DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Least Productive Ever

As 2023 draws to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on the progress – or lack thereof – made by America’s political class in Washington. This year began with the Republican Party assuming a narrow majority in the House of Representatives. They promised that they would use that status to advance an agenda that would benefit the nation and its citizens.

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Donald Trump, Congress, Mike Johnson

That promise was never fulfilled. To the contrary, Republicans managed to snag a record for passing fewer bills (20) than any Congress in modern times. But what makes that “achievement” all the more humiliating is that they seem to be proud of their ineffectualness. It’s hard to argue that they weren’t purposefully determined to be political slackers. Particularly if you listen to what they have said about themselves…

SEE THIS: GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

Considering what Republicans proposed to do in the year leading up to their congressional majority, the country might want to count their blessings that the GOP are so inept. After assuming power, they immediately set aside the issues that they ran on, such as banning abortion, racist immigration policies, tax relief for corporations and the wealthy, befouling the planet, guns for everyone, everywhere, and manufactured outrages against buzzwords like CRT, DEI, and “wokism.”

Instead, the GOP set their sights on personal political vendettas, fighting among themselves, and running defense for Dear Leader Donald Trump. As result, they managed to pass only twenty bills, most of which were trivialities such as naming buildings. The exceptions, such as raising the debt ceiling and reducing inflation, only passed with majority Democratic support.

The year end analysis of the GOP’s pitiful performance was even recognized by Fox News, who ran a segment on what they called the “Do-Nothing Congress,” with a chyron that read “Congress Has Historically Unproductive 2023.”

However, perhaps they are being unduly harsh. The 118th Congress wasn’t entirely unproductive. In fact, they scored some notable records for a majority party in the legislature. And it’s high time we give credit where credit is due. For instance…

  • The GOP held more votes (15) to elect a Speaker (Kevin McCarthy) than ever before.
  • They nominated more Speaker candidates (Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan, Tom Emmer, Mike Johnson), after ousting their first Speaker nine months later, than any prior Congress.
  • They spent more time (three weeks) to run through those Speaker candidates before succeeding in electing an unknown backbencher (Mike Johnson) with dubious credentials.
  • They introduced more articles of impeachment (for President Biden, DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Chris Wray, U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves, and Attorney General Merrick Garland) than ever.
  • And they entered more dick pix (1) into the congressional record during televised hearings than any of their predecessors.

With that record of achievement, how can anyone disparage the work ethic of the Republicans currently in charge of the House? They are clearly an energetic bunch of eager beavers intent on wasting taxpayer money and smearing their political opponents with pointless probes and knee-jerk obstructionism.

Without a doubt, they have been more prolific in those endeavors than anyone who has come before them. And no one should deprive them of that “honor.” They have even made time to help Democrats produce campaign ads that illustrate just how productive they were when they held the majority…

SEE THIS: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes


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Jim Jordan Babbles About Trump When Asked on Fox News for Evidence to Impeach President Biden

The ongoing circus that the clowns (aka Republicans) in the House of Representatives are trying to pass off as an impeachment inquiry of President Biden continues to prove that they have nothing to support their transparently partisan and vengeance-driven farce. And immune as they are to humiliation, they just keep digging themselves into ever deeper trenches.

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Jim Jordan, Biden's Emails

Ever since the GOP assumed their razor-thin (and shrinking) majority in the House, they have devoted themselves to a purely political pursuit aimed at disparaging Biden and other Democrats. It has been their singular obsession, dispensing with any pretense of serving the American people. And despite their intense focus on fictitious faultfinding, they remain breathtakingly bad at it. But that doesn’t deter them from bragging about it…

SEE THIS: GOP Speaker Admits the Purpose of the Biden Impeachment Inquiry is to Hurt Biden Politically

Wednesday morning Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, visited with his pals at the GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. However, he was startled by a un-Fox like question that actually sought to extract some useful information. Anchor John Roberts asked…

“We don’t know if it exists even – and I think a lot of people want to know about this – is where is the evidence of wrongdoing Joe Biden’s part.”

That’s a good question that has been asked repeatedly by bona fide journalists on other news networks. And Republicans have never been able to come up with a coherent answer. This occasion was no different. Jordan awkwardly stumbled around with an “everything but the kitchen sink” approach to bull manure spreading. He didn’t even bother address the question of Biden’s alleged wrongdoing. His answer was all about Trump…

“The 14th Amendment doesn’t talk about the office of the President in that section of the 14th Amendment. And, frankly, the president was put on trial and found not guilty by the United States Senate when the Democrats did their second crazy impeachment of him before. But the scariest thing of all in my judgment is the escalation with what the left will do to try to keep him out of The White House. I mean, first it was they spied on his campaign. then it was the Mueller investigation. Then it was the impeachment. Then it was raiding his home. Then it was indicting him in four different locations.”

Having completely avoided any discussion of evidence against Biden, Jordan just rattled off everything that Trump has been whining about for the past three years. It’s just Jordan’s way of shoveling too much crapola for anyone to rebut in a time-constrained television segment. And it was hardly a plot carried out by the left. Let’s take a look at his malarkey…

“The 14th Amendment doesn’t talk about the office of the President.”
No, but it does talk about being “a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State…”

“The president was put on trial and found not guilty by the United States Senate.”
No he wasn’t. And it wasn’t a trial. A majority of Senators (57), including seven Republicans, voted to convict and remove Trump from office in the second impeachment. But the Senate requires a two-thirds majority. It was not, however, a decree of not guilty.

“They spied on his campaign.”
No they didn’t. The FBI did investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election, and Trump and his associates just happened to be closely connected to much of it.

“Then it was the Mueller investigation.”
Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who was appointed by Donald Trump. The Justice Department was run by Republican Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

“Then it was the impeachment.”
The person solely responsible for Trump’s impeachments was Trump. He’s the one who tried to extort the president of Ukraine to get him to find dirt on Biden. And he tried to stage a violent coup to retain power after he lost the 2020 election.

“Then it was raiding his home.”
Trump’s home was not raided. He was served a lawful subpoena that he failed to comply with and lied to the FBI. That resulted in a search of his Mar-a-Lago home/hotel that found hundreds of classified documents.

“Then it was indicting him in four different locations.”
Once again, there was no plot by the left. It was Trump’s unlawful conduct and failure to cooperate that was the reason for his four indictments on 91 felony counts.

So Jordan’s response simply reminded everyone about all of Trump’s criminal activities, rather than providing the evidence against Biden that he was asked about. That’s not an especially smart way to advance his smear campaign. But in his defense, he was faced with a crippling dilemma wherein there isn’t any evidence against Biden, but mountains of it against Trump. So what else could he talk about?


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Fox News Excuses Trump Quoting Hitler to Bash Immigrants Because Melania is an Immigrant

Watching Donald Trump sink ever deeper into the abyss of totalitarianism is a painfully difficult thing for Americans who cherish the principles of democracy and liberty upon which this nation was founded. But as his legal perils mount, Trump is losing whatever threads of morality and decency that he might have pretended to be hanging onto.

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Donald Trump

At his recent cult rally in New Hampshire, Trump elevated his authoritarian aspirations with language derived straight from the playbook of Adolf Hitler. Referring to immigrants and refugees seeking shelter in the United States, Trump complained that they were “poisoning the blood of our country.” Which is precisely how Hitler described the Jews in Germany that he yearned to exterminate.

Trump’s adoption of Hitler’s fear mongering was quickly condemned by Democrats and other decent Americans who recognized just how repugnant and dangerous that sort of hateful rhetoric is. But sadly, many Republicans defended Trump and attempted to dismiss his hate speech as harmless jargon that need not be taken seriously. That was also the position of the GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News.

SEE THIS: FOX NEWS IS APPALLED that Trump Quoting Hitler Might Get More Press than a Selfie Sex Video

Having had several days to reflect on Trump’s language, Fox News is still failing to appreciate the heinousness of Trump’s words. In a segment on their allegedly “news” driven program hosted by Bret Baier, they came up with a novel notion to excuse Trump’s Nazi inspired speech. Baier and fellow anchor David Asman engaged in the following exchange…

Asman: Some of things that Trump has been saying are quite difficult, even for his supporters. He said one the other night…

Trump Video: They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done. They poisoned mental institutions, and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America. Not just in three or four countries that we think about. But all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, Asia, all over the world. They’re pouring into our country. Nobody’s even looking at them. They just come in. The crime is gonna be tremendous. The terrorism is gonna be — terrorism is going to be – and we built a tremendous piece of the wall and then we’re gonna build more.

Asman: Bret, nobody argues that it’s not a disaster. It is, and of course it’s being reflected in cities all over the country. But to use that phrase, “poisoning our blood,” that really got under the skin of a lot of people. Even his supporters. Is there any sign that anybody in his campaign is gonna try to answer that?

Baier: Not really. Listen, it’s the word he chose. I think it raised a lot of eyebrows, not only on the democratic side but in Republican circles. Obviously it hearkens back to some writings. And it’s been written about in numerous articles.

But it’s also important to point out the former president is married to an immigrant who just did a naturalization ceremony at the National Archives to welcome immigrants into the country. So there’s a disconnect there if that’s the dog whistle he’s sending. Some people are saying it is, but other people are saying it’s just the words he chose. Republicans even know – are uncomfortable with that phrasing.

Asman: Sometimes he does like to tweak people too. You wonder whether there was something of that in the whole thing. Meanwhile Biden’s poll numbers are just awful.

There’s a lot of bullcrap to unpack in that. Let’s begin where Asman began, with his contention that Trump’s remarks were difficult “even for his supporters.” It is pitifully obvious that Trump’s glassy-eyed disciples are not particularly bothered by Trump’s language. In fact. many of them are specifically drawn to him because of it.

Then Baier responds to Asman’s question noting, correctly at first, that no one in Trump’s campaign is likely to answer the criticism of his remarks. But Baier couldn’t even bring himself to describe Trump’s source as Hitler. He referred only vaguely to words that “hearkens back to some writings.”

However, Baier then thought he came up with the perfect apologia for Trump. He couldn’t possibly be calling for the elimination of immigrants in America because his wife is an immigrant. In fact, he married two foreigners, providing them and their anchor babies with citizenship. But that doesn’t indicate any affinity for the immigrant population in America. It just indicates the hypocrisy of Trump who is capable of condemning the vast majority of mostly immigrants of color, while separating his White European wives from the hordes of those that he and his followers hate.

Baier seems to notice that there is a “disconnect” there, and that Trump is blowing on his racist dog whistle. But Baier fails to notice that he is the one responding to the whistling with a ludicrous defense for Trump’s fascistic vulgarity. And it’s predictable that Asman closes the segment by trivializing Trump’s offensiveness because “he does like to tweak people,” and then diverting to an attack on President Biden’s polling.

At no point in the segment did wither Asman or Baier condemn Trump’s adoption of Hitler’s words or criticize his tyrannical leanings. So it’s fair to conclude that Fox News is comfortable with all of that. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that we can expect them to continue to advance Trump and his hate speech for the foreseeable future.


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Traitor Trump Posts Video of Putin Supporting Him and Attacking the ‘Rottenness’ of U.S. Politics

For most of his life Donald Trump has made it a practice of bragging about his relationships with notable people. Whether it was celebrities or athletes or politicians, Trump latched unto anyone who he thought could advance his status in society. It was mostly a futile and pathetic effort that only emphasized his own desperation and impotence.

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Donald Trump Vladimir Putin

Nevertheless, Trump believed that such associations made him more popular and he pursued them relentlessly. It’s why he rebranded his failing reality TV game show “The Apprentice,” as “Celebrity Apprentice.” It’s why he couldn’t resist dining with the repugnant anti-Semite Kanye West. And it’s why he isn’t shy about expressing his admiration for brutal tyrants like Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, and even Adolf Hitler.

SEE THIS: FOX NEWS IS APPALLED that Trump Quoting Hitler Might Get More Press than a Selfie Sex Video

Among the dictators who Trump idolizes is, of course, his BFF, Vladimir Putin. Trump is still grateful for Putin’s help getting him elected in 2016. He took Putin’s word over that of U.S. intelligence as to whether Russia interfered in that election. And he has never had a derogatory thing to say about the Russian despot. To the contrary, he praises him as “strong” and “brilliant.”

On Sunday Trump went further and posted a video to his failing social media scam, Truth Social, wherein Putin had some praise of his own for his flunky, Donald Trump. The praise comes in the form of criticism of President Biden. Trump seems to think that Putin taking shots at Biden helps him, even though it’s coming from an avowed enemy of America. In the clip Putin brought up the legal tribulations of Trump and offered his opinion about what he regarded as political persecution…

“As for Trump’s prosecution, what is going on in present circumstances is very good for us. Because it shows rottenness in the U.S. political system that can’t claim to teach others democracy. What happens to Trump is politically motivated prosecution of a political rival.”

It is jarring to hear Putin, who regularly has his rivals incarcerated or murdered, complaining about Trump being the victim of a “politically motivated prosecution.” It’s also 100% false. Putin is agreeing with Trump’s lies that the prosecutions by special counsel, Jack Smith, and state attorneys general are biased. He has no more proof of that than Trump or his Republican confederates do. But as far as Trump is concerned, it’s a vote of confidence from someone he respects and, in many ways, answers to. Although it should be troubling to the American people that Trump is leaning on Putin’s legal analysis for support.

It’s also important to remember that the 91 felony counts pending against Trump were issued by an independent Grand Jury comprised of citizen jurors, not a political agency. But Putin’s remarks conveniently include criticism of the U.S. political system that both he Trump are obsessed with denigrating. They both benefit by tearing down the American system and its values.

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Derangement Spirals Ever Downward as He Impotently Promises to Prove His Innocence

By posting this video, Trump is promoting and agreeing with Putin’s attack on America’s administration of law. That is a profoundly un-American position for a former – and prospective future – president of the United States to take. It exposes his disloyalty to the nation and his allegiance to one of our most determined and hostile foes. That alone should disqualify Trump from holding any office of influence in the United States.

Unfortunately, if Trump’s cult followers, and the right-wing press, don’t see any problem with Trump quoting Hitler, they aren’t going to object to his embrace of Putin either. They are fellow travelers on a path to authoritarian fascism, and aren’t going to let a little thing like Democracy or the Constitution get in their way. So it’s up to the rest of us exercise our democratic rights to vote them out of every office in order to preserve our principles and freedom.


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FOX NEWS IS APPALLED that Trump Quoting Hitler Might Get More Press than a Selfie Sex Video

What constitutes “news” these days has had a stark transformation from what is generally considered matters of consequence to the public at large, to tabloid trash and titillating gossip. and much of that shift can be attributed directly to Fox News and other right-wing outlets that have abandoned facts in favor of partisan propaganda.

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Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler

This week Fox News reestablished itself as the leading perpetrator of this redefinition of what is regarded as newsworthy. Their devotion to the debasement of the press was on full display during a segment of Fox and Friends that sought to make a distinction between two current events competing for attention. And true to form, Fox managed to make a mess of the whole matter in manner that was typical of their predictably ludicrous news judgment. After all, it is the same network that celebrates an annual “War on Christmas.”

SEE THIS: WOW! Fox News Exposes Biden’s ‘Freak-O-Rama’ Plot to Swap Christmas Cheer with Marxist Hate

The segment that aired on Saturday (video below) tried to juxtapose stories that had no rational connection anywhere but in the minds of perverse Fox Newsers. One story was about a selfie sex video that was making the rounds on social media. It featured an aide to Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin, who was quickly fired. The other story was about Donald Trump quoting Adolf Hitler, a repugnant historical figure for whom Trump has previously expressed admiration.

The segment began with co-host Will Cain playing a clip of Trump’s Hitler citation at his recent cult rally in New Hampshire, where he was distorting data (i.e. lying) on immigration and demeaning refugees…

Trump: “We’ve get a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done. They’ve poisoned mental institutions and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America, not just the three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world.”

The phrase “poisoning the blood of our country” was one that was used frequently by Hitler and his Nazi confederates. For the leading candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination for president to be embracing that rhetoric is abhorrent and frightening. But that wasn’t what Cain was upset about. He continued…

Cain: “The mainstream media is going to talk about this. They already are. It’s going to take over everything. ‘Poison the blood of our country’ when talking about illegal immigration. In fact, the Biden-Harris administration has already jumped all over it. They said the following…

Biden Spokesman: ‘Tonight, Donald Trump channeled his role models as he parroted Adolf Hitler, praised Kim Jong un, and quoted Vladimir Putin, while running for president on a promise to rule as a dictator and threaten American democracy. He is betting he can win this election by scaring and dividing the country. He’s wrong.’

Cain: “The reason I bring up those two stories to you, is I thought and I think it should be a big deal that we’re talking about what happened in the Senate hearing chamber. And I think what we’re going to do, I think what’s going to happen here for the next couple of days is we’re going to latch on to three words that Donald Trump said, and it’s going to drive the news cycle.”

That’s right! What Fox News thinks is a “big deal” is the video made by a lowly (and horny) senate staffer who has already been fired and has no impact whatsoever on the nation. And they are deeply disturbed that that petty, but provocative, video might be swept aside by the video of the aspiring authoritarian Trump employing fascist hate speech. On a legitimate news network a potential president who embraces fascism would deserve far more than a “couple of days” of the news cycle.

Fox News has provided an outstanding example of their priorities and those of the Republican Party. They aim to elevate pseudo-scandalous nonsense to crisis levels, while being casually dismissive of prospective dictatorships. And that should stir fear in the hearts and minds of the American people because that’s precisely how such dictatorships come to pass.


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WOW! Fox News Exposes Biden’s ‘Freak-O-Rama’ Plot to Swap Christmas Cheer with Marxist Hate

The tireless “journalists” at Fox News have managed to snag yet another exclusive story with the potential to blow the roof off of the White House. President Biden is once again being held to account by the intrepid Fox News sleuths for the corruption that is emblematic of the empire of criminality that Fox has built from the detritus of their perverse imaginations.

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Fox News, Christmas, Coronavirus

This latest bombshell has nothing to do with their prior scoops that uncovered such atrocities as Biden riding a bicycle, or Biden eating an ice cream cone, or Biden lounging at the beach, or Biden creating 14 million jobs and a thriving economy. And let’s not forget the scandalous, impeachable revelation of Biden loaning his family money and them having the audacity to pay it back.

SEE THIS: Desperate Republicans Seek to Impeach President Biden Because – His Brother Repays Loans?

What’s wetting Fox’s panties now is that the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, helped to stage a musical performance at the White House that featured a diverse cast of talented dancers celebrating the traditional Christmas Nutcracker story (see video below). The HORROR!

Fox News host Laura Ingraham was so outraged by this spectacle that she devoted a prolonged segment to what she called “The Biden Freak-O-Rama.” And throughout her anti-Christmas condemnation of the footloose folderol, the chyron contained an ominous message reading “Out With Christmas Cheer, In With Marxist Hate.” With that lead-in Ingraham raged that…

“They’re reaching out to the flag burners and the America haters. If you felt embarrassed and angry to see this type of woke nonsense at the White House during a time Christians have considered holy for 2,000 years or so, well, that’s the point. They wanted to offend you. They did it on purpose because they think their supporters like that sort of thing. They do.”

That’s right! Colorfully attired tap dancing characters from heartwarming holiday fables are now synonymous with Marxists and flag burners. And you better get used to it because, according to Ingraham, Democrats and liberals are doing it intentionally to offend American Christians. Ingraham never explains why Democrats would want to deliberately offend such a huge swath of the nation’s voters, but rational explanations were never a part of the Republican/Fox News mission. That would require some measure of reason and honesty that is anathema to these MAGA-nuts.

In support of her dystopian misinterpretation of the unsweetened Nutcracker, Ingraham brought in Donald Trump’s Senior Fascist Advisor, Stephen Miller. And as expected, Miller agreed with, and elaborated on, Ingraham’s deranged denunciation of the Democratic display of despicable dancing…

“They hate normal. So when you look at these Antifa protests, when you look at these radical left women’s marches, when you look at these open borders marches, what do you see? You see people with purple hair and pink hair and a thousand face piercings and horrendous tattoos and bizarre outfits. You don’t see normal people, family people, people who build communities and pay taxes, and make things work. So this is just another example. The weirdness of it. The bizarreness. The freakishness…is the point.”

What’s truly sad is Miller’s nightmarish hallucinations wherein he sees only scary people with brightly colored hair, and “a thousand face piercings” (which would be quite a sight), and other manifestations of what he regards as abnormal, but which are, in reality, common exercise of self expression, independence, and liberty.

Somehow Miller, who seems to oppose personal freedom, manages to filter out all of the millions of other ordinary American women who choose to take part in their democratic society and have a say in improving it for everyone. Miller sees them all as freaks of some other species who hate the “normies.” That’s a common thread in the MAGA-verse…

SEE ALSO: Fox News Attacks Kamala Harris Over Fake War on Gas Stoves and Says Democrats ‘Hate Humans’

The opinions expressed by Ingraham and Miller are in line with most of the GOP confederates who see monsters crouching in every shadow and blame all of their irrational fears on Democrats and President Biden. It must be a truly horrific existence for them. It’s just too bad that they have a platform with which to infect so many other gullible people who have their own bigoted predispositions to hate anyone they deem as different than themselves. And for God’s sake, don’t ever dance in the White House.


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Trump’s ‘Mugshot Edition’ NFT Card Scam Sneaks In Terms that Confirm He is a Brazen Grifter

Throughout Donald Trump’s career in business and politics he has established himself as a deceitful, exploitative con man whose only interest is enriching and empowering himself. It’s why he has so often stiffed his vendors and partners, shuttered fraudulent operations (i.e. his university, charitable foundation, casinos, etc.), and declared half a dozen bankruptcies that left his creditors in the lurch while he pocketed the spoils.

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Trump Trading Cards

Trump’s latest swindle is the release of the “Mugshot Edition” of his allegedly collectable NFT cards. These are digital images that cost next to nothing to make, and that he has licensed for sale by a third party vendor at $99.00 a piece. He announced this boondoggle on another one his scams, Truth Social, that is losing millions of dollars and has warned investors that it could soon go belly up.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Truth Social Reports Massive Losses and Warns that it Could Go Out of Business

Never mind that Trump’s previous edition of NFTs was a flop that lured suckers into paying inflated prices that quickly declined when it turned out that there were no buyers for his worthless digital trash. The new edition is likely to follow the same path.

Trump is once again charging $99.00 for his faked pseudo-photos. And this time he is adding a couple of bonuses to encourage his flock to shell out. In order to qualify for the bonus a buyer would have spring for the full 47 piece collection, for a total price of $4,653.00. For that lofty sum you could “win” either a dinner with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, or a special edition physical card with an actual swatch from the suit he wore when he surrendered to authorities in Georgia for his mugshot.

There are, however, a couple of problems with the contest. For one thing, the winner of the dinner would have to pay all of the transportation and lodging costs. Which likely means that the winner would be paying Trump to stay in his own hotel. As for the suit swatch, there is no way to affirm that it actually came from his suit, as if anyone really cared.

More troubling is the small print in the terms and conditions attached to the bonuses. For both prizes the terms state that:

For the mugshot card…
“In the event the Bonus Physical Card cannot be fulfilled due to an issue in the manufacturing, production, or delivery on the Bonus Physical Cards, individuals who qualified for the Bonus Physical Card will be awarded a limited edition Trump NFT in lieu thereof, as determined by us in our sole discretion,” the terms and conditions say.

For the dinner…
“In the event President Trump is unable to attend the Bonus Gala Dinner,” or the dinner cannot happen for any other reason, “then we may reschedule the Bonus Gala Dinner or individuals who qualified for the Bonus Gala Dinner will be awarded a limited edition Trump NFT in lieu thereof, as determined by us in our sole discretion,” according to the terms.

In other words, at the “sole discretion” of Trump, and/or his vendor, the prizes could be forfeited and another worthless NFT awarded in their place. All for just $4,653.00. And the saddest part of this is that a fair number of Trump’s glassy-eyed cult followers will still likely salivate over the opportunity to be duped by The Donald.

It’s astonishing how gullible people can be when wooed by a former reality TV game show host whose past is replete with purposeful fraud. But they can take comfort in the knowledge that, in the end, they will get precisely what they paid for. And that Trump will have a good laugh at their expense.


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Trump’s Fear and Desperation Kick Into High Gear in Bonkers Rant About the Supreme Court Appeal

The legal tribulations of Donald Trump took a turn for the worse this week as special counsel Jack Smith sought to bypass the appellate circuit courts and have the Supreme Court rule on Trump’s frivolous motion to dismiss the case involving his role in the January 6th insurrection.

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Donald Trump Angry

Trump’s ludicrous motion argues that he has universal impunity to commit any crime, due to what he calls “presidential immunity.” By his demented reckoning, he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and be legally untouchable. And the thought of anyone challenging his perverse perspective of blanket indemnity enrages him. Consequently, upon hearing about Smith’s request, Trump was predictably apoplectic, a state he achieves at surprisingly frequent intervals. Like whenever he is awake.

SEE THIS: Trump Confesses to Bouts of Rage and Gluttony After Liz Cheney Reports His Reaction to January 6

In a furious tirade delivered during a speech in Iowa (video below), Trump lashed out at Smith’s perfectly reasonable and legally astute request. And as is often the case, his own words are more damning, and demonstrative of his cognitive decline, than those of his harshest critics. They require little commentary to expose how painfully hollow and bereft of reason his rants are. He began by babbling that…

“Now they’re saying let’s rush it to the Supreme Court. We gotta rush it, rush it, rush it. They could have started three years ago. Everything – nothing changed. They could have started three years ago, but they didn’t. They started just recently with this crap. They started just recently. They could have brought this lawsuit three years ago, right after I left. It’s been three years. But they didn’t do that. And now they’re saying ‘We have to go immediately before the Supreme Court.’ This thing would have all been over with two years ago. But they waited and waited and waited.

Reminiscent of his “Russia, Russia, Russia,” rant, Trump is now yammering “rush it, rush it, rush it.” That was followed by his tedious complaint that his perceived persecutors waited too long to charge him. However, Smith was appointed more than a year ago, and the Justice Department probe began well before that. But there’s an even bigger problem with Trump’s complaint that “they could have brought this lawsuit three years ago.” Three years ago he had not yet committed some the crimes he is being charged with.

SEE ALSO: Trump is FREAKING OUT, Saying that His Trials Should Have Started Before He Committed His Crimes

Notice also that Trump is repeating himself incessantly. And not just the “rush it” rhetoric. In the brief segment above he refers four times to the “three years” that he complains went by. Psychologists might diagnose this as Palilalia, a condition that is frequently present in people suffering from neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.

But Trump was just getting started. He continued his caterwauling…

“And then they saw I was running. And they waited and then they saw I was hot. And they filed lawsuits. These are very dishonest people. That’s called election interference. These are very – and now they’re fighting like hell because they want to try and get a guilty plea from the Supreme Court of the United States, which I can’t imagine cause you have presidential immunity.”

Trump’s assertion that a criminal prosecution is “election interference” makes no sense whatsoever. If accepted as a plausible defense it would permit a would-be murderer to announce his candidacy before committing his crime, and then be excused from prosecution until after his campaign and term in office.

Trump is also exhibiting his pitifully ignorant grasp of the law. The Supreme Court does not issue judgements of guilt or innocence. And they certainly don’t issue guilty pleas. They only ascertain whether the lower courts and/or the law were in compliance with the Constitution.

Finally, Trump reiterates his claim of presidential immunity, which he is anxious to have the courts affirm. So then why is he objecting to this question being elevated to the Supreme Court where his arguments can be heard and decided more expeditiously? On the one hand he whines that “They waited and waited and waited.” Now he’s simultaneously complaining that they are rushing it.

Perhaps it’s because he knows that his argument is preposterous and won’t be affirmed by a profoundly conservative court with three of his own appointees. Or maybe he’s just as riddled with dementia as many of his critics – including those who know him well – have been saying for years. Or maybe some of both.

In any case, he is proving that he is wholly unfit to serve as president, or in any other public office. And the fact that he is still the leading candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination for president tells you all you need to know about them as well.


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THANKS FOX NEWS, For Proving that Hunter Biden is Right to Insist on Testifying in Public

When Republicans initially requested that Hunter Biden testify before a House committee investigating him and his father, President Joe Biden, he quickly agreed to doing so in a public hearing in order to clear his name and get all the facts out. He wasn’t afraid of facing the difficult questions that he knew would be forthcoming.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

So what are the Republicans afraid of? It didn’t take long after Hunter agreed to cooperate that the Republicans shifted the goalposts and demanded that Hunter appear behind closed doors where his testimony could be distorted by dishonest Republican partisans prior to releasing selected excerpts to the media. It was a tactic that they had already demonstrated they were prepared to use. So they let it be known that they would only agree to hearings in secret sessions.

SEE THIS: GOP and Fox News Oppose Public Testimony By Hunter Biden Because Then They Can’t Lie About It

Hunter’s reluctance to testify under circumstances that would allow the GOP to lie and spread disinformation and propaganda has now been borne out by Fox News with their reporting on the GOP’s conditions for Hunter’s testimony. Hunter made a statement outlining his reasons for wanting the hearing to be public that included his justified concerns that a private hearing would be exploited by Republicans for nefarious political purposes.

“I’m here today to make sure the House committee’s illegitimate investigations of my family do not proceed on distortions, manipulated evidence, and lies.”

So how did Fox News report Hunter’s statement? Well, they began with a headline that blasted “Hunter Biden faces backlash after defying subpoena with press conference ‘stunt’: ‘Hold him in contempt!'” That led to the opening paragraphs that said…

“Hunter Biden is facing intense backlash after holding a Capitol Hill press conference on Wednesday in which he refused to sit for a deposition before Congress, and declared his father, President Biden, was never ‘financially involved’ in his business dealings. Calls to hold Hunter in contempt of Congress began almost immediately following the end of the press conference.”

The story went on to quote exclusively Republicans who were upset that Hunter wanted to testify in an open and transparent setting, something that Republicans fear. Not a single Democrat was quoted. So naturally, from the Fox perspective, there was only a “backlash” as a result of his “stunt.”

Fox said that Hunter “refused” to come before Congress, conveniently leaving out the fact that he agreed to do so if it were in public. Then they said that his refusal resulted in calls to hold him in contempt. They might want to ask GOP Rep. Jim Jordan about that. He was also subpoenaed to testify before a House committee, but he just ignored it, and continues to do so to this day.

Had Fox News bothered to quote a Democrat in the story it might have been Rep. Jim McGovern, who said on the House floor that..

“Hunter Biden was here today and he wants to testify in public. But Republicans said no, because they want to do it behind closed doors so they can go on Fox News and cherry-pick facts and figures and distort the truth.”

The way that Fox News reported these events validates Hunter’s decision to decline to testify in secret. He knows what Republicans have in store for him. And he knows that Fox News will be there to advance the GOP’s lies.

What makes this even more bizarre is that recently Fox News actually let a bit truth leak out related to this. Their White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, went on the air and reported that…

“The House Oversight Committee has been at this for years, and they have so far not been able to provide any concrete evidence that Joe Biden personally profited from his son Hunter’s overseas business.”

Undeterred by the reporting of their own White House correspondent, the propagandists who populate the network continue to distort reality in order to disparage the President and his family. That is their mission, in concert with the Republicans in Congress. And no amount of truth can get in their way.


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HUH? GOP Says the Sham Biden Impeachment is Legit Because GOP Committee Chairs Are on TV a Lot

The Republican members of the House of Representatives are fiercely dedicated to their singular mission of maligning President Biden and every other Democrat that they encounter. They have utterly abandoned any pretense of serving their constituents or carrying out the duties to advance the welfare of the American people or the nation.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Elephant

In pursuit of their bitterly partisan goals, the GOP is preparing to vote on whether to stage a thoroughly ludicrous Biden impeachment inquiry, despite not having the slightest hint of evidence of any wrongdoing. It is such a blatant farce that even Fox News has reported on the GOP’s shameless inability to produce any facts to support their smear campaign…

SEE THIS: WHOA! Peter Doocy of Fox News Reports that the GOP Failed to Find Any Evidence to Impeach Biden

On Tuesday morning the Republicans held a hearing to debate the Impeachment inquiry proposal. It was predictably devoid of any substance that would justify either an inquiry or an impeachment. However, it was chock full of asinine arguments by Republicans trying desperately to defend their dimwitted determination to destroy Biden. And leading the pack was GOP Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, who sought to rationalize the alleged “transparency” of a process that Republicans have been insisting be conducted behind closed doors. He GOP-splained that…

“They’ve continued to update. Not just Chairman Comer, but Chairman Jordan, Chairman Smith. They’ve been on TV…You can’t turn on a news program without seeing one of those three updating the American people on this. So to say that we’ve come up lacking in transparency is laughable.”

That’s right! It was all above board because recidivist liars like James Comer, Jim Jordan, and Jason Smith, are frequent guests on Fox News and Steve Bannon’s War Room. They actually believe that that sort of perpetual media presence is how congressional business is supposed to be conducted. They have adopted the Trump perspective of Reality TV being de facto reality.

In fact, what Reschenthaler is describing is precisely why the Republican plans are preposterous and intolerable. They are hoping to hold the hearings in private, and then only reveal on right-wing television programs what they claim took place. They will, of course, deliver grossly biased distortions of reality in their TV appearances. And they will mischaracterize whatever “evidence” they choose to present. This is the same process they previously proposed for deposing Hunter Biden…

SEE ALSO: GOP and Fox News Oppose Public Testimony By Hunter Biden Because Then They Can’t Lie About It

This isn’t conjecture. Republicans have already demonstrated that they will brazenly lie about testimony given in private. That tendency was noted by Democratic Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon, who responded to Reschenthaler’s nonsense saying that…

“Mr. Reschenthaler is absolutely right. The three chairs of the committees conducting this sham impeachment inquiry have been all over the news. On Fox, on Newsmax, every night, mischaracterizing what they’ve found. Mischaracterizing what witnesses have said.

“And that’s why it’s important that, if this is to go forward, the American people will be able to judge for themselves. There’s a pattern and practice at this point of the Republican majority hiding what’s going on, only cherry-picking the evidence that they want to move forward. Disregarding when it’s contradicted, even by their own witnesses.”

If Republicans go forward with their phony impeachment inquiry it will likely backfire on them, just as all of their prior attempted smears have done. They think that the American people are stupid. But who can blame them when the only people they have any personal contact with are the ones who watch Fox News? The rest of the nation will be heard loud and clear next November when Republicans are driven from office.


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