Adam Schiff Shames the GOP for its ‘Willingness to Debase Themselves in the Service of Trump’

From its inception, the Cult of Trump has been fueled by a Republican Party that is cowardly or corrupt, or more accurately, both. They were too afraid to hold Trump accountable when they had the opportunity during his two impeachments. And ever since they have remained terrified of invoking his impotent wrath or that of his glassy-eyed disciples.

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Donald Trump, Adam Schiff

Consequently, Trump remains the leading candidate for the GOP’s presidential nomination. And most of the other candidates have promised to support him, even if he is convicted of any or all of the 91 felony counts currently pending against him in his four criminal indictments. They are so proud of their fealty to the Party’s mob boss that they made their devotion known on national television.

SEE THIS: GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House

On Sunday morning Rep. Adam Schiff was interviewed by Jen Psaki on MSNBC. And he had some pertinent points to make about the Republican embrace of purposeful and depraved lawlessness. Psaki approached the discussion with a question about the GOP’s enthusiasm for shutting down the government. She specifically referenced Marjorie Taylor Greene’s utterly inane promise to halt critical federal activities – including Social Security and veterans benefits, law enforcement, financial aid for low income families, etc. – if her colleagues refuse to go along with her obsession to impeach President Biden for no discernible reason…

Psaki: Shutting the government down has implications on the public broadly. What is your reaction to her tying a government shutdown to an impeachment inquiry?
Schiff: It just shows the extreme lengths they’ll go to carry water for Donald Trump. They’ll shut down the government. They’ll do whatever they can to initiate an impeachment of Joe Biden. And part of the motivation here, of course, is to distract from Donald Trump’s multiple indictments. Part of it is to somehow try to dilute the stain of Trump’s impeachments. But the common denominator is just this unswerving, undeniable willingness to debase themselves in the service of Donald Trump. (Emphasis added).

Indeed, debasing themselves has become a routine part of today’s Republican Party. Whether they are defending the violent January 6th insurrectionists, seeking to criminalize abortion, organizing book bannings and beer boycotts, imposing racist restrictions on voting, and as always, kissing Trump’s – let’s just say ring. Schiff then continued…

Schiff: I think that many of them would like to shut down the government anyway. This will just give them further leverage to try to shut down the government, having failed to default on the nation’s credit. Many see this as the next demonstration of their commitment to god knows what. So I fear that we are on a path to government shutdown because there are enough members of the Republican conference who want it, and Kevin McCarthy will do whatever it takes to remain Speaker one more day, or one more week. That’s his sole motivation.

Clearly Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Party has given up entirely on advocating an agenda that has any appeal to the American people. They are wholly focused on slandering Biden and his family over baseless allegations for which their evidence is so thin that even some at Fox News aren’t buying it. Meanwhile they are propping up Dear Leader Trump whose crimes are well documented and mostly affirmed by other Republicans and members of Trump’s staff. All they have left is Trump worship and Biden hatred.

SEE ALSO: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

Democrats, on the other hand, are delivering for the American people on matters of great importance, including jobs, reducing drug and healthcare costs, restoring the nation’s infrastructure, supporting abortion rights, mitigating climate change, and defending democracy around the world. It’s a platform that broad majorities of the public support in principle. Democrats just need to better connect the dots between their popular policies and their President. Then let Republicans continue to sabotage their own electoral prospects by clinging to their abhorrent agenda and a soon-to-be convicted criminal candidate.


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Trump Chickens Out of the Fox News GOP Debate, Will Be Fluffed By Tucker Carlson Instead

The first debate for the 2024 Republican nomination for president will be televised on August 23, on Fox News. It is sure to be rip-snoring affair with the likes of Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Tim Scott providing the GOP juice. Only Chris Christie is likely to wake the audience up from time to time.

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Donald Trump, Chicken

A major disappointment for Fox News and the Republican National Committee, who are sponsoring the debate, is the news that Donald Trump will not be participating. They made a full court press to persuade the former guy to play along, even jetting down to Mar-a-Lago for in-person begging. All to no avail as Trump is now reported to have officially bowed out. Although it was fairly predictable considering Trump’s animosity toward his GOP challengers, and even more so, toward Fox News…

SEE THIS: Trump Goes on Psycho-Rant Accusing Fox News of Sabotaging Him with Bad Pictures and Polls

Consequently, Trump has decided to take a stab at upstaging the debate by scheduling an interview with ex-Fox News Trump-fluffer, Tucker Carlson, at the same time. It’s his way of chickening out of having to address his four criminal indictments and 90+ felony counts. However, this feeble attempt at counter-programming is a strategy that’s likely to fail since Carlson’s reach on his new Twitter “show” has been sinking like a stone. And to make matters worse, he has received a “cease and desist” letter from Fox News asserting that he is in breach of his contract.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Sends Tucker Carlson a Letter to Cease and Desist From His Twitter Rant-Cast

Undeterred, Trump and Carlson are pressing forward with their political performance. Rest assured that Trump’s legal problems will not be covered in any substantive way. They will both babble about weaponized justice, corrupt prosecutors, and election interference. It will be interesting to see how they try to pretend that they got more viewers than the Fox News debate, even though “views” on Twitter are counted when anyone just scrolls past a video without watching it all.

It’s not as if anyone would be compelled to sit through a Trump/Carlson interview because something unexpected or newsworthy might happen. The whole program could be summarized beforehand as being filled with friendly or leading questions, and tediously incoherent replies that are unrelated to reality. In short, Carlson will suck up, and Trump will dodge and lie.

Meanwhile, over on Fox News, the rest of the GOP roster will be struggling to grab some attention without offending Dear Leader Trump in absentia. They will take some swipes at each other, while tip-toeing around the orange elephant that isn’t in the room. Except for Christie, who will be spitting into the windbags surrounding him, and getting booed by the in-studio audience of Trump cultists. But at least he will offer some dramatic friction.

I’m going to predict that neither Trump’s cavorting with Carlson, nor Fox’s formal fare, will break any records for viewership. There really isn’t much need for anyone to watch either live. America can catch up on what happened in post-program soundbites, that will probably still be too long and dull. The nation already knows what they will say, because they’ve said it all before. And wasn’t of any importance the first (or fiftieth) time.


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Squeaker McCarthy Just Wants to Help Biden Clear His Name – From the GOP’s Vile Lies About Him

From the first day that the Republicans became the majority party (barely) of the House of Representatives, they have pursued the agenda that they believe fulfills the hopes and dreams of the American people: Endless phony investigations of Democrats and baseless impeachments of President Biden and much of his Cabinet (per Shadow GOP House Speaker Marjorie Taylor Greene).

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Kevin McCarthy, House Speaker (Squeaker)

Republicans have not even pretended to be interested in the issues they ran on (prohibiting abortion, racist immigration policies, tax cuts for the rich, befouling the planet, and “wokism,” whatever that is). Perhaps that’s because the American people oppose all of their positions on those issues. Consequently, the GOP has steadfastly clung to a plan of action that consists solely of attacking Biden and other Democrats.

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

Leading this pack of congressional malcontents is GOP House Squeaker, Kevin McCarthy. He assumed that position after a record fifteen votes, during which he was forced to make deeply unethical promises to the fringiest faction of his caucus. As a result, McCarthy now has to agree to the demands of crackpots like Greene, and Matt Gaetz, and Lauren Boebert, in order to keep his speakership. And the crackpot contingent is demanding that President Biden be impeached. Never mind that they haven’t got a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing.

On Monday McCarthy went on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program to engage in more of his manufactured mud slinging. It was a repeat performance of the slander that he and his GOP flunkies have been spreading for several months. However, he attempted to put a softer sheen on his bullsh*t, probably because he knows that none of it is true. He rambled…

“The Biden family created twenty shell companies while he was Vice-President. […] If you have an attorney general who says one thing and an IRS whistleblower coming forward and saying something else, you want to know who’s lying and what’s the information.”

Well, we already know who’s lying. It’s McCarthy. He has no evidence whatsoever of Biden having any shell companies. Nor does ha have any reason to question the honesty of Attorney General Merrick Garland. As for the so-called IRS “whistleblower,” he has a spotty reputation and nothing to back up his allegations. McCarthy went to say…

“When you move to an impeachment inquiry, it empowers Congress, Republicans and Democrats, within their subpoena, to be able to get the answers they need. Because we have found, time and again, we haven’t seen anything like this since the Nixon administration. Using the government to shut down any time we had a question. I would think the Biden family would want to clear their name.”

In the same breath McCarthy blatantly contradicts himself, saying that he wants an impartial impeachment inquiry, but that he hasn’t “seen anything like this since the Nixon administration.” Which is a bizarre comparison, considering that there is nothing remotely similar about Nixon’s documented crimes, and the unfounded allegations against Biden that McCarthy is yammering about. Also, McCarthy’s fake impartiality is exposed in a tweet he posted immediately after the video above, wherein he has already convicted Biden, saying falsely that “We know President Biden has lied about his own involvement in a pay-to-play scheme.”

What’s more, McCarthy’s contention that “the Biden family would want to clear their name,” is preposterous. Why should Biden be forced to prove his innocence, particularly for the lies that Republicans have been telling about him? Maybe Republicans should stop lying instead. And maybe McCarthy should be more concerned about name clearing for Donald Trump, about whom there are mountains of evidence of serious crimes. On second thought, that would be an entirely futile endeavor since Trump’s name is so badly stained already that it is beyond redemption.

SEE ALSO: UH-OH: Even Fox News Rejects the GOP’s ‘Evidence’ to Impeach Biden as ‘Completely Unverified’

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Trump Has Made His Decision to Chicken Out of the First GOP Primary Debate on Fox News

The roster of candidates for the 2024 Republican nomination for president is surprisingly long considering that the former GOP White House occupant is a candidate himself and is trouncing his rivals in the polls. That’s an indication that trouble is brewing for Donald Trump, and his party cohorts are willing to exploit it.

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Donald Trump TV Set

Trump’s troubles are Titanic in scope. He has already been indicted on more than seventy felony counts ranging from violations of the Espionage Act, to paying hush money to a porn star, to obstruction of justice. And that isn’t counting the probable new charges related to his inciting the January 6th insurrection and staging an anti-democratic coup.

RELATED: Trump is OUTRAGED He Wasn’t Indicted Years Ago, While Desperately Trying to Delay His Trials

In the midst of this political apocalypse, the Republican Party is preparing for the the first presidential primary debate. It will be held August 23, and broadcast on Fox News. The candidates that have met the criteria for participation so far are Trump, Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Doug Burgum. Which is not exactly anyone’s idea of an electoral “A” list.

In what must be a humiliating descent into obscurity, Mike Pence has yet to qualify. For his part, Trump has been teasing for weeks that he would not join the contest for America’s Biggest Loser. Why should he, since he already won that title in 2020? However, Trump’s foremost motivation for missing the debate is fear. He has always proven to be afraid of participating in any event that he doesn’t control. That’s why all of his appearances are either on friendly MAGA media or at his own cult rallies.

SEE ALSO: Trump Previews His Excuses for Chickening Out of the Fox News Republican Primary Debate

On Monday morning Trump posted a comment on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that appears to put to rest the speculation about whether he would have the guts to debate his GOP peers. The post said simply…

“Let them debate so I can see who I MIGHT consider for Vice President!”

Notice that he refers to letting “them” debate, explicitly separating himself from the rabble. And his only interest in the affair is that it might serve as a casting call for his vice-president, were he to become the nominee. Which, given his legal peril, is not a foregone conclusion. Also, does anyone think that Trump would actually consider Ron DeSantis or Chris Christie as possible running mates?

The madness of Trump was also evident in other comments he posted. For instance, he alt-tweeted his prediction of more criminal charges saying that “I assume that an Indictment from Deranged Jack Smith and his highly partisan gang of Thugs…will be coming out any day now.” And he slandered President Biden by asserting with zero evidence that “Crooked Joe Biden stole Millions and Millions of Dollars from China.”

Perhaps the most pitiful display of ignorance was his failure to comprehend double jeopardy. He clearly doesn’t grasp the difference between an impeachment and an indictment when he claims that it is “ridiculous” for special counsel Jack Smith to charge him because he has already “been fully acquitted, in the U.S. Senate.” And for the record, a bipartisan majority of 57 senators voted to convict Trump of crimes related to his role in the January 6th insurrection, which was shy of the 67 needed for passage.

No wonder Trump is to scared to show up for the debate. He would have to account for his multitude of criminal offenses, along with his record of incompetence, corruption, and chaos, as the alleged president. And while most of the candidates on the stage are just as cowardly as Trump – they still refuse to openly attack him at the risk of angering his cult – he would still have to face occasional criticism (i.e. from Chris Christie) that he would be incapable of responding to coherently.

What’s more, Trump’s fear also extends to Fox News as the host of the debate. His dysfunctional relationship with the network infamous goes back many years. So perhaps it’s for the best that he’s too scared to show. He can only make things worse if he does.

SEE THIS: Trump To Be Interviewed on Fox News, the Network He Says is ‘Dead, Totally Fake, Unwatchable’

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GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

The mission of the Republican Party to eviscerate the economy has been evident for months. Their intention is to cause the American people to suffer painful hardships in order to boost GOP electoral prospects in 2024. It’s an immoral and insensitive tactic that exposes their commitment to cruelty as a political weapon.

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Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy

Just two months ago, Republicans tried to hold the nation hostage with threats of defaulting on the national debt, which would have thrown the country – and the world – into a severe recession or worse. President Biden masterfully guided them into a negotiated compromise that avoided the devastating default. In the process he also got an agreement to fast-track the spending bills that would shortly be coming up for votes in the House.

RELATED: Squeaker McCarthy Desperately Lies About the Debt Ceiling Deal to Save His Shaky Speakership

All of that has apparently now been abandoned by Republicans. In a press conference on Tuesday, GOP House leaders appeared to be reneging on their prior agreements in order to squeeze Democrats for concessions on contentious, non-financial issues such as abortion, immigration, and equality.

Setting aside the GOP’s flagrantly bad faith in breaking previous promises, they also admitted to the sort of heinous intentions that would ordinarily never be mentioned out loud. Rep. Bob Good is a member of the ultra-MAGA House Freedom Caucus and chairman of the Health, Environment, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee. He came to the podium to discuss the prospect of a government shutdown, and to let the nation know precisely what Republicans think of the work they are doing allegedly on behalf of the American people…

“We should not fear a government shutdown. Most of what we do up here is bad anyway. Most of what we do up here hurts the American people, when we do stuff to the American people while promising to do things for the American people.”

Really? This is a leader of the Republican Party in the House confessing that the GOP is affirmatively (purposefully?) hurting people. They are the majority party, albeit by a small margin, and it is their policies that are brought up for votes on the House floor. But in Good’s opinion, those policies are detrimental and the country would be better off without them. It’s hard to disagree with him on that.

This is Good’s explanation for why a government shutdown should not be feared. He went on to say that “Essential operations continue,” and that “Most Americans won’t even miss if the government is shut down temporarily.” Sure, if you aren’t counting the millions of Americans who rely on government services related to everything from building permits, to interstate and international travel, to financial aid, to veterans benefits, to tax information and filing.

What’s more, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the last government shutdown cost the country $11 billion. But fortunately, not a single member of Congress lost a dime. Their salaries and perks were paid throughout the shutdown.

It will be interesting to see if House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy goes along with the radical right-wing fringe of his party. He has done so almost entirely in the few months that he has been in his post. That’s because he’s so afraid that his own members will turn on him and vote him out of the speakership if he is less than wholly submissive. He’s even hinting that he’ll go along with efforts to impeach President Biden, despite the total absence of any evidence of wrongdoing.

SEE ALSO: GOP Rep Tells Fox News He Would ‘Probably’ Impeach Biden for – Um – Zero Evidence of Any Crime

All the GOP has left at this point are threats to tank the economy, attacks on the Biden family, and boycotts of Barbie, Mickey Mouse, and light beer. Because that’s what they think the public wants from their representatives in Washington. That should work out well for them in next year’s elections.

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The Republican Party’s Desperate Smears of President Biden are Getting Even More Pathetic

It is getting harder and harder to be a lying Republican propagandist these days. The success of Bidenomics is narrowing the field of criticisms that the GOP can purposefully twist into perversions of reality. Inflation is down, Gas prices are down. Wages are up. Unemployment is at record lows. The trade deficit is declining. Manufacturing is booming.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Titanic

What’s a Republican spinmeister to do? Their efforts to malign President Biden and other Democrats have not only failed to unearth the slime they have hoped for, they have actually wound up sliming themselves.

SEE THIS: Fox News and GOP Hack Launch Feeble Attack on Biden’s Family Values that Backfires Abominably

As the indictments for their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, continue to accumulate, Republicans are venturing ever farther into an abyss of crackpottery. Recall that Trump previously insisted that any candidate under felony indictment “has no right to be running.” Among the cretins who have sought to cast aspersions on Biden is Fox News Senior Trump-fluffer, Sean Hannity. Having nothing of substance with which to attack the President, Hannity resorted to playing a video of Biden walking spritely up an airplane stairway. But Hannity augmented the clip with his comically absurd, “Whoopsie daisy” narration saying that Biden had tripped, when he obviously did not…

Elsewhere at Fox News, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends tried to belittle Biden’s impressive fundraising as something less than the profound success that it is…

Will Cain: There’s been a bit of a coronation! I think that’s fair to say. Coronation may be the right word, but there is no debate. There will literally be no debate over who the Democratic nominee for president will be.

Nicole Saphier: Let’s actually put it into context. Sure. Joe Biden has raised $72 million to this point, but in 2019, Trump raised 105 million at this point.”

First of all, rarely does an incumbent president have a primary opponent or debate. And the only Democratic names that have surfaced to date are new age guru, Marianne Williamson, and Steve Bannon’s meat puppet, RFK Jr. So that’s a manufactured controversy that Fox News is obsessing over.

Notice that the Foxies aren’t saying anything about the fact that Trump has been hinting that he may not participate in any Republican primary debates, even though he has at least a dozen challengers, including senators and governors and even his own former VP. And Trump isn’t an incumbent. He’s just a straight up coward.

SEE ALSO: Trump Previews His Excuses for Chickening Out of the Fox News Republican Primary Debate

What’s more, Biden’s fundraising totals that Fox News is cavalierly dismissing are twice what Trump has raised. But Fox tries to compare that to what Trump raised three years ago, as if that has some relevance here. The only point that they have succeeded in making is that Trump’s fundraising has declined 30% since 2019. Nice work Fox.

Finally, the Republican National Committee joined in the desperation parade of ludicrous Biden complaints. They tweeted a video of Biden boarding his helicopter for a trip to Camp David.

The RNC was apparently bothered that, unlike Trump, Biden doesn’t have a diseased ego that requires him to be in the media 24/7, and taking questions every time he leaves the White House. The RNC also complained that Biden didn’t salute the Marine stationed at the helicopter. Of course, presidents are civilians. They have no military rank and are not required or expected to return salutes.

The RNC also brazenly lied about the purpose of Biden’s trip and his vacation schedule. Camp David is not a summer camp. It is a Navy military facility that is fully equipped to conduct any presidential business. Biden has spent far less time on “vacation” than Trump, and the few times that he has vacationed, he wasn’t enriching himself with taxpayer dollars at his own golf resorts.

The Frenzy of farcical fiction by the GOP is off the charts ridiculous. But it isn’t surprising. They have demonstrated that they couldn’t care less about the issues that matter to the American people, and they are wholly devoted to advancing asinine assertions that emanate from their sickly psyches. They are frantically ignoring the vast improvements made in the past two years, because they are rooting for America to fail. Their entire mission is to harass Democrats and lie to their cult followers. They have pretty much admitted it explicitly.

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

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GOP INQUISITION: Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants 500 ‘Potential Suspects’ Drug Tested for Cocaine

In what Republicans and Fox News have deemed to be the “Crime of the Century,” a small amount of cocaine was found in a heavily trafficked area of the White House. Naturally, the knee-jerk response from the right has been to accuse – without proof – President Biden and/or his family, of being responsible for defiling the otherwise pure presidential sanctum.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Vladimir Putin

This is typical of the GOP’s administration of “justice.” They engage in tedious and interminable shouting fits that malign the President and Democrats, despite not having a smidgen of evidence to support their wild accusations. It’s what the Republicans are presently doing in the House of Representatives by staging frequent and pointless hearings intended only to spread derogatory disinformation about their political foes.

RELATED: GOP Holds Another Hearing to Berate the FBI, Ends Up Exposing Trump’s ‘Cesspool of Corruption’

On Thursday the Secret Service completed their investigation of the cocaine matter and concluded that there wasn’t the necessary evidence to identify the culprit who brought the substance into the White House…

“‘No fingerprints or DNA turned up on the baggie of cocaine found in a lobby at the White House last week.’ The Secret Service said: ‘Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered.'”

Within minutes, the Republican Shadow Speaker of the House, Marjorie Taylor Greene, was giving a press conference to cast aspersions on the President, the Secret Service, and the FBI. She told the gathered reporters that…

“[The Secret Service] were able to narrow down a list of approximately 500 people that had left a small bag of cocaine. […] It makes no sense to me whatsoever why they would not follow through on one simple task, and that is to drug test a list of 500 people that they have that are potential suspects for this. […] This was a failure of this investigation.”

This is mind-bogglingly dumb on so many levels. First of all, it is not an investigatory achievement to “narrow down” a list of prospective suspects to a mere 500. That would be an unwieldy batch of persons for any police department to probe. What’s more, it wasn’t narrowed down. It was actually the entire accounting of everyone who had gone in and out of the area over the days in question.

Nevertheless, Greene’s proposal to drug test every one of them is absurd. Setting aside that it could be a violation of their 4th and 5th Amendment rights, it wouldn’t prove anything. Even it there were positive results for cocaine, it wouldn’t mean that they brought any into the White House. They might have been exposed at a party the day before. And there are some prescription meds that can produce false positives.

However, the most troubling aspect of Greene’s proposal is that it represents a horrifying expansion of government tyranny over presumed innocent people. Forcing 500 people who have done nothing wrong to undergo involuntary drug testing is the sort of oppressive overreach that Republicans like to pretend they are against. It would be the sort of heavy-handed behavior of an autocratic regime that denies civil rights.

Greene is also profoundly hypocritical. She is among the Republicans who regarded the Department of Justice search of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort/residence as an affront to his civil liberties, despite their having obtained a search warrant after demonstrating to a judge that there were legal grounds for the search. And they subsequently found the classified documents they were looking for, after Trump had lied about having them.

Speaking of Trump, he has also been making preposterous allegations about the cocaine belonging to President Biden and/or his son, Hunter. He told a MAGA video blogger that…

“In my opinion it’s Hunter and probably Joe, because, you know, you watch Joe at the beginning of his speech and he’s got a little life. Not much, but he’s got a little life. By the end of the speech he’s a disaster. He can’t even find his way off the stage. So there’s something going on there.”

Trump, an alleged Adderall abuser, may know something about juicing his public performances. However, his description of Biden’s speeches is wholly disconnected from reality. And his perverse conception of justice was reflected this week when he advocated the death penalty for Hunter Biden for not paying his taxes. These are the sort of people who are now yammering about how to respond to the discovery of a small amount of cocaine. If Biden ran his Justice Department by Trump and Greene’s standards, Trump would have been in shackles in Gitmo a long time ago.


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GOP Holds Another Hearing to Berate the FBI, Ends Up Exposing Trump’s ‘Cesspool of Corruption’

FBI director Christopher Wray appeared before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday to respond to Republican yowling about the agency’s investigations into Donald Trump and his ever growing rap sheet of crimes. The former occupier of the White House has already been indicted on over 70 counts ranging from obstruction of justice to mishandling classified documents.

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Jim Jordan, Biden's Emails

The Judiciary Committee, chaired by ultra MAGA minion, Jim Jordan, is seeking to slander the FBI for allegedly “weaponizing” the Department of Justice and persecuting poor beleaguered Dear Leader Trump. This is an objective that Jordan and the GOP have been attempting to pursue, with decidedly disastrous results, ever since assuming their bare majority in the House.

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

The hearing on Wednesday provided Democrats an opportunity to counter the dishonest Republican narrative that federal law enforcement was conspiring to destroy Trump and his anti-American MAGA movement. Among the Democratic representatives who availed themselves of this opportunity was California Rep. Ted Lieu. His well composed litany of the cretinous nature of the Trump administration was both informative and chilling. And he made his points simply by asking Wray a series of simple questions…

  • Trump adviser Roger Stone was convicted in a federal court, correct?
  • Trump donor Elliott Broidy was convicted in a federal court, correct?
  • Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was convicted in federal court, correct?
  • Trump’s former deputy campaign manager Rick Gates was convicted in federal court, correct?
  • Trump’s campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos was convicted in federal court, correct?

Lieu actually left out a few of Trump’s most conspicuous criminal cohorts, including Rudy Giuliani, Jeff Clark, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Tom Barrack, Michael Flynn, and Allen Weisselberg. However, he delivered a succinct summary that put the criminality of Trump’s tenure in perspective…

“What these facts show is that we don’t have a two-tier system of justice. We have one Department of Justice that goes after criminals regardless of party ideology. All of these folks were convicted under the administrations of three separate Republican attorneys general (Jeff Sessions, Matt Whitaker, and Bill Barr). It is not the fault of the FBI that Donald Trump surrounded himself with criminals. Donald Trump brought that on himself. Thank you to the FBI for exposing the cesspool of corruption of these Trump associates.”

And therein lies the root of the problem that Republicans have with law enforcement. Even when their own officials – including Wray himself, a Trump appointee – administer justice fairly and without political bias, Republicans will revolt if their own members are found to be crooks. That’s because they care more about their grip on power than about their country.

The undisputed champion of this malicious mauling of American justice is, of course, Trump himself. From his earliest campaign chants of “lock her up” directed at Hillary Clinton who had never been convicted or even charged with a crime, to his recent lament that Hunter Biden wasn’t executed for using drugs and not paying his taxes. Trump complained on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that U.S. Attorney David Weiss (another Trump appointee) was a “coward” because he let Hunter off with “a traffic ticket instead of a death sentence.” But to the GOP it is Democrats who are “weaponizing” justice. And they will continue to hold these sham hearings even though they inevitably just humiliate themselves.

RELATED: Scared and Desperate Trump Begs Congress to Save Him From the Meanies Prosecuting His Crimes

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Fox News and GOP Hack Launch Feeble Attack on Biden’s Family Values that Backfires Abominably

The desperation of Fox News – and the Republican Party for which it shills – is sinking to ever lower efforts to denigrate Democrats, and especially President Joe Biden. But their increasingly pathetic stunts are belly-flopping and serve only to further humiliate themselves.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Friends

It’s somewhat understandable that they are failing so miserably at their core mission to malign their political foes. Biden has conducted his presidency with dignity and respect for the office and the law. Consequently, Republicans and Fox News have nothing of substance with which to smear him. So naturally, they resort to their standard methods of baseless insinuations, crackpot fabrications, and outright lies. All of which is in stark contrast to Donald Trump’s practice of shameless immorality and commission of serial felonies.

SEE THIS: Donald Trump: Presidential Candidates Under Felony Indictment Have ‘No Right to Be Running’

This week on Fox News, anchor Rachel Campos-Duffy sat in for Tucker Carlson’s replacement, Jesse Watters, and proceeded to validate her role as a qualified Carlson/Watters stooge. In a segment focused on fake allegations of improprieties by Biden, Campos-Duffy hyperbolically declared that the President was responsible for “the biggest political scandal in modern history, as far as I’m concerned.” What was she talking about? Who knows. It hardly matters as there were no facts – or anything resembling reality – associated with it.

Campos-Duffy’s guest was the Republican chair of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer. He has been on a crusade to disparage Democrats and Biden ever since assuming his chairmanship. Suffice to say that it hasn’t been going well for him. His alleged “proof” of criminal activity has failed to materialize. And star witnesses have literally disappeared.

SEE ALSO: HOW CONVENIENT: GOP Oversight Committee Chair Says He Can’t Find His Star Witness Against Biden

The discussion between Campos-Duffy and Comer devolved into a lame attack on Biden’s family values. Unfortunately for them, what they presented as evidence of his unfitness as a role model were actually character assets that most Americans admire. After declaring that “the president is the last person who should be preaching to Americans about family values,” Comer put forth his key argument, saying that…

“To listen to Joe Biden talk about family values — or to listen to Joe Biden talk about criminal justice reform… where he wants to hire more IRS employees to go after tax cheats or have more gun laws to go after people that possess firearms. And his own son pled guilty to two tax evasion charges and one [count of] illegal possession of firearms. This is a terrible example of leadership in the White House.”

With regard to Comer’s comments about the IRS, he was referring to the Democrats’ budget that allocated $80 billion dollars to the agency. Republicans have falsely spun that into a fearsome lie that it would fund 87,000 armed IRS agents who would terrorize hapless and innocent Americans. The truth is that it would fund some agents who could be tasked with insuring that the wealthy don’t get away with tax evasion, which most Americans support. But mostly it would provide for other agency personal engaged in everything from administration to customer service.

With regard to Comer’s comments about criminal justice, he was referring to Biden’s efforts to reduce gun violence and the horrific plague of mass shootings with assault-style weapons. Which is another agenda item that most American’s are in favor of.

What makes Comer’s remarks particularly ludicrous is that they are actually arguments that support Biden’s commitment to family values. He is implying that there is something untoward about Biden providing funding for the IRS while his son Hunter recently pleaded guilty to not paying his taxes on time. But that actually shows that Biden is supportive of holding people accountable for paying their taxes, including his own son.

Likewise, Comer’s implication of nefarious intent regarding strengthening gun regulations, even though Hunter was found to have violated them, proves that Biden is committed to equal justice under the law, even if it means holding his son to account.

In other words, everything that President Biden did and said was an honorable expression of both social and family values. Yet somehow, Comer didn’t realize that even as he was saying it. Perhaps that’s because Comer himself is such an inappropriate role model. After all, he still has never explained the allegations by his former girlfriend who says that he abused her and forced her to get an abortion. But never mind those credible allegations when Republicans like Comer are so fixated on demonizing Biden…

SEE THIS: Trump’s GOP is Morphing Hunter Biden Into an Evil Cartoon Villain to Deflect From January 6th

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GOP Reactions to the Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling Affirms Bias for the Privileged

Just days after the Supreme Court unexpectedly ruled against the Independent State Legislature theory that would have allowed politicians to take control of the electoral process and usurp the will of voters, they have reverted to form by banning Affirmative Action in college admissions.

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Like their decision last year to overturn Roe v. Wade, this decision rolls back precedents that have been in place for half a century. The conservative majority on the court concluded that considerations of race were a violation of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution and that any need to balance systemic racism in American society today was no longer necessary.

How they came to that conclusion is a mystery considering the prevalence of prejudice that is apparent to everyone except these right-wing Justices. Particularly Clarence Thomas who is a beneficiary of Affirmative Action, as well as Affluent Action via gifts/bribes from his wealthy friends.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Blacks Out Story of Clarence Thomas Secretly Taking Luxury Gifts From GOP Billionaire

It’s easy to assess the impact of this decision by simply observing the reactions from Republicans, who have been celebrating it enthusiastically. Let’s begin with Donald Trump, who is largely responsible since he appointed three of the Justices who decided it…

“This is a great day for America, People with extraordinary ability…are finally being rewarded. [and that] We’re going back to all merit-based.”

He’s right about one thing. We are “going back” to an era when discrimination was engaged in openly and without consequence. Although it’s funny to hear Trump exalt the Supreme Court that he recently complained had “lost its honor” when they ruled that his tax returns could be turned over to Congress

“Why would anybody be surprised that the Supreme Court has ruled against me, they always do! […] The Supreme Court has lost its honor, prestige, and standing, & has become nothing more than a political body, with our Country paying the price. They refused to even look at the Election Hoax of 2020. Shame on them!”

Clearly Trump can’t recall from one day to the next what he’s outraged or elated about. And then there’s GOP House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy who said that…

“The Supreme Court just ruled that no American should be denied educational opportunities because of race. Now students will be able to compete based on equal standards and individual merit.”

Never mind that the academic standards have always been equal. Affirmation Action only applied after the student’s merits were already established. And then there’s Rep. Lauren Boebert…

“Affirmative Action is unconstitutional and has always been unconstitutional. This country should only be based on merit, not racism.”

This utopian view is often presented by conservative racists who like to pretend that there is no racism. And then there’s Rep. Ronny Jackson…

“THANK YOU to President Trump for nominating justices who ENDED affirmative action & institutional racism in college admissions. College admissions should be based on MERIT ALONE.”

He believes that the policies implemented to mitigate racism are racist themselves. And then there’s Rep. Matt Gaetz…

“Artificial diversity and race-based college admission regimes have been usurped; meritocracy is once again king.”

That’s more of the same phony whining about diversity, which they regard as anathema to their white supremacist agenda.

What all of these unabashed bigots have in common, besides their prejudice, is hypocrisy. While they yammer incessantly about merit-based admissions, they never complain about students who get admitted because they are legacies or have family that makes large donations to the school of their choice. The wealth or academic past of a student’s parents has absolutely nothing to do with with that student’s merits.

If merit were truly an issue, these Republicans should be clamoring for an end to such admissions. But they aren’t, and they won’t. Because their real motivation is pure, unadulterated racism. Which is further evident in their opposition to President Biden’s remarks about the Court’s ruling, wherein he set the record straight about Affirmative Action. He noted that it does not require colleges to admit students who are not qualified, but that qualification standards must be met before the consideration of other factors such as race.

No matter how they try to disguise it, the racism of the Republican Party is exposed by their own words and actions. And that will continue for the foreseeable future. However, the racism demonstrated by the Supreme Court does not have to be tolerated. By voting for Democrats in Congress and the White House we can reform the Court’s policies and personnel. And decisions like the one today make that all the more imperative.

RELATED STORY: Tucker Carlson is APPALLED By All the Black Women Biden Appointed to Federal Courts – Illegally?

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