Trump is Terrified of Being Blamed for Extending the Debt Ceiling – That He is Trying to Extend

Donald Trump is a walking encyclopedia of psychoses. He suffers from a mind-boggling array of mental maladies ranging from malignant narcissism, to paranoid personality disorder, to delusions of grandeur, to sadistic sociopathy, to substance use disorder, to pathological lying, to generalized anxiety, to senile dementia, to the dreaded Cartoon Brain Syndrome.

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Trump Fear

A common characteristic of many of these disorders is a crippling fear of events that trigger exaggerated defensive responses. The result is that the sufferer is in a near constant state of terror that something awful has occurred, or is about to. Consequently, Trump is perpetually on guard against imaginary threats and lashes out with wild preemptive strikes against his perceived foes.

SUCH AS: LOLOL: ‘Feds Hijacked Truth Social’ According to Trump Post. And He Wants it Checked Out, NOW!

Trump supplied a prime example of this behavior in a post to his failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, on Sunday evening. He threw a hissy fit because Congress had passed a bipartisan Continuing Resolution to keep the government from shutting down that included an extension of the debt ceiling until the beginning of next year. He raged in part that…

“The extension of the Debt Ceiling by a previous Speaker of the House…will go down as one of the dumbest political decisions made in years. There was no reason to do it – NOTHING WAS GAINED, and we got nothing for it. […] The Democrats must be forced to take a vote on this treacherous issue NOW, during the Biden Administration, and not in June. They should be blamed for this potential disaster, not the Republicans!”

Trump’s rant began with a swipe at former GOP speaker Kevin McCarthy for agreeing to a compromise bill that relied on Democratic support to pass. Without the Democrats there would have been no bill and the the government would have had to shutdown, causing millions of people – especially seniors and soldiers – significant hardship. The avoidance of that hardship is what Trump calls “one of the dumbest decisions made in years.” Trump went on to complain that “we got nothing for it,” because everything in Trump’s mind is transactional. To heck with the American people. If he isn’t paid some sort of tribute, it wasn’t worth doing.

In closing, Trump demanded that a new vote be held immediately to extend the debt ceiling so that the bill and the blame would be recorded during President Biden’s term. Notice that Trump’s argument has nothing to do with what is in the best interests of the nation or the people. The only thing he cares about is the appearances and who he thinks will get the blame. And he is mortified that he will be blamed for the debt ceiling extension.

Let that sink in. Trump is afraid that he will be blamed for extending the debt ceiling that he himself is insisting be extended as soon as possible. Which must make perfect sense if you have the ghastly psychological profile described above.

To make matters worse, the criticism that Trump is casting is actually falling on his fellow Republicans who are in the majority in the House of representatives. And his attack on former Speaker McCarthy is comically hypocritical. Because in another insanely long, rambling, and grossly dishonest Sunday evening post, Trump shows that he is a profoundly deranged sore winner.

In that post, and nearly two months after his narrow victory, Trump is still whining about the election. He’s also lying, saying that he won by a landslide when, in fact, it was one of the closest races in modern history. And he alleges that there was “large scale voter fraud” without a shred of evidence. Then he closes with his trademark “Complete & Total Endorsement” of Speaker Mike Johnson, whose prospects of being reelected to the post are hanging by a thread.

Never mind that Johnson also pushed through a Continuing Resolution, with the help of Democrats, that was similar to the one McCarthy negotiated. But in Trump’s mind, McCarthy’s bill was “one of the dumbest” in years, while Johnson’s earned him a hearty endorsement. You figure it out.

Clearly Trump is frightened that he will be saddled with responsibility for the debt ceiling increase that he himself is actually demanding. And he’s clinging to Johnson as Speaker because he’s afraid of igniting another Speaker battle that goes on for three weeks into his next term. And if this is how his next term is starting, it’s going to be a long four years.


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UH-OH: Even Fox News Calls Out the Unelected Billionaire ‘Calling the Shots’ in Place of Trump

After weeks of tense negotiations, Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives agreed on a bipartisan bill to fund the government and avoid a devastating shutdown that would cause severe harm to millions of Americans. So naturally, that effort was sabotaged by the two most divisive and destructive dimwits in American politics, Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

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Fox News Sad

The torpedoing of the Continuing Resolution was aided and abetted by the spine-deprived GOP Speaker of the House, MAGA Mike Johnson, who obediently nixed his own bill at the behest of his puppet masters. As a result, he will maintain his record of having presided over the most unproductive Congress in modern times.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Least Productive Ever

The spectacle of a couple of billionaires bullying Congress into abandoning its obligation to the Constitution and the people is a nauseating devolution of the great expectations for American democracy. It most resembles the melodramatic inanities of reality TV wherein pathetic contestants vie for supremacy by playing idiotic games. And in this season it appears that the Celebrity Apprentice will be Trump, who is now noticeably subservient to his financial benefactor, Musk.

This swapping of roles is not something that has been observed only by Democrats and other Trump critics. On Thursday morning Stuart Varney of Fox News delivered a commentary that could have been composed by Bernie Sanders. He said in part…

“Think about this: Nobody voted for Elon Musk. But with the support of Donald Trump he called the shots on shutting down the government, and he’s calling the shots on trimming the fat in government. In fact, he has influence on just about every aspect of policy, including who should take which job in the Cabinet.

“We have never seen anything like this before. No previous administration has allowed an unelected outsider this degree of power. Of course it’s all a function of Musk’s relationship with the president-elect. They’ve been inseparable for months. He practically lives at Mar-a-Lago. And they seem to be in agreement on everything. It doesn’t hurt that he’s the richest man in the world, and threw over $200 million into Trump’s campaign.”

What Varney is describing is the undermining of democracy by an unelected, foreign-born, oligarch with the resources to buy a weak narcissist who is desperately trying to stay out of prison and retain some measure of perceived power. Musk is not constitutionally able to be president, so he’s settling for the next best thing: controlling the president. That relationship, however, could make things complicated for Trump’s former significant other. And that isn’t Melania…

What was once the Republican Party is now fully indoctrinated into the Musk/Trump Cult. Some GOP members of Congress are even suggesting that Musk be elected Speaker of the House. So if the GOP is not satisfied with the level of idiocy that is presently in place, they have options. A competent Speaker must be someone with extensive knowledge of how the House operates. Musk doesn’t have a clue. So while Johnson has proven to be a disaster, Musk would be even worse.

While the rules of the House do not require the Speaker to be an elected member, there are other concerns that are being neglected. For instance, the Speaker is second in the presidential line of succession, after the vice-president. But the Constitution would not permit Musk to be promoted to the presidency. So the job would fall to the president pro tempore of the Senate. And if Democrats were to regain the majority in 2026, that would be Democratic Sen. Patty Murray. If not, it would be 91 year old Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley.

In the meantime, the nation is being run by billionaires who couldn’t care less about the government shutting down because it won’t affect them in the slightest. And what they do care about – getting richer, lowering their own taxes, and eliminating pesky regulations that protect the environment, workers, and America’s middle and lower income families – would be theirs for the taking. Congratulations MAGA. This is what you voted for. I hope you like being subservient to the oligarchs.


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So-Called ‘Christian’ Mike Johnson Does the ‘Weave’ When Asked if Morality Matters to the GOP

As Donald Trump unveils the principle personnel of his upcoming administration, it is becoming clearer every day just how bereft of principles, knowledge, and experience will be available in some of the most critical positions in the United States government.

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Donald Trump, Congress, Mike Johnson

Unfortunately, it isn’t just a problem of ignorance and incompetence, but one of downright malice by nominees who have expressed ideas and intentions that are contrary to American policies and values.

Among those nominees are an accused sex trafficker (Matt Gaetz) for Attorney General, a health conspiracy crackpot (Robert Kennedy Jr) for Secretary of Health and Human Services, a TV host who has defended war criminals (Pete Hegseth) for Secretary of Defense, and a suspected Kremlin sympathizer (Tulsi Gabbard) for Director of National Intelligence. What they all share is an unwavering devotion to Trump, whose own values are wanting and/or warped.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Refusal to Sign the Required Ethics Agreement is His Virtual Promise to Violate It

America’s founders designed a system of government that anticipated some of the potential pitfalls that we face now. However, that system of checks and balances doesn’t work if the equal branches of government are run by lily-livered supplicants to an aspiring totalitarian. Which is precisely the situation we find ourselves in today as revealed in an interview of Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson by Jake Tapper of CNN…

Tapper: You’re a man of faith. You’re a man of God. You’re a man of family. With some of these nominees, Gaetz, Hegseth, RFK Jr., I wonder does it matter anymore for Republicans to think of leaders as people who are moral in their personal lives? Is that still important to the Republican Party?
Johnson: Sure. It’s an important issue for anyone in leadership. This is what I’ll say about the nominees that the president has put forward, is that they are persons who will shake up the status quo. And I think what the American people have believed, and what they’ve delivered with the mandate in this election, is a demand that we shake up the status quo. […] Any president has the right to name their own cabinet to nominate persons that they think the people that will fulfill their agenda. And the people that are on this list will do that.

First of all, Tapper was exceedingly generous in his description of Johnson’s alleged piety. There has been little of that demonstrated in his public life, outside of vacant rhetoric.

More to the point, Johnson conspicuously avoided any coherent response to Tapper’s question. After a perfunctory concession that morality matters, he “weaved” (as Trump might describe it) into a lengthy, but unrelated, discourse on “shak[ing] up the status quo.” He further claimed that Trump had an electoral mandate that is a figment of his – and Trump’s – imagination. He won by one of the smallest margins in history, and failed to get a majority of votes.

Johnson’s justification for supporting the morality deprived candidates nominated by Trump is that “Any president has the right to name their own cabinet.” That’s true. But it is the Senate’s right to confirm those that the president names, or to decline to do so. And there has never been better justification to refuse confirmation than with the cretins Trump has named.

Will Johnson take a principled stand on these nominees? Don’t hold your breath. To the contrary, he has already stated his intention to object to the release of a report by the House Ethics Committee detailing their investigation of Gaetz for sexual misconduct and illicit drug use. And he made his announcement of that objection after visiting with Trump at Mar-a-Lago where he likely got his marching orders from Dear Leader.

That’s about all that can be expected by Johnson as Speaker of the House, as well as by Sen. John Thune as GOP leader of the Senate. Hopefully there will be a few Republicans with the minimum measure of morality to join with Democrats and block Trump’s worst nominees. But that may be a thin lifeline to cling to. Time will tell.


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GOP Leaders in Congress are OUTRAGED at Kamala Harris (But Not Trump) for Talking About Fascism

The unprecedented cowardice of Republicans in Congress has been among the most disappointing developments of the Era of Donald Trump. Despite the fact that many of them righteously condemned Trump during and immediately after the January 6th insurrection that he incited, most have relapsed into the catatonic state of worship that is mandated by cult leaders.

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Kamala Harris, Donald Trump baby

The blindly obsequious members of America’s Legislative branch of government include its GOP leaders Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, and Mitch McConnel, Republican minority leader in the Senate. They are the standard bearers of the Republican Party’s far-right MAGA wing who have managed to achieve new records of incompetence at their respective jobs.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Least Productive Ever

Now these extraordinarily inept so-called “leaders” have sent out a furious press release expressing their seething displeasure at recent remarks by Vice-President Kamala Harris. She was asked by a reporter whether she agreed with some of Trump’s former White House staffers that he is a fascist, and she replied in the affirmative. That triggered the missive by Johnson and McConnell (whom we shall henceforth refer to collectively as “JoMac”) calling on Harris to “End The Dangerous Rhetoric.” It said in part that…

“[Harris] has only fanned the flames beneath a boiling cauldron of political animus. Her most recent and most reckless invocations of the darkest evil of the 20th century seem to dare it to boil over. […]

“Vice President Harris may want the American people to entrust her with the sacred duty of executive authority. But first, she must abandon the base and irresponsible rhetoric that endangers both American lives and institutions. […]

“And we call on the Vice President to take these threats seriously, stop escalating the threat environment.”

So JoMac are accusing Harris, in flamboyantly colorful terms, of having “fanned the flames beneath a boiling cauldron of political animus.” Never mind that it was actually a group of close Trump associates who were minding the political crock pot. They include Trump’s White House Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly, his Defense Secretary, Gen. James Mattis, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley. All of these respected military officers who were appointed by Trump now agree that he is a fascist. And they oughta know.

What’s more, the position that Trump is a dangerous, aspiring dictator is shared by Trump’s former National Security Advisor, John Bolton, another one of his Defense Secretaries, Mark Esper, and more than 700 national security officials who have endorsed Kamala Harris for president.

JoMac went on to demand that Harris, who was merely agreeing with Trump’s people, “abandon the base and irresponsible rhetoric” and “stop escalating the threat environment.” However, JoMac never bothers to make the same request of their Dear Leader Trump. They must not have heard him say that “Joe Biden and the fascists that control him are a threat to democracy.” Or that “Every time the Radical Left Democrats, Marxists, Communists, and Fascists indict me, I consider it a GREAT BADGE OF HONOR.” Or that “We are going to WIN BIG and take our Country back from the Radical Left Losers, Fascists, and Communists.”

JoMac neglected to mention the countless times Trump has referred to Harris as a “communist, Marxist, fascist.” CNN documented a few of those attacks that took place recently. Such as Trump saying that “She’s a Marxist, communist, fascist, socialist” at an Arizona rally. Or that “This is a radical-left, Marxist, communist, fascist,” which Trump said at a news conference. Or that “We have a fascist person running who’s incompetent,” which Trump told his glassy-eyed rally-goers at a Virginia campaign stop.

JoMac also must have missed it when Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, said that Trump might be “America’s Hitler.” Which is a sentiment that millions of Americans share. According to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll, “Nearly half of Americans say they view former President Trump as a fascist.” That includes “46 percent of independents and 12 percent of Republicans.”

All in all, there is an astonishingly strong consensus, across a broad range of Americans, that Trump is a threat to democracy, with authoritarian aspirations, who must never be permitted to hold any office of power again. But JoMac are incapable of seeing this reality. They are as indoctrinated into the Trump cult as the rubes who attend his rallies wearing desecrated flag fashions.


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Speaker Johnson Glorifies Dear Leader Trump’s Glorious Health, Rejects Calls for Medical Records

Any rational person who has been paying attention to the MAGA movement led by Donald Trump cannot help but recognize its similarities with cults from the past. He tolerates no dissension from his missionaries in politics and the press. His flock are glassy-eyed disciples who can see no wrong. And he employs the first rule of cults: Only Dear Leader will tell you the Truth. Everyone else is lying.

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Trump in Bed, Eating, Sad

The obvious parallels between cults and MAGA should strike fear into the hearts of Americans who value the democratic principles that have formed the foundation of this constitutional republic for 250 years. Trump’s emergence as a demagogic figure threatens to put an end to the freedoms that the American people have enjoyed, and replace them with servitude to the wannabe messiah.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

On Sunday morning, one of Trump’s most loyal ministers, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, was interviewed on NBC’s Meet the Press. And the sermon he delivered there was extraordinarily reverential and bursting with blind devotion. It was a display of unfettered fealty to his salmonesque savior. The exchange began with host Kristen Welker asking Johnson whether Trump should release his medical records – which Johnson said were “irrelevant” – but descended into flagrant lies and worshipful exaltation almost immediately.

Welker: Should Donald Trump release all of his medical records, Mr. Speaker?
Johnson: He has. He issued – he issued the records of his physicians. Kamala Harris issued her medical records as diversion because she’s desperate, because she’s sinking in the polls. Donald Trump’s health is on display. Everyone in America can see it. The man works nonstop. He never quits. He probably sleeps four hours a night. He doesn’t require as much sleep as the average person. He’s an unusual figure. And this is the strength that we need in a time like this. We’re in the most dangerous moment since World War II. You have to have strength. You have to have a steady hand. You have to have a commander-in-chief that our allies respect and our enemies fear. They do not fear Kamala Harris. They do fear Donald Trump. That’s what people are going to vote on.
Welker: Mr. Speaker, just be very clear, he hasn’t released all of his medical records. He released two letters. Should he release the results of the cognitive tests?
Johnson: It’s unnecessary. He’s on display every minute.

There’s a lot of blatant BS to unpack here. Let’s start with Johnson’s barefaced lie that Trump has released his medical records. He has not. Johnson was, however, correct that Kamala Harris did release hers. And not as a diversion (she is currently leading in most polls), but because every presidential candidate for decades – except for Trump – has done so.

The only thing Trump released was an outdated and letter with no details from last year describing a partial physical that did not include cognitive testing, and two letters from disgraced former doctor, Ronny Jackson, who claims that he treated Trump after his “ear death” experience in Pennsylvania. He did not perform a complete physical on Trump at that time. Jackson is currently unlicensed, and was demoted in retirement from the Navy due to misconduct involving drugs and alcohol.

Johnson went on to assert that Trump’s medical records weren’t needed because his perfect health was evident and that “Everyone in America can see it.” That is hardly an alternative to a physical exam by a qualified professional. Trump could have numerous problems that are not visible to laymen watching him on TV, or measurable without laboratory tests. They could include any number of bio-deficiencies or abnormal growths. And certainly any mental defect would require closer scrutiny. Although there has been a great deal of that evident in Trump’s bizarre and incoherent ravings at his rallies and in recent interviews.

Johnson also lauded Trump’s alleged stamina. But boasting that he doesn’t sleep much is more a sign of depravation than fitness. Likewise, claims that America’s enemies “fear Donald Trump” are preposterous. Mostly they laugh at him. If there is any hint of fear it’s due to his mental instability, not his strength or intellect, both of which he is lacking. Which our enemies know and are adept at manipulating him.

Trump’s failure to release his medical records is certainly due to their having bad news in them. If they were positive he would have released them on live TV weeks ago. It’s the same reason he has refused to release his financial and tax records. He is afraid to let the American people see the truth.

Johnson knows all of this, but he is to deeply indoctrinated into the Trump cult to be honest about it. In the meantime, Democrats and other sane Americans need to stay focused on winning in November. It is more imperative now than ever.


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Fox News Admits that the GOP is Demanding Tapes of Biden So They Can Mock Him for Stuttering

Among the tediously repeated lines that Trump delivers in his traveling cult rallies is a new one wherein he declares that the 2024 presidential election is “the most important election in the history of the United States.” And for once, he isn’t wrong. But he also isn’t right for the reasons that he thinks.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

On November 5, 2024, the American people will choose between President Joe Biden, a dedicated, patriotic, statesman, and family man, or Donald Trump, a twice impeached, serial adulterer, who has been adjudicated as a rapist and fraudster, and been convicted of 34 felonies. Inexplicably, there is still a small but noisy contingent of Trump cultists who remain irredeemably devoted to their Dear Leader despite all the evidence of his moral decrepitude. The good news is that most voters won’t have a particularly difficult time making their decision.

SEE THIS: LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison

In the meantime, the Trump-fluffers at Fox News are hard at work spreading lies, right-wing propaganda, and malicious insults that would embarrass an eight year old. Which is what they’ve always done, so that isn’t exactly news. A recent example of this comes from Kayleigh McEnany, a former Trump press secretary who is now doing essentially the same job, but with a bigger paycheck from Fox.

In a segment of Fox’s Sean Hannity show, McEnany addressed a wholly contrived controversy over Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has declined to turn over some audio tapes of Biden to the rabidly biased Republicans in the House of Representatives. Garland advised the GOP that such requests violate precedent when there is an objection on the basis of executive privilege. But in a fit of petulant rage, the GOP voted to hold Garland in contempt of Congress anyway.

To the surprise no one with a functioning cerebellum, Garland decided not to prosecute himself. Not out of personal interest, but because there is no crime to prosecute. This exacerbated the already unhinged anger of the GOP and Fox News. McEnany lashed out saying that…

“This is of great public interest. As congressmen have pointed out, the transcripts were edited to keep out the ‘ums,’ the ‘ahs,’ ‘the stutters. The American people deserve to hear this President in long form.”

So McEnany is admitting that the only purpose of releasing the audio tapes would be to embarrass the President who has had a lifelong problem with stuttering. It’s a sickening request that seeks only to mock an otherwise irrelevant speech impediment. What she is asking is akin to demanding the videotapes of the President’s colonoscopy because the American people “deserve” to see the President’s long intestine.

The tapes do not provide any substantive information that would be useful for any legislative purpose. Congress has the full transcripts of the tapes, and such transcripts always remove extraneous pauses and fillers. But McEnany and her confederates at Fox News don’t have any coherent criticisms to make of Biden, so they are desperate for petty things like this that they can exploit to attack him.

McEnany is not alone on this. The Republican Speaker of the House, MAGA Mike Johnson, is also weighing in on the matter. He has announced that Congress is going to sue the Justice Department in an attempt to get the tapes. Johnson is, once again, proving that he believes the role of Congress is to serve as Trump’s private law firm. Rather than pass any bills that actually benefit the nation or its citizens, Johnson focuses entirely on partisan political attacks on behalf of Trump. That’s why this session of Congress has been the least productive in decades.

SEE ALSO: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

What’s more, the goal of disparaging Biden’s mental acuity by Fox News and the MAGA GOP, is one that fails miserably in contrast to Trump’s own cognitive problems. Trump provides frequent evidence of his Acute Psychobabble Disorder (APB). It ranges from rants about succumbing to electrocution or sharks, to ridiculously inflating the size of the crowds at his cult rallies, to claiming to have the solution to every world problem that he can only reveal if he’s elected.

However, the pièce de résistance is Trump’s alleged proof that he is mentally superior to most mortals because he supposedly “aced” a cognitive test given to him by a disgraced former doctor, now Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson, wherein he was asked to identify an elephant and count backwards. However, in Trump’s latest attempt to brag about this “accomplishment,” the “stable genius” couldn’t even remember the doctor’s name…

So it is with the backdrop of Trump’s inability to retain information that he refers to frequently, along with his Bizarro World yammering that no one can decipher, that Fox News and the GOP want to get their hands on some tapes of Biden stammering during a five hour long interview, in order to prove that he’s unfit for office. That is how pitifully desperate they are to find anything to dirty up Biden with.

While this might work on the already indoctrinated Trump disciples, it is going to fall flat for everyone else. And the best forum within which to prove that is the upcoming Biden/Trump debate. That is, if Trump doesn’t chicken out.


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Trump Horribly Bungles His ‘Horrible City’ Swipe at Milwaukee with Help from a Fox News Flunky

It is universally agreed that Donald Trump has always run an unconventional campaign for the White House. He never engages in any of the customary meet and greets with prospective voters, or base building efforts to attract new supporters.

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Donald Trump, Fox News

Trump prefers instead to hold cult rallies where he keeps his distance from the unclean masses that worship their Dear Leader, or consorts with the upper-crusters from whom he wrangles millions of dollars in bribes…er…donations that are spent mostly on his legal fees and billion dollar judgments. And heaven forbid he ever pass any of those funds on to his GOP confederates, from whom he demands unflinching loyalty that is never reciprocated.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Lara Trump Tells ‘Anyone Who is Not On Board with Donald Trump’ to Leave the GOP

Consistent with his unconventional style, Trump has added a new tool to his campaign bag of tricks. In a private meeting with congressional Republicans, Trump expressed his visceral distaste for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the city that will be hosting the Republican National Convention where next month, barring any unforeseen liberation from the grip of Felonious Punk, he will officially be nominated as the GOP’s candidate for president. Trump didn’t mince words, calling Milwaukee a horrible city.”

This shouldn’t surprise anyone who has observed Trump over the past few years. He frequently maligns America as a “failed nation” that is overrun by communists, criminals, and “corrupt radicals and thugs” who are determined to destroy the country and, more importantly from his perverse perspective, him. So why should Milwaukee get a reprieve?

As usual, Trump’s true feelings were recognized as repulsive and damaging by his pals in the press and political realm. They immediately set about to deny that any such insult was uttered. But true to form, Trump was too dense to realize himself that he might have been capable of making a mistake. So when Aishah Hasnie, a Fox News “reporter,” attempted to provide him an escape path, Trump flubbed it and ended up admitting that he made the grotesque comments.

Hasnie: Democrats are also hitting you on this comment that you made about Milwaukee, the host city for the RNC. And they seem to believe that you said that it was a horrible city. Can you just nip this in the bud and clarify what you meant?
Trump: It was very clear what I meant. I said, we’re very concerned with crime.

Note the Fox News Trump-fluffer’s characterization of the problem. She portrayed it as merely something that Democrats “believe that [Trump] said.” Never mind that it was exclusively Republicans who attended the meeting where Trump made the remarks. So it had to have been a Republican who leaked it to the press. Note also that the Foxie did not simply seek a comment from Trump, but she framed it as an opportunity for him to “nip this in the bud.” The Fox shill was virtually holding Trump’s hand to lead him to absolution. But Trump shook it loose and gave his own answer that served as a confession.

“I love Milwaukee, I have great friends in Milwaukee, but it’s as you know, the crime numbers are terrible. We have to be very careful. But I was referring to also the election, the ballots, the way it went down, it was very bad in Milwaukee. Very, very bad. And the people understand that and they agree with me. Everybody agrees. No, that was a fake story that came out.”

Did you catch the rosy chyron in that video clip editorializing that “TRUMP LOVES MILWAUKEE.” Yeah, right! More to the point, Trump does not deny that he made the disparaging remarks about Milwaukee. He just tries to pretend that he was talking about something else. But even in that attempt, he struggles with his own feeble excuse. He rambles first about the comment having something to do with crime. But then he quickly swerves to claim instead that it was related to imaginary allegations of election fraud. And as always, in Trump’s decaying cranium, “everybody agrees” with him about everything all the time.

For the record, crime in Milwaukee has been on a steep decline during President Biden’s term in office, and while both the city and the state are run by Democrats. And those facts were actually reported by the Fox News affiliate in Milwaukee.

“With the first quarter review, Milwaukee police say homicides have decreased 39% – down to 23 from 38 this time in 2023. Property crime is down 11%. Auto thefts are down 10% – down to 1,295 from 1,431 this time in 2023.”

Undeterred by reality, Fox News continues to gaslight their glassy-eyed audience. For instance, Sean Hannity asked GOP House Speaker, MAGA Mike Johnson, (a completely impartial source) about the Milwaukee maligning…

Hannity: Can we just settle one thing once and for all here? President Trump, it’s been attributed to him that he took a shot at Milwaukee. did he do that?
Johnson: No. I didn’t hear it and I was sitting right next to him.

Well then. That settles it. Johnson is either acutely hard of hearing, or is outright lying. Because he is disagreeing with Trump as to whether or not he said it. Perhaps Johnson is accusing Trump of lying. Hannity never bothered to mention what Trump said to his Fox News colleague above. Considering how long Fox News has been in the deception business, it’s astonishing how bad they are it.

UPDATE: Trump is now lying (again) that he never said Milwaukee is a “horrible city,” even though he previously admitted that he said it. Now he’s saying that “They lie and they make up a story that I said something bad about Milwaukee. […] I just ask you this, who would do that? Who would say something bad about a place that you want to win?” Trump, of course, frequently says terrible things about many cities, and repeatedly disparages the whole country as a “failing” “banana republic.”


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MAGA Mike Johnson Announces His Intention to Interfere with the Criminal Investigation of Trump

For most of the last month, Donald Trump has been a seen as a pathetic and lonely (and sleepy) crybaby as he attended his criminal trail in New York. During the hearings he sits with his lawyers scowling as the evidence of his crimes is revealed by one witness after another. Then he unleashes his wrath at the press in the court’s hallway with his tediously repetitious complaints of victimhood and the torture of a “freezing” courtroom.

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Donald Trump, Congress, Mike Johnson

That changed this week, however, with the sudden appearance of some of Trump’s congressional bootlickers. They have apparently decided that the duties they have been neglecting in Washington because they have no interest in the people’s business, must now be neglected in order to prop up their Dear Leader being tried on 34 felony charges.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

Among the attendees is GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson, who showed up with a coterie of congressional Trump-fluffers, and wannabe VP candidates. Trump praised them as his “surrogates” who were there speaking “beautifully” on his behalf. Although he still hasn’t managed to convince his wife Melania to stand by his side. The only thing the presence of these MAGA reps accomplishes is to affirm that Trump is using the trial as a political stunt. He has done almost no other campaigning since the trial began, despite having all his weekends and evenings free.

For his part, Johnson regurgitated the rote Trump complaints that the trial is persecution, election interference, and tainted by alleged biases of the judge and prosecutors. At one point he effectively conceded that Trump is guilty…

In addition to his toadyism for Trump, Johnson also took the opportunity to announce that he intends to exploit his position in Congress to obstruct justice on Trump’s behalf. He told the gathered media that…

“I’m working with chairman [Jim] Jordan of the House Judiciary Committee, and chairman [James] Comer of the Oversight Committee, on measures to rein in the abuses of special counsel Jack Smith.”

Johnson never bothered to reveal what those alleged abuses might be. And he surely doesn’t care that the cases Smith is prosecuting are indictments that were handed down by citizens serving on grand juries. But his intention to assign these tasks to representatives Jordan and Comer couldn’t be a better scenario – for Democrats. The two of them have been uniquely incompetent in their pursuit of President Biden for imaginary crimes and baseless impeachment probes. Their own witnesses often exonerated Biden, or wound up being arrested themselves for lying to legal authorities.

More to the point, Johnson doesn’t seem to realize that he has no jurisdiction whatsoever over an independent counsel appointed by the Attorney General. The most he could do is try to pass legislation to defund the entire Justice Department, which would cripple law enforcement on other matters such as drug trafficking, civil rights, and terrorism. What’s more, his efforts to defund the police would never get through the Senate.

The only purpose that Johnson has here is to prove to Trump that he is willing to help him to avoid accountability for the crimes he has committed. If he really thought that Trump was innocent, he would let the jury determine that and acquit him. But Johnson – like Trump – knows that he’s guilty and his only hope is some sort of get-out-of-jail-free card, or the phony and unconstitutional “presidential immunity” that Trump is trying to get from the Supreme Court.

SEE ALSO: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

What’s abundantly clear is that Johnson, and the MAGA GOP that he leads, have abandoned entirely any pretense of working on behalf of the American people. They have only one constituent now. And that’s Donald Trump. Unfortunately for them, their one constituent may soon be a felon who is prohibited by law from voting. And a fair portion of Republican voters are likely to resent being neglected and choose not to vote themselves. And if that comes to pass, the majority of the American people would ironically owe Trump and Johnson and the Republican Congress a debt of gratitude. Strange times indeed.


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Has Fox News Finally Figured it Out? ‘This is Why Conservatives Call the GOP the Stupid Party’

If it seems to you like every day Republicans in Congress do something new to humiliate themselves, while advancing their ultra-rightist smear campaigns against President Biden and other Democrats, and sucking up to their Dear Leader Donald Trump, then it’s clear that you are paying attention.

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It’s almost as if the GOP is purposefully planning these embarrassing political pratfalls as their strategy for winning back the White House. What else could explain stunts like the one that Marjorie Taylor Greene just pulled by filing a motion to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson after only five months as Speaker? And recall that he got that post because Republicans ousted the previous Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, after only nine months.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

The reaction to Green’s motion has been swift and hilarious. Most of her GOP colleagues have condemned her for reinforcing the accurate impression that the Republican Party is populated by idiots and is awash in chaos. But those condemning her are doing their own part in reinforcing that impression. They surely are not exhibiting the unity that Trump recently bragged about…

SEE ALSO: REALLY? Dementia Addled Trump Babbles that ‘I Have Never Seen the Republican Party So Unified’

And if that weren’t bad enough, Fox News isn’t taking any of this very well. It is presenting them with more obstacles to their propaganda mission of propping up Republicans and Trump-fluffing. That was glaringly evident in the monologue of Fox’s Laura Ingraham who whined that…

“I have been in Washington for 30 years. I have never witnessed what I’m witnessing now. A party with a narrow majority in the House of Representatives – everything on the line in the country – but committing a slow suicide. This is why conservatives call the GOP the stupid party.”

First of all, it isn’t conservatives calling the GOP “The Stupid Party” (which would make a great new name for them). It is mainstream Republicans and most Americans. If anything, it’s the conservatives like Greene and the GOP’s Freedom Caucus who are attacking Johnson, advocating extremist policies (i.e. banning abortion, cutting Social Security, etc.), and generally spreading around the stupid.

What’s more, Ingraham is complaining about the GOP being incapable of governing with their “narrow” and shrinking majority. But she is steadfastly against working with Democrats on compromise legislation such as funding the government, securing the border, or providing aid to Ukraine. She and her right-wing confederates have no positive solutions to the nation’s problems. Instead, they are laser focused on impeaching President Biden and maligning his family and Cabinet. It is that agenda that is causing their “slow suicide.”

However, Ingraham is not alone. Her Fox News comrade, and former Trump press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, joined the pile-on following Green’s Johnson-busting business. On Friday’s episode of Fox’s “Outnumbered” McEnany offered a uniquely perverse point of view…

“So, Marjorie Taylor Greene said ‘I have not talked to president Trump about this.’ Largely president Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson have had a great relationship. Speaker Mike Johnson just put out a piece congratulating him on securing the nomination. I think it’s a pretty big voice you would want to get input from since he’s the titular head of the party at the moment.”

What McEnany is proposing is that Trump be given the right of approval as to who Republicans in the House choose to lead their party. Never mind that the Constitution explicitly divides the government into three independent branches. McEnany would do away with the principle of “separation of powers” so that Trump could reign as a monarch, imposing his will on the legislative and judicial branches, in addition to the executive. Which, by the way, he does not currently occupy.

This is just further evidence that the Stupid Party is more of a cult than a political enterprise. And it’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is fully on board with elevating Dear Leader Trump to messiah status as they pray for him to be their savior. But if the abject foolishness of Republicans is regarded as the party having committed suicide, it is one that will benefit the nation and its citizens, So perhaps a more fitting description for the demise of the GOP is that it’s a mercy killing.


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DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Least Productive Ever

As 2023 draws to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on the progress – or lack thereof – made by America’s political class in Washington. This year began with the Republican Party assuming a narrow majority in the House of Representatives. They promised that they would use that status to advance an agenda that would benefit the nation and its citizens.

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Donald Trump, Congress, Mike Johnson

That promise was never fulfilled. To the contrary, Republicans managed to snag a record for passing fewer bills (20) than any Congress in modern times. But what makes that “achievement” all the more humiliating is that they seem to be proud of their ineffectualness. It’s hard to argue that they weren’t purposefully determined to be political slackers. Particularly if you listen to what they have said about themselves…

SEE THIS: GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

Considering what Republicans proposed to do in the year leading up to their congressional majority, the country might want to count their blessings that the GOP are so inept. After assuming power, they immediately set aside the issues that they ran on, such as banning abortion, racist immigration policies, tax relief for corporations and the wealthy, befouling the planet, guns for everyone, everywhere, and manufactured outrages against buzzwords like CRT, DEI, and “wokism.”

Instead, the GOP set their sights on personal political vendettas, fighting among themselves, and running defense for Dear Leader Donald Trump. As result, they managed to pass only twenty bills, most of which were trivialities such as naming buildings. The exceptions, such as raising the debt ceiling and reducing inflation, only passed with majority Democratic support.

The year end analysis of the GOP’s pitiful performance was even recognized by Fox News, who ran a segment on what they called the “Do-Nothing Congress,” with a chyron that read “Congress Has Historically Unproductive 2023.”

However, perhaps they are being unduly harsh. The 118th Congress wasn’t entirely unproductive. In fact, they scored some notable records for a majority party in the legislature. And it’s high time we give credit where credit is due. For instance…

  • The GOP held more votes (15) to elect a Speaker (Kevin McCarthy) than ever before.
  • They nominated more Speaker candidates (Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan, Tom Emmer, Mike Johnson), after ousting their first Speaker nine months later, than any prior Congress.
  • They spent more time (three weeks) to run through those Speaker candidates before succeeding in electing an unknown backbencher (Mike Johnson) with dubious credentials.
  • They introduced more articles of impeachment (for President Biden, DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Chris Wray, U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves, and Attorney General Merrick Garland) than ever.
  • And they entered more dick pix (1) into the congressional record during televised hearings than any of their predecessors.

With that record of achievement, how can anyone disparage the work ethic of the Republicans currently in charge of the House? They are clearly an energetic bunch of eager beavers intent on wasting taxpayer money and smearing their political opponents with pointless probes and knee-jerk obstructionism.

Without a doubt, they have been more prolific in those endeavors than anyone who has come before them. And no one should deprive them of that “honor.” They have even made time to help Democrats produce campaign ads that illustrate just how productive they were when they held the majority…

SEE THIS: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes


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