Even After Winning, Trump Has a Post-Primary Meltdown, Attacking Friends and Foes and Fox News

The psychotic disorders driving Donald Trump are progressing rapidly toward a total mental malfunction. And one of the signs of his deterioration is that he remains consumed with outrage and vitriol, even after events that would ordinarily lift a sane person’s spirits.

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Donald Trump, Wah

On Tuesday night Trump won the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary, beating Nikki Haley by eleven points. To be sure, that was a less than impressive achievement considering that he had predicted a thirty point margin of victory, and late polling showed ahead by eighteen points. But it was victory, nonetheless, in the same disappointing vein as his triumph the week before in Iowa.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Pyrrhic Victory in Iowa Forecasts His Next Defeat When He Faces Joe Biden in November

Not content to appreciate electoral success, Trump delivered a speech that was rife with rancor and lies. He declared that he won New Hampshire in the general elections of 2016 and 2020. He didn’t. And he exhibited the sort of bitterness one would expect from a loser, which by some analysis, he is. After all, he barely got to 50% in New Hampshire. And as reported by Politico, Donald Trump has a big problem ahead.” “Forty-three43 percent of Nikki Haley supporters said they would back President Joe Biden over Trump.”

So naturally, Trump sheltered in the safety of his failing social media scam, Truth Social, to vent his frustration at not being unilaterally declared King of America. He began by taking a shot at his former press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, who now works for Fox News. She made the cardinal sin of pointing out that President Biden had “a fairly good night” in New Hampshire, and that exit polls found that “7 in 10 Nikki Haley voters said ‘I would not vote for Trump.'” Then she offered the following advice to her old boss…

“If I were Trump I’d sit back and I would exclusively focus on the general election. I’d take the posture of the presumptive nominee. I’d focus on, number one, uniting the party, and number two, getting the independents, which Nikki Haley won 55-39 percent.

That’s actually pretty good advice. But Trump wasn’t pleased by her presuming to give counsel to the all-knowing Messiah of MAGA. Especially after she made a couple of truthful observations about Biden and Haley. He snarled that…

“I don’t need any advice from RINO Kayleigh McEnany on Fox. Just had a GIANT VICTORY over a badly failing candidate, ‘Birdbrain,’ and she’s telling me what I can do better. Save your advice for Nikki!”

That’s how Trump responds to friendly suggestions from people who were loyal confederates. It is evidence of a deeply disturbed and despondent personality who knows that he is trouble both politically, and even more worrisome, legally.

But he wasn’t through raging. He posted another couple of comments that displayed his seething anger and cognitive collapse. In a 12:43 AM post he complained “Here at Haley HQ in Concord, they are playing CNN on the big Screen.” Heaven forbid! But just two minutes later he whined that “CNN & MSDNC TREATED MY BIG, DOUBLE DIGIT VICTORY OVER BIRDBRAIN, BETTER THAN FOX!” So apparently Trump was watching CNN as well. And he couldn’t resist an opportunity to lash out Fox News, despite their relentless promotion of him and his campaign.

These are not the commentaries of someone who is excited at being successful. They are the tirades of someone who is terrified of a future filled with suffering. And to top it off, Trump lapses into his all to common delusions of divinity. He re-posted a meme that heralded that “His Truth Is Marching On: Trump Emerges Victorious in New Hampshire.” That’s a lyric from the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” referencing the return of a vengeful god, and casting himself in the role of the deity whose disciples rejoice that “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.”

And the cult choir sings “Glory, glory, hallelujah,” with the hopes of exalting Dear Leader Trump and his overtly anti-American movement. While those who reside in the real world are ever more motivated to prove between now and next November that they will work diligently to preserve the democracy, civility, and liberty, that are the foundations of our republic. And you know that Trump hates the prospect of that.

UPDATE: Sean Hannity and his guests (Byron Donalds and Ari Fleischer) have the same advice for Trump as McEnany. Will Trump cancel them as RINOs too?


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IT’S A CULT! Marjorie Taylor Greene on ‘Eradicating’ Republicans Who Don’t Bow Down to Trump

What was once called the “Grand Old Party” (GOP) has shuffled off of this mortal coil. What remains of Republican politics is now nothing more than a vehicle for a wannabe dictator, with 91 felony counts pending, who has been adjudicated as a rapist, and espouses a platform of retribution against his perceived foes.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Gun

Donald Trump has completely taken over the Republican Party and demands unwavering fealty to his holiness. In his narcissistic delirium he imagines that he is beloved by millions of devoted disciples, and any criticism or departure from absolute adoration, can only be explained as “fake news” or the work of “radical, communist, fascist, lunatics, and thugs,” which is how he describes Americans – Democratic or Republican – who resist his divinity. Plus, he has his own official Ministry of Propaganda to infect his minion with his madness.

SEE THIS: HUH? Fox News Accuses Democrats of ‘Demonizing’ Trump’s ‘Crazy,’ ‘Deplorable,’ MAGA Extremists

On Tuesday Marjorie Taylor Greene was interviewed at a Trump rally in New Hampshire. Her comments affirm the obsequious servility of the Trumpian mindset. She proudly told the reporter that…

“This is a true change for the Republican Party. Not only do we support President Trump, we support his policies. And any Republican that isn’t willing to adapt these policies we are completely eradicating from the party.”

Did you hear that, Republicans? The MAGA contingent of the GOP aims to “eradicate” you if you dare to exercise any sort of independent thinking, or entertain any notions that haven’t been preapproved by the Ministerial Mavens of MAGA. Free expression is verboten in these venues. The press has already been warned, and now the threat of excommunication must be extended to the rank and file members of the new GOP (Groveling Obedient Peons).

SEE ALSO: Trump Threatens ‘Weak’ Republicans in Congress: ‘We Will Put Them All In Jail Where They Belong’

This mandate has already been imposed on Republican heretics such as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Rep. Liz Cheney, Sen. Mitt Romney, Gov. Chris Christie, and many other staunchly conservative politicians whose alleged sacrilege offended Trump and his cadre of confederates. And any Republican who thinks that they can’t be next is terminally naïve. So sayeth apostle MTG. Trump’s will be done.


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Fox News is TERRIFIED of Michelle Obama Running for President – A Fake Campaign Created By Fox

Ever since Donald Trump lost reelection to President Biden, the fear mongers at Fox News have been furiously fabricating nightmare scenarios to scare their already alarmist audience into cowering under the covers and clinging to the hopes that their Mango Messiah will rise from the dread and lead them to MAGA salvation.

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Michelle Obama, Fox News

The scare tactics that Fox News has employed have included everything from migrant caravans, to gun confiscations, to banning of beloved kitchen appliances, and myriad other preposterous horror stories. Trump himself has led the parade of peril with his incessant sermonizing about the curse of “Crooked Joe” and the “radical communist and fascist thugs” of the Democratic Party. Needless to say, it’s an apocalyptic perspective that has no foundation in reality.

SEE THIS: HUH? Fox News Accuses Democrats of ‘Demonizing’ Trump’s ‘Crazy,’ ‘Deplorable,’ MAGA Extremists

On Monday morning, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends introduced yet another monstrous visage of the vile liberals. They agonized over the prospect of former First Lady Michelle Obama throwing her hat into the 2024 presidential race. Co-host Steve Doocy fretted that…

“Cindy Adams in today’s New York Post has an item that says ‘Don’t be shocked if Michelle Obama sneaks in.’ And when you look at what she said a couple of days ago on that podcast, you know, that was not a careless adlib. Cindy is suggesting that that was all planned. And apparently, according to Cindy Adams, she sent a survey to top Democrats about running. And in the summer of 2020 [the article actually says summer of 2022. In the summer of 2020 Biden had not even been elected yet], in New York City, she met hedge fund CEO’s and she said ‘I’m running and I’m asking for your support.’ We’re just now finding out about this.”

OH MY HEAVENS! Could this be true? What’s next? Satan for VP? It must be noted that Doocy’s source for this bombshell, Cindy Adams, is not a journalist. She is the gossip columnist for the New York Post, a Rupert Murdoch rag, famous for fictional stories. And there is absolutely nothing in the article that could pass for credible evidence. No quotes from insiders or hedge fund CEOs. No documents or copies of the alleged survey. No receipts of support from donors. Nothing.

For the record, Obama has repeatedly stated that she would not be a candidate for president, or any other office. But that doesn’t stop Fox News from manufacturing a myth that they know will trigger their snowflakey viewers. And they can’t let a day go by without stirring up a cauldron of conspiracy crackpottery.

Doocy elaborated on his baseless speculation by asking what he says is “The Big Question” about whether Obama, if she runs, would keep Kamala Harris as VP. He also says that “A lot of people like Michelle Obama. A LOT!” Which is a generous admission on his part. But then he returns to the subject of the Adams article in the Post, which in her first few sentences proved her editorial neutrality, saying that…

“Biden won’t debate. Can’t. Our codger-in-chief can’t even read the prewritten script in front of him fast enough to pronounce the words. So, forget him — which most of us already have.”

Of course, Biden is ready to debate. He speaks eloquently, albeit with an occasional stutter that he’s had since youth. And most Americans – including the obsessed and malicious Republicans – have not forgotten him. What’s more, Adams seems to have entirely missed all of the cognitive glitches by Trump, such as the most recent one where he mixed up Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi.

SEE THIS: Dementia J. Trump Confuses Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley In a Lie-Riddled Rant About January 6th

No wonder Fox News needs to invent ghastly tales to keep their cult compliant. Their own candidate, Trump, would have to improve several steps to be considered a basket case. However, at least they recognize the intelligence and appeal of Michelle Obama, and the threat she would pose if she were interested in running. The fact that they fear her is a compliment. Just as their suppression of Trump’s deficiencies – -not to mention his tyrannical aspirations – is an admission that he is unfit for office.


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CNN’s Dana Bash Asks the Key Question About Trump’s Criminality: How is that ‘Law and Order’

The 2024 Republican primary for their presidential nominee promises to deliver some of the most bizarre and disturbing episodes in modern electoral politics. It could hardly be otherwise with their leading candidate, Donald Trump, facing 91 criminal charges stemming from his felonious conduct during and after his prior occupation of the white House.

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Donald Trump, CNN

Under ordinary circumstances, a candidate who has been indicted for inciting an insurrection, undermining democracy, and violations of the Espionage Act due to his theft and hoarding of classified materials, would be summarily disqualified from public service. And if that same candidate had been adjudicated to be a rapist, and demonstrated signs of severe cognitive disability, he would be spending his golden years in a prison psyche ward.

SEE THIS: Dementia J. Trump Confuses Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley In a Lie-Riddled Rant About January 6th

Which makes it all the more troubling that Trump is still regarded by his party, and a small, but annoyingly loud, contingent of glassy-eyed cult followers, as a viable prospect to lead the nation. And while Trump’s broadly unpopular positions on issues such as abortion, guns, foreign policy, climate change, and the economy, should be sufficient to sink his candidacy, his morass of legal liabilities should make his involuntary retirement a fait accompli.

Unfortunately, the media does a miserable job of covering elections. They focus far too much on the horse race aspect and transitory polling. However, on Sunday’s edition of CNN’s State of the Union, host Dana Bash interviewed GOP Sen. Tim Scott, who had just delivered a drooling endorsement Trump, and she actually composed a question that was honest, challenging, and ripe with relevance…

Bash: You did say on Friday, when you endorsed Donald Trump, is that he will “restore law and order.” Which is some of what you’re talking about here this morning. As president, he did try to overturn a legitimate election. He called January 6th rioters “hostages” and promised to pardon them. He is charged with keeping classified documents and obstructing attempts to get them back. And on the campaign now, he’s arguing that presidents should have total immunity, even if they, “cross the line.” How is that “law and order”?
Scott: Well, he has a legal team that could answer the questions of the legal challenges that he faces.

Bash packed a fair amount (but not nearly all) of Trump’s lawlessness into her question. Yet Scott was still unable to give a direct answer. He spent most of his response complaining about crime in cities, and blaming it on President Biden. That, of course, had nothing whatsoever to do with the question. What’s more, presidents are not responsible for law enforcement at the state level, and Scott knows that. He was just using the issue to dodge answering Bash’s question, and to smear Biden.

For the record, crime has actually been decreasing throughout Biden’s term in office. So if Scott wants to hold Biden responsible for the crime rate, he should be praising and supporting him.

The substance of Bash’s question ought to be the starting point for every interview of every Trump surrogate, supporter, and sycophant, who speaks for Trump in the press. And they must be required to give responses that are relative to the matter at hand. If the media held to those simple principles of journalism, the nation would be far better off, and charlatans like Scott and Trump could not get away with their limp dictation of propaganda.


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Dementia J. Trump Confuses Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley In a Lie-Riddled Rant About January 6th

The signs of the cognitive decline of Donald Trump simply cannot be ignored. He is not merely forgetting names and places. He is recounting hallucinations and inventing bizarre and fantastical distortions of reality. It is decidedly abnormal to repeatedly insist that windmills kill whales, that hurricanes can be nuked, that bleach injections cure COVID, and that George Washington’s Army took over airports.

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Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

Someone with that sort of warped perspective of the world cannot be permitted to occupy any seat of power or influence. The potential for harm to the people of the nation – and the world – is far too great. And yet, Trump is still the leading candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination for president of the United States. And he remains the choice of Fox News to lead the nation that he regards “failing” and “going to hell.” Is this walking conveyor of catastrophe and hatred really the best they can do?

SEE THIS: HUH? Fox News Accuses Democrats of ‘Demonizing’ Trump’s ‘Crazy,’ ‘Deplorable,’ MAGA Extremists

On Friday Trump demonstrated once again the depths of his dementia. During a speech at a New Hampshire GOP primary campaign stop, Trump reprised his pitifully incoherent excuses for having provoked and prolonged the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. He continues to disclaim any responsibility for the riots that he incited and that even Republicans in Congress agreed at the time were the result of his instigation beforehand, and neglect during and after. He told the audience of glassy-eyed Trump cult followers that…

“By the way, they never report the crowd on January 6th. You know Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley… Did you know they destroyed all of the information – all the evidence, everything – deleted and destroyed all of it, because of lots of things. Like Nikki Haley is in charge of security. We offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, National Guard, whatever they want. They turned it down. They don’t want to talk about that.”

There’s an abundance of derp in that brief comment that needs to be examined. Let’s start with the fact that the crowd size has been reported, but who cares? It has no relevance to anything else that happened that day. It’s just Trump reaching out to polish his own ego.

Trump then makes a profoundly disturbing blunder, confusing his Republican primary opponent, and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, with former Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. And it wasn’t a one-off gaffe. He did it repeatedly. These women have nothing in common that a sane person would mistake. Trump has simply lost his ability to process reality.

However, what is even more troubling than his crippled capacity to recall people that he ought to know well, is his twisted tales of past events wherein he was a principal participant. For starters, none of the evidence assembled by the House January 6th Committee was destroyed. He likely built this falsehood from wholly dishonest “reporting” by Jesse Watters on Fox News. Shortly after that program Trump posted a comment on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, alleging that…

“[T]he Unselect January 6th Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs has illegally destroyed their Records and Documents. This is unthinkable, and the Fake Political Indictment against me must be immediately withdrawn.”

In fact, the January 6th Committee chairman, Benny Thompson, refuted claims that any evidence was destroyed saying that the Committee had fully complied with “guidance from the Office of the Clerk and other authorities” as to preserving and archiving documents. Only “temporary” records that were not part of the Committee’s probe were not preserved. Everything else was saved and is available online.

SEE ALSO: Trump Demands Indictments Be Withdrawn After Fox News Falsely Reports on January 6th Committee

Likewise, Trump’s claim that Nikki Haley – or was it Nancy Pelosi – turned down an offer of 10,000 National Guard soldiers was provably untrue. Trump didn’t make that offer to either of them, and that claim has been repeatedly debunked by his own Defense Department appointees. Although, the fact that he keeps making that claim is an admission that he believed his supporters were a dangerous mob. What’s more, there was nothing stopping Trump from deploying the National Guard himself to restore order and protect the Capitol. It was his responsibility, but he did nothing.

So Trump is not only mentally deficient, he is a pathological liar. And the MAGA-infected GOP still wants to put him charge of the government that he has already proven that he is incapable of running. Which only affirms the conclusion that they are a cult with a death wish. And come November, the rest of the American people need to make certain that the crazies and deplorables don’t regain access to power.


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HUH? Fox News Accuses Democrats of ‘Demonizing’ Trump’s ‘Crazy,’ ‘Deplorable,’ MAGA Extremists

The Trump-fluffers of Fox News seem to be determined to continuously prove that they are the masters of hypocrisy with the self-awareness of a dormant bacterium. However, they need not be worried about losing their status as world-class clodpoles, given the blockhead start they have over any potential challengers.

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Donald Trump Baby Fox News

The editorial manglers at Fox News must get together every morning to map out the day’s outrages and distort fragments of alternative facts into exploitable pseudo-scandals. And judging by how poorly they do it, it must be a profoundly difficult task. But they take it up with the same measure of gusto, and flaming dishonesty, that their beneficiaries at the Republican Party do…

SEE THIS: The GOP’s Pathetic ‘Research’ Unit Posts Endless, Bogus Clips of Biden Supposedly ‘Confused’

Recently the hair-on-fire Fox News fabulists have been expressing their unbridled outrage at what they characterize as hyperbolic criticism of Donald Trump and his MAGA cult followers. They seem to believe that Democrats have gone overboard with the reckless use of offensive adjectives. Apparently they have never heard a single thing that Trump has ever said. And that sheltered and purposeful ignorance has led to commentaries such as the following…

Fox News host Harris Faulkner: “I’ve gotta talk to you about that word ‘crazies.’ It reminded me of ‘deplorables.’ And if Democrats are again willing to go down this road, because the Vice-President didn’t say anything when Joy Behar screamed out, ‘How are you gonna stop the crazies,” it’s Hillary Clinton’s deplorables all over again.”

First of all, Faulkner is complaining about something said by Joy Behar, a co-host of “The View” She is paid to express opinions, and is not affiliated with the Democratic Party. More to the point, Faulkner is holding Vice-President Kamala Harris accountable for Behar’s views, and comparing it to something that Hillary Clinton said eight years ago. Proving that Fox News is, once again, totally plugged into what matters most to voters today.

For the record, Clinton’s reference to “deplorables” was limited to just a subset of Republicans who were overtly hateful and bigoted. So the comparison made by Faulkner is not really far off. Behar was also referring to the same subset of GOP crackpots who believe Trump’s “Big Lie” that he won the “rigged and stolen” 2020 election, and that President Biden is a usurper and/or an imposter.

Fox News Senior Political Anal-Cyst, Jesse Watters, also weighed in to blast Democrats for “demonizing” the glassy-eyed disciples of Trump…

Fox News host Jesse Watters: “This country cannot have an election where one side is demonized, and you don’t say how I’ve improved your life. And Joe Biden, he kind of has to demonize because if you look at the metrics he has not improved anyone’s life.”

In the real world, if you look at the metrics, Bidenomics is working astonishingly well. The economy is booming. The stock market is soaring. Inflation is declining, GDP is increasing, Consumer sentiment is higher. Biden has presided over the creation of more jobs than any other modern presidency. Billions of dollars of student debt has been forgiven. Billions of dollars of tax revenue has been recovered from wealthy tax cheats and corporations.

Furthermore, Biden has steered unprecedented funding to infrastructure projects and climate change mitigation. And he continues to fight for family values such as the right to make their own health choices, and to be safe from massacres perpetrated with assault weapons. All of this is concrete evidence of how he has improved the lives of the American people.

Nevertheless, Watters is very upset about politicians demonizing their opponents. But his anger seems more appropriately aimed at Donald Trump, who rages daily about the “communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.”

To anyone who has been paying attention, it is Trump, Republicans, and Fox News who have been engaging in vilification and demonization. And they direct their assaults, not just at extremists, but at anyone and everyone who has the temerity to merely disagree with them or Dear Leader Trump. Their allusions to demons is literal, as they regard Trump as having been chosen by god to lead them to glory.

Absent Trump’s leadership, America is, according to Trump himself, “going to HELL!” He even used his Christmas greeting to attack Democrats as “evil and ‘sick’” “THUGS” who “are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL.” And Fox News defended that seasonal grotesquery…

SEE ALSO: Fox News Hack Jonathan Turley Likens Trump’s ‘Rot in Hell’ Christmas Message to – ‘Die Hard’?

Look for more of this malicious hatred to be unleashed by the MAGA crowd as election day draws nearer. It’s really all they have left, since their pitiful attempts to govern have failed so dramatically, and they have abandoned any effort to draft policies that will appeal to the American people. And, true to form, as they flail in desperation they will accuse Democrats of the repulsive behavior that they themselves engage in. It’s what they do.


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Trump’s Pyrrhic Victory in Iowa Forecasts His Next Defeat When He Faces Joe Biden in November

The first contest in the 2024 Republican primary race is is officially in the bag And the results for the Iowa caucuses were a seething cauldron of dullness and predictability. Donald Trump had led in the polls for months, against a slate of weak-kneed challengers who were either too afraid, or too infatuated, to criticize him.

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Donald Trump

So, to no one’s surprise, Trump won the caucus vote in Iowa, a state where the Republican Party is staunchly to the right of Mussolini. This victory came despite the fact that Trump has been criminally indicted on 91 felony charges ranging from financial fraud, to inciting a violent insurrection, to stealing (and perhaps disseminating) classified documents, to undermining democracy. And if that weren’t enough, he has has been found liable for defaming and sexually assaulting writer, E. Jean Carroll.

SEE THIS: WTF? Trump Attorney Says He Should Be Free to Defame, Wrongfully Jail, and Incite Insurrections

The fact that Republicans still support a legally and ethically crippled basket case like Trump reveals the depth of rot in the once “Grand” old party. However, on closer examination of the electoral results, it is clear that there is much less to them than meets the eye.

First of all, Trump won the fiercely conservative Iowa constituency with a bare majority of 51% of the GOP faithful. That means that 49% – nearly half – of the caucus goers voted for somebody other than Dear Leader Trump. For a former president, and the de facto leader of the party, that’s an abysmal showing. It’s so bad that Fox News had to bring in former Trump flunky, Kellyanne Conway, to peddle the absurd spin that “the big loser tonight is – Joe Biden”? Yeah, that’s the ticket.

What’s more, there is a vast pool of Republicans who indicate that they will not vote for Trump if he is the nominee. An NBC poll found that “nearly half of Nikki Haley’s Iowa backers say they’d vote for Biden over Trump.” That could throw Iowa – and similar swing states – into Biden’s column in the general election.

But that’s not all. On Tuesday night after the caucus, Rachel Maddow noted that a poll of Iowa voters found that “a third of them think that if Donald Trump is convicted he is not fit to be president.” Then she added in a sly whisper, “I’m sorry, but he’s going to be convicted.”

Indeed, with 91 counts pending, and abundant evidence supporting his guilt, it would highly unlikely that Trump would be acquitted on all of them. And if a third of his supporters abandon him, it’s difficult to see how he could pull off a victory in November. Especially when the months between now and then will find him in various courtrooms defending himself on all manner of civil and criminal offenses.

For example. on the day after his Iowa victory, he went immediately to Manhattan where he is being tried for the second time on allegations of defamation against Carroll, the woman he raped. And on the same morning of that hearing, Trump was busy posting insults directed at Carroll on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. In about half an hour he posted 30 such insults, most of which were personal in nature and had nothing to do with the case.

Given Trump’s weakness as both a candidate and a human being, his path back to the White House will be strewn with obstacles. He is alienating Republican voters who support his opponents. And with his big mouth and ignorant bluster, he seems to be intent on helping prosecutors to prevail in court. Consequently, he is proving, as he often does, to be his own worst enemy.

That’s something that Biden and the Democrats are prepared to take full advantage of. Biden has already broken records for fundraising. And if the media covers it honestly, the booming economy and popular legislative agenda (that was even recognized briefly on Fox News) will result in improved approval ratings and a second term for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


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GOP LAW? Committee Chair Says If Hunter Biden Doesn’t Testify, He Will ‘Assume’ He’s Guilty

When Republicans in the House of Representatives initiated their smear campaign against Hunter Biden, they knew that it was a political scam intended only to harm President Biden by manufacturing an election year scandal that was utterly devoid of substance. But could they possibly have known what a farce it would turn out to be?

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Republicans burning the Constitution

After a year of posturing and lying, the “investigation” by the GOP has not produced a single shred of evidence of wrongdoing by the President. To the contrary, their own witnesses have testified under oath that Hunter and his father never discussed any business or other activities that could be considered suspicious, much less illegal. The Republican chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Jim Jordan recently told Fox News that his best evidence against Biden was a witness who exonerated him. And even Fox News was already having a difficult time advancing the phony charges.

SEE THIS: WHOA! Peter Doocy of Fox News Reports that the GOP Failed to Find Any Evidence to Impeach Biden

As their campaign of lies and innuendo proceeds, it is getting even more preposterous. So much so that the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, just told CNN’s Manu Raju that he has essentially abandoned all adherence to legal principles, including those enshrined in the Constitution.

Raju sought to get a comment from Comer regarding the stalemate between Comer’s committee and Hunter Biden over a subpoena they issued to demand Hunter’s appearance for a deposition. Hunter had initially agreed to testify before Congress in a public hearing, but then Comer withdrew the offer and insisted that it be done behind closed doors. Presumably so they could lie about it, as they have done after previous private depositions. Here is what Comer told CNN:

Raju: If Hunter doesn’t show up and testify, how much harder will that make your investigation to pin anything on the President?
Comer: Well, I mean, if he doesn’t show up, then I guess we’ll just have to wrap it up without him and assume that these were bribes from foreign countries. Assume that what the bank said was true, he was money laundering, he was involved in the human trafficking ring.

And there you have it. Comer and the GOP are going to declare Hunter Biden guilty without a trial, without evidence, and without any fair deliberation. He is simply going to “convict” Hunter based on his overtly partisan assumptions. Whatever happened to the “presumption of innocence,” and being innocent until proven guilty? Republicans keep demonstrating that they couldn’t care less about the law or the Constitution.

What’s more, Comer is making up allegations, that he’s attributing to a bank, about Hunter Biden being involved with bribes, money laundering, and a human trafficking ring. None of that happened, nor did any bank say it did, and Comer knows it.

In addition to the remarks Comer made in the video clip above, he also gave Raju a few other comments that are purposefully dishonest and intended to tarnish both Hunter and President Biden. As reported by CNN

“I would vote to impeach him, but I’m not going to lose any sleep whether he gets impeached or not because we know the Senate’s not going to convict,” Comer said of the Democratic-controlled Senate. He insisted: “My job was never to impeach.”

Comer is saying both that it wasn’t his job to impeach Biden, but that he would do it anyway, despite having zero evidence. Then he said…

“We are prepared to issue subpoenas compelling Mr. Biden’s appearance at a deposition on a new date in the coming weeks” Comer wrote to Lowell.

Comer appears to be agreeing to Hunter’s request for a new subpoena for the private deposition. That should eliminate his threat to hold Hunter in contempt of Congress for not complying. But with these Republicans, who knows? They sure haven’t cared that fellow Republican members of Congress like Jim Jordan have failed to comply with subpoenas. Then Comer criticized public hearings saying that…

“The hearing for the media would be more entertainment than substantive,” Comer said. “The deposition is substantive.”

So Comer is, in effect, admitting that all of the public hearings he has previously held were merely for “entertainment” purposes. Funny, he didn’t disclose that at the time.

This is all just more proof that Republicans can’t be taken seriously. They are flagrantly dishonest and obsessively pushing falsehoods in order to malign Biden, and to pave the road ahead for their Dear Leader, Donald Trump. This is not just conventional politicking. It is malicious propaganda and anti-American. And that is, sadly, what the Republican Party has become in the Era of Trump.


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The GOP’s Pathetic ‘Research’ Unit Posts Endless, Bogus Clips of Biden Supposedly ‘Confused’

The Republican Party has been working tirelessly on their 2024 campaign for president of the United States. But if you think that means drafting policies or communicating with constituents, or developing strategies, you don’t know today’s Trump-obsessed, MAGA-infected, Republican Party.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Elephant

The modern day GOP is a schizoid disaster area. They have an entirely unique perspective of how to advance their political prospects. The issues that they pretend to care about – from abortion to immigration to foreign conflicts to the economy, etc. – are merely after thoughts that take a back seat to Donald Trump’s agenda of “retribution,” imaginary “witch hunts,” and compulsive blathering about past elections being “rigged and stolen.”

SEE ALSO: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

The official Twitter account for the Republican National Committee’s research unit (RNCResearch) is awash in the obtuse mangling of reality that has become the core of the GOP’s campaign blueprint for 2024. And a quick perusal of the page tells the whole story.

Among their posts just the past couple of days are two dozen that aim to malign President Biden as mentally deficient and confused. However, the problem with their efforts is that the video clips they post to prove their points invariably show Biden as knowledgeable and engaging. And some of the posts are just head-scratchers that show only how desperate the GOP is to bash Biden. For example…

After ludicrous comments like that, Republicans still want to be taken seriously? And that was just for starters. Here a few more “zingers” that the GOP seems to think will destroy any hopes that Biden has for victory in November…

“Biden’s staff isn’t letting him read his typical rambling speech today, so he’s shuffling in and out of a few local businesses instead.”

This was accompanied by a video that shows Biden making a routine stop on the campaign trail.

“A confused Biden caresses the flag before shuffling into the next business — and as hecklers call him a ‘loser.'”

This was accompanied by a video showing Biden walking into a building. He didn’t look the least bit “confused,” and there appeared to by only one heckler in the crowd, which is common for any candidate.

“Biden has one mode: confused.”

This was accompanied by a video showing Biden greeting customers in a cafe and, again, not appearing to be “confused” at all.

“Biden brings out his creepy whisper in Pennsylvania: ‘When you wanna call and check the balance on your account, they charge $30!.”

This was accompanied by a video showing Biden speaking about his progress in eliminating the “junk fees” that companies impose on consumers.

BIDEN: “You’ve got the best economy of any economy in the world right now. And that literally is true, but people turn on the television and what do you hear? Everything’s negative! Even the good stuff ends up negative! And a lot of it is negative!”

It’s hard to determine what the RNC is even upset about with this one. But it was accompanied by a video showing Biden affirming the successes of his administration, while acknowledging that there are still “negatives,” like hurricanes and war in the Middle East. He concluding by expressing his belief in “the heart and the guts of the American people.”

Leaving out the RNC’s biased and awkward captions, these video are more helpful to the Biden campaign than harmful. They show him interacting pleasantly with ordinary Americans and highlighting the work he is doing on their behalf. And by contrast, they reveal how little Republicans are doing and, therefore, have nothing to run on but silly videos like these.

In light of that, the Democratic National Committee might want to consider sending them a “thank you” note. They are already brilliantly trolling Trump on his failing social media scam, Truth Social


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Jim Jordan Tells Fox News that His Best Evidence Against Biden is a Witness Who Exonerated Him

One week into the new year and it is clear that the Republican Party remains hell bent on continuing their desperate and baseless pursuit of pseudo-scandals with which to smear President Biden and his family. They still seem to be mired in the delusion that the American people are hungering for their representatives in Congress to be working on meritless impeachments, rather than legislative initiatives that might actually improve their lives.

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Jim Jordan

To that end, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Perv) visited with Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, for a little chitchat about his efforts as chair of the House Judiciary Committee to impeach Biden. Never mind that he’s been doing this for a year now, but has failed utterly to produce any evidence, or even a coherent argument, that would justify his shamelessly partisan waste of time and taxpayer money. Instead, he and his GOP confederates have set a modern day record for laziness in legislating.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

The segment began with Bartiromo constructing a convoluted question that was rife with preconception and presumptions of guilt. That led to the following exchange…

Bartiromo: Give us your sense of what the most the damning evidence is that you have so far on Joe Biden regarding bribery potential, money laundering. These are the terms that you and your colleagues have been using. Where is the evidence, and do you believe you’re going to find more from these depositions by the end of January?
Jordan: I do, to the last question. I think the most damning evidence thus far is what we got from Devon Archer.

That’s an astonishing admission on Jordan’s part. Because when Devon Archer, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, testified before Congress, he completely contradicted everything that the Republican shills have alleged for years.

Archer testified, under oath, that Biden never discussed any business dealings or interests with Hunter Biden or anyone else. He said that he knew nothing about alleged bribes paid to the Biden family. He refuted charges that Biden sought to oust a Ukrainian prosecutor in order to benefit his son.

In short, the witness that Jordan claims provided his best evidence against Biden, actually exonerates him of every charge that the Republicans have used to slander the President. And when Jordan’s accomplice in this political character assassination, James Comer, chair of the Oversight Committee, was asked on Fox News if would be able to prove his allegations against Biden, he replied “I sure hope so.” Which is a long ways from “Yes.”

SEE ALSO: YES OR NO? GOP Biden Basher Can’t Answer Hannity’s Question About Bogus Bribery Allegations

In addition to the humiliating performance of Jordan above, he also discussed with Bartiromo the matter of Hunter Biden’s alleged failure to comply with a congressional subpoena. The truth is that Hunter did try to comply with the original request to testify in a public hearing. But when Republicans later reneged and insisted that he be deposed in a closed session, Hunter reiterated his agreement to testify publicly.

That dispute led to Republicans declaring their intention to hold Hunter in contempt of Congress. Which is hypocrisy on a grand scale considering that Jordan himself failed to comply with a subpoena from the House January 6th Committee.

Jordan’s blatant act of contempt has now gone on for more than year and a half. Yet Jordan still has the gall to complain about the Hunter subpoena on Fox News, who lies about it. Which just goes to prove that the best words to describe Fox News and the Republican party are “lies,” “hypocrisy” and “contempt.”


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