Fox News is Lusting After Trump Going to Jail as a Way to Kick-Start His Comatose Campaign

The first criminal trial for Donald Trump – or any American president – is now set to commence on Monday morning. This is naturally whipping Trump’s brain into a frothy puree of dyspeptic pulp as he predictably unleashes a frenzied assault on his perceived enemies in the courtroom, the media, and pretty much anywhere he turns.

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Donald Trump, Prison

Trump’s anxiety is driven by his fear that he will finally be held accountable for his myriad crimes. He knows what he’s done, and he knows that the evidence will prove it. So he resorts to malicious attacks that only affirm his impotence and cowardice. And to one’s surprise, his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, is standing by to provide shelter in the storm…

SEE THIS: Trump Desperately Clings to Fox News Legal Hacks Who Ignore the Law to Fluff Trump

The prospects of Trump being convicted have been examined by knowledgeable lawyers and legal academics. But there is another path that could lead to Trump’s incarceration. He is virtually daring the judge in his election interference (aka hush money) case to find him in contempt of the court’s gag order prohibiting him from maligning court personnel, prosecutors, witnesses, and jurors.

If Trump really wants to go to jail, he has an ally in Fox News. On Friday there were a couple of notable commentaries that not only address that possibility, but actually promote it.

Let’s begin with Pam Bondi, the former Republican attorney general of Florida, and currently with the ultra-MAGA America First Policy Institute. She was a guest on Sean Hannity’s program where they had the following exchange…

Bondi: Do I want to see him in jail? Absolutely not. I wouldn’t put it past this judge though. And [former] president Trump should be allowed to be out on the campaign trail every single day. This trial shouldn’t even be going until after the election.
Hannity: Well, let me ask you…If they try to put the former president in jail a hundred and some odd days before an election, you really believe that’s gonna happen? What do you think the country’s reaction to that is?
Bondi: I think he’ll win by an even a bigger landslide than he’s going to win by already.

First of all, the trial will be in session four days a week. Which leaves three days a week for Trump to be out on the campaign trail. This week he didn’t go out campaigning at all on those three days, which isn’t the court’s fault. Trump is just inherently lazy. And it shows as he has sequestered himself in his Mar-a-Lago bunker, or his golf resorts, while President Biden has been crisscrossing the nation to meet voters and discuss the issues that matter to them.

More to the point, if Bondi really believes that incarcerating Trump would result in “an even a bigger landslide,” then why wouldn’t she want to see him jail? She’s essentially making the argument that putting Trump behind bars would be a smart strategic play, but then disowns her own theory. Many Americans, however, would love to see that theory tested. So he should either go for it, or shut up.

MORE ON BONDI AND TRUMP: Donald Trump Caught Outright Lying About ‘Donation’ To Florida Attorney General

Later Friday night, Jesse Watters raised the same issue on his program. And he was even more explicit in his advocacy of jailing Trump…

“I would make them put me in jail. I would have a tweet about maybe something perhaps I said on ‘The Five’ or ‘Jesse Watters Primetime,’ and I would force them to throw me in jail.”

Okay, fine. Let’s all hope that Trump is listening and takes Watters’ advice. Because they are convinced that the American people would embrace a candidate who is so hostile and emotionally unstable that he would provoke a judge to punish him for disruptive and infantile behavior. That’s just what the MAGA cult wants in a national leader.

Time will tell if Trump decides to take the path to prison. He is certainly capable of it. He believes he is infallible and untouchable. He’s half right. And whether by intention, or just the fact that he can’t keep his big mouth shut, he could wind up crossing the line and getting sent to the slammer.

But hey, that’s no problem for Trump because it would only make him a martyr and more popular in the eyes of his cult followers. Right? Both he and Fox News are certain of it. And America is waiting and hoping that Trump tests out his theory. The sooner the better. Or is it just another lie and attempt to look tough?


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Trump Desperately Clings to Fox News Legal Hacks Who Ignore the Law to Fluff Trump

There is now a predictable ritual that occurs every time that Donald Trump makes an appearance in court. Immediately following the hearing Trump ambles out to a nearby rabble of reporters gathered to record his post-trial rants (and the press really needs to stop doing that). With the jury now selected we can expect to see these staged sniveling sessions on a near daily basis for the next few weeks.

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Donald Trump, Fox News

Never mind that there is never anything newsworthy to report from these disgorgements of grievances. It’s just Trump repeating the same complaints he does whenever a camera is pointed at him. He’s either crying about being a helpless victim or falsely accusing everyone from the judge to the prosecutors to the witnesses to the jury, of being biased against him in what he insists is a “rigged” trial that he should never have had to endure.

SEE THIS: Trump Says All Presidents Must Have ‘Total Immunity’ from Crimes – Except for President Biden

On Thursday Trump brought some props to his circus act. He awkwardly rifled through a stack of printouts someone provided for him of articles from sycophantic right-wing media. He was presenting them as “proof” that the charges against him were unfounded. But they were pretty weak evidence. He read off a few of his sources, and they were all Fox News legal analysts…

“Jonathan Turley. Gregg Jarrett. Andrew McCarthy. Every one of them saying, they call it a zombie case, meaning it is no case. And they say it’s unconstitutional. They don’t think the case is…These are all stories that have taken place over the last few days.”

Well then, that settles it. Dismiss the case and let Trump return to the comfort of his Mar-a-Lago bunker. He later claimed that these article represented all of the opinions about his case, saying that “I haven’t seen one that says it’s a good trial.”

Apparently Trump has a very narrow field of vision. He obviously hasn’t seen the opinions of respected legal experts like Lawrence Tribe, Andrew Weissmann, Joyce Vance, Neal Katyal, Michael Luttig, Barbara McQuade, Glenn Kirschner, Jill Wine-Banks, and even his own former attorney, Ty Cobb. All of whom regard the case against Trump as strong and likely to lead to a conviction.

As affirmation that what Trump is doing is a joke, his courtside spectacle was addressed by Jimmy Kimmel in his monologue Thursday night, who noted that…

“The MAGA media, they’re doing everything they can to push this idea that this won’t be a fair trial. That way, when he loses, they can say the jury was rigged.”

Then Kimmel played a series of clips of people on Fox News and Newsmax insisting that Trump can’t a get fair trial because Manhattan is chock full of Trump haters. Which is interesting, because Trump is also saying this….

It’s also interesting that these Trump-fluffers in the wingnut press are baselessly alleging that liberals are lying to get on the jury, but they never mention the possibility of Trump cultists doing so. Even though some MAGA crackpots are explicitly encouraging it.

Clearly the only threat to a fair trial is being posed by Trump and his MAGA minions. Along with those who are trying to taint the jury, there people like Sean Hannity and Jesse Watters who are trying to intimidate prospective jurors by revealing identifying information about them on the air.

Hopefully their tactics won’t work, and the trial will proceed to a fair conclusion. And hopefully, in the interim, the media will refrain from airing Trump’s sideshow antics during the intermissions.


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FOR ONCE Marjorie Taylor Greene is Right: ‘The Future of Our Republican Party is Very Bleak’

It isn’t often that Republican MAGA-naut, Marjorie Taylor Greene, manages to do or say anything that is remotely related to reality. So on those rare occasions when she manages to do so, we need to give credit where credit is due. Even if it was obviously accidental or unintended.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Vladimir Putin

On Thursday morning Greene visited with former Trump advisor and fellow Russian dupe, Steve Bannon. On his Internet program she raged over the prospect of the House passing a bill to provide funding for America’s allies in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Naturally, she is bitterly opposed to anything that benefits our allies and/or harms her BFF Vladimir Putin. And that opposition extends to House Speaker Mike Johnson, who Green has filed a motion to remove as Speaker. Which has caused quite a stir within the GOP…

SEE THIS: Has Fox News Finally Figured it Out? ‘This is Why Conservatives Call the GOP the Stupid Party’

In her discussion with Bannon, Greene offered a surprisingly coherent analysis of the Republican Party that she has been such a big part of shaping. And her views just might have succeeded in bringing together Republicans and Democrats. She said that…

“The future of our Republican Party is very bleak when Republicans in Congress can never follow through. When Republicans in Congress put America last and countries like Ukraine first. We aren’t going to have a future Republican Party. We’ll never win another election because we haven’t given our voters anything to vote for.”

Hear, hear! Greene has nailed it. Today’s MAGA infected GOP does indeed have a bleak future due to its failure to give voters anything affirmative to vote for. The party has been relentlessly petty and hostile as it has sought only to smear President Biden and other Democrats, instead of working to advance the interests of the American people.

In the fifteen months since the GOP secured their razor-thin majority in the House of Representatives, they have been focused solely on partisan political stunts such as impeachment inquiries and attempts to shut down the government. So is it any wonder that the their party is held in such low esteem? They might want to take note that they have crossed a line when even Fox News is appalled by their idiotic antics…

Greene’s determination to oust yet another GOP Speaker was spelled out when she whined to Bannon that…

“I don’t care if the Speaker’s office becomes a revolving door. If that’s exactly what needs to happen, then let it be. But the days are over of the old Republican Party that wants to fund foreign wars and murder people while they stab the American people in their face.”

You have to hand it to Greene. She really knows how best to repair the problems of the Republican Party, and to set a forward course for attracting support from the American electorate. The Democrats will surely get behind Greene’s efforts because they stand to be the biggest beneficiaries of her buffoonery. And this wouldn’t be the first time. Last year Greene went off on a lunatic binge that was so preposterously off target that the Biden-Harris campaign adopted it and it was turned into a pro-Democrat ad…

SEE IT HERE: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes

If we didn’t know better, it would seem like Greene is a covert Democratic operative assigned to sabotage the Republican Party. But then again, that could be just as true for dozens of other republicans – including Donald Trump – who seem to be following the same path downward. And in that mission, we wish them well.


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Mob Boss Trump Demands a 5% Cut of All Funds Raised By GOP Candidates Who Use His Name or Image

The 2024 presidential election season is not going especially well for Republican candidate, and MAGA cult messiah, Donald Trump. Due to his recidivist criminal activities, Trump is wasting precious hours and days scowling in a courtroom and whining to MAGA media about what a poor, pitiful victim he is of the American judicial system that he complains is corrupt and biased against him.

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Donald Trump Angry

Meanwhile, President Biden is advancing a progressive agenda for the nation and traversing the country, meeting with swing state voters, and celebrating the promise and optimism of a nation that is making real progress. The contrast between Biden’s positive campaign and Trump’s future of felonious courtroom melodrama reflects the differences between a true statesman who has the best interests of the people at heart, and a confirmed criminal who is desperately seeking to avoid prison.

SEE THIS: Trump Says All Presidents Must Have ‘Total Immunity’ from Crimes – Except for President Biden

Affirming the failure of Trump’s campaign is the abysmal results of his fundraising. The Biden team has raised over $190 million, more than double Trump’s take. And while spending more to open field offices and hire staff, Biden’s camp still has millions more cash on hand. This disparity has caused the Trump team to resort to some peculiar and brazenly unethical methods to juice their income. As reported by Politico, Trump’s camp sent a letter to his fellow Republicans demanding that any candidates “who use his name, image and likeness in fundraising appeals give at least 5 percent of the proceeds” to Trump. The letter states that…

“Beginning tomorrow, we ask that all candidates and committees who choose to use President Trump’s name, image, and likeness split a minimum of 5% of all fundraising solicitations to Trump National Committee JFC. This includes but is not limited to sending to the house file, prospecting vendors, and advertising.”

The letter ominously warns that failure to comply with these demands “will result in the suspension of business relationships between the vendor and Trump National Committee.” Conversely, those who are obedient “will be seen favorably by the RNC and President Trump’s campaign and [be] reported to the highest levels of leadership within both organizations.” So y’all better behave, ya hear?

This isn’t the first time that Trump has issued this sort of self-serving decree. In March of 2023, Trump threatened the House GOP’s campaign arm to “stop using the former president’s image and likeness in your fundraising pitches or you will pay.”

SEE THIS: Trump Threatens Republicans to Stop Using His Image to Raise Money that He Wants for Himself

Also, in March of 2021, Trump’s campaign legal team sent out cease and desist orders to the Republican National Committee to bar them from using Trump’s image. On that occasion it turned out to be an empty threat and there were no apparent repercussions for disobeying. Proving once again that Trump is all mouth.

When asked to comment about this new demand for a 5% cut, Danielle Alvarez, a Trump campaign spokesperson, said that “It is important to protect small dollar donors from scammers that use the president’s name and likeness.” That’s right! Because only Trump is allowed to scam those small dollar donors. And anyone who forgets that might end up sleeping with the fishes. Capisce?


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Fox News Totally Flubs (i.e. Lies) About How Jury Biases Would Impact Trump’s Hush Money Trial

On Monday jury selection began for the first ever criminal trial of a former American president. It’s only the beginning of Donald Trump’s legal tribulations as there are three more criminal trials gearing up that could make him the first ever former president felon. The so-called “Hush Money” case – which could more accurately be called the “Election Interference” case – is just the first one out of the gate.

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Fox News, Constitution

Trump has been spending these days whining pitifully that he is a poor beleaguered victim of a corrupt judicial system that he says is determined to destroy him. Never mind that he is the cause of his troubles due to his relentless criminal activities and behavior that exhibits a consciousness of guilt. He even issues public confessions admitting that he has done what he’s accused of, but claiming that he’s allowed to under an imaginary doctrine of “presidential Immunity.”

SEE THIS: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

Jury selection in high profile cases like these are always complicated as attorneys on both sides seek to assemble a panel that will not be biased against against their client (the defendant or the state). In this particular case that is even trickier because Trump’s supporters are fully indoctrinated cult members who can be expected to deceive the court in order get on the jury and save their Dear Leader from clutches of justice.

To that end, Fox News is contributing to the problem by disparaging the court and encouraging misbehavior by prospective Trump jurors. Fox News contributor Clay Travis actually suborned perjury by advising potential jurors to “do whatever you can to get seated” on the jury.

But that’s just for starters. Fox News also interviewed law professor and Trump toady, John Yoo, who gave an utterly bizarre analysis of the jury selection process, saying that…

“I think it’s pretty extraordinary in the very first jury pool, before you interview anybody, half of the jury pool already says that they’re so biased against President Trump that they can’t serve on the jury…That’s only going to feed into, I think, Donald Trump’s claim that the public integrity of court’s and the prosecutors is to be questioned as biased and unfair against them.”

First of all, it is a flagrant lie that half of the jury was dismissed because they were biased against Trump. The truth is that prospective jurors completed a questionnaire that asked several questions to ascertain whether they had “any” strong opinions about, or association with Trump.

One question specifically asked, “Is there any reason, whether it be a bias or something else, that would prevent you from being fair and impartial if you are selected as a juror for this case?” Judge Merchan also asked for a show of hands of those who believed that they could not be fair and impartial. Those who raised their hands or otherwise indicated an inability to be impartial were dismissed.

Note that none of these inquiries indicated whether a bias was in favor of or against Trump. Just whether any bias existed either way. So, contrary to Woo’s analysis, it is just as likely that supporters of Trump were dismissed for bias as opponents.

But Yoo’s analysis was also flawed logically, in that he asserted that dismissing those who were biased against Trump would disadvantage him. What? Quite obviously the opposite is true. If only people who were biased against Trump were dismissed, leaving him with a jury comprised of his supporters, that would be an enormous advantage for him.

Despite the efforts of the court to ensure a fair trial, Trump and Fox News keep whining that Trump can’t get an impartial jury of his peers in New York. They seem to think that “peers” means political allies. Trump’s team is fixated on smearing the judicial system, this court, and the jurors. And Trump’s press secretary made that clear in an appearance on Newsmax Tuesday morning…

Let’s face it. The Trump team is already convinced that they are going to lose. so they are pulling out all the stops to demean the courts and dismiss the findings of the jury. But they are so frightened by their fate that they have lost all ability to make coherent arguments. So sad.


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WHUT? Fox News Drools Over the Distemper Tantrum Tirades of Trump as ‘Respecting the Court’

The extraordinary ability of Fox News to justify any and every atrocity of Donald Trump has been well documented from the first day that he descended on his goldish escalator to announce his American Carnage campaign to occupy the White House and gather all glory unto his exaltedness.

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Donald Trump Fox News

It would be difficult to rank the abominations that Trump has been responsible for over the years. But whether it was his deadly mismanagement of the COVID pandemic, or his crashing the U.S. economy, or his abhorrent bigotry and assaults on civil rights, Fox News was always there to try clean it up and present his failures as miracles by the messiah of Mar-a-Lago.

SEE THIS: Fox News Hack Joins the Trump Cult Choir Proclaiming that ‘We’ve Always Seen Honesty with Trump’

On Monday morning Trump was in a New York courtroom as the first ever former U.S. president to be tried for criminal acts. He was typically furious and frightened as he lashed out the judge, the prosecutors, and the witnesses. Beginning at 5:39 AM ET, Trump posted more than 60 comments on his floundering social media scam, Truth social, in a pitiful display of desperation and impotence. So leave it to Fox News to rush to his rescue with a crackpot commentary provided by Harris Faulkner, co-host of Fox’s Outnumbered…

“One bottom line for Donald Trump today. this is the weakest of the cases. So no matter how he goes forward it is rather uphill. And I liked what he said earlier. I like when any defendant talks this way. ‘It is my honor. It’s a pleasure to be here.’ Respecting the court.”

First of all, Faulkner is in no position to grade the strength or weakness of Trump’s legal cases, since she regards all of them as unwarranted. In her view, like that of all MAGA cultists, Trump is the epitome of purity and innocence. But more to the point, Faulkner’s slobbering praise of Trump as someone who is “Respecting the court” is downright delusional.

Has Faulkner ever heard anything that Trump has said about the courts and the prosecutors that are conducted his trials? He has repeatedly maligned them as “corrupt” and “crooked” and “biased” and “Trump-hating” and “conflicted” and generally unscrupulous and unfair. He has attacked the judges, attorneys, and witnesses personally, resulting in his being slapped with a gag order (that he may already have violated). And he has even attacked the as yet unnamed jurors who he assumes will be anti-Trump.

So where is Faulkner getting the idea that Trump respects the court? Well, from her statement she is getting it from comments he made Monday morning before court. She lauds him for saying that it is his “honor” and “pleasure” to be there. There’s just one problem with that. He never said either of those things. What Trump did say was another attack on the court that he portrayed as a “political persecution” that he was “proud” to be battling against.

“It’s an assault on America. And that’s why I’m very proud to be here. This is an assault on our country. And it’s a country that’s failing. It’s a country that’s being run by an incompetent man who is very much involved in this case.”

Where is the “respect” in calling the proceedings “an assault on America”? Where is the “respect” in falsely charging that the judge is improperly coordinating with President Biden? In short, what the f**k is Faulkner talking about?

Trump doesn’t know the meaning of “respect,” unless it’s intended to be lavished on him by glassy-eyed sycophants like Faulkner, despite his having done nothing to earn it. Although Fox News deserves some respect for being able to dispense this kind of bullpucky with a straight face.


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IT’S A CULT: GOP Governor Still Embraces Trump After Hearing a Summary of His Lies and Crimes

The political support for Donald Trump has always been centered on his tabloid celebrity status as a fake real estate magnate and reality TV game show host. The willful ignorance of his supporters matched his own reckless abandon of knowledge and facts, in favor of silly slogans and the shameless exploitation ultra-rightist wedge issues.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

As a result, what Trump calls the “MAGA movement” has devolved into a full blown cult of personality. His glassy-eyed disciples don’t bother to pretend that they have any interest in the substance of his positions or concern for his abhorrent behavior. They view his words and actions as divinely inspired no matter how far removed they are from the ethical doctrine they profess to believe. And they have a Media Ministry that molds their skewed perceptions to a faux reality, enabling them to maintain their craven “faith” in Trump.

SEE THIS: Fox News Hack Joins the Trump Cult Choir Proclaiming that ‘We’ve Always Seen Honesty with Trump’

An example of the disturbing depths of devotion to the Trump cult was provided during an interview on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” of the Republican governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu. Stephanopoulos tried several times to get Sununu to explain how he could continue to support Trump for president even after conceding that Trump had committed serious breaches of ethics and the law. Finally Stephanopoulos sought to condense the question in order to elicit a straight answer. Suffice to say that Sununu failed the test despite the clearly defined summation of Trump’s treachery…

Stephanopoulos: Just to sum up. You support Trump for president even if he’s convicted in the classified documents case. You support him for president even though you believe he contributed to an insurrection. You support him for president even though you believe he’s lying about the last election. You support him for president even if he’s convicted in the Manhattan case. I just want to say, the answer to that is yes, correct?
Sununu: Yeah. Me and 51 percent of America.

So Sununu, like the rest of the Trump cult, will continue to back Trump even if he violated the Espionage Act, incited a deadly insurrection, is a pathological liar, and a convicted felon. Stephanopoulos left out that their support also continues after Trump has been found liable for financial fraud, and has been adjudicated as a rapist.

It is also notable that Sununu’s response, in addition to being nauseating, is patently false. It is not true that “51 percent of America” supports Trump. His polling average is consistently in the low 40’s. And much of that is just support for the Republican candidate, not for Trump. Recent polls show President Biden beating Trump. And on the eve of the start of Trump’s election interference trial in New York, a majority of Americans say that Trump has committed serious crimes.

What’s more, the alleged popularity of Trump is irrelevant to the question of whether he should be supported or not. Would Sununu continue to support Trump if were found to have committed rape? Oh, wait… What if he had stolen classified documents? Oh, wait… What if his university and charity were shuttered due to fraud? Oh, wait… What if he shot someone on 5th Avenue? That’s the ticket. He hasn’t done that yet. He’s only bragged about being able to.

This is how cults work. Members are not permitted to have independent thoughts. They must believe only Dear Leader. Everyone else must be considered to be lying to them. Everything that Dear Leader does is sanctified, no matter how repulsive. And Sununu, just like the rest of the Trump cult, is cool with that.


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Fox News Advises Criminals (e.g. Trump) to Commit Crimes in Red States to Get Friendly Juries

Next Monday there will be a historic first in America. The nation will commence the first criminal trial of a former United States president. The defendant, Donald Trump, has been whining plaintively that “Nothing like this has ever happened before.” And in another historic first, he’s right. But only because no other president has ever been such a brazen perpetrator of crimes.

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Fox News Sad

Monday’s proceedings involve Trump’s election interference and federal election financial fraud, in a matter that the media is soft-pedaling as the “Hush Money” case. Trump has been shamelessly conducting his years-long crime spree in the open, convinced that he is entitled to violate any laws he chooses with impunity. He literally confesses to the charges against him, but argues that an imaginary doctrine of “presidential immunity” releases him from any legal consequences.

SEE THIS: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

Naturally, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, is buttressing his ludicrous legal excuses with equally bizarre rationale. Like Trump, they believe that he cannot be held accountable for any of the 88 felony charges currently pending against him, but that President Biden has no such immunity and must be immediately incarcerated without trial or evidence.

However, in a segment on Saturday morning, Fox and Friends co- hosts Rachel Campos-Duffy and Pete Hegseth went even further to offer legal counsel to any conservatives watching who might be contemplating committing any crimes…

Campos-Duffy: You know, maybe subconsciously people are realizing, you know, I could have trouble with the law at some point. Something could happen to me. Do I want to be in a red state or a blue state, you know? This is a case where, you know, the outcome of your case is determined by the jury pool and where you’re at. And so, you know, I think it’s interesting that maybe you wanna be in a red state if you’re conservative, because at least you’ll get a, you know, a jury of your peers. Somebody who will…
Hegseth: He wants a fair shake.

First of all, what allegedly professional television communicator inserts the interjection “you know” six times in a brief comment? Does she have any idea what she’s talking about? And who are these prospective criminals (including herself) that Campos-Duffy says are “subconsciously realizing” that they’re gonna have trouble with the law?

More to the point, Campos-Duffy is affirmatively advocating that conservatives plan and execute their unlawful deeds in red states (i.e. states populated and governed by Republicans), where she believes they will be given more favorable treatment by the potential jurors there. In effect, she’s asserting that red states are more tolerant of crime and criminals. Which might explain why, contrary to GOP gaslighting, crime rates are actually higher in red states.

What’s more, Campos-Duffy thinks that “a jury of your peers” means jurors who are aligned with you politically. Which, of course, is preposterous. Clearly her opinion is driven by her hopes that a jury of Trump supporters would acquit him, not because he’s innocent, but because they are idolatrous cult disciples who don’t care that he’s guilty.

Notice also that Hegseth cuts Campos-Duffy off at the end of her remarks to prevent her from saying that a defendant in a red state could get a jury with “Somebody who will…” What? Let him off the hook? Hang the jury? Let’s face it, Trump and his ilk are not looking for a “fair shake.”

So Trump’s first criminal trial is set to begin Monday in his home state of New York. But that doesn’t satisfy the Trump-fluffers at Fox News. They have actually argued that “fairness” would require a venue change to someplace like Alabama. Now Fox is warning any aspiring felons that “maybe you wanna be in a red state if you’re conservative.” And if they are listening, we may see a surge of crimes by conservatives in MAGA Land. Where “at least you’ll get a, you know, a jury of your peers.”


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Trump Brags that Truth Social is the ‘Voice’ of His ‘Movement’ and Begs His Cult to Support It

Shortly after Donald Trump incited the violent insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, he was banned from Twitter in order to prevent him from fomenting more riots by spreading more lies about the 2020 presidential election being “rigged and stolen” from him.

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Donald Trump

In retaliation for that preventative measure by the responsible moderators at Twitter at the time, Trump launched his own social media site, Truth Social, that he promised would be a bastion of free speech for everyone. Of course, that was never the purpose of the site. It was always intended to be a platform for Trump to disgorge his rancid rants that consisted almost entirely of attacking his enemies, exalting himself, and funneling cash into his own pockets. The latter of which hasn’t worked out particularly well for him…

SEE THIS: Trump’s Truth Social Craters in First Week of Trading, Auditor Doubts Its Ability to Continue

In the few weeks that the Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) stock has been listed on the NASDAQ, it has suffered devastating losses. It has declined 62.5% from the high it hit on its first day of trading. Anyone who invested in it, and didn’t sell on day one, has already lost a bundle. It’s CEO couldn’t account for its flopping on Fox News. And it’s only gonna get worse.

Consequently, Trump is attempting to pump up the stock so that there is something left for him when he is legally able to dump it. Which, barring any favors from the TMTG boar, won’t be for six months. So on Friday morning Trump posted a comment on Truth Social to beseech his glassy-eyed cult disciples to bail him out.

“I am so proud of Truth Social, because I believe it represents the Make America Great Again Movement, and it shows the Spirit and Love of our Country. If people who believe in putting America First and want to Make America Great Again, support TRUTH, we will be your Voice like never before, and a Real Voice is what our Country needs, because we are in decline, and must bring America to Greatness. Think of this as a Movement, the Greatest Movement in the History of our Country. We are going to Save our Country, and Make America Great Again, GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE!”

Let’s set aside the pathetic spectacle of this fake billionaire begging his saps to salvage his sinking social media scam. And never mind the absurdity of Trump praising it as a place that “shows the Spirit and Love of our Country,” when it’s mostly a fetid swamp of hostility and negativity. Even in this comment Trump maligns America as a country “in decline.”

What Trump is actually revealing here is that the site is not, and never was, the Internet “town hall” that he promised. He is now saying explicitly that it is his vehicle to exclusively promote his interests and to advance his “movement.” And therefore, he implores his MAGA minions to “support TRUTH.” In other words, join and prop up his failing business and stock.

So according to Trump, Truth Social isn’t really a free speech platform at all. It’s the PR arm of a partisan movement (aka cult), and slush fund generator for Dear Leader. But if it were truly “the Greatest Movement in the History of our Country,” he wouldn’t have to shamelessly solicit this support, and sponge off of his pitiful flock, and lie about his imaginary success. But then again, when has he ever done anything but that?


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Trump Says All Presidents Must Have ‘Total Immunity’ from Crimes – Except for President Biden

Next week jury selection will begin for the first criminal trial of Donald Trump. In fact, it’s the first criminal trial of any former American president. Trump is outraged because, as he incessantly whines, “Nothing like this has ever happened before.” But that’s only because there hasn’t been any other persistently profligate perpetrator of crimes like Trump before.

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The peculiar thing about Trump’s legal misadventures is that his defense rarely involves providing arguments that he is innocent. More often than not he defends himself by asserting that it is improper to accuse him of anything because he has the imaginary security blanket of “presidential immunity” that frees him from any consequences for any crimes he feels like committing. Nothing like that exists in the law, but he clings to it desperately.

SEE THIS: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

On Wednesday Trump took to his failing social media scam, Truth Social, to unleash his intensifying trepidation of being convicted for any number of the 88 felony charges he has currently pending. He posted a couple of fear-drenched videos on the subject of immunity that illustrate just how addled and irrational he is. The first began…

“If a President doesn’t have immunity, he or she will be nothing more than a ceremonial president, rarely having the courage to do what has to be done for our country and to make our country great again. This is not what our Founders had in mind at all. This is not what they wanted to think about. This not where they wanted us to be. The founders wanted the president to have immunity so the president can feel free to make decisions. Hopefully they’ll be great decisions. But whether they are or not, a president of the United States has to have immunity.”

Trump is apparently unaware that every president prior to him was not hampered in the least in their decision making by this made up obstacle. And he doesn’t bother to provide any evidence that the Founders were worried about it either. It’s a weak concept that he made up – or more likely one of his sleazy attorneys made up – to get him off the hook. However, about an hour and a half later, Trump posted another video that completely contradicted the first one…

“At what point are the actions of a sitting president, using lawfare and weaponization against his opponent for purposes of election interference, considered illegal? I believe, as do various highly respected legal scholars, that “crooked” Joe Biden has long since crossed over that very sacred threshold. He is a criminal. He is a horrible president. He is the worst president in the history of the country. And the only way he thinks he can get elected is to take me to trial, take me to court, city, state, and federal. They control them all. All of these cases you read about are “crooked” Joe Biden’s case because he can’t put two sentences together. He can’t do anything. So they weaponize government and they take me to court on bullsh*t. So we are going to win. We are going to win big. We’re gonna go through these horrible Biden trials. And the end of the day, November 5th, everyone’s coming out to vote for Trump.”

So according to Trump, all presidents must have total immunity. Except, of course, for President Biden, who Trump claims is acting illegally, even though he previously insisted that that isn’t possible for a president. Trump went on to smear Biden saying that “He is a criminal. He is a horrible president. He is the worst president in the history of the country.” In Trump’s twisted mind his opponents can never be merely wrong or have a different opinion. They are always the worst of all time of whatever he is accusing them of.

What’s more, Trump disgorges his tiresome and baseless lies that Biden is an evil genius who controls every lever of power, city, state, and federal, despite being unable to “put two sentences together.”

Trump closes by dismissing the charges against him with a bit of profanity that his glassy-eyed cult followers love so much. Then he expresses confidence that he will ultimately prevail simply by the virtue of his god-given superpowers. Once again, he doesn’t offer any coherent defense via innocence.

A little while later, Trump posted a comment that elaborated on his assault on the judicial public servants he believes are tormenting him…

“Crooked Joe Biden and his crew of Hacks and Thugs, led by Merrick Garland and Deranged Jack Smith, are working overtime to try to illegally intimidate and harass respected Federal Judge Aileen Cannon. They are calling her terrible names.”

It was thoughtful of Trump to praise Judge Cannon, the obviously biased Trump toady who is doing everything she can to shield Trump from accountability. And there is a perverse irony in his complaint that some unnamed persons have been “calling her terrible names.” How dare they? He’s probably upset because that’s his thing. Anyone else throwing around Trump-style infantile insults is stealing his identity and infringing on his anti-intellectual property. Not that anyone is actually doing that – or would want to. It’s just another outlet for his obnoxious animosity.


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