Trump Reveals He Talked to Putin About Invading Ukraine, But Stiffed Them on Military Aid Anyway

It’s inevitable that if you let Donald Trump talk long enough, he will eventually incriminate himself. And at his cult rally in Ohio on Saturday he confessed to the despicable crime of cutting off military aid to Ukraine, an imperiled ally, despite having knowledge of the deadly circumstances that would result.

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Donald Trump Vladimir Putin

To make matters worse, the abhorrent cretin is actually proud of it as he spun the tale to his cult followers who likewise lapped it up. Trump babbled pridefully that…

“Those people that are dead that you see laying all over the streets – all of that is so senseless, It would have never happened. I know Putin very well. There is zero chance that this would have happened. And I talked about it with him. I knew he wanted it. But he knew he couldn’t do it. And by the way, he didn’t do it for four years. There’s a reason for that.”

This is s profoundly revealing passage from Trump’s tedious and mostly repetitious speech. Let’s take a moment to break it down.

First of all, Trump makes a callous reference to the victims of Putin’s genocidal assault without the tiniest bit of sympathy. To him it is merely something that doesn’t make sense, rather than a horrific and deliberate massacre. And he still refrains from condemning Putin in even the slightest measure.

RELATED: Trump’s ‘Solution’ to the War in Ukraine is to Appease Russia and Quash Any Criticism of Putin

Next, Trump repeats his baseless claim that “it would have never happened” if he were still president. Of course, there is no way for him to know that. We do know, however, that he did nothing for four years about Russia’s annexation of Crimea. Well, nothing except try to remove the sanctions that were imposed by President Obama and try to get Russia readmitted to the G7.

Next, while bragging that he “know[s] Putin very well,” Trump reveals that he talked to Putin about invading Ukraine and he “knew [Putin} wanted it.” So Trump is admitting that he knew that Putin was contemplating an invasion. And at the same time, Trump was withholding military aid from Ukraine in an extortion attempt to force President Zelenskyy into fabricating dirt on then-candidate Joe Biden. For his political self-interest Trump betrayed a democratic ally knowing full well of Putin’s intentions. That’s what Trump was impeached for, the first time.

RELATED: In Flaming Fox News Fiasco Trump Proves He Has No Friggin’ Idea What To Do About Ukraine

Finally, with regard to invading Ukraine, Trump boasts that Putin “didn’t do for four years” of his administration, and that “There’s a reason for that.” Indeed there is. The reason is that Putin didn’t need to invade Ukraine during Trump’s occupation of the White House. Putin’s goal was to prohibit Ukraine from joining NATO and to weaken the Western alliance. But Trump was doing that for him. Trump was Putin’s representative in Washington, and it would have been counterproductive, from Putin’s perspective, to mess that up. It was only after Trump was sent packing that Putin deemed it necessary to go through with the invasion.

There is abundant evidence of Trump’s criminal treachery, even without his admissions. Hopefully Congress and the Department of Justice are paying attention and quietly putting together a case for indicting and prosecuting him. Time will tell.

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Fox News Buries Biden’s Accomplishments in a Pitifully Pathetic Piece of Pure Propaganda

After 26 years of devoted service to the Republican Party and the uber-conservatives of America, no one is going to be surprised by Fox News posting stories that are brazenly partisan and littered with lies. It’s what they were created to do, and they surely have not disappointed their political benefactors. Well, perhaps with the exception of Donald Trump (and much more here).

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Joe Biden, Donald Trump Baby, Fake News

In their continuing crusade to malign President Biden, Fox News sought to report on what the American people think of the President. So they went to a suburb of Washington, D.C., and asked some of them. The resulting story was headlined, “Americans weigh in: What’s Biden’s biggest accomplishment?”

RELATED: Boring Biden? Fox News is Very Upset that Biden Isn’t a Hyper-Psycho Drama Queen Like Trump

So for this story that purports to reveal the sentiments of the American people, did Fox News conduct a poll? Did they embark on a research project to ascertain the mood of the general public? Did they interview experts on politics or sociology? Well, if you’ve ever watched Fox News you already know that they don’t engage such professional standards of journalism.

Nope. For this story about what Fox News portrayed as the broad population of “Americans weigh[ing] in” on Biden’s accomplishments, they compiled the views of only four anonymous people on the street whose political affiliations are unknown and whose views cannot be judged for credibility. These four “representatives” of the nation in Fox’s skimpy sample were asked what they thought Biden has accomplished. Their answers were as follows:

“Fighting the pandemic with the availability of vaccines,” one woman told Fox News. “I think he’s a great president for the four years he’ll be here, and I’m very pleased with that.”

“I can’t think of anything,” one woman told Fox News.”

“Another man said: “I don’t think he has one big accomplishment.”

“Binging (sic) his sobriety to the presidency,” one man, Bob, told Fox News. “Bringing a sense of decency back, bringing stability back, bringing the thought process back.”

And that’s it. That’s the entirety of the Fox News story. Except, that is, for pointing that Biden plans to run for reelection despite his low poll numbers. But, Fox News doesn’t even believe that Biden won in 2020. And somehow they still expect people to regard them as a credible news network.

In a district that voted 80% for Biden, Fox News could only find two people who could provide examples of his accomplishments. For the record, here are a few of Biden’s accomplishments that Fox News made certain wouldn’t make it into their story…

  • Effectively managed COVID with vaccines and relief payments to millions of Americans
  • Lead an economy to record growth, job creation, and historically low unemployment
  • Reversed dozens of Trump’s anti-environmental executive orders
  • Nominated the first Black woman to the Supreme Court
  • Restored Obamacare to the state prior to Trump’s sabotage of it
  • Invested billions in infrastructure
  • Rejoined the Paris Climate Accords and the World Health Organization
  • Advocated for workers rights and a higher minimum wage
  • Pushed legislation for voting rights
  • Strengthened foreign relations and unified NATO

Of course, Fox News wouldn’t dare report on any of that. It would only conflict with their goal of disparaging Biden. And if you’re wondering why his approval ratings are so low, you’re seeing one reason why in purposefully dishonest reporting like this.

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Tucker Carlson Spews Disinformation to Slander Barack Obama for Opposing Disinformation

Former President Barack Obama visited Stanford University on Friday to deliver a profound and timely address on the dangers of disinformation. He warned that “Once [people] lose trust in their leaders, the mainstream media, in political institutions, in each other, in the possibility of truth, the game is won.” It was a compelling discourse on the precarious state of modern communications and propaganda.

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Obama Fox News

Naturally, whenever Obama appears in public to remind everyone what an intelligent and articulate leader sounds like, Fox News needs to start flinging feces at him in a desperate effort to deflect from his pertinent and persuasive message. And on Friday that assignment was given to Fox’s Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson. Carlson began his harangue by flagrantly misrepresenting Obama’s words. Carlson said that…

“Obama argued that only his political opponents lie, and they must be stopped immediately.”

Of course, Obama didn’t say either of those things. Carlson is simply making stuff up so that he can subsequently condemn it in his typically pretentious and whiny voice. This is, after all, the same cretinous cream puff who recently declared that “The End of Men” was imminent and that the only salvation was a program of therapeutic testicle tanning.

RELATED: Macho Poser Tucker Carlson’s Journey from ‘Dancing With the Stars’ to ‘The End of Men’

Carlson followed his opening lie with a video of Obama that actually proved that Carlson was lying. In the video Obama said that…

“People like Putin, and Steve Bannon for that matter, understand it’s not necessary for people to believe this information in order to weaken democratic institutions. You just have to flood a country’s public square with enough raw sewage. You just have to raise enough questions, spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theorizing, that citizens no longer know what to believe.”

Whereupon Carlson proceeded to excrete some more misrepresentations of what Obama had said. Carlson raged…

“Oh. So people who disagree with Barack Obama aren’t just saying things that are wrong, They’re flooding raw sewage into our country.”

Once again, not only did Obama never say that people who disagree with him are wrong, his reference to “flooding raw sewage into our country” was taken directly from remarks made by Steve Bannon, who stirred up his seditionist audience by saying that “The Democrats don’t matter. The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit.” Carlson not only neglects to mention that, but he has clearly taken it to heart, as evidenced by his body of work.

Carlson continued…

“So this guy is not just liberal. In fact, he’s not liberal at all. He’s a full-blown fascist who hates you and wants to keep you from talking, or else. He wants censorship of anyone who disagrees with him, and now he just comes out and says it.”

Really? Where Carlson gets that “fascist” business from is a mystery. It certainly isn’t from anything that Obama said. It’s most likely projection, wherein Carlson is just observing what he sees in himself and projecting it onto his foe. Carlson then plays another video that proves, again, that he’s lying.

“While content moderation can limit the distribution of clearly dangerous content, it doesn’t go far enough. Users who want to spread disinformation have become experts at pushing right up to the line of what, at least, published company policies allow. And at those margins social media platforms tend not to want to do anything. Not just because they don’t want to be accused of censorship, but because they still have a financial incentive to keep as many users engaged as possible.”

Exactly! Ultra-rightist Republicans like Carlson repeatedly misconstrue the Constitution’s First Amendment. As Obama noted, it is a check on government overreach, and does not apply to private companies. It is not a violation of anyone’s rights if CNN or Fox News or the New York Times or Twitter declines to disseminate commentaries that are false, abusive, or otherwise harmful or unlawful or merely violate the company’s terms of service. It’s called free speech. Nevertheless, Carlson persists in his ignorance to say…

“So me and my friends at the Aspen Institute need to be in complete control of every word uttered or else it’s not democracy. That’s the case he’s making. That’s the case their all making.”

No, Tucker. That’s not the case that Obama, or anyone else, is making. It’s just the mischaracterization that you’re making to deliberately deceive your already dimwitted viewers. Which you are doing quite well. And it’s why President Biden observed accurately that Fox News is “one of the most destructive forces in the United States.”

RELATED: WTF? Tucker Carlson Mocks Biden for Believing that He Won in 2020, Which, of Course, He Did

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YIKES! Trump Admits His Dreams of Dictatorship, While Bragging About ‘Acing’ a Dementia Test

The authoritarian aspirations of Donald Trump have been all too apparent to anyone paying attention for the past few years. He clearly has no respect for the law or the Constitution or the principles upon which this nation was founded. And his flaming narcissism fuels his lust for the sort of unchallenged power of his idols (Vladimir Putin, Kim Jung Un, Xi Jinping, etc.).

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Donald Trump, Padded Cell

Trump’s affinity for tyrants and tyranny has always been evident in his behavior. But during a speech before the ultra-rightist Heritage Foundation this week, Trump explicitly articulated his desire to be a dictator. His reasoning was typically incoherent, but the the message he delivered to the enrapt audience of uber-conservatives was unambiguous:

“First they said not too smart that I did that. Then that all went away. I really did that. I said ‘Doc Ronny, I gotta take a test.’ The problem is that this is essentially a public place. One of the great hospitals of the world, right? But you have a series of doctors sitting here. He said ‘If you do badly the word’s gonna get out.’ I said ‘I know that. How tough is it?’ He said ‘It’s very tough.’ I said ‘Oof. Let’s give it a shot.’

“And I did it in front of a panel and we aced it. And one person said ‘That’s the first time I’ve ever seen anyone ace it.’ So isn’t that nice? So all of that stuff stops, okay. It was very nice. But then they made me a dictator instead. I don’t know, which would you rather be, a dumb person or a dictator? Perhaps a dictator would be better. I don’t want to be a dumb person.”

So Trump would rather be a dictator than a dumb person? The first thing he needs to learn is that those two things are not mutually exclusive. And he already has the dumb part down. But his juxtaposition of intellect and tyranny isn’t surprising. He recently praised Putin as a “savvy” “genius” for his genocidal invasion of Ukraine.

However, Trump’s utterly illogical pathway to this viewpoint is characteristic of his trademark asininity. For some unfathomable reason he thought it would be wise to remind people of his humiliating dementia test. The one where he was proud to be able to identify an elephant from a picture, and recall five words. He couldn’t even think of five words that weren’t immediately around him at the time (person, woman, man, camera, tv).

Of course, the test wasn’t tough at all. It wasn’t an IQ test. It was a test given to people who were being evaluated for simple cognitive deficiencies. And his account of having astonished everyone because he “aced” it is just one his infamous fantasies. He even references his disgraced doctor – now Texas congressman – Ronny Jackson, who gushed that Trump “has incredible genes” and “might live to be 200 years old.”

Trump’s preposterous dementia test boasting is hysterical, but harmless. However, his dictatorial ambitions are serious and warrant concern. That’s especially true because the obedient sycophants in his Republican Party, such as GOP House leader Kevin McCarthy, are too cowardly to defy him should he try (again) to seize power. So that leaves it up to the people to do in 2022 and 2024 what they did in 2020. Trump and every corrupt Republican must be defeated at the ballot box for the sake of democracy.

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Fox News Ignores Bombshell Recordings of McCarthy Urging Trump to Resign and Lying About It

Fox News continues to be the best source for unassailable evidence that it is not a news network at all. They do this by airing brazenly biased stories that invariably disparage President Biden and other Democrats, and/or fawn over Donald Trump and his puppetized Republicans. Their reporting is rife with flagrant falsehoods and open animus toward anyone who isn’t aligned with their ultra-rightist agenda.

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Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy

However, what Fox declines to report is just as revealing as their outright lies. And this week they provided a stark example of how they purposefully turn their political coverage into pure propaganda.

RELATED: Fox News Totally Ignores Story About Ginni Thomas Texting QAnon Nuttery to Mark Meadows

On Thursday MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow aired a segment exposing Republican House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, discussing with GOP Rep. Liz Cheney their dismay with Trump following his inciting the January 6th insurrection. They pondered the possibility of removing Trump from office via impeachment, the 25th Amendment, or resignation.

When asked about this report, McCarthy adamantly denied that he had said any such thing, insisting that it was “totally false and wrong,” and that “It comes as no surprise that the corporate media is obsessed with doing everything it can to further a liberal agenda.” Unfortunately for him, there were recordings…

And as if that weren’t bad enough, the recordings also captured McCarthy saying that Trump had acknowledged to him that he “bears responsibility” for the violent storming of the Capitol by his supporters:

The significance of these recordings goes beyond McCarthy having been caught in a lie as to what he was saying after the insurrection. It also exposes his candid thoughts in real time about the riots and Trump’s moral and legal liability. It shows that McCarthy’s first instincts were were actually rooted in principle and that Trump needed to be held accountable. It also shows that McCarthy was willing to abandon his “principles” and subjugate himself to Dear Leader Trump.

The McCarthy tapes were covered by most of the media in a manner befitting the explosive nature of their content. This was unarguably newsworthy material that shook the political landscape and warranted detailed coverage. So naturally Fox News ignored it entirely.

Throughout the morning on Friday, Fox News did not mention the McCarthy mess a single time on the air. There was, however, one story about it on the Fox News website, but that story only mentioned the original reporting and McCarthy’s denial. Even though the article was published at 11:22 AM on Friday – long after the tapes showed that he was lying – Fox’s story made no mention that the tapes existed.

RELATED: Fox News Attempts (and Hysterically Fails) to Contrive a Fake Biden Scandal

This is how Fox News manages to keep their audience ignorant and devoted to the Cult of Trump. When they aren’t maligning Democrats, they are suppressing news that reflects badly on Republicans. It is the deliberate and relentless promulgation of propaganda that would make the Putin’s Kremlin blush. And it also why Biden said correctly that Fox News is one of the most destructive forces in the United States.”

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Trump Celebrates (and Lies About) CNN+ Shutting Down While Ignoring His TRUTH Social Fiasco

Thursday morning the new management team at Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD), the newly merged combination of WarnerMedia and Discovery Networks, announced that CNN’s streaming channel, CNN+, will be shutting down at the end of April. It was startling news about the new service that was only launched three weeks ago.

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Donald Trump, CNN

According to CNN’s own reporting, the decision to end the venture was due to WBD’s incoming CEO David Zaslav’s plan to house all of the company’s brands under one streaming service. Zaslav said that…

“In a complex streaming market, consumers want simplicity and an all-in service which provides a better experience and more value than stand-alone offerings […] We have very exciting opportunities ahead in the streaming space and CNN, one of the world’s premier reputational assets, will play an important role there.”

While the strategic logic of that position is apparent, it cannot be understated how sloppily this matter was executed. The new CEO of CNN, Chris Licht, conceded that it was a “uniquely shitty situation.” Elaborating, he said that CNN+ had an “incredibly successful launch” but that it was “simply incompatible with the newly merged company’s plans.” Despite the turmoil, there are expectations that much of the new programming will still be part of whatever eventually emerges.

To no one’s surprise, Donald Trump weighed in on this news with his customary noxious bluster. He posted a tweet (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) that completely distorted the facts and demonstrated his distinctive brand of flagrant dishonesty. Trump ranted…

“Congratulations to CNN+ on their decision to immediately FOLD for a lack of ratings, or viewers in any way, shape, or form. It was like an empty desert out there despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars and the hiring of low-rated Chris Wallace, a man who tried so hard to be his father, Mike, but lacked the talent and whatever else is necessary to be a star. In any event, it’s just one more piece of CNN and Fake News that we don’t have to bother with anymore!”

Trump’s first lie in that outburst is that CNN+ folded “for a lack of ratings.” And the way we know that’s true is because there are no ratings for streaming apps. Trump is, once again, just making stuff up. The truth is that CNN+ signed up more than 100,000 viewers in three short weeks, well within their projections. And the service will undoubtedly relaunch when WBD finalizes the unified format for its streaming programming.

If Trump is really interested in identifying “an empty desert” in the media world, all he has to do is check in with his own parched and barren “TRUTH Social” Twitter clone. To date it has failed spectacularly. It cannot attract users. Even the users who have already signed up can’t log on. Trump himself doesn’t use the site.

RELATED: Trump’s PRAVDA, er, TRUTH Social Twitter Clone Flops as it Misses Yet Another Launch Date

Trump is said to be furious that his attempt at revenge against Twitter for banning him has cratered so badly. The Daily Beast reports that Trump has been overheard on the phone “swearing gratuitously” and asking “What the f*ck is going on?” with TRUTH Social.

That, however, is a question Trump should already know the answer to, considering that he has a notorious record for catastrophic business failures that is unparalleled in modern times. His numerous, and narcissistically self-branded projects – from casinos to airlines to games to steaks to vodka – all ended in humiliation and ruin. Even his prized real estate ventures have proven to be duds.

The man Trump put at the helm of TRUTH(less) Anti(Social), Devin Nunes has been making desperate trips to Fox News where he could lie unchallenged about the site’s “success.” But anyone foolish enough to invest in the venture has likely lost a bundle. The site keeps missing launch dates, and it is currently being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission for “irregularities.”

One fund manager is predicting that the stock serving as the investment vehicle for TRUTH Social will fall to $10.00 and will fail to complete its merger with Trump’s company. It has already declined 67% from it’s high at the beginning of March.

RELATED: Investors (aka Suckers) in Trump’s TRUTH Social Scam Lost 37% 67% in Just the Past Two Six Weeks

The mess that WBD has made of the CNN+ launch may be costly and embarrassing, but it is temporary and the parent corporation has deep pockets. It will recover and offer its media products in a new and profitable form. But Trump’s ventures are permanently hobbled by his incompetence and inability to manage a successful business of any kind. The only thing he’s any good at is whining and flinging impotent insults as his enemies. Which is all he’s doing here.

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WTF? Tucker Carlson Mocks Biden for Believing that He Won in 2020, Which, of Course, He Did

The descent into delusion is continuing at an increasingly rapid pace at Fox News. For the past sixteen months Fox has been obediently regurgitating Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged.” Never mind that neither Trump nor Fox “News” has been able to produce a shred of evidence of their wild accusations. And they lost more than sixty court cases in their efforts to overturn the election and undermine democracy.

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Fox News. Tucker Carlson

On Wednesday evening Tucker Carlson unleashed another inane tirade aimed at disparaging President Biden and his decisive victory over Trump nearly a year and a half ago. Carlson has a unique talent for promulgating lies while making himself look like a jackass. And he was in rare form on this episode of his primetime propaganda program.

Carlson was triggered by an article in The Hill wherein Biden was reported to have told former President Obama that he intends to run for reelection in 2024, and that he would beat Trump again. That could not possibly be less controversial. Biden has been telling that to anyone who asked the same question for months. But to Carlson this was chum in the wingnut waters. He raged that…

Carlson: Joe Biden believes he’s the only one who can beat Donald Trump. Which, if nothing else, suggests Joe Biden believes he beat Donald Trump the first time.
Carlson (badly impersonating Biden): Hey guys, I got 81 million votes. Maybe I’ll get 500 billion next time.
Carlson: So how did Barack Obama respond to that? Well The Hill newspaper didn’t say. We do know that earlier this month Obama referred to Joe Biden as ‘Vice-President.’ So you can guess.

Seriously? Carlson appears to be downright stunned that Biden “believes” he defeated Trump in 2020. Of course, the only reason that Biden believes that is because it is unambiguously and certifiably true. Other than that, there is also the fact that even Republican governors, election officials, and judges have affirmed Biden’s victory – repeatedly! And we’ll just ignore Carlson’s inability to get Obama’s VP joke.

However, that doesn’t stop Carlson from humiliating himself by clinging to the “Big Lie” and mocking Biden for his adherence to, you know, reality. Which is especially ironic considering that Carlson was defended in court by Fox News against defamation charges by arguing that “no reasonable person” could possibly take him seriously. After all, this is the same guy who has distinguished himself with such notable commentaries as…

Advocating testicle tanning to forestall “The End of Men”


Why he is turned off by “less sexy,” “unappealing” cartoon M&Ms


Pleading to keep the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in power


Taking Russia’s side against Ukraine, America, and democracy


Spreading the conspiracy theory that the January 6th insurrection was an FBI “false flag” operation


Oh hell. That’s enough. This array of asshattery could go on forever. If Carlson wants to reside in a fantasy world where Trump didn’t lose the popular vote twice and never reached 50% approval, we should just let him.

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Trump’s ‘Solution’ to the War in Ukraine is to Appease Russia and Quash Any Criticism of Putin

This week Russia is escalating their genocidal assault on the people of Ukraine with an offensive in the eastern region of Donbas. It is already producing more of the atrocities and war crimes that Russia been committing for the past several weeks. The United States and it allies throughout the world are united in condemning Russia’s actions and are coming to the aid of the brave Ukrainians.

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Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

However, Donald Trump is continuing to whitewash Russia’s invasion and is offering advice that is repugnant and only serves to benefit the Russian aggressors. In a tweet posted by his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Trump said that…

“It doesn’t make sense that Russia and Ukraine aren’t sitting down and working out some kind of an agreement. If they don’t do it soon, there will be nothing left but death, destruction, and carnage. This is a war that never should have happened, but it did. The solution can never be as good as it would have been before the shooting started, but there is a solution, and it should be figured out now—not later—when everyone will be DEAD!”

Notice that nowhere in this comment does Trump ever mention the savagery and inhumanity of what Russia is doing to innocents in Ukraine. He doesn’t acknowledge that Russia initiated the invasion against a peaceful neighbor. To Trump this is merely a negotiable difference of opinion that can be resolved by reaching a compromised settlement wherein both parties make concessions.

RELATED: Trump Doubles Down on His Treasonous Putin Puffery While Continuing to Insult Biden and America

That’s a position that is typical of Trump’s transactional approach to everything. He believes that bullies should get what they want just because they demand it. It’s also a position that leans heavily in favor of Trump’s pals in Russia who have no claim whatsoever to any accommodation by Ukraine. Why should Ukraine be forced to capitulate to the Russian marauders?

Notice also that nowhere in Trump’s comment does he even mention his BFF, Vladimir Putin. Trump has a long history of favoring Putin over his fellow Americans, especially President Biden. Trump viciously maligns Biden as a “radical” who is trying to “destroy” the country, and who is not fit for deliberations. But he thinks that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy should be compelled to sit down with the murderous heathen, Putin, and make “some kind of an agreement.” Trump doesn’t (can’t) explain what that agreement might look like. But when he previously offered his assessment of the situation it devolved into an entirely irrelevant and inane rant about windmills. That’s right. Windmills!

RELATED: In Flaming Fox News Fiasco Trump Proves He Has No Friggin’ Idea What To Do About Ukraine

Trump’s pleading for Zelenskyy to cave in to Putin is particularly bizarre considering that it’s Putin who refuses to negotiate. Zelensky has consistently advocated discussions aimed at resolving the conflict, or even just allowing for the safe evacuation of civilians. In response, Putin just issued an ultimatum that Ukraine “surrender or die.” And it’s under those circumstances that Trump believes that Putin is a reasonable person with whom to negotiate and that Zelenskyy should acquiesce to him?

In 2019 Zelenskyy visited Trump in the White House to seek military aid from the U.S. while Russia was already supporting a separatist movement in Eastern Ukraine. During that meeting Trump brazenly lied about the differences between the military support given to Ukraine by President Obama and himself. Then, as now, Trump suggested that Ukraine’s problems with Russia could all be solved if they would just “get together” with Putin.

Remember, Trump was impeached (the first time) because he tried to hold military aid hostage in order to coerce Zelenskyy to fabricate dirt on then-candidate Joe Biden. You can tell what Zelenskyy thought about Trump’s advice by the look on his face when Trump said that…

“I really believe that President Putin would like to do something. I really hope that you and President Putin can get together and solve your problem.”

So Trump has been arguing Putin’s side in this conflict for at least three years. And his latest tweet is proof that he’s still doing so. He still thinks that Ukraine should be making concessions to their enemy. And he still refuses to articulate even the slightest criticism of Putin.

What’s worse is that the Republican Party is going along with Trump on all of this. Which ought to be more than enough reason to vote every last one of those anti-American cretins out of office before they decide that the U.S. should be making concessions to Russia too.

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Dark MAGA? Is A Mash Up of Trump and QAnon Forming that is Even More Dangerous and Violent?

If you thought that the dystopian cult that sprung from Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) crusade was bad, you aint seen nothin’ yet. The messiah worship that is prevalent among the Trumpist wackos is continuing to evolve in the most foreboding fashion imaginable.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

Newsweek is reporting on the emergence of an offshoot of the Trump Cult that has been anointed “Dark MAGA.” The article describes this budding Internet trend as…

“A small fringe of Donald Trump’s supporters [that] is calling for the former president to get back on the highest stage of U.S. politics with a vengeance with the motto: #DarkMAGA. More of a meme than a political slogan, Dark MAGA is a post-alt-right aesthetic that promotes an authoritarian version of Trump.”

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One has to wonder how “an authoritarian version of Trump” differs from the version that has been polluting American society for the past several years. Setting aside the obvious similarities, Newsweek goes on to paint a chilling, but accurate portrait of the Dark MAGA minions saying that…

“Dark MAGA supporters are calling for a ruthless, unforgiving version of Trump to take revenge on his political enemies at the 2024 election [and that] Many of the messages posted by Dark MAGA supporters incite violence and contain misogynistic and/or racist comments.”

Once again, how does that make these MAGAts in any way distinguishable from the standard variety of Trumpish pestilence? Is there some obscure Trump sect that is NOT ruthless, unforgiving, vengeful, and hateful? If so, they’re doing a darn good job of concealing their existence. And from their secret lair they still manage to promulgate the themes of MAGAism. Which are conspicuously similar to those of QAnon:

“According to [UNC Prof. Alice E.] Marwick, the result of this is a ‘heavy victim mentality’ among some Trump supporters. ‘The general messaging that the Democrats are evil, that children are under threat, that people may need to take extreme acts, even political violence to protect their children and their values, I think is consistent across the (far-right) spectrum,’ says Marwick.”

So the question as to the alleged dawning of Dark MAGA is this: Is it really any darker than what produced the January 6th insurrection? The promotion of white nationalism? The loss of 1,000,000+ Americans due to COVID? The treasonous embrace of murderous tyrants like Vladimir Putin? The contempt for the Constitution and the law? The spreading of racism, misogyny, and homophobia? The ceaseless lying? The undermining of democracy? The defiling of faith? The division of the American people? The assault on the free press and the media? And the march toward authoritarianism?

RELATED: Trump’s Cult of Republican Voters is Dwindling, but GOP Politicians and Press Remain Spellbound

MAGA is already a movement that has sought to sabotage virtually every institution that sustains a free society: government, law, media, arts, academia, science, religion, family, philanthropy, and economics. And the advent of Dark MAGA doesn’t alter that one bit. It is simply a new name for an old poison. It is nothing more than the already noxious manifestation of Dark Trump. And the antidote is still the glaring light of truth and a commitment to flushing Trumpism out of the body politic.

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Macho Poser Tucker Carlson’s Journey from ‘Dancing With the Stars’ to ‘The End of Men’

Apparently serving as the Fox News spokesperson for white nationalism and America’s racist hate community wasn’t enough for Tucker Carlson. So he launched a documentary production venture that commits his most toxic conspiracy mongering to film. He began with a crocumentary asserting, without a sliver of evidence, that Donald Trump’s January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C., was an FBI “false flag” operation.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, STFU

Now Carlson has released the trailer for his next preposterous project entitled “The End of Men.” By all appearances it seems to be an in-depth exploration of Carlson’s deep-seated insecurity about his pitifully lacking masculinity and flaming impotence. Judging from the trailer, Carlson has produced some sort of soft-core gay porn paean to the supremacy of patriarchy and male bonding. He introduced it saying that…

“One of the biggest stories in our lifetimes is the total collapse of testosterone levels in American men. Those levels are declining by roughly ten percent per decade, completely changing the way people are at the most fundamental level. NIH does not seem interested in this at all. Not a big deal. We think it is a huge deal, and we want to know what’s causing it, and what you can do about it. That’s the topic of our upcoming documentary called, ‘The End Of Men.’ Here’s a look at the trailer.”

Carlson’s project praises what he says are the “Hard times [that] produce men who are tough, men who are resourceful, men who are strong enough to survive. They go on to reestablish order.” Naturally, in his bitterly misogynistic view it is always the men who are responsible for order and control. But even in his brief introduction, he manages to get everything wrong, as usual.

Setting aside the absurdity of saying that declining testosterone levels are “One of the biggest stories in our lifetimes,” Carlson elaborates by asserting that such a decline is tantamount to “completely changing the way people are at the most fundamental level.” He never explains why that would be the case. It’s just his innate fear that the pseudo-machismo that he aspires to is a waning factor in modern America.

RELATED: OH NO! Tucker Carlson is Turned Off By ‘Less Sexy,’ ‘Unappealing’ Cartoon M&Ms

What’s more, contrary to Carlson’s clownish mockery of the National institutes of Health (NIH) as having no interest in this, the NIH has actually been actively studying it. Their research has defined the potential causes that include increased obesity, declining exercise and physical activity, diabetes, smoking, and environmental toxins. Ironically, those factors could be countered by advancing public programs to improve health care and clean up the environment, both of which conservatives like Carlson fervently oppose.

Carlson’s embrace of this issue is inherently paradoxical. It’s not like he is anyone’s model of masculinity. And if he were truly concerned about the changing fundamentals of manhood, you would have to wonder why he draped himself so daintily when competing in “Dancing With the Stars.” It was a performance that garnered an appropriate review by a true American hero, veteran and senator Tammy Duckworth:

RELATED: Fox News Putin Puppet Tucker Carlson’s False Flag Fiction Gets Ripped By CNN’s Jim Acosta

Carlson’s latest outrage is just another example of his hatred for women and his fear of inadequacy. So he needs to reassure himself that he is master of his domain by embracing misogyny and homophobia. It’s an old story that is repeated often in conservative politics by posers like Carlson and serial sexual harasser, Donald Trump.

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