Trump Whines that ‘We Don’t Have Free Speech’ as He Literally Calls for Banning Speech

Saturday night in Des Moines, Iowa, there was yet another coronavirus super-spreader cult rally featuring the twice impeached, former reality TV game show host, and America’s Biggest Loser, Donald Trump. The event lived down to its hype as a couple of ear-bleeding hours of a malignant narcissist complaining that the election he fairly and decisively lost was “stolen” from him.

Donald Trump, Constitution

Among the innumerable absurd laments that excreted from the oral orifice of the blockhead who brags that he is the most fabulous whiner, were some commentaries on the sanctity of the First Amendment. Trump’s yammering (video below) addressed, in particular, free speech, which he claimed there isn’t any more of:

“There is no free speech, we don’t have free speech anymore. You know, it used to be automatic, free speech. We don’t have free speech. We have the opposite of free speech. And this is the beginning of communism when you hear that. This is the beginning of communism.”

In that brief rant Trump uttered the phrase “free speech” five times. Psychiatric professionals say that in some cases “this is because of problems with short-term memory caused by dementia.” Whatever the cause in Trump’s case, it is also a significant departure from reality. First of all, he is asserting that there is no free speech while he is freely speaking to an audience of his cult followers at the Iowa State Fairgrounds.

Trump has never been an especially ardent defender of First Amendment rights. He has relentlessly lambasted the free press as “the enemy of the people.” He has expressed regrets that he didn’t ban Facebook and Twitter when he had the chance. He has threatened that “Something has to be done” about CNN.

However, what makes this latest assault on free speech so preposterous is what he said immediately afterward. In another repetitive rant, Trump vilified critical race theory, a field of study that he has displayed his pitiful ignorance of before. At this rally he harangued that…

“We will ban critical race theory in our classrooms. We will ban that horrible, crazy critical race theory in our military. We will ban it from our workplaces. We will ban it from our federal, state, and local government. It will be banned. Permanently banned. And will never be allowed to come back again.”

Apparently Trump doesn’t like critical race theory. He does not like it in a house. He does not like it with a mouse. He does not like it in a box. He does not like it with a fox (News?).

What Trump does like is the notion of banning free speech with respect to teaching the history of race on America and the impact of systemic racism. And he explicitly expresses his intention, should he have the opportunity, to ban it permanently from every public forum that he could think of.

This should be of concern to every American who values the Constitution and the liberties it protects. If Trump would so openly admit that he would “cancel” the First Amendment, it goes without saying that the would do the same to any other part of the document that he regarded as obstructing his authoritarian aspirations. He’s already trying to subvert the democratic process, with the help of his Republican Party confederates. But he – and they – must never get the chance to carry out their defiling of America’s constitutional republic.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Crybaby Trump Throws Hysterical Twitter Tantrum After Biden Nixed His Fake Executive Privilege

The bipartisan House Select Committee on the January 6th Insurrection recently issued subpoenas for several associates of Donald Trump who aided and abetted the deadly invasion of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. They include Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, White House aides Dan Scavino, and Kash Patel, and his former campaign chairman Steve Bannon. All of them have thus far indicated that they will ignore the subpoenas on orders from Trump.

Donald Trump, Joe Biden

The fact that Trump is still exerting control over his political lackeys only strengthens the legal case against him. He is exhibiting a consciousness of guilt and engaging in obstruction of justice. He falsely believes that he can invoke “executive privilege,” a power that only a president can exercise and, despite his delusional obsession, he isn’t one. But even a president can’t use that privilege to cover up a crime.

The actual president, Joe Biden, has announced that he will not be invoking executive privilege on Trump’s behalf. Consequently, documents and other evidentiary material in the possession of the White House will be handed over to the congressional committee.

This has triggered a typical Trump temper tantrum that he unleashed on Twitter with the help of his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban). Trump is clearly scared and is trying to twist his fear into some form of defense. But all he can muster is incoherence and desperation:

Trump’s tweet-whining is so jam-packed with preposterous notions that it requires a deeper dive to dissect its puerile perversity. Let’s begin where he began…

“Biden has rejected our request to withhold White House information from the House Unselect Committee investigating the January 6th protest, but has not taken a stance on the insurrection that took place on November 3rd, often referred to as the Crime of the Century.”

Notice first his infantile nicknaming of the Committee as “Unselect.” Ooh, that’ll get ’em. More disturbing is his characterization of the riots that resulted in at least five deaths, and more than 140 law enforcement officers seriously injured, as merely a “protest.” They were just protesting that Nancy Pelosi hadn’t been shot and that Mike Pence hadn’t been hung. Then he says that it was the democratic election that was an insurrection. Never mind that after nearly a year of baseless allegations, and legal challenges, and Republican-run audits, Trump has failed to turn up any evidence of the election fraud he rants about so maniacally. And the only one who has “often referred” to the election as the “Crime of the Century” is Trump himself. But he was just getting started…

This will put the current White House in a terrible position when the inevitable request for information comes concerning the massive corruption by Hunter Biden and the already well-documented crimes committed by the Biden family, the least of which are Hunter’s paintings selling for as much as $500,000 a piece.”

Here Trump is making a threat to seek vengeance, if given the opportunity. However, his threat reeks of the impotence of a loser who has run out of ideas. Despite the efforts of Trump and his Fox News confederates, there has been no evidence of corruption by Hunter Biden, massive or otherwise, who, by the way, isn’t the president or the holder of any other political office. Trump’s attempts at deflection are so pitiful that they rival the idiocy of those attempted by Rudy Giuliani. And the only “well-documented crimes” are those that were committed by the Trump family. Then Trump closed his tirade by saying that…

“With our Country collapsing, with our Military disgraced, with our Borders nonexistent, when will the American people have had enough?”

The American people have already had enough – of Trump. A significant majority (60%) of Americans polled said that a Trump 2024 bid would be bad for the country. Even a minority (44%) of Republicans want him to run again. So no matter how many lies he tells about the country collapsing, he clearly isn’t making any headway after a presidency during which he was impeached twice and never reached 50% approval. And after a year of civilian life, he’s still a liar, he’s still a whiner, and he’s still a loser.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Rick Wilson is LIVID! And Every American Who Wants Justice for January 6th Should Be Too

The House Select Committee on the January 6th Insurrection is just getting off the ground. As part of their investigative process they have begun to issue subpoenas to associates of Donald Trump who aided and abetted the deadly riots that took place in Washington, D.C.

Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

The first wave of subpoenas were doled out to Trump insiders including his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, White House aides Dan Scavino, and Kash Patel, and whatever the hell Steve Bannon is (Bannon just joined the crusade of crackpots who think that Trump will be reinstated in “2022 or maybe before”). To date they have all refused to comply with the subpoenas on orders from Trump.

Not only is that indicative of a consciousness of guilt, it constitutes obstruction of justice on Trump’s part. He is invoking “executive privilege” as his justification, despite the fact that he isn’t an “executive” and doesn’t have any such power. What’s more, even the President can’t invoke executive privilege to cover up the commission of crime.

In response to the unlawful evasion of the subpoenas, the Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson posted a video to express his concern as to whether the Congress will hold the Trump insurrectionists accountable. And he wasn’t shy about his feelings on the subject (warning: video NSFW):

“I am hearing from multiple people now that the subpoenas are not going to be enforced. That the Commission is basically going to slow roll the entire thing. And that they are not going to take it seriously. If you don’t enforce the subpoenas, hang it up now. Just declare Trump president again and tell Steve Bannon he can be the emperor of the f**king right-wing universe and let it all go.”

Wilson dropped a number of other rousing rhetorical bombs in the video. such as…

“These are criminals who tried to overthrow the United States government.”

“These people came to murder you. They would have dragged you out into the street and stomped you to death. And if you don’t punish them and investigate them and bring them to justice, they’ll do it again. A coup attempt that is not punished is a training exercise.”


“Do not treat this like something that’s just a delay so you can go back to talking about the infrastructure bill and healthcare. Are you insane?”

Since Wilson didn’t say from whom he was hearing this talk of not enforcing the subpoenas, it’s hard to gauge just how seriously to take his warnings. But if nothing else, it is something that Congress – and especially the members of the Committee – need to hear. And it is something that the American people need to take to heart. They are the best potential influencers of indolent legislators.

On the plus side, the Committee is saying the right things. Friday morning it was reported that the “panel will consider criminal contempt of Congress referral over Trump aides subpoena defiance: ‘We will not allow any witness to defy a lawful subpoena.'” Last month President Biden said through his Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, that he would not abide Trump and the GOP as they “fomented an insurrection.” And the White House has formally blocked Trump’s bogus attempt to claim executive privilege.

We’ll soon see just how committed they are to that course of action. But if they fail to follow through, it will rest with patriotic citizens to make it clear that we will not be satisfied with anything less than the unreserved pursuit of justice and the enactment of punishment where appropriate.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Newsmax Trump-Fluffer Actually Believes the Loser of Mar-a-Lago Can Invoke Executive Privilege

The House Select Committee on the January 6th Insurrection recently issued subpoenas to several former staffers and associates of the former reality TV game show host, Donald Trump. Shortly thereafter, Trump did what all innocent parties to congressional investigations do. He demanded that the recipients of the subpoenas refuse to comply, making them liable for charges of contempt of Congress.

Donald Trump

Trump’s demands would not only put his criminal accomplices in legal jeopardy, but they expose him to charges as well. He could face prosecution for obstruction of justice and for suborning unlawful acts by others.

Trump justifies the orders to his minions by claiming “executive privilege.” The only problem with that is that he isn’t an “executive.” Only the President of the United States can invoke executive privilege. And Trump, despite his continuing refusal to acknowledge reality, is still not the President. What’s more, even the President can’t invoke executive privilege to cover up the commission of crime.

Trump’s stubborn insistence that he has powers that exist only in his befuddled brain is also evident on the fringe, wingnut media outlets that have sworn their blind allegiance to the cult of Trump. Prominent among them is Newsmax, a network so devoted to ultra-partisan bullpucky that they contrived the infamous Dandelion-Gate conspiracy theory. And now Newsmax’s Grant Stinchfield returns with a harangue about Trump’s non-existent executive privilege authority:

“The January 6th Commission is going after anybody who worked around president Trump. Well, we are now learning that if they try to subpoena these people that are associated with president Trump, president Trump is going to be fighting back, He is going to invoke executive privilege. And that means that people like chief of staff Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino, a top advisor, and Kash Patel, another top advisor, will not be able to comply with these subpoenas coming from the January 6th Commission.

“This is what you get with president Trump. You get a man who fights back. You understand me? The president fights back. That’s what we love about president Trump. And he’s sticking it to these people trying to go after him.”

Stinchfield is shocked(!) that the Committee impaneled to investigate the incident incited by Trump is “going after” the people that aided and abetted the deadly riots in Washington, D.C.. And he admires Trump’s fierce objections to efforts by Congress to uncover the truth.

Unfortunately, Stinchfield is caught up in Trump’s ignorant belief that he can invoke the powers of the presidency that he lost nearly a year ago. And that means that people like Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino, and Kash Patel, will have to comply with these subpoenas or face the legal consequences. Scavino, it should be noted, has “innocently” disappeared and was not able to be served his subpoena. Also, Stinchfield left out Trump’s former campaign chairman, Steve Bannon, who was not a White House staffer and, therefore, wouldn’t be covered by executive privilege even if Trump could wield it.

Stinchfield closed his tirade with an especially cringeworthy and drooling adoration of Trump. He explained that “what we[?] love about” him is the fact that he is either an idiot, a liar, or delusional. Although Stinchfield was correct in asserting that “This is what you get with” Trump. Indeed, he is a man who fights back – against windmills that cause cancer, and other flagrant figments of his diseased imagination. And the only people that Trump is “sticking it” to are slobbering sycophants like Stinchfield and his dimwitted cult followers.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump-Fluffing One America News Network (OAN) Was Created and Funded By AT&T

The right-wing media world has been dominated by Fox News for nearly twenty-five years. That remains true today despite the emergence of a couple upstart, and even more extreme, networks, Newsmax and One America News (OAN). However, the newcomers are still too small to present any real threat of competition.

Donald Trump, OAN

Reuters is now reporting that OAN had some help from a prominent media megacorporation. As revealed in court records that were made public, AT&T was an early supporter of OAN, providing the network carriage on its platform when few other cable operators were doing so. According to Reuters

“A Reuters review of court records shows the role AT&T played in creating and funding OAN, a network that continues to spread conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and the COVID-19 pandemic.

“OAN founder and chief executive Robert Herring Sr has testified that the inspiration to launch OAN in 2013 came from AT&T executives.

“’They told us they wanted a conservative network,’ Herring said during a 2019 deposition seen by Reuters. ‘They only had one, which was Fox News, and they had seven others on the other [leftwing] side. When they said that, I jumped to it and built one.’

“Since then, AT&T has been a crucial source of funds flowing into OAN, providing tens of millions of dollars in revenue, court records show. Ninety percent of OAN’s revenue came from a contract with AT&T-owned television platforms, including satellite broadcaster DirecTV, according to 2020 sworn testimony by an OAN accountant.”

For AT&T to throw its support behind a pseudo-news network that was already dealing in dangerous conspiracy theories and blatantly dishonest propaganda, is a breach of their obligation to the public that comprises its customer universe. If they wanted a “conservative” network to compete with Fox News there were other organizations that had track records that more closely resembled the practice of journalism. OAN didn’t even exist when AT&T floated the notion that they would carry its programming.

That sort of irresponsible collaboration with a deceitful entity devoted to propaganda is particularly appalling for the the corporate parent of WarnerMedia, the owner of CNN (although CNN will soon be spun off in a deal with Discovery Networks). And the story became even more sordid when OAN disclosed that it had promised to “cast a positive light” on AT&T during its newscasts. That’s a fatal breach journalistic ethics on the parts of both AT&T and OAN.

It’s also notable that CNN has been a frequent target of Donald Trump. He regularly referred to them as “fake” news and even launched a boycott of AT&T in an attempt to get them to interfere with CNN’s reporting. Trump once tweeted…

“After watching [CNN] for a short while, I turned it off. All negative & so much Fake News, very bad for U.S. Big ratings drop. Why doesn’t owner @ATT do something? I believe that if people stoped using or subscribing to @ATT, they would be forced to make big changes at @CNN”

Of course it would have been totally improper for AT&T to try to force editorial changes at CNN. But Trump, being who he is, wouldn’t know that. However, executives at AT&T should have known and repudiated Trump’s suggestion.

The question now is whether Trump will forgive AT&T because of their support for his favorite wingnut mouthpiece, OAN. Although it might just confuse him because they still own CNN for now. This is a recipe for a mental meltdown of some sort. Not that Trump needs any new reasons to freak out.

UPDATE 1/14/2022: DirectV, which is majority owned by AT&T, has announced that it will be dropping OAN:

“The move will deal a significant blow to the fringe outlet. Not only will OAN be removed from the millions of households that use DirecTV as a television provider, it will also suffer a major hit to its revenue.”

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Exposes Fox News’ Tucker Carlson for the Slimy Little Coward that He Is

The commitment that Fox News has shown for advancing the spread of the coronavirus has been evident from the outset of the pandemic. When they weren’t outright dismissing the threat as a flu or a hoax (in conjunction with Donald Trump), they were disparaging efforts to mitigate the harm, such as wearing face masks and getting vaccinated. The result is that the nation is now suffering from what can accurately be called the Fox News Pandemic.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

The most offensive objector to the science-based solutions to COVID has been Fox’s Tucker Carlson. He has relentlessly promoted the use of quack cures, espoused paranoid conspiracy theories that the vaccines don’t work, supported the unlawful use of fake vaccination cards, and even exhorted his viewers to make false police reports of child abuse against parents whose children wear face masks.

On Tuesday Carlson was called out on MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes. Clearly Hayes was fed up with the blatant hypocrisy Carlson exuded every time he broached the subject of the pandemic. That was especially true when Carlson sought to malign President Biden’s efforts to actually save lives and return the country to some semblance of normalcy.

Most recently, Biden announced an initiative to get more Americans vaccinated. It included having federal agencies and large companies encouraging their employees to either get the shot or be tested weekly. and it was received with overwhelming support, even in a survey by Fox News.

Undeterred, Carlson persisted with his tunnel-vision, knee-jerk, pro-COVID positions. And he did so despite the fact that his employer had already implemented its own policy that is even stricter than Biden’s, requiring daily testing for the unvaccinated. Which led to Hayes unloading on Carlson and his hypocrisy:

“Tucker Carlson has even launched a personal campaign against the horrible, tyrannical employers out there who require their employees to get vaccinated. He has been giving sympathetic interviews to people who have taken the – in my mind – rather extreme step of quitting their job rather than getting vaccinated.”

“Tucker, buddy, I’ve got news for you: The call is coming from inside the house. Your own bosses are doing this. And I’ve got to ask, Why don’t you have the courage of your convictions? The very lowest level of that courage, which of course he’s failed to show, would be to simply use your platform to actually criticize your own bosses who are making this requirement. You could go on air and say ‘Hey, my bosses are doing this and I don’t agree with it.’

“But that would require the tiniest little sliver of moral integrity. You’d have to take some little, slight risk to your bottom line, and your paycheck, and your stature. You’re probably not going to do that. You certainly wouldn’t do the thing that you’ve celebrated in in others, which is to just quit and walk away rather than be subject to this tyranny.”

There are a couple of points in those remarks that Hayes might need to rethink. First of all, to ask Carlson why he doesn’t have the “courage of his convictions” you would have to assume that he has any convictions. And the same thing goes for any questions regarding Carlson’s alleged “moral integrity.”

Not only would Carlson never give up his Fox News gourmet meal ticket over something as principled as integrity, he will never even admit to his audience that Fox News has adopted the very policies that he is so petulantly whining about. Because to Carlson, none of this is about honor or honesty. It is simply about profit, power, and propaganda.

That goes for all of his confederates at Fox News as well. They are happy in the safety of their vaccinated corporate cocoon, while they simultaneously and deliberately frighten their dimwitted, vulnerable viewers away from the proven things that will protect them, their families, and their nation from illness and death. And somehow they still manage to sleep at night.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Spokeswoman Posts Racist Attack on Chair of the January 6th Insurrection Committee

It’s been nine months since Donald Trump’s insurrectionists invaded the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to prevent Congress from carrying out its constitutional duty to certifying the presidential election. Their violent and deadly assault failed to achieve their goal of subverting democracy, but it sparked a treasonous revolt that continues to this day.

Donald Trump Insurrection

Trump has still never conceded his loss to President Biden. And his cult followers still harbor delusions that he will be reinstated to his throne, despite having no evidence of any electoral irregularities and no legal pathway to that end. It’s a dangerous fantasy that led directly to the January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C. And Trump is continuing to fuel the seditionist fires.

On Tuesday morning, Trump’s spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), posted a tweet with a link to an article (in fact, she posted it three times) whose headline read “Jan. 6 commission chairman once sympathized with black secessionist group that killed cops.” Both the headline and the article itself where dishonest, racist, and intended to malign Rep. Bennie Thompson who is the chairman of both the Homeland Security Committee and the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack. The article by John Solomon began by stating that…

“Fifty years ago as a Mississippi alderman, Bennie Thompson defended the Republic of New Africa and participated in a news conference blaming cops for the group’s violence even as FBI saw group as waging ‘guerrilla warfare.'”

Fifty years ago? That’s how far back Solomon had to dig to find something that he could warp into a pseudo-scandal. Solomon implies that Thompson was somehow affiliated with the Republic of New Africa (RNA), a separatist organization founded in 1968. But Thompson was neither a member, nor a legal representative. He was simply a local elected official who made a rather uncontroversial statement with regard to a police incident. Thompson said that…

“My utmost concern in this matter is to see that people who reside or pass through the town of Bolton,[MS] are treated fairly and given every opportunity afforded them by law. […] My position is that people are entitled to live as they choose, so long as they are law abiding and peaceful.”

Thompson’s explicit reference to being “law abiding and peaceful” didn’t stop Solomon from associating him with every allegation of criminal activity by the RNA. That’s how Solomon works. He is a disgraced propagandist who was even too disreputable for Fox News, who ditched him last year. The network warned their “news” staff that Solomon lacked credibility and engaged in disinformation campaigns. Solomon was also sent packing by The Hill, who said that he had published misleading columns. In some of those columns he was found to have been clandestinely collaborating with a notoriously untrustworthy source, Rudy Giuliani.

Solomon’s article had a single purpose: to personally vilify the Chairman of the Select Committee so that he could later dismiss the Committee’s work. And he chose to pursue that goal by slandering a well respected Black legislative leader with allusions to past crimes that he had nothing to do with.

Then, along comes Trump and his PR flack to hype the fake scandal. Because the last thing that any of these cretins want is for the truth to come out about what happened on January 6th and who was responsible. But with tactics like this they are only revealing how scared they are of the justice that awaits them.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

GOP Senator Lies to Fox News that the Pfizer COVID Vaccine is Not FDA Approved

In case anyone was wondering whether or not Fox News was still promulgating lies about the coronavirus and rational, science-based methods of dealing with it, you can set your curiosity aside. The aggressively pro-COVID network is continuing its corrosive crusade to kill as many Americans – mostly their own viewers – as possible.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Coronavirus

On Monday evening’s episode of The Tucker Carlson White Power Hour, the histrionic host invited Wisconsin’s Republican Senator and conspiracy crank, Ron Johnson, to infect viewers with his deceitful disinformation. On that score, Johnson didn’t disappoint. He began by agreeing with Carlson that the renowned epidemiologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci, is a fraud who should be banished from civil society.

Johnson goes on to complain that the pandemic policies of Democrats haven’t worked, resulting in over 700,000 deaths. Of course, most of those occurred during the Trump administration. It wasn’t until President Biden took office that there actually were well-received policies to mitigate the spread of the pandemic. And even after Trump left the White House, his anti-mask, anti-vaccine positions continued to poison the minds of his cult followers.

Undaunted, Johnson recklessly maligned vaccines and proven treatments while plugging quack cures like Ivermectin, a medication mostly used to deworm livestock. But he reached his climax with a blatantly false assertion about the proven safe and effective Pfizer vaccine:

Johnson: These mandates are driven by the bait and switch of the FDA that we now have an approved vaccine. We do not have an approved vaccine in America. They did it for the Comirnaty. It’s available, I guess, in Europe, but the Pfizer vaccine available in the U.S. is not FDA approved. It’s got an emergency use authorization.
Carlson: Someday we are going to learn the depths of the lies, and I think it’s going to be shocking to everyone. Even those of us who have a low opinion of the people making these decisions.

Carlson is right. People will be shocked to learn the depths of the lies that he and Johnson and their ilk are telling. It’s shocking – albeit not surprising – that they can go on TV and say things that are so demonstrably untrue. They have been disparaging the FDA’s Pfizer approval from the start. For the record, back on August 23, 2021

“[T]he U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older.”

This isn’t the first time that Johnson has uttered this flagrant falsehood. Nor is it the first time that Fox News has let him get away with it. Johnson said the same thing the day before on Fox and Friends. So there has been plenty of time for him to have been corrected before excreting this bullpucky on Carlson’s show. But let’s face it – – they aren’t interested in what’s correct, only in what advances their twisted, right-wing narrative. It’s what Fox News was created for, and what cretins like Johnson exploit to spread their lies.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham is ‘TERRIFIED’ He’ll Run in 2024 – She’s Not Alone

Donald Trump’s former press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, is currently promoting her new book, I’ll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw at the Trump White House,” which comes out October 5, 2021. She was interviewed Monday on ABC’s Good Morning America by George Stephanopoulos, where she revealed some of her experiences as one of Trump’s longest serving aides.

Stephanie Grisham, Fox News

Excerpts from Grisham’s book have already disclosed, such as Trump’s unsavory fealty to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Other reports included descriptions of his bizarre behavior toward his staff, particularly women. But the GMA interview broke new and troubling ground. In it Grisham told Stephanopoulos that “I am terrified of him running for president in 2024.” She’s not the only one. The interview also featured this disturbing exchange:

Stephanopoulos: You were enabling the culture [of casual dishonesty] weren’t you?
Grisham: Yes, I was. And I reflected on that, and I regret that. Especially now watching him and so many people push the false election narrative. I now want to, in whatever way I can, educate the public about the behavior in the White House. Because it does look like he’s gonna try to run in 2024. […]

Grisham: He’s on his revenge tour for people who dared to vote for impeachment. And I want to just warn people that once he takes office, if he were to win, he doesn’t have to worry about reelection anymore. He will be about revenge. He will probably have some pretty draconian policies that go on.

It’s a little late for Grisham to express her regrets when she spent five years enabling the lies and megalomania that led to Trump’s insurrection and attempted coup. She addressed her own failures in the interview and conceded that she was no hero and that she wasn’t looking for praise. She just wants to get the truth out now before Trump has a second chance to complete his authoritarian takeover.

Progressives don’t have to embrace Grisham to appreciate her belated confessional. As someone who has been a long-time, trusted insider in the Trump cult, she has a unique perspective that could reveal further unethical, and potentially illegal, activities. She should be among the first former Trumpsters deposed by prosecutors investigating his administration’s many crimes.

As for Trump, he appears to be spooked by Grisham’s disclosures. He has already lashed out at her with his predictable, infantile insults, saying that it was “obvious from the beginning” that she “didn’t have what it takes.” Which affirms his tendency to staff his White House with “all the best people” that he later deems to have been incompetent all along.

What’s more, Trump complained that her book was put out by a “radical left-leaning publisher.” That would be HarperCollins, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., the parent company of Fox News. They have also published books by such radical left wingers as Jared Kushner, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, and Ted Cruz.

Trump’s customary reaction to criticism is to throw childish tantrums. He literally told Mike Pence that “I don’t want to be your friend anymore if you don’t” usurp power that you don’t have to overturn the election results in Congress. And Trump is going full scorched earth over the revelations in Grisham’s book. Which can only mean that it’s likely all true and that he’s scared witless. As he should be.

UPDATE: Grisham tells CNN that Fox News, OAN, etc., were like state-run TV for Trump and could “potentially cause a lot of damage.”

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump Whines to Pulitzer Board that Awards for Russian Collusion Stories Should Be Rescinded

The former Crybaby-in-Chief, Donald Trump, is resuming his role as, in his own words, the most fabulous whiner, with a new letter that he sent to the board of the Pulitzer organization at Columbia University.

Donald Trump

Trump had his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), post a tweet that contained the contents of the letter. It was obviously composed by someone whose communications skills exceeded Trump’s third-grade level vocabulary. But that doesn’t mean that it made any sense or wasn’t riddled with lies. The letter began with an impotent demand by Trump:

“I call on the Pulitzer Prize Board to immediately rescind the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting awarded to the staffs of The New York Times and The Washington Post, which was based on false reporting of a non-existent link between the Kremlin and the Trump Campaign. As has been widely publicized, the coverage was no more than a politically motivated farce which attempted to spin a false narrative that my campaign supposedly colluded with Russia despite a complete lack of evidence underpinning this allegation. […] Specifically, the prize was awarded for a series of articles centered around the now-debunked Russia collusion conspiracy theory.”

Needless to say, the articles published by the New York Times and the Washington Post were not based on false reporting. They were well documented and carefully sourced. It is Trump’s assertions that were “a politically motivated farce” and an “attempt to spin a false narrative.” There is abundant evidence of the Trump campaign’s numerous unsavory connections to Russia. Much of it is catalogued in the book Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump, by Michael Isikoff and David Corn.

Trump is trying to relitigate this old issue because of a recent indictment handed down by special counsel, John Durham, who was appointed by Trump’s flunky Attorney General, Bill Barr. However, Durham’s case has nothing to do with the charges of collusion with Russia by the Trump campaign. The indictment only claims that a lawyer who had ties to Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI in a separate matter, and even that charge is so weak that it will likely fail if it is ever brought to court. That, however, didn’t stop Trump from writing in his letter that…

“It has since been confirmed that the allegations were false and I have been exonerated of these charges. Most recently, John Durham’s indictment of former cybersecurity attorney and Hillary Clinton Campaign attorney, Michael Sussman, serves as a damning repudiation of the media’s obsession with the collusion story.”

None of that is true. It has not been confirmed that the allegations against him were false. Nor has he ever been exonerated. In fact, Special Counsel Robert Mueller explicitly wrote in his final report that it was not an exoneration of Trump. And there is no “damning repudiation” in Durham’s indictment. It doesn’t even allege that anything Sussman did wasn’t truthful, only that he allegedly failed to disclose that his law firm represented Clinton. And even that is disputed. Trump’s letter closed saying that…

“Ultimately, my hope is that the recipients of the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting, The New York Times and The Washington Post, will voluntarily surrender this award in light of recent revelations. However, should they fail to do so, I would expect that you will take the necessary steps to rectify the situation, including stripping the recipients of their prize and retracting the false statements which remain on the Pulitzer website. Without holding the recipients to such a high standard of accountability, the integrity of the Pulitzer Prize namesake stands to be wholly compromised.”

There is no one who is less credible than Donald Trump in maligning the integrity of the Pulitzers, or anyone else. He is famously notorious for having told more than 30,000 lies during his single term occupying the White House. (See Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth: The President’s Falsehoods, Misleading Claims and Flat-Out Lies by The Washington Post Fact Checker Staff). And if Trump is planning on holding his breath until the Pulitzer Board strips the awards from the Times and the Post, he had better have a ventilator and a nurse nearby to resuscitate him when it doesn’t happen.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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