HAH! Jen Psaki Says Doocy’s Fox News Questions Would ‘Make Anyone Sound Like a Stupid S.O.B.’

Earlier this year President Biden held a press conference during which Peter Doocy of Fox News asked one his hallmark questions that have certified his place in the press corps as a shallow and partisan hack. It’s a role he has embraced on numerous occasions during the White House daily press briefings with Press Secretary, Jen Psaki.

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Jen Psaki, Fox News, Peter Doocy

During the Biden press conference, Doocy asked the President “Do you think inflation is a political liability in the midterms?” Biden diplomatically ignored the question whose premise was patently absurd. Of course inflation is a political liability. What did Doocy expect Biden to say?

However, a hot mic caught Biden as he muttered sarcastically under his breath “That’s a great asset – more inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch.” Naturally, this was escalated to “scandal” proportions by Fox News and other rightist media. Even though Biden later graciously called Doocy and apologized for the remark that Doocy didn’t hear.

On Friday morning Psaki was a guest on the “Pod Save America” podcast when the subject came up again in a light-hearted segment. Psaki was asked if “Peter Doocy is a stupid son of a bitch or does he just play one on tv?” She replied that…

“He works for a network that provides people with questions that, nothing personal to any individual including Peter Doocy, but might make anyone sound like a stupid son of a bitch.”

Cue the Fox News ninnies as they flop into their fainting couches. Never mind that Psaki is actually giving Doocy the benefit of a doubt by blaming his idiotic inquiries on his bosses at Fox. The wingnut InterTubes went haywire with denouncements of Psaki’s alleged incivility. It’s almost as if they have never heard of Donald Trump’s relentlessly hateful, misogynistic, and racist assaults on the media as “fake,” “stupid,” “crooked,” and “enemies of the people.”

The entire exchange with Psaki was couched in good humor. But rather than appreciate that she was actually absolving Doocy of responsibility for some truly dumb questions, Fox News bounced the idiocy right back in Doocy’s lap. The network released a statement saying that…

“In his role as White House correspondent, Peter Doocy’s job is to elicit truth from power for the American public. His questions are his own, he is a terrific reporter and we are extremely proud of his work.”

Anyone has watched more than a few minutes of Fox News knows that they have never cared about eliciting truth. Their prime directive is to spin, distort, and outright lie. That’s particularly true when it comes to the powerful conservative politicians they were created to serve. Nevertheless, Doocy’s Fox colleague, John Roberts, took to Twitter to defend him…

Okay then. Doocy is wholly responsible for his questions that make him look like a fool. If he wants that distinction, he can have it. So just for the record, let’s review some of Doocy’s questions that Fox News is so proud of…

Hopefully the debate over stupid S.O.B.’s can now be put to rest.

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RNC Doubles Down on Cowardice, Cancels Debates to Shield Snowflake Trump From More Humiliation

It’s official! Most of the American people regard Donald Trump as a pitifully ignorant, barely coherent, megalomaniac whose mental deficiencies should preclude him from any consideration for high office. Or low office, for that matter. It was even affirmed in a Fox News poll. And now the Republican National Committee (RNC) has effectively concurred with that opinion. So that makes it unanimous. It is now universally agreed that Trump is an imbecile who requires protection from embarrassing himself and the groveling lickspittles in his cult/party.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

By declaring that they will prohibit any GOP presidential candidate from participating in campaign debates sponsored by the non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), the RNC is admitting what everyone who has been paying attention already knows: That Trump cannot compete intellectually with his Democratic opponents. He demonstrates that deficiency on a daily basis. He can’t even avoid making an asinine fool of himself when interviewed by Fox News suck-ups.

RELATED: Dementia-Addled Trump Descends Into Gibberish When Hannity Asks What He Would Do About Inflation

As reported by Politico, the RNC is whining that the CPD is “biased and has refused to enact simple and commonsense reforms to help ensure fair debates.” However, the reforms insisted on by the RNC are blatant capitulations to conceal Trump’s notorious weaknesses.

The RNC first floated the notion that they would chicken out of debates in January. News Corpse addressed that acknowledgment of fear in an article that can be reprised here without changing a single word. Therefore…

Cowardly Republican Party to Require Their Presidential Candidates to Boycott 2024 Debates

With the 2024 presidential election still nearly three years away, the Republican Party is already showing signs that they are afraid of engaging in a free and open discourse with their Democratic opponent. Never mind that they have spent two years maligning President Biden as “sleepy” and mentally unfit, it is the GOP that appears to be concerned about their own candidate’s ability to face off in an open forum.

The fear exhibited by the Republican Party is well warranted considering that their leading candidate is Donald Trump. For the past year Trump has been obsessively fixated on his having suffered a humiliating loss to Biden in 2020. It’s the only thing he talks about, despite having failed for more than a year – and sixty court cases – to provide a shred of evidence of his claims that the election was “rigged.” It is what fueled his deadly January 6th insurrection. And he is still twisting reality to insist that the “real insurrection” was on Election Day, November 3rd, 2020.

Consequently, the Republican National Committee (RNC) has announced that they intend to prohibit their Party’s candidate in 2024 from participating in the presidential debates that have been hosted for three decades by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). The RNC sent a letter to the Commission stating that…

“[T]he RNC will initiate the process of amending the Rules of the Republican Party at our upcoming Winter Meeting to prohibit future Republican nominees from participating in CPD-sponsored debates.”

Make no mistake about it. This is not a quarrel over some rationally disputed format differences. The RNC’s “reforms” are all driven by complaints that crybaby Trump made in 2020 due to his cognitive inadequacies and inability to engage in a substantive dialogue. He proved that during the debates when he couldn’t refrain from interrupting and had to be told by Biden to “Shut up, man.”

The Republican National Committee is obviously scared, so they’re issuing ludicrous ultimatums if they don’t get their way. But the RNC’s proposals are intrusive and one-sided. They would impose on the neutrality of the Commission by impacting the composition of its members, dictating the dates of the debates, intervening in the selection of debate moderators, and enacting punishments for violations of the terms that that the RNC is insisting on.

Clearly the RNC is doing this on Trump’s behalf. No other candidate has objected to the CPD’s rules or fairness for thirty years. But the RNC is worried that without these reforms Trump would likely embarrass himself again, and he and the RNC know that. He has demonstrated that he cannot face any encounter that isn’t rigged to his advantage. It’s why he won’t submit to any interviews that aren’t conducted by his pals at Fox News or other similarly servile sycophants. He is mortally afraid of being challenged.

Trump recently canceled a phony “news” conference that he planned to hold on the anniversary of the January 6th insurrection. He also chickened out of his own challenge to debate any takers on his bogus claims about the 2020 election. And now he is directing his Republican Party apparatchiks to protect him from having to engage in an open and fair debate. It’s the coward’s way and, therefore, Trump’s way.

RELATED: OMG! Pathological Liar Trump Says He is ‘the Most Honest Human Being God Ever Created’

It’s not hard to imagine what sort of debate platform the RNC (aka Trump) would approve of. Probably something produced by One America News and moderated by bona fide Trump-fluffers like Steve Bannon, Sean Hannity, and his current spokes-shill, Liz Harrington. If the GOP carries out this threat, Democrats should buy network time and debate video clips of Trump’s past statements that feature his stupidity, his hatefulness, and his treasonous affinity for Vladimir Putin and other tyrants.

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Dementia-Addled Trump Descends Into Gibberish When Hannity Asks What He Would Do About Inflation

Poor Donald Trump. By his own account he is the world’s biggest victim. While he puts on airs of being a dominant alpha male, he whines like a colicky infant whenever anyone directs even the gentlest criticism at him. He literally bragged that he is the most fabulous whiner.”

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

Trump took a break from headlining his increasingly unpopular MAGA Cult Tour to visit with his BFF Sean Hannity on Wednesday. He could not have asked for a friendlier venue than the Fox News Primetime Trump-Fluffing Hour with a host who is best known for cravenly kissing his, let’s say ring.

Nevertheless, Trump managed to humiliate himself with his unartful dodge of a question that should have been a “gimme.” That’s surely what Hannity intended. But Trump is too cognitively deficient to field even a softball from a slobbering sycophant. Hannity set up the question by maligning President Biden and lying about the state of the economy. And that produced the following hysterical response to Hannity’s inquiry about inflation (video below):

Hannity: If you’re president, what would you do?
Trump: So what you’re saying sounds all very easy and sounds very simple, not actually that simple, but I will tell you that this is like the biggest tax increase in history. If you look at what inflation is doing, and I saw a number today that wages can go up, but they’re nowhere near what’s being taken out of families by pure inflation. Just the cost of bread, the cost of gas, the cost of gasoline, the cost of everything. Everything is up.”

Reminder: The question was “What would you do” about inflation? So far, Trump hasn’t gotten anywhere near that. But he is regurgitating the rote Republican response that somehow Biden is responsible for inflation, despite the fact that it is occurring throughout the world due to multiple factors, including COVID and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Trump (cont’d): “And supply chain. You go to stores and they’re half empty. Many stores they can’t get products. They can’t get anything. You go to luxury stores or non-luxury stores, supermarkets, and the shelves are half there. And nobody’s ever seen it. We didn’t even have to discuss supply chain during my administration. Because it was a perfect moving machine. It was beautiful. We created the greatest economy in the history of the world. We created an economy that was better than any economy in history.”

Reminder: The question was “What would you do” about inflation? But still no coherent solutions from Trump. However, he does demonstrate that he hasn’t been in a supermarket lately, where the shelves are pretty full. He also seems to have forgotten how the supply chain was disrupted during his occupation of the White House, when common consumer products like toilet paper were nowhere to be seen. And businesses were shuttered because he refused to take the advice of doctors and epidemiologists to contain the pandemic. His “beautiful,” “perfect moving machine” resulted in the first presidency in decades to have fewer jobs at the end than when it began.

Trump (cont’d): “Then we got hit by the ‘China’ virus, and after the ‘China’ virus we did one of the best jobs in the world of doing everything including Operation Warp Speed and everything that that entailed. The therapeutics, the vaccines, everything we did and then they messed it up with the mandates, and they absolutely were killing our country with the mandates which should have never happened. It’s just so sad to hear because this was all a self-inflicted wound from inflation to the loss of energy independence. And now add to that what’s going on in Ukraine. That’s genocide. What’s happening in Ukraine, people have never seen anything like that before.

Reminder: The question was “What would you do” about inflation? And there you have it. The entire, interminable, rambling rant never touched on the substance of the question. That’s because Trump has no friggin’ idea what to do about inflation. Just as he has no friggin’ idea what to do about Ukraine. But he does rage against common sense measures to protect people from a deadly virus, even as he tries to take credit for it.

Trump continues to prove that his ignorance has no bounds. He doesn’t even have the ability to fake it when asked questions that should have been anticipated and prepared for. Then again, he doesn’t need to worry about toadies like Hannity asking any follow up questions, or even expecting a relevant, comprehensible answer. Everyone around Trump just accepts, and worse, nurtures his decaying mental state. And the threat of anyone with his degree of dementia holding any position of power in the future is unthinkably horrifying.

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Jen Psaki Shreds Texas Gov. Abbott’s Publicity Stunts that are Hurting Texas and America

The Republican Party of Donald Trump has become so enthralled with Dear Leader that they have abandoned any pretense to actually governing or developing policies that benefit the American people. Their entire political platform now consists solely of fawning adorations of Trump and vicious defamatory attacks on Democrats.

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Psaki Lightening

Among the most brazen and shameless Trump-fluffers is Texas governor Greg Abbott. And this week he appears to be mounting a major offensive to test just how much he can offend his constituents before they send him into a disgraced retirement. Ignoring all of the real issues that are on the minds of the citizens in his state, Abbott is pursuing a pair of pointless initiatives aimed only at generating the interest of Fox News and other rightist media hacks.

RELATED: Texas Governor Whines to Fox News, Blames Biden, After Recklessly Revoking COVID Rules

Abbott began the week by announcing that he intended to load migrants onto buses and transport them from Texas to Washington, D.C. There is, of course, no legal or administrative purpose to this policy. It would only serve to waste Texas taxpayer dollars in a petty and futile effort to embarrass President Biden. It would, however, achieve the goal of placing the migrants in a jurisdiction where they will be treated humanely according to the law and the Constitution. Which is surely not what Abbott intended.

What Abbott intended was to manufacture a publicity stunt that would dehumanize refugees from poverty and violence. And the evidence of his publicity motivation was apparent when the first bus arrived in Washington and parked in front of Fox News, as reported by John Roberts of Fox News:

White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, was asked about this ludicrous relocation program by Fox’s Peter Doocy. She replied that…

“I’m not aware of what authority the governor would be doing that under. I think it’s pretty clear this is a publicity stunt. His own office admits that a migrant would need to voluntarily be transported, and he can’t compel them to because, again, enforcement of our country’s immigration laws lies with the federal government, not a state.”

Not satisfied with humiliating himself by providing free bus rides to willing migrants, Abbott moved on to implement a costly, unpopular, and useless border inspection plan. He described this staged media affair as “enhanced safety inspections” to catch “cartels that smuggle illicit contraband and people across our southern border.” The only problem with that is his phony inspections cannot do what he said they do. His Democratic opponent for governor, Beto O’Rourke, spelled out what a fraud it was on “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell,” saying that…

“These trucks that Greg Abbott has blockaded from coming into the United States are carrying parts that are destined for factories in San Antonio where we build the Toyota Tundra and Tacoma, to factories in Ohio and Michigan and other parts of this country. It’s gonna jeopardize jobs throughout this state and throughout the United States of America, for that matter. It’s gonna increase prices at our grocery stores even higher. And it’s worsening a supply chain problem that we already had. And this didn’t have to happen.”

O’Rourke goes on to point out that Abbott’s inspections only check on things like tire pressure and how the engine runs. In fact, Abbott’s inspectors are not even permitted to look inside the cargo area for drugs or human trafficking. And this boondoggle was also addressed by Jen Psaki, who issued the following statement from the White House:

“Governor Abbott’s unnecessary and redundant inspections of trucks transiting ports of entry between Texas and Mexico are causing significant disruptions to the food and automobile supply chains, delaying manufacturing, impacting jobs, and raising prices for families in Texas and across the country.” […]

“[T]rucks are facing lengthy delays exceeding 5 hours at some border crossings and commercial traffic has dropped by as much as 60 percent. […] Abbott’s actions are impacting people’s jobs, and the livelihoods of hardworking American families. “

RELATED: Gov. Abbott and Fox News Callously Exploits Deadly Winter Storms to Attack Green New Deal

All of this just makes it more clear that Abbott and his Republican comrades are only interested in maligning their political foes and damaging the country so that they can blame the harm on Democrats. And rather than working on plausible solutions to the nation’s problems, they orchestrate publicity stunts designed to deceive the public and get them more time on Fox News.

That is not an agenda that the people of Texas, or America, should support. And, hopefully, they will come out in historic numbers in November to vote against the Republicans who are so determinedly working against the people.

UPDATE: Abbott has already caved in and canceled his “enhanced” inspections, likely due to the avalanche of criticism he received from both Democrats and Republicans.

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Trump Posts ‘Foolproof’ Evidence that the Election Was ‘Rigged’ But it’s Only Proof for Fools

Sixteen months after the 2020 presidential election Donald Trump is still whining petulantly about the election being “rigged” and “stolen” from him. In all of that time – including more than 60 court challenges – he has failed utterly to produce a shred of evidence. He has succeeding only in establishing himself as the biggest sore loser in American politics. Even his cult followers are bored with his schtick.

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Donald Trump

Trump’s persistence in this lost cause continued Tuesday with a post by his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Liz Harrington. The tweet made some emphatic declarations regarding his insistence that the election was rife with voter fraud. He said that…

“This is 100% conclusive and determinative evidence. When will the Republicans finally act. Not only was the 2020 Election Rigged, but they’ll do it again. Leadership, for once, must step up to the plate and hit the ball out of the park. This is your chance. The people, who are disgusted with your weakness and indifference, are waiting. Schumer and Pelosi would never stand for this if it were the other way around. This is ‘foolproof,’ on video tape for everyone to see. Do something!”

Not surprisingly, what Trump is describing as “100% conclusive and determinative evidence” is neither conclusive nor determinative. It isn’t even evidence. Trump is regurgitating the results of a thoroughly disreputable pack of prevaricators known deceitfully as “True the Vote.” These election truthers put together a video collage of what they claimed were people committing felony voter fraud by depositing multiple absentee ballots in drop boxes in Georgia.

The only problem with that accusation is that everything seen on the videos was perfectly legal. According to Georgia law

“…mailing or delivery [of absentee ballots] may be made by the elector’s mother, father, grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, or an individual residing in the household of such elector.”

Additional authorized persons include caretakers for the disabled and employees of hospitals and prisons for voters thus confined. Nothing in Trump’s so-called “evidence” indicated that anyone depositing the ballots was not legally permitted to do so. What’s more, there was no way of knowing who the votes were for on those ballots. So even if the persons depositing them in the drop boxes were unauthorized, they may have been Trump voters who were in violation of the law. Which, more often than not, is the case.

And that’s not all. When Trump promised a couple of weeks ago that this allegedly incriminating evidence would be released, he said that it would reveal “four or five million people cheating.” Obviously, it would be impossible for that many ballots to be stuffed into the drop boxes. And, once again, since we still wouldn’t know who the votes were for, there’s no way the election outcome could be altered.

Nevertheless, on the basis of this baloney, Trump is demanding that some ambiguous “Leadership” figure “step up to the plate” and take some unspecified action. There is, of course, no legal path to the remedies that Trump and his cronies have babbled about for the past year, such as decertifying the election and coronating himself as King of America. It’s just more of the seditious coup plotting that Don Trump Jr was recently caught engaging in.

So Trump’s latest sorry attempt at proving that the election was rigged has just turned out to be another pathetic sham orchestrated by some really bad con artists. Who would have thought that such a conclusion to a Trump project would end up this big a failure?

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Trump Goes Bonkers When Fiona Hill Calls the January 6th Insurrection ‘Trump Pulling a Putin’

In a revealing interview with New York Times Magazine, Fiona Hill opened up about her tenure with the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations. And to no one’s surprise, there were some stark differences that presented themselves with the openly authoritarian, and frighteningly ignorant, term of Donald Trump.

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Donald Trump Vladimir Putin

The interview covered a lot of territory, but with regard specifically to Trump, there are some truly disturbing assessments of his incompetence and devotion to only his own personal interests. Among Hill’s remarks were the following…

“In the course of his presidency, indeed, Trump would come more to resemble Putin in political practice and predilection than he resembled any of his recent American presidential predecessors.”

And that…

“I saw the thread. The thread connecting the Zelensky phone call to Jan. 6, and I remembered how, in 2020, Putin had changed Russia’s Constitution to allow him to stay in power longer. This was Trump pulling a Putin.”

And that…

“We’ve been the gold standard of democratic elections. All of that will be rolled back If Trump returns to power after claiming the only way he could ever lose is if someone steals it from him. It’ll be more than diplomatic shock. I think it would mean the total loss of America’s leadership position in the world arena.”

RELATED: Fiona Hill: There’s No Team America for Trump. Not Once Did I See Him Do Anything to Put America First

Hill is not the first or only patriot to recognize these risks that Trump placed in America’s path. But she is someone whose stature in the White House, and whose accumulated experience and knowledge of Russia and Eastern Europe are impeccable.

So naturally, once someone told Trump about Hill’s remarks (because he surely didn’t read the article himself), he lashed out with unbridled fury at her for daring to be appropriately critical of him. Trump posted on Twitter (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) that…

“Fiona Hill is a Radical Left RINO, but the word RINO is too good. She doesn’t know the first thing she’s talking about. If she didn’t have the accent she would be nothing. During the Impeachment Hoax #1, she had no credibility, obviously, because we won unanimously. Never listened to her, I hardly knew her at all. She knew nothing about me, I knew nothing about her, and I liked it that way.”

Much of that harangue is just more of the tiresome apoplexy that Trump disgorges whenever somebody treats him with less than the total reverence to which he feels entitled. So of course Hill is a “radical,” and a “leftist,” and a “RINO.” And she doesn’t know what she’s talking about, despite her years of experience working for presidents of both parties. And as usual, Trump sinks to judging her on irrelevant attributes such as her accent. He’s probably also troubled that she isn’t an eighteen year old blonde.

Among the things that make this outburst particularly ludicrous is Trump’s assertion that he “won unanimously” the first time he was impeached. Being impeached is not in any way a victory, and he was impeached twice. And he’s apparently only counting the votes of the bootlicking Republicans in Congress who were too cowardly to uphold the law and democracy.

Trump also goes off the deep end with his claim that he “hardly knew [Hill] at all.” He’s confessing that he “knew nothing” about the senior director of Russian and European affairs in his own National Security Council. That’s an admission of serious dereliction of duty. Then again, why would he need to know anything about her when he had a direct line to Vladimir Putin, who was calling the shots in his White House?

RELATED: Traitor Trump Can’t Stop Attacking America, but Won’t Condemn His Hero Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

It seems a day doesn’t go by when Trump isn’t revealing something embarrassing, horrifying, or incriminating about himself. And today is no exception. He continues to be a bundle of severely frayed nerves that are short-circuiting and threatening to ignite more hostilities and division. The sooner that he is indicted, prosecuted and convicted for his multitude of crimes, the better off our nation – and world – will be.

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Fox News Putin Puppet Tucker Carlson’s False Flag Fiction Gets Ripped By CNN’s Jim Acosta

Tucker Carlson of Fox News must be so proud. He has achieved his life long dream. He has become the most watched American television commentator – on Russian television. Carlson achieved that milestone by his continuous and effusive praise for Vladimir Putin. And Russian TV has returned the favor.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

On Sunday, Jim Acosta of CNN took note of Carlson’s pro-Putin propaganda. While responsible journalists worldwide were documenting the war crimes being committed by Russian troops on Putin’s orders, Carlson was attempting to whitewash the matter and absolve Putin of any guilt by advancing the utterly baseless assertion that Ukraine was staging some of the scenes of horror. Carlson didn’t present a single shred of evidence of his grotesque accusation. But he was, nevertheless, “dead certain” of it, as he told his gullible viewers.

REALTED: WTF? Fox News Traitor Tucker Carlson Takes Russia’s Side Against Democracy and America

Acosta delivered a seething commentary that exposed Carlson’s treasonous betrayal of American interests and, more importantly, the welfare of the Ukrainian people who are being slaughtered by Putin’s genocidal militia. Acosta said that…

Acosta: With reports about Russian atrocities mounting, the truth about Putin’s invasion is beyond dispute. Much of the world has agreed that Putin’s army has committed war crimes by blatantly attacking civilians in Ukraine. Unless you happen to get your news in Russian. Then there’s Tucker Carlson, who has accused news outlets of lying about what’s really happening in Ukraine.

Carlson: If news organizations are eagerly promoting lies about a war in progress, what can the rest of us believe? What can we know is true? And honestly, it’s hard to know what is true. We can be sure Russian soldiers have committed atrocities. There are countless pictures of that. Some must be real. But we can also be dead certain the war is not, despite what they tell us, a childish tale of good versus evil. This is Eastern Europe, after all. Everything is a lot more complicated than it looks on America TV.

Acosta went on to note that Carlson’s caustic lecturing was “A reminder that this is the same commentator who said in 2019 that he was rooting for Russia over Ukraine.” And then getting to the core of Carlson’s repulsiveness, Acosta said that…

“Last week Tucker Carlson tried to imply that some of what you are seeing has been fabricated and amplified by news organizations. That sounds a lot like what we heard from Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, who said that bodies of Ukrainian civilians lining the streets of Bucha were, quote, a forgery aimed at denigrating the Russian army.”

This isn’t the first time that Carlson has spread flagrant lies about imaginary “false flag” operations. Last year he produced an entire crocumentary about the January 6th insurrection that he claimed was a false flag affair staged by the FBI. It was also not the first time that Acosta has hammered Carlson for being what he colorfully christened a Human Manure Spreader.” Then, on Sunday, Acosta closed by saying that…

“News organizations are not repeating lies, as Tucker Carlson put it. Innocent people, children, are being targeted in Ukraine. There is nothing childish about that. And journalists are putting their lives on the line to tell the truth. Something you’d think that Tucker would know, considering some of the journalists injured or killed bravely reporting the truth worked for Fox.”

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Fox News is complicit in this junkyard journalism. It is what they specialize in. And it is why President Biden was so right when he said that Fox News is “one of the most destructive forces in the U.S.”

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OMG! Pathological Liar Trump Says He is ‘the Most Honest Human Being God Ever Created’

Whenever Donald Trump stages one his traveling salvation shows, there is certain be an avalanche of flagrant falsehoods foisted on his gullible cult followers. For the most part they are regurgitations of the litany of lies that he has been unleashing for months and years. And that was true Saturday night in North Carolina where Trump dissembled manically about everything from the 2020 election to the border wall to gender studies and more.

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Donald Trump Messiah

The North Carolina rally was ostensibly an opportunity for Trump to pump up local Republican candidates like Ted Budd and Madison Cawthorn. But like all other Trump affairs, he made it about the only person he really cares about – himself. And on this occasion, like so many others, Trump portrayed himself in saintly terms for his worshipful disciples.

When Trump reached the part of his speech where he whined about being investigated for the multitude of crimes he has committed, he offered up praise for his own divine honesty. He began by complaining that…

“You know, you’ve been investigated years and years, millions and millions of pages of documents, they found nothing. […] I’ve been investigated by the Democrats more the Billy the Kid, Jessie James, and Al Capone combined.”

First of all, Trump’s assertion that nothing incriminating was found in the probes of his criminality is utterly delusional. There has been abundant evidence of his wrongdoing revealed in the Mueller Report, the House Select Committee on the January 6th insurrection, and in the investigations by both federal and state legal authorities. There’s a reason that Trump has ordered his minions to refuse to testify, and why those who showed up took the 5th Amendment.

RELATED: WHUT? Trump Lies That He Wants the People He Told Not to Testify to Tell the Truth

What’s more, it’s notable that the former reality TV game show host is now putting himself in the company of notorious outlaws who, like him, got away with many of their crimes before justice eventually prevailed. Undaunted, Trump made sure to impress upon his flock that he is the infallible messiah that they have been waiting for. After griping pathetically about what a victim he is, Trump declared that that “I think I’m the most honest human being, perhaps, that God ever created.”

Really? The guy who has been documented to have told more than 30,000 lies during his occupation of the White House? The guy who has been promulgating the “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged,” despite being unable to produce a shred of evidence? The guy who has brazenly lied about the COVID pandemic, his numerous sexual assaults, his taxes, his unsavory and treasonous Russian associations (that he is still engaged in), and his role in inciting riots in Washington, D.C. to subvert democracy? That guy?

RELATED: PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year: The January 6th Insurrection Disinformation By Trump and Fox News

It’s astonishing that Trump can still pretend to be a holy messenger of God, and that his devotees can still buy it. After all, Trump once blasphemously claimed that “I don’t have to ask God for forgiveness. […] Why do I have to repent? Why do I have to ask for forgiveness if you’re not making mistakes?” And now he exalts himself as “the most honest human being that God ever created”? Is he serious? A “human being”? That still needs to be proven.

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Boring Biden? Fox News is Very Upset that Biden Isn’t a Hyper-Psycho Drama Queen Like Trump

When Fox News isn’t complaining that President Biden is mentally incompetent (a diagnosis that the American people find more applicable to Donald Trump), they are grousing about how he is an over zealous radical tyrant riding roughshod over conservative “values.” How he can be both an addled wimp and an evil genius remains a mystery.

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The whiners at Fox News don’t really care if their criticisms are true, or even if they make sense. The only thing that matters is that they have a rhetorical cudgel with which to beat up on Biden. And even when they have nothing, they will try to deploy that nothingness as a weapon. It’s a pathetic tactic that only exposes how vacant their political strategies are. And leading Fox News in the cognitive vacancy department is their Primetime host, Jesse Watters.

RELATED: Trump’s Twitter Proxy Implies Biden is Mentally Unsound for Referring to Notes, But Guess What?

On Friday evening Watters was clearly out of political spitballs. So he resorted to the hackery that the absence of scandal is scandalous. His harangue (video below) was based on an article in Politico, a source usually regarded as “fake” news by the Fox set. Except when they think they can spin it to their advantage. He began with an old and regularly recurring trope that Biden is “just boring,” and elaborated saying that…

“…he promised to be boring, and he’s doing everything he can to keep that pledge. And they’re not wrong. Joe doesn’t even schmooze these peeps in D.C. And for a Democrat, that is a sin. He spends almost every weekend in Delaware. The guy just loves his basement. Presidents are supposed to excite the Washington establishment, but Joe is doing the exact opposite.”

RELATED: Fox News Attempts (and Hysterically Fails) to Contrive a Fake Biden Scandal

Apparently Watters believes that it’s the President’s job to “schmooze” the elites in Washington. And if he isn’t doing that, he’s derelict in his duties. Although that standard was never in place for Trump, whose social interactions with anyone who wasn’t a slobbering sycophant were invariably disastrous and vulgar. What’s more, Watters complains that Biden was holed up in his basement. That, of course, is a routine right-wing lie by partisans who never cared about Trump spending hundreds of days (and millions of taxpayer dollars) at his own golf resorts.

Watters also spoke of “exciting” the Washington establishment as an official duty. He lamented the lack of “presidential sightings,” “black-tie banquets,” and “Glamorous new aides, preferably with active social schedules and newsworthy romantic lives!” Unfortunately, Biden preferred to waste his time with trivialities like managing a deadly pandemic, restoring the economy, and responding to the genocidal attack by Russia on Ukraine, to name a few.

Watters was also disturbed that Biden didn’t attend the exclusive Gridiron Dinner this week. He sent Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo instead. But as Watters noted, it was a good thing that he passed, because many of the guests contracted COVID. For which Watters had another negative spin, saying – and virtually hoping – that “Eventually, Biden is going to catch COVID, it’s bound to happen and you’ll never see Biden or another party again.” Watters seems to be laying the groundwork for his next manufactured scandal.

RELATED: Fox Family Values: Tucker Carlson Viciously Mocks Media and – Biden’s Marriage?

What conservative crackpots like Watters mean when they talk about Biden being boring, is that he doesn’t excrete the same noxious hysteria and hostility that was the hallmark of the Trump era. Even Politico’s article conceded that it wasn’t so much Biden’s lack of substantive excitement, but rather engaging PR. “The majesty of the White House,” Politico wrote, “the star power of the inner circle — these are tools that can be harnessed to charm decision-makers and narrative-writers.” That’s true, but it was too nuanced for someone as shallow as Watters to wade through.

Consequently, America is saddled with the asinine assertions of cretins like Watters who struggle to invent scandals where none exist. That’s why then end up accusing Biden of such atrocities as wearing a face mask, or riding a bike, or picking a dandelion for his wife, or eating ice cream…

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BUSTED! Donald Trump Jr Texted Mark Meadows With Illegal Schemes to Overturn the Election

The House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection continues to accumulate incriminating evidence against Donald Trump and his criminal cabal. The latest disclosure is one that snares Donnie Jr, as well as several of the coup plotters who tried to steal the election and subvert the American democracy.

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Donald Trump Jr

CNN is reporting that Don Jr sent text messages to his father’s White House Chief of Staff on November 5, 2020, two days after election day. The votes had not yet been counted in full and no network had called the election for Joe Biden.

RELATED: Trump Publicly Confesses to Coup Attempt in Tweet that Pence ‘Could Have Overturned the Election’

Nevertheless, the Trump gang – including such familiar names as lawyers Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman, and Fox News host Mark Levin – was already hard at work to deny voters the president of their choice. What follows are some excerpts from the CNN story:

“Two days after the 2020 presidential election, as votes were still being tallied, Donald Trump’s eldest son texted then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows that ‘we have operational control’ to ensure his father would get a second term, with Republican majorities in the US Senate and swing state legislatures, CNN has learned.

“In the text, which has not been previously reported, Donald Trump Jr. lays out ideas for keeping his father in power by subverting the Electoral College process, according to the message reviewed by CNN. The text is among records obtained by the House select committee investigating January 6, 2021.”

“The November 5 text message outlines a strategy that is nearly identical to what allies of the former President attempted to carry out in the months that followed. Trump Jr. makes specific reference to filing lawsuits and advocating recounts to prevent certain swing states from certifying their results, as well as having a handful of Republican state houses put forward slates of fake ‘Trump electors.'”

“If all that failed, according to the Trump Jr. text, GOP lawmakers in Congress could simply vote to reinstall Trump as President on January 6.

“We have operational control Total leverage,” the message reads. “Moral High Ground POTUS must start 2nd term now.”

“‘We either have a vote WE control and WE win OR it gets kicked to Congress 6 January 2021,’ he texts Meadows.”

The schemes put forth by Trump Jr way back on November 5, 2020, were all carried out – unsuccessfully – by Trump and his co-conspirators in the weeks and months that followed. His text provides more proof that the illegal attempts at staging a coup were contrived even before the votes were all tallied or the election results were officially determined.

RELATED: Trump Explains How He Plans to Steal the Next Election in Video Message to Republican Group

That, however, didn’t stop these wannabe authoritarian conspirators. And as the Committee continues to do its investigation, there will surely be further revelations about how desperate and dastardly these traitors were – and are.

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