Fox News Blames a MAGA Meltdown in the Republican Controlled Congress on President Biden

This week the nation was treated to the spectacle of a throng of Republican members of Congress abandoning their duties in Washington to cheer in the bleachers for their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, in New York. He is there being tried for election interference, falsifying business records, and paying hush money to a porn star. And Republicans in Congress had to be there to give him emotional support. These are your tax dollars at work, America.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

Upon their return to D.C., these prodigal congresspersons were called into a late night hearing of the House Oversight Committee to consider a preposterous motion to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. His “offense” is refusing to give the Committee some audio tapes that they intended to exploit for political purposes. They would have been better off staying in New York, fawning over Trump, and trying to intimidate the court.

SEE THIS: MAGA Mike Johnson Announces His Intention to Interfere with the Criminal Investigation of Trump

It didn’t take long for the hearing to devolve into the sort of chaos one would expect from irascible juveniles. The verbal melee began when Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-MAGA) made a derogatory remark about the appearance of Democratic Rep. Jasmine Crockett. It escalated from there as Crocket moved to have Greene’s words stricken from the record, which caused Greene to insult her intelligence. And throughout the ruckus chairman James Comer demonstrated that he has absolutely no ability to manage the proceedings.

As embarrassing as all of that ought to have been for Comer and his GOP confederates, he got a total reprieve from Fox News, where the blame for it all somehow rested squarely on the shoulders of President Biden. Of course, Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with it. But that didn’t stop Fox’s Emily Compagno from pointing her fingers at Biden, saying…

“Why shouldn’t it be that the highest standard, the highest decorum, exists in this most sacred building, that they claim was breached on January 6th in the most horrific and atrocious of crimes. Will they represent the sacred and the sanctity that that building deserves? Honor that.”

“I see this as reflection of the complete erosion that our entire legislative body has become. You can wear what you want. You can say what you want. You can trash each other. You can drink. You can have sex on the dais. You can bring coke into the…This entire thing has become an absolute devolved zoo, heightened under this administration that promised us on the way in there would be unity. “

Compagno is clearly upset at the disrespect shown for the institution by this imbroglio. And it was particularly notable that she referenced the January 6th insurrection that was incited by Trump. Never mind that she and her colleagues at Fox News have relentlessly defended the insurrectionists that they call “hostages,” and characterized the riots as peaceful protests by patriots.

However, Compagno wasn’t through humiliating herself. She went on to assert that the blame for the bickering in Congress belonged to Biden, whose aspirations for unity were unfulfilled because Republicans are boorish crybabies who can’t behave like adults.

Not only was Biden completely unassociated with the fracas that went on in the House, the responsibility for the “complete erosion” of the body into “an absolute devolved zoo” rests entirely with the the Republican Party. They have held the majority for the past year and half and, based on their record, what took place Thursday night was completely predictable. After all, they can’t find bipartisan unity because they can’t even be unified within their own caucus.

The Republicans have been fighting among themselves non-stop. They took 15 votes to elect Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Then they ousted him nine months later. And some of them are now trying to oust the new Speaker Mike Johnson. In the meantime, they have succeeded in becoming the least productive Congress in decades.

SEE ALSO: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

Compagno lamented that she is “deeply disappointed” in the Congress, and that “They have not earned my respect.” But she can’t acknowledge that it is her own party that has failed so pitifully. So she tries to deflect the blame in the most awkward and irrational manner imaginable.

Which is precisely what one would expect from today’s MAGA Republicans. It is no longer a political party. It is a cult. Therefore, reality must be rewritten to conform to the cult’s perceptions and doctrine. And that bastardization of reality is the purpose of Fox News, where allegiance to Trump and “alternative facts” rule the day.


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Rep Swalwell Skewers GOP Committee Chair Jim Jordan for Hypocritical Attack on Merrick Garland

Since the beginning of this year, Republicans have been busying themselves with a variety of laughably ludicrous hearings in the House of Representatives. They are taking advantage of their razor-thin majority to unleash blatantly partisan smears aimed solely at soiling the reputations of President Biden and other Democrats.

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Jim Jordan, Biden's Emails

Unfortunately for the GOP scandal mongers, these hearings have, more often than not, resulted in Democrats revealing the copious crimes, political biases, and ethical lapses of Republicans. What they have never done is to affirm even the slightest hint of any wrongdoing by Biden or any other Democratic official. But perhaps the Republicans don’t mind because it has never been their intention to expose any actual breach of the law. They have not even been shy about admitting their nefarious agenda.

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

On Wednesday the Republican-led Judiciary Committee invited Attorney General Merrick Garland to testify. There was never any doubt that this hearing would be used by Republicans to bash Garland for imaginary misdeeds and manufactured outrages. And on that measure, they didn’t disappoint. Every GOP member wasted their time with tedious complaints that disregarded reality in order to disparage Garland.

The Republican hate-fest was contrasted by the Democrats on the committee, who honestly and effectively shot down all of the GOP’s lame attempts to rattle Garland. A particularly good example of that came when GOP Rep. Thomas Massie complained that he wasn’t getting the answers he wanted and asked, “Aren’t you, in fact, in contempt of Congress when you refuse to answer?” Of course, the short answer to that is “No!” It is not contempt of Congress if the member doesn’t like the answer.

However, it was then Rep. Eric Swalwell’s turn to speak. And he began by responding to Massie’s preposterous charge…

“Mr. Attorney General, my colleague just said you should be held in contempt of Congress. And that is quite rich because the guy who is leaving the hearing room right now, Mr. Jordan, is about 500 days into evading his subpoena. About 500 days. So if we’re going to talk about contempt of Congress, let’s get real.

“Are you serious that Jim Jordan, a witness to one of the greatest crimes committed in America, a crime where more prosecutions have occurred than any crime in this country, refuses to help this country, and we’re going to get lectured about subpoena compliance and contempt of Congress? Jim Jordan won’t even honor a lawful subpoena. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? There’s no credibility on that side.”

Indeed, Jordan was subpoenaed by the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection that Donald Trump incited. Jordan had directly relevant information involving conversations that he admits he had with Trump that day. Jordan could have complied with the subpoena by showing up and taking the Fifth Amendment if he didn’t want to incriminate himself. But he just ignored it. Which is unarguably contempt of Congress.

Yet somehow, Republicans are fixated on trivialities that they are desperately trying to magnify into unholy debauchery. And it goes farther up than just chairman Jordan. GOP House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is just as culpable for the sort of contemptuous behavior toward the body that he purports to lead. He also refused to comply with a subpoena. Which means he also has zero respect for the House and the law. Which might explain why he is so pitifully impotent in his role as Speaker.

SEE ALSO: HUH? Squeaker McCarthy Admits that He Ignored Subpoenas in His Denial that He Ignored Subpoenas

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The Weak and Desperate Lies Told By Trump and Republicans About Hunter Biden’s Special Counsel

Last week Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that he was appointing David Weiss to the post of special counsel investigating President Biden’s son, Hunter. Weiss was already working on the same matters in his role as U.S. Attorney. And while there are arguments pro and con as to whether this was necessary, there is no evidence that the decision was rooted in bias for or against Hunter Biden.

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Trump Lies

The same cannot be said of the Republicans in Congress. From the moment that Republicans assumed their razor thin majority in the House of Representatives earlier this year, they made it their sole objective to manufacture crackpot conspiracies intended to malign Democrats in general, and the President in particular. They even said so explicitly…

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

Seven months later, Republicans have kept their promise to ignore the issues that actually impact the lives of the American people, and instead have devoted themselves to scandal mongering. In all that time they have utterly failed to produce a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing by Biden or any of his Cabinet officials that Republicans are currently seeking to impeach.

Consequently, it is not surprising that the GOP is exhibiting a severe measure of hypocrisy with regard to the Hunter Biden special counsel. After insisting furiously for months that a special counsel be named, they are now complaining bitterly for having gotten what they asked for. And their reasoning – if you can call it that – for their outrage is patently absurd. Take, for instance, the GOP chairman of the House Oversight Committee,, James Comer, who raged on Newsmax that…

“We on the Oversight Committee, for all practical purposes, have been the special counsel for the past six months. We produced more evidence than anyone that’s supposedly investigating this criminal activity by the Biden family. And right as we get to the point that we traced it to Joe Biden, and we’re at a position that we can win in court, to fight their attorneys, and get their actual personal bank records, he comes out with this. This is another attempt to try to obstruct. They’re gonna try to use this in court when they say say ‘No, we can’t give the Oversight Committee our bank records because there’s an ongoing investigation by David Weiss.'”

First of all, if Comer’s Committee has “for all practical purposes been the special counsel,” it should be commended for having virtually exonerated the Bidens. Every hearing they held ended up proving that there was nothing to the allegations that the Republicans have been clamoring about. And if they “produced more evidence than anyone,” they doing a great job of keeping all of it secret.

Comer goes on to assert that the appointment of the special counsel is an “attempt to try to obstruct” his committee’s investigation, “right as we get to the point that we traced it to Joe Biden.” How convenient. To date, Comer has uncovered zero proof of anything untoward. But just as he’s about to blow the lid off the whole affair, Garland gums it up by appointing a special counsel who was already working on it. In other words, there was already an “ongoing investigation.” Comer is just looking for others to blame for his failures.

Not to be left out, Donald Trump weighed in on the matter with a comment on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. He whined that…

“David Weiss was picked by the two Democrat Senators from Delaware under ‘Blue Slip.’ He would not have been picked by me.”

For the record, Trump did pick Weiss. And he bragged about it at the time, saying that Weiss “shares the President’s vision for ‘Making America Safe Again.'” So his attempt to disown him now is just another of his notorious lies. And Republicans are taking their cues from Dear Leader Trump by lying themselves about the Weiss appointment. While they are now condemning him as being in league with the Democrats (Weiss is a lifelong Republican), on September 19, 2022, Senate Republicans sent Garland a letter specifically calling for Weiss to be named special counsel:

“We the undersigned write to request that United States Attorney David C. Weiss be extended special counsel protections and authorities to conduct the Hunter Biden investigation.”

One of Trump’s most frequent hissy fits is his daft and delusional declaration of “ELECTION INTERFERENCE!” We must remember, however, that Hunter is not now, nor has he ever been, involved in government or politics. All of the GOP caterwauling about him is contrived solely to harm Biden’s reelection prospects. So if it is election interference to investigate Trump, wouldn’t that also be true about the investigations of the Bidens?

Oh, never mind. That would require Republicans to be rational, honest, and averse to hypocrisy.


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Trump Has a Full Blown Schizoid Meltdown Over the Prospect of Yet Another Criminal Indictment

The legal melodrama that has shrouded Donald Trump for years continues to unfold as new and more chilling plot points are unveiled with each passing day. The latest wrinkle in his farce is a comment that Trump posted on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, announcing that special counsel Jack Smith has notified him that he is a target in the probe of the January 6th insurrection.

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Donald Trump

If this notice is true (and it’s always sketchy with anything that Trump says), it will be his third felony indictment, exceeding the 70+ felony counts he is already facing. The abundance of crimes that are attributable to Trump is so massive that he’s even using it to put off his multitude of prosecutions. The poor guy just doesn’t have time to deal with all of his wrongdoing.

RELATED: WHUT? Trump Asks to Delay His Classified Docs Trial Because of All His Other Criminal Trials

Trump responded to the news of this new imminent indictment the way he always does. By lashing out with unbridled hostility, while utterly failing to make any coherent argument in his defense. It was a tedious tirade that rambled on with hysterical run-on sentences and crammed with every talking point he could think of, including his yelping about imaginary offences (i.e. spying on his campaign, fake dossiers, the Mueller Witch Hunt, and Russia, Russia, Russia) He whined

“WOW! On Sunday night, while I was with my family […] HORRIFYING NEWS for our country was given to me by my attorneys. Deranged Jack Smith…sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation.”

It’s cute that Trump regards his being indicted again as “HORRIFYING NEWS for our country.” That’s his standard messianic playacting wherein he’s dying for the sins of his cult followers. The majority of the country, however, recognizes that the horror is Trump’s alone. In fact, most Americans believe he’s guilty. The horror would be letting him get away with his crimes.

SEE THIS: TRUTH THIS: More Americans – Including 25% of Republicans – Believe that Trump is Guilty

Trump complains correctly that “Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before.” But that’s only because no other political leader has dared to commit such blatant misconduct, and to do it so openly, even admitting to it in many of his pathetic public commentaries. His tantrum also included this morsel of mental instability…

“So now, Joe Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, who I turned down for the United States Supreme Court…”

Does Trump really think that he “turned down” Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court? Garland was nominated by President Obama, and his confirmation was stalled by Republican Senate leader, Mitch McConnell. And all of that was before the 2016 election. What’s more, does Trump really want to take credit for Garland not being confirmed? That led to his appointment as Attorney General by President Biden, and the special counsel investigations against him.

Adding to the evidence of Trump’s madness, he reposted six (count ’em, 6!) comments by the illustriously credible, ultra-MAGA, “Catturd,” including one that called for the impeachment of Merrick Garland, Chris Wray, and, of course, President Biden. Trump approvingly replied to the feline fecal matter’s conclusion that “The Republican Party = spineless, worthless, good-for-nothing cowards.”

It’s hard to disagree with that assessment of the GOP. Particularly since most members of the party are still bending over backwards to defend Trump as his indictments pile up. Which poses an interesting dilemma for Trump, who once insisted that candidates under felony indictment have “no right to be running.” It’s hard to disagree with that too.


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Fox News Hack Viciously Attacks Biden and Garland After Release of Incriminating Trump Tapes

We are living in what an old Chinese curse described as “interesting times.” These are times wherein Donald Trump seems to confess to, or implicate himself, in a new crime every day. His pitiful public pleadings are often inadvertent admissions of guilt, even as he is attempting to assert his virginal innocence.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

On Monday CNN released audio recordings of Trump from July 2021 (listen to them here), wherein he is heard divulging the contents of classified documents to people who did not have the required security clearances to hear them. The whole conversation has the demeanor of jovial barroom banter. It was definitely not a meeting about national security. Trump is heard bragging about the classified documents that he has previously said didn’t exist, or were declassified with his mind, or were planted by the FBI.

RELATED: Utterly Deranged Trump Calls Special Counsel a ‘Radical Right Lunatic’ Who ‘Planted’ Evidence

According to CNN

“Trump’s statements on the audio recording, saying ‘these are the papers’ and referring to something he calls ‘highly confidential’ and seems to be showing others in the room, could undercut the former president’s claims in an interview last week with Fox News’ Bret Baier that he did not have any documents with him.”

Among the incriminating remarks on the tape are Trump saying that “They presented me this – this is off the record but – they presented me this,” and “See as president I could have declassified it. Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.” So the tapes confirm that Trump had the classified documents, and that he knew that they were still classified. That’s proof of a violation of the Espionage Act. And refusing to return these documents, even after being subpoenaed, is obstruction of justice. And it isn’t the first time that Trump’s own words convicted him.

SEE THIS: On Fox News Trump Confesses that He Stole Classified Documents, Despite Hannity’s Coaching

Naturally, Trump’s tendency to incriminate himself is quickly intercepted by his sycophants at Fox News. This time it was Mark Levin who tweeted an extended harangue that was filled with untruths and slander. What follows are a few choice excerpts…

“[T]he corrupt Biden DOJ, sleazy Jack Smith’s office, and the usual corrupt media lapdogs [have] committed scores of felonies, interfered in a presidential election, and have pushed the nation to the brink of some kind of civil war, while smearing and denouncing Trump.”

“The thoroughly corrupt Biden family and Biden regime use the power of federal law enforcement against their political opponents (“MAGA extremists,” pro-lifers, parents — all ‘white supremicists,’ whatever that means).”

“AG Garland, corrupt to the core like most mob lawyers [is} a dangerous man with Stalinist characteristics.”

“Garland has stonewalled appointing a special counsel to investigate his boss, Joe Biden, because he wants to smother with a political pillow Biden’s multiple criminal activities, that even involve our national security.”

“Jack Smith, known for Gestopo-like [sic] tactics…”

“Garland, Biden, his operatives, the hopelessly corrupt media, and the Democrat Party are destroying our country right before our eyes.”

“This latest prosecutorial leak of an audio clip to CNN, is further intended to poison a jury pool and deny the former president due process.”

“To be clear, we know nothing about the context of the audio. Nothing. We are fed exactly two minutes via CNN, a favorite state-run media outlet. We know no more or no less than they tell us. And the multiple felonies committed by the regime in leaking the tape will be ignored.”

Nearly all of the above are putrid and puerile insults that Levin disgorges without even trying to provide any supporting arguments. Although it’s telling that he doesn’t what “white supremacist” means. The one assertion of an alleged fact – that “Garland has stonewalled appointing a special counsel to investigate his boss” – is just patently false. Garland did appoint a special counsel to probe Biden’s classified documents six months ago. And unlike Trump, he voluntarily returned them and invited authorities to search further.

What’s more, Levin asserts, without evidence, that the tapes were the result of a “prosecutorial leak.” However, it is much more likely that the tapes came from Trump or one his associates on the recordings. After all, Trump himself believes that the tapes are “actually an exoneration” of him. So from his warped perspective it would make sense to release them to the media. He raged on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that…

“The Deranged Special Prosecutor, Jack Smith, working in conjunction with the DOJ & FBI, illegally leaked and ‘spun’ a tape and transcript of me which is actually an exoneration, rather than what they would have you believe. This continuing Witch Hunt is another ELECTION INTERFERENCE Scam. They are cheaters and thugs!”

That is just another demonstration of Trump’s acute psychosis. He thinks that the blatantly incriminating tapes exonerate him. However, a more qualified legal analyst has a markedly different opinion. Former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell “This is game over if you are following the facts and the law.”

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Fox News Finally Recognizes ‘The Biggest Problem for Donald Trump’ and it Isn’t Ron DeSantis

For the American people, Fox News has never been a reliable chronicler of what is going on in the country or the world. Their staunchly partisan, rightist slanting of current events – or history for that matter – was designed from its inception to deceive on behalf of the conservative agenda and the Republican Party.

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Donald Trump, Prison

As the 2024 presidential election cycle begins to unfold, Fox News continued its mission to advance the interests of the far right. Even after some of the most devastating blows to its already journalistically unscrupulous reputation as revealed by the Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit that they recently settled for nearly a billion dollars.

RELATED: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

For much of the past seven years, Fox News has served as Donald Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda, advancing his interests and defending him from any and all criticism. One of their most frequent methods of aiding and abetting Trump’s cultish MAGA movement has been to simply ignore any bad news. And that’s particularly true with regard to the multitude of civil and criminal cases for which he is the subject.

Which makes the remarks Wednesday morning by Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade all the more surprising:

“The biggest problem for Donald Trump might not be Ron DeSantis, might be the court cases. As you saw yesterday, he’s gotta be in court in March. Right in the middle of the primary season. As you see what happened yesterday. He’s sending his lawyers to send to a letter to Merrick Garland saying ‘I want to meet.’ Because it looks like an indictment is coming out of the Mar-a-Lago case. So his biggest threat is something that has nothing to do with this widening field.”

Indeed. Ron DeSantis is hardly a threat to Trump’s aspirations for the GOP nomination. Neither is Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, or Asa Hutchinson. The MAGA cult is all in for Trump and totally uninterested in his wannabes.

However, the looming legal perils that Trump faces are becoming more treacherous for Trump by the day. Kilmeade vaguely referred to a couple of them. The one for which Trump must appear in court next March involves his indictment on 34 felonies related to hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels to buy her silence prior to the 2016 election.

More ominous for Trump is the letter Kilmeade mentioned from Trump’s lawyers to Attorney General Merrick Garland. It was Trump’s pathetic cry for mercy as he acknowledges that more indictments are imminent with regard to his theft and hoarding of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, and his incitement of the January 6th insurrection.

Trump’s lawyers pleaded with Garland for an audience so that they could whine about how “unfairly” Trump thinks he is being treated. But their letter doesn’t bother to provide any details about what such a meeting would discuss or accomplish, other than to complain and rant irrelevantly about Hunter Biden…

“We represent Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, in the investigation currently being conducted by the Special Counsel’s Office. Unlike President Biden, his son Hunter, and the Biden family, President Trump is being treated unfairly. No President of the United States has ever, in the history of our country, been baselessly investigated in such an outrageous and unlawful fashion.

“We request a meeting at your earliest convenience to discuss the ongoing injustice that is being perpetrated by your Special Counsel and his prosecutors.”

For the record, there is nothing unfair or unlawful about the special counsel probe of Trump. It is based on barrels full of incriminating evidence and testimony, much of it from Trump associates. What’s more, the only reason that no president in history has been subjected to this sort of investigation is that no other president was so transparently craven and criminally corrupt.

Garland was right to decline the meeting with Trump’s attorneys. He has maintained an ethical distance from the Trump probe, just has he has from the Biden documents probe and the recently concluded Durham Nothingburger.

RELATED: Trump (and Fox News) FREAK OUT After Durham Report Turns Out to Be Another GOP Nothingburger

The fact that Trump’s attorney’s can so casually be dispatched is proof of just how feeble Trump is in these waning days of his increasingly impotent political life. But expect him to become ever more outraged in response to his dwindling influence. Like a cornered rat he will bare his tiny teeth and squeal incessantly in the hopes of scaring off his foes and preserving whatever scraps of cheese he can.


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Trump v Biden: Their Reactions to Special Counsels Reveals Who’s Innocent and Who’s Scared

Poor crybaby Trump. The self-described “most fabulous whiner” of Mar-All-Ego is starting off the new year pretty much the same way he ended the last year: Complaining petulantly that he is a victim of the hordes of enemies that are conspiring to destroy him and his aspirations of messianic sovereignty over the American motherland.

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Trump Fear

The reports that President Biden was found to be in possession of a handful of classified documents have set off the alarms spinning atop the tinfoil fedoras perched on the pinheads of Republican rage-a-holics and right-wing propagandists. Of course, the same alarmists ignore the discovery of hundreds of such documents hoarded – and lied about – by Donald Trump at his Palm Beach resort/home. And never mind that the facts associated with these stories expose just how dissimilar the circumstances are.

RELATED: Trump and His GOP Toadies Furiously Spin Bogus Nothingburger Story About Biden Documents

What truly reveals the divergent realities of the Trump and Biden camps is their reactions to having become the subjects of special counsels. To the surprise of no one, Trump flicked the psycho switch as he unleashed his ferocious animosity toward special counsel Jack Smith. His distemper tantrum departed from anything resembling sanity. For instance, he posted on his pitifully floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that…

“The Special ‘Prosecutor’ assigned to the ‘get Trump case,’ Jack Smith(?), is a Trump Hating THUG whose wife is a serial and open Trump Hater.”

[NOTE: Trump doesn’t think that Smith is a prosecutor, or that his name is Smith]

And that

“Fire a man who may very well turn out to be a criminal, Jack Smith. His conflicts, unfairness, and mental state of derangement make him totally unfit for the job of ‘getting Trump.’ Go after Biden and the Biden Crime Family instead. Like Bill Barr, the U.S. Attorneys in Delaware and Illinois are weak, ineffective, and afraid to do what must be done. The Election was RIGGED, and we are now losing our Country. We can’t let that happen. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

[NOTE: Trump appears to be seeking a special counsel who is better “fit” to investigate him. Also, he is maligning Bill Barr and the U.S. Attorneys in Delaware and Illinois (David C. Weiss and John R. Lausch Jr) as weak and ineffective. He appointed all three of them]

And that

“Merrick Garland has to immediately end Special Counsel investigation into anything related to me because I did everything right, and appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Joe Biden who hates Biden as much as Jack Smith hates me.”

[NOTE: Robert Hur, the special counsel appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to probe the Biden matter, was also appointed by Trump to be the U.S. Attorney of Maryland]

In Trump’s delirium he is being pursued by an “unfair,” “deranged,’ “criminal,’ “THUG,” whose whole family hates him. Clearly Trump is scared witless, and is suffering from a toxic mixture of paranoia and guilt. Despite his psychotic inability to admit it – even to himself – he knows what he did and what the consequences are.

For comparison, observe how Biden responded to the news that AG Garland had named a special counsel to investigate his documents “scandal.”

“People know I take classified documents, classified material seriously. I also said we are cooperating fully and completely with the Justice Department’s review. […] As was done in the case of the Biden Penn Center, the Department of Justice was immediately notified and the lawyers arranged for the Department of Justice to take possession of the documents.”

The reactions by Trump and Biden reflect the stark differences between the two. Biden is calm and respectful of the law. Trump is rattled and contemptuous of the law and even those he appointed to administer it.

For good measure, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) predictably weighed in on his side. Fox host Mark Levin ranted that…

“Garland wanted to keep this thing hidden. He wanted to sweep it under the rug until it got hot. The Republicans were calling hearings. They were gonna call witnesses. And then Garland, reluctantly, today appoints a special counsel. And who does he appoint? He appoints the right hand man to FBI director Christopher Wray. That’s hardly the same kind of special counsel that Donald Trump is facing. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.”

So Levin is asserting that Garland appointed a special counsel for Biden because he wanted to “keep this thing hidden”? That’s a strange way to pursue that goal. Levin also baselessly claims that Garland “reluctantly,” appointed the special counsel. And Levin closes by complaining that the special counsel must be biased against Trump because he once worked for FBI director Christopher Wray. Once again, Mr. Hur was appointed by Trump, and so was Mr. Wray.

The confidence and tranquility of Biden, as contrasted by the fear and hostility exhibited by Trump, the Republican Party, Fox News, and the rest of the right-wing wacko-chamber, tells you all you need to know about the players in this melodrama. And just to seal the deal, Trump also posted a comment that may be the truest thing he ever said…

“Importantly, I have single-handedly shown the American Public how Crooked and Corrupt our Government is.”

It’s uncomfortably impossible to argue with Trump about that.

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Trump and His Desperate Right-Wing Conspiracy Kooks Go After Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Wife

On Thanksgiving day, Donald Trump posted more than forty fanatical memes expressing undying adoration for Dear Leader. They included expressions of worshipful love and loyalty in words pasted over artificially iconic images of Trump as superhero or savior.

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Donald Trump, Snake Tongue

Missing from this avalanche of self-adulation were any wishes for a happy Thanksgiving. However, interspersed among the exaltations and QAnon-sense were Trump’s own outpourings of rage against “Radical left” Democrats, and “rigged” courts and judges, and perennial “witch hunts,” all in his warped cranium determined to stifle him and his MAGA cult movement. It was a Thanksgiving Day parade of pity and victimhood.

RELATED: Trump Rages After Tax Return Ruling that Supreme Court is ‘Political’ and ‘Lost its Honor’

At the top of Trump’s miscreant mind was Attorney General Merrick Garland’s recent appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate his criminal activities related to the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol that he incited, and the theft of national security documents that he hoarded – and lied to the FBI about having – at his Mar-a-Lago bunker.

In utter horror over the prospect of his being held accountable, Trump posted several hostile comments on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, directed at Special Counsel, Jack Smith, and more disturbingly, at his wife, documentary filmmaker Katy Chevigny. Trump ranted that…

“Democrats argue a Supreme Court justice (Clarence Thomas) must recuse from cases, based upon the personal political views of his wife (Ginni). So why doesn’t Special Counsel Jack Smith have to recuse, based upon his wife’s anti-Trump/pro-Biden large political donation and other major advocacy on behalf of Democrats?”

And he fumed that…

“The wife of the Special Counsel Biden chose to investigate @realdonaldtrump (his likely opponent in 2024) reportedly produced the Michelle Obama documentary… Yes America, you are reading this correctly.”

Trump’s ravings are typically ego-based and legally befuddled. Analogizing Smith to Clarence Thomas makes no sense. As a Supreme Court justice, Thomas can (and does) make decisions that bear directly on the activities of his wife, Ginni, who was an active participant in the coup staged by Trump and his traitorous StormTrumpers. Thomas has already made rulings that shield his wife from legal scrutiny and potential liability.

On the other hand, Jack Smith’s work as Special Counsel would have no bearing whatsoever on the activities of his wife. Furthermore, unlike Ginni Thomas, Chevigny, and Michele Obama, the subject of her documentary “Becoming,” have not been implicated in efforts to overthrow the government of the United States.

RELATED: Fox News Totally Ignores Story About Ginni Thomas Texting QAnon Nuttery to Mark Meadows

Smith’s wife, like the spouses of all Justice Department attorneys, (and all Americans) is free to support whatever candidates and political parties she wants to. So are the attorneys, for that matter. That doesn’t mean that the career prosecutors to whom they are married are going to exercise bias in the performance of their duties. And it wouldn’t matter if they did. Because the judges who hear the cases aren’t going to adopt any alleged biases if the existed.

Smith’s record in the Justice Department is unblemished by any allegations of political bias. He has prosecuted both Democrats and Republicans in the past. That’s routine for the Justice Department. For instance, special counsel Robert Mueller, who probed Trump’s connections to Russia during the 2016 campaign, was a lifelong Republican.

Trump’s temper tantrum is standard operating procedure for him. It hardly matters what the facts are. He will always strive to contort the circumstances into some sort of personal assault, because all he knows how to do is whine. He has actually bragged that he is the most fabulous whiner,” a claim that is hard to argue with. And he’s providing another outstanding example of it with his reaction to the Special Counsel appointment and the unconscionable attack on his wife.

RELATED: Trump’s Response to the Appointment of a Special Counsel is Predictably Outraged and Schizoid

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House Republicans Openly Promise to Abuse Power and Impose One-Party, Totalitarian Rule

As the Trump Republican Party prepares to assume control of the House of Representatives with the barest of a majority, they are plotting unrealistically ambitious plans for how they will govern. And almost none of their priorities align in any way with what the American people want, or even with what they campaigned on.

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Gone is any discussion of inflation, crime, immigration, or abortion. They have been replaced by a singular focus on phony probes of President Biden, his administration, and his family. Republicans have been fanning out on Fox News and other conservative media outlets promising to impeach the President, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security, just for starters.

RELATED: Marjorie Taylor Greene Goes on Berserk Impeach Everybody Rant and Challenges Biden to a Debate

Let’s set aside the fact that they have no chance of succeeding with any that. Nor do they have any intention of doing so. It’s a brazenly political parade of stunts aimed damaging Democrats while ignoring the welfare of the nation, and wasting untold millions of dollars.

But it’s also something much worse. It’s an embrace of totalitarianism that seeks to suppress their political foes. Republicans are determined to rule unimpeded by protocol, decency, or the Constitution. For example, Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) was asked on Newsmax if GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy intends to strip Adam Schiff of his committee assignments if he becomes Speaker. He replied…

“Yeah, absolutely. Kevin McCarthy has said that. Along with him will be Eric Swalwell will also be removed from the Intelligence Committee.”

Indeed, McCarthy said that last year. According to NBC News

“McCarthy named Reps. Eric Swalwell of California; Ilhan Omar of Minnesota; and Adam Schiff of California as Democrats he’d remove from their committee assignments.”

Never mind that there is no reason other than ideological disagreement for these punitive actions. This is the sort of fascistic behavior that the GOP has been trending toward for several years. What they didn’t mention was the fact that any such committee removals would require a vote of a majority of the House. The Republicans will have a small majority, but because of that, McCarthy wouldn’t have a vote to spare if he intends to carry out this oppressive threat. And if he manages to get away with it, the blowback will be brutal.

In addition to that, Republicans are up in arms about Attorney General Merrick Garland appointing an independent Special Counsel, Jack Smith, to investigate the crimes of Donald Trump. Garland justified the appointment as a measure to separate the Justice Department from the politics. Needless to say, Trump was mortified, as well as terrified.

RELATED: Trump’s Response to the Appointment of a Special Counsel is Predictably Outraged and Schizoid

Trump-fluffer Marjorie Taylor Greene weighed on in this with a threat of her own. On Steve Bannon’s webcast, she told him that she intends to defund the Special Counsel, saying that…

“I just wanna tell Jack Smith he’s not going to get much of a paycheck. Because I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure there is zero American taxpayer dollars appropriated for Merrick Garland’s special counsel, which is nothing but the Democrat Party’s campaign against president Trump […] We’re not going to do this again. That’s it. We’re gonna stop them and we’re gonna do it through the power of the purse.”

Once again, Greene (who said, in the best tradition of fascists, that she would “rule with an iron fist”) and her Republican confederates don’t have the power to unilaterally defund anything. Even if they passed a bill in the House, it would never get through the Democrat-controlled Senate, or be signed by Biden. What’s more, why on Earth would she want to do that? Would she prefer that the investigation be done by the Justice Department attorneys who report to Garland? This is one of those things that Republicans typically fail to think through. Naturally, Greene got concurrence from both Bannon and Laura Ingraham of Fox News.

McCarthy has been cutting deals with folks like Greene in order to secure their votes for Speaker, which he still doesn’t have. Consequently, he is on board with these crackpot schemes that they can’t actually do. And he has also revealed his own priority for the next session of Congress, insisting that the “GOP will repeal Biden’s 87,000 new IRS agents on day one.”

Of course, there is no such initiative. It is just another Republican lie based on an appropriation of funds to recruit IRS employees to replace those who leave over the next five years. And most of them are not agents, but administrative staff.

RELATED: Fox News Fear Mongers that Biden’s IRS Agents Will ‘Hunt Down and Kill Middle Class Taxpayers’

This is what America has to look forward to after the GOP assumes control of the House. On the one hand, it will be a nightmare as Republicans carp endlessly about fake “scandals” and contrived conspiracy theories. On the other hand, it will only further alienate the American people from the GOP, because they are repulsed by their self-serving political antics.

The GOP is proudly anti-American. They have pledged to sabotage the U.S. (and world) economy by refusing to increase the debt ceiling in order to force cuts in Social Security and Medicare. As a result, it is fairly safe to assume that the GOP majority in the House isn’t going to last longer than the next session of Congress. And the Republican’s march toward irrelevancy will advance the Democrat’s prospects for elections in 2024. And they’ll have Marjorie and Kevin to thank.

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Trump’s Response to the Appointment of a Special Counsel is Predictably Outraged and Schizoid

Earlier this week Donald Trump announced his intention to seek the Republican nomination for president of the United States in 2024. Trump’s announcement address was a frenzied mess of anger, paranoia, fear mongering, and lies. In other words, it was identical to the rants he has been delivering at his traveling cult rallies for several years.

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Trump spoke, as he often does, about how awful America is, describing it as a nation plagued by “blood-soaked streets” in “cesspool cities.” And he declared that he has “no doubt that it’s going to get worse.” How inspiring!

RELATED: Fox News Lauds Trump as ‘Unbeatable in 2024’ Following His Dystopian Campaign Announcement

With that uplifting kick-off speech, Trump introduced a complicating factor for Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Justice Department that is investigating Trump’s criminal activities related to the January 6th insurrection that he incited, and his theft of national security materials that he hoarded – and lied about having – at his Mar-a-Lago resort/home.

Garland has now determined that there is sufficient conflict of interest and political considerations to warrant appointing an independent special counsel to continue the probe. It’s a debatable decision with credible arguments for and against. In Garland’s view a special counsel will take the politics out of the investigation. However, Trump sees it only through the lens of his malignant narcissism, and he gave Fox News an exclusive response to the appointment. It will surprise no one that it is rife with hysteria, outrage, and fear…

“I have been going through this for six years – for six years I have been going through this, and I am not going to go through it anymore. And I hope the Republicans have the courage to fight this. I have been proven innocent for six years on everything – from fake impeachments to [former special counsel Robert] Mueller who found no collusion, and now I have to do it more? It is not acceptable. It is so unfair. It is so political. I’m not going to partake in this.

When you’re finished laughing, let’s dig a little deeper into Trump’s meltdown. First of all, he doesn’t get to decide whether he is “going to go through it anymore.” The suspects in crimes don’t get to tell the investigators what to do. And Trump’s pleading for Republicans to rescue him from his legal nightmare is downright pitiful. There is no role for the GOP to assume here, and that would just be reinserting politics into a matter that should be avoiding it.

Furthermore, Trump is lying when he claims that he has “been proven innocent.” There has been no such adjudication. As for Robert Mueller, his report explicitly stated that Trump was not exonerated and it enumerated several instances of alleged obstruction of justice. Mueller told the House Intelligence Committee that Trump’s campaign had “welcomed and encouraged Russian interference,” in the 2016 election, and then lied to cover it up. So let him partake in that. But he wasn’t through whining…

“I have never heard of such a thing. They found nothing. I announce and then they appoint a special prosecutor, They found nothing, and now they take some guy who hates Trump. This is a disgrace and only happening because I am leading in every poll in both parties. It is not even believable that they’re allowed to do this. This is the worst politicization of justice in our country. Hunter Biden is a criminal many times over and nothing happens to him. Joe Biden is a criminal many times over – and nothing happens to them. It is unfair to the country, to the Republican Party, and I don’t think people should accept it. I am not going to accept it. The Republican Party has to stand up and fight.”

So Trump is upset that a special counsel was named after he announced his candidacy. This makes no sense. Would he prefer that the attorneys in the Justice Department conduct the investigation? Of course not. He’s been yammering about that for months. The truth is that he will complain no matter what happens, other than a complete dismissal.

Also, Trump thinks he’s leading in the polls of Democrats? He really has lost all connection to reality. That’s why he babbles about this being “unbelievable,” and that it shouldn’t be allowed. Although he would allow it if it were aimed at Hunter and/or Joe Biden? Perhaps the reason that “nothing happens” to President Biden is that there is no evidence of any crime.

What’s more, Trump has already branded the special counsel, Jack Smith, as “some guy who hates Trump.” There is no way that Trump knows anything about him. For the record, this what Fox News wrote about Smith…

“Attorney General Merrick Garland on Friday appointed former Justice Department official Jack Smith to the role of special counsel to investigate the entirety of the criminal probe into the retention of presidential records held at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. […] Smith will also oversee the DOJ’s investigation into Jan. 6, a senior Justice Department official told Fox News. […] Smith is a former assistant U.S. attorney and chief to the DOJ’s public integrity section. Since 2018, Smith has been a prosecutor with the International Criminal Court tasked with investigating and adjudicating war crimes in Kosovo.”

Smith gave a statement on Friday saying that he intends…

“…to conduct the assigned investigations, and any prosecutions that may result from them, independently and in the best traditions of the Department of Justice. The pace of the investigations will not pause or flag under my watch. I will exercise independent judgment and will move the investigations forward expeditiously and thoroughly to whatever outcome the facts and the law dictate.”

Sounds like a real radical, liberal, communist, Trump hater, huh? This is the typical reaction by Trump to any event that is less than a celebration of his self-perceived magnificence. But whether he knows it or not, the spell is wearing off for many former Trump supporters. In fact, he is now issuing threats in order to secure their continued support. And while Trump got the context wrong above, he was right that “it’s just going to get worse” – for him.

RELATED: Wannabe Dictator Trump Resorts to Threatening Weak Republicans to Get Pledges of Support

UPDATE: Trump posted a six minute video with a more elaborate rant about the special counsel appointment. He was speaking at an America First Policy Institute event. The AFPI was founded by Larry Kudlow, to whom Trump refers to several times. Kudlow is a former Trump economic advisor and current Fox News host. What follows are a few excerpts that reveal that Trump is merely recycling the same old grievance and victimhood nonsense that he’s been disgorging for years.

  • “I wanted to address the appalling announcement today by the egregiously corrupt Biden administration and their weaponized Department of Justice.”
  • “This horrendous abuse of power is the latest in a long series of witch hunts.”
  • “the corrupt and highly political Justice Department just appointed a super radical left special counsel.”
  • “Lisa Monaco, a major trump hater … She is totally controlled by Andrew Weissman … bad guy. And he’s an even bigger Trump hater.”
  • “the Mueller scam, which ended up as you know, no conclusion.”
  • “This is a rigged deal, just as the 2020 election was rigged.”
  • “Hunter, who is a corrupt drug addict and implementer for his father.”
  • “I’ve proven to be one of the most honest and innocent people ever in our country.”
  • “We went through two of them. Wouldn’t this be like double jeopardy?”

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