GOP LAW? Committee Chair Says If Hunter Biden Doesn’t Testify, He Will ‘Assume’ He’s Guilty

When Republicans in the House of Representatives initiated their smear campaign against Hunter Biden, they knew that it was a political scam intended only to harm President Biden by manufacturing an election year scandal that was utterly devoid of substance. But could they possibly have known what a farce it would turn out to be?

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Republicans burning the Constitution

After a year of posturing and lying, the “investigation” by the GOP has not produced a single shred of evidence of wrongdoing by the President. To the contrary, their own witnesses have testified under oath that Hunter and his father never discussed any business or other activities that could be considered suspicious, much less illegal. The Republican chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Jim Jordan recently told Fox News that his best evidence against Biden was a witness who exonerated him. And even Fox News was already having a difficult time advancing the phony charges.

SEE THIS: WHOA! Peter Doocy of Fox News Reports that the GOP Failed to Find Any Evidence to Impeach Biden

As their campaign of lies and innuendo proceeds, it is getting even more preposterous. So much so that the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, just told CNN’s Manu Raju that he has essentially abandoned all adherence to legal principles, including those enshrined in the Constitution.

Raju sought to get a comment from Comer regarding the stalemate between Comer’s committee and Hunter Biden over a subpoena they issued to demand Hunter’s appearance for a deposition. Hunter had initially agreed to testify before Congress in a public hearing, but then Comer withdrew the offer and insisted that it be done behind closed doors. Presumably so they could lie about it, as they have done after previous private depositions. Here is what Comer told CNN:

Raju: If Hunter doesn’t show up and testify, how much harder will that make your investigation to pin anything on the President?
Comer: Well, I mean, if he doesn’t show up, then I guess we’ll just have to wrap it up without him and assume that these were bribes from foreign countries. Assume that what the bank said was true, he was money laundering, he was involved in the human trafficking ring.

And there you have it. Comer and the GOP are going to declare Hunter Biden guilty without a trial, without evidence, and without any fair deliberation. He is simply going to “convict” Hunter based on his overtly partisan assumptions. Whatever happened to the “presumption of innocence,” and being innocent until proven guilty? Republicans keep demonstrating that they couldn’t care less about the law or the Constitution.

What’s more, Comer is making up allegations, that he’s attributing to a bank, about Hunter Biden being involved with bribes, money laundering, and a human trafficking ring. None of that happened, nor did any bank say it did, and Comer knows it.

In addition to the remarks Comer made in the video clip above, he also gave Raju a few other comments that are purposefully dishonest and intended to tarnish both Hunter and President Biden. As reported by CNN

“I would vote to impeach him, but I’m not going to lose any sleep whether he gets impeached or not because we know the Senate’s not going to convict,” Comer said of the Democratic-controlled Senate. He insisted: “My job was never to impeach.”

Comer is saying both that it wasn’t his job to impeach Biden, but that he would do it anyway, despite having zero evidence. Then he said…

“We are prepared to issue subpoenas compelling Mr. Biden’s appearance at a deposition on a new date in the coming weeks” Comer wrote to Lowell.

Comer appears to be agreeing to Hunter’s request for a new subpoena for the private deposition. That should eliminate his threat to hold Hunter in contempt of Congress for not complying. But with these Republicans, who knows? They sure haven’t cared that fellow Republican members of Congress like Jim Jordan have failed to comply with subpoenas. Then Comer criticized public hearings saying that…

“The hearing for the media would be more entertainment than substantive,” Comer said. “The deposition is substantive.”

So Comer is, in effect, admitting that all of the public hearings he has previously held were merely for “entertainment” purposes. Funny, he didn’t disclose that at the time.

This is all just more proof that Republicans can’t be taken seriously. They are flagrantly dishonest and obsessively pushing falsehoods in order to malign Biden, and to pave the road ahead for their Dear Leader, Donald Trump. This is not just conventional politicking. It is malicious propaganda and anti-American. And that is, sadly, what the Republican Party has become in the Era of Trump.


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Marjorie Taylor Greene is ‘Dreaming’ of Having Evidence of Corruption Against President Biden

The Republican Party spent most of 2023 weaving whacko fantasies of felonious wrongdoing by President Biden. And the new year finds them spinning ever more of the same delusional tales of corruption and self-dealing that, if true, would have made Biden a multi-billionaire by now. That, of course, isn’t the case. But far be it for the GOP to succumb to rationality or facts.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

The Republican’s “Biden Compulsive Disorder” that is causing them to cling so fiercely to their quixotic, criminal contortions, has consumed the GOP political agenda. Which is why they have nothing to run on in this election year, other than promises of partisan retribution, terminating Obamacare, book bans, and relentless fear mongering about scary immigrants and a looming economic collapse.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Fear Mongering Lies About ‘Streets Drenched in Blood’ Reach New Depths of Depravity

Fulfilling its role as the GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News invited Marjorie Taylor Greene on to discuss the phony issue of Biden’s alleged criming. She told Maria Bartiromo that Republicans on the House Oversight Committee have “serious evidence” of a “complete unbelievable amount of corruption” that “the Democrats don’t want to admit.” She elaborated saying that…

“You know, they pitch fits and temper tantrums and claim we don’t have evidence. But the reason why they’re doing that is because they’re looking at the same evidence that we have with Jamie Raskin and other Democrats on the committee. They know what we are in possession of. They could only dream of having this kind of evidence against president Trump and his family. And they were never able to produce it because all of their attacks were lies.”

That’s quite an admission on Greene’s part. To be clear, she is affirming that the reason Democrats say that Republicans have no evidence is that they have seen what Republicans have. “They know what we are in possession of,” says Greene. Which, apparently, is nothing. So Greene is, in effect, validating what the Democrats are saying.

The fact that Republicans have utterly failed in their efforts to smear Biden was established long ago. Oversight Committee chair, James Comer has repeatedly made a fool of himself in hearings wherein his own witnesses testified that Biden had done nothing wrong.

SEE ALSO: YES OR NO? GOP Biden Basher Can’t Answer Hannity’s Question About Bogus Bribery Allegations

Meanwhile, there is abundant proof of the criminality of Donald Trump. Democrats don’t have to “dream” at all. Trump is currently facing 91 felony charges that are backed up by documents and testimony, primarily from Republicans. And these charges were not brought by Democrats, but by citizens serving on Grand Juries.

For good measure, during the same interview, Greene provided an example of her alleged evidence against Biden. Referencing telephone calls that Biden was on with his son, Hunter (about which a Republican witness testified under oath that no business was ever discussed), Greene demonstrated that she is not only a pathological liar, but now she is claiming that Joe Biden is conversing with the dead over the phone. And she thinks Democrats are dreaming?


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The GOP’s Pathetic ‘Research’ Unit Posts Endless, Bogus Clips of Biden Supposedly ‘Confused’

The Republican Party has been working tirelessly on their 2024 campaign for president of the United States. But if you think that means drafting policies or communicating with constituents, or developing strategies, you don’t know today’s Trump-obsessed, MAGA-infected, Republican Party.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Elephant

The modern day GOP is a schizoid disaster area. They have an entirely unique perspective of how to advance their political prospects. The issues that they pretend to care about – from abortion to immigration to foreign conflicts to the economy, etc. – are merely after thoughts that take a back seat to Donald Trump’s agenda of “retribution,” imaginary “witch hunts,” and compulsive blathering about past elections being “rigged and stolen.”

SEE ALSO: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

The official Twitter account for the Republican National Committee’s research unit (RNCResearch) is awash in the obtuse mangling of reality that has become the core of the GOP’s campaign blueprint for 2024. And a quick perusal of the page tells the whole story.

Among their posts just the past couple of days are two dozen that aim to malign President Biden as mentally deficient and confused. However, the problem with their efforts is that the video clips they post to prove their points invariably show Biden as knowledgeable and engaging. And some of the posts are just head-scratchers that show only how desperate the GOP is to bash Biden. For example…

After ludicrous comments like that, Republicans still want to be taken seriously? And that was just for starters. Here a few more “zingers” that the GOP seems to think will destroy any hopes that Biden has for victory in November…

“Biden’s staff isn’t letting him read his typical rambling speech today, so he’s shuffling in and out of a few local businesses instead.”

This was accompanied by a video that shows Biden making a routine stop on the campaign trail.

“A confused Biden caresses the flag before shuffling into the next business — and as hecklers call him a ‘loser.'”

This was accompanied by a video showing Biden walking into a building. He didn’t look the least bit “confused,” and there appeared to by only one heckler in the crowd, which is common for any candidate.

“Biden has one mode: confused.”

This was accompanied by a video showing Biden greeting customers in a cafe and, again, not appearing to be “confused” at all.

“Biden brings out his creepy whisper in Pennsylvania: ‘When you wanna call and check the balance on your account, they charge $30!.”

This was accompanied by a video showing Biden speaking about his progress in eliminating the “junk fees” that companies impose on consumers.

BIDEN: “You’ve got the best economy of any economy in the world right now. And that literally is true, but people turn on the television and what do you hear? Everything’s negative! Even the good stuff ends up negative! And a lot of it is negative!”

It’s hard to determine what the RNC is even upset about with this one. But it was accompanied by a video showing Biden affirming the successes of his administration, while acknowledging that there are still “negatives,” like hurricanes and war in the Middle East. He concluding by expressing his belief in “the heart and the guts of the American people.”

Leaving out the RNC’s biased and awkward captions, these video are more helpful to the Biden campaign than harmful. They show him interacting pleasantly with ordinary Americans and highlighting the work he is doing on their behalf. And by contrast, they reveal how little Republicans are doing and, therefore, have nothing to run on but silly videos like these.

In light of that, the Democratic National Committee might want to consider sending them a “thank you” note. They are already brilliantly trolling Trump on his failing social media scam, Truth Social


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Jim Jordan Tells Fox News that His Best Evidence Against Biden is a Witness Who Exonerated Him

One week into the new year and it is clear that the Republican Party remains hell bent on continuing their desperate and baseless pursuit of pseudo-scandals with which to smear President Biden and his family. They still seem to be mired in the delusion that the American people are hungering for their representatives in Congress to be working on meritless impeachments, rather than legislative initiatives that might actually improve their lives.

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Jim Jordan

To that end, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Perv) visited with Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, for a little chitchat about his efforts as chair of the House Judiciary Committee to impeach Biden. Never mind that he’s been doing this for a year now, but has failed utterly to produce any evidence, or even a coherent argument, that would justify his shamelessly partisan waste of time and taxpayer money. Instead, he and his GOP confederates have set a modern day record for laziness in legislating.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

The segment began with Bartiromo constructing a convoluted question that was rife with preconception and presumptions of guilt. That led to the following exchange…

Bartiromo: Give us your sense of what the most the damning evidence is that you have so far on Joe Biden regarding bribery potential, money laundering. These are the terms that you and your colleagues have been using. Where is the evidence, and do you believe you’re going to find more from these depositions by the end of January?
Jordan: I do, to the last question. I think the most damning evidence thus far is what we got from Devon Archer.

That’s an astonishing admission on Jordan’s part. Because when Devon Archer, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, testified before Congress, he completely contradicted everything that the Republican shills have alleged for years.

Archer testified, under oath, that Biden never discussed any business dealings or interests with Hunter Biden or anyone else. He said that he knew nothing about alleged bribes paid to the Biden family. He refuted charges that Biden sought to oust a Ukrainian prosecutor in order to benefit his son.

In short, the witness that Jordan claims provided his best evidence against Biden, actually exonerates him of every charge that the Republicans have used to slander the President. And when Jordan’s accomplice in this political character assassination, James Comer, chair of the Oversight Committee, was asked on Fox News if would be able to prove his allegations against Biden, he replied “I sure hope so.” Which is a long ways from “Yes.”

SEE ALSO: YES OR NO? GOP Biden Basher Can’t Answer Hannity’s Question About Bogus Bribery Allegations

In addition to the humiliating performance of Jordan above, he also discussed with Bartiromo the matter of Hunter Biden’s alleged failure to comply with a congressional subpoena. The truth is that Hunter did try to comply with the original request to testify in a public hearing. But when Republicans later reneged and insisted that he be deposed in a closed session, Hunter reiterated his agreement to testify publicly.

That dispute led to Republicans declaring their intention to hold Hunter in contempt of Congress. Which is hypocrisy on a grand scale considering that Jordan himself failed to comply with a subpoena from the House January 6th Committee.

Jordan’s blatant act of contempt has now gone on for more than year and a half. Yet Jordan still has the gall to complain about the Hunter subpoena on Fox News, who lies about it. Which just goes to prove that the best words to describe Fox News and the Republican party are “lies,” “hypocrisy” and “contempt.”


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Fox News Had Their Fee-Fees Hurt Because President Biden Told the Truth About Them

On the eve of the third anniversary of the January 6th insurrection incited by Donald Trump, President Biden delivered a speech that recalled the horrific and deadly storming of the United States Capitol by traitors intent on exalting Dear Leader and obstructing the peaceful transfer of power that has been emblematic of America’s two and half centuries of democracy.

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Dark Biden, Fox News

Biden’s speech (watch in full here, or read transcript here) was both a warning of the fragility of our nation’s freedoms, and a tribute to its resilience. The overarching message of the speech was one of hope and inspiration to persevere on behalf of the principles endowed to us by our founders. It was a far cry from the rancid anger, bitterness, and vengeful self-adoration of Trump’s remembrances of the day.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Uber-MAGA 2024 Campaign Message Reeks of the 3rd Reich Rhetoric of the ‘Final Battle’

Naturally, the reaction from Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda, aka Fox News, was a perverse distortion of reality. Immediately following the address, Fox’s alleged “news” anchor, Martha MacCallum, offered her decidedly biased opinion of the speech and of Biden himself. Which we’ll get to shortly. But first it is important to note that MacCallum couldn’t get through her commentary without defending Fox News from a brief mention that Biden made about the network (video below). She complained that…

“He took a couple potshots at this network, which more people in America watch than any other network in the country. So I don’t know if they feel like that represents someone who is president to all of America. So in those sections not a terribly unifying or reaching out speech here.”

First of all, Fox News is not watched by more people in America than any other network. All three broadcast networks have more viewers than Fox. And the only reason that Fox News tops the list of cable news networks is because it is has an effective monopoly on the conservative audience, while all of the other networks divide the remaining viewers.

More to the point, MacCallum’s assertion that criticism of Fox News means that Biden isn’t “president to all of America” is preposterous. Fox’s approximately three million primetime viewers are less than 1% of the nation’s population. And no political leader should feel compelled to “unify” with a small television audience comprised of extremists who believe lies so flagrant that the network settled a defamation lawsuit for 3/4 of a billion dollars for deliberately lying.

SEE ALSO: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

For the record, the “potshots” that Biden took at Fox News were accurate and well deserved. He noted correctly that “Fox News agreed to pay a record $787 million for the lies they told about voter fraud.” He further said that…

“When the attack on January 6th happened, there was no doubt about the truth. At the time, even Republican members of Congress and Fox News commentators publicly and privately condemned the attack. […] now these MAGA voices who know the truth about Trump on January 6th have abandoned the truth and abandoned democracy. They made their choice. Now the rest of us — Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans — we have to make our choice.”

Apparently Fox News regards the accurate reporting of what was actually said on the network as a “potshot.” And they are also dismayed by the factual observation that the network flip-flopped on their original analysis of the violent insurrection.

As for MacCallum’s views about the Biden speech, she was singularly focused on what she believed was Biden’s failure to unify with MAGA Republicans. As if adopting the opinions of crackpots who think he is a senile communist is an obligation that he must comply with, lest he be deemed divisive. She said that…

“He talked about how he would be President to all Americans. Which is certainly what he said when he ran, and certainly what he said in the inaugural. But based on the polling we see it’s not how a lot of Americans feel. He went a few times after what he called MAGA Americans, scowling at that entire group of people who make up – I don’t know if MAGA Americans take up half the country, but you’ve got a lot of people who don’t support this President in that.”

Based on her remarks, you have to wonder if MacCallum actually watched Biden’s speech. His references to MAGA were brief and always aimed at extremists, not ordinary Republicans, to the extent that any still exist. Here are the four actual references that Biden made to MAGA in the speech…

  • “Outside, gallows were erected as the MAGA crowd chanted, ‘Hang Mike Pence.'”
  • “In desperation and weakness, Trump and his MAGA followers went after election officials who…were doing their jobs as elected workers until Donald Trump and his MAGA followers targeted and threatened them.”
  • “Trump and his MAGA supporters not only embrace political violence, but they laugh about it. At his rally, he jokes about an intruder, whipped up by the Big Trump Lie, taking a hammer to Paul Pelosi’s skull and echoing the very same words used on January 6th: ‘Where’s Nancy?'”
  • “I promise you, I will not let Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans force us to walk away now.”

Are those MAGAs really the sort of people that MacCallum thinks Biden should reach out to and unify with? She obviously missed the part of his speech where he inclusively implored that “Now the rest of us — Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans — we have to make our choice.” Of course, it isn’t her objective, or that of Fox News, to honestly report on anything Biden does or says. But after all this time you might think that they would be better at it than this.


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Dotard J. Trump is ‘Pleased to Share’ a Report Filled with Already Debunked Election Fraud Lies

As the January 6 anniversary of the violent insurrection that Donald Trump incited approaches, Trump is still yammering that he believes it was a justified action by “patriots” who were angry that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged and stolen” from Trump. Even though he has never produced any evidence to support his utterly unfounded allegations.

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Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

Trump’s tedious obsession with the election he lost to President Biden remains uppermost on his mind despite the fact that he has lost more than 60 court cases contesting the results, and virtually everyone of his own administration’s advisors on election matters told him that there were no irregularities. They include his FBI director, Chris Wray, his DHS chief of cybersecurity, Chris Krebs, and his Attorney General, Bill Barr, who called such claims “bullsh*t.” The only people standing by Trump’s “Big Lie” are Ultra MAGA Republicans, biased right-wing media, and Vladimir Putin…

SEE THIS: Traitor Trump Posts Video of Putin Supporting Him and Attacking the ‘Rottenness’ of U.S. Politics

On Tuesday morning Trump took to his failing social media scam, Truth Social, to present another of his parlays into pure propaganda regarding his humiliating defeat in 2020. This episode consisted of three posts wherein he linked to what he called a “fully verified” report entitled “SUMMARY OF ELECTION FRAUD IN THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN THE SWING STATES,” about which he said…

Page One: “I am pleased to share a Report that is fully verified […] and compiled by the most highly qualified Election Experts in the Country.”

It will surprise no one to learn that the report was neither verified, nor compiled by experts. In fact, there were no authors identified, nor any organization taking responsibility for compiling it. It was a completely anonymous pile of rubbish. And most of it was old and had been completely debunked long ago.

Many of the claims in the 32 page document were attributed to notoriously untrustworthy, Trump-fluffing fringe characters like the Gateway Pundit, Just the News, the Epoch Times, Georgia Star News, and random videos from the rightist YouTube ripoff, Rumble. Trump continued…

Page Two: Remember, I was not campaigning – The 2020 Election was LONG OVER. What I was doing is bringing to light the fact that the Election was, without question, Rigged and Stolen. As President, and Commander-in-Chief, it was my duty to do so! […] Therefore I am entitled to Total Immunity.”

Wrong again! First of all, Trump was bringing nothing to light. Certainly not any proof of election fraud. Secondly, it is not the “duty” of the president to assess or reform the administration of elections. The Constitution places all of that within the jurisdiction of the states.

Trump falsely claimed that “I would have been in violation of my Oath of Office, and the Take Care Clause, which requires the President to ‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.'” Nope! The “Take Care” clause refers to Federal laws. None of which applied to the matters that Trump was unlawfully injecting himself into. By Trump’s definition he would be responsible for every state law from murder to jaywalking.

What’s more, Trump is clinging again to his perverse interpretation of “presidential immunity,” that he seems to think absolves him of any accountability for committing any crime. If he were right, that would give Biden the power to rig the next election, or even to treat Trump the way that Putin treats his political opponents, who seem to keep falling out of windows. And Trump continued further…

Page Three: Please study these numbers carefully […] Because the Democrats are already trying to [use] the DOJ, FBI, and local Attorney Generals and D.A.’s to go after Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent – ME.”

No amount of studying will make Trump’s numbers worthy of consideration. They come from well known discredited sources, and have been proven to lack any connection to reality. And despite his desperate and repeated attempts, Trump has never been able to associate Biden or other Democrats with the prosecutors who are trying his cases. The indictments were all brought by citizens sitting on Grand Juries.

Trump is starting the new year the same way he ended the last one: With delusions of election fraud, mired in persecution and victimhood, and fraught with fear of what the future holds for him as result of his unconstrained criminal activities. That bucket of psychoses is going to be at the heart of his presidential campaign straight through until November, if he makes it that long without winding up in a prison or an asylum.


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PHEW! Trump Says He Has Figured Out Why Biden is ‘Allowing’ Millions of Migrants Into America

The most easily predictable political tactic of the Republican Party and its rightist propaganda outlets is the traditional fear mongering and demonization of alleged “caravans” of migrants and refugees just prior to any election. It’s a problem that they mostly ignore until it’s time to frighten their flock with flagrant falsehoods of foreign invasions.

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Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

Fox News has been the most vocal disseminator of these nightmarish scenarios wherein hordes of scary brown folks are said to be marching into America bent on taking over the country. It’s a concept that was frequently pushed by former Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson.

SEE THIS: White Replacement Theory Huckster Tucker Carlson Now Says He’s ‘Not Sure Exactly What It Is’

Not to be outdone, Donald Trump has made the same allegations about immigrants plotting to wrest control of America from its rightful white superiors. Recently Trump has resorted to rhetoric that he snatched from Hitler, referring to migrants as “vermin” who are “poisoning the blood” of the nation.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Excuses Trump Quoting Hitler to Bash Immigrants Because Melania is an Immigrant

On Saturday morning Trump unleashed a flurry of posts to his failing social media scam, Truth Social. In about an hour he dropped 37 comments, mostly exalting himself or maligning his perceived enemies. Among these posts was one that addressed the immigration issue in a way that only a virulent racist like Trump can…

“It’s becoming more and more obvious to me why the ‘Crazed’ Democrats are allowing millions and millions of totally unvetted migrants into our once great Country. IT’S SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. They are signing them up at a rapid pace, without even knowing who the hell they are. It all makes sense now. Republicans better wake up and do something, before it is too late. Are you listening Mitch McConnell?”

Let’s set aside the infantile insults about “Crazed Democrats,” and obvious lies about “millions of totally unvetted migrants,” and focus on Trump’s ridiculous assertion that the reason Biden and Democrats are “allowing” migrants in is “SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.” Anyone with even a minimal grasp on reality (which leaves out the entirety of the MAGA Cult) knows that undocumented immigrants cannot, and do not, vote. Even documented immigrants can’t vote until after they have been legal residents for years and become naturalized.

Trump claims that Democrats are implementing a devious plan to alter the electorate by recruiting undocumented immigrants and are “signing them up at a rapid pace.” His evidence of that remains firmly clogged in his atrophied cranium, along with his evidence that the 2020 election that he decisively lost to Biden was “rigged and stollen.”

For the record, migrant apprehensions and expulsions at the southern border are at record highs. Which means that the Biden administration is doing a better job of policing the border than Trump did. And he’s doing it more humanely, without having to incarcerate people in cages or rip children away from their parents.

Another post by Trump about voting mentioned a study that found that “Votes Increased by Up to 8pts in States with Universal Mail-In Voting.” It linked to a right-wing website that surely misinterpreted whatever it was “reporting.” But it’s curious that Trump would promote it considering that he has long insisted that all mail-in voting is rampant with fraud.

Finally, Trump threatens his fellow Republicans, warning that they “better wake up and do something.” You’ll notice that he doesn’t say what they should do. Perhaps he thinks they should start illegally registering immigrants to vote. He’s made it clear that he has no aversion to committing crimes.

One thing we can be certain of is that he is not proposing that they do something legislatively. The GOP has opposed and obstructed every effort to pass a bipartisan immigration reform bill for years. That’s because they want the problem to exploit politically, more than they want a solution. They know that if the problem were solved they would have nothing else to talk about, except maybe Hunter Biden’s laptop.

UPDATE: Trump doubled down on his immigration idiocy with another post wherein he wishes “an early New Year’s salutation to Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Misfits & Thugs [who] are now scrambling to sign up as many of those millions of people they are illegally allowing into sour [sic] Country, in order that they will be ready to VOTE IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2024.” Is he really stupid enough to believe that illegal immigrants will be voting next year? Or is he just confidant that his dumbass cult followers will believe it? The obvious answer to both of those questions is “Yes!”.


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GOP Scandal Mongers Float a Wild New Impeachment Charge Against Biden for Talking to his Son

The Republican Party is clearly suffering from severe and debilitating delusions about President Biden. They are freakishly fixated on their bizarre and wholly unwarranted determination to implicate him for some (any) crime and to remove him office for whatever imaginary offense they manufacture.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Elephant

Republicans have held their razor-thin (and shrinking) majority in the House of Representatives for nearly a year now. And in that time they have fanatically focused on their depraved Biden obsession to the exclusion of everything else, including avoiding a debt ceiling default, funding the government, supporting allies in Israel and Ukraine, reforming immigration policy, and much more. Their BCD (Biden Compulsive Disorder) has resulted in the House breaking the modern records for inactivity and ineptitude.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

The latest fabrication from the GOP Bullsh*t Factory is a real doozy. A couple of weeks ago Hunter Biden spoke on the steps of the Capitol to inform Republicans that he was ready to testify before their committee in public hearings. But the GOP committee chairs, Jim Jordan and James Comer, refused, insisting that he be deposed behind closed doors.

The GOP’s position is predictable considering how badly they have been humiliated in their previous public hearings. Their own witnesses testified that President Biden had done nothing wrong. They only want to conduct future hearings in private so that they can lie about it afterward. And now that Hunter has called their bluff, they are inventing new allegations that make no sense at all. As reported by The Hill…

“House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) and House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) are suggesting that President Biden may have ‘engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct a proceeding of Congress’ if he knew that his son Hunter Biden planned to defy a congressional subpoena […] and said it ‘could constitute an impeachable offense.'”

WTF? This charge boils down to the GOP asserting that Biden can be impeached for the high crime of talking to his son. There is absolutely no constitutional prohibition of presidents discussing things that their children might tell reporters about pending litigation. It would be different if Biden were interfering with the Justice Department, but there is no hint of evidence of anything remotely approaching that.

Jordan and Comer are also saying that a refusal to comply with a congressional subpoena constitutes obstruction of Congress. That’s just plain preposterous. Congress is not impeded from functioning simply because a single witness disputes the validity of a subpoena and declines to testify. But if it were true, then Jim Jordan is the one who should be prosecuted. He has been refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena for over a year now. And you can add Trump flunkies Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, and Dan Scavino, to the list of those subpoena evaders who are contemptuous of Congress.

SEE ALSO: Rep Swalwell Skewers GOP Committee Chair Jim Jordan for Hypocritical Attack on Merrick Garland

To make matters worse, Comer scampered off to a right-wing cable outlet to complain about his being ignored by Hunter Biden. He whined to Newsmax that…

“I’ve told my colleagues in the Republican conference, if Hunter Biden doesn’t comply with our subpoena then we might as well throw the subpoena power away cause nobody’s gonna comply with a congressional subpoena. The fact that the Democrats used their subpoenas for political reasons, for fishing expeditions, and here we have a credible investigation where we’ve been transparent with the American people, we have mountains of evidence.”

Comer’s complaint about the value of congressional subpoenas is a little late considering all of the Republicans who have already devalued it. The difference is that Democrats didn’t cry like babies when Republicans didn’t show. Democrats presented their evidence and moved on. Republicans, however, can’t do that because they don’t actually have any evidence. Which is the reason they always end up resorting to whining so pathetically instead. What else can they do?


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On Fox News Jessica Tarlov Summarizes the Success of Bidenomics that the Media Refuses to Cover

The record of the first three years of President Biden’s administration has been remarkably productive. Even with tight margins in the Congress, Biden was able to get legislation through that boosted the economy, expanded healthcare, mitigated climate change, created jobs, and much more. All while reducing the deficit.

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Fox News, Joe Biden

By contrast, Republicans focused squarely on matters of such profound importance as personal political vendettas, fighting among themselves, and running defense for Dear Leader Donald Trump. They held countless hearings on whether to impeach Biden for crimes they couldn’t name or provide any evidence for. In their spare time they threatened to throw the nation into economic turmoil by failing to raise the debt ceiling or pass the appropriations bills necessary for the government to function.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

Despite the successes of Biden and the Democrats, they are not getting the credit they deserve for their efforts. That’s largely due to the failure of the media to report accurately about the abundant good news. They seem determined to distort reality in favor the Republicans, either because of their inherent conservative biases, or their belief that close races and conflict – even if it’s manufactured – make for better ratings.

This week, however, a bit of truth slipped through the filters in the most unlikely of places, Fox News. Jessica Tarlov, the designated liberal who alone faces four snarling conservatives on Fox’s “The Five,” was given a brief opportunity to present the case for the Democrats. And even though it was introduced with a snide dismissal by wingnut Tom Shillue, sitting in for the execrable Greg Gutfeld, it was the sort of factual summation that every news network should be reporting…

Shillue: Where do we go from here? Twenty seconds to defend the indefensible.
Tarlov: We go right back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue because we do have good economic news, but the media doesn’t want to cover it. He is correct. He shouldn’t just say you’re looking at the wrong thing. They need to communicate this better.

But we got revised third quarter GDP growth up to 4.9 percent. Unheard of. Consumer confidence went up 14 percent. Largest jump in a decade. Inflation is running at an annualized rate below Powell’s target, which is why he’s talking about a rate cut. Personal income is up. Grocery and energy prices down last month.

In the Quinnipiac poll – this part of it is really important – they did a forward-looking question, what do you think 2024 is going to be like? 48 percent said the economy is going to be better, and 62 percent think that they are going to be better off in the next year. When is the election? November 2024. Democrats, make your case. There is a case to be made.

The initial subject of the segment was Fox’s complaint that Biden made a polite request that the media report honestly about the economy. Fox’s on-screen graphics exposed their biases reading “Biden Scolds Media Over Economy” and “Biden Snaps at Media.” In reality, he good naturedly encouraged them to “Take a look” at the economy and to “Start reporting it the right way.”

Perhaps they could use as a model the way they reported economic issues during the Trump years. Here’s an example from 2017 when Trump was bragging about his abysmal record and received zero pushback from the press…

With the economy performing far better today than when Trump occupied the White House, the media continues to downplay the positive stories that the public needs to make their electoral decisions next year. Consequently, Biden is having trouble getting his approval ratings up. But this election is important for reasons that exceed the economy.

Today the nation is literally facing a choice between preserving our democracy or succumbing to the authoritarianism openly promised by Trump and the Republicans. So any aid and comfort that the media gives to Trump et al, makes them complicit with their march toward dictatorship. That’s an editorial path that the press really needs to reconsider.


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Crybaby Trump is Whining (Again) About Having a Blue Xmas – Poor Thing

On this Christmas Day, most of the American people who celebrate it are gathering with their families, exchanging gifts, and finding gratitude for their good fortune, even when circumstances might make that difficult for some. It’s a day for accentuating the positive and giving thanks.

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Donald Trump, Santa, Coronavirus

That, however, does not appear to be the situation on this holiday morning at Mar-a-Lago, the luxury resort/home of Donald Trump who, despite his trappings of wealth and privilege, remains perpetually grounded in grievance and malice. And his family seems to have completely disappeared. The angst that he is nursing today was previewed in his Christmas Eve prayer for relief from his legal liabilities…

SEE THIS: Trump’s Craven Christmas Prayer for Presidential Immunity and an End to Yuletide Witch Hunts

Now that Christmas is upon him, Trump went out of his way to deliver a message to his glassy-eyed cult followers that was fraught with the festivity that marks this Season of Joy. Or at least what Trump, in his perverse perspective, thinks is festive. He posted the following holiday greetings on his failing social media scam, Truth Social

“It’s hard to have a truly great Christmas when you have a Crooked and Incompetent President who wants to put his Political Opponent in jail, and who has been working hard (for a change!), illegally using all of the levers of Law Enforcement, to do so. We are in the fight of our lives to save our Country from MADNESS & DOOM. MAGA 2024!!!”

That’s so sad. Trump is having a hard time making Christmas great again. Which is ironic since he frequently brags that, before he came along, no one was allowed to say “Merry Christmas” at all.

As is often the case, Trump’s blather generally describes himself better than it does the targets of his seething animus. In this case, his complaint about a “Crooked and Incompetent President who wants to put his Political Opponent in jail” could not be more descriptive of Trump if it had been written by Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s crookedness is evident in the 91 felony charges that are currently pending against him. His incompetence is demonstrated in virtually everything he does, including his deadly mismanagement of the COVID pandemic; his failure to stop immigration with a vanity wall that Mexico never paid for; his never materializing infrastructure plan; likewise his nonexistent healthcare plan; his adding trillions of dollars to the national debt with tax cuts for corporations and the rich; and his three years of raging about the 2020 election being “rigged and stolen,” and promising irrefutable evidence, despite never providing a shred of his alleged proof.

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Derangement Spirals Ever Downward as He Impotently Promises to Prove His Innocence

As for Trump’s complaint about who “wants to put his Political Opponent in jail,” that’s another hallmark of Trumpism, who campaigned on locking up Clinton and went on to call for incarcerating dozens of others he regards as enemies, including the press.

Trump closes his holiday harangue by fear mongering that “We are in the fight of our lives to save our Country from MADNESS & DOOM!!! (Note the three exclamation points). What could be more in the spirit of the season than threatening to wage war on fellow Americans who he accuses of being insane harbingers of the Apocalypse? No wonder he’s finding it “hard to have a truly great Christmas.” For him it must be torture.

Nevertheless, News Corpse would like to continue its holiday tradition by presenting a musical gift that is truly inclusive and welcoming. This is for all of those who are not huddled around a dead tree today, buried in colorfully wrapped packages. It’s for the cynics who won’t accept the notion that the birth of a messenger of peace and love is an excuse to exchange material goods or fruitcakes that nobody likes.

It is for the forsaken and forlorn, the outcasts and rebels and nonbelievers who are puzzled by the greed and commercialism that permeates the season. And yes, it’s for those who still believe that peace and goodwill are morally superior to profit and oppression. So we leave you with Miles Davis and Bob Dorough performing the heartwarming traditional Christmas ballad Blue Xmas.

And Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!!!! Even the Trump-fluffers and Biden haters at Fox News…

WOW! Fox News Exposes Biden’s ‘Freak-O-Rama’ Plot to Swap Christmas Cheer with Marxist Hate

UPDATE: Trump is getting worse as the day goes on. He posted that Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco lied to ABC News when she denied that President Biden ever talked to her or Attorney General Merrick Garland about his case or Hunter Biden’s. “What a complete lie,” Trump said, “He speaks to them all the time.” Of course he has no proof of that whatsoever. It’s just his fevered imagination inventing his own lies.

He also posted a Christmas greeting to the savage dictators that he admires and prefers to Americans, saying “none of [them] are as evil and ‘sick’ as the THUGS we have inside our Country. Then, referring to the Americans, he added, “MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!” That was followed the day after Christmas by Trump again condemning to Hades his perceived enemies saying that, “Biden’s Flunky, Deranged Jack Smith, should go to HELL.” He’s clearly consumed by the fear of being convicted for his felonious acts.

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