THANKS! Trump Spokesperson Convincingly Explains Why No One Should Vote for Republicans

The volume of disinformation that regularly emanates from Donald Trump and his self-serving, perpetual propaganda machine is unprecedented. Trump himself has been documented to have told more than 30,000 lies during his occupation of the White House. But now his super Pac hack is uncharacteristically telling the truth about the Republican Party.

Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

RELATED: Cowardly Republican Party to Require Their Presidential Candidates to Boycott 2024 Debates

Despite Trump’s record of deceit, every now and again someone in the Trump realm inadvertently allows a morsel of truth to escape into the wild. And on Friday morning the culprit was Trump’s official mouthpiece (and Twitter ban defying spokes-shill), Liz Harrington. In one of her regular appearances on the shamelessly Trump-fluffing One America News Network (OAN), Harrington was fed the softest of balls by OAN’s Natalie Harp (video below):

“The Republican Party isn’t the establishment party anymore. It’s the people’s party. They’re determining the direction of the party in terms of legislation, America First. That’s not what they’re used to. And yet somehow they think that they can point out the Cheneys and the Bushs. Don’t they realize we all rejected that during the primaries in 2016?”

Let’s just set aside the nonsense that the party that gets the most financial and institutional support from corporations and wealthy elites can be portrayed as “the people’s party.” And it is those one-percenters who have always determined the party’s direction. It is, however, notable that Harp admits her inclusion in the Trump Cult saying that WE all ejected that during the primaries in 2016.” But it was Harrington’s response that let the cat out of the hag:

“They [Republicans] all been exposed for the frauds that they are. They’re as fraudulent as the last election. And the people have seen through that and they want the real thing. They don’t want another fake substitute, another fake election where there’s really no difference between the two candidates on the ballot. They might say they are a different party, but the end result, they’re not the same. The Cheneys of the world, the Pelosis of the world, the McConnells, they all want endless wars. They all want open borders. They all want bad trade deals for the United States. They do not care about our sovereignty. They do not care about our jobs. And they can pretend to care about issues of the day.”

And there you have it. Directly from the horse’s mouth. Trump’s tweet-meister reveals that the Republican Party is full of warmongering, immigrant-bashing, economy-destroying “frauds.” Democrats and most rational Americans have known that for years (decades?). But it’s good to hear them confess their corruption publicly.

Trump himself has emerged as the most anti-Republican Republican in the party’s history. His hostility toward leaders of the Party such as Mitch McConnell, whom he now calls the “broken old crow,” is typical of his lust for vengeance against anyone showing signs of dwindling devotion. Trump has even demanded that his cult disciples refrain from donating to the GOP, and place their offerings on his plate instead. “No more money for RINOS,” Trump decreed, “Send your donation to [his] Save America PAC.”

This might seem like good news for Democrats. With Trump bashing the GOP and trying to intercept their donations, it should benefit Democratic candidates in the upcoming midterm elections. And it probably will, to a degree. However, Trump’s influence appears to be waning within the Republican world. The most recent party financial disclosure shows that the GOP raised $140 million in 2021. Which is still less than the $146 million Democrats raised. But it shows that GOP donors aren’t heeding Trump’s order to send their funds to him.

RELATED: Trump Orders His Cult To ‘Drop Off of Twitter’ and Calls For It To Be Outlawed

You know Trump’s gotta hate the fact that people are ignoring his orders. Perhaps that’s why he dispatched Harrington to OAN to throw more mud at his fellow Republicans. Because, in the end, all Trump cares about is how much money and adoration he can collect from his dimwitted followers. The more he sees those measures decline, the more panicked and incoherent he will become. And by that standard, he is already pretty far gone.

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Cowardly Republican Party to Require Their Presidential Candidates to Boycott 2024 Debates

With the 2024 presidential election still nearly three years away, the Republican Party is already showing signs that they are afraid of engaging in a free and open discourse with their Democratic opponent. Never mind that they have spent two years maligning President Biden as “sleepy” and mentally unfit, it is the GOP that appears to be concerned about their own candidate’s ability to face off in an open forum.

Donald Trump

The fear exhibited by the Republican Party is well warranted considering that their leading candidate is Donald Trump. For the past year Trump has been obsessively fixated on his having suffered a humiliating loss to Biden in 2020. It’s the only thing he talks about, despite having failed for more than a year – and sixty court cases – to provide a shred of evidence of his claims that the election was “rigged.” It is what fueled his deadly January 6th insurrection. And he is still twisting reality to insist that the “real insurrection” was on Election Day, November 3rd, 2020.

Consequently, the Republican National Committee (RNC) has announced that they intend to prohibit their Party’s candidate in 2024 from participating in the presidential debates that have been hosted for three decades by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). The RNC sent a letter to the Commission stating that…

“[T]he RNC will initiate the process of amending the Rules of the Republican Party at our upcoming Winter Meeting to prohibit future Republican nominees from participating in CPD-sponsored debates.”

Make no mistake about it. This is not a quarrel over some rationally disputed format differences. The RNC’s “reforms” are all driven by complaints that crybaby Trump made in 2020 due to his cognitive inadequacies and inability to engage in a substantive dialogue. He proved that during the debates when he couldn’t refrain from interrupting and had to be told by Biden to “Shut up, man.”

The Republican National Committee is obviously scared, so they’re issuing ludicrous ultimatums if they don’t get their way. But the RNC’s proposals are intrusive and one-sided. They would impose on the neutrality of the Commission by impacting the composition of its members, dictating the dates of the debates, intervening in the selection of debate moderators, and enacting punishments for violations of the terms that the RNC is insisting on.

Clearly the RNC is doing this on Trump’s behalf. No other candidate has objected to the CPD’s rules or fairness for thirty years. But the RNC is worried that without these reforms Trump would likely embarrass himself again, and he and the RNC know that. He has demonstrated that he cannot face any encounter that isn’t rigged to his advantage. It’s why he won’t submit to any interviews that aren’t conducted by his pals at Fox News or other similarly servile sycophants. He is mortally afraid of being challenged.

Trump recently canceled a phony “news” conference that he planned to hold on the anniversary of the January 6th insurrection. He also chickened out of his own challenge to debate any takers on his bogus claims about the 2020 election. And now he is directing his Republican Party apparatchiks to protect him from having to engage in an open and fair debate. It’s the coward’s way and, therefore, Trump’s way.

UPDATE: RNC Doubles Down on Cowardice, Cancels Debates to Shield Snowflake Trump From More Humiliation

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Glenn Beck Visits Fox News with a Doomsday Prophesy that Scares the Snot Out of Tucker Carlson

Y’all better get ready, people. The End Times are upon us. And that divine prognosticator, Glenn Beck, sees it all clearly. And, praise Gawd, Fox News is there to welcome the Rev. Beck and disseminate his “wisdom” to the masses who gather nightly to soak in the sermons of Friar Tucker Carlson.

Glenn Beck Messiah

On Tuesday night’s episode of Carlson’s Fright Wing Glower Hour, Carlson handed his pulpit over to Beck to propound on the impending apocalypse. It’s a subject that Beck knows well and has been predicting for years. But this time he really means it. So take heed and prepare yourself for the long awaited and total decline of Western civilization that Beck imparted unto Carlson, saying that…

“This is not an American problem. This is the entire West going away by 2030. And I think – you know the World Economic Forum just war gamed the next economic collapse. I think that’s coming in the next couple of years. I could be wrong. I usually am on timing. But when that happens, it is lights out. It is over. They will control your food, your water, your work, your education, your banking, your money, gasoline. […] They are going to bankrupt the entire West. And only the elites are going to be able to have money, the food they want, the jobs they want, etc., etc. We will be left in the dust. We must educate ourselves right now.”

Let that sink in. The Western economy is going to collapse in a couple of years and “the entire West [is] going away by 2030.” If that doesn’t scare the bejeezus out of you, just take a look at Carlson’s glazed over gaze. He has an encrusted expression of utter dread throughout Beck’s ominous oratory. If it didn’t blink a few times you’d think it was a cardboard cutout. Carlson is clearly frozen with fear.

And why shouldn’t he be? With President Biden in the White House orchestrating a socialist takeover of America by mandating life-saving vaccines to combat a deadly pandemic, and democracy zealots trying to make it easier for people of color, undocumented immigrants, and (gasp) Democrats, to cancel out the votes of white, Trumpian Republicans, and climate change (oops, that one’s real, and they aren’t worried about it). Given the prospects of this nightmarish future, the end can’t come too soon.

If you doubt Beck’s premonitions, be aware that he has predicted similar catastrophes before, so he must know what he’s talking about. Prior to the 2020 election, Beck prophesized that “If the Republicans don’t win in this next election, I think we are officially at the end of the country as we know it.” But that’s just the most recent warning.

Preceding that Beck said that ObamaCare would be the end of country, and that Obama’s reelection would be the end of the country, and that gay marriage would be the end of the country, and that Common Core education reform would be the end of the country, and that fluorides poisoning our vital bodily fluids would be the end of the country (oh wait, that one may have been Dr. Strangelove), and even that electing Trump would be a disaster because he was “dangerously unhinged.”

Never mind that Beck also once said that that “So much of what I used to believe was either always a sham or has been made into a sham.” He has since recanted that confession and is now confidant that his shams were the real thing. And Carlson is a true believer, despite the fact that his own Fox News lawyers once defended him in a defamation lawsuit by successfully arguing that no reasonable person would take him seriously.

So perhaps it is finally time to pack it in and set sail for whatever dystopia these Judgment Day deplorables are prepping for. If the Rapture is imminent, you wouldn’t want to get left behind, would you?

UPDATE: Beck has COVID (again) and it’s “getting into my lungs.” So he’s taking Ivermectin and wheezing through an interview with Fox’s Mark Levin.

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Tacky Tucker Carlson ‘Mistakes’ Nancy Pelosi for Michael Jackson – And He Thinks That’s … Funny?

For anyone who has wondered what makes Tucker Carlson the top rated program on Fox News, Carlson has helpfully provided the answer to that perplexing question. In order to achieve that kind of popularity among Fox’s audience of dimwitted deplorables, you really need to dig deep into the well of infantile asininity. And no one does that better than Tucker Carlson.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson

On Monday night’s episode of Carlson’s show, the ordinarily humor-challenged host morphed into a kindergarten comic. Carlson demonstrated that he can wallow in the mud as well as any other pig. And to prove it, he aired a segment that is representative of his stunted maturation and venal character, or lack thereof. The bit focused on Carlson’s witless view that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi resembles the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson (embarrassing video below). He began…

“Yesterday was Sunday and you may have found yourself on the couch idly flipping around the TV dial, and if you flipped far enough you could have had the shock of your life. Michael Jackson was on Face the Nation. Let’s be clear, this wasn’t a video of Michael Jackson performing his hit songs of the 1990s. This appeared to be a living version of the international pop star that news reports claimed died of a drug OD more than a dozen years ago. And yet despite those claims there he was, fully, undeniably Michael Jackson talking on television. How can that be? Honestly, we have no idea. We’re not theologians here. This is merely a news program. We can only show you what we saw. Here it is.”

Whereupon Carlson cut to a video clip of Pelosi on Face the Nation making a rather salient point about how the Republican Party has been engaging in voter suppression and other anti-democratic acts aimed at undermining free and fair elections, saying that…

“There is nothing more important we can do than protect our Constitution and democracy. What the Republicans are doing across the country is really a legislative continuation of what they did on January 6th, which is to undermine our democracy.”

In response to that potent political reality, Carlson sunk to the occasion by concluding…

“See? Michael Jackson. That was him. No ‘Billie Jean.’ Apparently, he’s given up singing and is telling lies about politics. Same man. If you’ve ever seen Michael Jackson, you cannot forget the face – though admittedly, he’s had a lot of work done since we saw him last.”

Hilarious, isn’t it? This is the level of intellectual discourse that has made Carlson and Fox News such a ratings magnet for reprehensible rightists and brain damaged Trump cultists. He obviously couldn’t engage in a substantive debate, so he fell back on childish insults that no self-respecting juvenile delinquent would resort to. And this is worse than a bad joke. It’s a bitterly misogynistic attack on a woman of substance, disparaging her physically in order to ignore her compelling pleadings on behalf of American democracy.

Carlson is best known for crackpot conspiracy carping, such as his recent crocumentary, “Patriot Purge,” that accused the the FBI of orchestrating Donald Trump’s January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C. He took Russia’s side against America and democracy. He slobbered all over Hungarian dictator Viktor Orbán. He is an ardent advocate of the racist “white replacement theory.” And he is a vaccinated anti-vaxxer who spreads paranoid lies that vaccines don’t work and “they” aren’t telling you.

Carlson’s petty and personal attack on Pelosi is pretty pathetic. And he is really the last person who should risk venturing down the path of insults to appearances. After all, he is someone burdened with resting “Is that poop in my Depends” face. He reeks with the forbearance of the frozen fish heir elitism from which he was spawned. And he could be mistaken for a gene-modifying clone experiment of Three Stooges icon, Curly Howard, that went horribly wrong…

Other than that, Carlson can rest easy with the knowledge that his own lawyers at Fox News defended him in a defamation lawsuit by successfully arguing that no reasonable person would take him seriously. Perhaps we can now exclude unreasonable persons and bratty toddlers as well.

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GOP Pipsqueak Madison Cawthorn Imagines that Rhodes Scholar Rachel Maddow is Afraid to Debate Him

There is an epic battle brewing on the InterTubes between a freshman Republican congressman and a seasoned political broadcaster that threatens to leave one of them in shreds. Were this a title match in professional boxing the bout would be called off by the refs to prevent a mauling.

Rachel Maddow

Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn took the ill-advised step of taunting MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow after receiving an errant email that he totally misinterpreted. The email was sent by a producer for the The Rachel Maddow Show to an NBC News colleague, but was mistakenly cc’ed to Cawthorn. The producer asked the colleague to contact Cawthorn’s office for a comment because s/he was…

“…a little worried that if we did inquire he might ask to come on and explain. I know that is HIGHLY doubtful, but don’t want to take that risk.”

Copying Cawthorn’s office on this email was an unfortunate mistake. But Cawthorn’s conclusions as to its meaning are hysterically misconstrued. He, and much of the right-wing Twitterverse, have taken it to mean that Maddow is afraid to debate him.

Seriously? Cawthorn is a first-term representative from North Carolina. He was a D student in college until he dropped out. And he now encourages others to also quit because he says that schools are a scam.

Maddow, on the other hand, is a Rhodes Scholar and an experienced political analyst and communicator. Any intellectual contest between them would be a blood bath for little Madison. But that appears to be what he’s yearning for, based on this tweet…

The subject of the proposed debate would be a challenge just filed by a group of North Carolina voters asserting that Cawthorn should be disqualified from running due to the constitutional prohibition of candidates who have engaged in insurrection against the United States. Cawthorn’s speech at Donald Trump’s January 6th rally that preceded the insurrection at the Capitol, as well as his baseless and anti-democratic objections to the 2020 presidential election, form the basis for the legal challenge.

Cawthorn told Fox News that…

“Fake news MSNBC doesn’t want to ‘take the risk’ that I’ll come on their show and trigger the left with my America First message and burst their woke dystopian bubble.

The only thing that the left would be “triggered” to is uncontrollable laughter. Cawthorn demonstrates his cognitive deficiencies in that statement by regurgitating tedious wingnut slogans about “fake news” and “woke dystopian bubbles” (whatever the hell that is).

Cawthorn’s belief that Maddow is afraid to debate could land him in a torrent of trouble. First of all, it wasn’t Maddow who said anything about a “risk” of having Cawthorn on her program. It was a producer who was likely more concerned about booking a known liar who contributed to inciting the riots in Washington, D.C.

For her part, Maddow probably wouldn’t want to waste airtime on this mental munchkin. But if she did she’d have no trouble disposing of him. And it would almost be worth the “risk” of sitting through a televised slaughter to watch her do it.

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Jesse Watters Gets a Primetime Show from Fox News After His ‘Kill Shot’ Rant Against Dr. Fauci

After Donald Trump was evicted from the White House by 81 million American voters, there were some who speculated that Fox News might moderate their fetishistic, ultra-partisan, pro-Trump evangelism, and sprinkle a few facts among their rightist propaganda. And there was a time when that sort of naivete would have been considered cute.

Jesse Watters, Fox News

It’s been more than a year and Fox News has done nothing but accelerate their rabid conservatism. Since Trump became, as Biden calls him, the defeated former president,” Fox News has done stories by Tucker Carlson asserting that Trump’s January 6th insurrection was a “false flag” operation orchestrated by the FBI; viciously and falsely attacking the women of MSNBC; and comparing America’s foremost infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, to the sadistic Nazi, Josef Mengele.

That’s a small sampling of the fringe, right-wing radicalism that is the mainstay of Fox’s programming. And among the worst offenders is former Bill O’Reilly flunky, and current Trump-fluffer, Jesse Watters, who has been a co-host of Fox’s The Five, as well as the host of his own Saturday show, Watters’ World.’ He built his reputation at Fox by being a stalker/ambush “reporter.” And he suffered no repercussions for having an affair with a much younger subordinate, who he later left his wife and children for.

Now Fox has promoted Watters to a primetime weekday slot. Watters’ new show will fit in nicely with his primetime confederates Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity, whose complicity with Trump’s criminal administration have recently been exposed.

What’s particularly nauseating about this promotion is that it appears to be a reward for what Watters said last month at the Turning Point USA conference. Watters directed the Trump cultists in the audience to seek out Dr. Fauci in public and, when they find him, to confront him aggressively saying…

“Now you go in with the kill shot. The kill shot with an ambush…deadly. Because with an ambush he doesn’t see it coming. […] BOOM! He is dead. He is dead.””

Those remarks resulted in widespread disgust from reputable journalists and concerned medical professionals, many of whom called for his immediate termination. The danger posed by crafting violent metaphors is real. There are zealots who will, and have, acted them out. But for Fox News it is cause for tribute and career enhancement. And it represents precisely the sort of ethical vacancy that Lachlan and Rupert Murdoch want their company to stand for.

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Trump Goes SCHIZO on GOP Senator for Shooting Down His ‘Big Lie’ About Election Fraud

One thing you can say for Donald Trump is that he is persistent. Or more accurately, as stubborn as a constipated mule. It’s been more than year that Trump has been flinging his utterly baseless allegations of election fraud. And for all of that time – and through some sixty court cases – he has failed to produce a shred of evidence.

Donald Trump

What Trump has done is to rant hysterically that he is the victim (as always) of the Crime of the Century.” He has watched as even ultra-partisan “fraudits” proved the election was fairly conducted. And he has chickened out of his own challenge to debate the subject.

On Sunday Trump got another dose of dishonor. During an interview on ABC’s This Week, Republican Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota told George Stephanopoulos that Trump’s “Big Lie” about election fraud was a fallacy, saying that…

“As a part of our due diligence, we looked at over 60 different accusations made in multiple states. While there were some irregularities, there were none of the irregularities which would have risen to the point where they would have changed the vote outcome in a single state. The election was fair — as fair as we’ve seen. We simply did not win the election as Republicans for the presidency.”

As you might imagine, this triggered Trump into another infantile Twitter tirade. In a tweet posted by his (Twitter ban defying spokes-shill), Trump unleashed an extended harangue of hatred aimed at the GOP senator who, in Trump’s view, was committing sacrilege.

Trump seethed that Rounds “just went woke on the Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020.” He complained that Rounds ignored the nonexistent election fraud despite what Trump falsely said was “massive evidence to the contrary” Trump whined that Rounds “found the election to be ok—just fine. Is he crazy or just stupid?” And that was just for starters.

Trump continued saying that “The only reason he did this is because he got my endorsement and easily won his state in 2020.” So Trump thinks that he’s responsible for a Republican winning in the blood red state of South Dakota. He went on to affirm the cult status of his “movement,” saying that it’s “only the weak who will break away.” And then Trump dropped the pièce de résistance: “I will never endorse this jerk again. Which probably has the senator from South Dakota shaking in his boots.

Trump unloaded on what he regards as the source of the problem, saying that It’s “The Radical Left Democrats and RINOS, like ‘Senator’ Mike Rounds [who are] destroy[ing] our Nation!” But he may need to broaden his attack to include Fox News host Brian Kilmeade. The ordinarily obsequious Kilmeade told Fox News’ Howard Kurtz (video below) that…

“In life, you have to learn to lose [and that] If you did, in fact, get screwed out of this election, put together an A-team list of lawyers – not the ones we witnessed – and show us the districts and show us how. I have not seen any of that.”

So Kilmeade is maligning not just Trump, but also Rudy Giuliani and the rest of Trump legal hacks. That, however, is not an indication that Kilmeade or Fox News has moderated their partisan biases. Kilmeade also said that…

“It defies logic to think a President could win by seven million votes who never left his basement, who couldn’t put together a clear speech, who never engaged in any challenging interview, who really struggled through every debate, could actually win this election.”

None of that is remotely consistent with reality. But it does show that Kilmeade is still fully on board with Trump’s election fraud lies, despite his admission that there is no evidence of it. That’s exactly how a cult works. Believe whatever you are told to believe and don’t ask questions. And anyone who strays from the orthodoxy is an enemy.

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HUH? McCarthy Accuses Democrats of Politicizing Trump’s January 6th Political Insurrection

The perversion of rational thought from within the ranks of the Republican Party is one of the most disturbing developments arising from the Dystopian Era of Trump. It’s bad enough that America has to endure the rancid, imbecilic incoherence of Donald Trump himself, but his impact on the party that he leads just makes matters so much worse.

Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy

On Sunday morning, the Republican minority leader in the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, provided an unsettling illustration of the descent of the GOP borg-mind into fantastical delusion. McCarthy was “interviewed” by Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo. And during this episode of programmed propaganda, McCarthy sought to blame Democrats for “politicizing” the Trump-incited riots. He said that…

“You watched what they did last week while we were out, trying to politicize January 6th. And everybody believes that what happened on January 6th was wrong beyond wrong. But as just you showed that clip, Speaker Pelosi, and some are doing the research, using ‘Hamilton,’ a fundraiser they say, that was used back in October 2020 for ActBlue.”

Wow. Just WOW! McCarthy is SHOCKED that a politically motivated attack on a political institution directed against politicians in order to overturn a politically contentious election is viewed as being political. How the heck could that happen? You don’t suppose it was because McCarthy and the GOP were “trying to politicize January 6th.”

Perhaps McCarthy provided the answer to his own befuddlement in his brief diatribe. After all, he began by noting that “last week while we were out” the events memorializing the deadly insurrection last year were attended only by Democrats. McCarthy’s party, at his direction, made the patently political choice to snub the solemn observances of the day.

Further tainting the affair with blatant partisanship, McCarthy falsely stated that “everybody believes that what happened on January 6th was wrong beyond wrong.” However, polls show that a majority of gullible Republicans believe that the insurrection was a patriotic defense of freedom. And Trump himself has been denying for months that anything wrong happened that day (See also Tucker Carlson). In Trump’s view the criminal mob was comprised of peaceful protestors, and it was the American people who voted on Election Day, November 3, 2021, who were the “real” insurrections.

McCarthy went on to make a glaringly political attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for something he didn’t quite manage to articulate. That was followed by his whining that Democrats held a fundraiser in October of 2020, that had nothing to do with the insurrection that took place three months later.

There is no one in the Republican Party who is more political than McCarthy. Remember, he’s the guy who originally criticized Trump for failing to call off his insurrectionists in the hours after the riots occurred. On the House floor McCarthy said that…

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding.”

Not only did Trump not denounce the mob, according to his communications director, Stephanie Grisham, he watched it repeatedly on TV while it went down. Afterwards Trump told the rioters that he loved them. And shortly after that McCarthy made the pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago to kiss Dear Leader’s… let’s just say ring. There surely was nothing political about that, was there?

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On the Anniversary of Donald Trump Being Banned on Twitter… His Last Tweet (Sort Of)

This week marked a solemn anniversary of a tragic event that strained the foundations of American democracy. The January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C. by Donald Trump’s cult disciples will go down in history as one of the nation’s darkest days. It was a day that will be recognized for Trump’s orchestration of an attempted coup. And on its anniversary, true to form, Trump reminded everyone just how loathsome an individual he is.

Donald Trump, Twitter, Tweets

As it happens, this week celebrates another more pleasant day of yesteryear. It was one year ago on January 8, 2021, that Twitter permanently suspended Trump’s account. Twitter imposed the ban two days after Trump’s deadly riots on Capitol Hill, saying that “we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” That was a prudent observation that has borne itself out in the intervening months. In fact, A study conducted after Trump was banned from Twitter showed that “online misinformation about election fraud plunged 73 percent.” So the departure of Trump and his crackpot crusaders actually made the Internet noticeably better.

This anniversary of Trump’s dishonorable discharge from Twitter would be a good time to recall how he went out. His very last tweet was a pretty good summation of the whole of his noxious public persona. Trump tweeted

“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

Perfect. Trump displayed his egomaniacal self-absorption along with his rancid disrespect for the traditions that have defined America’s democracy for decades. For Trump there would be no appreciation for the principle of a peaceful transfer of power. His gargantuan and insatiable conceit would not allow him to acknowledge that he is a loser and, as Biden aptly noted, a defeated former president.”

In addition to that, Trump’s last day on Twitter also contained this demented outburst

“The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”

And subsequently, Trump spent the next year petulantly whining that he and his followers have been disrespected and mistreated.

Plus, Trump spoke of the insurrection while it was in progress with the sort of inflammatory lies that incited the assault against Congress in the first place, tweeting that

“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

And of course, Trump provoked his glassy-eyed devotees to harass and threaten his cowardly and disloyal vice-president, tweeting that

“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

That’s what Trump left us with on Twitter as he was thrust into social media exile. It is evidence that Twitter acted appropriately to deny him the use of their platform to spew more of his dishonest and seditious ravings.

Unfortunately, that didn’t entirely shut him up. Trump continues to bombard the Twitterverse with his bombastic rhetoric thanks to his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, who obediently posts his every infantile inkling, despite that being a violation of Twitter’s rules prohibiting the circumvention of a ban.

If anything, Trump’s behavior has gotten even more deranged since his pseudo-departure from the web. He has filed an asinine lawsuit against Twitter, Facebook, and Google, to force them to carry his psychotic rants. He has ordered his minions To “drop off of Twitter” and called for it to be outlawed. And he has expressed his regret that he didn’t ban Facebook and Twitter when he was occupying the White House.

Trump also claims to be launching his own social media enterprise/scam that is most likely to fail, just like almost every other business he’s run. But even if he gets it off the ground, people will have to wonder what the appeal of a website that is populated solely by Trumpist crackpots would be. Most Americans would describe it as Hell on Earth.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly.

Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse
on Facebook and Instagram.

And check out my books on Amazon:

Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

Thanks so much for your support.

Tucker Carlson Emasculates Ted Cruz and Lies that ‘Not a Lot Happened’ on January 6th

One year ago, Donald Trump sent his glassy-eyed disciples on a mission to undermine American democracy in a violent attempt to cling to power and fulfill his authoritarian aspirations. What resulted was a deadly assault on Congress that put the lives its members – and even Trump’s vice-president – at dire risk of grave injury or worse.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

Trump’s January 6th insurrection will be remembered as among the darkest days of American history. Except, of course, by Trump and his treasonous cohorts. In fact, Trump has already responded to the observance of the anniversary of his coup attempt with exactly the sort of grotesquery for which he is so well known.

Meanwhile, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) was on its own mission to keep its viewers pitifully ignorant and drenched in disinformation. On this solemn occasion, the narrative on Fox News was that there was no insurrection at all. Fox has adopted Trump’s wholly fictional framing of the horrific affair as “protest” by peaceful patriots. And the first order of business was to slap down any wayward Republicans who diverted from that doctrine.

At the forefront of this media spin cycle was Tucker Carlson, Fox’s Senior White Nationalist. Carlson was aghast at hearing Sen. Ted Cruz describe the insurrection as “a terror attack.” And he let Cruz know it when the disobedient senator submitted himself for discipline. For his part, Cruz bent over with shameless contrition:

Carlson: You call this a terror attack when by no definition was it a terror attack. That was a lie. You told that lie on purpose and I’m wondering why you did.
Cruz: The way I phrased things yesterday, it was sloppy and, frankly, it was dumb.
Carlson: I don’t buy that. Whoa whoa whoa! I don’t buy that. […] Every word – you repeated that phrase. I do not believe that you used that accidentally. I just don’t! […]
Cruz: Tucker, I agree with you. It was a mistake to say that yesterday.
Carlson: I guess I just don’t believe you. And I mean that with respect.

Respect? Carlson repeatedly called Cruz a liar to his face, and Cruz agreed with him. Which shouldn’t surprise anyone who recalls that Cruz still became a Trump suck-up after Trump insulted his wife and accused his father of assassinating John F. Kennedy. This is pretty good evidence that Fox News is not the media arm of the Republican Party. but that the Republican Party is the political arm of Fox News.

As for Carlson’s assertion that the insurrection was by “no definition” a terrorist attack, he might want to check the Justice Department’s definition of terrorism that states that…

“The FBI defines terrorism, domestic or international, as the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government or civilian population in furtherance of political or social objectives.”

In other words, precisely what took place on January 6, 2021. However, while that exchange looks pretty awful for both Carlson and Cruz, it wasn’t the worst of Carlson’s blather. Prior to emasculating Cruz, Carlson constructed an alternate reality about the insurrection:

“If you take three steps back as historical events go, if we are being honest now, Jan. 6 barely rates as a footnote. Really not a lot happened that day if you think about it. The presidential election was not overturned, the Capitol was not destroyed, the government was not toppled, no matter what you may have heard. Not a single elected official was injured. […] None of the so-called insurrectionists had guns.”

“Not a lot happened?” Sure, if you regard five deaths, 140 injured police officers, $30 million in damage, and the stain on the constitutional principle of democratic self-governance as “not a lot.”

Carlson’s interpretation of the banality of the insurrection is preposterous and purposefully dishonest. Just because it failed doesn’t mean that it wasn’t profoundly destructive and a threat to the future of a free nation. Would Carlson say that “not a lot happened” if a man survived a heart attack while his house was on fire, just because he lived through it and the fire was eventually extinguished? In that analogy, quite a lot happened and the victim’s life was forever changed.

Perhaps a better analogy would be to ask Carlson how he would feel if a marauding mob invaded the Fox News offices, smashed through doors and windows, assaulted police and security, and vandalized property, while chanting “Hang Rupert Murdoch.”

What’s more, Carlson’s claim that “None of the so-called insurrectionists had guns,” was another flagrant lie. PolitiFact debunked that falsehood last year when Fox’s Maria Bartiromo and Trump were disgorging it:

“Court records and news reports show that many insurrectionists were armed, and several were charged with having firearms on Capitol grounds or stashed nearby while in Washington D.C. In addition, rioters had weapons other than firearms and used them during the attack.”

Finally, Carlson deliberately mangled what President Biden said in his January 6th speech:

“Biden told the country that, in fact, symbolically January 6th was worse than the Civil War. The American Civil War. That would be the war that killed more than a million people. January 6th was worse than that because somebody held a naughty flag.”

Of course, Biden never said that. And Carlson’s noxious trivialization of the congressional invasion as merely “naughty” is typical of his irredeemably deceitful character, or lack thereof. What Biden actually said was:

“Rioters rampaging, waving for the first time inside this Capitol a Confederate flag that symbolized the cause to destroy America, to rip us apart. Even during the Civil War, that never, ever happened. But it happened here in 2021.”

Biden wasn’t saying that the insurrection was worse than the Civil War. He was merely pointing out the Confederate rebels never managed to carry their flag into the seat of the U.S. government. Carlson knows that. He just wants to further drown his dimwitted viewers in lies and to keep them artificially enraged. All the better to send them into the next insurrection that Carlson surely wants see take place.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly.

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And check out my books on Amazon:

Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

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