as Stone and who are still pundits in good standing at Fox. They include low life hate mongers like Todd Starnes who likened peaceful Occupy Wall Street protesters to terrorists; Eric Bolling who accused President Obama of engaging in class warfare that was “forged in Marxist Germany;” and Liz Trotta who joked about “knocking off Obama.” Fox also employed profane cretins like Erick Erickson who called former Supreme Court Justice David Souter a “goat-fucking child molester,” and Glenn Beck associate Dana Loesch who volunteered to urinate on the corpses of fallen Taliban soldiers.

This flight from decency has been a staple of the Fox news culture for years. So it should not come as a surprise that it has resulted in a creature like Donald Trump whose profanity flows like explosive diarrhea. He has adopted the Peters principle and called Ted Cruz a “pussy.” He told New Hampshire businesses with off-shore facilities to “fuck off.” In a fit of phony bravado he recently said that he would “bomb the sh*t out of ISIS.” In short, he has demonstrated that he is a classless buffoon who shouldn’t be allowed within ten feet of the White House.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Now I’m no prude and naughty language doesn’t make me blush. But I still wouldn’t use it on a television news program or during a speech while I’m running for president. Context is everything, and there may be children in these audiences. However, the people who watch Fox News and profess to support conservative candidates are vocal about their adherence to Christian values and their insistence on forcing them on everybody else. They have made it a hallmark of their personal and political identities. So their tolerance for these sort of obscenities is a tall order of hypocrisy. And if they can’t manage to behave themselves they should STFU.

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Fear Mongering Racists At Fox News Promote Voter Fraud Lies – Again

The American media obsession with hair-raising tabloid journalism is responsible for lowering the political IQ of the nation. As an example, the wholly manufactured debate over voter fraud keeps popping up whenever there is a lull in stories about Hillary Clinton murdering U.S. ambassadors or if Donald Trump goes a couple of hours without saying something pitifully stupid.

Yesterday at the Fox News community website, Fox Nation, they linked to a story from the National Review that once again raised allegations of non-existent illegal voters invading polling places across the nation. This zombie myth has been debunked repeatedly but continues to surface in the conservative press that doesn’t have anything better to do than lie about fearsome minorities plotting to steal America away from its rightful, white Christianist owners. The headline blared that “The Obama Administration Wants To Make Sure Non-Citizens Vote In The Upcoming Election.”

Fox Nation

This goes somewhat beyond the run of the mill dishonesty where they merely complain that President Obama opposes unnecessary voter ID laws. In this article, by long-time voting fraud alarmist Hans von Spakovsky, the President is accused of wanting to “make sure” that illegal votes are cast by nefarious foreigners. This would make him an accomplice to the crime. Spakovsky wades into the weeds of arcane legalistic rhetoric containing baseless allegations of conflict of interest from unnamed sources. The crux of his argument centers around a wingnut lawsuit…

“…seeking to reverse a recent decision by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). The Commission’s decision allows Kansas and other states, including Arizona and Georgia, to enforce state laws ensuring that only citizens register to vote when they use a federally designed registration form.”

Spakovsky characterizes the dispute as an effort to prevent non-citizens from voting illegally (something that virtually never happens) by imposing identification requirements for prospective registrants. In fact, what the lawsuit aims to achieve is to prevent Democrats from voting. What the article leaves out entirely are the specific requirements proposed in Kansas by their ultra-rightist Secretary of State Kris Kobach and other GOP-led states. The consequences of the policies advocated by Spakovsky and his ilk resulted in some 40,000 voters being removed from the voting rolls in Kansas. They justified this on the basis of having found seven names of undocumented residents on those rolls, none of whom ever cast a vote. And guess who most of those 40,000 disenfranchised voters were: minorities, students, low-income workers, and other Democratic leaning constituents.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

In addition to having no documented evidence of voter registration fraud or illegal voting, even after pouring through hundreds of thousands of votes, the voter suppressors themselves were found to be fraudulent. Both Spakovsky and Kobach were called out in a PolitiFact analysis as falsely representing data on illegal voting. This is the sort hypocrisy we are dealing with. And this is something they have been doing for years in an attempt to put up roadblocks for voters they don’t happen to like. Be watchful as November approaches because they aren’t through with this yet.

Acting Presidential? Donald Trump Says He Might Start “Pretty Soon”

It is safe to say that Donald Trump is the most profane, classless, cretin who ever ran for president. He is an embarrassment to his party and to the nation. His remedial English, hollow policy pronouncements, and incessant boasting, are cartoonish in nature. Even Fox News mogul, Rupert Murdoch, agreed when he tweeted “When is Donald Trump going to stop embarrassing his friends, let alone the whole country?”

Donald Trump Insult Comic

That question was just asked again to Trump directly by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. On yesterday’s program he broached the subject in an exchange that may be the first of its kind in American politics.

Wallace: Do you think you need to tone it down, do you think, as you become the frontrunner for the nomination, to act more presidential?
Trump: Well, probably I do.
Wallace: So, when are you going start?
Trump: Well, pretty soon.

The first notable concession in that response is that Trump himself is admitting that he is not currently acting presidential. Clearly, if he intends to start doing so at some future time, he isn’t doing so now. Secondly, Trump believes that presidential demeanor is something that you turn on and off at specified times that he has not bothered to specify. Therefore, he thinks it’s appropriate to act like a crass and boorish buffoon, as he has been doing throughout his campaign thus far. And finally, Trump didn’t really answer the question. Like he does with virtually every question he is asked, he skirted the issue with a vague non-response. By saying “pretty soon,” he has left it wide open for when he will act presidential. It could be next week (unlikely), or well into his administration (unthinkable).

Also notable is the framing of this question. To Donald Trump the matter of conducting oneself with a diplomatic bearing is just an “acting” job. He doesn’t believe that it is an element of one’s character. To him it is just an extension of his comportment as a television personality who plays whatever role advances his interests at the time. And diplomatic correctness is just an obstacle to overcome like political correctness, which he uses as an all-purpose justification for being an asshole.

Trump is someone who can be expected to demean and insult virtually everyone he encounters, particularly those with whom he disagrees. He has already insulted African-Americans, Latinos, women, Muslims, and the disabled. And many of his victims are people on his own side. He has called his GOP colleagues “losers, weaklings, liars, and pussies.” He commonly refers to the press as dishonest and aligned against him. That includes Fox News that, after essentially creating the Trump candidacy and giving him far more airtime than any other candidate, he lambastes them as biased and calls their anchors hacks and bimbos.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Just imagine how Trump would deal with Congress, citizen groups, and foreign heads of state. It would not be merely embarrassing, it would be dangerous. He has already alienated China and Mexico, two of our most important trading partners, with his bombastic attacks. It’s just a matter of time before he insults every ally America has. And yet he still appeals to a significant segment of the Republican Party. They appear ready to nominate this contemptible wannabe dictator. And if anyone were to ask when they might come to their senses (assuming they have any), the only answer we could muster would be a hopeful “pretty soon?”

Hillary Clinton Gives Fox News A Sad

Today on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace made a desperate and public plea to complain that Hillary Clinton has not accepted his invitation to be badgered on his program. Wallace’s disappointment was evident in his closing commentary wherein he whined that…

“We have now sat down with every candidate in the race except Hillary Clinton.” He continued “But, once again this week, Clinton turned down our request for an interview.”

Hillary Clinton

Really? Does Wallace need an explanation for this? Fox News has been a perpetual Clinton-bashing machine for years. They have turned the tragedy in Benghazi, Libya into a serial melodrama that never seems to end. Even though every investigation, including those conducted by Republicans in Congress, has found no wrongdoing by Clinton, President Obama, or any other government official, the obsession to cultivate a narrative that indicts Clinton for imaginary crimes remains in effect. Fox News was so determined to use Benghazi as a smear tactic that when the Republican House Committee to Politicize Benghazi held an eleven hour grilling session with Clinton, Fox News ceased to cover it with four hours still remaining. It was the only cable news network to cut their coverage. As News Corpse noted at the time…

Do you think they would have done that if they thought that Clinton was bombing? Of course not. They were more worried that she looked strong, confident, knowledgeable, and (gasp) presidential. That was something they didn’t want their viewers exposed to, so the decision was made to ditch the live hearings and return to their panel of wingnut pundits on whom they could rely for continued Clinton bashing.

More recently, Fox News has attached itself to the issues surrounding Clinton’s email and her use of a private server (which her Republican predecessors did as well). As with Benghazi, there has never been any evidence of wrongdoing on Clinton’s part despite hundreds of hours of investigations by Congress, the Justice Department, and Fox’s own crack reporting team of muckrakers (or is that reporting team of muckrakers on crack?).

These are just a couple of the fabricated “scandals” that Fox has tried so hard to promote. Others include false allegations against the Clinton Foundation, charges of treason against Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin, baseless suggestions that her health is declining, and numerous pitches for anti-Clinton books by utterly discredited authors. Their mission is to deliberately report anything they consider bad news for Clinton, even if it isn’t.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News is a hyper-spin operation for slanderous Hillary Clinton stories. In light of that, why would Wallace be surprised by Clinton’s reluctance to sit down with him? Clinton is doing exactly the right thing. There is no reason why she should reward Fox for its atrocious and biased behavior. When Fox cuts away from their regular programming to air Clinton’s campaign rallies live, like they do for Donald Trump, then she might think about reconsidering.

Who Is Donald Trump Boycotting Now? The List Keeps Growing

The controversy over whether or not Apple should enable the FBI to crack the security of the iPhone belonging to the San Bernardino shooter has spilled over into the presidential race. It’s a complicated debate that is only trivialized by the shallowness of a political campaign. And leave it to Donald Trump to lead the pack in reducing the intellectual coherence of the issue.

Donald Trump

Trump’s contribution to the dialog consisted mainly of a faux-macho declaration that he would dump Apple products if they didn’t capitulate to the demands of the Justice Department. As a threat, that carries about the same weight as his complaints about manufacturers moving their operations to other countries. He still has his clothing lines and other branded merchandise made in China and Mexico, so don’t expect him to stop using his iPhone for his midnight tweets.

What’s more, it goes against the grain of his allegedly anti-establishment campaign theme to side with the feds who want to force private businesses to comply with their demands. Trump’s history of siding with big government against free enterprise is evident in his support of eminent domain and his recent tantrum where he told companies with off-shore facilities to “fuck off.”

Now, to go along with his rabid string of lawsuits, Trump is also pushing boycotts against an ever expanding group of evil American businesses. Apple is just the latest villain to irk The Donald. Here are some of the others:

  • Macy’s – for having the gall to disassociate with Trump after he maligned Latinos.
  • Ford – for building a plant in Mexico.
  • Oreos – for joining Ford south of the border.
  • Starbucks – for failing to celebrate Christmas with reindeer on their cups.
  • Univision – for reporting fairly on issues that affect Latino-Americans.
  • HBO – for not firing Bill Maher after he criticized Trump.
  • Rolling Stone Magazine – for putting a photo of the Boston Marathon bomber on the cover.
  • Mexico – for letting El Chapo escape. Also – for arresting a U.S. Marine who entered the country illegally with weapons.
  • And my personal favorite: Fox News – for their alleged unfairness to him, despite having birthed his campaign and giving him far more airtime than any other candidate.

The sheer quantity of boycotts and lawsuits that Trump engages in is further proof that his antagonism and belligerence makes him utterly unfit to hold an office that requires thoughtful analysis and diplomacy. He’s a megalomaniac bully who resorts to hostile tactics to achieve his goals. Imagine that sort of personality with access to armies and nuclear weapons.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Is Tea Party Godfather Charles Koch Feeling The Bern?

The Washington Post (you know, that bastion of the so-called “liberal” media) just published an op-ed by Charles Koch of the infamous Koch brothers. The headline declared that “This is the one issue where Bernie Sanders is right.” While that’s a fairly generous admission, it is hardly representative of Koch’s actual worldview.

Koch Brothers Bernie Sanders

Koch begins his article by acknowledging the obvious – that he and Sanders “disagree on plenty when it comes to public policy.” Then he disingenuously asserts that he sees benefits in searching for common ground and greater civility.” That’s a bit difficult to believe coming from someone who has spent years bankrolling Teabaggers, the most uncivil movement of rightist malcontents in decades. Nevertheless, Koch sought to align himself with part of the Sanders platform of income inequality:

“The senator is upset with a political and economic system that is often rigged to help the privileged few at the expense of everyone else, particularly the least advantaged. He believes that we have a two-tiered society that increasingly dooms millions of our fellow citizens to lives of poverty and hopelessness. He thinks many corporations seek and benefit from corporate welfare while ordinary citizens are denied opportunities and a level playing field.”

While criticizing policies of both parties that “helps perpetuate a cycle of control,” Koch also took the opportunity to lash out at the regulations that have been a staple of his anti-government agenda. And he remains opposed to the sort of reforms that make it possible for people rise out of poverty (i.e. ObamaCare, unions, increasing the minimum wage, non-discrimination in employment, parental leave, etc.).

Despite the facade of a conciliatory partner in advancing the interests of all Americans, Charles Koch and his brother David are devoted to the fraternity of the one-percent to which they belong. They enjoy the fruits of income inequality. They are ardent foes of environmental protection and programs to mitigate climate change. Even worse, they would abolish the EPA, even while their businesses are among the worst toxic polluters in the nation. They favor privatizing Social Security and Medicare. They create media front groups to spread right-wing propaganda. And they are the biggest supporters and beneficiaries of Citizens United.

In addition to all of the above, the Koch brothers virtually created the Tea Party. Groups like FreedomWatch and Americans for Prosperity are nothing more than surrogates for the disgruntled goofballs who dress up in tri-corner hats and carry racist signs with pictures of President Obama as a witch doctor. The Koch brothers have invested multi-millions of dollars in the Tea Party in an attempt to crush Democrats and replace them with the sort of hard-line, right-wing extremists that have produced gridlock in Congress. They lust for shutdowns of government even if it means sinking the economy or denying healthcare for 9/11 first-responders.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

This article is just another component of their campaign to rehabilitate their public image, cleverly referred to as “The New Koch” by Jane Mayer of the New Yorker. But, they are just as committed to their wingnut agenda as ever. They announced that they will spend nearly a billion dollars in the 2016 election cycle in support of conservative Republicans who promise to dismantle the government, leaving them free to pollute the planet and plunder the economy. So don’t let this faux Valantine to Bernie Sanders fool you. The Koch brothers are what they have always been: John Birch Society Libertarians with strong Ayn Rand leanings.

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Rupert Murdoch Rips Crybaby Donald Trump’s Crackpot Polling Conspiracy

Proving once again how thin-skinned and paranoid Donald Trump is, he flipped out after learning that a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showed him trailing Ted Cruz nationally by two points. His bloated ego wouldn’t allow him to accept the possibility that his horrendous behavior at the last Republican debate might have caused his numbers to slip.

Donald Trump Rupert Murdoch

So rather than face reality and get back to work, Trump attacked the Wall Street Journal and Fox News (for some unexplained reason he let NBC slide). Trump was interviewed by Breitbart News where he asserted that the poll was fixed and that “It was a Rupert Murdoch hit.” He further claimed that “The worst treatment I get is from Fox,” despite the fact that he gets far more airtime than any other candidate. Trump was also interviewed for a full hour on MSNBC (a disgraceful affair, but that’s another story), and told the sycophantic plant life known as Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, that…

“I think somebody at the Wall Street Journal doesn’t like me, but I never do well with the Wall Street Journal poll. So I don’t know.”

Clearly he doesn’t know. Or more likely he’s lying (see the Trump Bullshitopedia). Because a quick look at the facts show that the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has been reliably favorable to Trump. Prior to this new poll they had him leading in all but one poll since he announced his candidacy. It is typical of Trump, however, to swing wildly when wounded. Therefore, this record of his polling, wherein he topped five of six polls, is regarded by him as “never doing well.”


But Trump wasn’t finished. He continued his Twitter tirade to blast Fox News saying that “@FoxNews is so biased it is disgusting. They do not want Trump to win. All negative!” and that “.@FoxNews is changing their theme from ‘fair and balanced’ to ‘unfair and unbalanced.'” These would be reasonable complaints about Fox News except for the fact that Trump is utterly delusional. He has been the foremost beneficiary of the biases practiced at Fox.

After hearing Trump’s butt-hurt ranting, Rupert Murdoch, CEO of the media empire that includes both Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, had a bit of advice for the hyperventilating Trump. Murdoch tweeted

“Trump blames me for WSJ poll, fights FoxNews. Time to calm down. If I running anti-Trump conspiracy then doing lousy job!”

It’s hard to disagree with Murdoch on this one. It’s obvious that his media properties have not been plotting anti-Trump campaigns. However, what Murdoch left out is that his outlets are responsible for creating Trumpenstein in the first place. Fox was not only not anti-Trump, they were so pro-Trump it was nauseating to watch. Now that Murdoch, Roger Ailes, and company, have reanimated the beast, they are begging it to “calm down.” Good luck with that, Rupe. You’ve made your cult, now you have to “lie” with it.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Is Donald Trump Suffering From Delusional Senile Dementia?

Watching the very public meltdown of Donald Trump over the past few months could serve as a useful tool for academic research into dementia and brain disease. When looking objectively at the symptoms commonly associated with dementia it is hard not to consider Trump a likely candidate for such a diagnosis. What follows is an exploration of the three most prominent symptoms of dementia and their relationship to Trump’s behavior.

Donald Trump Lizard

Impaired judgment

From the very beginning of his of campaign for the Republican nomination for president, Trump engaged in outbursts that were hostile and irrational. His assertion that the immigrant population in the U.S. was the result of Mexico sending over rapists and murderers was untethered to reality. And that was just the first day. Trump went on to disparage Sen. John McCain, saying that he was not a war hero; he charged that Megyn Kelly’s questions during a Fox News debate were unfair because she was menstruating; he proposed a ban on all Muslims from entering the country; he had a prominent Latino journalist ejected from his rally; he told a reporter that he isn’t bothered by comparisons to Hitler; and most recently he has been threatening to sue Ted Cruz in order to challenge his citizenship and eligibility to serve as president.

Trump’s birtherism with regard to President Obama is another illustration of a severe mental failing. There has never been a single bit of information that showed anything other than that Obama was born in the U.S. to a U.S. citizen. Nevertheless, Trump continues to doubt the truth of this. A few years ago he claimed to have sent investigators to Hawaii and that what they found was amazing. He has since refused to reveal what they found, or even to discuss it.

These are all examples of behavior that is inconsistent with rational judgment. They have no basis in fact and cannot be portrayed as constructive methods of expressing oneself. Those who would argue that Trump’s showing in the polls validates his conduct are missing the point. Regardless of the result, these actions are not indicative of a rational mind. While it’s true that Trump has attracted a following, the same was true for Charles Manson and Jim Jones and Sarah Palin, yet no one could plausibly argue that their judgment was unimpaired.

And speaking of Sarah Palin, who has endorsed Trump — Is she writing his speeches now?

Loss of Memory

Trump has frequently bragged that he has“one of the best memories of all time.” However, that boast has been utterly demolished by his own words and actions. One notable example was his insistence that he had seen television reporting of “thousands and thousands” of Muslims celebrating the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. That was an invented memory because there is no evidence that it occurred, despite the fact that television footage of such an event would be easily retrievable.

Trump’s memory was also noticeably deficient when he recently began hammering Ted Cruz as a “nasty guy” and “the single biggest liar” he ever met. Just three months ago he was lauding Cruz and floating him as a possible VP pick. Similarly he once praised Hillary Clinton as a “terrific” woman and a great Secretary of State. Now he is saying that she was the “worst Secretary of State in history.” And as for President Obama, today Trump tweeted that he is “perhaps the worst president in U.S. history.” But this is what he wrote in his book “Think Like A Champion:”

“What he has done is amazing. The fact that he accomplished what he has—in one year and against great odds—is truly phenomenal.” […]

“Barack Obama proved that determination combined with opportunity and intelligence can make things happen—and in an exceptional way.” […]

“His comments have led me to believe that he understands how the economy works on a comprehensive level. He has also surrounded himself with very competent people, and that’s the mark of a strong leader.” […]

“He’s totally a champion.”

Donald Trump Barack Obama

Clearly Trump has either a failing memory or mental blocks that render his memory unreliable. Many other examples exist. For instance, he said he couldn’t remember a disabled reporter that he disgustingly mocked, but they had met many times; he threatened to sue Cruz three days after he promised that he never would; he complained that the media never reported a comment by Jeb Bush and seconds later, after Bush denied the charge, Trump defended himself by saying that the news reported it ten times.

Childish Behavior

This is perhaps the symptom least in need of elaboration, but here goes anyway. Trump is the most juvenile presidential candidate in this nation’s history. He lashes out with infantile insults about people’s looks and character. If he is criticized he will punch back with baseless, often unrelated, rebuttals. And that’s when he isn’t throwing tantrums like when he ditched the Fox News debate. Everyone who doesn’t exhibit unrestrained adoration is an enemy who is out to destroy him.

Trump has the ego of a four year old who believes the world revolves around him. The parts of his campaign stump speeches that aren’t attacks on his rivals are comprised primarily of bragging about how great he is at everything and how high his poll numbers are. The rest of his rhetoric, when put through the Flesch-Kincaid readability test, scored at the third grade level. Of course, that’s probably still somewhat higher than most of his Tea-vangelical supporters.

When all of this is taken into account, it seems obvious that there is a problem here that requires attention. Every day Trump validates the notion that he is mentally challenged and unfit to perform the duties of the president. His immature outbursts, his brazen narcissism, and his faulty cognition, are all indications of senility. And if any further proof were needed, take a look at this animated recreation of Trump on the campaign trail:

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Anchor Attacks Student’s Freedom Of Speech As “Repulsive”

Todd Starnes is the resident Fox News televangelist and Christaria Law proponent. As the host of Fox’s American Dispatch he devotes nearly every segment to some perceived blasphemy on the part of government, schools, or businesses. He is convinced that the huge majority of American Christians are being oppressed and are at risk of losing all of their rights. He sees conspiracies in popular culture to rob good Christians of rewards to which they are entitled. And he preaches a twisted gospel that casts Jesus as an ass-kicking warrior.

Todd Starnes

The latest episode of the Starnes Stories concerns a photo that was posted on Facebook showing a high school kid standing on an American flag. The story came from the Education Action Group, a right-wing organization that is funded by the Koch brothers and has a rotten record for honesty. Starnes posted an article on Fox News reporting that “Teen’s flag-stomp stunt at HS spurs investigation.” That act of disrespect was castigated as “repulsive” and “detestable” by Starnes. In his highly biased presentation of the facts he said that…

“The repulsive photograph, reportedly posted online over the Valentine’s Day weekend, shows a young man standing on Old Glory as a female student stands nearby with her middle finger raised.”

Setting aside that fact that there was nothing to investigate, the incident would have been forgotten had it stopped there. It would have been nothing more than an ordinary expression of opinion, to which Starnes is entitled. However, the article went on to hail the school administration for coming out strongly against this student’s extracurricular activity.

“The district solicitor posted a message online promising a ‘timely and thorough review of this incident and will implement appropriate legal discipline.’ They called the photo ‘unfortunate and unpatriotic.'”

Starnes was thrilled that there would be legal consequences for the student’s outrageous behavior. The only problem is, he didn’t break any law. The Supreme Court has ruled that the flag can be used as an instrument of expression. Despite the hurt feelings of patriopathic zealots, it would be unlawful to constrain speech merely because it involved the flag. According to Starnes, however, this treasonous tot should be forced to undergo some sort of punishment. And when the ACLU was asked to comment on the affair, their answer only enraged Starnes further. He wrote that…

“The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania doesn’t seem to think there’s a problem with desecrating Old Glory.”

‘As long as they were trying to send a message of protest, it sounds like they are protected to me,’ legal director Witold Walczak told the Tribune Democrat.

“The ACLU enjoys nothing better than an old-fashioned American flag burning.”

Actually, the ACLU enjoys nothing better than old-fashioned freedom of speech. And as has been observed in events like this since the founding of the nation, it is primarily speech that some people find offensive that is most in need of protection. After all, no one is trying to censor speech that everyone likes.

In addition to Starnes demonstrating an aversion to the First Amendment, he is also affirming the blatant hypocrisy of conservatives like himself on Fox News and elsewhere. For some reason he never bothered to complain when George W. Bush and his wife Laura stomped on an American flag. Nor did it disturb his tender sensitivities when Fox News paid tribute to flag desecration on the 4th of July. And while putting Obama’s face on flag was considered a disgrace, there was no such anger when the Tea Party did it. Clearly flag desecration is permitted when the offender is a conservative, but reviled otherwise.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Starnes has developed a reputation as a dishonest purveyor of religious propaganda. That’s surely how he got his job at Fox News. One particularly grievous example of his lack of principles was the time he reported on a five year old girl whose father claimed she was prohibited from praying in her school’s cafeteria. There was never any evidence that this happened and it was later discovered that the girl’s father was the VP of Sales for his publisher (which he never disclosed) and he had a book that was just about to be released on this very subject. The whole thing was apparently a lie concocted to sell his book. And that’s not an uncommon modus operandi at Fox News where virtually every anchor is hawking their books.

Donald Trump Moves Closer To A Third (Reich) Party Campaign

The overgrown crybaby Donald Trump has unleashed yet another tirade of the ego-soaked entitlement that defines his personality and presidential campaign. At a press conference scheduled for damage control following his embarrassingly brutish performance at the CBS News GOP debate, Trump revisited his previous threats to violate his loyalty pledge to the Republican Party.

Donald Trump

At issue this time is Trump’s accusation that the Republican National Committee conspired to embarrass him by packing the debate audience with lobbyists and donors to his rivals’ campaigns. He whined that the crowd, which booed him several times, was deliberately chosen to be hostile to him. And he wasn’t sitting still for it. He warned that “The RNC better get its act together,” lest they risk the onslaught of his vengeful wrath. Then he got specific about the consequences of offending him:

“I signed a pledge. But the pledge isn’t being honored by them. I signed a pledge. The pledge isn’t being honored by the RNC. Because those tickets were all special-interest people. […] The RNC does a terrible job — a terrible job. And just remember what I said — remember in this room — I signed a pledge. But it’s a double-edged pledge. And as far as I’m concerned, they’re in default of their pledge when they do that.”

He seems to be saying that he signed a pledge. [Has anyone else noticed how much he repeats himself?] Here’s the thing – despite Trump’s characterization, there were no conditions attached to the pledge. It was simply a promise to “endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee, regardless of who it is” and “not seek to run as an independent.” The pledge was implemented to prevent Trump from taking advantage of the RNC’s auspices, particularly the debate schedule, and then bolting to run against them.

It appears at this point that the RNC was foolish to have trusted him. They refuted his accusations about the audience composition saying that “Each candidate received 100 tickets.” But Trump expanded on his conspiracy theory to baselessly suggest that college students who received tickets sold them to anti-Trump lobbyists. So we can now officially add paranoia to Trump’s diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And if the charge of packing the audience isn’t enough, Trump is also warning the RNC that they had better support his birther complaints against Ted Cruz:

“One of the ways I can fight back is to bring a lawsuit against him relative to the fact that he was born in Canada and therefore cannot be President. If he doesn’t take down his false ads and retract his lies, I will do so immediately. Additionally, the RNC should intervene and if they don’t they are in default of their pledge to me.”

This isn’t the first time since signing the pledge that Trump has threatened to violate it. He was asked last November by George Stephanopoulos if he still intended to honor the pledge and he answered “I’m going to have to see what happens. I will see what happens. I have to be treated fairly.” It is becoming increasingly clear that Trump’s word is worthless. If the RNC continues to have faith in him they are setting themselves up for betrayal. The only loyalty Trump has is to himself.

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In addition to Trump’s repeated threats to double-cross his supposed GOP allies, There seems little likelihood that Trump would support them if he is not the nominee. How could he profess to support people that he has castigated so viciously as liars, losers, and weaklings. Via his crushing and childish insults he has dug himself a hole so deep that it would be absurd to later pretend to respect any of the other other candidates. And they would likely spurn his endorsement, were he to offer one. So the pledge that was signed last year by the whole GOP field is a sad joke that has no value. How appropriate for the Republican Party.