Herr Trump Embraces Fascist GOP Threats to Regulate Twitter and Arrest Their Executives

During his brief but abominable occupation of the White House, Donald Trump distinguished himself from his predecessors by relentlessly expressing his aversion to the free press and the Constitution. He repeatedly referred to the media as “the enemy of the people,” and more recently literally called for termination of the Constitution.

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Donald Trump, QAnon, Dictator

On Wednesday the newly GOP-led House Oversight Committee held a hearing to finally get to the bottom of the Scandal of the Century, Hunter Biden’s stolen laptop. Specifically the Committee sought to prove that the pre-Elon Musk Twitter regime had deliberately skewed their policies to adversely affect conservatives and Republicans and, especially Donald Trump.

The Republicans staged a shamelessly shallow exercise in feigned outrage over imaginary offenses that was triggered by the embarrassingly ineffective attempt by Musk’s “Twitter Files” “exposé” to unveil political bias on the part of Twitter’s previous staff.

RELATED: OH-MY: Trump Unleashes Vile Threats in Tantrum Over Elon Musk’s ‘Twitter Files’ Farce

Notable during the avalanche of asininity on the part of Republican members of the Committee, were the remarks by Clay Higgins of Louisiana. When it was his turn to question the Twitter executives who were summoned before the Committee to testify, Higgins launched into an unhinged flurry of baseless accusations and culminating in outright threats:

“You, ladies and gentlemen interfered with the United States of America 2020 presidential election, knowingly and willingly. That’s the bad news. It’s gonna get worse because this is the investigation part. Later comes the arrests part. Your attorneys are familiar with that.”
Marjorie Taylor Greene said the same thing.

What we have here is a member of Congress threatening to have witnesses arrested for unspecified crimes for which he has no evidence ever occurred. What Higgins is asserting as criminal is the exercise of the constitutional rights of a private social media company to moderate the content on its website. It is wholly inappropriate intimidation by a government official seeking to coerce the behavior of individuals to comply with his political beliefs.

That sort of authoritarian bullying is generally reserved for tyrants and dictators, and those who seek to emulate them. And speaking of Donald Trump… He was thrilled to see how Higgins browbeat the Twitter execs. He posted a video of Higgins along with with his approval on his pitifully failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, saying that…

“Finally we have people with courage stepping forward! The Election was Rigged and Stolen, in so many ways – A mockery of our fully weaponized ‘Justice’ system.”

[For the record, the tweet that Trump was so appalled by that he wanted Twitter staff arrested was by supermodel Chrissy Teigen, who called Trump a “PAB” (look it up) for being too cowardly to tag her in his tweet that insulted her]

Of course, there was nothing in Higgins remarks – or in the entirety of the hearing – that even hinted at any evidence that the “Election was Rigged and Stolen.” To the contrary, Democrats on the Committee conclusively proved that the only bias by Twitter was in favor of Trump and the GOP. Even worse, in questioning by Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) it was affirmed that only the Trump White House ever attempted to direct Twitter to censor content. And it did so with an overt threat that, “We’ll shut you down. We’ll regulate you. We Will never allow this to happen.”

That is an example of unambiguous government suppression of a free press and a violation of the First Amendment. Nevertheless, Rep. Jim Jordan tried to turn the tables by accusing the Biden campaign of censorship simply because they made a request for Twitter to review certain offensive tweets. Jordan’s argument, however, was ridiculous. He claimed that asking Twitter to review whether tweets were in compliance with their own terms of service was censorship.

Obviously, it’s not against the First Amendment to ask a company to review content based on the company’s own standards. What’s more, the Biden campaign not only didn’t accompany their requests with threats, they weren’t even in power at the time, so they had no clout with which to threaten. And yet this is the scenario in which Trump posted a comment urging his cult to “Watch the Twitter hearings going on right now in Washington. They admit that the Presidential Election of 2020 was RIGGED & STOLEN!”

Naturally Trump is lying. No such admission occurred in the hearing. But Trump’s flagrant dishonesty is precisely the sort of provocation that resulted in the riots in Washington on January 6th. And his continued presence on social media (both Twitter and Facebook recently reinstated his accounts) will predictably result in more violence.

RELATED: Why Elon Musk Restoring Trump’s Twitter Account is Ignorant, Dangerous, and Hypocritical

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Trump Live Blogged Biden’s State of the Union – And it Was Just as Schizoid as You’d Expect

The State of the Union address that President Biden delivered on Tuesday night was remarkable in several respects. Most importantly because it affirmed that Biden is a vigorous advocate for the principles that most Americans hold dear. From the economy and fair taxation, to climate change, to reproductive rights, to foreign policy, to Social Security, and more, the President was eloquent, effective, and passionately patriotic.

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Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

Republicans in the audience, however, were a different story. They behaved like incontinent toddlers howling in frustration, unable to comport themselves courteously, or even coherently. Even while a huge majority of Speech viewers reacted positively (72%, including 43% of Republicans), characters like Marjorie Taylor Greene shouted rudely with the contemptuousness that has made Republicans political pariahs.

RELATED: Americans are Unsatisfied with Politics in General, But Specifically Despise Trump and the GOP

Never one to be left out of any media frenzy, Donald Trump shoved his way into this event by live-blogging the speech on his pitifully failing social media site, Truth Social. But his petulant and self-serving outbursts only remind people of just how deranged and consumed with rage he is. His commentary was nothing more than a threaded temper tantrum. He began by dragging down America and, of course, lying.

“We are truly a Nation In Decline, and for that reason I want Joe Biden to do well tonight!”

Yeah, sure he does. Let’s see how that worked out.

“Too much use of the word ‘folks!'”

This coming from the guy who repeats himself like a manic Tourette’s sufferer (i.e. fake news, witch hunt, MAGA, and the unrelenting whine of Russia, Russia, Russia).

“He seems to be very angry, shouting into the mic, when he’s trying to come across as conciliatory. Perhaps somebody should walk up to the dais, tap him on the shoulder, and say, ‘Be cool!'”

What speech was Trump watching? Nevertheless, It’s good advice from someone who knows what being persistently angry is all about.

“On Unemployment, far fewer people are working now—a false figure, because the workforce is smaller, at 3.4%, is virtually meaningless!”

WRONG! There are millions more Americans working today than when Biden took office. The labor force participation rate declined during Trump’s term, and recovered during Biden’s.

“We wouldn’t have had the War with Russia and Ukraine if I were President. I could also end it in 24 hours—which is what should happen!”

Trump has previously claimed that he has magic words that would end the war, but he refuses to tell anyone.

“Just showed Swalwell, a man who spent a lot of time in Spy Fang Fang’s ‘honey net,’ and wasn’t removed from our most important Committee. Only in America!”

Trump is disseminating this slanderous lie because he’s afraid of Rep. Swalwell, and also because he’s a big baby.

“He’s absolutely screaming, ‘Infrastructure, Infrastructure,’ then he shouldn’t be wasting all of our money on China-produced windmills and the Green New Deal!”

Biden’s infrastructure bill got bipartisan support, and even the Republicans who voted against it have tried to take credit for it. Also, majorities support the “Green New Deal.”

“Just showed Racist Maxine Waters with a big smile on her face, but this is a woman that truly hates America!”

Every Black person is a racist in Trump’s eyes. He says the same thing about Leticia James, the Attorney General of New York.

“If I ever made a Speech like this, they’d run me out of Washington, D.C. But there’s time left, maybe he can save it.”

Who wants to remind Trump that the American people did run him out of Washington?

“Pocahontas is really going wild tonight—She almost has to be constrained, the only thing that will do it is the straight jacket!”

Trump is referring to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who committed the sin of applauding. Did Trump see his bestie Marjorie Taylor Greene?

“He’s lying so much about Social Security, Medicare, and so many other things!”

For the record, GOP Sen. Rick Scott actually put his plan to “sunset” Social Security and other programs into writing. And he just doubled down on it on Twitter. Meanwhile, Biden got Republicans to join Democrats in a standing ovation for his comment that “We all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare is off the books now, right?”

In addition to Trump’s live blogging, he finished his evening rant by posting a video of what he called “the real State of the Union.” However, it was just more of his dystopian, “American Carnage” rhetoric about how awful the country is. For instance…

“Over the past two years under Biden millions and millions of illegal aliens from 160 different countries have stormed across our Southern border […] Savage killers, rapists, and violent criminals are being released from jail to continue their crime. […] Real wages are down 20 months in a row. Gas prices have soared and are now going up much higher than even before (both false). […] Joe Biden’s weaponized Justice Department — and I’m a victim of it — is persecuting his political opponents. […] They’re trying to indoctrinate and mutilate our children. […] He’s leading us to the brink of World War III.”

That compendium of pessimism and horror is typical of the GOP’s current public positions. It was affirmed in Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ response to the State of the Union, wherein she contrasted Biden’s optimism with the nightmarish future envisioned by Republicans. Although she did mange to squeeze out one true statement…

“The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal or crazy.”

Exactly! Unfortunately, she doesn’t understand how most people will interpret that. It’s also sad that the craziness on the right is already leading to violent incidents by Trump cultists. And Trump is actually egging them on.

SEE THIS: Trump Post Urges His Cult Followers to Take Up Arms and ‘Physically Fight’ for the Presidency

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Tucker Carlson is APPALLED By All the Black Women Biden Appointed to Federal Courts – Illegally?

America is undergoing some of the most tumultuous times in its history. It is being spied on by giant Chinese party favors. It is fighting demonic pop music stars. And Hunter Biden’s laptop is still at large threatening to cast the nation into an abyss of communistic oppression.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Klan Hat

In the midst of that avalanche of apocalyptic horror, Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, is committed to reminding his vulgarian viewers that President Biden and the Democratic Party are on a mission to darken America demographically. It’s all part of the “Great Replacement” theory that Carlson has been pushing for several years.

SEE THIS: Tucker Carlson of Fox News Fears Democrats are ‘Importing New Voters’ to ‘Replace’ Him

On Monday Carlson lashed out at Biden for having the audacity to bring some equity to the federal court system after a couple of centuries of flagrant bigotry. Fox News has already redefined “equity” as evil (literally), and Carlson is anxious to add his warped perspective on the subject. So he complained bitterly about Biden’s judicial nominees being too Black…

“Out of 97 federal judges confirmed under Joe Biden, total number of white men: five. Twenty-two are Black women. So this is race-based hiring. It’s illegal. But it’s also not about looking like America. It’s about punishing people.”

Exactly! Biden is dead set on punishing the historically discriminated population of white males in America. It’s about time. Carlson elaborated saying that “no administration has ever looked less like America … than the Biden administration,” and that they were “discriminating against certain classes of people who don’t vote for them.” Because everyone knows that no white person has ever voted for Biden or any Democrat. That would be illegal, wouldn’t it?

Contrast that with Donald Trump and his record of having appointed the smallest share of nonwhite judges in more than 25 years. For the record, according to the American Bar Association

  • There are 59 Black women among the 1,409 sitting Article III federal judges across the country. That’s 4% of all federal judges. All but 11 are in the trial courts. Fifty-two were appointed by Democratic presidents.
  • The federal bench is still largely white and male. Seventy percent of all sitting Article III federal judges are male; 78% are white.

So you can see why Carlson is so upset. The federal judiciary is still far from being 100% white male. And Carlson, Fox News, and the Republican Party, will not rest until that goal is reached.

Racial equity in the courts is an atrocity to these “patriots.” In fact, Carlson actually went into a rage when Biden promised to nominate more Black women. And he described the nomination of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson as Biden’s effort to “destroy” the Supreme Court and to “humiliate and degrade” the country. So it’s no secret where he and his confederates stand.

SEE THIS: Tucker Carlson of Fox News Says Biden Chose Ketanji Brown Jackson to ‘Destroy’ the Supreme Court

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Fox News Says Biden is ‘Compromised’ Because He Revoked Trump’s Non-Existent Ban on TikTok

In a time of political turmoil, there is one thing that everyone can rely on with the utmost certainty. Fox News is going to spend the next couple of years feverishly fabricating defamatory fiction about President Biden. Whether or not he runs for reelection in 2024, the Fox News Bullshit Factory will be running on full steam to malign Biden and undermine democracy.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

On Monday morning, Fox News contributor and former GOP congressman, Sean Duffy (whose wife, Rachel Campos-Duffy, is a Fox News host), was the token male on Fox’s “Outnumbered.” The subject for one segment was what to do about the nefarious Chinese social media app, TikTok.

Duffy began his fairy tale spinning with a wholly unsupported assertion that it wasn’t TikTok, but members of Congress with access to classified information who are a “security risk.” His reasoning was that they are using two phones, one of which is personal and is disseminating info to China. Duffy doesn’t provide any evidence of this, but as a former congressman, he might just be talking about his own behavior when he served. And Fox and the GOP are mighty perturbed about China these days.

RELATED: Pathological Liar Trump Denies Pentagon Reports of Chinese Balloons Over U.S. During His Term

Following that, Duffy segues to an accusation that President Biden must be “compromised” because he “got rid of the Trump ban on TikTok.” “I’m a Joe Biden is compromised guy,” Duffy bragged, “otherwise he wouldn’t have done it.”

There is, however, a small problem with Duffy’s accusation. While Donald Trump did issue an executive order calling for TikTok to be banned if its Chinese owner, ByteDance, didn’t sell it, the order was never implemented, and was struck down by a federal court. What Biden did was to revoke Trump’s invalid and illegal executive order, and issue another in its place that complied with the law. Biden’s order specified that a security risk would be considered when apps were owned or controlled by foreign adversaries, or if the apps collected sensitive personal data.

Duffy went on to contradict himself and his criticism of Biden by noting the risks of banning TikTok from the Apple and Google app stores. He correctly noted that if Apple ceased to offer TikTok, China might retaliate by shutting down Apple’s computer and iPhone factories in China. “If they take TikTok off their app store,” Duffy said, “China will retaliate and, all of a sudden, you may not be able to buy an iPhone or a computer.”

It’s difficult to figure out just what Duffy is complaining about. First he’s appalled that Biden might allow TikTok to continue operating in the U.S. Then he’s fearful of losing his iPhone if measures were taken to ban TikTok. So which is it? Is Biden compromised by China, or should Biden be compromising with China?

Don’t look for Duffy or Fox News to answer that question. They have never been particularly concerned about national security. Especially as it regards Trump, who was known to have used private, unsecured phones while he was president. Nor would they be covering for Trump who stole hundreds of classified documents and stored them at his hotel/home, Mar-a-Lago.

RELATED: Trump v Biden: Their Reactions to Special Counsels Reveals Who’s Innocent and Who’s Scared

Yet somehow, to Fox News, Biden replacing Trump’s unlawful TikTok ban with a legally valid review process means he’s compromised by China – where Trump had a secret bank account while in the White House. And despite these facts, we can expect many more attacks on Biden between now and the 2024 election. It’s what they do.

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Pathological Liar Trump Denies Pentagon Reports of Chinese Balloons Over U.S. During His Term

In the wake of the 21st century’s most dreadful and diabolical act of international espionage – the Chinese Spy Balloon Affair – Donald Trump is displaying his famously fatuous and defiant demeanor. Always the measured stateman, Trump’s response to China’s brief and inconsequential incursion into American air space is typically distant from any rational version of reality.

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Donald Trump

Trump’s first public comment on this pressing matter was a posting on his pitifully failing social media site, Truth Social, that said nothing but “SHOOT DOWN THE BALLOON!” Which was particularly asinine advice considering that he and his mouthpieces on Fox News believed that it might contain bioweapons that would spread for miles were the balloon to be shot down over the U.S.

RELATED: UH-OH: GOP Oversight Committee Chair on Fox News Fears a Weather Balloon is a Chinese Bioweapon

On Sunday Trump elaborated on his thoughts regarding the giant Chinese party favor. He posted a comment that refuted the documented reports by the Pentagon about the state of the military Spy Balloon gap. Trump babbled that…

“The Chinese Balloon situation is a disgrace, just like the Afghanistan horror show, and everything else surrounding the grossly incompetent Biden Administration. They are only good at cheating in elections, and disinformation — and now they are putting out that a Balloon was put up by China during the Trump Administration, in order to take the ‘heat’ off the slow moving Biden fools. China had too much respect for ‘TRUMP’ for this to have happened, and it NEVER did. JUST FAKE DISINFORMATION!”

First of all, wouldn’t “FAKE DISINFORMATION” be real information? Setting that aside, Trump’s tedious tantrums about President Biden and the Democrats are always describing one “disgrace” or another. In this case, Trump is adamant that nothing like this ever occurred during his tumultuous term in the White House. Unfortunately for Trump, the Pentagon disagrees. They issued a statement on Thursday that revealed that…

“It is not the first time that you had a balloon of this nature cross over the continental United States. It has happened a handful of other times over the past few years, to include before this administration.”

Not only that, Fox News reported the same thing with additional details, saying that…

“U.S. officials tell Fox it’s not the first time Chinese spy balloons have flown over the United States. About four months ago a Chinese spy balloon crashed in the Pacific near Hawaii. Others were spotted over Texas and Florida, dating back to the Trump administration, but never previously acknowledged publicly.”

Sane observers know that Biden did the right thing by taking the advice of the military professionals and waiting to shoot down the balloon until it was over the Atlantic. They had already disabled the balloon’s surveillance capabilities. And having seen the seven mile long debris field validates the decision not to shoot it down over land, where the two-bus sized payload might have caused harm to people or property.

Trump is clearly unconcerned about these facts. And he isn’t bothered that the Pentagon refuted his factless and simple-minded denial. Neither is Fox News. Despite their own reporting, they have disseminated flagrantly false propaganda about the popping of the balloon. Fox host Maria Bartiromo asked an array of questions intended to invoke irrational fears…

“Did it drop and disburse surveillance products powered by solar energy to allow unlimited surveillance? And why did it take U.S. officials so long to shoot it down? Was it a test for the CCP to see if can send something into America’s airspace undetected? And how much surveillance is China performing on America right now?”

Note that Bartiromo was worried about the downing of the balloon because of the potential that it would “drop and disburse surveillance products,” but that she thought it should have been shot down sooner. She’s saying, in effect, that she wants China to have been able to collect more information.

Fox News also hosted Trump’s Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, who claimed to have been totally unaware of any of the Chinese spy balloon incidents during the Trump years. That’s comforting, isn’t it?

Additionally, Fox interviewed GOP senator Marco Rubio, who made a bizarrely contorted argument that China benefited by Biden not shooting down the balloon, and that China benefited by Biden shooting down the balloon. So according to Rubio, China wins either way.

How would this have been different during Trump’s term? He had the same options to either shoot down the balloon or not. And presumably the same win-win benefits for China. Of course, Trump took a third path wherein he did nothing at all and concealed the whole matter from the public. That was surely a win for Trump’s pals in China.

This is the sort of nonsense that passes for expert analysis on Fox News. And then they expect their audience to accept their dishonesty and foolishness. Lucky for them, their viewers have been primed to buy bullshit like this for many years. And that same cultist indoctrination paved the road for Trump to be able to lie so brazenly and profusely and still appeal to his glassy-eyed devotees.

It’s just a matter of time before the Kool-Aid is distributed. Or worse, he gives his StormTrumpers the orders to attack the rest of us. Which, actually, he has already done.

RELATED: Trump Post Urges His Cult Followers to Take Up Arms and ‘Physically Fight’ for the Presidency

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Trump Claims to Have Magic Words that Will End Ukraine War in 24 Hours, But Won’t Tell Anyone

After several years of Donald Trump making assertions that he routinely fails to back up, most people will rationally dismiss his remarks as the raving lunacy that they are. However, that doesn’t seem to deter him from continuing to disgorge utter nonsense on a regular basis.

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Donald Trump, Padded Cell

Trump has the advantage of having a devoted following of glassy-eyed cultists who will believe whatever he says, no matter how obviously preposterous. That has enabled him to make ridiculous claims to having easy solutions to every problem. They usually include unfilled promises to complete those solutions in two weeks (see his healthcare, infrastructure, and border wall plans).

RELATED: In Jesus’ Name: Messiah Trump Promises Election Fraud ‘Truth’ is Coming Out – In Two Weeks?

On Friday Trump did another of his lazy call-in interviews. This one was with the ultra-rightist Right Side Broadcasting Network. In the course of their friendly chat wherein Trump was never challenged on any of his flagrant lies, Trump disclosed that he has hidden powers to wave a wand and resolve any crisis. Even one as complex and intractable as the Russian war against Ukraine. After being asked about his prior claims to being able to negotiate an end to the war – which centered wholly on appeasing Putin – Trump rambled on saying that…

“Well, first of all it should have never started. It would have never started had I been president. There was no chance of this war starting and, frankly, I don’t think Putin wanted to do it. I think he was sort of forced in by the statements being made by Biden.” […]

“With that being said, I think it can be negotiated within 24 hours.It really has to be done from the office of the president. And you have to get both in a room, and there are things you can say to each one of them, which I won’t reveal now, which will guarantee that this war will end immediately.”

Naturally, there is no world calamity that would have occurred if only Trump were President for Life. What’s more, every catastrophe that befalls America is the fault of President Biden. Never mind that Trump had previously praised Putin as a “genius” for his threats against, and invasion of Ukraine.

More to the point, Trump revealed that he has wizardly ways to invoke some clandestine incantation that would magically produce peace in the region “within 24 hours.” He even suggested that he be dispatched to lead negotiations between Putin and Zelenskyy. However, he isn’t going to disclose the magic words he has unless he is returned to the White House.

In other words, Trump is offering a “guarantee” that he could end the horrific war crimes of his pal Putin, and stop the slaughter of thousands of innocent Ukrainian civilians, but he isn’t willing to do that for at least another two years because of his megalomaniacal lust for power. He is, in effect, holding the world hostage to his demand to be crowned King of America.

Trump thinks that that expression of callous and deadly self-interest will get him reelected. Of course, Trump’s guarantee is worth about as much as a diploma from Trump University. And Trump couldn’t be relied on to keep his word, even if he had the occult capability he claims. He couldn’t even cast a spell to get reelected in 2020, or to get his candidates elected in 2022. Although he did blame those losses on his evangelical devotees.

RELATED: It’s Time for the Media to Cover Donald Trump as the Messiah of the QAnon Cult

Trump did another call-in interview on Friday wherein he gave right-wing hack Hugh Hewitt an incoherent position on the Ukraine war in which he expresses his desire to see Ukraine and Russia fight. Although he wants to make sure that Russia wins by denying Ukraine any aid. Which pretty well sums up just how ignorant and potentially dangerous Trump is. See if this makes any sense…

Hewitt: Do you want to cut off aid to Ukraine right now, Mr. President?
Trump: I want to make it so that Ukraine and Russia have to fight, and fight for the last time. We gotta make peace. If we won’t make peace…if we just keep sending everything over…you know we’re sending over. We gotta fight for the last day, for the last two days. This thing has to stop. And it’s gotta stop now.

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UH-OH: GOP Oversight Committee Chair on Fox News Fears a Weather Balloon is a Chinese Bioweapon

Among the many imminent threats to the national security of the United States, none have a greater potential for harm than the Republican Party. Particularly as it is presently transfixed by Donald Trump and his uniquely anti-American brand of ignorance, divisiveness, hostility, and egomaniacal self-exaltation.

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Republican Virus

On Friday morning the latest totally manufactured pseudo-scandal roiling the Biden administration was reported by the nervous nellies of the media. It featured a hot air balloon that was spotted at a high altitude above the plains of Montana. It was quickly accused of being a Chinese aircraft sent to spy on the United States. Never mind that China conceded that it belonged to them and was simply a wayward weather balloon.

Without hesitation, Fox News sprung into action contacting Republican Rep. James Comer (R-Balloon Boy), the new chairman of the House Oversight Committee, to get his assuredly informed and unbiased appraisal of the hovering hazard. Comer, it should be noted, is the Republican Party’s lead persecutor of President Biden, with a perverse emphasis on his son, Hunter. Comer plans to turn the Committee into a dedicated political harassment panel with the help of the GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News.

RELATED: It’s Hunter Time: GOP Leaders are Putting Fox News First By Implementing the Hannity Agenda

Comer was a guest on Fox News Friday morning to float typically bizarre conspiracy theories about the aberrant balloon. Fox’s Harris Faulkner asked Comer about the balloon, alarmed that it is “the size of three buses now, that China says was taken by wind – wind that we can’t substantiate.” Surely Comer will get to the bottom of the unsubstantiated wind controversy. In the meantime, he replied to Faulkner’s query saying…

“Well, I have concern that this is gonna be another example of the Biden administration’s weakness on a national scale. I mean, you look at what happened in Afghanistan. […] My concern is that the federal government obviously doesn’t know what’s in that balloon. Is that bioweapons in that balloon? Did that balloon take off from Wuhan.”

Exactly! This is no different than what happened in Afghanistan when a lone terrorist blew himself up, killing dozens of innocent Afghanis and thirteen American soldiers. And even though he has absolutely zero evidence of any clandestine plot, Comer speculates that the balloon 80,000 feet in the air contains deadly toxins because China is so eager to start a global war with the United States.

For the record, CNN did what Comer couldn’t be bothered to do to find out more about this looming threat. They spoke to a Pentagon official who put the situation into perspective:

“Why not shoot it down? We have to do the risk-reward here,” the official said. “So the first question is, does it pose a threat, a physical kinetic threat, to individuals in the United States in the US homeland? Our assessment is it does not. Does it pose a threat to civilian aviation? Our assessment is it does not. Does it pose a significantly enhanced threat on the intelligence side? Our best assessment right now is that it does not. So given that profile, we assess the risk of downing it, even if the probability is low in a sparsely populated area of the debris falling and hurting someone or damaging property, that it wasn’t worth it.”

Not one to sit out an opportunity to hog the spotlight of any media hysteria, Donald Trump weighed in with his customary abundance of insight and wisdom. In a posting on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, Trump bellowed…


Yep. That was the whole statement. And it makes perfect sense. Because what better solution could there be than to shoot down a balloon that he suspects contains deadly toxins, so that it falls onto innocent Americans on the ground? Or at the very least, spreads the poison throughout the region by unsubstantiated, but surely Chinese-affiliated, winds.

These military geniuses aren’t crazy at all, are they? And since the balloon flew over Canada on its way to the U.S., perhaps we should take Tucker Carlson’s advice more seriously…

SEE THIS: Tucker Carlson Wants the U.S. to Invade Canada to ‘Liberate’ it So it Doesn’t ‘Become Cuba’

America can feel confidant that their nation is being secured by people like Comer and Trump and the Republican Party. Now they don’t have to worry that China is attacking the U.S. with balloons or other party favors. They don’t have to wonder if those balloons are carrying viruses invented by the evil Dr. Fauci, or cash to payoff Hunter Biden, or the classified documents stolen by Barack Obama’s “Deep State” militia. It’s comforting to know that we can all rest easier now that these brainiacs are allegedly in charge.

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Trump Post Urges His Cult Followers to Take Up Arms and ‘Physically Fight’ for the Presidency

Just in case there was anyone who is still uncertain if Donald Trump advocates violence in his lust for power and adulation, the twice-impeached, former reality TV game show host made his intentions clear in a post on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social.

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Among Wednesday’s posting frenzy that included scads of his typical whining, personal attacks, election lies, lame legal defenses, and pathetic self-exaltations, Trump re-posted a comment by one of his glassy-eyed cult followers that should concern every American.

It was an explicit call for, and advocacy of, violence and armed uprising against Democracy. The post was a reply to another Trumpist who speculated about the prospect of Ron DeSantis – or anyone other than Trump – winning the 2024 Republican presidential primary…

“Then they will have to figure out how to fight 80,000,000 + it’s not going to happen again. People my age and old will physically fight for him this time. What we got to lose? I’ll donate the rest of my time here on this planet to do it. And I know many many others who feel the same. They got my 6 and we Are Locked and LOADED”

There is nothing ambiguous about that comment. The poster is blatantly advocating an armed assault during the primary on behalf of Trump with his call to “physically fight” and be “Locked and LOADED.” It is an open embrace of domestic terrorism. And Trump obviously agrees with this anti-American depravity.

This sort of unbridled hostility isn’t new for Trump, After all, he gleefully watched as his cult followers engaged in a violent insurrection against the United States on January 6, 2021. He encouraged them as they threatened members of Congress and sought to hang his Vice-President, Mike Pence. He eventually told the rioters that he loved them. And he has since promised to pardon any of those who were arrested for their criminal conduct.

RELATED: Trump Promises to Halt the Prosecutions of the January 6th Mob He Incited to Attack Congress

In the past couple of weeks Twitter and Facebook have restored Trump’s accounts after having suspended him for inciting violence and disseminating dangerous disinformation about election fraud and COVID. That was a terrible mistake that could have been easily predicted to result in further harm to innocent people and to the nation.

Now Trump is proving that he is unfit to be permitted to spread his malicious lies and overt hate speech in public forums. He is telegraphing what he will advocate if/when he returns to social media platforms that are unwilling to take common sense measures to safeguard their users from his malevolence. And when he ultimately sinks to the depths that he is known to inhabit, Twitter and Facebook will share the blame for any harm that comes from it.


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MUST SEE Dem Response to GOP Forcing Pledge of Allegiance at All Judiciary Committee Hearings

The Republican Party has made the exhibition of patriotism a mandatory code of behavior for anyone serving in political office. To be clear, they aren’t interested in actual patriotism, just the brandishing of shallow clichés for public consumption.

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To that end, GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Perv) offered an amendment to the rules of the Judiciary Committee – now chaired by pro-insurrectionist Republican Jim Jordan – to mandate the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance before every Committee hearing. This is a puerile proposal that treats adult members of Congress like 2nd graders. It is hardly a demonstration of patriotism, particularly when Republicans and Donald Trump have so severely distorted the meaning of the word.

RELATED: MAGA ‘Patriot’ Trump Says that America is ‘Crooked and Evil’ and its ‘Next Stop, Communism’

Furthermore, it’s superficial and redundant considering that all members of Congress have already pledged an oath to “support and defend the Constitution” upon being sworn into office. And whenever a Democrat demonstrates patriotism, Republicans twist it into an outrage, as they did this week when President Biden expressed his optimism for America’s future. That was the day after Trump repeated his enduring trust in Vladimir Putin over American intelligence agencies.

So the GOP patriotism is just a facade, and even that is a moving target. Which was evident in Gaetz’s proposal to force members to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. What Gaetz may not have anticipated is that Democrats would see though his charade and take the opportunity to expose it as the mockery of patriotism that it is. Rep. David Cicilline sought to both clarify Gaetz’s proposal and ridicule Gaetz…

Cicilline: I’d like to offer an amendment to the amendment adding … “Provided, however, the Pledge shall not be led by an individual who has supported an insurrection against the government of the United States in any way.” Because I think if we adopt this amendment then we will be truthful in representing that stating this pledge is an affirmation of your defense of democracy and the Constitution. […]

You want to give someone the right to stand in front of the House Judiciary Committee and lead the Pledge of Allegiance, at a bare minimum, let’s guarantee that person has not participated, supported, or in anyway, helped an overthrow of the government of the United States.

Needless to say, Gaetz did not welcome this amendment. And the resulting debate wasted nearly an hour on this blatantly performative nonsense. Republicans then flagrantly lied, saying the Democrats refuse to pledge allegiance to the country. They said that Democrats hate the pledge and, therefore, America. That is, of course, utter, unadulterated bullpucky. Patriotism isn’t proved by parroting elementary school verses.

What’s more, It ignores the oath they took upon swearing in. It also ignores the point made by Rep. Jerry Nadler, who said that members already “pledge allegiance everyday on the floor, and I don’t know why we should pledge allegiance twice in the same day to show how patriotic we are.” Rep. Hank Johnson added that he found it ironic “coming from people who wouldn’t comply with Congressional subpoenas, disrespected the rule of law, and continue to prop up the Big Lie?”

This is indicative of the seriousness with which Republicans are handling their new majority role in the House of Representatives. And it’s why they are so reviled by the public at large. They have abandoned any pretense to governing in the interests of the American people.

They plan to conduct more of this political burlesque for the next two years, obsessing over meritless probes of Biden and other Democrats. And just as everyone who was paying attention already knew, Republicans have no intention of seriously addressing inflation, immigration, healthcare, the economy, national defense, or any of the other issues they campaigned on. It’s all “woke” politics from now on.

RELATED: GOP Creates an ‘Anti-Woke’ Caucus to Take on the ‘Greatest Domestic Threat to America Today’

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