RAGING HYPOCRITE Marjorie Taylor Greene Whines About Respecting Others With Different Views

In the Era of Donald Trump, the notion of civility has been thrown into the same garbage heap as hospitality, humility, and honesty. And the loss of those qualities is almost entirely due to Republicans modeling themselves after the cretinous example of Trump himself.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

Trump distinguished himself early in his 2016 campaign as barbarian whose behavior heralded back to a savage age when beasts like him could grab women in a manner that was assaultive and crude. Then he carried that demeanor into the White House with daily outbursts against his political foes that were insulting and hostile. So it’s no surprise that the GOPeons following in his footsteps reflect his vulgarity.

RELATED: Trump Post Urges His Cult Followers to Take Up Arms and ‘Physically Fight’ for the Presidency

On Tuesday one of the Republican Party’s most prominent Trump-fluffers demonstrated how well she has learned the lessons of Trumpism. Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted about an incident she said occurred while dining out out with her staff…

“I was attacked in a restaurant tonight by an insane women and screamed at by her adult son. They had no respect for the restaurant or the staff or the other people dining or people like me who simply have different political views. They are self righteous, insane, and completely out of control. I was sitting at my table, working with my staff, and never even noticed these people until they turned into demons. People used to respect others even if they had different views. But not anymore. Our country is gone.”

Can she possibly be serious? Of course, considering the source, it’s possible that none of this ever happened. In the event that it did, it must be noted that this livid lament is coming from the “insane woman” who is notorious for screaming insults at President Biden during the State of the Union Address. And as seen in the video above, she also once harassed David Hogg, a teenage school shooting survivor, on the street.

So Greene actually has the nerve to whine about respecting others with different views? She recently declared here support for what amounts to civil war and the dissolution of the United States. “We need a national divorce,” Greene tweeted. “We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government.” she continued saying that…

“Everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies, we are done.”

You have to wonder what a narrowly defined confederacy of dunces she talks to. And this isn’t even the worst of her raving madness. Greene also recently floated her unabashedly fascist idea to prohibit Democrats from voting. No, really…

SEE THIS: Marjorie Taylor Greene Floats Fascist Proposal for Red States to Prohibit Democrats From Voting

This is the woman who is now complaining about “self righteous, insane, and completely out of control” people not having respect for the political views of others? With a record of such grotesque behavior, Greene ought to keep her filthy mouth shut. But that’s way too much ask. Sadly, this spasm of obscenity is all too typical of Greene.


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Trump Blasts Rupert Murdoch for ‘Throwing His Anchors Under the Table’ in Election Fraud Lawsuit

Donald Trump was up very early on Tuesday morning to cry petulantly about how his former Ministry of Propaganda – aka Fox News – was not living up to his egomaniacal expectations of unflinchingly worshipful adoration. It’s a complaint that Trump unleashes whenever anyone fails to recognize his perceived messianic divinity.

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Rupert Murdoch Donald Trump

The bug up Trump’s butt on this occasion was that new details of the deposition given by Fox News boss, Rupert Murdoch, in the defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems, were made public. And those details affirmed that Murdoch and the hosts of his Fox News network knew very well that they were lying when they told viewers that there was fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

RELATED: In Dominion v Fox News, Network Cries ‘We Can’t Make People Think We’ve Turned Against Trump’

Of course, Trump cannot restrain himself whenever the facts that his “Big Lie” that the election was “rigged and stolen” from him are exposed. Particularly if those facts are delivered by people that he thinks should be compulsorily beholden to him. Which, in his cartoon brain, is everybody. Consequently he posted on his floundering Twitter clone, Truth Social

“Why is Rupert Murdoch throwing his anchors under the table, which also happens to be killing his case and infuriating his viewers, who will again be leaving in droves – they already are. There is MASSIVE evidence of voter fraud & irregularities in the 2020 Presidential Election. Just look at the documentary ‘2000 MULES’ and you will see large scale ballot stuffing caught on government cameras, or votes cast without Legislatures approval, or just recently, the FBI/Twitter Files Scandal. RIGGED!!!”

There is an abundance of derp in that rant. Beginning with Trump’s mangling of the idiom about being “thrown under the bus.” Being under a table is something else entirely.

More to the point, Trump is aghast that Murdoch would say things during a deposition, under oath, that reflect badly on Fox News, and more importantly, on Trump. Trump takes any suggestion that the 2020 election was legitimate as a personal attack. However, Murdoch had no choice but to tell the truth, or be liable for perjury.

The result was a trove of testimony that does indeed strengthen Dominions case. Such as conceding that Fox News hosts (Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, etc.) “endorsed” the false claim that the 2020 election was stolen. And allowing Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell on air to lie about Dominion.

Literally everything else in Trump’s post was untrue. There was no “MASSIVE evidence of voter fraud.” If there were he would have presented it by now. The “2000 MULES” crocumentary has been totally debunked. And the “Twitter Files” were a pathetically contrived nothingburger.

SEE: Tucker Carlson Hysterically Hypes Bogus Election ‘Fraud’ Film By Convicted Election Fraudster
AND: The Sham ‘Twitter Files’ Exposé Actually Proves that Trump’s Coup Plot was Appropriately Muted

However, Trump was just getting started. He posted a second comment on this subject a few minutes later that repeated the same false allegations of election fraud, and continued his chastising of Murdoch and Fox News, saying that…

“They look too scared and frightened to reveal the massive amounts of voter fraud & Irregularities already found, and it would actually help them in the lawsuit. Instead FoxNews wants to silence its anchors and reporters.”

Trump is actually right, but not about what he thinks he’s right about. Fox News may not have wanted to silence its anchors when they were lying about election fraud, but they do want to silence them now…

SEE THIS: BANNED ON FOX NEWS: The Network Prohibits Any Reporting on the $1.6 Billion Dominion Lawsuit

Trump’s morning caterwauling isn’t going to win him any converts. It is just more of the tedious yammering he’s been putting out since he was evicted from the White House two years ago. In all that time he has failed to produce the “massive amounts of voter fraud” he claims to have found. And he lost 60 court cases in his futile effort to overturn the election and undermine democracy. But he obviously intends to continue down this pitiful path, oblivious to the fact that it’s only going to hurt himself and the Republican Party that kowtows to him.

UPDATE: Trump posted (and deleted) another attack on Murdoch, saying that if he doesn’t believe that the 2020 election was “was not Rigged & Stollen” (sic) he should “get out of the News Business as soon as possible, because they are aiding & abetting the DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA with FAKE NEWS.” When was Fox in the news business? Trump goes on to praise the “BRAVE & PATRIOTIC FoxNews Hosts [who] got it right.” However, those hosts were just revealed to have known that Trump’s election fraud claims were false and that they lied to their viewers. So yeah, they got it right privately, and lied about it in public.

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BANNED ON FOX NEWS: The Network Prohibits Any Reporting on the $1.6 Billion Dominion Lawsuit

A few years ago Fox News dropped their long-time slogan that falsely declared that they were “Fair & Balanced.” Having been founded by an ultra-rightist newspaper baron (Rupert Murdoch) and a Republican media consultant (Roger Ailes), it was never true. It only served to imply that every other news source was unfair and imbalanced.

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Fox News, Censorship

That’s the modus operandi of a cult, wherein members are admonished that the cult is the only source of truth and that everyone else is lying. Fox News replaced their slogan with “Real News, Real Honest Opinion.” Which was equally false. And the extent of their brazen and deliberate dishonesty was recently revealed in a motion filed by Dominion Voting systems as part of their $1.6 defamation lawsuit against Fox. The motion cited numerous instances of Fox News hosts and executives saying in private that they didn’t believe the election fraud lies that they were reporting on air as facts.

RELATED: In Dominion v Fox News, Network Cries ‘We Can’t Make People Think We’ve Turned Against Trump’

The revelations in the Dominion motion were widely reported by virtually every news outlet. Except, of course, for Fox “News”. And on Sunday it was revealed why. Howard Kurtz, the network’s alleged media analyst, confessed on his program that his bosses had forbidden him to discuss the matter…

“Some of you have been asking why I’m not covering the Dominion Voting Machines lawsuit against Fox involving the unproven claims of election fraud in 2020, and it’s absolutely a fair question. I believe I should be covering it. It’s a major media story, given my role here at Fox. But the company has decided that as part of the organization being sued, I can’t talk about it or write about it, at least for now. I strongly disagree with that decision, but as an employee, I have to abide by it. And if that changes, I’ll let you know.”

It is not uncommon, when a company is the subject of a lawsuit, for it to order its employees to refrain from making any public statement about the case, for fear of them disclosing something detrimental. However, when it is a media company it poses a unique dilemma, because they have a professional and ethical obligation to report the news. In this case, Kurtz could easily have reported on the existence of the lawsuit without prejudicing it in any way. And his statement affirms that it is “a major media story,” and that his audience is interested in it.

Nevertheless, Fox News has imposed a total ban on reporting anything about the case. Clearly they are censoring themselves to avoid the embarrassment of having their viewers learn the truth about their purposeful lying. Fox surely doesn’t want them to know that their most popular hosts, such as Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, and Sean Hannity, discussed among themselves that Trump’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 presidential election being “rigged and stolen” from him, was a wholly fabricated fiction.

RELATED: Hannity Admits in Fox News Lawsuit that ‘I Did Not Believe [Trump’s Big Lie] for One Second’

Since Fox News banned Kurtz from reporting on the Dominion case, it’s fair to assume that they imposed the same blackout on the rest of their hosts, contributors, and guests. That muzzling of their own “reporters” is, in itself, news. However, Kurtz is wrong when he says that “as an employee, I have to abide by it.” Actually, he has several other options.

First of all, he could ignore this infringement on free speech and report on the case anyway. Secondly, he could argue with his superiors and organize his peers to get the restraint lifted. Thirdly, he could resign in protest and retain some measure of integrity. He could also offer to anonymously tell what he knows to other media, or even to the Dominion lawyers.

All of those options, however, would require that Kurtz have some dignity and respect for journalistic ethics. So it’s no wonder why he chose to simply obey his bosses and shut his mouth. Suppressing real news that Fox finds uncomfortable is their standard operating procedure. It’s why they didn’t air live a single minute of the hearings by the House Select Committee on the January 6th Insurrection that Trump incited, despite the high ratings the hearings received on MSNBC and CNN.

SEE THIS: Trump Toady Lies that Fox News ‘Destroyed CNN and MSNBC’ By Not Airing the January 6th Hearings

Finally, in addition to gagging Kurtz, Fox also refused to air an ad by MoveOn that featured the words of their own hosts and executives. So Fox is not only rejecting journalistic ethics, they are even refusing revenue for advertising. And if they are turning down cold, hard, cash, you know they are scared witless.

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HAHAHA: RNC Chair Thinks Trump Would Honor a Pledge to Support the GOP Nominee if it Isn’t Him

There is a unique peculiarity of the Republican Party that permits it members, and even its leaders, to willfully accept the most manifestly absurd contrivances coming from within their political ecosphere. They want so desperately to believe their own hype that they swallow whole whatever has been pre-chewed for them.

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Donald Trump

It is that characteristic that explains how Republicans can buy into the nonsense pouring out daily from Donald Trump about everything from his “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged and stolen” from, to his own alleged mental competency…

RELATED: LOL: Trump Says All Presidential Candidates (Except Himself) Should Take Mental Competency Tests

On Sunday morning the chair of the Republican National Committee provided an outstanding example of her party’s crippling gullibility. During an interview on CNN, Ronna McDaniel was asked by Dana Bash about the upcoming Republican primaries for the 2024 presidential nomination. Her response was painfully naïve and resolutely distanced from reality…

Bash: Will candidates be required to sign a pledge saying that they will support whoever becomes the Republican nominee in order to get on that debate stage?
McDaniel: We haven’t put the criteria out, but I expect the pledge will be part of it. It was part of 2016. I think it’s kind of a no-brainer. If you’re gonna be on the Republican National Committee debate stage asking voters to support you, you should say “I’m gonna support the voters and who they choose as the nominee.”
Bash: I want you to listen to what former president Donald Trump said a couple of weeks ago with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt on this very topic:
Hewitt: If you’re not the nominee, will you support whoever the GOP nominee is?
Trump: It would depend. I would give you the same answer I gave in 2016… It would have to depend on who the nominee was.
Bash: So are you prepared to block the former president if he doesn’t sign?
McDaniel: Well, he signed it in 2016. He did. Everybody signed it in 2016. […]
Bash: But this is about the here and the now.
McDaniel: I think they’re all going to sign it. I really do. […]
Bash: You can’t see a scenario where Donald Trump would just skip the debate?
McDaniel: I think President Trump would like to be on the debate stage. That’s what he likes to do.

McDaniel is right that Trump signed a party loyalty pledge in 2016. It required GOP candidates to promise to “endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee, regardless of who it is [and] will not seek to run as an independent.”

However, what McDaniel appears to have forgotten – or wiped from her memory – is that Trump never intended to honor the pledge he reluctantly signed. While Trump did sign a similar pledge during the 2016 Republican primary, he quickly reversed himself and made repeated threats to violate the pledge, each time accusing the RNC of sabotaging his campaign.

A paranoid and fearful Trump whined that the RNC “conspired to embarrass him by packing the debate audience with lobbyists and donors to his rivals’ campaigns.” And when asked by George Stephanopoulos if he would keep his promise to back whichever Republican prevailed, Trump replied “I’m going to have to see what happens. I will see what happens. I have to be treated fairly.”

SEE THIS: Donald Trump Moves Closer To A Third (Reich) Party Campaign

So Trump said in 2016 that he wouldn’t honor the pledge that he signed. And a couple of weeks ago he told Hewitt that the same thing would apply to 2024, for which he has not yet signed any pledge. But McDaniel still believes that Trump will sign and keep the pledge so that he can participate in the debates because “That’s what he likes to do.”

Trump also likes to break pledges and rub his critic’s faces in it. What’s more, what would stop him from signing the pledge, participating in the debates, and then if someone else gets the nomination, simply reneging and going his own way? He would just accuse the RNC of being unfair to him and, therefore, it was the RNC who broke the pledge. That is precisely the substance of the threats he used to back out his 2016 pledge.

The truth is that the Republican Party – just like Fox News and the conservative media – fears Trump more than they love their party or their country. They will allow him to get away with any lies or abuse that he inflicts on them in order to keep his glassy-eyed cult followers in line. The GOP needs their votes and their cash. And they will abandon any principle in order to secure them.

The only thing they fear more are fair debates with Democrats. which is why McDaniel has already announced that Republican presidential candidates will not be permitted to appear in any debates sponsored by the non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates. They know that Trump in particular cannot compete intellectually with his Democratic opponents.

SEE THIS: RNC Doubles Down on Cowardice, Cancels Debates to Shield Snowflake Trump From More Humiliation

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Jimmy Kimmel Shoots Down MTG, Tucker Carlson, and ‘The Four Gun Whores of the Apocalypse’

In the Era of Trump it has become harder and harder to produce good political satire when the potential subjects are so ludicrous on their own. But the Republican Party has been up to the challenge of providing the source material for searing comedy. With hysterical characters like Marjorie Taylor Greene, George Santos, and of course, Donald Trump himself, America’s humor supply remains well stocked.

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Jimmy Kimmel, Marjorie Taylor Greene

On his Friday night program, Jimmy Kimmel took aim at some of the easy targets that the GOP, and their Propaganda arm, Fox News, have provided (video below). It’s not the first time that Kimmel has featured the inadvertent buffoonery of the Republican Clown Show, and it won’t be the last.

RELATED: Jimmy Kimmel Hysterically Mocks Fox News for Whining About Biden Doing His Show

On this occasion Kimmel began by observing that many of the Fox News regulars are openly supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and rooting for a Russian Victory, which Tucker Carlson said in exactly those words. These cretins are deeply devoted to Russian war criminal, Vladimir Putin, to the extent that they favor him over American leaders. And Kimmel couldn’t help but notice…

“I’m not saying that Marjorie Taylor Greene and Tucker Carlson are indebted to, or are compromised by, or have some sort of secret allegiance to Vladimir Putin in exchange for silence or money or some sort of weird nesting egg sex, but man oh man, they sure do seem to be on team Russia.”

Whereupon Kimmel played a video clip from Putin apologist Carlson’s show with Greene calling her own GOP colleagues who support Ukraine “stupid” and “so disconnected with what the American people want, that they are literally going to lead us into World War III.” She adds that Carlson is “one of the few people that tells the truth like the American people feel and talk and think on television.”

The fear mongering about World War III is a common talking point on the right, including Trump, who posted a comment on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, this morning crying frantically that “This is the most dangerous time in the history of our Country. World War III is looming, like never before,” and that “HOPELESS JOE BIDEN IS LEADING US INTO OBLIVION!!!”

Oh no, not oblivion! What’s more, it’s particularly pitiful for Greene to say that Carlson is a teller of the truth (that people “feel”?) so soon after it was revealed that he deliberately lied to his audience about election fraud, while privately admitting that he did not believe it for one second.”

SEE ALSO: In Dominion v Fox News, Network Cries ‘We Can’t Make People Think We’ve Turned Against Trump’

Immediately following that, Kimmel brought up the preposterous bill that a GOP representative is pushing to make the AR-15 – the preferred weapon of mass murderers – the national gun of the United States. The families of those who were slaughtered by one should appreciate that. Kimmel notes that George Santos is a co-sponsor of bill, and adds that Santos isn’t the only one…

“This dumb bill was sponsored by a congressman from Alabama named Barry Moore, with co-sponsors Santos, Andrew Clyde of Georgia and Mozzarella six-shelled person, Lauren Boebert. These are the heroes working to get us a national gun. And the next time there’s a mass shooting with an AR-15, which will probably be by the end of the week, we’ll know who to thank. The Four Gun Whores of the Apocalypse.”

While so much of what Fox News and the Trumpian Republican Party do and say is dangerous and anti-American, it is important to include comedy and satire in our arsenal of responses. Unfortunately, we may not always have that option available, thanks to Greene. The biggest joke in Congress has already distinguished herself with commentaries about “Gazpacho Police,” “Peach Tree Dishes,” “Jewish Space Lasers,” and “fragrantly” violated rights. But she is also known for having claimed to have reported Kimmel to the police for brandishing humor:

SEE: Comedy Cop Marjorie Taylor Greene Reports Jimmy Kimmel to Capitol Police for Telling a Joke

UPDATE: It was recently reported that Snowflake Trump ordered his White House staff to pressure Disney to stop Kimmel from telling jokes about him.

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Trump Brags About the Fake ‘Ratings’ of His Self-Exalting Reality TV Show in East Palestine

Donald Trump’s gargantuan, yet fragile, ego made another appearance this week at a shamelessly staged photo-op at the site of the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. And, true to form, Trump displayed the one constant character flaw that he has clung to for decades in public life: his frothing obsession with how he is characterized in the media.

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Donald Trump TV Set

Trump gauges the success of everything he does by how well it is covered by the press. It doesn’t even matter if it is positive or negative coverage, as long as he is at the center of it. The twice-impeached, former reality TV game show host regards media attention and television ratings as the final arbiter and definitive authority of one’s inherent human value. Too bad for him that those metrics have been sharply declining.

RELATED: Reality Game Show ‘President’ Trump Thinks TV Ratings are ‘The Real Polls’

Consequently, it isn’t surprising that following his wholly contrived circus act in East Palestine, Trump boasted about how magnificently it was received by the media. Although it was nothing more than a patronizing parade of pomposity wherein he distributed Trump-branded water and MAGA hats as if it were just another one of his cult rallies, Trump was elated by the allegedly massive audience that he imagined witnessed the affair. Never mind that it was not covered by any significant news outlet. Every broadcast network, as well as CNN, MSNBC, and even Fox News, ignored his self-serving sideshow.

However, that didn’t stop Trump from reveling in imaginary glory with a post on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social that hailed his pretend popularity. The posting was headlined “VIEWERSHIP REPORT.” It stated, preposterously, that there were 178,052,414 people who watched his Trainwreck Tour on traditional and social media. The accompanying text read that…

“This report searched for the term ‘East Palestine’ + ‘Trump’ what you will see is while traditional outlets like Fox News are woefully derelict in their reporting with what you did, the word is still getting out there in a big way. Specifically, when the announcement was made last week there was a bump of coverage reaching about 2 million on social channels and 10 million on other channels.”

It’s interesting that Fox News is the only network that Trump calls out by name. Setting that aside, there are a couple of other obvious problems with this “reporting.” First of all, nowhere in this post is there any indication of the source of these numbers. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that they were pulled straight out of his assumptions and delusions of grandeur.

Secondly, by merely searching for the terms “East Palestine” and “Trump,” the results, from whatever source, would include instances where the context would be decidedly contrary to the celebratory impressions that trump is implying. For instance, they would include any reference to “Trump insulted the good people of East Palestine,” or “East Palestine was demonstrably harmed by Trump exploiting their hardship.”

Oblivious to that reality, the post went on to say that…

“The visit meant a lot for the people of East Palestine and the surrounding communities. The trip gave them hope and raised the awareness needed to combat the incompetence of the Biden Administration. As you will see a sharp spike in the positive sentiments as well.”

Once again, there is absolutely nothing that supports any of those assertions. What’s more, it leaves out the fact that many observers – locally and in the national press – criticized Trump’s presence in the area as selfish, disruptive, and insensitive. And despite petulantly lashing out at President Biden, Trump also leaves out the fact that he never visited any of the many train derailments – some with fatalities – during his term in office. He also completely ignores the fact that his own policies may have contributed to the disaster in East Palestine. That was even noted by Steve Doocy, co-host of Fox and Friends:

“Apparently regulations regarding train safety were changed during the Trump administration. This particular railroad and others lobbied president Trump to dismantle an Obama era rule that would have required railroads to update their braking system […] The Trump administration undid that and said the cost exceeded the benefit.”

By tying himself to television ratings – especially fake ones – Trump is putting himself at risk of being the cause of his own humiliation. That’s because his popularity has been in a steep decline since he was evicted from the White House by the American people. And it’s been evident in the lackluster attendance of his recent events, and even more to the point, in his TV ratings, such as when he announced his candidacy for the 2024 Republican nomination for president…

SEE THIS: Trump’s Dreary Campaign Announcement Speech Drew Dismal TV Ratings

UPDATE: Trump called in to Glenn Beck’s very low rated Internet program to say that Pete Buttigieg “came [to East Palestine] the next day and played to very small crowds.” Note that Trump is still obsessed with crowd size and that he said “played,” further affirming that he sees his role in public service as theater.

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Ron DeSantis Seeks to Muzzle the Media with Unconstitutional Libel Law Reforms – Just Like Trump

There is clearly something in the swamp water in Florida that makes its Republican politicians emulate the anti-American derangement of one another. That would account for how Ron DeSantis, while ostensibly preparing to challenge Donald Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination for president is, instead, turning into an even more extreme copy of the twice impeached, former reality TV game show host.

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Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis

Politico is reporting that the majority Republican Florida legislature is drafting a bill that would severely threaten the free press were it to be found constitutional – which it surely would not be if the Supreme Court were occupied by fair-minded Justices. To be sure there are some serious problems with the media as witnessed by the lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox News.

RELATED: In Dominion v Fox News, Network Cries ‘We Can’t Make People Think We’ve Turned Against Trump’

However, the reforms sought by DeSantis are dangerously oppressive and intended only to intimidate journalists and silence his critics. According to Politico

“At the governor’s urging, Florida’s Republican-dominated Legislature is pushing to weaken state laws that have long protected journalists against defamation suits and frivolous lawsuits. The proposal is part [of] DeSantis’ ongoing feud with media outlets like The New York Times, Miami Herald, CNN and The Washington Post — media companies he claims are biased against Republicans — as he prepares for a likely 2024 presidential bid.

“Beyond making it easier to sue journalists, the proposal is also being positioned to spark a larger legal battle with the goal of eventually overturning New York Times v. Sullivan, the landmark 1964 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that limits public officials’ ability to sue publishers for defamation.”

The DeSantis proposal would make it easier to sue media for defamation. It would also remove journalists’ protection from having to reveal confidential sources, and mandate by law that such reported comments are presumed false in court proceedings. These reforms are contrary to the Constitution and 250 years of legal precedents. They would have a chilling effect on the press and discourage honest reporting.

That discouragement is, of course, precisely the goal of DeSantis. He has assumed the identical position of Trump – and their authoritarian heroes like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi Jinping – with regard to suppressing the media. Politico notes that DeSantis has been “refusing to conduct interviews with platforms except Fox News.” That was the same strategy employed by Trump for most his campaigns and presidency. Although lately Trump has taken to even attacking his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News.

RELATED: Trump’s 2023 New Year’s Wish: Hopefully American Newspapers Will Go Out of Business

However, DeSantis is actually taking this unconstitutional obsession even farther than Trump by committing it to law. Trump often threatened to do so, but never followed through. In January of 2018 Trump whined that

“Our current libel laws are a sham and a disgrace and do not represent American values or American fairness. So we’re gonna take a strong look at that.”

Perhaps the reason that Trump chickened out was because he would have opened a can of worms that would have devoured him. No one has exposed himself to more potential libel allegations than Trump. Every time he calls a reporter a liar, or asserts as fact that unnamed sources don’t exist, or alleges that a story was deliberately made up, or unleashes one of his infantile and insulting nicknames on a reporter, Trump is slandering those reporters and harming their reputations and careers.

Someone may have warned Trump to be careful what he wishes for. After all, there have been literally thousands of comments and tweets by Trump that were demonstrably false, but manifestly injured their targets. For instance, what about the sixteen women who have spoken out about Trump’s sexual abuse? He called every one of them liars? One of them, E. Jean Carroll, is currently suing him for defamation.

If DeSantis were smart (doubtful), he would abandon these ill-considered reforms. They are only likely to backfire on him. There are already plenty of safeguards in current law that protect people from deliberate slander and libel. Even if committed by the media. Just ask Dominion Voting Systems.

That, however, isn’t sufficient for Republican press haters who are more interested in censorship than freedom. Consequently, politicians like Trump and DeSantis, who are afraid of a free press, are seeking to shut it down. Trump has already gone to great lengths to do so, and in the process proved that current laws are more than adequate.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Floats Fascist Proposal for Red States to Prohibit Democrats From Voting

The Republican Party, under the new management of House Squeaker and Fox News enabler, Kevin McCarthy, appears to be devoted to remaking itself as a Kremlin-style autocracy. Despite its razor-thin majority, they are governing as if they have popular mandate, which they most decidedly do not.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Vladimir Putin

Taking the lead in the new McCarthyism is the representative from Swamp Pass, Georgia, who McCarthy pledged he “will never leave,” Marjorie Taylor Greene. Among her recent deplorable initiatives is one that advocates for a virtual civil war, a “national divorce” that separates the red states from the blue states. It’s a plan that would leave the red states destitute, because they rely on federal revenue that is mostly produced in blue states. And it’s on the strength of ideas like this, that violate her pledge of allegiance to one nation indivisible, that McCarthy gave her a coveted seat on the Homeland Security Committee.

RELATED: Marjorie Taylor Greene Unleashes Racist Rant Defending Confederate Statues and Lazy Black People

On Tuesday Greene introduced another of her brilliant plans to undermine democracy. During an interview with ultra-rightist podcaster and over-age student activist, Charlie Kirk, Greene expressed her outrage that Democrats are actually allowed to vote in America. No, really…

Kirk: I don’t think the left would ever stop. I don’t think they’ll ever stop trying to invade our states or our county. So how do we stop them?
Greene: Well, I think that, you know, red states could choose in how they allow people to vote in their states. For example, over the past couple of years we’ve seen a mass exodus from California and New York where we’ve seen people fleeing those leftist policies and moving to states like Florida, Georgia, and Texas. […]

What I think would be something that some red states could propose is, well, okay, if Democrat voters choose to flee these blue states … and they really change their mind on the types of policies that they support, well, once they move to a red state, guess what? Maybe you don’t get to vote for five years. You can live there, you can work there, but you don’t get to bring your values … so that their red states don’t get changed.

First of all, there has been no mass exodus as Greene describes. People are always moving around in the U.S. for many reasons, and many are moving from red states to blue. There’s a reason that blue states are more popular and more populous than red.

More to the point, the only reason that Greene is offering as justification for denying American citizens their right to vote is that she disagrees with their political views. Vladimir Putin will be impressed with how far she has come toward the model of “democracy” that he employs. For that matter, so would Putin’s American media assets, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity. As a matter of fact, Hannity has already told Greene that “I actually favor that idea.”

There is also a glaring logical breakdown in Greene’s proposal. She argues that Democrats are fleeing blue states because “they really change their mind on the types of policies that they support.” So if these alleged Democrats now support the policies of red Republican states, why would she want to prohibit them from voting? Is it just punishment for their past voting record?

Greene also said that she is “a big believer in defending our ability to pursue life and liberty and happiness [but that] the left is completely destroying that for those of us on the right.” In other words, democracy, wherein people vote for the principles they favor, is destroying the right’s pursuit of happiness. So her solution is to revoke the voting rights of everyone she disagrees with?

You have to wonder how she would respond to a reciprocal policy to deny Republicans the right to vote for five years after they move to a blue state like New York or California – or her own blue-trending state of Georgia? Of course, no Democrat would ever propose anything so oppressive, so anti-democratic, and so downright stupid. For Greene, on the other hand, it’s painfully typical…


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LOL: Trump Says All Presidential Candidates (Except Himself) Should Take Mental Competency Tests

Here we go again. America’s self-anointed “stable genius,” Donald Trump, is once again demonstrating his acute narcissism and hysterical hypocrisy. As he embarks on his pursuit of the 2024 Republican Party nomination for president, Trump is setting the bar for all of the other candidates.

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Recall that this advice being offered on sound psychological status is coming from the guy who believes that stealth fighters are actually invisible, that windmills cause cancer, that hurricanes should be nuked, that George Washington’s Army took over airports, and that injecting bleach will cure COVID. It’s not exactly a record of cognitive fitness.

RELATED: HUH? On Fox News Trump Asks ‘Imagine If There Was Coronavirus When I Was President’

Undaunted, Trump took to his floundering social media flop, Truth Social, to deliver his opinion on how presidential candidate’s qualifications should be considered…

“ANYBODY running for the Office of President of the United States should agree to take a full & complete Mental Competency Test simultaneously (or before!) with the announcement that he or she is running, & likewise, but to a somewhat lesser extent, agree to a test which would prove that you are physically capable of doing the job. Being an outstanding President requires great mental acuity & physical stamina. If you don’t have these qualities or traits, it is likely you won’t succeed. MAGA!”

Trump is right. Without those qualities you won’t succeed as president. In fact, he’s living proof of it. Now, perhaps the most sanity-challenged political figure of modern times wants his peers to be tested in order to be regarded as fit to serve. It’s likely that he thinks that a test he took previously – that was administered by a “doctor” who was hopelessly infatuated with Trump – sufficed to qualify his own candidacy.

However, that was not a “full & complete Mental Competency Test.” It was a simple test given to people who were being evaluated for early onset symptoms of dementia. It required him to identify an elephant from a picture, and recall five words. And we still don’t know whether he passed that test, other than by his own account, which is hardly believable. Plus, it was five years ago, when he was a sprightly 69 years old.

RELATED: YIKES! Trump Admits His Dreams of Dictatorship, While Bragging About ‘Acing’ a Dementia Test

Trump is also not exactly a specimen of physical prowess. He needs two hands to drink from a glass of water. He can’t walk down a low incline without help. He mocks President Biden for riding bikes, while he won’t play a round of golf without his golf cart. And he refuses to exercise because he believes that it depletes the scarce resources of energy that you are born with.

It’s also notable that in his remarks, Trump narrowly defines those who should take the competency tests. According to Trump they should only be given “simultaneously (or before!) with the announcement that he or she is running.” Which is a sneaky way of excluding himself, since it is already well after he announced.

It’s also interesting that Trump is taking this position just a few days after his first announced opponent for the GOP nomination, Nikki Haley, declared that all politicians over 75 (which includes Trump) should be tested for mental fitness. In fact, her entire impetus for running is that she is younger than Trump. Which Trump, in his psychologically stable state of mind is taking exactly as you might expect…

SEE THIS: Trump ‘Welcomes’ Nikki Haley Into the 2024 GOP Primary with a Furious Flurry of Feces Flinging

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House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy Hands Over 41,000 Hours of January 6th Video to – Tucker Carlson?

Two years ago on January 6th, a Clown Corps of traitorous StormTrumpers invaded the seat of America’s democracy in a violent and deadly attempt to overthrown a legitimate election and install their Mar-a-Lago Messiah as president-for-life. But despite their pitiful failure they persist in the pursuit of a wingnut theocracy with Donald Trump in their throne.

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In his quest for the the speakership of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy promised that he would release all of the video available of what he still refuses to admit was an insurrection. And consistent with his string of already broken promises, he has chosen to make those videos available only to Tucker Carlson of Fox news.

RELATED: HUH? Squeaker McCarthy Admits that He Ignored Subpoenas in His Denial that He Ignored Subpoenas

On Monday morning Axios reported that…

“House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has given Fox News’ Tucker Carlson exclusive access to 41,000 hours of Capitol surveillance footage from the Jan. 6 riot, McCarthy sources tell me.

“Carlson TV producers were on Capitol Hill last week to begin digging through the trove, which includes multiple camera angles from all over Capitol grounds. Excerpts will begin airing in the coming weeks.”

Seriously? If McCarthy thinks that giving Putin-loving, propagandist Carlson exclusive access to these videos is the same thing as releasing them to the public, he has succumbed to the same mental deterioration as his QAnon Caucus. Carlson will surely slice and dice what he receives in the most grotesquely biased manner. The public will only get to see what Carlson and Fox News serve up on their partisan platter.

Revelations of Fox’s dishonesty were recently disclosed in the defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems. In a motion for a summary judgment, Dominion published internal communications at Fox News showing that the hosts and executives never believed Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged and stolen” from him, even as they went on air proclaiming it as fact. And now they will want us to believe their misinterpretation of these videos?

RELATED: In Dominion v Fox News, Network Cries ‘We Can’t Make People Think We’ve Turned Against Trump’

As further proof of how ludicrous this is, Marjorie Taylor Greene was thrilled and tweeted that she was “very happy” with McCarthy for releasing the videos to Carlson because “Americans deserve to see the truth, not a one sided narrative and unfair two tiered justice system.”

Really? Even if McCarthy ends up releasing the videos to the public or other media, he has still benefited the Trumpists and insurrectionists by giving Carlson and Fox News a first look and a head start on injecting an entirely false narrative into the media ecosystem.

It would be bad enough if McCarthy merely released these videos to Fox News. But he could not have picked a worse person to dump them on than Tucker Carlson. Apparently McCarthy has forgiven him for calling him “a puppet of the Democratic Party.” Which is just another indication of McCarthy’s wet noodley weakness.

As for Carlson, he has made it his mission to spread flagrant lies about the January 6th insurrection. He’s celebrated the rioters as “patriots.” He’s maligned the FBI, without evidence, as the perpetrators of the violence. He even produced a lie-riddled crocumentary about the insurrection. And this is the person McCarthy chose to curate the thousands of hours of video to force feed their BS propaganda to the American people?

Nice work Kevin. You’ve selected someone who was deemed by his own attorneys to be so outrageously dishonest that they argued in court (successfully) that, given his reputation, “no reasonable person” would believe his bullpucky. And there’s more where that came from…

UPDATE I: CBS News reports that several media organizations are now demanding that they get access to the videos too.

UPDATE II: Tucker Carlson Spins January 6th Insurrection Videos to Spread Blatant Lies, Trump Praises Him


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