Breaking BS on Fox News: Hunter Biden is Selling His Artwork to… Russians? Drug Cartels?

Fox News is continuing to have difficulties finding anything substantive – or real – that they can use to attack President Biden. That’s why they’ve been resorting to pitiful, manufactured “scandals” like whether or not he wears a face mask, or blaming him for a sauce shortage at Chick-fil-A, or mocking the romance in his marriage. But try as they might, they just can’t seem to shake his broad-based popularity.

Fox News, Bullshit Factory

The latest fetish on Fox is their “scoop” that Hunter Biden has taken up painting and his work is selling for big bucks. This earth shattering exposé was featured on Fox’s “The Five” where co-host Dagen McDowell was visibly shaken by this stunning affront to her alleged morals (video below):

“I guess his Burisma money ran out. Hunter Biden is apparently an artist now. He’s selling his abstract work for as much as half a million dollars per painting. So who’s buying this crap? Hunter’s art dealer says sales are confidential, which is raising the question, once again, of whether the First Son is selling access.”

This “crap”? Is she an art critic now? If so, she has some competition from her fellow co-host and noted art expert, Greg Gutfeld, who said that Biden’s paintings look like “tramp vomit” (or is it “trump”). And Jesse Watters chimed in with the obligatory conspiracy theory to explain everything:

“So you could have a Russian billionaire hand the Biden family a half a million dollars and the Biden family just gives the guy a water color back. And we’re not supposed to say wait a second? The media has no clue what’s going on here?”

Watters also claimed that this “violates every spirit of the law. […] It’s gotta be illegal to do this, right? It has to be illegal.” Of course, he didn’t bother to cite any legal statute that this supposedly violated.

For good measure, Fox’s Jason Chaffetz fleshed out the conspiratorial drama in a separate article for the Fox News website:

“Who just paid $500,000 to buy a painting from novice artist Hunter Biden? We don’t know. […] let’s think for a minute how convenient this arrangement might be for anyone wanting to buy access to the president of the United States. […] The purchases are confidential. Who is to know if it’s a foreign government, a drug cartel, or a Ukrainian oligarch buying access to the artist or his family?”

Without any evidence whatsoever, Chaffetz has implied that these art sales could have been made to foreign enemies and criminals. He also claimed that the sales themselves were just “a magnet for corruption.” Never mind that he doesn’t have a shred of proof to support his reckless charges. That isn’t important to these shameless character assassins. The only thing that matters to them is how much damage they can do.

For the record, the value of art is measured on fluid scale that takes into consideration both tangible and intangible factors. And the notoriety of celebrity (i.e. a president’s son) can significantly inflate the work’s selling price. That isn’t an indication of corruption. And confidentiality is not imposed by the artist. It is a contractual agreement between the buyer and the art dealer. So Hunter may not even know who the buyer is.

What drenches this in hypocrisy is that Fox News has never done similarly scandalous stories about Donald Trump whose corruption was right out in the open. His brazen profiteering while president included charging taxpayers for accommodations at his hotels and golf resorts for family, staff, members of Congress, Secret Service, political organizations, and yes, even foreign operatives with business before the U.S. government.

Some estimates of Trump’s ill-gotten gain go as high as $8,000,000 during his single term in office. And that isn’t even counting the untoward profiteering of Ivanka, Jared Kushner, and the rest of the Trump clan.

In Trump’s case we know exactly where the money was coming from (politically and financially conflicted parties), and where it was going (into his pocket). In Hunter’s case there is isn’t a hint of impropriety. Nevertheless, Fox News goes ballistic over Hunter’s innocent ventures, while ignoring Trump’s flagrant and self-serving fraud. Because that’s how organs of bias and disinformation work. And Fox News does it better than anyone.

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Did Donald Trump Jr Just Admit Daddy Trump Was ‘Rolling Over on Everything’ for Putin?

It’s fairly obvious that the Trump family was cursed with a genetic tendency toward arrogance, entitlement, dishonesty, vengefulness, and most of all, glaring ignorance. The evidence of that is abundant in virtually everything Donald Trump had done in his failed presidency and his public life beforehand.

Donald Trump Jr

As affirmation of the old saying that the rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the diseased tree, Donald Trump Jr is establishing his birthright of idiocy – again. On Saturday morning the Trumpian spawn took to Twitter with what he surely thought was a scorching burn on President Joe Biden. The tweet referenced the recent summit that Biden held with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, In a flagrant attempt to sabotage the meeting in advance, the senior Trump spoke out to declare that he trusted Russia over the American President. That’s a position that Sean Hannity of Fox News shared.

Not wanting to be left out of the America bashing, Junior tweeted a reply to a report in the Moscow Times noting that Putin praised Biden as “sharp, attentive and professional.” Which is a far cry from the childish insults that Fox News has been spewing. Donnie posted this lame retort:

The magnitude of the stupidity here is massive. Is Junior really this dense and out of touch? No need to answer that. Just take a look at this tweet from last week that reported Putin’s praise for TFG (The Former Guy):

Was that also Putin’s “thank you note for rolling over on everything”? And way back in 2015 Putin said pretty much the same thing:

And who can forget the Trump/Putin press conference in Helsinki in July of 2018 when Putin admitted that he supported Trump’s candidacy and his cronies working on it:

That was the same press conference where Trump took sides with Putin over U.S. intelligence agencies regarding Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. So the love affair went both ways.

It’s more than clear that Trump was Putin’s lapdog since before he was elected, and throughout his single, twice-impeached, occupation of the white House. But it’s good to knw that Trump’s boy admits that receiving compliments from Putin is evidence of political subservience. Because no one has been more dutifully obedient to Putin than Donald Trump, the elder.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News and Republicans are Lying Extra Hard to Confuse Everyone About Voting Reform

Ever since Joe Biden humiliated Donald Trump – beating him by more than seven million votes – the despondent Cult of Trump has whined that Trump didn’t really lose. They continue to cling desperately to the “Big Lie” that the election was rigged and that the presidency was stolen. These are the fantastical delusions that led to the deadly Capitol Hill insurrection of January 6th.

Fox News, Constitution

However, despite having seven months, sixty court cases (all of which they lost), and unlimited hours of right-wing media on Fox News and elsewhere, they have never been able to provide even a sliver of evidence to support their hysterical, fringe-dwelling theories. Consequently, many Republican governors and legislators have turned their focus to future elections and a full-bore campaign of voter suppression.

That effort was met by Democrats in Congress who introduced the For the People Act,” a package of voting reforms aimed at preserving democracy. It hasn’t been easy. The conservative Democratic senator from West Virginia, Joe Manchin, has been, until recently, gumming up the works. But now he has released his compromise version of the bill which has been positively received, even by the foremost advocate of voting reform, Stacy Abrams.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t been enough to move the knee-jerk Republican obstructionists. In fact, they just became even more committed to their anti-democratic agenda. That was plainly evident in this exchange between Dana Perino of Fox News and GOP Senator Tom Cotton (video below):

Perino: One thing that’s a little puzzling about this is that Manchin Lite is very similar to the Georgia voting bill. And the Georgia voting bill, Stacy Abrams said, is Jim Crow 2. So you could be a little confused as to what the Democrats are actually trying to do here. Do you have any idea?
Cotton: I’ll confess I’m always confused whenever Stacy Abrams is advocating for some radical voting proposal. But Dana, I think it’s pretty clear what the Democrats are trying to do. S1 is the Democrats bill to rig our elections forever. They can’t pass their unpopular agenda, so rather than changing their agenda, they want to change the rules of our democracy.

Okay. Try to follow this. Perino says that Manchin’s compromise is similar to the Georgia bill that Democrats staunchly oppose as blatant voter suppression. But it isn’t similar at all. So it’s not surprising that Abrams supports the Manchin compromise, but not the Georgia bill. Then Cotton admits that he’s confused, which shouldn’t surprise anyone either. But he also complains that Manchin’s compromise is a “radical voting proposal,” which Perino just said is very similar to the Georgia bill. So Cotton is bashing as radical the ultra-conservative Georgia bill that he has previously praised.

Don’t hurt yourself trying to make any sense of this. It is a profoundly ludicrous stab at disparaging any attempt to restore fairness to America’s voting processes. Cotton continued in his dishonest misrepresentations by claiming that “This bill would require taxpayer funding of politician’s campaigns.” That’s a flaming lie. The proposals that make up Manchin’s compromise are clearly spelled out. They include…

  • Automatic voter registration
  • Making election day a holiday
  • Mandating at least 15 days of early voting for federal elections
  • Banning partisan gerrymandering
  • Voter ID provisions

However, nowhere in the list is anything suggesting taxpayer funded political campaigns. Cotton has to know this. He’s presenting himself as knowledgeable about the proposed legislation. He has even made a determination that it would be unconstitutional because “the states have primary authority under our Constitution to regulate our election systems.” However, he’s flat out wrong about that as well. Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the Constitution states that…

“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”

What we have here is a Republican senator purposefully lying in order to muddy the waters so that people can’t have a rational understanding of perhaps the most significant feature of American democracy, the sanctity of the vote. And he’s doing it with the full cooperation and complicity of Fox News. It’s because of deliberate transgressions against the American people like this that we must remain vigilant and committed to achieving real reform despite the obstacles in our way.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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Trump on ‘The Blacks’: His Critical Race Theory Op-Ed Advocates Compulsory Ignorance

Another day, another revelation about just how despicable Donald Trump really is. A new book (Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost) reports that Trump was upset that African-Americans weren’t more adoring of him. “I’ve done all this stuff for the Blacks,” Trump whines, “and they all f**king hate me.” That may be due in part to his repeatedly referring to them as “the Blacks.”

Donald Trump, MAGA

Trump’s dismay that his egomaniacal sense of entitlement to Black support hasn’t materialized might also be due to his overt racism that has been evident throughout his public life. After all, this is the same man who insisted that neo-Nazis in Charlottesville were “very fine people,” and that five Black men should be executed for a murder they didn’t commit, and that Barack Obama was an illegitimate president because he was a Muslim from Kenya.

On Friday Trump continued to display his bigotry in an op-ed (that he surely didn’t write) on Critical Race Theory (which he surely can’t define). It was headlined “A Plan to Get Divisive & Radical Theories Out of Our Schools,” and began by stating that…

“As a candidate, Joe Biden’s number one promise was to ‘unite’ America. Yet in his first months as president, his number one priority has been to divide our country by race and gender at every turn.

“There is no clearer example than the Biden administration’s new effort aimed at indoctrinating America’s schoolchildren with some of the most toxic and anti-American theories ever conceived. It is vital for Americans to understand what this initiative would do, what drives it and, most importantly, how we can stop it.”

Trump is attempting to malign Biden as divisive by claiming that there is an effort to impose an academic mandate to teach Critical Race Theory (CRT), a field of study of that is defined as an “attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race.” Of course, Biden isn’t imposing anything of the sort. The recent freak out by the right on this subject is a canard intended to whip up the racist anxieties of the Trumpian Republican base. Fox News has been shamelessly misrepresenting it, and even staging phony interviews with GOP operatives pretending they are ordinary Americans who oppose it.

Trump’s op-ed goes on to accuse “the America-blaming left” of casting history in “the most negative possible light,” to advance “a new curriculum designed to brainwash” children. Never mind that CRT is generally only discussed at the college level. More importantly, it is simply a part of the nation’s history, and dismissing it would be an act of willful ignorance. Trump continued saying that…

“The key fact about this twisted doctrine is that it is completely antithetical to everything that normal Americans of any color would wish to teach their children.”

That, however, is merely an opinion and, by definition, not a “key fact” about anything. Additionally, it isn’t true, since many Americans approve of its teaching. A recent poll found that 38% regard it as “somewhat” or “very favorable.” And that’s an artificially low number due to the partisanship surrounding the issue created by biased “news” reporting from the likes of Fox News. The poll also found that 85% of Republicans, and 91% of Trump voters, regard it as “very unfavorable.” Trump went on to flagrantly lie that CRT…

“…teaches [children] that America is systemically evil and that the hearts of our people are full of hatred and malice. [That it] preaches that judging people by the color of their skin is actually a good idea. [And that] the Biden administration endorsed … inflicting a critical race theory-inspired curriculum on American schoolchildren.”

None of those assertions remotely resemble reality. But they do provide Trump with a fake pretext to suggest his solution to this imaginary problem. He says that “Congress should seek to institute a federal ban through legislation.” Really? A ban on teaching history? What’s next, book burning?

Much of what Trump proposes in his op-ed is simply the mirror image of the tactics that he condemns by Democrats, namely mandating curriculums based on a political agenda. The difference is that Democrats never actually proposed any such mandates, but Trump and the GOP are doing so now. Which may be another reason that “the Blacks” haven’t rushed to pay tribute to Trump. Well, unless we’re referring to them as Seth Meyers did at the White House Correspondents Dinner:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Gets GOP Activists to Pose as ‘Everyday Americans’ Against Critical Race Theory

If anyone still needs convincing that Fox News is an entertainment medium that produces nothing but hostile and divisive, politically charged melodrama, this may be the proof you’ve been waiting for. The devotedly right-wing purveyor of propaganda has been staging episodes to stir up opposition to Critical Race Theory (CRT), an academic field of study of that is defined as an “attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race.”

Fox News, KKK

However, on Fox News CRT is just a thinly veiled substitute for anything related to racial politics. And Fox uses it to advance their blatantly racist agenda. To achieve that goal Fox has been airing segments that featured allegedly ordinary folks who are appalled at what they claim is indoctrination and/or brainwashing of their children. A more accurate description would educating.

These segments are carefully scripted to inflame Fox’s easily fooled audience. And they also cast the players to assure maximum deception. The guests that Fox book, it turns out, are not so ordinary after all all. They are, in fact, Republican operatives. Media Matters has compiled a collection of some the recent imposers, including…

  • Ian Prior: A “Loudoun County parent” who has also worked for the National Republican Congressional Committee and a Karl Rove super PAC.
  • Quisha King: An an “everyday American” who is also a GOP strategist and worked for the Republican National Committee in 2020.
  • Patti Hidalgo Menders: A “Loudoun County, Virginia, parent” who also works for Majority Strategies, a GOP media consulting firm.
  • Lilit Vanetsyan: A “Fairfax County teacher” who is a reporter for the pro-Trump Right Side Broadcasting Network.
  • Barry Bennett: A “Virginia Little League Parent” who was also a senior adviser to Trump’s 2016 campaign.
  • Nicole Neily: A “parent fighting against CRT” who was also affiliated with the conservative FreedomWorks.
  • Elizabeth Schultz: A “school board member” who was also a former Trump administration official.
  • Carrie Lukas: A “Virginia mom” who worked at the Independent Women’s Forum and wrote “Checking Progressive Privilege.”
  • Bridget Ziegler: A “mother of three girls” who is also a precinct committeewoman for the Republican Party of Sarasota County.
  • Deborah Flora: A “school District mom” who also hosts a right-wing radio program.
  • Joe Mobley: A “father of three” who also hosts a podcast on how to respond to criticisms from liberals.

This is typical of how Fox News stages their so-called “news” presentations. Their hosts are partisan mouthpieces who have no expertise in journalism or public affairs. Their guests are invariably right-wing shills who are committed to advancing their political interests. And all of them are shameless liars who are more interested in scoring points than informing viewers. Yet somehow these cretins still have the gall to accuse others of indoctrination and brainwashing.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Sean Hannity Fumes Over Failures to Hold Putin Accountable – By Donald Trump

Nothing is as predictable as the knee-jerk, anti-Biden, freak outs by the petulant propagandists at Fox News. And naturally, the knives came out for Biden after his summit meeting with Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin. They actually came out before the meeting, with Sean Hannity playing out his role as a Russian asset, maligning America’s President on the eve of a critical summit.

Fox News, Sean Hannity, Vladimir Putin

However, Hannity was just getting started. Before Biden had even reached American shores, Hannity was lambasting him in the typically infantile manner that has become Hannity’s trademark. His blind devotion to Trump (who he was about to host for another hour of incoherent babbling), and his anti-American attitude, was evident as he did Vladimir Putin’s dirty work attacking American interests (video here from Fox news, if you have the stomach for it).

Hannity began his harangue with what he called a “recap of Joe Biden’s, sippy cup, pathetic at times even angry and unhinged performance in Geneva.” He claimed that the summit with Putin did “absolutely nothing” but provide Putin “a massive platform in exchange for zero concessions.” Which contradicted reality since Biden refused to hold a press conference with Putin specifically to deny him that platform. But to Hannity that indicated fear on Biden’s part to stand next to Putin.

So Hannity thinks that if Biden appears alongside Putin he’s giving him a platform, but if he doesn’t, he’s afraid. A lose-lose proposition from the warped mind of Hannity. Even more warped was Hannity’s assessment of the summit itself:

“Putin did not commit to ending cyber attacks against our country. He didn’t take responsibility for hijacking over 100 U.S. companies, nine federal agencies. He didn’t agree to free Americans now in prison in his hostile regime of Russia. He didn’t take responsibility for the Havana Syndrome attacks against U.S. diplomats. He didn’t agree to stop poisoning and killing his political enemies. He didn’t agree to curtail his military aggression in Eastern Europe and around the world.”

The most notable observation in that angry tirade is that every single one of the items Hannity listed were actually failures by Trump, who accomplished none of those things throughout his entire four year occupation of the White House. Yet Hannity expected Biden to achieve them all in a three hour chat with Putin. This demonstrates how ludicrously unserious Hannity’s opinions are.

For his Part, Biden concluded the summit meeting saying that “I did what I came to do”:

“Number one, identify areas of practical work our two countries can do to advance our mutual interests and also benefit the world.

“Two, communicate directly — directly — that the United States will respond to actions that impair our vital interests or those of our allies.

“And three, to clearly lay out our country’s priorities and our values so he heard it straight from me.

“And I must tell you, the tone of the entire meetings — I guess it was a total of four hours — was — was good, positive. There wasn’t any — any strident action taken. Where we disagreed — I disagreed, stated where it was. Where he disagreed, he stated. But it was not done in a hyperbolic atmosphere. That is too much of what’s been going on.”

What Hannity left out of his rant was that it was Trump who gave Putin a platform to further Russian interests. It was Trump who displayed his treasonous deference to Putin, taking his side against American intelligence agencies during an embarrassing summit in Helsinki. And he’s still professing his trust in Putin over America today.

Hannity has no real interest in holding Putin (or Trump) to account for anything. He’s only interested in trashing talking Biden and the United States. That’s the mission of Fox News as admitted by their CEO, Lachlan Murdoch. And it affirms once again that Hannity is a traitor on a traitorous network.

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Hypocrisy Unchained: Fox News is Appalled that Biden ‘Snapped’ at a CNN Reporter

The transition from the surreal and hostile psychoses of Donald Trump, to the decidedly more rational and stable personality of Joe Biden, has a produced a series of “eye rolling” moments that can provoke both laughter and confusion. There has been a desperate struggle by Fox News and other right-wing media to contrive “scandals” from trivialities. Whether it’s mocking the romance in Biden’s marriage, or lying about Kamala Harris selling books to migrant children.

Fox News, Joe Biden

The latest hypocrisy by Fox News is their expression of horror because, as they put it, “President Biden snapped at a reporter at the end of his press conference.” The reporter, Kaitlan Collins of CNN, asked Biden why he was “confident” that Vladimir Putin would change his behavior. Biden’s reply resulted in this exchange:

Biden: I’m not confident he’ll change his behavior. What in the hell, what do you do all the time? When did I say I was confident? Let’s get this straight. I said what will change their behavior is if the rest of the world reacts to them and diminishes their standing in the world. I’m not confident of anything. I’m just stating a fact.
Collins: But given his past behavior has not changed, and in that press conference after sitting down with you for several hours, [Putin] denied any involvement in cyber attacks, he downplayed human rights abuses, he even refused to say [Russian dissident] Alexei Navalny’s name. So, how does that account to a constructive meeting?
Biden: If you don’t understand that, you’re in the wrong business.

Okay. Biden was a little testy because Collins misquoted him. But has Fox News ever met Donald Trump? Are they seriously making a fuss about Biden’s interactions with the press when they never said a word about Trump referring to them in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” Did Fox News miss all the times that Trump insulted reporters – especially women – as “disgraceful,” “liars,” “stupid,” “fake news,” and so much more?

Trump regarded the media as his enemy. Throughout his presidency he viciously maligned the constitutionally protected free press and reporters personally. And his abuse was noted by the Committee to Protect Journalists that declared him to be “an unprecedented threat to the rights of journalists and […] press freedom around the world.”

Another difference between Trump and Biden was that, within a couple of hours, Biden apologized to Collins, which she graciously accepted:

Donald Trump never showed the slightest respect for the press, unless it was for the drooling sycophants of Fox News, Newsmax, One America News Network, or other disreputable propagandists pretending to be journalists. But Fox News suddenly regards a minor expression of annoyance by Biden as intolerable. It’s episodes like this that affirm their well deserved reputation for being shameless purveyors of disinformation and lies.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Tucker Carlson Insanely Accuses the FBI of Orchestrating Trump’s Capitol Insurrection

Three weeks ago, Republicans in Congress blocked the formation of a bipartisan committee to investigate the circumstances that led to Donald Trump’s Capitol Hill insurrection. They did this despite the fact that the they themselves were the targets of violent insurrectionists.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, QAnon

Never mind that they also did it to protect themselves and Trump from the disclosure that they were complicit in the deadly riots. And forget about their gaslighting allegations that the rioters were really members of the fictional Antifa group disguised as Trump supporters, which the investigation could have looked into. The GOP was too afraid of what the probe would reveal to allow it to proceed.

Meanwhile, Fox News has done it’s best to muddy the waters around the atrocities that took place on January 6th. And on Tuesday Fox’s Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, turned the crazy up to eleven. Carlson began his tirade with a story about a Black murder suspect who allegedly said that he was targeting white people. Which is just the sort of rare story that bigots like Carlson love to bring up, even though they they never talk about the much more common incidence of white racist hate crimes.

Carlson lashed out at Attorney General Merrick Garland, who he called “thoroughly craven.” He claimed that Garland said that “we must now use law enforcement and military force to arrest, imprison, and otherwise crush anyone who leads opposition to Joe Biden’s government.” Which, of course, Garland never came anywhere close to saying.

But this was just a teaser for his main subject that had nothing to do with his intro. Instead, he launched into a bizarre series of totally unfounded accusations that the FBI had orchestrated the insurrection (video below). There’s actually more evidence that the Trump White House was behind it. Ignoring reality, Carlson said that…

“We know the government is hiding the identity of many law enforcement officers who were present at the capitol on January 6 […and that…] According to the government’s own court filings, those law enforcement officers participated in the riot. Sometimes in violent ways. We know that because […] some people who participated in the riot haven’t been charged. Look at the documents. The government calls these people “unindicted co-conspirators.” What does that mean? It means that in potentially every case, they’re FBI operatives.”

HUH? Carlson is connecting dots in his warped imagination. First of all, there are no government court filings that say that “law enforcement officers participated in the riot.” But Carlson “knows” because of the existence of “unindicted co-conspirators,” who, for some unexplained reason, must be FBI operatives.

Carlson mistakenly believes that two people identified only as “unindicted co-conspirators” were, by some deranged logic, “almost certainly working for the FBI.” This is astonishingly stupid, even for Carlson and Fox News. The government isn’t in the habit of tagging their own operatives as unindicted co-conspirators. Also, that designation is most often used when suspects are cooperating with law enforcement, or when the case is still under investigation.

Carlson repeatedly, and falsely, asserts that government documents admit their participation in the insurrection. There are no such documents. What’s more, Carlson lied that “the FBI director admitted the bureau is infiltrating as many dissident groups as it possibly could.” Which the FBI director actually never said. According to Carlson himself, Director Wray only said that “Any time there is an attack […] we are focused very, very hard on how could we get better sources, better information, better analysis” to prevent it from happening again.

Carlson somehow stretched that innocuous statement into the wildly left field charge that the government was “paying people to organize a violent action.” And Carlson went on to reprise the crackpot conspiracy theory that the FBI was also complicit in the 9/11 attacks, saying that “They’re using the same tactics.”

It’s endlessly fascinating how the ridiculous right can reinterpret their own dishonest propaganda. They have claimed that the Capitol Hill insurrectionists were actually Antifa or Black Lives Matter. They have also claimed that the insurrectionists weren’t rioters at all, but just ordinary tourists. Trump said that they “posed zero threat.” So long as you don’t count the five dead, and dozens of injured, Capitol police. Carlson himself characterized the insurrectionists as peaceful protesters.

These are all positions that they share with Vladimir Putin. And now they claim that the whole affair was an FBI operation. They really need to make up their lying minds. Or maybe not. After all, Fox News has (successfully) argued in court that, given his reputation, “no reasonable person” would believe his bullpucky. Unfortunately, that doesn’t make him less dangerous or his goals, and those of Fox News, less onerous.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump Delusionally Brags About His Social Media – That Has Cratered Since He Got Banned

The mental meltdown of Donald Trump is continuing – even accelerating – seven months after Joe Biden beat him by more than seven million votes. In all that time Trump has never conceded defeat. But he has incited a violent insurrection and promoted numerous “fraudits” of election results that were already validated by every state election official, Democratic and Republican.

Donald Trump

Trump’s relentless and inflammatory promulgation of the “Big Lie” is what got him banned by Twitter and Facebook. That exile from social media has had a noticeably negative effect on Trump, both emotionally and materially. But true to form, Trump refuses to accept reality. On Tuesday he released a statement that illustrates just how badly demented he has become. It said that…

“Trump’s message can reach social media audiences comparable in size to those he commanded while still on Twitter and Facebook, a New York Times analysis published Monday found. In fact, the outlet found 11 of the 89 statements Trump has published online since he was banned from mainstream social media sites have attracted ‘as many likes or shares as the median post before the ban, if not more.'”

First of all, Trump is quoting, without attribution, an excerpt from an article in Forbes Magazine that was reporting on an analysis by the New York Times.

However, it’s apparent that Trump doesn’t have the comprehension skills to understand the meaning of the quote he posted. His own excerpt notes that only 11 of his 89 post-banning statements – or 12.4% -had received comparable attention. Which means that 87.6% failed to hit that threshold. And he’s bragging about that? A more complete, in context quote would have included this…

“Before the ban, the social media post with the median engagement generated 272,000 likes and shares. After the ban, that dropped to 36,000 likes and shares. Yet 11 of his 89 statements after the ban attracted as many likes or shares as the median post before the ban, if not more.”

So over all, Trump’s social media engagement declined 86% after his banning. More importantly, online misinformation about election fraud plunged 73% sans Trump. The Times analysis also looked at his 10 most popular posts with election misinformation before and after the social media bans. “Before the ban,” the Times found, “Trump’s posts garnered 22.1 million likes and shares; after the ban, his posts earned 1.3 million likes and shares across Twitter and Facebook.”

What’s more, the article noted that much of the engagement he currently receives is coming from postings of his statements by right-wing media like Breitbart and Fox News, as well as members of his cult following and his family. But those cannot be counted as new sources of engagement because they were doing the same same thing before he was banned.

Trump has posted several statements claiming that he is happy being ousted from the social media world and that he’s better off for it. But he was certainly upset with it when it happened. He called it an “insult” and “abuse” and and cried that “they shouldn’t be allowed to get away” with it. He was so distraught that he lamented that the didn’t shut down Facebook and Twitter when he was still in office. And he predicted that the social media titans would fail without him.

In the meantime, Trump did proclaim that he would return to social media with his own website that would far surpass Facebook and twitter. But his sorry excuse for a “communications platform” shut down after than less than a month due to low traffic and his embarrassment at being mocked for yet another failure.

Trump’s inability to grasp numbers has been exposed previously by his business failures. There aren’t many people who have had four casinos go bankrupt. He repeatedly misreports easily verifiable numbers for events like his poorly attended inauguration. More recently he lied about “thousands and thousands of boats” showing up to pay him tribute, when the video showed that there were at best a couple of dozen. And he also claimed, without any evidence at all, that Massive numbers of dead people ‘voted’” for him in 2020, “far greater than anyone has known or seen before.”

Let’s face it, whatever part of Trump’s brain handles numerical information is acutely defective. And along with his pathological compulsion to lie about everything, the only thing we can rely on from Trump with any confidence is unadulterated bullpucky. And that’s exactly what we’ve been getting.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

SRSLY? Fox News Whines About Biden Criticizing the GOP and Trump’s ‘Phony Populism’

From its inception twenty-five years ago, Fox News has been a relentlessly biased, anti-Democratic, propaganda purveyor working diligently on behalf of the Republican Party and, more recently, the Trump cult. They abandoned any pretense to either fairness or balance. Their CEO, Lachlan Murdoch, even admitted publicly that he considered the network’s job to be opposing the Biden administration.

Joe Biden, Donald Trump Baby, Fake News

In light of that, it’s remarkably hypocritical for Fox News to complain now that President Biden made a few mildly critical remarks about Republicans and Trump. But, of course, that’s precisely what they did. An article on the Fox website blared the headline: “Biden slams Republicans while on foreign soil in break with political norms.” The article noted that Biden referenced the Republican opposition to a congressional probe of Trump’s January 6th Capitol Hill insurrection. It’s opening paragraphs read…

“Biden blasted Trump’s ‘phony populism’ in response to a reporter’s question about what Biden has said to allies who may be wary of trusting the U.S. post-Trump. Republicans and Democrats have long observed a tradition that ‘politics stops at the water’s edge.'”

For the record, what Biden said was…

“It is a shock and surprise that what’s happened in terms of the consequence of President Trump’s phony populism has happened. It is disappointing that so many of my Republican colleagues in the Senate, who I know know better, have been reluctant to take on, for example, an investigation because they’re worried about being primaried […optimistically adding that…] There’s going to be a coalescing of a lot of Republicans, particularly younger Republicans, who are coming up in the party.”

For Fox News to get heated up over Biden engaging in a bit of political rhetoric while overseas is profoundly hypocritical. First of all, he was responding to a reporter’s question, so it wasn’t his idea to bring it up. But more to the point, Fox News does the very same thing all the time. Just this week Sean Hannity viciously disparaged Biden in rants belittling him as “sippy cup Joe.” Even worse, he praised Vladimir Putin as being superior to Biden saying that “I fear that Vladimir will eat Joe’s lunch.” Then he repeated his frequent insult that “Joe Biden is frail, weak, and a cognitive mess.” And all of this just days before Biden was to meet with Putin in a crucial summit.

Apparently the maxim that “politics end at the water’s edge” only applies to Democrats. On Monday on Fox’s The Five, Jesse Watters said that Biden “seems confused” and that he “doesn’t see him doing well with Putin.” and when Trump was canoodling with Kim Jung Un he tweeted that he “smiled when [Kim] called Swampman Joe Biden a low IQ individual, & worse.”

Trump’s behavior is downright treasonous. Just last week, as Biden was preparing to meet with the Russian dictator, Trump insulted the U.S. and flattered his BFF Putin. He posted a statement that explicitly said that he trusts Putin more than his fellow Americans. But on Fox News Biden is the villain because he expressed some disappointment in the GOP, but also some hope. And Fox gets all huffy when people don’t take them seriously as news network?

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.