Trump Lies that Sidney Powell Was Never His Attorney After Her Election Interference Guilty Plea

The past week has been one of the most consequential for Donald Trump from a legal perspective. Two of his former attorneys, Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, have taken plea deals wherein they admit their guilt on matters related to election interference and agree to testify against their co-defendants, including Trump.

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Donald Trump Sweating

As his peril increases, Trump is driven to ever more deranged outbursts. He is panicking as he attempts to manufacture preposterous excuses for his malfeasance and seeks to throw anyone and everyone under the bus in vain efforts to save himself.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Derangement Spirals Ever Downward as He Impotently Promises to Prove His Innocence

On Sunday morning Trump took to his pitifully failing social media scam, Truth Social, to torpedo the latest object of his extreme animosity, his election denying, conspiracy theory cohort, Sidney Powell. He raged that…

“Sidney Powell was one of millions and millions of people who thought, and in ever increasing numbers still think, correctly, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN, AND OUR COUNTRY IS BEING ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED BECAUSE OF IT!!! Despite the Fake News reports to the contrary, and without even reaching out to ask the Trump Campaign, MS. POWELL WAS NOT MY ATTORNEY, AND NEVER WAS.”

There is an abundance of bullsh*t in that bombastic blather. Let’s start with his delusion that there are “ever increasing numbers” of people who think the 2020 election was “RIGGED & STOLLEN” (which he still can’t spell). But more to the point, Trump is now disavowing his relationship with Powell. That’s a convenient position considering that she has pleaded guilty to some of the very same crimes that he has been charged with.

There’s just one small problem. Powell was not only his lawyer, but he proudly announced it back on November 14, 2020, shortly after the election. Trump boasted in a tweet that…

“I look forward to Mayor Giuliani spearheading the legal effort to defend OUR RIGHT to FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS! Rudy Giuliani, Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis, a truly great team, added to our other wonderful lawyers and representatives!”

It’s notable that every one of the lawyers mentioned there have been cited for legal misconduct and or sanctioned by the courts or the Bar Association. And of course, Powell is prominently partnered with the “truly great team” that Trump assembled to defend election denial and interference, and to undermine democracy. She was also at the press conference held by Giuliani to introduce the team to America.

What’s more, Trump even tried to appoint Powell as a special prosecutor to investigate the imaginary election fraud that she was the foremost proponent of. Her lies eventually led to the defamation lawsuit against her and Fox News by Dominion Voting Systems that Fox settled for a whopping 3/4 of a billion dollars.

MORE HERE: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

Trump’s plot to make Powell a special prosecutor failed because even his own staff adamantly opposed it – and her. The New York Times reported that Trump tried to make that appointment, and affirmed that she was, in fact, his attorney…

“President Trump on Friday discussed naming Sidney Powell, who as a lawyer for his campaign team unleashed conspiracy theories about a Venezuelan plot to rig voting machines in the United States, to be a special counsel overseeing an investigation of voter fraud, according to two people briefed on the discussion.”

Trump’s Truth Social tirade went on to make a bizarre explanation for why Powell could not have been representing him…

“In fact, she would have been conflicted. Ms. Powell did a valiant job of representing a very unfairly treated and governmentally abused General Mike Flynn, but to no avail. His prosecution, despite the facts, was ruthless. He was an innocent man, much like many other innocent people who are being persecuted by this now Fascist government of ours, and I was honored to give him a Full Pardon!”

Of course, Powell could have represented both Flynn and Trump, unless there was a conflict motion presented in court to prohibit it. Which there never was. And naturally Trump brags about pardoning Flynn because he was “an innocent man” despite his having pleaded guilty in 2017 to “lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador.” Which, by the way, Trump fired him for from his post as his White House National Security Advisor.

Trump’s mental state is clearly deteriorating as his trial dates gets closer and his accomplices begin to flip in order to save their own hides. Calling the American government “fascist” is evidence of his psychological projection unto others of what he does himself. Deep down Trump knows what he did, and he knows that the prosecutors know it. But he will continue to lie and gaslight his cult followers until he is finally held accountable and convicted. And he’ll probably lie after that as well. It’s all that he knows how to do.


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Desperate Republicans Seek to Impeach President Biden Because – His Brother Repays Loans?

For the first time in history, the House of Representatives has been dormant for 17 days because Republicans are utterly incapable of competently performing their congressional duties. They have repeatedly failed to replace the Speaker that they themselves had ousted. Consequently, the critical business of the nation is going unattended due entirely to childish GOP infighting.

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Fox News, James Comer, Joe Biden, Loan

That unattended business includes drafting legislation to fund the government and keep it from shutting down. It also includes supporting our allies in Israel and Ukraine as they are suffering at the hands of terrorists and imperialistic aggressors. Republicans, however, may regard a crippled government as an improvement. And by their own assessment of their leadership skills, they may be right.

SEE THIS: GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

Among the duties that the House is neglecting during their Speaker debacle are the phony hearings ostensibly to investigate – and ultimately impeach – President Biden. While those hearings are halted like all other House business, the mouths of its MAGA members continue to wag. For instance, James Comer, chairman of the Oversight Committee, has surfaced on Fox News with “shocking” new information that he thinks will sink the Biden presidency. It concerns a check for $200,000 from James Biden to his brother Joe.

“The money came from Jim Biden where he influence peddled to a company in the United States that he went and said that he can help through his brother’s contacts get capital from the Middle East.”

Oh my! This would be catastrophic for President Biden were it not for the fact that Comer left out all of the facts that entirely undermine this alleged scandalette. In reality, Joe Biden had previously loaned James this money, and James was just paying it back. It actually says “loan repayment” on the memo line of the check. There is no evidence whatsoever of any link between the President and the company that had made a loan James. Nor is there any proof that the company benefited in any way resulting from the transaction.

What’s more, Joe Biden was a private citizen at the time. He held no office of influence, nor was he a candidate. But that didn’t stop the scandal mongers of the GOP from peddling flagrant lies about Biden and this nonexistent impropriety. They began with Comer himself, which led to a parade of perfidy…

  • Oversight Committee: “We have found a $200,000 DIRECT payment to Joe Biden. @RepJamesComer lays out the money trail.”
  • Steve Scalise: “BREAKING ? @GOPoversight has uncovered a $200,000 DIRECT payment to Joe Biden. The money trail of the Biden Family corruption scheme leads directly to Joe himself. There’s no denying it now.”
  • Lauren Boebert: “The media has spent the past two years claiming there was no actual evidence of Joe Biden’s financial wrongdoings. Yesterday, the Oversight Committee unveiled a $200,000 check James Biden wrote to his brother on the same day he received a loan from a failing company.”
  • Rudy Giuliani: “The House Oversight Committee JUST released new details on how Joe Biden received direct payments from family members.”
  • Sean Hannity (Fox News): “Joe Biden is a criminal and now we have the proof.”
  • Greg Kelly (Newsmax): “Smoking. Gun.”

Needless to say, there was no “direct” payment, no “money trail,” no “corruption scheme,” no “proof,” and no “smoking gun.” These were all deliberate distortions of reality intended to disseminate blatant disinformation and to defame President Biden.

What proof there was – the actual loan and repayment info – only served to exonerate Biden. But with the House closed for business, these dishonest propagandists felt compelled to do what they do best: lie their asses off to the eager right-wing media. And so it goes.


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Trump’s Derangement Spirals Ever Downward as He Impotently Promises to Prove His Innocence

As Albert Einstein once said, “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” Had he been around today he might have added the depths of Donald Trump’s derangement. Researchers are still looking for a bottom, but haven’t seen any sign of it to date.

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Donald Trump, coronavirus

The latest indicators of Trump’s measureless mental meltdown come via the postings on his pitifully failing social media scam, Truth Social. While the current news cycle is bursting with domestic and international crises, Trump is characteristically consumed by matters that affect only his own massive yet fragile ego.

SEE ALSO: Crybaby Trump Returns to the New York Courtroom Where He Whines that ‘This is a Rigged Trial’

On Friday morning Trump lashed out frantically at what he imagines to be a global cabal of Trump-haters conspiring to destroy him and his divinely inspired MAGA movement. He whined that…

“As I successfully fight these Political Opponent Lawsuits, all created and started by Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Thugs […] let them keep suing me over BULLSHIT, in their hope of Election Interference, as our Country becomes disabled and dies.”

It’s curious how Trump thinks that President Biden is the mastermind of all of this thuggery despite his being – in Trump’s view – a senile commie who can’t put two sentences together. And Trump’s morose vision of America as a weak and doomed country that is disabled and dying is a unique strategy for motivating voters in the upcoming election. However, it fits in perfectly with his prior declarations of an “American Carnage,” with “blood soaked streets,” that he has gleefully thrilled his cult with.

SEE THIS: The Desperate and Dystopian Delirium of Donald Trump as He Descends Into Drooling Dementia

But Trump was just getting started. In another post he asked, “Does anyone notice that the Election Rigging Biden Administration never goes after the Riggers.” It doesn’t take much imagination to know what he really wanted to say there. Then he expressed his confidence that he would be exonerated for all of the 91 felony charges against him because

“Massive information and 100% evidence will be made available during the Corrupt Trials started by our Political Opponent.”

One might wonder why Trump hasn’t produced any of that “massive information” in any of the court proceedings he has already had and lost. He’s had three years to clear his name, but for some unexplained reason has chosen not to do so. And he’s still going to withhold that “100% evidence” for several more months until his trials begin. That’s a position he has taken before…

SEE THIS: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud

Trump does have good reason to be freaking out now. Two of his former attorneys, Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, just pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges and election interference in Georgia. Ironically, of the 19 defendants in that RICO case, they are the two who requested speedy trials. Now both have opted out of going to trial entirely. And the terms of their plea deals require them to testify against their co-defendants, including Trump.

What’s more, Trump was just admonished in court for violating the order to refrain from intimidating or threatening court officials or witnesses. Sanctions for that violation could range from financial penalties to incarceration. And for someone whose psychological state has already been shaky, it’s not surprising that he is publicly wobbling more than ever. Even (satirical) Fox News has noticed…


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Fox News Dangles Dopey Spin that Hakeem Jeffries Lost the Speaker’s Vote ’17 Times in a Row’

After nearly two weeks, the nation is still without a Speaker of the House and a functioning House of Representatives. That’s because the Republican Party is too wrapped up in power struggles and inflamed egos as they try to navigate the treacherous waters of Trump cultism.

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Fox News, Fake News

The efforts by the GOP to offer some semblance of leadership have been pitifully lacking from the day they assumed their razor-thin majority in the House. It took them fifteen rounds of voting to elect Kevin McCarthy as Speaker. He only lasted eight months and has now been ousted by his own members, who can’t seem to find anyone to replace him. It’s the sort of colossal clusterf**k that the GOP is known for. You would think that they might have figured that out by now.

SEE THIS: Squeaker McCarthy Laments Learning that the GOP’s Mission is to ‘Burn the Whole Place Down’

Since McCarthy’s banishment from the post, his lieutenant, Steve Scalise, briefly flirted with idea of succeeding him. Then Jim Jordan, the “legislative terrorist” (as former GOP Speaker John Boehner called him), lost two votes for the speakership. So the post remains unfilled and the Congress is effectively defunct. Which may be an improvement over being operative with a GOP majority.

In the meantime, the Republican Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is stretching credulity with their excuses for the GOP’s ineptitude. On Fox it isn’t the Republican’s fault that they have failed utterly to exhibit any aptitude for governing. Nope. They are pointing their bony fingers at Democrats who are in the minority. For example, see this exchange between Fox News shills, John Roberts and Jason Chaffetz…

Roberts: If the script were flipped and it was Democrats who were in control of Congress – if [Democratic Leader] Hakeem Jeffries were to be put up for a vote for Speaker, how long do you think it would take to get to 218 votes?
Chaffetz: Well, Hakeem Jeffries has now lost 17 races in a row. So 17 times in a row he’s been put up for Speaker and he’s lost. So he’s kind of already over that threshold. I just don’t think one party is gonna come in and support another party.

Seriously? Does Chaffetz really believe that the party in the minority is somehow deficient if they fail to get a majority of votes? And didn’t he notice that in 13 one of those 17 votes Jeffries got more votes than the Republican? In fact, Jeffries got 100% of his party’s votes on every ballot.

Chaffetz appears to have ignored the premise of Roberts’ question, which assumed a Democratic majority. Roberts had to remind him that his question was intended to point out that Democrats would have quickly elected a Speaker if they were in the position that the Republicans are in now.

For his part, Jordan sought to step aside, at least temporarily, in order to execute the GOP’s “Plan B,” wherein interim Speaker Patrick McHenry would be given enhanced powers and be permitted to rule for a couple of months. Setting aside the question as to whether that is even constitutional, it would be a de facto admission of the Republican Party’s desperation and incompetence as political stewards. Nevertheless, the GOP conference refused to go along and Jordan jumped back into the race saying that…

“We made the pitch to members on the resolution as the way to lower the temperature and get back to work. We decided that wasn’t where we were going to go. I’m still running for Speaker. I plan to go to the floor and get the votes and win this race. But I want to go talk with a few of my colleagues. Particularly I want to talk with the twenty individuals who voted against me so that we can move forward and begin to work for the American people.”

In other words, Jordan wants more time to make more threats that will ultimately lead to more humiliation. Democrats will surely allow Jordan and the Republicans the space to make fools of themselves. Although they would prefer that the GOP agree to a power-sharing solution that would advance the interests of the nation. Unfortunately, the GOP is neither responsible nor smart enough to make that deal.


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Trump’s Famously Flapping Lips are Sealed About Jim Jordan, His Failed Endorsee for Speaker

The conspicuous chaos of the Republican Party continues to be on display as is evident in their incompetence and inability to govern. For the first time in its history, the United States House of Representatives has been without a Speaker for two weeks. Which renders it powerless to conduct any business at a time when there happens to be some critical domestic and foreign crises underway.

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Donald Trump

After the second failed vote for the insurrectionist wannabe Speaker, Jim Jordan, Republicans have been struggling to find excuses for their abortive attempts at congressional administration. Naturally, they are trying to blame everything on the Democrats, who they seem to think have some sort of obligation to rescue them from their own fiascos. It’s their knee-jerk response to virtually every problem that they create.

SEE THIS: Fox News Blames Biden for the Lack of Foreign Policy Officials – That Republicans Have Blocked

Nearly two weeks ago, immediately after Republicans ousted now ex-Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Trump posted a comment on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, throwing his support behind Jordan, saying “He will be a GREAT Speaker of the House, & has my Complete & Total Endorsement!” So far, that endorsement has proven to be worth about as much a Trump NFT trading card.

Despite Trump’s endorsement – or perhaps because of it – Jordan received even fewer Republican votes on the second ballot than he did on the first. So it may not be surprising that Trump has apparently walked away from his pal. Although he is known for interjecting his typically inane opinions into every conversation, Trump hasn’t said a single word about Jordan’s double flop. We may be just a day or two away from Trump declaring that he barely knew Jordan, who was no more than a coffee boy.

This is not, however, an indication that Trump has lost his obsessive loquaciousness. He is still prone to babbling incessantly when he thinks it serves his interest. For example, on Tuesday Trump had to be admonished by the judge in his financial fraud case to shut up while a witness was testifying. That was the second judge who had rein in Trump’s incendiary rhetoric. The judge in his federal election interference case slapped a partial gag order on him to prohibit him from making disparaging or threatening remarks about prosecutors, court staff, and others involved in the trial.

“Mr. Trump may still vigorously seek public support as a presidential candidate, debate policies and people related to that candidacy, criticize the current administration and assert his belief that this prosecution is politically motivated,” [Judge] Chutkan said. “But those critical first amendment freedoms do not allow him to launch a pre-trial smear campaign against participating government staff, their families and foreseeable witnesses.”

Despite the narrow construction of the gag order, Trump raged that his right to speak had been taken away. And what made it all the more preposterous was that he raged about that alleged infringement of his rights as he was actually speaking to a gaggle of reporters.

SEE ALSO: Crybaby Trump Returns to the New York Courtroom Where He Whines that ‘This is a Rigged Trial’

Clearly Trump still possesses both his right to speak and his ability to do so with relentless fervor and frothing incoherence. But for some reason he has gone silent about Jim Jordan. He likely doesn’t want to draw attention to how impotent his endorsement has become. If he can’t even bully his MAGA minions in Congress, what does he have left?


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Crybaby Trump Returns to the New York Courtroom Where He Whines that ‘This is a Rigged Trial’

The trial of Donald Trump for financial fraud in New York has already produced abundant evidence of his corruption and guilt. There has, in fact, already been a summary judgement that Trump lied in his financial reporting and in documents provided to banks, insurers, and tax officials.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

Nevertheless, Trump keeps showing up at court despite the fact that his presence was neither requested nor needed. He sits at the defendants table with his attorneys scowling for a couple of hours, stepping outside every so often to bark at reporters. His spiel is a tediously repetitive tirade about how he is such a poor, pathetic victim of a cabal of meanies determined to destroy him.

SEE THIS: Trump On Trial: It’s a Travesty of a Sham of a Mockery of a Travesty of Two Mockeries of a Sham

On Tuesday Trump staged a new performance of this farce in the court’s hallways. And true to form, he offered nothing new to exonerate himself. To the contrary, he actually incriminated himself further. which he seems to have a habit of doing nearly every time he opens his mouth.

In this episode of his judicial soap opera, Trump repeated his monotonous mantra that “This is a rigged trial.” Because virtually every event that he disapproves of, or that reveals his wrongdoings, is the result of some insidious “rigging” by clandestine operatives aligned against him.

Trump is convinced that there cannot be any legitimate legal complaint against him because he says that “I’m the number one candidate leading the Republicans by 55, 60 points. That should be over.” However, Trump’s popularity within the Republican Party does not immunize him from any crimes he committed. Although it does say something about the moral decrepitude of the Republican Party that supports a candidate with 91 felony charges pending.

Trump’s insistence that the GOP primary “should be over,” despite the fact that not a single primary election has taken place, affirms his affinity for the sort of authoritarian dictatorship wherein he just unilaterally declares himself the winner of every contest.

Trump also utterly fails in portraying himself as the kind of strongman that generally heads up such an authoritarian regime. Strongmen do not usually whine like babies about being held down by the enemies they claim are weak and incompetent. But that’s how Trump described his current predicament outside of court today…

“My speech has been taken away from me. I’m a candidate that’s running for office and I’m not allowed to speak. This is a railroad and it’s all coming out of the Department of Justice. It’s all set up by Biden and the thugs that he’s surrounded with.”

First of all, Trump cannot assert that his speech was “taken away” from him while he is actually speaking. The restrictions that Judge Chutkan imposed are narrowly defined so as to prohibit Trump only from making intimidating comments and threats directed at court personnel and potential witnesses. He’s free to criticize the judge and any of his political opponents.

What’s more, despite having made the claim repeatedly, he still has no shred of evidence that President Biden or his administration have played any part in his prosecutions. More likely, he’s the source of his own legal problems. He keeps confessing to crimes, just as he did today, saying that…

“Just to conclude, they said I overvalued my financial statements. Well, actually the financial statements are undervalued by tremendous amounts of money.”

Okay then, Trump is admitting that he’s guilty of undervaluing his assets in order to avoid paying taxes on them. Although, there remains a great deal of evidence – and testimony from his own accountants – that he also overvalued his properties in order to get more favorable terms on loans. He keeps complaining that the judge or the Attorney General appraised Mar-a-Lago at $18 million. But the court got that figure from Trump’s own appraiser. And if Mar-a-Lago is really worth $1.5 billion, as Trump now claims, then didn’t he illegally underpay his taxes for years?

You have to wonder why Trump’s lawyers don’t impose their own gag order on him. The more he talks, the more harm he does to his own cases. And all of these comments can be used court even if Trump declines to testify. So these extra-judicial press conferences are only going to benefit the prosecution. Which by extension, will benefit the nation if it results in his conviction and incarceration.


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The Biden Campaign is Now on Trump’s Truth Social For Your Entertainment Pleasure

President Biden has been extraordinarily busy in the past couple of weeks. He has been struggling to do the people’s business while the utterly inept Republicans in Congress have crippled the legislative branch with their failure to complete the most common tasks, such as electing electing a Speaker or proposing a platform.

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Donald Trump, Joe Biden

Furthermore, the attack on Israel by the Hamas terrorists has understandably consumed a significant portion of Biden’s time. That’s in addition to the administration’s efforts on behalf of Ukraine, the delicate relations with China, the diplomacy with our international allies, and the many domestic matters that crowd the White House calendar.

Meanwhile, Republicans continue to fritter away their days with purely political posturing and pettiness. Their legislative agenda consists of little more than sham investigations of Hunter Biden and phony “weaponization of government” hearings, that are the true perpetrators of government weaponization. And amidst all of that, their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, remains devoted to doing nothing but posting inanities on his Truth Social scam that is getting closer to bankruptcy every day.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Truth Social Continues to Collapse as Its Biz Partner Loses Virtually All of its Funding

Since the GOP cult is so fixated on Trump and his mindless musings online, the Biden campaign has decided that if you can’t tweet them, why not troll the heck out of them on their own turf. Consequently, they have created an account on Truth Social where they can post some actual truths for the MAGA disciples to ignore and/or freak out about. Here are the first few posts by the Biden campaign that are getting in Trump’s face on his own website…

By contrast, at the same time Trump was posting his dismay at being told by a judge that he cannot continue to intimidate court officials and witnesses. He raged that “A TERRIBLE THING HAPPENED TO DEMOCRACY TODAY – GAG ORDER!” Actually, it’s precisely the same treatment that any other belligerent defendant would get. But in Trump’s perverse perspective it warrants the following bizarre run-on sentence that exhibits just how mentally disturbed he is…

“A Leaking, Crooked and Deranged Prosecutor, Jack Smith, who has a terrible record of failure, is asking a highly partisan Obama appointed Judge, Tanya Chutkan, who should recuse herself based on the horrible things she has said, to silence me, through the use of a powerful GAG ORDER, making it impossible for me to criticize those who are doing the silencing, namely Crooked Joe Biden, and his corrupt and weaponized DOJ & FBI.”

Biden campaign officials told Fox News that “There’s very little ‘truth’ happening on Truth Social, but at least now it’ll be a little fun.” And a statement by Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung, said that, “Crooked Joe Biden and his team are finally acknowledging that Truth Social is hot as a pistol and the only place where real news happens.”

Not exactly. What Biden and his team are acknowledging is that there is a rich mine of troll worthy malarkey on Truth Social and they aim to take full advantage of it. At least until they get banned. It’s not unlike the recent video of Marjorie Taylor Greene itemizing what she considered to be criticisms of Biden’s agenda, but which the Biden campaign reposted verbatim with pride for the broadly popular accomplishments they achieved in their first two years.

UPDATE: Biden Campaign Surpasses Trump Campaign In Followers On Truth Social In Two Days


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Trump’s Truth Social Continues to Collapse as Its Biz Partner Loses Virtually All of its Funding

Donald Trump is a one man crime syndicate who currently has 91 felony counts pending in four criminal indictments. The charges against him range from paying hush money to a porn star, to falsifying business records, to unlawful possession of classified documents, to obstruction of justice, to election interference, to inciting an insurrection, and so much more.

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

This is an unprecedented display of depravity that more closely resembles the behavior of an inept mob boss than a former president. And it is more than just a legal calamity for Trump. It is an embarrassment to the Republican Party and his cohorts in Congress who still support him and his criminal conduct, and upon whom he is relying for salvation.

RELATED: Scared and Desperate Trump Begs Congress to Save Him From the Meanies Prosecuting His Crimes

Consequently, it should come as no surprise that Trump’s Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, is mired in the same sort of criminal controversies that have followed Trump for decades. And now it is suffering yet another setback as it barrels toward bankruptcy. According to reports

“The funding partner for Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) said that it will return the remaining $533 million of the $1 billion raised to finance the venture after investors canceled $467 million of commitments.” […]

“The loss of funding for DWAC [Digital World Acquisition Corp.] appears to be a step backward for the prospective merger between the company and Trump’s media outfit, which runs Truth Social.” […]

“With the loss of the funding, it’s unclear how Trump’s media group, called Trump Media & Technology Group, would finance its operations after the merger. The plan was that DWAC would provide TMTG with a deep pool of funds after the merger was completed.”

TMTG’s CEO, former GOP congressman Devin Nunes, inexplicably called the fund forfeiture “an important step towards…completing our merger,” However, he didn’t bother to explain how the loss of nearly a billion dollars in financing would lead to that end, or how it would benefit shareholders.

For some background, shortly after Truth Social was launched it was tied to DWAC, a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC). The law prohibits SPACs from discussing potential acquisition targets prior to their formation. But laws have never been an impediment to grifters in Trump World. The stock immediately ran up to $175.00, which is where the now indicted investors bailed out with huge gains. The stock now sits at about $15.00.

There are good reasons for the stock’s abysmal performance. The whole enterprise is a sham that can’t grow its user base or attract advertising. Meanwhile, the reputation for illegal activity on Trump’s part has been evident in the affairs of his Truth Social disease. What follows are a just a few of the licentious legal landmarks for the illicit enterprise:

Trump Crime Syndicate: Investors Arrested for Insider Trading in Failing Truth Social Scam
Trump’s associates in his truthless, anti-social media venture were arrested and charged with insider trading. Reports indicate that “the three individuals together made more than $22 million in illegal profits.”

Trump Files Ludicrous Lawsuit Against the Washington Post for Defaming His Truth Social Scam
Trump has no basis for this suit. For one thing, he is constantly claiming that his Pravda Social is a massive success, greatly eclipsing Twitter. Also, it’s hard to defame a business that began as a fraud and went downhill from there.

Trump’s Truth Social CEO Whines that Shareholders in His Alt-Twitter Scam Are Being Wiped Out
Nunes visited Newsmax to swing open his tear ducts with mournful moaning about the catastrophic business for which he is the chief executive.

Trump Made Less than $200 on Truth Social According to His FEC Financial Disclosure
As for Trump, he was reported to own 90% of TMTG, which earned him less than $200 according to his financial disclosure. That’s hardly representative of the huge success that Trump has claimed Truth Social to be.

Trump’s ‘Truth Social’ Faces Legal and Financial Turmoil Amid Disclosures of Russian Funding
The report notes that the sources of the funding include the off-shore Paxum Bank, based in the Caribbean island nation, Dominica. It is notorious for “providing banking services for the pornography and sex worker industries, which makes it higher risk of engaging in money laundering and other illicit financing.”

Truth Social Disease: Ads on Trump’s Twitter Ripoff are Mostly Scams and Trump-Fluffing Merch
Advertisers are afraid of their ads being juxtaposed with hate speech and other noxious content. Consequently, the only advertisers who are willing to shell out are sketchy scammers, conspiracy theorists, and junk peddlers.

LOCK HIM UP: Trump’s TRUTH Social Scam is Being Criminally Investigated By a Federal Grand Jury
In addition to the Grand Jury proceedings, the SEC is investigating whether TMTG and DWAC executives improperly coordinated with each other and engaged in insider trading. They have also partnered with a Chinese firm with a dubious legal past.

As a bonus, it turns out that Trump bailed on his crooked company just weeks before subpoenas were served. He removed himself and Don Jr from the board of TMTG and is no longer named as the company’s chairman. What’s more, DWAC agreed to a settlement with the SEC that includes a finding that the company violated anti-fraud laws and will require them to pay an $18 million civil penalty when/if the deal closes. And signaling deeper problems with the SPAC’s finances, its auditor has resigned.

This is par for the course for Trump, whose businesses have a habit of failing after he and a few insiders enrich themselves before the predictable collapse. But anyone investing in a Trump enterprise shouldn’t complain when they go belly up. They should know by now that he is a scam artist who is focused solely on his welfare. And if they don’t see it, it’s because they don’t want to. That’s how cults work.

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PANTS ON FIRE: Fear Mongering Trump Lies that Hamas is ‘Pouring Into Our Once Beautiful USA’

In the week since Hamas launched its terrorist attack on Israel, Donald Trump has managed to take positions that alternately praised the terrorists as “smart” and insulted President Biden as complicit with the terrorists. It has been the sort of typically incoherent, self-serving ramblings that characterize Trump’s anti-American brand of asininity.

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

However, not content with merely disparaging America, alienating our allies, and emboldening our enemies, Trump has also been directing his diatribes toward our fellow citizens here at home. On Friday Trump posted a video on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, wherein he sought to frighten his cult disciples with nightmarish tales of an impending doom that only he can save them from. Which is a deranged decree that he has delivered many times before.

SEE ALSO: Self-Appointed Pseudo Messiah Trump Decrees that ‘Nobody Else’ But Him Can Keep Israel Safe

In Trump’s latest video he outdid himself with brazenly bald-faced lies. And the fact that he was exploiting the tragic suffering and loss in Israel for his egomaniacal glorification makes it all the more repulsive. Here is what he said with all the sincerity and credibility of a poison-laced snake oil salesman…

“The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA through our totally open southern border at record numbers. These are the same people, many of them, that did a number in Israel, a sneak attack. Same people we have pouring into our country by the thousands. Are they planning to attack within our country?

“Crooked Joe Biden and his boss Barack Hussein Obama did this to us. We cannot let this happen. They may be planning something very very bad. Don’t forget, I’m not making this as a prediction. But there’s a phrase out there: Trump was right about everything. We have to be very careful. I don’t want to be right about this. But people are pouring in from the Middle East into our country, largely males, strong young males. What’s going on over here? Are we going to be raided like Israel was raided?”

Needless to say, not a single word of that bears the slightest resemblance to reality. It is entirely intended to stoke the most severe fears and anxieties of the glassy-eyed cultists who worship him. There have been exactly zero Hamas, or any other Middle East terrorists, crossing our Southern border, which is most definitely not open.

What’s more, Trump’s frequent assertion that Obama is controlling Biden is just a manifestation of an obsession that continues to occupy his feeble brain seven years after Obama left office. And his repetitive warnings of an attack by imaginary Muslim terror cells is only going to fuel further prejudice and potential violence against innocent people.

For the record, PolitiFact addressed these remarks by Trump and found them to be “Pants on Fire” level lies…

“Terrorism experts told us that there is no evidence that Hamas, a terrorist group in Gaza, has militants crossing the Mexico-U.S. border, much less in record numbers. And a DHS spokesperson said there is no credible intelligence to signal a threat to the U.S. from Hamas.”

Furthermore, PolitiFact’s analysis of Trump’s statements over time reveal that 75% of them have been determined to be “Mostly False” “False,” or “Pants on Fire.” To anyone who has been paying attention for the past several years, that won’t come as much of a surprise. But it is nevertheless alarming that such a grotesquely dishonest, sociopathic, aspiring authoritarian is still leading the Republican Party’s race for their 2024 presidential nomination. It says all you need to know about today’s GOP, that can’t even manage to elect a Speaker of the House.


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WTF? Fox News Hosts Argue to End Trump Prosecutions Because of – Hamas Terrorism in Israel?

It has been a week since the terrorists of Hamas launched a savage surprise assault on civilians in Israel. That assault predictably led to the Israeli Defense Forces mounting a campaign to root out the perpetrators and to prevent further hostilities against innocent citizens from many countries, including the United States. It was the commencement of a conflagration that will likely produce even more tragic casualties.

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Laura Ingraham, Fox News, Goofy

Here at home, the ultra-rightist propaganda machine we know as Fox News set out to relieve the Hamas terrorists from responsibility and instead assign blame to President Biden and, more broadly, to America. The “Blame America First” brigade manufactured wholly dishonest allegations that the Biden administration was somehow responsible for the attack. Donald Trump was among the anti-America crowd with his preposterous assertion that “American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks, which many reports are saying came from the Biden Administration.” It is smear campaign so ridiculous that even a Fox News reporter shot it down.

SEE THIS: Even Fox News Exposes GOP Lies on the War in Israel and How the Party Harms National Security

Undeterred by facts or reason, shills at Fox News have escalated their traitorous tirades. And having apparently run out of their garden variety garbage, they are now stirring up cocktails of crackpottery that are absurd even by their screwball standards.

On Tuesday night’s episode of Laura Ingraham’s program, she endeavored to combine two subjects that couldn’t be farther apart. In a segment wherein she criticized President Biden for daring to speak eloquently about America’s commitment to Israel and our rejection of hate groups here at home, Ingraham spit out a puzzling and perverse argument on behalf of her Dear Leader Trump…

Biden (on video): Let’s be real clear. There is no place for hate in America.
Ingraham: Okay. Well, if he’s really against hate, then he should call a prosecutorial cease-fire against his political adversaries like the former president, and direct his DOJ and DHS to stop making conservative Americans feel like they are the enemy or like they’re the violent extremists out there.

HUH? What does Biden’s message opposing hate have to do with the prosecution of Trump on 91 felony counts for which there is abundant evidence of his guilt? Her use of the terms of war (i.e. “cease fire”) are deliberate attempts to inflame irrational outrage on the part of her cult viewers. And the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security are doing their jobs to protect Americans and hold violent lawbreakers, including Trump, accountable.

What’s more, Biden has been acting ethically in office by not interfering with the administration of justice, which Ingraham is now imploring him to do. That sort of interference and abuse of power is what Trump has explicitly promised to do if he were to be reelected. But it is contrary to the principles of law that have governed this nation since its founding.

In addition to Ingraham, Fox’s Mark Levin likewise conflated Trump’s legal tribulations with the terrorism in the Middle East. Levin made the following comments on his program, which Trump promptly quoted on his failing social media scam, Truth Social

“Meanwhile, this lowlife, Jack Smith, and his master, the lowlife attorney general, continue their fascistic campaign against Trump, even now, as it becomes crystal clear to more and more Americans that Trump brought historic peace to the Middle East while the regime has blown it up and betrayed the Israelis.”

That comment is wrong on so many levels. First of all, Trump is hiding behind Levin’s words to avoid – he thinks – being found in contempt of court for violating the order to refrain from disparaging the court’s officers. Secondly, he still has no idea what “fascism” means. Third, he is quite obviously lying about having “brought peace to the Middle East.” He is also lying about Biden having “betrayed the Israelis,” who have been profusely expressing their gratitude to Biden and America for their unwavering support.

SEE ALSO: While Fox News Bashes Biden on Israel, Netanyahu Thanks Him for His ‘Incredible Support’

Of course, both Levin and Ingraham are making no sense at all with their juxtaposition of Trump’s legal problems with the Hamas attacks. But then, when have the brazenly biased attacks by Fox News ever made any sense? That isn’t even their purpose. The only objective of the mostly incomprehensible commentaries on Fox News is to enrage their audience and incite hostilities toward Democrats. And that doesn’t require logic or facts or anything resembling reality.


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