Trump’s Spokesperson Says He is ‘Confused’ About Why His Former Lawyers Would Plead Guilty

The past couple of weeks have been extraordinarily troubling for Donald Trump, who is currently awaiting trial on 91 felony charges. He was fined twice for violating a court order to refrain from attacking court personnel and witnesses. His crime family accomplices, Ivanka, Eric, and Don Jr, have been ordered to testify the first week of November. And even his former lawyers have been taking plea deals to save themselves.

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The fact that Trump’s family and attorneys are potentially flipping has been gnawing at him. Trump’s customary response to such heinous disloyalty is to pretend that he has never met the slimeball who has turned on him, or that they were cowards who merely delivered the coffee. But that’s a much more difficult argument when they are his legal representative and his children.

SEE THIS: BREAKING: Trump Admits that He Knows His Daughter Ivanka, a Witness in His Financial Fraud Case

In the wake of these defections by his closest associates, Trump’s spokesperson, Liz Harrington, rose to his defense in a particularly peculiar manner. She was interviewed by Emerald Robinson, who has the distinction of having been fired by Newsmax for promoting a crackpot conspiracy theory that the COVID vaccine contained “Luciferase,” an allegedly Satanic, bioluminescent marker that would be used to track people.

Robinson landed at Mike Lindell’s video blog where she continues to disgrace herself as a profoundly deranged propagandist and Trump cultist. The interview contained the following exchange about Trump’s legal quagmire…

Robinson: How does the President feel about these former lawyers, or his former associates pleading guilty? What are his thoughts on these developments?
Harrington: Well, I think he’s a little confused because if you’re a lawyer you know that there’s no crimes here. According to the law there’s literally nothing to plead guilty to because there’s no laws that were broken. And speaking out against a fraudulent election, and telling people to watch hearings and petition their elected officials about fraud that was happening on camera? I mean, it’s just surprising.

Robinson’s question is curious in that she asks how “the President” feels about the betrayal by Trump’s legal team. But how would Harrington know what President Biden is feeling about that or anything else?

Harrington’s reply, however, was unexpectedly honest. Her characterization of Trump as “confused” accurately describes his grasp of pretty much any issue. He is, after all, the guy who thinks that he’s currently running against Obama, that windmills kill whales, that stealth fighters are actually invisible, that we should nuke hurricanes, that George Washington’s Army took over airports, and that injecting bleach will cure COVID. And on the basis of that display of his “stable genius”, Trump says that ANYBODY running for the Office of President of the United States should agree to take a full & complete Mental Competency Test.” Okay, you first.

Harrington edges closer to the truth in saying that “if you’re a lawyer you know” whether or not a crime has been committed. And so far four of Trump’s lawyers (Michael Cohen, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro, and Jenna Ellis) are so certain that crimes were committed that they pleaded guilty to their own participation in them. If Harrington’s assertion that there is “literally nothing to plead guilty to,” then why have four lawyers done just that?

Harrington went on to claim that Trump and his ex-counsel were just “speaking out against a fraudulent election, and telling people to watch hearings and petition their elected officials about fraud.” But she left out that they also knew that the allegations of election fraud were lies, and that their actions included fabricating false election forms and threatening state election officials.

So Harrington is surprised that Trump is confused? Just because he can’t tell the truth about the unlawful conduct that his own attorneys have confessed to? She may be even more surprised that the judges and juries who will hear these cases won’t be the least bit confused when the convict him. And his cult disciples will be both dazed and confused, singing “You hurt and abuse, telling all of your lies. Run ’round, sweet baby, Lord, how they hypnotize.”


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Trump’s Spokes-Shill Admits that He’s Guilty of the Fraud Charges By New York AG Letitia James

It’s been a long time coming, but the first formal charges against Donald Trump by New York Attorney General Letitia James have been filed. They are wide ranging and carry serious penalties, including a permanent ban on Trump and his children serving on any corporate board, being prohibited for five years from running any corporation or similar business in New York or applying for business loans, and $250 million in restitution.

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Donald Trump, Prison

The action taken by James was the result of a “comprehensive, three-year investigation” that involved “interviews with more than 65 witnesses and review of millions of documents.” In the press conference announcing the lawsuit, James charged Trump with “violating the law as part of his efforts to generate profits for himself, his family and his company.”

The lawsuit alleged that Trump and his co-defendants – Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump – “falsely inflated his net worth by billions of dollars to unjustly enrich himself and to cheat the system, thereby cheating all of us.” Furthermore, James noted that she would be forwarding her findings to the Department of Justice and the IRS, where criminal charges could be considered. Then she elaborated saying that…

“Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization repeatedly and persistently manipulated the value of assets to induce banks to lend money to the Trump Organization on more favorable terms than would otherwise have been available to the company to pay lower taxes, to satisfy continuing loan agreements, and to induce insurance companies to provide insurance coverage for higher limits and for lower premiums.”

Within minutes of the announcement, Trump’s spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, posted a comment on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that she apparently thought was a defense of her boss. It wasn’t…

“These people are DERANGED! [Former] President Trump did not inflate his assets. He UNDERVALUED them. They have turned New York City into a Third World country. They release violent criminals on the streets, and use their energy to go after a law-abiding, successful businessman, who is their number one political opponent. Sick!

First of all, Harrington is lying about Trump not inflating his assets. Not only does James cite abundant evidence that he did, he has even bragged about doing it saying in his book “The Art of the Deal” that “a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration. In other words, an “innocent” form of lying.

However, Harrington completely missed the part of James’ statement where she also said that Trump undervalued his assets in order to “to pay lower taxes.” So Harrington’s post is explicitly affirming that Trump is guilty of that charge in the AG’s lawsuit.

Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, didn’t do much good for her client either when she provided a response to the lawsuit saying that…

“Today’s filing is neither focused on the facts nor the law — rather, it is solely focused on advancing the Attorney General’s political agenda.[…] and we look forward to defending our client against each and every one of the Attorney General’s meritless claims.”

If Trump is looking forward so much to defending himself against these claims, why did he take the Fifth Amendment more than 400 times when he was deposed by James a few weeks ago? Which is something that he previously said only guilty people and mobsters do? And why did he try to evade the depositions entirely unless he was granted immunity?

RELATED: Admission of Guilt? Trump and Family Seek to Evade Depositions Unless Granted Immunity

For his part, Trump also banged out a rapid reply to James in a Truth Social rant. He whined that this is “Another Witch Hunt by a racist Attorney General, Letitia James,” and that he “never thought this case would be brought – until I saw her really bad poll numbers.”

This isn’t the first time that Trump called James, who is Black, a racist. Nor is it the first time he’s shown his obsession with polls, even when they have nothing to do with the subject at hand. For the record, last month a Sienna College Research Institute poll had James beating her GOP opponent by 14 points.

Trump’s latest meltdown is typical of his desperate emotional state. Whenever he is confronted by bad news, he complains of his victimhood. Everything is a “witch hunt” and everyone is out to get him. And this is the model of a strongman that has so enraptured the Trump Cult. Just think how these snowflakes will react when criminal charges are filed.

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When Biden Shows Compassion for Struggling Americans, Trump’s Spokes-Shill Calls Him a Sociopath

President Biden was in Chicago on Wednesday to give a speech at the 40th Annual Conference of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). It was speech that affirmed his agenda, and that of the Democratic Party, that seeks to restore some semblance of fairness on behalf of working class Americans.

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Joe Biden, Tweet

Biden’s speech covered many of the tangible benefits already realized as a result of passage of the American Rescue Plan. He spoke of creating “8.3 million jobs in my first 15 months in office – a record.” He acknowledged that “the unemployment rate now stands at 3.6 percent, the fastest decline in unemployment at the start of any President’s term on record.” And he pointed out that…

“Under my predecessor, the great MAGA king, the deficit increased every single year he was President. The first year of my presidency – the first year, I reduced the deficit – literally reduced the deficit by $350 billion. First year. And this year – and this year, we’re on track to cut the federal deficit by 1 trillion 500 billion dollars – the biggest decline in debt ever in American history.”

Biden also spoke about the “Ultra-MAGA” plan proposed by Republicans that “raises taxes on 75 million American families” [and] “puts Social Security, Medicare … and Medicaid on the chopping block every five years.”

Sadly, albeit predictably, the only thing that the “Ultra-MAGA” crowd was able to focus on were the buzzwords and Biden’s compassionate demeanor. Trump himself was elated that Biden referred to him as “the Great MAGA King” which only affirms his lust for tyrannical power. But nowhere was the “Biden Derangement Syndrome” more apparent, and abhorrent, than in the reactions by the Republican National Committee and Donald Trump’s spokes-shill, Liz Harrington.

RELATED: Trump’s Spokeswoman Keeps Committing the Same Violations on Twitter that Got Trump Banned

The RNC watched a clip from Biden’s speech, which they posted to Twitter believing that his emotional tone of voice somehow made him look bad. Harrington agreed and retweeted the clip with her warped opinion that Biden’s heartfelt feelings were akin to sociopathy. Biden said…

“Remember those long lines you’d see on the television and people lining up in all kinds of vehicles just to get a box of food in their trunk? How quickly we forget people were hurting. And what did the MAGA crowd want to do? Forget it. Forget it. God, this is the United States of America. The idea that people would have to wait in line an hour or hour and a half to get a box of food in their trunk – it’s just unbelievable.”

And the RNC and Harrington replied…

So Harrington thinks that showing concern for the hardships that people endure, and wanting to help them, is “sociopathic”? That explains a lot. It explains why Republicans are so determined to provide benefits for the wealthy and for greedy corporations. Their definitions are severely distorted in a manner that makes them think that helping ordinary people is an abomination, and therefore, catering to millionaires and billionaires is an act of charity. Thanks for clearing that up, Liz.

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Trump’s Spokeswoman Keeps Committing the Same Violations on Twitter that Got Trump Banned

On January 8, 2020 – two days after the deadly, Trump-incited insurrection on Capitol Hill – Twitter finally made the responsible decision with regard to Donald Trump’s rancid and reckless rhetoric, saying that “we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” And with that the Internet was immediately improved by a whopping 73%.

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Donald Trump, Twitter

However, Trump’s decadent and dangerous voice was still heard regularly thanks to his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Liz Harrington. Despite repeated calls for Twitter to comply with their own terms of service, Harrington has inexplicably been allowed to act as Trump’s ventriloquist dummy, dispensing his lies and hatred. And her Trumpified tweets continue to pose real threats to America’s political stability and civil tranquility.

For the past couple of weeks Harrington has been promoting the crocumentary, “2,000 Mules,” produced by convicted election fraudster, Dinesh D’Souza (who Trump pardoned), and the disreputable hacks at “True the Vote.” The film falsely alleges that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen” from Donald Trump. In fact, the film is a hodgepodge of unsupported innuendo and grossly distorted misinterpretations of data. It is rife with the sort of depraved diatribes that incited the storming of Congress on January 6, 2021. And in support of this farce, Harrington baselessly accuses Democrats of committing crimes and trying to “destroy” America.

The movie has been debunked by credible experts as a scam that is devoid of factual basis and worse, is deliberately deceptive. It is “based on faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data.” It has even been repudiated by “news” outlets that are generally friendly to Trump and his brand of dishonesty. For instance, D’Souza himself has blasted Fox News, whining that “Tucker Carlson and his team specifically instructed Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote NOT to mention the movie.”

RELATED: Tucker Carlson Hysterically Hypes Bogus Election ‘Fraud’ Film By Convicted Election Fraudster

D’Souza also complained about the Trump-fluffing Newsmax network, saying “BTW @newsmax is also blocking coverage of ‘2000 Mules.'”

Even the One America News Network recently had to walk back their incessant election fraud ranting as part of their settlement of a lawsuit by two election workers that they defamed. Which may explain why the other bootlicking Trump nets are avoiding this movie. They are already being sued for billions of dollars for lying about election fraud

See Dominion sued Fox News for $1.6 billion, and Smartmatic sued Fox News for $2.7 billion, and Newsmax and OAN added to lawsuit.

The scam that D’Souza is perpetrating was apparent in the way the movie premiered. He charged online viewers $20.00 each to watch it remotely. If you believe his claim that 80,000 people watched, that would be a $1.6 million dollar haul. And that doesn’t include the $499.00 charged to in-person guests at the Las Vegas and Mar-a-Lago premieres.

This film contributes to the madness and hostility that Trump seeks to inspire from his glassy-eyed cult followers. Harrington’s promotion of it is just another example of her role in provoking more violence. And the fact that Twitter lets her get away with it is appalling and only makes them complicit in whatever harm results.

RELATED: Trump Shill Calls Violent Insurrectionists ‘Unwitting,’ Peaceful Abortion Protesters ‘Terrorists’

And to make matters worse, if Elon Musk’s bid to acquire Twitter goes through (which is not certain), he has already said he’ll restore Trump’s account. However, Trump says that he won’t return to Twitter even if the ban is lifted. But considering Trump’s proclivity for lying, take that with a pound or two of salt.

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Trump Shill Calls Violent Insurrectionists ‘Unwitting,’ Peaceful Abortion Protesters ‘Terrorists’

In the wake of the disclosure of the draft opinion that would overturn Roe v Wade, by the Supreme Court’s uber-conservative faction, the anti-choice extremists of America have embarked on a crusade to malign those who support women’s rights to safe and legal reproductive healthcare as radical thugs fomenting chaos and violence.

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Donald Trump Insurrection

The hostile characterization of the peaceful protests by abortion rights activists is as far removed from reality as Donald Trump’s delusional insistence that he won the 2020 presidential election (which he and his toadies at Fox News are still squawking about). However, Americans who are worried about the loss of liberties have been appropriately and responsibly protesting the Court’s perverse opinion that is utterly lacking in legal basis. As opposed to the right-wingers who are dodging the issue by fixating on the leak, rather than the substance.

RELATED: Biden Slams the ‘Extreme MAGA Crowd’ After Roe v Wade Leak. Fox News and Newsmax Prove He’s Right

Never mind that the identity of the leaker is unknown and is more likely to be a conservative than a liberal. The frantic and coordinated campaign to disparage the left is unfurling in a wave of wrath and fury. On Fox News Laura Ingraham even resorted to contriving an imaginary scenario wherein “mobs of people descended at the Court, screaming what could be described as threatening language toward some of the Justices.” Which, of course, never happened.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, is busy posting tweets that seek to paint a grossly dishonest picture of the pro-choice protesters. Along with a supposedly incriminating video, Harrington said that…

“If people who don’t like election fraud and unwittingly enter a public building are ‘terrorists,’ what does that make these people?”

The first thing to notice about this blather is that Harrington is asserting that the deadly insurrection that Trump incited on January 6, 2021, was nothing more than some “unwitting” folks, upset by nonexistent election fraud, taking a tour of Congress. That’s true, if your definition of “unwitting” includes storming through police barriers, breaking doors and windows, vandalizing and stealing government property, and injuring more than 140 law enforcement officers. For the record, “unwitting” means “without being aware; unintentionally.” So Harrington thinks that hundreds of Trump supporters broke into the Capitol unaware or unintentionally? Really?

RELATED: WTF? Trump Brags that 67% of Americans Say He’s Responsible for the Violent January 6th Insurrection

What’s more, Harrington is absurdly implying that the pro-choice protesters are “terrorists.” However, the video that she included in her tweet was hardly proof of her irresponsible accusation. In fact, it proved that the protesters behavior was both lawful and restrained. It shows that they did not invade any private property, nor engage in any threatening acts. They merely conducted a legal demonstration and chanted slogans saying to “Keep abortion safe and legal,” and that “Pro-life is a lie. You don’t care if people die.”

Harrington’s comparison of this nonviolent civil action to the riots conducted by domestic terrorists at the Capitol is preposterous in the extreme. But it is exactly the sort of deceitful provocation that is expected of the ultra-rightists who aspire to foment division and incite more violence. And if there is one thing they’ve made clear, it’s that it is their intention to gag anyone who disagrees with their brand of conservative authoritarianism, and to suppress dissenters who prefer democracy over the tyrannical ambitions of wannabe dictators like Donald Trump.

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Trump Spokes-Shill Retweets Satirical Demand that ‘If We Can’t MAGA, Stay Home in November’

In the Wackified World of Donald Trump, the line between reality and farce has been irreparably blurred. Having set records for lying that will never be challenged, and establishing behavior that would embarrass a seven year old, the former reality TV game show host and twice impeached loser has permanently lowered the standards for participation in the allegedly modern Republican Party.

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Where it was once possible to differentiate between news and satire, it is now frighteningly easy to accept as fact the most inane and bizarre reports attributed to Trump. After all, Trump has already humiliated himself by professing his belief that stealth fighters are actually invisible, and that windmills cause cancer, and that we should nuke hurricanes, and that George Washington’s Army took over airports, and that injecting bleach will cure COVID. Those are just a few of the indicators of the cognitive fitness of a self-described “stable genius.”

RELATED: Trump Does a Great Job of Proving How Pitifully Stupid He and His Cult Followers Are

On Friday morning Trump’s Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, provided additional evidence of his mental fracture, as if any more proof were needed. Harrington retweeted a post by a Twitter satirist who mocks Trump’s “Save America” messaging. The humorous version of a Trumpian statement said that…

“If the tough and freedom-loving candidates I’ve endorsed for Congress lose their primaries this summer, I invite all the Great MAGA Patriots to BOYCOTT the midterm elections in November. There’s no point in GOP majorities if Mitch McConnell is calling all the shots. Apparently he’s saying my candidates are crazy and unelectable, but he’s the biggest RINO in history! So we don’t want a Senate full of weak losers like Mike Pence, Mitt Romney, and their Menopausal Friends who won’t say the election was RIGGED. So if we can’t MAGA, stay home in November!”

For the record, the original tweet was posted by Halfway Post, a Twitter user whose profile says that they do “Dada journalism, satire & liberal comedy by @DashMacIntyre. I don’t report the facts, I improve them. My book: ‘SATIRE IN THE TRUMP YEARS'”. So it is, by definition, comedy, not disinformation.

The problem with Trump having his mouthpiece post this comical comment, in the way that she did, is that there is no way to ascertain that it is satire. It reeks of genuine Trumpiness. What part of that tweet could not be credibly attributed to Trump? His criticism of McConnell, Pence, Romney, and other “RINOs”, along with his bitter misogyny and fixation on the 2020 election, are hallmarks of Trump’s rancid rhetoric. In fact, it is such an authentic recreation that it mirrors things that Trump has actually said. For instance…

OH NOES! Trump Threatens that If Election Fraud Isn’t Solved ‘Republicans Will Not Be Voting”

Harrington’s caption of the satirical tweet merely said “Oh look, they’re spreading disinformation again.” She didn’t say who “they” are, or even what the disinformation was. Anyone not paying close attention might easily come away thinking that the retweet was actually Trump’s message. And when have Trump’s cult followers ever been known (or able) to pay close attention to anything?

It’s also hysterically ironic whenever Trump or his flunkies dare to accuse others of spreading disinformation. That’s Trump’s thing. He does it virtually every day. And like other cult leaders before him, his devotees believe every word of it. If we’re lucky they will believe that this tweet is Trump’s actual comment and take his advice. And since he’s said the same thing in all seriousness before, they would still be fulfilling his demands.

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Trump Spokeswoman Thrills QAnon Crowd with Call for Mass Arrests of Imaginary Election Riggers

The “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged” continues to be the top priority of Donald Trump’s endless crusade for constant attention, blind adoration, and the financial fleecing of his faithful flock. It’s almost all he talks about at his traveling cult rallies and staged, right-wing interviews.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

So naturally Trump’s spokes-shill and Twitter proxy, Liz Harrington, is hammering away at the same illusory issues. Harrington recently spoke at the “Patriots Arise” conference in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, a QAnon affiliated affair where crackpot conspiracies are welcomed with enthusiastic glee. According to reporting by Vice, Harrington painted a frightening picture of what would occur if they failed to address the fictitious election fraud that her boss is so obsessed with:

“It’s so important to have accountability and have that trust restored because otherwise you’re going to get more of it. There’s no accountability? Yep. They’re gonna start arresting political opponents. They’re gonna start throwing political dissidents in jail. They’re going to parade people and interrogate you for your free speech.”

OMG! Harrington is foretelling a dystopian future of oppressive, police-state tactics to clamp down on innocent Trumpists who are only worried that democracy has been subverted by communists, or Satanists, or whoever is the cartoon villain of the moment. Never mind that they have been unable to produce a shred of evidence of any election rigging cabal despite trying for more than a year and half.

RELATED: Trump Posts ‘Foolproof’ Evidence that the Election Was ‘Rigged’ But it’s Only Proof for Fools

However, Harrington has a solution to avoid this harrowing holocaust of political prisoners. And ironically it is centered on implementing a campaign of mass political arrests:

“You think it’s gonna be better next time? You really think if there’s no arrests made from 2020, if there’s no real exposing of it and getting these people and holding them accountable, you really think they won’t do it again?”

That’s right. If there are no arrests made of the perpetrators who don’t exist, then what never happened in the first place is all going to happen again. Harrington told Vice that “Anyone who violated election laws should be charged. They could start with those who committed election fraud felonies on camera.”

RELATED: WTF? Tucker Carlson Mocks Biden for Believing that He Won in 2020, Which, of Course, He Did

Harrington is absolutely right about charging election law violators. Although the biggest problem with her proposal, from her perspective, is that nearly all of the relatively few cases of election fraud so far uncovered were committed by Republicans and Trump supporters. In some cases the criminals were Trump’s closest associates, including his former White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows.

RELATED: BUSTED! Donald Trump Jr Texted Mark Meadows With Illegal Schemes to Overturn the Election

Harrington’s demand that mass arrests be undertaken for crimes that she can’t prove took place is a gross subversion of justice. But the principle of holding actual wrongdoers accountable is honorable and appropriate. Hopefully the Justice Department is listening and will begin to hand down indictments for Trump and his accomplices who tried to orchestrate a violent coup. There is already ample evidence of those crimes – and many others – in the public record. Because, as Harrington helpfully pointed out, “if there’s no real exposing of it and getting these people and holding them accountable, you really think they won’t do it again?”

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THANKS! Trump Spokesperson Convincingly Explains Why No One Should Vote for Republicans

The volume of disinformation that regularly emanates from Donald Trump and his self-serving, perpetual propaganda machine is unprecedented. Trump himself has been documented to have told more than 30,000 lies during his occupation of the White House. But now his super Pac hack is uncharacteristically telling the truth about the Republican Party.

Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

RELATED: Cowardly Republican Party to Require Their Presidential Candidates to Boycott 2024 Debates

Despite Trump’s record of deceit, every now and again someone in the Trump realm inadvertently allows a morsel of truth to escape into the wild. And on Friday morning the culprit was Trump’s official mouthpiece (and Twitter ban defying spokes-shill), Liz Harrington. In one of her regular appearances on the shamelessly Trump-fluffing One America News Network (OAN), Harrington was fed the softest of balls by OAN’s Natalie Harp (video below):

“The Republican Party isn’t the establishment party anymore. It’s the people’s party. They’re determining the direction of the party in terms of legislation, America First. That’s not what they’re used to. And yet somehow they think that they can point out the Cheneys and the Bushs. Don’t they realize we all rejected that during the primaries in 2016?”

Let’s just set aside the nonsense that the party that gets the most financial and institutional support from corporations and wealthy elites can be portrayed as “the people’s party.” And it is those one-percenters who have always determined the party’s direction. It is, however, notable that Harp admits her inclusion in the Trump Cult saying that WE all ejected that during the primaries in 2016.” But it was Harrington’s response that let the cat out of the hag:

“They [Republicans] all been exposed for the frauds that they are. They’re as fraudulent as the last election. And the people have seen through that and they want the real thing. They don’t want another fake substitute, another fake election where there’s really no difference between the two candidates on the ballot. They might say they are a different party, but the end result, they’re not the same. The Cheneys of the world, the Pelosis of the world, the McConnells, they all want endless wars. They all want open borders. They all want bad trade deals for the United States. They do not care about our sovereignty. They do not care about our jobs. And they can pretend to care about issues of the day.”

And there you have it. Directly from the horse’s mouth. Trump’s tweet-meister reveals that the Republican Party is full of warmongering, immigrant-bashing, economy-destroying “frauds.” Democrats and most rational Americans have known that for years (decades?). But it’s good to hear them confess their corruption publicly.

Trump himself has emerged as the most anti-Republican Republican in the party’s history. His hostility toward leaders of the Party such as Mitch McConnell, whom he now calls the “broken old crow,” is typical of his lust for vengeance against anyone showing signs of dwindling devotion. Trump has even demanded that his cult disciples refrain from donating to the GOP, and place their offerings on his plate instead. “No more money for RINOS,” Trump decreed, “Send your donation to [his] Save America PAC.”

This might seem like good news for Democrats. With Trump bashing the GOP and trying to intercept their donations, it should benefit Democratic candidates in the upcoming midterm elections. And it probably will, to a degree. However, Trump’s influence appears to be waning within the Republican world. The most recent party financial disclosure shows that the GOP raised $140 million in 2021. Which is still less than the $146 million Democrats raised. But it shows that GOP donors aren’t heeding Trump’s order to send their funds to him.

RELATED: Trump Orders His Cult To ‘Drop Off of Twitter’ and Calls For It To Be Outlawed

You know Trump’s gotta hate the fact that people are ignoring his orders. Perhaps that’s why he dispatched Harrington to OAN to throw more mud at his fellow Republicans. Because, in the end, all Trump cares about is how much money and adoration he can collect from his dimwitted followers. The more he sees those measures decline, the more panicked and incoherent he will become. And by that standard, he is already pretty far gone.

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Twitter Suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene, but Allows Trump’s Shill to Keep Posting His Lies (?)

In the first week of January 2021, Donald Trump was banished from Twitter due to his reckless and relentless lies about election fraud. Twitter imposed the ban on January 8th, two days after Trump’s deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill, saying that “we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.”

Donald Trump

Now, almost exactly a year to the day, Twitter has also suspended Trump’s congressional lickspittle, Marjorie Taylor Greene. In Greene’s case the reason given for her suspension was “repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy.” Naturally Greene is fuming that “Twitter is an enemy to America,” and promises to “show America we don’t need them.” Presumably she will move over to one of the failing alt-Twitter sites like Gab, Parler, Gettr, or maybe Trump’s allegedly forthcoming TRUTH Social. Which is hysterically misnamed for an Internet site run by a documented pathological liar.

As satisfying as it is to see someone like Greene exiled from social media, it also highlights the shortcomings in how Twitter carries out the enforcement of their policies. Because if Greene is considered to be in violation of their terms of service, then how can Trump’s official spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, be allowed to continue posting his lies?

In the year since Trump’s suspension he has actually escalated his reckless rhetoric. He continues to make purposefully inflammatory comments online, at his cult rallies, and in appearances on fringe TV outlets like Newsmax and One America News (OAN). His rancid commentaries serve to encourage his glassy-eyed disciples to “stand by” for his prophesized and delusional political resurrection. It’s a prospect that even ultra-conservative Republicans are frightened by.

Nevertheless, with Harrington’s help, Trump has managed to maintain an online presence despite his exile from Twitter. That presence has been dominated by his relentless compulsion to lie and hurl infantile insults at his foes. And he continues to propagate his “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. All in an effort to advance his aspirations of messianic tyranny. In lieu of tweeting, Trump puts out press releases with the same lie-filled histrionics that are identical to what he used to tweet. And those messages are being relayed to the Twitter-verse by Harrington.

Harrington is posting these incendiary outbursts despite Twitter’s stated policy of prohibiting anyone from attempting to circumvent a suspension. So Harrington is in flagrant violation of Twitter policies that call for suspension of the violator. Twitter needs to enforce their rules without prejudice or preference. Otherwise the rules are meaningless. And in Trump’s case, potentially dangerous.

There is simply no excuse for permitting Harrington to aid and abet Trump in circumventing his ban. While her reach is a pittance of the cult devotees that Trump roped in, the messages are just as dishonest and dangerous as if Trump were posting them himself. Twitter knows this and needs to do their job, enforce their rules, and ban Harrington and other offenders.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly.

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Trump’s ‘TRUTH Social’ is a Pitiful Cry for Attention Because His Twitter Shill Isn’t Getting Any

This week Donald Trump announced a new business failure – er, venture – that he says will eventually produce a social media service to “create a rival to the liberal media consortium and fight back against the ‘Big Tech’ companies of Silicon Valley.” Setting aside the likelihood that he will never deliver on this proposal, it still represents an epic feat of hysterical gaslighting.

Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

Trump has dubbed his ego-fluffing phantom operation “TRUTH social.” A branding exercise that flagrantly ignores his notoriety as America’s foremost pathological liar. It is more likely that it will reside in the Trump graveyard of flops that include four bankrupt casinos, a fraudulent university, a sham charitable foundation, and numerous consumer products that consumers never wanted.

However, there is a reason that Trump is so determined to launch a soapbox app dedicated to his own words of witlessness that are primarily comprised of lies, insults, and undeserved boasts. In the ten months since he was exiled from Twitter for excessive and deliberate lying and – as Twitter stated“the risk of further incitement of violence,” Trump has lost most of his online audience. Not that there was much of an audience to hang on to. Internet experts estimated that up to 70% of the 84 million followers reported by Twitter were either fake, bots, or inactive.

That said, an analysis of the interactions on the most recent week of tweets by Trump’s spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), show a massive decline from the last week of Trump’s tweets prior to his suspension.

Average per tweet of 96 tweets)
Average per tweet of 46 tweets)
Retweets 40,385 718 -98.2%
Likes 218,862 1,576 -99.3%

Given that collapse, it isn’t surprising that Trump is looking for another avenue to satisfy his gargantuan, but fragile, ego. Unfortunately for him, he has no chance of replicating the volume of interactions he had on Twitter with whatever he hopes to scrape up on his own lame app. Twitter delivered Trump to an audience of more than 200 million people. He’ll be competing with other fringe rightist sites like Gab, Parlar, Gettr, and the MyPillow guy’s FRANKSpeech. All of which have a tiny fraction of the users that Twitter has. And judging by the pathetic response to his previous attempt to lure his cult followers to his blog, it’s preposterous for him to think that he would do any better.

What’s more, there is little reason to believe that there is much demand for Trump’s ranting and raving. Most of it as of late has been whining about having lost the 2020 presidential election. A third of the Harrington tweets in the past week were about the Arizona “fraudit” by the infamous and utterly disreputable Cyber Ninjas. And he continues to incite violence with inflammatory outbursts like this one, where he defends the traitorous insurrections saying that “The insurrection took place on November 3, Election Day. January 6 was the Protest!.” Most of the rest of Trump’s alt-tweets were personal attacks on everyone from Colin Powell, to Andrew McCabe, to GOP Sen. Bill Cassidy, to Rep. Liz Cheney, and, of course, President Biden.

It is also notable that Trump is hailing his venture as a haven for free speech. Which is hysterical given that the terms of service explicitly prohibit any criticism of the site or its operators. Which means that there can be no criticism of its Chairman, Donald Trump.

That is not exactly a recipe for success. There is already evidence that his racket is just another Trump con that is bound for civil and/or criminal indictments and penalties. Furthermore, Trump has been warned that he is in violation of the licensing agreement for the software his service has expropriated and that he “has 30 days to comply with the terms of the license before its access is terminated.”

So Trump’s social media app that hasn’t even launched yet may be shut down before it ever does. After which he will somehow blame it all on his imaginary cabal of radical leftists. The only problem is, without any online presence, there won’t be anyone listening.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

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