Fox News Hack Laura Ingraham Proves that She Has Absolutely No Idea Who Donald Trump Is

Last April Fox News agreed to settle a defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems for 3/4 of a billion dollars. It was a de facto admission that they had deliberately disseminated lies pertaining to non-existent election fraud in the 2020 presidential race.

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Fox News, Laura Ingraham

It was just days following the settlement that Fox fired their top rated host, Tucker Carlson. And while they didn’t associate his termination with the lawsuit, it’s hard not to presume that there’s a connection. Not that they didn’t have a boatload of other reasons to set him adrift…

SEE THIS: A Post-Mortem on Tucker Carlson Following His Unusually Abrupt Departure From Fox News

As a result of the Carlson pink slip, Fox had to revamp their primetime lineup. So they took that opportunity to prop up their most pro-Trump truth manglers, Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, Greg Gutfeld, and Laura Ingraham. For the most part, Fox got precisely what they wanted with this roster.

However, on Friday, Ingraham must have suffered a minor brain malfunction and said something that was partially rational and less than adoring of Trump (which will likely earn her a sharp rebuke from her cult messiah). In a monologue framed as political advice for the former White House occupier, Ingraham said that…

“Attacking popular governors and senators in battleground states is more than unwise, it’s self destructive. Why do it? Voters in a general election want to vote for a winner, not a whiner. So, please, for the love of god, stop talking about 2020. That will not bring a single voter out to support you that didn’t support you before. You need to grow the pot, not shrink it. Be magnanimous and be the elder statesman that Biden is not. Obviously capable of it. That will reassure people and, look, you’re policies worked before, they’re gonna work again.”

The first reaction by anyone familiar with the perverse personality of Trump would be wonder whether Ingraham had ever met him, or even heard of him. Let’s break down her suggestions in order to see if they make any sense at all.

To begin with, asking Trump not to attack people – even governors and senators of his own party – is like asking Hannibal Lector to lay off of human meat for lent. He doesn’t care if it’s unwise or self-destructive. He only cares that everyone worship him unwaveringly at all times. His most bitter assaults are usually reserved for fellow Republicans who he regards as apostates (or would if knew what the word meant).

Trump is not going to appreciate Ingraham implying that he is a “whiner.” Particularly in connection with his fixation on the 2020 election defeat that he still pretends to have won. She is right that Americans don’t want to keep hearing him yammer about election fraud that, even after sixty court cases, he has been unable to turn up a shred of proof. And forget about convincing him to stop talking about 2020. For him it’s an obsession that he can’t shake. Never mind that he has done nothing but lose since the anomaly in 2016. And he’s done nothing but whine about it ever since.

SEE ALSO: Victim-in-Chief: Trump is the most Cowardly, Whining, Crybaby to Ever Be President

Ingraham correctly points out that election victories hinge on efforts to “grow the pot, not shrink it.” But in Trump’s delusional mind, he already has an overflowing pot containing virtually every voting age American. Which may be why he has done nothing whatsoever to expand his base of voters that were not enough for victory in 2020. If anything, he has whittled his base down to just his most glassy-eyed cult disciples.

RELATED: Donald Trump is The Biggest Loser: Post-Midterm Poll Affirms What Everyone Already Knows

Ingraham concluded by suggesting that Trump should “be magnanimous” and present himself as an “elder statesman.” Which makes one wonder if she has any idea at all who Trump is. Has he ever displayed either of those characteristics in any measure? Trump is the textbook antithesis of diplomacy. He is a frothing brute who alienates our allies and embraces our enemies. And it is bizarre that Ingraham thinks her advice will be received with anything other than unbridled wrath, as he has done before.

SEE THIS: Fox News Hack Laura Ingraham Draws Trump’s Wrath for Showing a Poll that Affirms He’s a Loser

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GOP Rep Tells Fox News He Would ‘Probably’ Impeach Biden for – Um – Zero Evidence of Any Crime

The Republican fixation on slandering President Biden is entering a new phase wherein they are publicly advocating to impeach him, while simultaneously admitting that they haven’t got a shred of evidence of any alleged crime. In effect, they are arguing that “We know Biden is guilty because no actual proof exists.”

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

Republicans have been doing their best impressions of “Walking Dead” style zombies in search of Biden’s elusive illegality. They would be better off searching for brains, something they are sorely in need of. In the meantime, they have held numerous hearings that have produced nothing but humiliation for the GOP and their efforts to bring Biden down.

RELATED: The Republican Party’s Desperate Smears of President Biden are Getting Even More Pathetic

Undeterred by the utter absence of facts, GOP politicians and press have pushed their crackpot conspiracy theories to the outer fringes of extremism. On Friday morning, Fox News shill, Harris Faulkner, hosted ultra-MAGA Republican “representative” Andy Biggs, who outlined his entirely baseless reasoning for why Biden should be removed from office…

Faulkner: Would you impeach the sitting President over this if it came to that?
Biggs: Probably, yes, where it sits today. And I’ll tell you why. There are least seven or eight additional indicia that Joe Biden was involved in Hunter Biden’s business. And this provides the quid pro quo. There are tapes purportedly out there, there are seventeen of them which – by the way the number was the FBI redacted originally when I saw the document – but the point is you have a series of different witnesses, whether it’s Rob Walker, where it’s the AUSA, and whether it’s the Zeigler and the other whistleblower, Shapley, who basically said they believe it was Joe Biden that was involved here. And that leads us to move to an impeachment inquiry. And that’s really where the first step is, so you flesh it out a little bit more.

To reiterate the justifications for impeaching Biden, Biggs cited “seven or eight [vague] indicia; tapes purportedly out there [but that no one has seen or heard]; a series of different [and anonymous or disreputable] witnesses; basically said they believe [not what they know or have proof of].” In other words, complete speculation with no factual basis whatsoever. But, sure, impeach the President based on that anyway.

Not wanting to be left out, James Comer, Chair of the House Oversight Committee, visited with that bastion of non-partisan credibility, Ted Cruz, and had the following exchange…

Comer: I think that Joe Biden has been selling access to our enemies for decades.”
Cruz: What’s your basis for that?
Comer: If you study Joe Biden like I have, he’s always been cash-strapped.

To be clear, Comer’s “basis” is not any actual evidence. It’s just his observation that Biden was not among the wealthy members of Congress. If anything, that’s proof that he was not “selling access to our enemies.” If he were, he would have had a lot more money.

Finally, Marjorie Taylor Greene was interviewed on Fox Business Channel by the former Director of the National Economic Council during the Trump Administration, now Fox host, Larry Kudlow. He prefaced his question by proving his political bias, saying that he was “angling for the big fish (i.e. biden).” Then he asked…

Kudlow: Is there any new developments on these audio tapes and this Burisma oligarch who allegedly has them?
Greene: I haven’t heard any new updates on the location of the 17 audio recordings that are legitimate proof that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden both took $5 Million bribes from the oligarch that owns Burisma.

So in Greene’s twisted mind, not having any knowledge of the whereabouts, contents, or even the existence of some alleged tapes is “legitimate proof” that Joe and Hunter Biden took bribes. Which is pretty much the same argument that Bigfoot hunters use to affirm his existence and likely acceptance of bribes.

Much of the most recent speculation about Biden’s supposed misconduct was triggered by the release of an internal FBI form by GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley. The “FD-1023” form contained an agent’s reporting of unverified information from a questionable source. It spun a tale of the CEO of a Ukrainian company, Burisma, who Republicans falsely claim has implicated Biden in a bribery scheme. The GOP resorted to coercing the FBI to provide the confidential document so that they could misrepresent it.

SEE ALSO: McCarthy Threatens FBI Director with Contempt for Not Aiding His Petty Persecution of Biden

However, reality has debunked the GOP’s assertions. In fact, the unnamed source referenced in the document actually refuted the claims by Republican scandal seekers. He reported that he “met Burisma’s CEO once and spoke with him on the phone twice and was unable to ‘provide any further opinion as to the veracity’ of what the CEO claimed.”

So once again, they have nothing but conjecture and their rancid fantasies. What’s more, the release of the form was an inappropriate breach of confidentiality that put the investigation and persons involved at risk. Not that Republicans care about that. They have only one item on their agenda, and it’s something they have literally bragged about…

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

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Fox and Friends Slobber Over RFK Jr and Mock Democrats for Repudiating Him as a Republican Rat

The legacy of the Kennedy family in America is renowned for producing leaders of great character and compassion. President John Kennedy and his brothers, Robert and Ted, who served in the Senate, stood for equality and fairness across lines of race and class. They were heralds of Democratic values.

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Fox News

Unfortunately, every family tree has its bad apples. And in the Kennedy clan that role has come to be filled by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For much of his political life he has been consumed by crackpot conspiracy theories and distasteful associations with ultra right-wingers who are anathema to Democratic principles. He has become the Republican Party’s favorite anti-Democratic stooge and, more recently, a planted challenger to President Biden for the Democratic nomination for president.

RELATED: The Republican Party’s Desperate Smears of President Biden are Getting Even More Pathetic

Republicans have adopted RFK Jr as one of their own. They use him as a tool to bash Biden, while falsely claiming that his criticisms are evidence of disarray in the Democratic Party. And naturally, Fox News is leading the parade of wingnuttery that is embracing and exploiting him. On Thursday morning’s episode of Fox and Friends, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes demonstrated their adoration of RFK Jr in a segment that was supposed to be about his appearance at hearing held by the Republican-led House Committee on the Weaponization of Government.

The hearing was a typically partisan mess wherein Republicans filibustered with ridiculous attacks on Biden- and even his son Hunter – that had nothing whatsoever to do with the hearing’s purported agenda. It produced no evidence of any alleged wrongdoing. To the contrary, Democrats succeeded in exposing the GOP charlatans for staging yet another political sideshow.

This is where Fox and Friends comes in to try to salvage the farce that chairman Jim Jordan tried to put over on the nation. Although they had very little to work with. So what they ended up presenting was the following slimy suck up…

Brian Kilmeade: The problem with RFK Jr, he does his homework, is extremely bright. You better bring your ‘A’ game. And also, can you believe we are at a day when the Democrats would be calling a Kennedy disparaging names? What country are we in?

As usual, Kilmeade didn’t offer a single example of anything that RFK Jr said that supported his claim that he is “extremely bright.” But in Kilmeade’s defense, there aren’t any examples. Also, the fact that Democrats are willing to criticize members of a revered Democratic family only proves that they are not the sort of cult followers that the Republican devotees of Donald Trump are. If a Democrat does or says something stupid – or steals and lies about classified documents, or sexually assaults women in department stores, or tries to overthrow the government, or is impeached and indicted multiple times – they won’t continue to worship him as their messiah.

Fox Friend Steve Doocy briefly interjected something sensible, noting that “There are Kennedy family members who disagree with him as well.” Which is true. His sister Kerry Kennedy recently said that “His statements do not represent what I believe or what Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights stand for.” And his nephew, Joe Kennedy III said that “My uncle’s comments were hurtful and wrong. I unequivocally condemn what he said.”

Doocy’s colleagues ignored those remarks, then replied with mockery that Democrats correctly describe RFK Jr as “such a Republican.” Whereupon Kilmeade makes sure to note that, despite all the evidence, “He’s not a Republican. Oh my goodness.”

For the record, RFK Jr identifies himself as Democrat. However, virtually all of his supporters reside on the farthest fringes of right-wing Republicanism. They are people like Steve Bannon, who convinced him to enter the Democratic primary. And he proudly poses for pictures with the likes of Russian asset Mike Flynn, and GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone.

That’s who RFK Jr is. You know him by the company he keeps. And Fox News is brazenly participating in the charade that he is bona fide Democrat. Because they desperately need critics who they can claim are not partisan. And because they haven’t got any legitimate complaints about Biden other than pointless and pathetic smears that don’t make any sense. In fact, some of their attacks actually make Biden look so good that he’s now using them in his own campaign ads…

SEE THIS: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes

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IT’S FOOL! Trump Ponders Whether ‘Any Attorney that Represents Me is Either a Fool or a Patriot’

The legal sinkhole that has opened beneath Donald Trump is continuing to grow wider and deeper. He has already been indicted twice on more than 70 felony counts ranging from falsifying financial records, to obstruction of justice, to stealing and hoarding classified government documents. And that’s just the criminal cases. He has also been found civilly liable for sexual abuse and defamation.

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Donald Trump

The latest crater threatening to engulf Trump is a prospective indictment for his participation in the January 6th insurrection and the plot to subvert democracy. Trump himself revealed that he received a target letter from the Grand Jury investigating his attempted coup. And, naturally, he reacted with his customary composure and abiding respect for “deranged” special counsel, Jack Smith.

SEE THIS: Trump Has a Full Blown Schizoid Meltdown Over the Prospect of Yet Another Criminal Indictment

In anticipation of the future indictments that Trump expects, he is now bolstering his legal team with the sort of praise and appreciation for which he is so well known. In a post on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, Trump calmly noted that…

“These vicious Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Democrats have attacked my lawyers at a level never seen before, and yet I keep on winning. Any attorney that represents me is either a fool, or a Great American Patriot that History will love and cherish!”

Let’s break down the numerous absurdities in that brief outburst, shall we?

To begin with, Trump always expresses himself in hysterical hyperbole. Everything he complains about occurs at “a level never seen before.” And he refers to everyone who is not unflinchingly worshipful of him as “vicious Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radicals.” That includes Democrats and Republicans, and even many of the people that he appointed to serve in his administration, who he later fired, calling them incompetents, liars, and losers.

From there Trump claims that, despite the vicious opposition from radicals et al, he “keep[s] on winning.” Well, except for having lost the 2020 election, more than 60 court cases challenging the election outcome, lawsuits affirming his fraudulent operation of a charity and a university, and the recent case where a jury agreed that he defamed and sexually abused writer, E. Jean Carroll.

Finally, Trump poses an interesting question. He wants to know whether his attorneys will be remembered in history as either fools or patriots. But that’s a question that the early drafts of history have already answered. And it’s pretty clear that “Fool” has a commanding lead.

Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis, and Jeff Clark, have already been sanctioned or disbarred, or are currently being investigated for misconduct. His former attorney, Michael Cohen went to prison for following Trump’s directives. And he is also getting legal advice from a lawyer who has been working as a correspondent on the ultra right-wing One America News Network. Another legal advisor is the head of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, who is not actually a lawyer.

Consequently, it would be fair to say that any attorney who represents Trump is unquestionably a fool. In fact, just agreeing to represent him is enough reason to make that judgment. It puts you at risk of losing your license, and you may not even get paid. Plus, you have to agree to peddle the legal inanities that Trump favors, such his obsession with what he calls the “Clinton socks case,” that he discussed with Sean Hannity on Fox News Tuesday night, saying…

“Also the ‘Clinton socks case,’ you know what that is? That’s where Clinton took out tapes in socks. And he put them in his drawer. And they sued him, just on a very civil basis. And he ended up winning the lawsuit. And the judge said he can have whatever he wants. And that’s called the Presidential Records Act.”

For the record, President Clinton never “took out tapes in his socks.” What Trump is mangling is that tapes of interviews with a journalist were stored in a sock drawer at Clinton’s residence. They were his tapes, made in preparation for a biography, and not government property. Trump is correct that a lawsuit resulted in a decision that Clinton was the owner of the tapes and was not required to turn them in to the National Archives. But Trump is glaringly wrong that the decision said that “he can have whatever he wants.” It said only that he can have his own personal property. And Trump’s interpretation of the Presidential Records Act is preposterous.

SEE ALSO: On Fox News Trump Confesses that He Stole Classified Documents, Despite Hannity’s Coaching

Trump has been trying for months to use this as justification for his having stolen classified documents that belonged, not to him but, to the government, and absconding to his Mar-a-Lago home/hotel with them. Then he lied to the FBI and other authorities about having them. But despite this lie being debunked every time he tells it, he continues to rely on it to exonerate him. Meanwhile, Hannity and his audience of Trump cult devotees accept this nonsense blindly. Which only tells us that there more fools in Trump’s orbit than his attorneys.

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Trump Has a Full Blown Schizoid Meltdown Over the Prospect of Yet Another Criminal Indictment

The legal melodrama that has shrouded Donald Trump for years continues to unfold as new and more chilling plot points are unveiled with each passing day. The latest wrinkle in his farce is a comment that Trump posted on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, announcing that special counsel Jack Smith has notified him that he is a target in the probe of the January 6th insurrection.

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Donald Trump

If this notice is true (and it’s always sketchy with anything that Trump says), it will be his third felony indictment, exceeding the 70+ felony counts he is already facing. The abundance of crimes that are attributable to Trump is so massive that he’s even using it to put off his multitude of prosecutions. The poor guy just doesn’t have time to deal with all of his wrongdoing.

RELATED: WHUT? Trump Asks to Delay His Classified Docs Trial Because of All His Other Criminal Trials

Trump responded to the news of this new imminent indictment the way he always does. By lashing out with unbridled hostility, while utterly failing to make any coherent argument in his defense. It was a tedious tirade that rambled on with hysterical run-on sentences and crammed with every talking point he could think of, including his yelping about imaginary offences (i.e. spying on his campaign, fake dossiers, the Mueller Witch Hunt, and Russia, Russia, Russia) He whined

“WOW! On Sunday night, while I was with my family […] HORRIFYING NEWS for our country was given to me by my attorneys. Deranged Jack Smith…sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation.”

It’s cute that Trump regards his being indicted again as “HORRIFYING NEWS for our country.” That’s his standard messianic playacting wherein he’s dying for the sins of his cult followers. The majority of the country, however, recognizes that the horror is Trump’s alone. In fact, most Americans believe he’s guilty. The horror would be letting him get away with his crimes.

SEE THIS: TRUTH THIS: More Americans – Including 25% of Republicans – Believe that Trump is Guilty

Trump complains correctly that “Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before.” But that’s only because no other political leader has dared to commit such blatant misconduct, and to do it so openly, even admitting to it in many of his pathetic public commentaries. His tantrum also included this morsel of mental instability…

“So now, Joe Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, who I turned down for the United States Supreme Court…”

Does Trump really think that he “turned down” Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court? Garland was nominated by President Obama, and his confirmation was stalled by Republican Senate leader, Mitch McConnell. And all of that was before the 2016 election. What’s more, does Trump really want to take credit for Garland not being confirmed? That led to his appointment as Attorney General by President Biden, and the special counsel investigations against him.

Adding to the evidence of Trump’s madness, he reposted six (count ’em, 6!) comments by the illustriously credible, ultra-MAGA, “Catturd,” including one that called for the impeachment of Merrick Garland, Chris Wray, and, of course, President Biden. Trump approvingly replied to the feline fecal matter’s conclusion that “The Republican Party = spineless, worthless, good-for-nothing cowards.”

It’s hard to disagree with that assessment of the GOP. Particularly since most members of the party are still bending over backwards to defend Trump as his indictments pile up. Which poses an interesting dilemma for Trump, who once insisted that candidates under felony indictment have “no right to be running.” It’s hard to disagree with that too.


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President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes

The spectacle of the Republican Party’s efforts to malign Democrats is spiraling ever deeper into an abyss of pitiful nonsense. Since they have nothing of substance with which to attack President Biden and the Democrats. so they have resorted to humiliating themselves with preposterous rants and fabricated scandals.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Gun

The fake scandal factory of the GOP has already spent untold hours in hearings wherein they thought they were hammering Democrats, but in which they only managed to dirty themselves with the mud they were throwing.

SEE THIS: The Republican Party’s Desperate Smears of President Biden are Getting Even More Pathetic

On Sunday, the Shadow GOP Speaker, Marjorie Taylor Greene, delivered a speech at the ultra right-wing Turning Point conference. She was surely convinced that her oratory would sink the Democratic Party and President Biden. Unfortunately for her, it had quite the opposite effect. So much so, in fact, that Biden embraced her speech and reposted on Twitter with the retort that said simply “”Caught us. President Biden is working to make life easier for hardworking families.” Greene began by noting the similarities between LBJ and Biden, saying that…

“Lyndon B. Johnson was the majority leader in the Senate. Does that sound familiar? He was Vice President to Kennedy, Joe was Vice President Obama. He was appointed as the president after JFK was assassinated. Then he was elected. His big socialist programs were the Great Society.

“The Great Society were big government programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and welfare, the Office of Economic Opportunity and big labor and labor unions. Now LBJ had the Great Society, but Joe Biden had Build Back Better. And he still was working on it, the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs, that is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on and Joe Biden is attempting to complete.”

OH NOES!!! What a monster. President Biden is successfully addressing “education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and welfare.” Whatever will become of America and her poor, beleaguered people when those problems have been mitigated?

Indeed. Biden has followed in the hallowed footsteps of past Democratic leaders who also sought to improve the lives and everyday Americans. And he is proud of having done so. It is the longtime mission of Democrats to advance the interests of hard-working people and middle-class citizens. As opposed to the mission of Republicans to advance the interests of corporations and the wealthy.

Greene continued with what she regards as failures of the Biden administration, such as $32 trillion of debt, much of which is attributable to Trump. She adds remarks about homelessness, which Republicans have never sought to address, or even pretend to care about. Then she comes to inflation, which has gone down for the last twelve consecutive months.

The speech that Greene disgorged was so ridiculous that the Lincoln Project turned it into a Democratic advertisement. And a damn good one…


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WHUT? Trump Tells Fox News He ‘Drained the Swamp’ in DC – By Firing the People that He Hired

As the 2024 Republican presidential primary unfolds, Donald Trump is continuing to execute his bunker strategy by campaigning only in friendly environs. It’s a game plan that affirms the cowardice that has exemplified his approach to politics and life. He refuses to engage anyone in a situation that he can’t control. Which may be for the best since, due to his felony indictments, he doesn’t believe that he has any right to run at all.

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Fox News, Maria Bartiromo, Donald Trump

Consequently, Trump isolates himself in a world that consists of only his strictly stage-managed cult rallies, and MAGA media such as Fox News. Although even with regard to the brazenly biased Trump-fluffing at Fox News, his fear of any confrontation, no matter how mild, results in his effecting a frantic retreat. That’s why he is already making excuses to sit out the first GOP primary debate that is being hosted by Fox.

SEE THIS: Trump Previews His Excuses for Chickening Out of the Fox News Republican Primary Debate

Trump has disgorged vicious assaults on Fox News, and insults of the network when it has been less than totally adoring. However, he remains faithful to the network’s most worshipful apostles of Trumpism. Among those true believers is Maria Bartiromo. And due to her unflinching infatuation with Trump, he consented to be interviewed by her.

As expected, the interview was not particularly newsworthy. It was just Trump repeating the same old lies and self-exaltations that he does during every other public appearance. However, he did let slip a confession related to his failure to fulfill the promises he made as occupant of the White House.

When Bartiromo asked Trump what he would have done differently as president, he responded by attacking his own appointees to cabinet posts. He singled out Attorneys General Bill Barr and Jeff Sessions, and “other people I didn’t like,” because they wouldn’t help him commit crimes, evade accountability, or overthrow the government. Which led Bartiromo to ask a fairly cogent follow up…

Bartiromo: “You didn’t drain the swamp like you said you would. You didn’t drain the swamp.”
Trump: I did. I fired [FBI Director James] Comey. I fired a lot of people. A lot of the people I have, I fired.

Indeed. Trump did fire Comey, and many other people that populated his cabinet and his White House staff. There were dozens of such terminations, most due to Trump’s dissatisfaction with their insufficient personal loyalty and their unwillingness to be accomplices to his unlawful acts. And the animosity that he felt toward them was heartily reciprocated. In Comey’s case, Trump explicitly admitted that “If I didn’t fire Comey, I don’t think I would have been able to serve out my term.” That’s an admission that he purposefully interfered with the administration of justice in order to save his own neck.

It’s notable that Trump’s reply to Bartiromo’s question about draining the swamp included only examples of his firing the people that he had hired. In other words, according to Trump, the swamp in D.C. was of his own making. And his efforts to clean it up were confined to “fixing” the problems that he created for himself.

Then again, virtually all of Trump’s problems are those that he created for himself. That’s certainly true with regard to the legal peril that he now finds himself mired in. But his tactic of consorting only with his cult devotees in the media is unlikely to get him out of trouble. in fact, it’s only going to insure that his perception of the world remains utterly delusional.

RELATED: TRUTH THIS: More Americans – Including 25% of Republicans – Believe that Trump is Guilty

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The Republican Party’s Desperate Smears of President Biden are Getting Even More Pathetic

It is getting harder and harder to be a lying Republican propagandist these days. The success of Bidenomics is narrowing the field of criticisms that the GOP can purposefully twist into perversions of reality. Inflation is down, Gas prices are down. Wages are up. Unemployment is at record lows. The trade deficit is declining. Manufacturing is booming.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Titanic

What’s a Republican spinmeister to do? Their efforts to malign President Biden and other Democrats have not only failed to unearth the slime they have hoped for, they have actually wound up sliming themselves.

SEE THIS: Fox News and GOP Hack Launch Feeble Attack on Biden’s Family Values that Backfires Abominably

As the indictments for their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, continue to accumulate, Republicans are venturing ever farther into an abyss of crackpottery. Recall that Trump previously insisted that any candidate under felony indictment “has no right to be running.” Among the cretins who have sought to cast aspersions on Biden is Fox News Senior Trump-fluffer, Sean Hannity. Having nothing of substance with which to attack the President, Hannity resorted to playing a video of Biden walking spritely up an airplane stairway. But Hannity augmented the clip with his comically absurd, “Whoopsie daisy” narration saying that Biden had tripped, when he obviously did not…

Elsewhere at Fox News, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends tried to belittle Biden’s impressive fundraising as something less than the profound success that it is…

Will Cain: There’s been a bit of a coronation! I think that’s fair to say. Coronation may be the right word, but there is no debate. There will literally be no debate over who the Democratic nominee for president will be.

Nicole Saphier: Let’s actually put it into context. Sure. Joe Biden has raised $72 million to this point, but in 2019, Trump raised 105 million at this point.”

First of all, rarely does an incumbent president have a primary opponent or debate. And the only Democratic names that have surfaced to date are new age guru, Marianne Williamson, and Steve Bannon’s meat puppet, RFK Jr. So that’s a manufactured controversy that Fox News is obsessing over.

Notice that the Foxies aren’t saying anything about the fact that Trump has been hinting that he may not participate in any Republican primary debates, even though he has at least a dozen challengers, including senators and governors and even his own former VP. And Trump isn’t an incumbent. He’s just a straight up coward.

SEE ALSO: Trump Previews His Excuses for Chickening Out of the Fox News Republican Primary Debate

What’s more, Biden’s fundraising totals that Fox News is cavalierly dismissing are twice what Trump has raised. But Fox tries to compare that to what Trump raised three years ago, as if that has some relevance here. The only point that they have succeeded in making is that Trump’s fundraising has declined 30% since 2019. Nice work Fox.

Finally, the Republican National Committee joined in the desperation parade of ludicrous Biden complaints. They tweeted a video of Biden boarding his helicopter for a trip to Camp David.

The RNC was apparently bothered that, unlike Trump, Biden doesn’t have a diseased ego that requires him to be in the media 24/7, and taking questions every time he leaves the White House. The RNC also complained that Biden didn’t salute the Marine stationed at the helicopter. Of course, presidents are civilians. They have no military rank and are not required or expected to return salutes.

The RNC also brazenly lied about the purpose of Biden’s trip and his vacation schedule. Camp David is not a summer camp. It is a Navy military facility that is fully equipped to conduct any presidential business. Biden has spent far less time on “vacation” than Trump, and the few times that he has vacationed, he wasn’t enriching himself with taxpayer dollars at his own golf resorts.

The Frenzy of farcical fiction by the GOP is off the charts ridiculous. But it isn’t surprising. They have demonstrated that they couldn’t care less about the issues that matter to the American people, and they are wholly devoted to advancing asinine assertions that emanate from their sickly psyches. They are frantically ignoring the vast improvements made in the past two years, because they are rooting for America to fail. Their entire mission is to harass Democrats and lie to their cult followers. They have pretty much admitted it explicitly.

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

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HUH? Mike Pence Thanks Tucker Carlson for ‘Bringing Facts to the American People’ About Jan 6th

As the 2024 Republican primary season unfolds, the roster of candidates reflects just how radically the party has devolved into a bastion of lies, conspiracy theories, and the autocratic aspirations of Donald Trump and his heroes, such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

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Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Hanging

The polls show that there hasn’t been much movement in the race in weeks. Trump remains the messiah of the MAGA GOP, with Ron DeSantis trailing by 20 or 30 points or more, and everyone else in single digits. Consequently, Trump has directed his wrath at DeSantis and allowed the rest of the pack to flounder. He knows that the more non-Trump contestants in the race, the more that support for DeSantis is diluted.

RELATED: GOP Presidential Poll Reveals Why Ron DeSantis is the Only 2024 Opponent that Trump is Attacking

Among the Republican hopeless is Trump’s own former vice-president, Mike Pence. He is the only candidate that Trump sought to have executed by the hostile mob that tried to stage a coup on January 6th. And while Pence occasionally makes a meager effort to call out Trump for that attempted assassination, he still often behaves as if nothing untoward happened that day.

That was the situation on Friday when Pence sat down with the disgraced former Fox News propagandist, Tucker Carlson. It was one of a series of interviews that Carlson is holding with most of the Republican candidates. In a gesture of predictable cowardice, Trump has declined to participate. Just as he is expected to chicken out of the August GOP debate sponsored by Fox News.

During the Pence interview, Carlson brought up the January 6th insurrection, asking Pence what he thought the hostile unrest was all about…

Carlson: Why do you think the people who stormed the Capitol on January 6th were mad? And why haven’t we talked about that?
Pence: First off I would tell you that I think the January 6th committee was a partisan committee in the Congress of the United States. And it failed its historic mission of bringing the facts forward. And I know your commitment to bringing all the facts to the American people, Tucker. And I know we’re grateful for that.

WHUT? Never mind that Pence utterly ignored the question, despite the answer being so simple (The rioters were mad that their cult leader lost, and that has been talked about frequently). And set aside the fact the the January 6th Committee was a thorough, bipartisan probe of the facts surrounding the insurrection and Trump’s role in inciting it.

More to the point, Pence’s up-sucking to Carlson is a pitiful display of his desperation. The bizarre assertion that Carlson had a “commitment to bringing all the facts to the American people” is belied by the evidence of his flagrant lying about the matter for the past two years.

It was Carlson who repeatedly disseminated disinformation about January 6th that characterized the insurrection as either a “false flag” operation orchestrated by the FBI, or as nothing more than ordinary tourists on a sightseeing trip at the Capitol. He got GOP House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy to give him sole access to 40,000 hours of surveillance videos, of which he aired only a few minutes, and only parts where literally nothing was happening. He left out all of the assaults on police officers, the breaking through doors and windows, the vandalizing of property, and the terrorizing of congressional representatives and staff.

SEE ALSO: Tucker Carlson Spins January 6th Insurrection Videos to Spread Blatant Lies, Trump Praises Him
And Fox News Fabulist Tucker Carlson Launches a Laughably Lame Defense of His January 6th Lies

Carlson and Fox News are currently being sued for defamation by Ray Epps, a Trump supporter who attended the January 6th riot, who Carlson falsely accused of being an undercover FBI agent tasked with instigating violence.

Following his outpouring of gratitude for Carlson, Pence complained that the January 6th Committee spent too much time investigating Donald Trump and his incitement of the violent insurrection, rather than the the failures of law enforcement to predict and respond to the riots. Of course, it was Trump and his administration that was responsible for the policing of the Capitol. Pence has apparently forgotten his prior acknowledgement of Trump’s culpability when he said that…

“President Trump was wrong. I had no right to overturn the election, and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day. And I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable for his actions.”

Pence has also previously condemned what took place on January 6th, and therefore, Carlson’s dishonest narratives about it. Speaking at a Gridiron Club dinner in Washington, Pence said that…

“January 6th was a tragic day. I was there at the Capitol, and let me assure you it was not, as some would have us believe, a matter of tourists peacefully enjoying our Capitol. Tourists don’t injure 140 police officers by sightseeing. Tourists don’t break down doors to get to the Speaker of the House. Or voice threats against public officials. […] Make no mistake about it — what happened that day was a disgrace and it mocks decency to portray it in any other way.”

Yet somehow, Pence is “grateful” to Carlson for “bringing the facts to the American people”? No one has lied more about January 6th than Tucker Carlson.

If Pence thinks that this is the sort of campaign message that will thrust him to the front of the pack, he must be so severely traumatized by his near death experience on January 6th – and his long proximity to Donald Trump – that he has lost any connection to reality. But then, that’s a common problem with the current batch of GOP presidential candidates, and moreover, today’s Trumpian Republican Party.


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GOP INQUISITION: Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants 500 ‘Potential Suspects’ Drug Tested for Cocaine

In what Republicans and Fox News have deemed to be the “Crime of the Century,” a small amount of cocaine was found in a heavily trafficked area of the White House. Naturally, the knee-jerk response from the right has been to accuse – without proof – President Biden and/or his family, of being responsible for defiling the otherwise pure presidential sanctum.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Vladimir Putin

This is typical of the GOP’s administration of “justice.” They engage in tedious and interminable shouting fits that malign the President and Democrats, despite not having a smidgen of evidence to support their wild accusations. It’s what the Republicans are presently doing in the House of Representatives by staging frequent and pointless hearings intended only to spread derogatory disinformation about their political foes.

RELATED: GOP Holds Another Hearing to Berate the FBI, Ends Up Exposing Trump’s ‘Cesspool of Corruption’

On Thursday the Secret Service completed their investigation of the cocaine matter and concluded that there wasn’t the necessary evidence to identify the culprit who brought the substance into the White House…

“‘No fingerprints or DNA turned up on the baggie of cocaine found in a lobby at the White House last week.’ The Secret Service said: ‘Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered.'”

Within minutes, the Republican Shadow Speaker of the House, Marjorie Taylor Greene, was giving a press conference to cast aspersions on the President, the Secret Service, and the FBI. She told the gathered reporters that…

“[The Secret Service] were able to narrow down a list of approximately 500 people that had left a small bag of cocaine. […] It makes no sense to me whatsoever why they would not follow through on one simple task, and that is to drug test a list of 500 people that they have that are potential suspects for this. […] This was a failure of this investigation.”

This is mind-bogglingly dumb on so many levels. First of all, it is not an investigatory achievement to “narrow down” a list of prospective suspects to a mere 500. That would be an unwieldy batch of persons for any police department to probe. What’s more, it wasn’t narrowed down. It was actually the entire accounting of everyone who had gone in and out of the area over the days in question.

Nevertheless, Greene’s proposal to drug test every one of them is absurd. Setting aside that it could be a violation of their 4th and 5th Amendment rights, it wouldn’t prove anything. Even it there were positive results for cocaine, it wouldn’t mean that they brought any into the White House. They might have been exposed at a party the day before. And there are some prescription meds that can produce false positives.

However, the most troubling aspect of Greene’s proposal is that it represents a horrifying expansion of government tyranny over presumed innocent people. Forcing 500 people who have done nothing wrong to undergo involuntary drug testing is the sort of oppressive overreach that Republicans like to pretend they are against. It would be the sort of heavy-handed behavior of an autocratic regime that denies civil rights.

Greene is also profoundly hypocritical. She is among the Republicans who regarded the Department of Justice search of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort/residence as an affront to his civil liberties, despite their having obtained a search warrant after demonstrating to a judge that there were legal grounds for the search. And they subsequently found the classified documents they were looking for, after Trump had lied about having them.

Speaking of Trump, he has also been making preposterous allegations about the cocaine belonging to President Biden and/or his son, Hunter. He told a MAGA video blogger that…

“In my opinion it’s Hunter and probably Joe, because, you know, you watch Joe at the beginning of his speech and he’s got a little life. Not much, but he’s got a little life. By the end of the speech he’s a disaster. He can’t even find his way off the stage. So there’s something going on there.”

Trump, an alleged Adderall abuser, may know something about juicing his public performances. However, his description of Biden’s speeches is wholly disconnected from reality. And his perverse conception of justice was reflected this week when he advocated the death penalty for Hunter Biden for not paying his taxes. These are the sort of people who are now yammering about how to respond to the discovery of a small amount of cocaine. If Biden ran his Justice Department by Trump and Greene’s standards, Trump would have been in shackles in Gitmo a long time ago.


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