Hunter Biden Threatens Fox News with Lawsuit Alleging Defamation and Revenge Porn

CNN has obtained a copy of a cease and desist letter from Hunter Biden’s attorneys to Fox News, demanding that they retract false stories that they have been disseminating for more than a year, despite the fact that there is no evidence to support them. Not that lacking evidence has ever stopped Fox News from lying to smear their political opponents before.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

The specific stories addressed in Biden’s letter refer to unfounded allegations that President Biden and his son accepted bribes from Ukrainian officials. The source of those allegations was a Russian operative, Alexander Smirnov, who was recently arrested for having lied to the FBI about these allegations and other disinformation he was spreading on behalf of his Russian handlers. And Fox News was well aware of the deceit because the White House had previously told them so…

SEE THIS: White House Seeks Retraction from Fox News of Biden Smears By GOP and Russian Indicted for Lying

On Monday, CNN’s Dana Bash revealed what Biden’s letter to Fox News said…

“Lawyers for Hunter Biden are telling Fox News to correct the record on bribery allegations made by a discredited FBI informant or face a defamation lawsuit. CNN obtained a cease and desist letter sent to Fox last week. In it Biden’s legal team points to Fox hosts like Maria Bartiromo continuing to push claims that Hunter Biden and his father took bribes from Alexander Smirnov. Even after Smirnov was indicted for lying to the FBI.

“Biden’s team also accused Fox of profiting off of a fictionalized show streaming on Fox Nation called “The Trial of Hunter Biden,” and of violating revenge porn laws because that show unlawfully published, and continues to publish, intimate pictures of Hunter Biden depicting him in the nude.”

This potential lawsuit would add to the legal troubles that Fox News has been facing. They have already settled a defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems for $787 million. That suit revealed the myriad lies that Fox News hosts and guests told about Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged and stolen” from him. The revelations that emerged included emails that showed that Fox knew they were lies while they were telling them. Fox News is also facing a similar defamation lawsuit by the voting software firm, Smartmatic, for $2.7 billion.

MORE HERE: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

It’s interesting that Biden’s letter named specific Fox hosts as perpetrators of the defamation. In particular, Maria Bartiromo has been a frequent distributor of dishonest “reporting.” Media Matters has documented that her show pushed the indicted FBI informant’s story more than 200 times.”

Hunter Biden has a strong case against Fox News and the network would be wise to issue the retractions and settle with him. Otherwise, Biden’s legal team would begin the discovery process, wherein they could subpoena internal communications that would undoubtedly embarrass the network, its hosts, and executives. But expecting Fox News to do the right thing is always a suckers bet. So as they say…stay tuned.

UPDATE 4/30: Fox News has responded to Biden’s letter defending what they say is “constitutionally protected coverage,” and refusing to remove and retract their reports. However, the First Amendment does not shield them from defamation, known falsehoods, or purposefully “fictionalized” stories that contain stolen, private images. But Fox News is apparently worried because The Daily Beast is reporting that they did scrub the “mock trial” that ran on Fox Nation.

UPDATE 7/1: Hunter Biden has filed a lawsuit against Fox News for distributing “revenge porn.”


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Fox News Host Asks Trump’s Truth Social CEO About its Stock Flop, Gets Babbling Lies in Response

The saga of Donald Trump’s frequent financial failures continues unabated into the 2024 presidential election cycle. The most recent example of a Trump enterprise that is destined to go belly up is his ego-driven social media scam, Truth Social, that he launched after he was banned from Twitter for posting flagrant and dangerous lies.

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Donald Trump, Stock Market

In its short history, the Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), which runs Truth Social, has racked up an impressive record of failure. It has lost millions of dollars, been investigated for securities fraud, and seen its early investors arrested for insider trading. And to top it off, its newly listed stock suffered a massive meltdown, resulting in fortunes being lost by Trump’s most devoted supporters.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Truth Social Craters in First Week of Trading, Auditor Doubts Its Ability to Continue

On Sunday morning Devin Nunes, the CEO of TMTG, and former Trump-fluffing GOP congressman, was interviewed by Maria Bartiromo on Fox News. The segment began with a surprisingly accurate summary of the troubles the stock encountered in going public. Bartiromo, ordinarily an ardent purveyor of pro-Trump propaganda, prefaced her interview with some uncharacteristically (for Fox News) factual information (video below)

“President Trump’s media company has had a volatile two weeks. The stock finished down about 30% this week. The company, which operates Trump’s Truth Social platform, lost $4 billion in market value after gaining six billion in value during its debut on the Nasdaq two weeks ago. For 2023, Trump media posted a loss of $58 million on revenue and $4.1 million in a regulatory filing. The company also disclosed that its auditor had raised concerns about its ability to continue operating before its recent merger and IPO.”

OUCH! Bartiromo then introduced Nunes and asked him pointedly, “When would you expect this company to turn profitable?” Notice that Nunes never comes close to answering the question. Instead, he rambles incoherently about unrelated and/or imaginary obstacles that he says the company has faced. And true to the Trump ethos, the company was a victim of a devious cabal of covert enemies conspiring against it.

“Look, it’s important to remember that those numbers are based on what was the longest IPO in history. So we were over regulated. So if you actually look at the cost we built Truth Social – our beachhead against Big Tech, an impenetrable beachhead that everybody said couldn’t be done without using Big Tech companies – that was built for a fraction of what many of these Big Tech dinosaur companies were built for. So even if you take the ridiculous cost that it took us to get to this point, we are well positioned. Why are we well positioned? Because we have no debt. We’re coming out of this with no debt, a platform that works really, really well, that communicates to millions of people. And then we have $200 million in the bank.”

For the record, it was not the longest IPO in history. And his definition of “over regulated” just means having been required to comply with the same laws that every other company does prior to a stock market listing. If it was launched on the cheap, as Nunes claims, that’s apparent in how often it has crashed, including on the day it premiered on the NASDAQ. So much for it being “a platform that works really, really well.”

As for Nunes’ claims that the company is “well positioned” and free of debt, that reeks of stock fraud considering its huge losses, of which about 67% is interest on outstanding loans. Undeterred by reality, Nunes then unleashes a buzzword salad, saying that he is looking at “the entire ecosystem,” and asserting that the primary question his business is asking is “What does it take to make sure that we protect people in the United States and around the globe from these tyrants of Big Tech who want to silence them?” See? It’s all an altruistic venture for Nunes and Trump.

Of course, Nunes is not alone in his deceitful grifting. Trump has also been pumping this dump of a stock. A few days ago he posted a comment blasting all of his competitors as “those in the Radical Left Democrats Party who are failing at every level.” And he touted Truth Social as “the primary way I get the word out and, for better or worse.” It’s interesting that he acknowledges the “worse” part of that. Then he claimed that “people want to hear what I have to say, perhaps, according to experts, more than anyone else in the World.” And by “experts” he means his MAGA cultists and other assorted rubes, such as his army of disbarred attorneys and the incarcerated January 6th insurrectionists.

If Nunes’ appearance on Fox News is successful in getting some more of their viewers to buy TMTG stock Monday morning, it may get a bit of bounce. But in the end it is still likely to sink to a level approaching the amount of debt that Nunes says the company has – ZERO! And they will get what they deserve for believing an obvious con men.

UPDATE I: Apparently Nunes’ appearance on Fox News was not successful (surprise). Rather than the bounce he hoped for on the Monday morning following his interview, the TMTG stock dived another 10%, putting it down about 55% from it’s high, and below it’s opening price one the first day of trading.

UPDATE II: One week later, the stock is continuing to decline. So the company announced that it is issuing 21.5 million new shares, diluting the value even more.


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Fox News and the GOP Are Now Dreaming of ‘Weaponizing’ the Justice Department Against Biden

Donald Trump’s MAGA Republican Party and its Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, deserve some “credit” for one thing: They have an inexhaustible supply of the mindless bullheadedness required to persist in pushing preposterous pseudo-legal smear campaigns despite having lost every attempt to spread their lies and malice.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Elephant

Republicans in the House of Representatives have spent more than a year “investigating” President Biden and his family, searching desperately for any shred of evidence that he committed some unarticulated crime. And despite having the power of the majority in the House, they have come up empty every time. Even worse, their own witnesses have testified that Biden has never done anything remotely illegal or impeachable.

SEE THIS: GOP Speaker Admits the Purpose of the Biden Impeachment Inquiry is to Hurt Biden Politically

None of that, however, has dissuaded them from their malicious mission to denigrate Biden and his family, and to subject them to vicious personal attacks without any basis in reality. And naturally, Fox News is right beside them to buttress their lies and defamation.

On Wednesday morning, Senior Fox News Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, interviewed Rep. James Comer (R-MAGA), chair of the House Oversight Committee. And undeterred by the utter lack of any new or evidence or testimony, they resumed wallowing in the sort of dishonesty that resulted in Fox News having to pay $787 million for lying about election fraud. Bartiromo began with a question that included her own obvious bias…

Bartiromo: What else can you do get some accountability after all of this information that you say you’ve dug up?
Comer: I think the two best options moving forward are obviously criminal referrals and then impeachment. Impeachment is still on the table. There’s still an overwhelming majority of Republicans that agree with me that Joe Biden has committed impeachable offenses. Now our confidence level in the Senate is very low, but at the end of the day the criminal referrals are something that I believe – if we don’t have a Department of Justice today, hopefully in a year we will have a Department of Justice that can hold him accountable. But we’re gonna have the tools in place to hold this family accountable for the criminal wrongdoing that they have committed one way or the other.

Virtually every word of Comer’s reply is untrue. He has no path forward for impeachment, or he wouldn’t be resorting to criminal referrals. And he has no path forward for criminal referrals because their is no evidence of any crime, and the Department of Justice will surely laugh it off. Furthermore, Comer does not have an “overwhelming majority of Republicans” on his side or he would have brought it to the House floor for a vote.

What Comer is actually announcing is that he expects Trump to “weaponize” the Justice Department (something that Trump and the GOP regularly whine about) to prosecute his political opponent if he were to reoccupy the White House. Which would be peculiar since Trump insists that presidents have “total immunity” from any criminal prosecution.

SEE ALSO: Is Trump Now Saying that Presidents Do Not Have ‘Total Immunity’ – Or Just that Biden Doesn’t?

Apparently Fox News and Comer disagree with Trump. And Trump will disagree with himself if the opportunity arises, because he couldn’t care less about being consistent or even rational. The only thing Trump ever cares about is whatever he can bend to his self-interest at the moment.

Of course, none of this comes to pass if Biden is reelected. In which case, Comer’s “two best options” are losers before they even leave the gate. Which is a situation that he should be familiar with by now, considering all the losing he has suffered through so far.


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OOPS: Fox News Host Spills that Trump Couldn’t Answer Questions About ‘Ensuring’ Fair Elections

In November of 2020, Joe Biden won a historic election wherein he defeated an incumbent who maligned Biden as a mentally impaired, radical leftist who was stealing the election. So Donald Trump was, in effect, conceding that, despite his being president, he couldn’t stop someone he regarded as a senile communist from committing unprecedented voter fraud.

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Donald Trump, Fox News

It’s been more than three years since Trump decisively lost his reelection bid to President Biden. But he is still obsessed with babbling about the alleged election fraud for which he has failed to produce a sliver of proof after more than 60 court cases, dozens of state audits, and innumerable promises of revealing what he claimed was “irrefutable” evidence.

SEE THIS: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud

In the intervening years, Trump has relied on his Ministry of Propaganda – aka Fox News – to buttress his baseless allegations and spread malicious lies intended to delegitimize Biden’s presidency. However, after being slapped with a $787 million judgment for defamation related to their election fraud deceit, the Fox News mission to furiously defend Trump at all times has gotten a bit wobbly in the knees.

That weakness has manifested in sometimes careless leaking of unfavorable information about Trump. And on Monday morning one of Fox’s most worshipful Trump-fluffers, Maria Bartiromo, inadvertently let just such a derogatory mention slip out. In an interview with Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney, Bartiromo inquired as to what Republicans were doing to prevent future election fraud…

“I asked Trump all about this. I kept saying to him, ‘What are you doing to ensure a fair and free election in November?’ He had no answers. I mean, what has the RNC done? What are the governors doing? So let me ask you…What specifically can you tell us that you and your colleagues have done to ensure a free and fair election in November?”

Rep. Tenney replied with a classic word salad response that offered nothing specific, other than having held meetings with “great governors like Gov. DeSantis” and “putting boots on the ground.”

However, Bartiromo’s question contained something a bit more newsworthy than Kenney’s politically rote reply. She revealed that all of her prior attempts to get Trump to explain what he would do to “ensure a fair and free election” were met with blank stares. That’s unusual for Trump, who is known for his ability to fill airtime with empty blathering, self-exaltations, and hostile insults, often completely ignoring the question that was asked.

Of course the reason that Trump had no answers for how he would ensure fair elections is two fold. First, he has no answers because he is an ignoramous who can’t think his way out of a paper bag. And Second, because there are no answers needed. The election wasn’t marred by election fraud to begin with. That’s something that even Fox News host Bret Baier pressed Trump on recently…

It’s notable that Trump argued with Baier by pushing already debunked lies and interjecting things that were unrelated to the question. Baier wasn’t accepting those evasions. He even returned to the question to ask if the diversions Trump spewed were how he was going to restore support from the female independent suburban voters he was losing.

Not to worry though. Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, Laura Ingraham, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends are all still solidly in Trump’s camp.


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Trump and Fox News are So Scared Of Biden, They’re Switching in Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama

The legendary Democratic campaign consultant, James Carville, immortalized the phrase “It’s the economy, stupid,” in order to impress upon his staff the importance of focusing on pocketbook issues to deliver votes. In most elections, people generally support the candidate that they believe has the best agenda for boosting their financial well being.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

The 2024 presidential election may not hew as closely to that principle as prior elections. The emergence of Donald Trump has introduced some rather unique considerations that skew the strategic landscape in today’s politics. For instance, it’s the first election wherein a major party nominee is facing 91 felony criminal charges, has already been held civilly liable for defamation and rape, and is promising to reign as a dictator.

SEE THIS: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

That said, the economy will still be a significant factor on the minds of voters as they make their choices for president. And the fact that the economy is presently firing on all cylinders presents a real problem for Trump and his mouthpieces at Fox News. The last thing they want is to run against Bidenomics as it is creating jobs, lowering inflation, lifting wages, and boosting the prospects of American business.

Consequently, when Fox News’ Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, interviewed Trump for her Sunday morning program, she made a point of deflecting from Biden to two other notable persons who have made it clear that they are not running for president: Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama. And Trump was all to happy to take the bait…

Bartiromo: You’ve said that you don’t even think [Biden] is who you’re going to face off in November.
Trump: Personally, I don’t think so.
Bartiromo: Well, Gavin Newsom is right out of central casting. How are you going to do up against Gavin Newsom?
Trump: I tell you what. Because he’s so much bullsh*t. He want’s to say how wonderful…it’s doing horribly. His state is doing horribly. You look at the homeless problem. You look at the people that are leaving. You have companies that are leaving. They’re all leaving for other locations. I think Gavin’s easy because California is a disaster. He has been a horrible governor.
Bartiromo: What if it’s Michelle Obama? How are you going to do against Michelle Obama?
Trump: You have to see. Look, I’ve seen polls where she doesn’t do well. She may do well. But I’ve seen polls where I beat her easily. I beat her by a lot. I had four great years.

This segment could not have been a bigger waste of time. Newsom and Obama have been crystal clear that they aren’t considering any campaign for the White House. Trump’s opinion that Biden won’t be his opponent is based solely on his fear that he is likely to lose to him again, just like he did in 2020. So Newsom and Obama are convenient deflections from that recurring fate of humiliation and defeat.

Naturally, Trump insists that he can easily beat Newsom or Obama. He childishly maligns them as he does any opponent that threatens him. And his confidence that he would prevail is a product of his massive, yet fragile ego. You can rest assured that he has never seen a poll showing that he would beat either one of them. But he has surely seen evidence of the booming Biden economy.

SEE ALSO: The Biden-Harris Campaign Trolls Trump and Fox News on Truth Social with ‘Blowout’ Jobs Report

What’s more, his assertion that he had “four great years” is contrary to reality. He presided over the worst pandemic in a century. And his ignorance, incompetence, and even deliberate neglect, resulted in far more dire consequences than would have been suffered if an able administrator were in charge.

His term also had the worst record on job creation since the the Great Depression. Plus, he raised taxes for the working class, and lowered them for corporations and the wealthy. He put justices in place who set women’s rights back fifty years. And he sucked up to our foreign enemies while alienating our allies.

In short, Trump had four disastrous years that left the nation poorer, more in debt, sicker, and more divided than ever. Then he left the White House kicking and screaming about election fraud, stole classified documents and lied about it, tried to instigate a violent insurrection, and sought to strongarm state officials into altering election results.

That record makes him vulnerable to Biden, Newsom, Obama, or any other challenger. At this point he would lose to SpongeBob SquarePants. American voters are not about to turn over the country to a criminal crybaby with authoritarian aspirations.


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BLAMING THE VICTIMS: Fox News Trump-Fluffer Blames DEI for the Deaths of U.S. Soldiers in Jordan

Leave it to Fox News to grotesquely exploit any and every opportunity to malign President Biden, Democrats, and the foundational principles of fairness and decency that the majority of Americans cherish. Those principles are anathema to the MAGA cult, and Fox News is always ready to pacify their animosity.

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Fox News, Maria Bartiromo, Donald Trump

Last week a drone attack on an American military installation in Jordan took the lives of three soldiers stationed there. It was a brutal and unprovoked assault that the Iranian backers of the perpetrators will soon regret. Unfortunately, here at home Fox News is taking their “Blame America First” position that they have taken many times before in similar circumstances. It’s a position that they have adopted from their Dear Leader, Donald Trump…

SEE THIS: Trump’s ‘Blame America First’ MAGA GOP Aims Their Fire at Biden Rather than Hamas Terrorists

On Monday morning, Fox’s Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, interviewed MAGA Republican Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX). Their predictably prejudiced political punditry was rife with disparagement of President Biden. Pfluger attributed responsibility for the attack on what he falsely claimed was Biden’s “weakness.” Never mind that it is Republicans and Fox News who have been purposefully telegraphing a false message of American weakness to our enemies, in effect encouraging them them to launch attacks. But even worse was their attack on the deceased heroes that they were pretending to care about.

Pfluger: It’s the weakness that invites that aggression.
Bartiromo: Well, maybe they’re focused too much on DEI. There’s a concern at the FBI because they’re dropping the FBI special agent requirements in the name of DEI. I’m just wondering if that has anything to do with missing an important drone that just killed three of our heroes.

Bartiromo’s suggestion that DEI programs – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – played a role in the soldiers’ deaths is straight-up racism. She and her GOP confederates are repulsed by the idea of treating people with unbiased respect. And they regard such treatment as special favors for inferiors. Which is apparently what they think of the soldiers who died and their brothers and sisters stationed with them.

As if that weren’t bad enough, Bartiromo is also displaying her pitiful ignorance by asserting that lowered requirements for FBI special agents had anything to do with this. First of all, even if the FBI is being more cognizant of DEI, that is not lowering their requirements at all. Secondly, the FBI has no responsibility for the security of military posts outside of the country.

More to the point, Bartiromo is blaming the deceased heroes for their own deaths. It is notable that the three soldiers who were killed were all Black. Which probably contributed to her implying that, due to DEI, they were too incompetent to perform their duties properly. That is not only a vicious lie, it is grossly insensitive, disrespectful, and unpatriotic.

Then again, that’s Fox News for you. They are nothing if not flaming hypocrites. Bartiromo and her audience might be interested in what the Fox News Corporate Responsibility Report says.

SEE ALSO: UH-OH: Wait Until the GOP / Trump Cult Finds Out How Ultra Woke FOX News Is

In addition to boasting that the company is “committed to diversity from the very top,” the report says that…

Our Preventing Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Policy protects individuals on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, family status, caregiver status, sex (including pregnancy status, childbirth, breastfeeding, and related medical conditions), gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, sexual and reproductive health decisions, reproductive health decision-making, hair texture or hairstyles, military or veteran status, political affiliation, arrest or conviction record, union membership, unemployment status, credit history, status as a victim of domestic violence, stalking or sexual offenses, or any other legally protected characteristic.

Gee… It’s almost as if Fox News corporation supports the sort of equity and civil rights that they vilify on the air 24/7. Too bad their hosts, guests, and viewers, don’t know anything about that.


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Marjorie Taylor Greene is ‘Dreaming’ of Having Evidence of Corruption Against President Biden

The Republican Party spent most of 2023 weaving whacko fantasies of felonious wrongdoing by President Biden. And the new year finds them spinning ever more of the same delusional tales of corruption and self-dealing that, if true, would have made Biden a multi-billionaire by now. That, of course, isn’t the case. But far be it for the GOP to succumb to rationality or facts.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

The Republican’s “Biden Compulsive Disorder” that is causing them to cling so fiercely to their quixotic, criminal contortions, has consumed the GOP political agenda. Which is why they have nothing to run on in this election year, other than promises of partisan retribution, terminating Obamacare, book bans, and relentless fear mongering about scary immigrants and a looming economic collapse.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Fear Mongering Lies About ‘Streets Drenched in Blood’ Reach New Depths of Depravity

Fulfilling its role as the GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News invited Marjorie Taylor Greene on to discuss the phony issue of Biden’s alleged criming. She told Maria Bartiromo that Republicans on the House Oversight Committee have “serious evidence” of a “complete unbelievable amount of corruption” that “the Democrats don’t want to admit.” She elaborated saying that…

“You know, they pitch fits and temper tantrums and claim we don’t have evidence. But the reason why they’re doing that is because they’re looking at the same evidence that we have with Jamie Raskin and other Democrats on the committee. They know what we are in possession of. They could only dream of having this kind of evidence against president Trump and his family. And they were never able to produce it because all of their attacks were lies.”

That’s quite an admission on Greene’s part. To be clear, she is affirming that the reason Democrats say that Republicans have no evidence is that they have seen what Republicans have. “They know what we are in possession of,” says Greene. Which, apparently, is nothing. So Greene is, in effect, validating what the Democrats are saying.

The fact that Republicans have utterly failed in their efforts to smear Biden was established long ago. Oversight Committee chair, James Comer has repeatedly made a fool of himself in hearings wherein his own witnesses testified that Biden had done nothing wrong.

SEE ALSO: YES OR NO? GOP Biden Basher Can’t Answer Hannity’s Question About Bogus Bribery Allegations

Meanwhile, there is abundant proof of the criminality of Donald Trump. Democrats don’t have to “dream” at all. Trump is currently facing 91 felony charges that are backed up by documents and testimony, primarily from Republicans. And these charges were not brought by Democrats, but by citizens serving on Grand Juries.

For good measure, during the same interview, Greene provided an example of her alleged evidence against Biden. Referencing telephone calls that Biden was on with his son, Hunter (about which a Republican witness testified under oath that no business was ever discussed), Greene demonstrated that she is not only a pathological liar, but now she is claiming that Joe Biden is conversing with the dead over the phone. And she thinks Democrats are dreaming?


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Trump’s Lawyer on Fox News Accuses Jack Smith of Contempt of Court – For Doing His Job

This week a federal appeals court will hear arguments relating to Donald Trump’s claim of “presidential immunity” from some the 91 felony charges he is currently facing. It’s a peculiar legal strategy wherein Trump, unlike rational defendants, is choosing to refrain from assertions that he is innocent, in favor of a convincing the court that he is entitled to break any laws that he wants.

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Donald Trump, Wah

To assist him in this profoundly eccentric defense, Trump has assembled a crack team of attorneys, featuring former parking lot lawyer, Alina Habba. While she has little to no experience in constitutional or criminal law, she does meet Trump’s highest priority for representation: She looks good on TV. Unfortunately for Trump, that doesn’t help him to prevail in any matter of law.

SEE THIS: WTF? Trump Attorney Says He Should Be Free to Defame, Wrongfully Jail, and Incite Insurrections

On Sunday Habba joined Fox News Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, for a morning mass and adoration of Dear Leader. The services began with Ava Maria offering Habba an opportunity to probe Trump’s latest assault on special counsel Jack Smith.

Bartiromo: First I want to ask you about special counsel Jack Smith. What is President Trump’s reasoning for wanting him to be held in contempt?
Habba: Because he is in contempt. He has clearly ignored the Court’s stay of the decision, the decision is completely disregarded. Just like anything, the radical left are pushing their own agenda.”

So to summarize, the reason Trump wants Smith to be held in contempt is “because he is in contempt.” Which is the same sort of legal genius that holds that a murderer is guilty because he’s guilty. Habba elaborates on her argument by raising the specter of the invisible but ever present “radical left [who] are pushing their own agenda.” Which, of course, has nothing to do with the matters before this court. She then proceeds to explain the details of the case to Bartiromo and the Fox News cult.

“What happened is there was a stay in the proceeding. That means that all actions, all activities on that case must stop until the issue of presidential immunity is addressed. That means that the president would have immunity during the time, as he was sitting president. The same immunity Biden and Obama and everybody else does.”

Habba’s analysis of the law leaves out a couple of critical factors: “Analysis” and “law.” Her assertion that a stay “means that all actions, all activities on that case must stop.” is ludicrous. A stay does not prohibit attorneys on either side from continuing to work independently on their case. Only the court proceedings are paused. If the prosecutor chooses to keep working, but the defense decides to take a break, that is entirely up to them.

Habba is also mistaken with her opinion on “presidential immunity” when she claims that a stay “means that the president would have immunity during the time.” No it doesn’t. The question of immunity, which is the very principle that resulted in the stay, has not been adjudicated and, therefore, Trump cannot be presumed to have it. Particularly the way he defines it that is so preposterously broad that it would indemnify a president from any crime, including murder. Does he really want to set that legal precedent while Joe Biden is still in the White House?

Special Counsel Smith responded to Trump’s contempt charge saying that “the Government intends to comply with its continuing discovery obligations” so that the pretrial schedule can be resumed after the stay is resolved.

Habba also whined that Jack Smith “has continuously filed motions to inundate our team.” That complaint was specifically addressed by Smith in his response. After reiterating that the government has not violated the stay order, he says that…

“Nothing here requires any action by the defendant, and he fails to explain how the mere receipt of discovery materials that he is not obligated to review, or the early filing of Government pleadings to which he does not yet need to respond, possibly burdens him.”

While all of this was going on, Trump was busy posting rambling and incoherent comments on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. Such as his tediously repetitive claim that “The least I am entitled to is Presidential Immunity on Fake Biden Indictments!”

So if anyone is “pushing their own agenda” while the proceedings are stayed, it’s Trump. Likewise, if anyone is violating the court’s stay order, it’s Trump and Habba. At least by their own definitions. All they are really doing is revealing their fear, desperation and ignorance. This may play well among the MAGA minions, but it isn’t going to go very far in a court of law.


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Jim Jordan Tells Fox News that His Best Evidence Against Biden is a Witness Who Exonerated Him

One week into the new year and it is clear that the Republican Party remains hell bent on continuing their desperate and baseless pursuit of pseudo-scandals with which to smear President Biden and his family. They still seem to be mired in the delusion that the American people are hungering for their representatives in Congress to be working on meritless impeachments, rather than legislative initiatives that might actually improve their lives.

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Jim Jordan

To that end, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Perv) visited with Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, for a little chitchat about his efforts as chair of the House Judiciary Committee to impeach Biden. Never mind that he’s been doing this for a year now, but has failed utterly to produce any evidence, or even a coherent argument, that would justify his shamelessly partisan waste of time and taxpayer money. Instead, he and his GOP confederates have set a modern day record for laziness in legislating.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

The segment began with Bartiromo constructing a convoluted question that was rife with preconception and presumptions of guilt. That led to the following exchange…

Bartiromo: Give us your sense of what the most the damning evidence is that you have so far on Joe Biden regarding bribery potential, money laundering. These are the terms that you and your colleagues have been using. Where is the evidence, and do you believe you’re going to find more from these depositions by the end of January?
Jordan: I do, to the last question. I think the most damning evidence thus far is what we got from Devon Archer.

That’s an astonishing admission on Jordan’s part. Because when Devon Archer, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, testified before Congress, he completely contradicted everything that the Republican shills have alleged for years.

Archer testified, under oath, that Biden never discussed any business dealings or interests with Hunter Biden or anyone else. He said that he knew nothing about alleged bribes paid to the Biden family. He refuted charges that Biden sought to oust a Ukrainian prosecutor in order to benefit his son.

In short, the witness that Jordan claims provided his best evidence against Biden, actually exonerates him of every charge that the Republicans have used to slander the President. And when Jordan’s accomplice in this political character assassination, James Comer, chair of the Oversight Committee, was asked on Fox News if would be able to prove his allegations against Biden, he replied “I sure hope so.” Which is a long ways from “Yes.”

SEE ALSO: YES OR NO? GOP Biden Basher Can’t Answer Hannity’s Question About Bogus Bribery Allegations

In addition to the humiliating performance of Jordan above, he also discussed with Bartiromo the matter of Hunter Biden’s alleged failure to comply with a congressional subpoena. The truth is that Hunter did try to comply with the original request to testify in a public hearing. But when Republicans later reneged and insisted that he be deposed in a closed session, Hunter reiterated his agreement to testify publicly.

That dispute led to Republicans declaring their intention to hold Hunter in contempt of Congress. Which is hypocrisy on a grand scale considering that Jordan himself failed to comply with a subpoena from the House January 6th Committee.

Jordan’s blatant act of contempt has now gone on for more than year and a half. Yet Jordan still has the gall to complain about the Hunter subpoena on Fox News, who lies about it. Which just goes to prove that the best words to describe Fox News and the Republican party are “lies,” “hypocrisy” and “contempt.”


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Fox News is TERRIFIED that Obama is Running the Country and is Responsible for Biden’s Success

It must be getting more difficult for Fox News to manufacture scandals that they can attribute to President Biden and other Democrats and to be appalled by. The ones they are coming up with these days are achieving a degree of inanity that exceeds there wildest previous efforts. It’s hard to know whether we should congratulate them, or pity them.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

On Monday morning’s episode of “Mornings with Maria Bartiromo,” Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer interviewed a Republican congressman, Richard McCormick, in a segment that sought to disparage the President for his having had the gall to advance in age. It’s the only matter on which they are able to criticize him, considering his historic record in job creation, his leadership of a booming economy, the respect he’s garnered for his international diplomacy, and his support for a broadly popular agenda that includes fighting for reproductive choice, expanding voting rights, and taxing the rich. Meanwhile, Fox News is focusing on malarkey like this…

SEE ALSO: Fox News Attacks Kamala Harris Over Fake War on Gas Stoves and Says Democrats ‘Hate Humans’

The interview was a typically substanceless Fox News assault Biden until Bartiromo got around to a favorite subject on the network: Biden’s age and mental acuity. Never mind that Donald Trump is only three years younger and exhibits way more evidence of both physical and cognitive decline than Biden. The mission on Fox is always to defame Democrats. However, on this occasion they missed their target by a mile…

Bartiromo: So who is running the show here? Does he know what’s going on or is he being directed by President Obama?
McCormick: He definitely doesn’t know what’s going on. And whether he’s being directed by Obama or some other staff member is really questionable. But if you look at his cognitive decline for the last fifty years, we’ve been in, literally in real time, watching this guy in public life and the way he’s talked, he’s being very slick, Clintonesque if you like. He no longer has that cognitive ability. He misinterprets questions. He misinterprets emotions. He doesn’t have a strategy. He doesn’t have any sort of education or ability to interpret new data.

Somewhere deep down Bartiromo knows that the nation has progressed in great strides since Biden trounced Trump, whose “leadership” thrust the nation into recession and burdened it with misery. But Fox News is so averse to giving Biden credit for anything that they have to invent a conspiracy wherein the credit goes to someone else. In this case it is former President Barack Obama.

Bartiromo probably believes that this is a brilliant idea that not only deprives Biden of the accolades he deserves, it also casts the spotlight on the former Black President who her viewers already hate. However, she is, in effect, affirming that the Biden presidency is producing positive results that she has to pretend that he had nothing to do with. She is also shifting attention to the most popular former American president.

As for McCormick, his baseless allegations only make him look more foolish. First of all, Biden has never been regarded as a “slick” orator akin to Clinton. In fact, he is a lifelong stutterer and was known as gaffe machine. But McCormick’s bizarre assertions that Biden misinterprets questions, has no strategy or education, and can’t process new data, are plucked from pure fantasy. Biden has presided over the passage of numerous bills that have benefited the people. He has shown remarkable skill at uniting the world against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and more recently, he has done the same on behalf of both Israel and civilians in Gaza.

The only candidate that is showing signs of mental decline is Donald Trump. He has recently spoken about how he defeated Obama in 2016 (that was Hillary Clinton), and has talked about his current race against Obama (that’s Biden). He mixed up the leaders of Hungary and Turkey. He thinks wind turbines cause cancer and kill whales. And he mistook a photo of E. Jean Carroll, who he has been found liable for defamation and rape, as being his ex-wife Marla Maples.

Also on Monday morning, Trump posted a comment on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, wherein he attempted to explain that his recent fumbling of Obama and Biden were intentional. Yeah, right. He’s done it at least seven times and never once suggested it was sarcasm. His entire post bragging about his alleged mental health actually provides more proof of serious illness…

“Whenever I sarcastically insert the name Obama for Biden as an indication that others may actually be having a very big influence in running our Country, Ron DeSanctimonious and his failing campaign apparatus, together with the Democrat’s Radical Left ‘Disinformation Machine,’ go wild saying that ‘Trump doesn’t know the name of our President, (CROOKED!) Joe Biden. He must be cognitively impaired.'”

So Trump expects people to believe that he did it on purpose in order to make people think he’s nuts? Sure, that makes perfect sense. But he wasn’t finished…

“No, I know both names very well, never mix them up, and know that they are destroying our Country.”

“They” are? So Trump really does believe that Obama is still in power? Trump continues…

“Also, and as reported, I just took a cognitive test as part of my Physical Exam, and ACED it. Also ACED (a perfect score!) one taken while in the White House.”

Yep, Trump took a “test” ordinarily given to detect early signs of dementia. It consists of tasks like counting backwards and identifying an elephant. But even though it is a very easy test, Trump has still never provided the actual results. He just pretended that he could recall five words as long as they are all things immediately in front of him at the time (person, woman, man, camera, TV). But he still wasn’t done with this rambling rant…

“Biden should take one so we can determine why he wants Open Borders, No Energy Independence, A Woke Military, High Inflation, No Voter I.D., Men playing In Women’s Sports, Only Electric Cars & Trucks, A Weaponized DOJ/FBI, and so many other CRAZY things!!!”

Needless to say, Biden doesn’t want any of those things. They are all figments of Trump’s overactive and perverse imagination (see video below). And with regard to “weaponizing” government, that’s almost all he talks about doing in his hoped for next term. Which is all the more reason that it must never happen.


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