Fox News on Tennessee GOP Expelling Black Reps: It’s Wrong to Storm Government Buildings (?)

Republicans in the state of Tennessee have a long held pride in their prejudices and radically extreme conservatism. From their treasonous days in the Confederacy to their blind devotion to Donald Trump, they are a party that has slipped the surly bonds of reason and rational judgment in their quest for ultra-conservative supremacy.

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Unfortunately for them, with their latest political pothole Republicans have only succeeded in cementing their reputation as unabashed racists and aspiring totalitarians. On Thursday the GOP-dominated Tennessee House expelled two Black representatives for allegedly breaching the “decorum” of the House when they joined with citizens protesting in support of gun safety reforms following a mass shooting in Nashville that took the lives of six people, including three children.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson of Fox News Blames Mass Shootings on – Women? (Also Drugs, Porn, Video Games)

Let’s just set aside for the moment that the Tennessee Republicans gave a White representative a pass for doing the exact same things as the Black Reps who were expelled. The GOP opposition to common sense measures aimed at reducing gun violence is starkly contrary to the positions of most Americans.

In response to the grotesque assault on democracy by the Tennessee GOP, Fox News defended them by saying that it wasn’t undemocratic at all because the expelled lawmakers could still run for reelection. That’s an argument that is devoid of any coherent logic. By expelling the two Democrats, the Republicans stole the votes of the majority of citizens who elected them. Running again doesn’t erase that. But the exchange by the co-hosts of Fox and friends got even worse…

Correspondent Alexandria Hoff: The action was not undemocratic because the representatives are still able to be voted back into office.
Brian Kilmeade: Right, they’re out for now
Ainsley Earhardt: Sending a message not to storm our government buildings, right?

WTHolyF? So Fox News is saying that the Tennessee GOP were right to expel two Black lawmakers because they were just “Sending a message not to storm our government buildings.” And with that irony is now officially deceased and buried. These are the same people who have been defending the January 6th insurrectionists for the past two years by arguing that they were merely peaceful tourists on an ordinary visit to the Capitol. They have been arguing for the exoneration and release of the rioters who were arrested and convicted of crimes ranging from criminal trespass to seditious conspiracy. And many of them pleaded guilty.

RELATED: The Wacko in Waco: Trump Lavishes Praise on Fox News and the January 6th Insurrectionists

Someone should ask Fox News if the Republicans in Congress who supported the insurrection should be expelled. We could start with Josh Hawley and Marjorie Taylor Greene. The StormTrumpers caused millions of dollars of damage to the Congress and injured more than 140 law enforcement officers. The Tennessee Three caused no damage or injuries to anything but the tender sensitivities of the bigoted Republicans.

For the record, Tennessee has the tenth most fatalities by guns in the nation (21.3 per 100k). For comparison California and New York, which have among the nation’s strictest gun laws, rank at #44 (8.5 per 100k) and #46 (5.3 per 100k), respectively. These stats include fatalities due to suicide, which should not be dismissed out of hand. However, when only murders are counted, the rankings are nearly identical.

This is the record death and tragedy that Republicans and Fox News are celebrating. And they are painfully blind to the hypocrisy of their callous justifications. Not that it matters. Republicans are only interested in keeping their audience riled up, and the donations from the NRA flowing. And Fox News is not now – and never has been – the least bit interested in honest reporting or ethical journalism. Which why they are currently being sued for billions of dollars for their lies and defamation.

RELATED: IT’S A CULT: Most Fox News Viewers Are Still Loyal After Dominion Lawsuit Discloses Their Lies

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The Wacko in Waco: Trump Lavishes Praise on Fox News and the January 6th Insurrectionists

It’s no coincidence that Donald Trump chose Waco, Texas, to hold his first official campaign rally for the 2024 Republican nomination for president. It’s a city best known as the home of a radical cult that went to war with the police and the U.S. government. Which is a pretty good description of Trump’s MAGA movement.

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Trump opened his Waco cult rally by playing the hokey song recorded by January 6th insurrectionists currently in prison for everything from criminal trespassing to obstructing Congress to seditious conspiracy. And to make that even worse, he accompanied the song with big screen images of the riots in progress. So while he has blatantly lied that he never intended to incite the violence, he is now glorifying it, exalting the perpetrators, and fomenting more violence.

RELATED: Trump Post Urges His Cult Followers to Take Up Arms and ‘Physically Fight’ for the Presidency

Following that opening, Trump spent much of the rest of his speech whining about the investigations of his numerous crimes. He complained about the prospect of his being indicted and lashed out viciously at the prosecutors. He spent barely any time at all on actual issues that affect the American people. If nothing else, this speech revealed what will likely be Trump’s campaign slogan for the 2024 presidential cycle. and it isn’t “Keep America Great.” It’s “Keep Me Out of Prison.”

SEE ALSO: Trump Warns of ‘Death and Destruction’ if He is Indicted for Crimes that He Actually Committed

Trump’s defense of the January 6th rioters isn’t his first foray into supporting these treasonous thugs. In December Trump promised to halt their prosecutions if he were to return to the white House. Which is just another good reason to prevent that from ever happening. But his Waco address showed that he is committed to rewarding the domestic terrorists who assaulted America’s seat of democracy…

“Under Joe Biden American patriots are being arrested and held in captivity like animals. Look at what’s happening in Washington. […] These are people that shouldn’t have been there. And when you look at the Tucker Carlson tapes from two weeks ago, and you see so many things that turned out to be false. Very important what Tucker’s done. What Sean has done. What Laura did. Laura did a piece last night that was incredible.”

It isn’t surprising that Trump would lean on his favorite Fox News sycophants to support his celebration of the January 6th assault. Tucker Carlson, in particular, has spearheaded Fox’s whitewashing of the rampaging StormTrumpers. Neither Trump, nor Carlson, nor the rest of Fox News cared at all about the 140+ law enforcement officers who were injured, or the millions of dollars of damage to the Capitol, or the harm to the very concept of democracy.

To the contrary, they all applauded the mayhem and destruction conducted on Trump’s behalf. They crave the authoritarian dictatorship that Trump aspires to. And they will distort reality to fit their grotesque lust for what America should become under Trumpism. It’s what Trump was referring to when he spoke of “the Carlson tapes,” which were actually videos from the Capitol when it was being attacked. And despite having exclusive access to 41,000 hours of video, Carlson utterly failed to present any coherent argument that the rioters were merely innocent and peaceful tourists, as he claimed.

SEE THIS: Tucker Carlson Spins January 6th Insurrection Videos to Spread Blatant Lies, Trump Praises Him

In his speech, Trump also laid out his vision for the near future as he embarks on his presidential campaign…

“2024 is the final battle. That’s going to be the big one. You put me back in the White House, their reign will be over. And America will be a free nation once again. Our enemies are desperate to stop us, because they know that we are the only ones who can stop them.”

So Trump is framing this as an apocalyptic clash that will determine the fate of humankind. He positions himself as the one and only Savior of humanity. And he calls his political opponents “enemies.” All of that is purposefully designed to rile up his glassy-eyed cult followers and prepare them to fight for his ascendency to the throne.

The good news is that Trump’s grunts are too weak, stupid, and lazy to pose any real threat. And while some individual crackpots could still cause serious harm on a small scale, Trump’s incendiary and subversive schemes are destined to fail, as long as the rest of the nation (the vast majority) remain vigilant, unified, and committed to the principles of freedom and democracy.

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Trump Warns of ‘Death and Destruction’ if He is Indicted for Crimes that He Actually Committed

Two years ago on January 6, 2021, Donald Trump incited a violent and deadly insurrection in Washington, D.C. as he urged his cult followers to assault Congress in a futile attempt to block the certification of Joe Biden’s election. Ever since he has tried pitifully to deny that here was any hostile intent. Even though he continues to portray the rioters as “patriots” and promises to pardon them if given the opportunity.

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Any ambiguity as to Trump’s intentions that might remain in the minds of the American people can now be thoroughly disposed of. Not that that disposition couldn’t have been done long ago. After all, Trump has been fomenting violence on regular basis for years. During the 2016 presidential campaign he offered to pay the legal expenses of any supporter who assaulted a protester at his rallies. More recently, he re-posted a comment that overtly called for “physically fight[ing]” to ensure Trump’s return to power.

RELATED: Trump Post Urges His Cult Followers to Take Up Arms and ‘Physically Fight’ for the Presidency\

Now, in a late night posting on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, Trump made it clear that he advocates violence as a response to any effort to administer justice regarding his many criminal acts. In a frenzied flurry of posts, Trump gave thinly veiled orders to his StormTrumpers in the event that he’s indicted, including this one

“What kind of person can charge another person, in this case a former President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in history, and leading candidate (by far!) for the Republican Party nomination, with a Crime, when it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed, & also known that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country? Why & who would do such a thing? Only a degenerate psychopath that truely (sic) hates the USA!”

So Trump is endorsing the notion that there is likely to be “death and destruction” on a “catastrophic” scale, perpetrated by his cult if law enforcement dares to hold him accountable for his crimes. Notice that he doesn’t attempt to dissuade any such violence. In fact, he regards it as being justifiable considering his warped perspective that it would be triggered by a prosecutor that he deems to be a “degenerate psychopath.”

RELATED: Trump’s Raging Fear is on Vivid Display as He Hurls Infantile Insults at New York Prosecutor

Trump seems to think that having gotten some votes in the last election (although millions fewer than his opponent, President Biden) immunizes him from any prosecution. He is also posing the flagrantly false contention that “it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed.” Were that true he wouldn’t be under investigation for crimes in New York, Georgia, Florida, and Washington. This is just his way of trying to extricate himself from legal liability, because he believes that he is above the law. He even seems to think that the NYPD will shirk their duties to protect the city from his rampaging followers.

The “death and destruction” threat wasn’t the only such incitement that Trump delivered Thursday night. He also posted a comment wherein he complained that “THEY TELL US TO BE PEACEFUL!” And he maligned Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney, as “A SOROS BACKED ANIMAL,” squeezing both racist and anti-Semitic insults into a single sentence. Then there was the post that featured a link to an article with a photo juxtaposing Trump with a baseball bat next to D.A. Bragg’s head (which Trump later deleted).

This sort of behavior is typical of a malignant narcissist who feels threatened. He is actually a better example of a “degenerate psychopath” than the prosecutor that he fears. The closer he gets to being indicted, the more extreme his reactions will be. And after what happened on January 6th, he can no longer pretend that he isn’t responsible for any bloodshed.

RELATED: Trump Issues New Statement on His January 6th Insurrection Lies that Actually Affirms His Guilt

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Trump Jr Conjures Up Crazy Conspiracy Theory that Democrats Planted Pipe Bombs on January 6th

Proving the old mixed metaphor of the bad apple that doesn’t fall far from the crime family tree, the namesake spawn of Donald Trump, Donnie Jr, posted a video that promulgated some of the most preposterous crackpottery available on these here Internets.

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Little Don seemed proud of himself for having made an observation about the January 6th insurrection that his father incited, that others must have missed. He recalled that there were news reports at the time that pipe bombs were found the same day at the offices of the Democratic and Republican National Committees. And what intrigued Little Don was that those stories were not still at the top of the news. So he fired up his webcam, and his constantly air-quoting fingers (a notoriously fidgety feature of his video persona), and commenced reporting his “bombshell” story.

“They had the insurrection narrative. You notice how the the bombers at the DNC and at the RNC, the guy that left pipe bombs there, just sort of disappeared from the news. It’s like, you know what? In case there wasn’t an insurrection or there wasn’t something bad at the Capitol, they had that to fall back on to continue and perpetuate the evil narrative of what was going on that day.

“But since they were able to ‘coreate’ and apparently manipulate footage over that day, as well as just have enough, you know, outrage, cycle and run with it. We can forget about the bomber. We don’t really need that anymore. That was just sort of the backup plan if there wasn’t enough insurrection created in my mind. That seems to be what has to have been done here.”

Trump is shocked that a story about a tangential detail from an event that occurred over two years ago doesn’t still lead every news broadcast. And, in his mind, that is evidence of a nefarious conspiracy of some sort, by a mysterious cabal identified only as “they.” For the record, the story was recently revisited in January of this year when the FBI increased the reward being offered for the perpetrator. Which debunks the allegations by Trump and Fox News fabulists like Tucker Carlson that it was the FBI that orchestrated the Capitol riots.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson Insanely Accuses the FBI of Orchestrating Trump’s Capitol Insurrection

Little Don replaces what he calls the “insurrection narrative” with his own narrative that is based on figments of his warped imagination. He posits a plot wherein “they” “had that to fall back on […] in case there wasn’t an insurrection” So he’s also asserting that deadly violence at the Capitol was part of the dastardly plan. Then he concludes that the harm done by the “manufactured” insurrection was sufficient that “they” were able to “coreate” (whatever that means) just enough outrage that they no longer needed the pipe bomber story.

What a brilliantly evil plan. And one that requires no proof whatsoever for Trump or the glassy-eyed cultists who subscribe to his video channel. It even connects to daddy Trump’s wild claims from last year when he told MAGA-naut Candace Owens that…

“A lot of people are being treated very unfairly. This should never happen in our country or any country, what happened to them. Especially when you look at the way the so-called other side is treated. But this pipe bomber or bombers – who knows if it was a pipe? Who knows what it was? They never found him? I’ve seen pictures of him and very clear pictures.”

MORE ON THAT HERE: Trump Embraces Tucker Carlson’s Crackpot Theory that the FBI Staged the January 6th Insurrection

See? It must have been the FBI. Never mind that the FBI wouldn’t be offering half a million dollars to capture their own agent. Or that blurry photos of a masked man were the only ones that the FBI released. So who knows what Trump was looking at? Fortunately for the Trumps, evidence – or even a marginal attachment to reality – is not required to convince the MAGA cult.

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Fox News Fabulist Tucker Carlson Launches a Laughably Lame Defense of His January 6th Lies

On Tuesday night Tucker Carlson took to his Fox News balcony and delivered the second chapter of his January 6th insurrection inquisition. It was the sort of typically tedious televised tantrum that Tucker excels in. It provided no new information, nor any advancement of the ludicrous premises he has been so impotently implying.

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The sequel to Monday’s Capitol riot mythmaking practically ignored Carlson’s entire theme that there was no insurrection at all, just a bunch of patriotic “sightseers” paying a friendly visit to the Capitol that they “revered.” On Monday Carlson portrayed the rioters as peaceful tourists who “were orderly and meek,” despite the abundant video proof that they were violent and destructive.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson Spins January 6th Insurrection Videos to Spread Blatant Lies, Trump Praises Him

Tuesday night, however, was a different matter. Carlson’s first installment of his Grim Fairy Tales resulted in a barrage of well warranted criticism and ridicule. But much to his dismay, it wasn’t all coming from Democrats. While few in number, there were some notable Republicans who took offense to Carlson’s embrace of the seditious StormTrumpers who assaulted Congress. Take the following GOP senators for instance

  • Kevin Cramer: To somehow put that in the same category as a permitted peaceful protest is just a lie.
  • Thom Tillis: I think it’s bullshit.
  • Mike Rounds: I thought it was an insurrection at that time. I still think it was an insurrection today.
  • Chuck Grassley: The point is, what happened that day shouldn’t have happened.
    John Thune: I think it was an attack on the Capitol.
  • Mitt Romney: Any attempt to normalize what was a violent attack on the United States Capitol only makes it more intriguing for people to do such a thing in the future.

Even the Republican minority leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, weighed in saying that…

“The Chief of the Capitol Police correctly describes, in my view, what most of us witnessed first hand on January 6th… It was a mistake, in my view for Fox News to depict this in a way that is completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol says.”

Needless to say, Carlson’s humungous, yet fragile, ego was wounded, and he wasn’t going to take this disrespect laying down. So his Tuesday tantrum devoted a significant chunk of his program to whining and lashing out at his tormentors. Sadly, he was apparently too distressed to think straight (if he ever could). Consequently, after his reality-defying insistence that there was no violence on January 6th, Carlson wound up conceding that there was indeed a “massive disturbance” on Capitol Hill that “the Capitol Police were not prepared for.” And after having so carefully crafted his propaganda with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

RELATED: House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy Hands Over 41,000 Hours of January 6th Video to – Tucker Carlson?

Carlson also sputtered out some additional displays of derangement. Such as his assertion that “If there was a security failure on January 6, and demonstrably there was, it was probably Nancy Pelosi’s fault.” Which is another admission that there was a violent clash, but the thugs who conducted it weren’t to blame.

Carlson also complained that “The people who fell down on the job, who didn’t do their job, they were not punished. They were rewarded.” He doesn’t identify any of these alleged failures who were rewarded, but only because they don’t exist. And he is notably ignorant of the fact that three top security officials did lose their jobs. He’s probably just upset that some of the front line officers who risked their lives to protect Congress and its members were recognized as heroes.

Carlson also murdered irony by proclaiming that “In free countries, governments do not lie about protests as a pretext to gain more power for themselves. They don’t selectively edit videos for propaganda services and then lie about them and fake hearings and show trials.” No, that’s Carlson’s job, damn it!

RELATED: HUH? Senior Fox News Misinformer, Tucker Carlson, Declares that ‘Misinformation Can Be True’

Carlson’s harangue continued with a direct slap at the Republican senators who dared to find fault in his fiction. He began by chastising McConnell for agreeing with Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, that Carlson’s lies were shameful and dangerous. Just the act of agreement was an atrocity. According to Carlson, any persons who “share the same outrage” are presumed to be colluding in some sort of nefarious cabal. What Carlson bragged that he learned from this was that all of his persecutors are “on the same side.” And it isn’t because they simply see the facts. It must be a conspiracy.

“The Senate majority leader joins the Senate minority leader – Thom Tillis, Mitt Romney. They’re all on the same side. So, it’s actually not about left and right. It’s not about Republican and Democrat. Here you have people with shared interests, the open borders people, the people like Mitch McConnell, who are living in splendor on Chinese money, the people who underneath it all have everything in common are all aligned against everyone else, and that would include almost all news organizations in this country as well. So, if you’re watching, this might be kind of interesting to keep a list.”

See? They are all against him. It won’t be long until Carlson is declaring that it’s all a witch hunt. And it appears to be because he won’t take Chinese money to open the borders. It surely couldn’t be because Carlson is acutely paranoid and devoted to dishonesty in pursuit of his own infallibility, could it?

SEE ALSO: GOOD LUCK: Democratic Leaders Call On Rupert Murdoch to Stop Fox News From Spreading Lies

Not to be left out, Donald Trump, who has lately been castigating Fox News for being insufficiently worshipful of him (and who Carlson told his colleagues privately that he hates passionately), has apparently been watching this week. And he likes what he sees. In a post on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, Trump praised Carlson for doing a “great job,” and attacked the bipartisan House Select Committee that investigated the January 6th insurrection that he incited, as “thugs [who] should be tried for Fraud and Treason.” Once again, every accusation by Trump is a confession.

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Tucker Carlson Spins January 6th Insurrection Videos to Spread Blatant Lies, Trump Praises Him

In February House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy announced that he would give 41,000 hours of raw video of the January 6th insurrection to the malicious liar and shameless sham artist, Tucker Carlson of Fox News. It was a brazen act of partisanship intended to allow Carlson and Fox News to craft a flagrantly false narrative of the treasonous assault on the seat of American democracy.

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On Monday night’s episode of his primetime propaganda hour, Carlson didn’t disappoint McCarthy and reality-challenged Republicans when he aired his first program featuring the cherry-picked video clips. Carlson has made it his mission to spread flagrant lies about the January 6th insurrection. He’s celebrated the rioters as “patriots.” He’s maligned the FBI, without evidence, as the perpetrators of the violence. He even produced a lie-riddled crocumentary about the insurrection. And this is the person McCarthy chose to curate the thousands of hours of video to force feed their BS propaganda to the American people?

RELATED: Breaking Down the Crocumentary By Tucker Carlson that Glorifies ‘False Flag’ Insurrection

Given his predisposed positions on the subject, it isn’t surprising that Carlson concluded that the Capitol riots incited by Donald Trump were innocent excursions by peaceful tourists. “They were orderly and meek,” Carlson lied. “These were not insurrectionists. They were sightseers.” But Carlson is not only lying, he’s contradicting himself. He’s illogically asserting that a mob of protesters who “were angry. [because] they believed that the election” was “stolen” were merely sightseeing. They can’t be both sightseers and an angry mob. Yet that’s precisely how Carlson presented them…

“On January 6th two years ago thousands of protesters walked from a Trump rally on the ellipse outside the White House to the U.S. Capitol where the certification of the presidential election was underway. The protesters were angry. they believed that the election they had just voted in had been unfairly conducted. They were right. In retrospect, the 2020 election was a grave betrayal of American democracy given the facts that have since emerged about that election. No honest person can deny it.”

Carlson has the advantage of not having to comply with any standard of honest personage. After all, his own Fox News lawyers defended him (successfully) in a defamation lawsuit by arguing that “no reasonable person” would take him seriously.

For the record, more than 1,000 people have been charged with crimes ranging from trespassing to seditious conspiracy. And nearly 500 of them have pleaded guilty, including the notorious “QAnon Shaman” who Carlson went out of his way to defend. What’s more, many of those who confessed fingered Trump as their leader and inspiration.

In addition to his blatantly dishonest mangling of the facts, Carlson also took the opportunity to assist Dominion Voting Systems in their lawsuit against Fox News by reiterating the lie that the 2020 election was rigged. He refers to “facts that have since emerged about that election,” but, like Trump and everyone else, was unable to cite any of those alleged facts.

Carlson’s characterization of the insurrectionists as “orderly and meek” was proven false by some of the video that he aired. Never mind his absurd assertion that “the video does not support the claim that January 6th was an insurrection. In fact, it demolishes that claim.” In actual fact, the StormTrumpers can be seen breaking into the Capitol and violently assaulting police officers, more than 140 of whom were injured.

Carlson attempts to support his claims by carefully selecting video where there was nothing untoward occurring. But that’s a ridiculous argument. There is plenty of video of President Kennedy riding in a car in Dallas where he is smiling and waving to the crowd. So, by Carlson’s logic, he was never assassinated.

Of course, the expected response by insurrection inciter, Donald Trump, was posted to his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, shortly after Carlson’s program aired. And it was just as psychotic as you might imagine…

“Congratulations to Tucker Carlson on one of the biggest ‘scoops’ as a reporter in U.S. history. The New Surveillance Footage of the January 6th Events sheds an entirely different light on what actually happened. The Unselect Committee was a giant SCAM, and has now unequivocally been stamped as CRIMINAL FABRICATORS OF THIS MOST IMPORTANT DAY. Pelosi & McConnell failed on security. The Police story is sad and difficult to watch. ‘Trump’ and most others are totally innocent, LET THEM GO FREE, NOW!”

Literally everything in that rant was false. It was not a “scoop.” Carlson is not a “reporter.” There was no credible new “light” shed. The House Select Committee that investigated the insurrection was neither a “SCAM,” nor criminally “stamped.” Yet Trump still persists in repeating his intention to free the perpetrators if he – gawd forbid – returns to the White House.

RELATED: Trump Promises to Halt the Prosecutions of the January 6th Mob He Incited to Attack Congress

After slobbering all over Carlson, Trump turned his drool to McCarthy. about whom he said that “Great courage shown […] in releasing the surveillance footage to Tucker Carlson.” He elaborated saying that ” A whole new, and completely opposite, picture has now been indelibly painted.” Which was, of course, the whole purpose of McCarthy’s gift to Carlson. He wanted to give Carlson a head start on creating a fake narrative – and also to restore Trump’s love for him as he embarks on his role as House Speaker.

McCarthy providing these videos to a devoted, Putin-loving, propagandist like Carlson was an act of naked partisanship and, worse, a betrayal of democratic principles. And Carlson’s predictable treatment of the information he received affirms his rank dishonesty, and that of the network that employs him.

RELATED: GOOD LUCK: Democratic Leaders Call On Rupert Murdoch to Stop Fox News From Spreading Lies

UPDATE: Trump had another outburst over Carlson’s garbage report. And he truly went off the rails saying “LET THE JANUARY 6 PRISONERS GO. THEY WERE CONVICTED, OR ARE AWAITING TRIAL, BASED ON A GIANT LIE, A RADICAL LEFT CON JOB. THANK YOU TO TUCKER CARLSON AND SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE KEVIN McCARTHY FOR WHAT YOU BOTH HAVE DONE. NEW VIDEO FOOTAGE IS IRREFUTABLE!!!” Meanwhile Carlson’s Fox News colleagues are completely ignoring his alleged “BOMBSHELL” report.

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House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy Hands Over 41,000 Hours of January 6th Video to – Tucker Carlson?

Two years ago on January 6th, a Clown Corps of traitorous StormTrumpers invaded the seat of America’s democracy in a violent and deadly attempt to overthrown a legitimate election and install their Mar-a-Lago Messiah as president-for-life. But despite their pitiful failure they persist in the pursuit of a wingnut theocracy with Donald Trump in their throne.

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In his quest for the the speakership of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy promised that he would release all of the video available of what he still refuses to admit was an insurrection. And consistent with his string of already broken promises, he has chosen to make those videos available only to Tucker Carlson of Fox news.

RELATED: HUH? Squeaker McCarthy Admits that He Ignored Subpoenas in His Denial that He Ignored Subpoenas

On Monday morning Axios reported that…

“House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has given Fox News’ Tucker Carlson exclusive access to 41,000 hours of Capitol surveillance footage from the Jan. 6 riot, McCarthy sources tell me.

“Carlson TV producers were on Capitol Hill last week to begin digging through the trove, which includes multiple camera angles from all over Capitol grounds. Excerpts will begin airing in the coming weeks.”

Seriously? If McCarthy thinks that giving Putin-loving, propagandist Carlson exclusive access to these videos is the same thing as releasing them to the public, he has succumbed to the same mental deterioration as his QAnon Caucus. Carlson will surely slice and dice what he receives in the most grotesquely biased manner. The public will only get to see what Carlson and Fox News serve up on their partisan platter.

Revelations of Fox’s dishonesty were recently disclosed in the defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems. In a motion for a summary judgment, Dominion published internal communications at Fox News showing that the hosts and executives never believed Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged and stolen” from him, even as they went on air proclaiming it as fact. And now they will want us to believe their misinterpretation of these videos?

RELATED: In Dominion v Fox News, Network Cries ‘We Can’t Make People Think We’ve Turned Against Trump’

As further proof of how ludicrous this is, Marjorie Taylor Greene was thrilled and tweeted that she was “very happy” with McCarthy for releasing the videos to Carlson because “Americans deserve to see the truth, not a one sided narrative and unfair two tiered justice system.”

Really? Even if McCarthy ends up releasing the videos to the public or other media, he has still benefited the Trumpists and insurrectionists by giving Carlson and Fox News a first look and a head start on injecting an entirely false narrative into the media ecosystem.

It would be bad enough if McCarthy merely released these videos to Fox News. But he could not have picked a worse person to dump them on than Tucker Carlson. Apparently McCarthy has forgiven him for calling him “a puppet of the Democratic Party.” Which is just another indication of McCarthy’s wet noodley weakness.

As for Carlson, he has made it his mission to spread flagrant lies about the January 6th insurrection. He’s celebrated the rioters as “patriots.” He’s maligned the FBI, without evidence, as the perpetrators of the violence. He even produced a lie-riddled crocumentary about the insurrection. And this is the person McCarthy chose to curate the thousands of hours of video to force feed their BS propaganda to the American people?

Nice work Kevin. You’ve selected someone who was deemed by his own attorneys to be so outrageously dishonest that they argued in court (successfully) that, given his reputation, “no reasonable person” would believe his bullpucky. And there’s more where that came from…

UPDATE I: CBS News reports that several media organizations are now demanding that they get access to the videos too.

UPDATE II: Tucker Carlson Spins January 6th Insurrection Videos to Spread Blatant Lies, Trump Praises Him


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Trump is a Coward and a Liar and He’ll Prove it When He Dodges the Proud Boys Subpoena

It has been more than two years since Donald Trump incited the insurrection in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021, aimed at undermining democracy. Many of the perpetrators have since been indicted and/or convicted for their crimes against America. And many more are awaiting justice, including the leaders of the violent and deadly riots such as Commander Bone Spurs Trump.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

This week lawyers for the Proud Boys, a wannabe militia of anti-American thugs on trial for seditious conspiracy, declared their intention to issue a subpoena for Trump to testify for the defense. That’s a peculiar legal strategy intended to show that the defendants only committed their crimes at Trump’s direction. Which doesn’t make them innocent, but does make Trump guilty.

Trump hasn’t yet responded to this news, but it’s a near certainty that he will will seek to quash the subpoena and, if unsuccessful, will take plead the Fifth Amendment in order to avoid testifying and incriminating himself. Which is something he’s already done more than 400 times:

RELATED: Snowflake Trump Pleads the Fifth Amendment, So Let’s Break Down His Desperately Deranged Reasons

However, if Trump declines to testify on behalf of the Proud Boys, he will be exposing himself as the coward and liar that he has always been. After all, he has been complaining for months that the January 6th defendants are “patriots” who have been treated terribly by the “Injustice” Department. He has sworn to “get justice for people that are imprisoned right now, and people that are being tormented.” He has even promised to pardon them if he were to be reelected.

RELATED: Trump Promises to Halt the Prosecutions of the January 6th Mob He Incited to Attack Congress

Considering Trump’s allegedly heartfelt support for those poor souls who he believes are being persecuted by the law enforcement agencies that he has likened to the Gestapo, you would think that he would be anxious to testify on their behalf and secure their liberation from the clutches of evil. Why wouldn’t he want to help to exonerate his most loyal cult followers? Doing so would not only demonstrate his commitment to the cause, it would also stimulate the recruitment of more militant insurrectionists.

The answer, of course, is that Trump is a coward who would never stick his neck out for the benefit of anyone else. And admitting that he motivated their mission would surely place him in legal jeopardy. He is also a liar who couldn’t care less about these pawns who he drove to commit crimes and are now suffering for his recklessness and their own gullibility.

Nevertheless, Trump is still prodding his glassy-eyed devotees to commit similar criminal acts for which he will later deny any knowledge or culpability. He recently posted a link on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that explicitly called for violence in pursuit of his totalitarian aspirations. And sadly, there are still numbskulls dumb enough to succumb to his traitorous whims.

SEE THIS: Trump Post Urges His Cult Followers to Take Up Arms and ‘Physically Fight’ for the Presidency

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Trump Issues New Statement on His January 6th Insurrection Lies that Actually Affirms His Guilt

More than two years have passed since Donald Trump incited a violent and deadly insurrection against the United States. In the time that has elapsed, abundant evidence of Trump’s complicity has been presented by the press, by law enforcement, and by the House Select Committee investing the January 6th riots, most of whose witnesses were Republicans and former Trump staffers.

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

Trump, of course, has spent the past two years whining that he’s innocent and asserting that the whole thing is just another witch hunt and/or hoax. And on Wednesday morning he reanimated his raging with the release of a new ten page statement mostly rehashing the same tired untruths that he’s been peddling all along.

RELATED: Trump Responds to the January 6th Committee Report By Flagrantly Lying About What it Says

This latest chapter in Trump’s traitorous tale of villainy and victimhood wasn’t much more than a warmed over rerun of his prior prattling. However, he did feature a new wrinkle in the fabric of his fantasy fiction referencing the utterly contrived conclusions of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” document dumps. Trump began saying that…

“Recently, it was shockingly revealed that Twitter colluded with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to Rig and Steal the 2020 Presidential Election in favor of Joe Biden, and to deplatform and illegally censor me.”

Contrary to Trump’s hyperbole, there were no revelations, shocking or otherwise, and no evidence of collusion with the FBI to “Rig and Steal the 2020 Presidential Election.” The only thing shocking about any of this is the dishonesty of Trump, Musk, and the hacks who worked for them.

But Trump was just getting started. He continued with his pitiful defense of the charges that he incited the riots in Washington, D.C. on January 6th. He claimed that he was the consummate peacemaker, saying that…

“The two exonerating Tweets, and the Rose Garden Video, which were posted in the early afternoon of January 6, 2021, and attempted to be hidden by the Unselect January 6th Committee, clearly and unquestionably state my desire that all protestors be peaceful and follow the Law.”

That’s a purposefully deceitful summary of the events on January 6th. First of all, he’s leaving out his hostile rhetoric at his speech on the Ellipse, where he told his cult followers that “We fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” As for his Twitter and video responses to the violence, aside from being weak and insincere, they weren’t released until long after the riots began and much damage was already done. According to the timeline

  • 12:53 p.m.: Rioters overwhelm police along the outer perimeter west of the Capitol building, pushing aside temporary fencing.
  • 1:30 p.m.: Capitol Police are overwhelmed and retreat up the steps of the Capitol.
  • 2:38 p.m.: President Trump tweets: Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!
  • 3:13 p.m.: President Trump tweets: I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!
  • 4:17 p.m.: Trump uploads an unscripted video to his Twitter denouncing the riot but maintaining the false claim that the election was stolen: “I know your pain, I know you’re hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us … But you have to go home now. We have to have peace … So go home. We love you. You’re very special.”

So at least two and half hours elapsed before Trump posted his tweets, and another two hours until his video appeal that gushed his love for the rioters. What’s more, Trump’s statement lies that the January 6th Committee suppressed his weak messages of peace, and that “Twitter followed the wishes of Joe Biden and the FBI in censoring me, and cancelling my account.”

Every word of that is false. The tweets may not have been available on Trump’s Twitter page because the account was suspended due its potential to incite further violence. But they were well documented and available elsewhere to anyone who was interested. Also, neither Biden nor the FBI had anything to do with Trump’s Twitter account being suspended. And finally, the January 6th Committee not only did not suppress those tweets, they highlighted them in the hearings.

This is all typical of Trump pathological compulsion to lie. However, his own account of events, when the facts are known, supplies actual evidence of his guilt. And in case anyone thought that the harm Trump is capable of is all in the past, note these recent comments that prove that he remains an imminent threat to the nation:

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Trump Post Urges His Cult Followers to Take Up Arms and ‘Physically Fight’ for the Presidency

Just in case there was anyone who is still uncertain if Donald Trump advocates violence in his lust for power and adulation, the twice-impeached, former reality TV game show host made his intentions clear in a post on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social.

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Donald Trump Insurrection

Among Wednesday’s posting frenzy that included scads of his typical whining, personal attacks, election lies, lame legal defenses, and pathetic self-exaltations, Trump re-posted a comment by one of his glassy-eyed cult followers that should concern every American.

It was an explicit call for, and advocacy of, violence and armed uprising against Democracy. The post was a reply to another Trumpist who speculated about the prospect of Ron DeSantis – or anyone other than Trump – winning the 2024 Republican presidential primary…

“Then they will have to figure out how to fight 80,000,000 + it’s not going to happen again. People my age and old will physically fight for him this time. What we got to lose? I’ll donate the rest of my time here on this planet to do it. And I know many many others who feel the same. They got my 6 and we Are Locked and LOADED”

There is nothing ambiguous about that comment. The poster is blatantly advocating an armed assault during the primary on behalf of Trump with his call to “physically fight” and be “Locked and LOADED.” It is an open embrace of domestic terrorism. And Trump obviously agrees with this anti-American depravity.

This sort of unbridled hostility isn’t new for Trump, After all, he gleefully watched as his cult followers engaged in a violent insurrection against the United States on January 6, 2021. He encouraged them as they threatened members of Congress and sought to hang his Vice-President, Mike Pence. He eventually told the rioters that he loved them. And he has since promised to pardon any of those who were arrested for their criminal conduct.

RELATED: Trump Promises to Halt the Prosecutions of the January 6th Mob He Incited to Attack Congress

In the past couple of weeks Twitter and Facebook have restored Trump’s accounts after having suspended him for inciting violence and disseminating dangerous disinformation about election fraud and COVID. That was a terrible mistake that could have been easily predicted to result in further harm to innocent people and to the nation.

Now Trump is proving that he is unfit to be permitted to spread his malicious lies and overt hate speech in public forums. He is telegraphing what he will advocate if/when he returns to social media platforms that are unwilling to take common sense measures to safeguard their users from his malevolence. And when he ultimately sinks to the depths that he is known to inhabit, Twitter and Facebook will share the blame for any harm that comes from it.


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