Marjorie Taylor Greene Opposes ‘Communists Controlling Our Government,’ Except for Putin?

The ignorance of the Trump cult is something that is put on display daily by its most devoted disciples and proponents. Their own arguments are so painfully devoid of reason that it often seems useless to try to rebut them. But leaving them unchallenged is an even worse option.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Vladimir Putin

Leading the this assault on intelligent discourse is the ever faithful StormTrumper, Marjorie Taylor Greene. She has made it her mission to serve as the Republican Party’s Chief Apologist and Asswipe for Donald Trump. And no one can dispute her allegiance to that assignment.

SEE THIS: Adam Schiff Shames the GOP for its ‘Willingness to Debase Themselves in the Service of Trump’

On Sunday Greene spoke out on behalf of her Dear Leader to praise a court ruling that she thinks prohibits President Biden and the Democrats from responding to the flagrant disinformation that is dispensed by Trump and his GOP propaganda machine. Her remarks in a tweet referenced the decision by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that actually narrowed a prior ruling.

Greene: “The Communist Democrats abuse their power and violate the rights of Americans in order to achieve their agenda. Their ends always justify their means. We cannot continue as a free society with Communists controlling our government.”

It has become routine for Trumpy Republicans to exhibit their idiocy by proudly demonstrating that they have no idea what the words “communism, socialism,” and “fascism” mean. They regularly misuse these terms in attempts to insult Democrats and President Biden. However, if you were to ask them to define the terms, it is sure bet that they would not be able to. Just the fact that they think that fascism is synonymous to the other terms is proof of their flaming illiteracy.

What’s more, there is nothing that remotely aligns the Democrats views about this court ruling with communism. To the contrary, Democrats are staunch supporters of free speech and a free press, which Trump maligns as “the enemy of the people.” And only Trump and the GOP have ever actually threatened to “shut down” social media.

If Greene is looking for a prominent politician who embraces communism, she need look no further than her mango messiah, Trump. His infatuation with Russian war criminal, Vladimir Putin, and his love letters with North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un, and his admiration for China’s Xi Jinping, show who the true commie lover (or at least totalitarian tyrant) is.

For the record, the court decision that Greene is celebrating is a conservative appellate ruling that strikes down part of an even more conservative ruling that prohibited the Biden administration from interacting with social media. It was triggered by requests that federal agencies made to Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter to consider taking down disinformation about COVID and election integrity. These were clearly requests – not demands – that anyone is entitled to make, even the government. In fact, the government is duty bound to make such requests when dangerously wrong data is found to be circulating.

The original ruling was preposterous and overbroad, as the appellate court stated. But even the appellate court’s mitigation was out of line, and their decision is likely to be appealed as well. The Department of Justice responded that it “will evaluate its options,” and elaborated saying that…

“This administration has promoted responsible actions to protect public health, safety, and security when confronted by challenges like a deadly pandemic and foreign attacks on our elections. Our consistent view remains that social media platforms have a critical responsibility to take account of the effects their platforms are having on the American people, but make independent choices about the information they present.”

Greene’s inability to coherently assess the legal complexities of this issue should not surprise anyone. Some of her own colleagues don’t respect her. On Sunday morning, GOP Judiciary Committee member, Ken Buck, was interviewed by Jen Psaki on MSNBC about Greene’s obsession with impeaching President Biden. Buck smacked her down as “absurd” saying that…

“Marjorie filed articles of impeachment on President Biden before he was sworn into office more than two and a half years ago. So the idea that she is now the expert on impeachment, or that she is someone who should set the timing on impeachment is absurd. The time for impeachment is the time when there’s evidence linking – if there’s evidence – linking President Biden to a high crime or misdemeanor. That doesn’t exist right now.”

So not only is Buck accurately describing Greene as absurd, he’s contradicting the whole of the GOP caucus that has been yammering (aka lying) for months about having “proof” that Biden is corrupt. There has never been been even a shred of any such proof. But that hasn’t stopped most of the Republican scandal mongers from lining up to perpetuate their lies. And Greene always seems to be at the front of that line.


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Trump’s Cult Cheers His Hope that Americans Suffer a ‘Great Depression’ While Biden is President

The glassy-eyed devotion of Donald Trump’s cult disciples has long been a fixture of his public profile. From his beginning as a fake real estate billionaire and reality TV game show host, to his abominable occupation of the White House, Trump has nurtured his tabloid celebrity and the inbred hostility of his followers to corral them into a pseudo-spiritual revival movement.

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The shared animus of the Trump cult is a powerful glue that bonds the weak and ignorant together into a foreboding faith-like community focused on their fetish for all things Trump. Like all cults, there is only one source of knowledge and truth: the Dear Leader. And Trump followers are deeply indoctrinated into that worshipful state.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

On Friday night, Trump presided over another one of his traveling salvation shows. For the most part it was a tedious rehash of everything he has been yammering about since he lost the 2020 election to President Biden. He whined about the election being “rigged and stolen” from him; the false depictions of Biden as corrupt; the ‘witch hunts” and “election interference” being orchestrated by Democrats and wayward Republicans; and his relentless self-exaltation as America’s savior.

For the record, Trump defines election interference as anything that is critical of him. It could be the 91 felony counts pending against him, or inquiries into his constitutional eligibility to run, or fact-checking his innumerable lies. Merely running against him is election interference, because it interferes with his aspirations of authoritarian dictatorship.

At Friday’s cult rally in South Dakota, Trump delivered his moldy oldies to an enrapt audience of true believers. Never mind that nearly everything he said was a flagrant, provable lie. Particularly his remarks about the U.S. economy and Biden’s success at salvaging it after the abysmal Trump term. But Trump ventured just a little farther out on the limb of lunacy with a dire, dystopian prediction…

“The fact is we’re probably heading into a Great Depression…I don’t believe I’ve ever said that before, and it’s a hell of a statement to make, and I hate to make it. The only question is whether or not it will be during the remaining months of the Biden administration. If it’s going to happen, let it happen then. If it’s going to happen, let it be during Joe. And then we’ll come in and we’ll straighten this sucker out.”

Trump’s analysis is firmly rooted in grade A, unadulterated bullshit. Under Biden’s stewardship, the American economy has flourished. He presided over the creation of more than 13 million jobs. Unemployment is at a record low. Wages are higher and exceeding inflation. And while there was a global spike in inflation last year, it has been declining in the U.S. for the past twelve consecutive months.

Biden and Democrats in Congress – with no help from Republicans – passed an infrastructure bill that is not only creating jobs, it is rebuilding and modernize the nation’s roads, bridges, airports and communications. They also passed a bills that brought technology manufacturing back to the U.S. and funded critical climate change mitigation. And all of this and more was done while providing aid to struggling families and reducing the deficit.

For his part, Trump left office with fewer Americans working than before he started. He accelerated off-shoring of manufacturing. He imposed tariffs that raised the cost of goods for American consumers, and triggered retaliatory tariffs on U.S. products. Not to mention his incompetence and negligence that resulted in more than a million COVID fatalities. And now he wants people to believe that he will “straighten this sucker out?” Puleeze!

In light of that, Trump told his cultists that he not only believes that a “Great Depression” is coming, but that he hopes it comes soon. As in within the next year while Biden is president. Trump is actually saying aloud that he wants the American people to suffer in order to boost his electoral prospects next year.

That’s a pretty repulsive campaign strategy. And what makes it even worse is that his cult disciples are all for it. They cheered excitedly as he proposed this sickly desire. Apparently they are willing to suffer themselves in order to return to the White House someone who obviously doesn’t care about them, and may be a felon at the time.

What’s more, it isn’t just the “Deplorables” in Trump’s audience who are comfortable with his criminality and the notion of putting a felon in the White House. At a recent GOP primary debate almost all of the candidates supposedly challenging him pledged to support Trump even if he is convicted. So the insidious influence of the cult has infected the whole of the Republican Party. Which makes it all the more imperative that every Republican be defeated at the polls next year. They must not have an ounce of authority, and they must be sent an unmistakable message that their hatred for America and its principles will not be tolerated.


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Trump is APPALLED that These ‘Fascist Monsters’ Convicted Another One of His Criminal Cohorts

The rap sheet for the Donald Trump Crime Syndicate just seems to get longer with each passing day. So far there have been eight Trump associates convicted. They include such intimate confederates as Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Cohen, and Steve Bannon.

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That’s not even counting his business, The Trump Organization, or those indicted with trials pending that number many times more. It also doesn’t count the hundreds of January 6th insurrectionists who stormed the Capital on his behalf in an attempted violent coup that sought to undermine democracy. The deep bench of Trump’s roster of mobsters is a testament to his lawlessness and authoritarian aspirations. Yet somehow he’s still trying to peddle a preposterous narrative wherein everyone else is guilty of persecuting him.

RELATED: Trump Threatens ‘Weak’ Republicans in Congress: ‘We Will Put Them All In Jail Where They Belong’

On Friday morning Trump posted another his hate-filled harangues on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. On this occasion Trump felt an obsessive compulsion to vent about the latest conviction of one of his former White House cronies, Peter Navarro, who was found guilty of Contempt of Congress. Trump raged that…

“I can’t believe that these Fascist Monsters have so viciously gone after the great Peter Navarro for defying the totally partisan January 6th Unselect Committee of political Hacks and Thugs, who refused to go after Crazy Nancy Pelosi, and the reasons she and the Mayor of D.C. REJECTED 10,000 soldiers, which would have easily stopped any future security problem.”

First of all, you have to wonder why Trump has so much trouble believing that Navarro was convicted, considering all of the criminal company he has in Trump World. Furthermore, it was an open and shut case. After being subpoenaed by the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection that Trump incited, Navarro failed to show up or produce the requested documents.

Trump went on to complain that Navarro’s testimony “wouldn’t have mattered, anyway, because the ‘Committee’ QUICKLY and ILLEGALLY DELETED & DESTROYED ALL EVIDENCE & FINDINGS!” Which is a flagrant lie. All of the evidence and testimony compiled by the Committee was preserved and is still available online.

SEE THIS: Trump Demands Indictments Be Withdrawn After Fox News Falsely Reports on January 6th Committee

In a subsequent post, Trump praised Navarro as the “single greatest trade negotiator against China, who paid the U.S. hundreds of billions of dollars during the Trump Administration.” Of course, Trump’s trade policy with China was a massive failure that raised prices for the America people.

While Trump frequently claims that he was responsible for making China pay billions of dollars to the U.S. in tariffs, he is purposefully lying. Tariffs are not paid by the country they are imposed on. They are paid by American importers, distributors, and wholesalers, who then pass on those costs to consumers. China didn’t pay one red cent to the U.S., and Trump knows it.

Another notable feature in Trump’s post is that it is an example of his signature run-on sentences and rhetorical rambling. He drags his twisted commentary out to cover everything from Navarro, to the January 6th Committee, to Nancy Pelosi, to the insurrection, and to the 10,000 soldiers that he never actually proposed. All in a single sentence.

That sort of cramming of numerous, tedious, unrelated thoughts into a single expression is a common feature of Trump’s tantrums. It is also a psychological condition known as logorrhea,” which is defined as a communication disorder that causes excessive wordiness and repetitiveness, which can cause incoherency. It’s just another diagnosis that fits Trump’s psychoses, which includes Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And it’s another reason (as if more were needed) that he is utterly unfit to hold office.

SEE THIS: UPDATE on Donald Trump’s Deteriorating Mental State

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Trump Threatens ‘Weak’ Republicans in Congress: ‘We Will Put Them All In Jail Where They Belong’

The furious hostility and seething animus of Donald Trump are perhaps the most quintessential characteristics of his perverse personality. The only times that he isn’t lashing out malevolently at his perceived enemies is when he is lavishing wholly undue praise upon himself.

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The targets of Trump’s tantrums are generally Democrats and political foes, including President Biden, former President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and leaders in Congress such as Nancy Pelosi. More recently Trump has made it his mission to viciously malign the judges and prosecutors connected to his multitude of criminal indictments and felony charges of crimes against America. His behavior exposes nothing more than his festering fear of the consequences of his crimes.

SEE THIS: Trump is Flush With Fear Over His Dreadful Future and the Deluge of Justice That’s Coming

However, Trump doesn’t reserve his vile vitriol for Democrats and justice officials. He is often equally disparaging toward his confederates in the Republican Party. He regularly attacks Mitch McConnell and other insufficiently worshipful GOP representatives. On Wednesday Trump went a bit farther than his ordinary measure of malice when he posted this comment on his failing social media scam, Truth Social

“Right now Republicans in Congress and the Senate have to get tough, and put everything together in one big, neat package, because I will be President in one and a half years, and we will pick the strongest, toughest, and most respected Attorney General, and if guilty, we will put them all in jail where they belong, just as they are trying to do to me based on NOTHING.”

Trump has been whining that Republicans in Congress have been too weak with regard to defending him. He believes that the GOP in Congress have some role in reigning in the judiciary, despite the Constitution’s separation powers. He wants them to defund and otherwise hamstring the Justice Department and prosecutors investigating his criminal activities. In other words, he is promising to “weaponize” the Department of Justice.

Coming from another angle, Trump is disappointed with Republicans for not more fiercely attacking President Biden and seeking his immediate impeachment. Never mind that they don’t have a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing. They have no use for evidence, particularly when it reveals their own crimes more than anything else. But that hasn’t stopped Trump from castigating them and fantasizing about their incarceration. Some recent examples include…

Any Republican that doesn’t act on Democratic fraud should be immediately primaried and get out.”

They impeach me, they indict me. And the Republicans just don’t fight the way … they’re supposed to fight.”

Biden is a Stone Cold Crook-You don’t need a long INQUIRY to prove it, it’s already proven. These lowlifes Impeached me TWICE (I WON!), and Indicted me FOUR TIMES – For NOTHING! Either IMPEACH the BUM, or fade into OBLIVION.”

Republicans better get tough and they better get smart because most of them look like a bunch of weak jerks right now.”

Republicans all, you must finally get tough. You’ve got to get tough and you’ve got to show them, when you arrest your leading political opponent, we no longer have a democracy.”

Remember, all of these Indictments, Federal, State, and Local, were conceived and generated by Crooked Joe Biden and his staff of Radical Left Lunatics and Thugs for purposes of interfering with the 2020 Presidential Election. None of these trials should be allowed to begin prior to the Election. Republicans must get tougher and smarter, FAST!”

Clearly Trump is desperate and afraid, which is driving him to bully his fellow Republicans into more forcefully supporting his delusions and quest for power. He knows what he’s done, and he knows that he’s guilty, and that he’s likely to be convicted. Yet he appears to have forgotten what he thinks about candidates who are under felony indictments. So this might be a good time to remind him.

SEE ALSO: Donald Trump: Presidential Candidates Under Felony Indictment Have ‘No Right to Be Running’


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Trump Says that ‘Absolutely’ He Will Testify at His Trial for Stealing Classified Documents

Next year Donald Trump will undoubtedly be very busy. He’ll be doing interviews on right-wing media, golfing, posting self-exalting comments on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, holding cult rallies, and seated at the defendants table in numerous criminal trials. And, oh yeah, running for president.

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The demands on Trump’s time will surely be a huge burden. Someone should have warned him that conspiring to illegally steal an election, absconding to Mar-a-Lago with classified documents, and inciting an insurrection, would prevent him from enjoying the life of luxury to which he has become accustomed.

SEE THIS: Poor Trump Whines that His Criminal Cases are Cramping His Jet Setting Golf Tourney Lifestyle

Trump is already engaged in his media tour, having made recent appearances on Fox News and Newsmax. And on Wednesday he visited with conservative radio host, Hugh Hewitt, to spread some more of his lies and propaganda about the pending legal cases that are driving him to extreme levels of anxiety and fear.

The interview was typically devoid of any substance with regard to the upcoming trials. It was mostly Trump evading questions, repeating himself relentlessly, invoking irrelevant legal excuses, and disgorging utter nonsense that rarely had any resemblance to reality. Two separate times Trump refused to answer direct questions about whether he had “direct[ed] anyone to move the boxes” at Mar-a-Lago to prevent the FBI – or even his own attorneys – from discovering them. “I don’t talk about anything,” Trump lied. “You know why? Because I’m allowed to do whatever I want.”

In the course of the interview Trump was asked about the 91 felony charges against him. He insisted, without any legal reasoning, that “They’ll get dismissed.” He also flagrantly lied that the January 6th Committee had “destroyed and deleted all evidence that they created [because it] was unbelievably bad for crazy Nancy Pelosi.” For the record, all of the materials compiled by the Committee were preserved and are available online.

However, perhaps the most newsworthy item in this interview was Trump’s claim that he would take the stand in his own defense when these cases come to trial. That bold assertion came during the following exchange with Hewitt..

Hewitt: So if you have to go to trial, will you testify in your own defense?
Trump: Oh, yes, absolutely. Oh, on that, that, I would do. That, I look forward to, because [commence rambling] that’s just like Russia, Russia, Russia. That’s all the fake information from Russia, Russia, Russia. Remember when the dossier came out and everyone said oh, that’s so terrible, that’s so terrible, and then it turned out to be it was a political report put out by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. They paid millions for it. They gave it to Christopher Steele. They paid millions and millions of dollars for it, and it was all fake. It was all fake.
Hewitt: Now I think that obstruction charge is going to get to trial, Mr. President.
Trump: So I look forward, I look forward to testifying. At trial, I’ll testify.
Hewitt: I think that – okay, if you do and they ask you on the stand, did you order anyone to move boxes, how will you answer?
Trump: I’m not answering that question for you, but I’m totally covered under the law. If you read the Presidential Records Act, just read it. You take a look at it. I’m totally covered under the law. It’s a civil act. It’s civil. Now Biden had no civil act. The things he did are criminal. But he doesn’t have a deranged person on his case. You know, they gave me Deranged Jack Smith.

Despite Trump’s assurance that he would “absolutely” testify, it is highly unlikely that will actually do so. First of all, because he lies like a rug. Secondly, because doing so would open him up to cross examination which would undoubtedly result in him incriminating himself further. And thirdly, because his lawyers would probably revolt and possibly resign.

Trump frequently references the Presidential Records Act, despite the fact that it affirms his guilt. It literally states that “Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the [National] Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.”

Furthermore, if Trump is “look[ing] forward to” testifying, why wouldn’t he answer Hewitt’s question? Doesn’t he have the proof that he claims to have that would fully exonerate him? More often than not, what he calls exculpatory evidence is usually just more evidence of his guilt. And, by the way, Trump recently announced that he would hold a press conference to reveal all of that “proof,” but later canceled it, blaming his lawyers for making him back down.

SEE ALSO: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud

Later in the interview, Trump interrupted Hewitt to interject what he thought was critical information. “Listen to me for a second,” Trump pressed. He then elaborated saying…

“Do you know that Biden has 20 times the number of boxes that I have? Do you know that he’s got boxes stored in Chinatown? […] And he’s getting a lot of money from, he’s getting a lot from Robert Hur.”

First of all, Biden doesn’t have any boxes of documents, classified or otherwise. He returned whatever were found without obstructing or lying as Trump did. But more troubling is Trump’s accusation that Biden is “getting a lot of money” from Robert Hur, the special counsel who is investigating the circumstances of how some documents came to be stored at Biden properties. That’s a bizarre charge. Why would Hur be paying Biden?

Oh, never mind. Trump has clearly gone off the deep end. He’s reduced to muttering inanities that make no sense, driven by his abject fear of prosecution and eventual conviction and incarceration. At this point, it’s probably useless to try to understand anything he says.

RELATED: Trump is Flush With Fear Over His Dreadful Future and the Deluge of Justice That’s Coming

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Fox News White House Hack, Peter Doocy, Wants to Know Why Biden’s Staff ‘Treat Him Like a Baby’

The absolute dearth of spreadable pseudo-scandals is hitting Fox News especially hard these days. And President Biden’s near flawless presidency isn’t helping matters any for the propagandists at Fox. The success of the President’s agenda is forcing right-wing media to dig ever deeper into their bag of bullsh*t to find suitable slander.

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Fox News, Peter Doocy, Karine Jean-Pierre

The folks at Fox News must be remembering fondly the days when they were able to yammer endlessly about the horror of Biden eating ice cream or riding his bike. And of course, anything remotely involving Hunter Biden and his “laptop from hell.”

RELATED: Biden Slams Fox News’ Peter Doocy for Lying in Question About Talking Business with Hunter

The Fox News White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, has always been at the front of the line to disparage Biden with baseless – and frequently bizarre – allegations stuffed into awkwardly loaded questions. On Tuesday he didn’t bother to disguise his bias at all when he aske White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, the following question…

Doocy: President Biden is the oldest president in U.S. History. Why does White House staff treat him like a baby?
Jean-Pierre: No one treats the President of the United States, the commander in chief like a baby. That’s a ridiculous claim.
Doocy: There’s this book that says when staff walked back what sounded like the call for regime change in Russia, the President quote, ‘Rather than owning the failure he fumes to friends about how he was treated like a toddler. Was John Kennedy ever babied like that?’
Jean-Pierre: Look. I’ll say this. There’s gonna always be a range of books about every administration, as you know, that’s gonna have a variety of claims. […] We dispute the context of the excerpt. And it seems to be making the opposite point about how the value of his experience and wisdom resulted in rallying the free world against authoritarianism.

First of all, Jean-Pierre was wrong about no one treating a president like a baby. Trump’s staff did it for four years. They literally had to dumb-down documents that they showed him so that he could understand them. And they even spiced up his Daily Security Briefs (not that he would bother to read or pay attention to them), inserting charts and pictures and his name in order to ensure that he would remain interested.

More to the point, Doocy was referring to the book (that he didn’t bother to identify) The Last Politician by Frank Foer. The book does contain the exchange above, but what Biden was talking about was his staff clarifying his remarks in a way that “creat[ed] the impression that they had cleaned up his mess.” It had nothing to do with policy and was not a blanket complaint about how he was treated. It was about style, not substance, and was a one-off critique.

This is, however, typical of the shoddy and partisan inquisitions engaged in by Doocy and others at Fox News. His record of asking utterly ludicrous questions that are actually thinly disguised accusations speaks for itself. What follows is a brief sampling of some his more humiliating moments…

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Trump is Flush With Fear Over His Dreadful Future and the Deluge of Justice That’s Coming

A common symptom of mental illness is the relentless repetition of words and phrases that often make little sense or have any connection to reality. That symptom has been observed with ever greater frequency in Donald Trump as his legal peril mounts and the dates for his trials near.

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

Trump has been raging for months (years?) over what he calls “election interference,” but which is actually well documented felony charges for crimes against America. He insults the “Injustice Department” that, in his paranoid stupor, he perceives as persecuting him. In his mind his enemies are all “fascists and Marxists,” despite those ideologies being polar opposites of each other and having no relation to the views of his opponents. He frets about being the victim of a “witch hunt” by “Deranged [special counsel] Jack Smith & his team of Thugs,” who have acted with unparalleled professionalism and integrity.

RELATED: UPDATE on Donald Trump’s Deteriorating Mental State

No matter how many times Trump regurgitates those same notions, they will never suddenly come true. But he can’t control his obsessive, compulsive urges to endlessly echo his deepest fears. And he’s convinced that his cult followers will never tire of the repetition. Which judging by their continuing devotion, may be true.

Trump’s latest pronouncements are just as worn out as ever. For the most part they are attacks on prosecutors and judges who are doing their civic duty on behalf the people. Among Trump’s tedious tantrums is this pitiful complaint…

“The Fake Indictments and lawsuits against me, 8 of them, all come out of the Biden Campaign for purposes of Election Interference. This is their new way of Rigging the Election.”

Fact Check: The number of indictments and lawsuits that came out of the Biden campaign is actually zero. And Trump’s criminal cases are not interfering with his campaign. To the contrary, it’s his campaigning that is interfering with the course of his criminal cases. Trump went to whine

“Has anyone checked the background of Fani Willis, who lets Murderers go free to roam the streets of Atlanta and KILL, but wastes time, energy, and money on LETS GET TRUMP, who has done NOTHING wrong. RINO Governor Brian Kemp has lost control of violent crime in Atlanta, and Fulton County as a whole. To walk the streets is a death sentence, it has NEVER been worse, yet he wants to protect this incompetent prosecutor. Number 1 in violence per capita in U.S. Sad days for the Great State of Georgia!”

Fact Check: Atlanta is not even in the top 20 of highest violent crime cities in the United States. And Fani Willis was elected by her constituents in Fulton County, who walk the streets every day without being subject to a “death sentence.” Then Trump added

“The Crooked Joe Biden Campaign has thrown so many Indictments and lawsuits against me that Republicans are already thinking about what we are going to do to Biden and the Communists when it’s our turn. They have started a whole new Banana Republic way of thinking about political campaigns. So cheap and dirty, but that’s where America is right now. Be careful what you wish for!”

Fact Check: Once again, the Biden Campaign has had no role whatsoever in Trump’s indictments. However, that isn’t stopping him from promising a parade of meritless lawsuits and indictments, in the true fashion of a tyrannical dictator intent on weaponizing the Justice Department in service to his own personal crusade of vengeance.

SEE THIS: Fox News Hypes Hostile ‘Trump Revenge Tour’ Promising that ‘If He Wins He’ll Be Out for Blood’

What’s troubling Trump is simple. He knows what he did and he knows that he’s guilty. And as it becomes more apparent to him that he will not evade accountability this time, he is losing what was left of his alleged sanity. That venture into derangement, desperation, and depression, is manifesting in hostile assaults on President Biden, law enforcement, court officials, and even friendly media that fails to be sufficiently worshipful. It’s a downward spiral that we can expect to accelerate as his comeuppance comes closer.


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Adam Schiff Shames the GOP for its ‘Willingness to Debase Themselves in the Service of Trump’

From its inception, the Cult of Trump has been fueled by a Republican Party that is cowardly or corrupt, or more accurately, both. They were too afraid to hold Trump accountable when they had the opportunity during his two impeachments. And ever since they have remained terrified of invoking his impotent wrath or that of his glassy-eyed disciples.

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Consequently, Trump remains the leading candidate for the GOP’s presidential nomination. And most of the other candidates have promised to support him, even if he is convicted of any or all of the 91 felony counts currently pending against him in his four criminal indictments. They are so proud of their fealty to the Party’s mob boss that they made their devotion known on national television.

SEE THIS: GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House

On Sunday morning Rep. Adam Schiff was interviewed by Jen Psaki on MSNBC. And he had some pertinent points to make about the Republican embrace of purposeful and depraved lawlessness. Psaki approached the discussion with a question about the GOP’s enthusiasm for shutting down the government. She specifically referenced Marjorie Taylor Greene’s utterly inane promise to halt critical federal activities – including Social Security and veterans benefits, law enforcement, financial aid for low income families, etc. – if her colleagues refuse to go along with her obsession to impeach President Biden for no discernible reason…

Psaki: Shutting the government down has implications on the public broadly. What is your reaction to her tying a government shutdown to an impeachment inquiry?
Schiff: It just shows the extreme lengths they’ll go to carry water for Donald Trump. They’ll shut down the government. They’ll do whatever they can to initiate an impeachment of Joe Biden. And part of the motivation here, of course, is to distract from Donald Trump’s multiple indictments. Part of it is to somehow try to dilute the stain of Trump’s impeachments. But the common denominator is just this unswerving, undeniable willingness to debase themselves in the service of Donald Trump. (Emphasis added).

Indeed, debasing themselves has become a routine part of today’s Republican Party. Whether they are defending the violent January 6th insurrectionists, seeking to criminalize abortion, organizing book bannings and beer boycotts, imposing racist restrictions on voting, and as always, kissing Trump’s – let’s just say ring. Schiff then continued…

Schiff: I think that many of them would like to shut down the government anyway. This will just give them further leverage to try to shut down the government, having failed to default on the nation’s credit. Many see this as the next demonstration of their commitment to god knows what. So I fear that we are on a path to government shutdown because there are enough members of the Republican conference who want it, and Kevin McCarthy will do whatever it takes to remain Speaker one more day, or one more week. That’s his sole motivation.

Clearly Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Party has given up entirely on advocating an agenda that has any appeal to the American people. They are wholly focused on slandering Biden and his family over baseless allegations for which their evidence is so thin that even some at Fox News aren’t buying it. Meanwhile they are propping up Dear Leader Trump whose crimes are well documented and mostly affirmed by other Republicans and members of Trump’s staff. All they have left is Trump worship and Biden hatred.

SEE ALSO: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

Democrats, on the other hand, are delivering for the American people on matters of great importance, including jobs, reducing drug and healthcare costs, restoring the nation’s infrastructure, supporting abortion rights, mitigating climate change, and defending democracy around the world. It’s a platform that broad majorities of the public support in principle. Democrats just need to better connect the dots between their popular policies and their President. Then let Republicans continue to sabotage their own electoral prospects by clinging to their abhorrent agenda and a soon-to-be convicted criminal candidate.


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Trump’s Mugshot Merch May Be a Violation of Copyright Law that Could Cost Him Millions

The former Grifter-in-Chief, Donald Trump, has blazed a unique trail in American politics. There has never been a political leader who so thoroughly corrupted the presidency with crass commercialization. Although what else should be expected considering that Trump’s experience prior to his White House gig was as a real estate huckster and a reality TV game show host.

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Trump Baby on Cash Pile

While in office, Trump refused to divest himself of his business interests, as his predecessors had done. He made fortunes off his hotel properties, forcing his staff and Secret Service detail to pay top rates for rooms at his resorts domestically and abroad. By some estimates he raked in more than $160 million fleecing political groups, foreign officials, and the American people.

RELATED STORY: NOPE! Eric Trump Lies that Daddy Gave All Foreign Money Made at His Hotels to the Treasury

So it should come as no surprise that Trump saw his mugshot as a ripe opportunity for profit. What ought to have been regarded as humiliating for him and the nation, he embraced for it’s potential to line his pockets and rile up his cult followers. Within hours of the mugshot being taken and published, Trump had t-shirts, coffee mugs, and beer koozies for sale on his website. He reported that he made more than $7 million dollars in the few days following his arrest and arraignment on charges of attempting to subvert democracy.

However, there may be a small problem with his vending operation. According to MSNBC’s Dean Obeidallah

“Trump’s sale of that mug shot, taken by the Fulton County sheriff, may violate U.S. copyright laws. This could mean that theoretically, the millions he is making off that photo may rightfully belong to the Fulton County sheriff.”

That opinion was affirmed in a 2022 article in the University of Georgia School of Law’s Journal of Intellectual Property Law that noted that…

“In the context of photographs taken by law enforcement during the booking process, the author of the mugshot photograph is the law enforcement agency.”

Consequently, Obeidallah concludes that…

“the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office would have exclusive rights under U.S. copyright law to reproduce, sell or otherwise distribute Trump’s mug shot, except for certain uses like publishing the photo for news purposes.”

It is probably unlikely that the Fulton County Sherriff would seek to litigate this matter. While the Department is struggling for sufficient funding, it is not a retail operation. However, it is ironic – and rather hysterical – that the Trump camp has already threatened to enforce intellectual property rights that they absolutely do not have. Trump aide Chris LaCivita recently posted a threat to anyone else who might dare to profit from Trump’s felonious face, warning that if they do so, “WE ARE COMING AFTER YOU … you will NOT SCAM DONORS.”

SEE THIS: Fox News is AGHAST that Biden Mock Fundraised Off of Trump’s Mugshot, Which Trump Did For Real

That’s a predictable threat from the Trump Fraud & Con Ops, where they fiercely protect their right to be the only enterprise that can scam their donors. And even though Trump spent weeks bitterly complaining about the prospect of having to get a mugshot, he is now determined to turn it into a revenue source, since he can’t grift off of the White House anymore. After all, he has to have some way to pay his mounting legal bills.


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Trump Attorney Makes Rare Honest Admission that ‘He Doesn’t Do What’s Popular or What’s Right’

One thing that Donald Trump has never seemed to get a grasp on is how to assess and hire his legal representatives. He has left a trail of attorneys who fell from grace either because they saw the light and quit, or because he decided they were incompetent all along and fired them.

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

Trump turned on his own Attorney’s General, Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr, who he now regards as ignorant and weak losers. And many of Trump’s private lawyers (i.e. Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman, Kenneth Chesebro, Jeff Clark) have either been sanctioned or disbarred, or are now co-defendants in his criminal enterprise. Which has caused him to question his own legal recruitment capabilities…

SEE THIS: IT’S FOOL! Trump Ponders Whether ‘Any Attorney that Represents Me is Either a Fool or a Patriot’

Weighing in in favor of the “fool” team, the lawyer for Trump’s superPAC, Alina Habba, visited the Trump-fluffing network, Newsmax, on Thursday to argue his case against the multitude of pending criminal indictments and felony charges. Her defense took a bizarre, and uncharacteristically honest detour when she asserted that…

“Elected officials have to do what’s popular, and sometimes not what’s right. And that’s a problem. That’s I think why people get nervous with Trump. He doesn’t do what’s popular or what’s right. I…um…er… cause he only does what’s right. He doesn’t do what’s popular.”

Phew. That was close. Habba caught herself after accidentally telling the truth that Trump “doesn’t do what’s right.” That’s obvious in light of his current legal tribulations. People who do what’s right generally aren’t showered with indictments. However, Habba still maintains that Trump “doesn’t do what’s popular.” And that is affirmed by virtually every poll of the American people who oppose his positions on everything from immigration to taxes to Ukraine to abortion and more. So Habba was right the first time. What Trump does is neither popular nor right.

The track record for Trump’s legal team is downright pitiful. They have already lost more than 60 court cases challenging the election outcome; lawsuits affirming his fraudulent operation of a charity and a university; and the recent case where a jury agreed that he defamed and sexually abused writer, E. Jean Carroll. But Habba may be the worst of the lot. In a recent interview on Fox News, Habba responded to a question about the legal peril that Trump faces by asserting that he’s living in a fantasy world where such troubles don’t exist…

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Attorney Tells Fox News He’s Not Facing Reality, He’s Denying the Prospect of Prison

No wonder Trump is engaging in ever greater freak outs the close he gets to his trial dates. Despite his efforts to wear a mask of phony bravado, his seething fears are leaking through with every new post on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. In the meantime, Trump himself is contributing to his dreadful defense by pretending to introduce “evidence” of his innocence that makes a better case for his guilt. And given the prevailing trends, he’s going straight downhill from here.

RELATED: Trump Posts His ‘Proof’ of Election Fraud in Georgia that Actually Proves Election Integrity

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